HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-02-02, Page 22
i J
M. Jou Cent" of Fergus, has formally
aooepxed the nomination tendered him in
Deoeutlecr by the 'Reform convention of
Est Weltngton las Liberal candidate for
the Ontario Legislature,
PRIMIW.NT MALx,ot a of the Patrols of Iu-
duutry claims that the organization in On-
tario has 175,005 members. They have 30
d for
• alle field candidates t
41'! In e
Legislature, and, close on 40 for the Domin-
ion Parliament,
OwINo to the resignation of Dr. McLena-
glean, M. P. P. for Sbuth Lanark, a new
election for the vacanseat in the Legisla-
ttare will be held. Nomination has been
fixed for February 9, and polling ou the
Earners in Council, I8 the of red, 3 in ;4lt.ike mot 4 of tin-
othy, Better t ipietity liaythan
pasture by geuet'ouu seeding, killing
out treads, etc Mix varieties to .nit,
Lucerne and orchard grate are first
clews soiling crops, You can cut from
June to September when coru cones
in, Prepero soil well before seeding.
Lucerne will not stead much cutting
the first season. For *reeling lawns or
lades yew white clover, red top and
blue grass, equal parts. Cut clover
when in full bloout, Ilse a tedder if
possible and have it in cock before
night. Turn theta upside down be-
fore hauling in. Always salt glover
hay, it makes it more. palatable.
Robert. Currie, of wast Wawanosh,
spoke on the "N•oessity of Draining."
He said he had tile drains on his farm
which had been working well for 26
years and expected they would last
during his day. The loss for want of
proper draining is incalcuttbfe. Water
prevents the air ftotn doing its, work
of pulverizing the soil. The ordinary
tile should be buried three feet. Un-
'derdraining would not only iudreirge
the fertility of the soil but would
loag the crop producing Season at
least two weeks.
he. R. Miller, J. C. Morrison,Thos.
Davidson and Robert McMillan took
part in the discussion and thought
the shallow drains the beat in heavy
soil. If tile is large,, boards ehould
be put under it. •Cedar, basswood
bark er pea, straw should be utilized.
thinbut the bas rile should b
Morris -
The ofthe
a to em ars
Tho- newt Itsc d m
Municipal Council of Morris, viz : H.
Mooney, Reeve; Go Kirkby, Deputy.
Reeve, tend Tiles Clads, Win Iabister and.
Jas Ilowtnan,.teoauoillors,tnat wt the Town
Bali, Morris, pursuant to statute and, sub•
horibed the neocsssry deolaretiou of office
and clualiiioatious, and the oounoil was
duly organized. The Reeve 000upied' the
chair, Minutes of last tneetiug for 1893
were read and pasted.
Moved by Wm Iabister, eeeoided by
Jas Bowman, that Wxn.Ciarkbe reappoint-
ed Clerk, ata salary of $130 per aurum.
Moved by Wrn Iabister, secou4ed by
,boa Code,, that B Johuston be reappoint
Reeve Institute.od Auditor. --Carried. The ave thou
West Huron Farmers't
A very successful meeting of the. appointed Chas McClelland second audt-
West Huron Farmers' Institute was tor.
closed at Kintail, on, Saturday. The Moved by Geo Kirkby', seconded by Jae
delegation consisted of Wm. Rennie, Bowmau, that T Wat4ou be reappoint -
of the Ontario Agrioulturel College, ed assessor, at a salary:of 58,0.—Carried.
Guelph ; Andrew Elliott, Galt, and J. Moved by Thos Code, aeoouded by J
Z. Fraser, Burford.i The subjects Bowman, that Geo Hood, W Johnston
were well put, and thoroughly dile and Thos Laidlaw be appointed to act with
r, OR the removal o,i
of all kindle
from cbileren or adults,,
use Dot. 15MITIirA
prompt, relir.bie, safe and pleasant, requirins;ttss
after inodicete,. 'Never failing. Leave no had RAW
PAM., 25 cents per Box
INCLUBIiNG Books, Pamphlets, Posters,. Bill
Heads, Cirouiers, Are., fie., executed in the beet
style of the art, et moderate prices, and oa short
notice. Apply or address
Truss Office, Wingham.
This Will IterestEvery-
We are selling
Ja o
DR. MCDACnRAN does not give the Empire used. The Govern talent psesed an cussed by those present. Phe subjects the Reeve and Clerk as a Board of Health; Best Coal Coil at 12 1-2i
Much aid in ita effort to work up a tuber- Act in 1885 for rho purpose of borrow• were, in the afternoon, of the first day, also, that Dr MoAsh be Medical Health centsper Imt 8ria1 al-
ter lig by Mr, Elliott, "Shah raising;" by officer—Carried.p
culoeis scare in Canada. To a roper rug money at low interest to aid in
said there is no more oi'}use for alarm than draining, paying iti back by instal- :dr. Rennie, Clover growing ;" by Ou motion ot G Kirkby, seconded by
there has been every day in the year for the ,vents. Mr. Fraser, "Pork raising." The Wm Iabister, the following accounts were
last 25 years. The foetus that tuberculosisj evening was a yery? enjoyable one ordered to be paid, viz: J Casemore,reneov-
A. Elliott of Gult,took for hie eub• from beginning to end. The musical ing ice and deadwood, 83; duo Elston, d
may exist in half the he ds in the country
without its presence be g suspected, even JPCt, "Hog ratstng
is becoming a lend
defying the skill of exerts to detect it though Canadian shi
the recently isov yet made mny appreciable notice in given by A. Elliott, o' "Ilotne educe.
- vert, $2 ; W 11, Irwin, printing ballots, $6 ;
81teliochtuberenline. 1 the English market. Denmark and ,
i tion ;"W. Rennie, Beautifying the W H Herr, printing tinancial statements,
/LONDON ADVERTISER: Mr. Patterson, the Ireland take the lead of Canada in fine far:u :" J. Z. Frazer, "Success in $g; Jus illc\iiltau, lumber, $15.30; J Gol-
! d
r er,
g pindustryTale (bagpipes, vithe e in, org[in and rogramme leted of to singing. $7,02 f oRe,Shaw,;removiiuig ice venin orth
menta have not also club swinging ; laddresses were bouudary, $5; Wm Bray, repairing cut-
withouttl ch erect diagnostic
umber for West Huron,l is one of the
sleekest politicians in pul1lic life. Under
pretense of non-partisau visitations, in the
hams. , We should be careful an pro- .life." 4; ley, filling washout ou western gravel
duce the grade of meats that µill con- In the moving of the second day A. road, $6; S Catdbiok, letting job, $1.50; D.
trol the market and retain the popu Elliott spoke on "Turnip and barley Fleming, watching and fencing Sunehine
course of which he sometimes manages to rarity. The hog required is not one rowing ; J. Z. Fraseron "Mixed bridge, $3; Juo Garuess, removing ice, $1;
get round a Liberal acquaintance and get that will put on fat only, such as the husbandry." In the taftitrnoon W Jno McA rcher refund of statute labor tax
"taffy" from that source, the Minister of Suffolk and Berkshire. The York- Rennie spoke on "Prize plowing," $5; Deputy returning officers, each, $6 ;
Militia is spending the greater portion of
his time consolidating his Conservative
friends and urging them to get ready for
the next electoral campaign. He gets
$8,000 a year for this kind of work, while
the work of his office is transacted by a
deputy minister receiving several thousand
dollars more, assisted by alarge staff of
clerks. No wonder that there is an outcry
about the cost of government.
Tun Canadian Press Association is ask-
eng the Ontario Government to amend the
civil law of libel. The chief change sought
for is that in reference to 'matter received
in the way of ordinary news, published in
good faith and after the exercise of reason-
able care—but which may be found to be
incorrect, a prompt retraction or explan-
ation shall he a bar to damages. The con-
ditions of modern newspaper work make
such a change absolutely necessary in the
interests of journalism. Four-fifths of the
actions for libel at the' present time never
come into court. They, are merely insti-
tuted for the purpose of securing costs, of
bleeding publishers who would rather
settle than fight. The pressmen ask no
special favors. They merely seek a reason_
able measure of justice and protection in a
legitimate business.
Tsn Seaforth Sun dome not take kindly
to the Patrons putting a candidate in the
field for the Legislature, in South Huron,
as witness the following from its last issue :
South Huron is to have a Patrons of In-
dustry candidate. At the convention held
at Hensel]. on Wednesday: Mr. Sanders,of
Stephen, consented to eater the field as a
candidate for parliamentary honors at the
coming provincial elections. It must in-
deed have been hard worts to find a candi-
date, judging from the ?selection made.
This nomination will not in the least
ffect Mr. Weismilier in any other way
ham simply to increase his chances of
ection. We understand that a large
nlnber present at the Petrone convention
n Wednesday, were bitterly opposed to
e selection of any candidate, thinking
at the electors should have been allowed
choose from the two already in the field.
r'. Weismiller will continue to perfect his
anieation, told if Mr. Sanders visits this
•t of the riding he wi11 find that he has
liedtoo late and that the farmers are
ot going to throw away their votes on
man who bas no chanceof election, un -
any circumstances whatever. Mr.
Miller could not have asked for a
er opponent and while we regret very
that this attempt should be made to
the solid strength of the Conservative
[l, there is every prospect of a dismal
ire. Mr. Sanders has been and we
vet always will be, little known in the `bushels, for seeding dowiit from 3,000
and he should remember the fate of : to 4,000 acres. Great fertilizer draw.
Swinertou, who was induced to; ing the nitroizen. It is also s. pulver-
izer. Field mots are a *aluable acs
companiment to clover. 'Plow down
second crop. Alsike is Profitable if
there are honey heel to fertiizeit, Bum -
shire or Tamworth are preferable for
mixed bacon. Either of these breeds
cross bred comes near the ideal desir-
ed. To get the nest returns pigs
should weigh about• 200 pounds. A
No 1 breeding sow . is a first-class in-
vestment, no better on the farm.
Breed so as to have pigs come in
Marek and careful feeding and
warmth will obviate difficulties of
cold weather. Let sows run loose and
feed pulped turnips and a few peas.
Before farrowing feed stops and, soft
food. Have house tient can be warm-
ed artificially for housing young pigs.
Wean about 6 or 8 weeks, doing this
gradually, so as to accustom to feed-
ing. At six months they should
weigh two lritndred' pounds. Feed
soaked peas to finish pork 'Keep
water before hogs To pay best hogs
should be marketed alive, especially
in warm weather. They should be
shipped hungry. A sow should have
two litters in r year. To obviate
founder feed boiled turnips in the'
winter. Chee.per to :feed warm feed
than to have the pigs warni it them-
selves. Meal mixed. with the turnips
is good feed. Clover hay is also en
advantageous feed for pigs. The
Summer months are the best for
marketing. The pip is not a dirty
animal and filthy pens and feed is a
sure way to cause disease. Charcoal
is a fine feed with a little ashes or
saltpetre as a necessary adjunct. Hog
manure is very valuable. The earl-
iest age the animal cab be put in the
market the better. The difference
between live and dead hogs is that
there is a loss of about 25 pounds on
the hundred on the latter. The large
breeds of hogs will show the best re
turn Crosses with the best Berke
shire will take less feed, - Chester
White bogs are too short sided. It is
said to be hog cholera proof, but it is
a good breed. Pigs that can't be made
weigh 200 pounds in 6 months should
nut be kept on a farm,
"Ro tation of Crops was the next
subject, presented by W. Rennie, the
well known seedsman of the past
years, now of Guelph. Dairying is
better than grain growing and farmers
should observe the signs of the tines.
a ourse in rotationwas
A5,'e year fol.
]owed and the speaker had one of the
prize farms of Ontario1 The heavy
drain in old conntries isafor commer-
cial fertilizers. This has been obvi-
ated by the growth of ;clover, Blore
particularly so to dairying. The
amount of clover seed sent to Britain
by 4 dealer's in Torontdlfi was 50,000
detailing each furrow ad it should be . school sections Nos. 1, 9, 5, 7 and 10,'use of
plowed ; he also told how he grew the school house at election time, each, 83;
big roots for the shows. A. Elliott W. Clark,election expeuses and posting up
spoke on "Silo and ensilage." J. Z financial statements, $12; Jno ItloCaughey,
Fraser spoke ou "Good roads " w• engineer's ditch ou sideline, $5; Jno
Rennie, by r,'queet, spoke on "Cleary Mooney,collector's eatery, $85; P Cautelou,
ing the farm." Mr. Fyaswr,by request, four weeks keep of Fisher, 88; Wm Brown,
gave his experience ofi the hedge fence, culvert, $2; P Murphy, charity, 510.
claiming that it would never meet the
t On motion of J. Bowman, seconded Wm
requirements of the farm as a general Iabister, the council thea adjourned to
fence. ' meet again on the 12th Feduary next.
The election of officers resulted in
W. CLARK, Clerk.
the following being chosen for next
year : Pres,, Wm. Bailie, Nile ; let Spring Time Corning.
Vice Pres., R. 0. McGowan, Blyth ; Before the advent of spring the system
2nd Vice Pres., J. Mitchinson, Kin- should be thoroughly cleaned and purified
tail. Directors—Ashfield, J. Griffin, by the use of Burdock Bioo3 Bitters,
fi h blood and dae
J L J JWest Wawa -
which purifies the curesy p p-
Lane, Jamieson ;
. ala, stipation, headache, liver cum -
nosh, W T Grierson,- - W A Wilson ; plaintcou, etc.
East Wawanosh, T Brown, A Currie ; ee
Ningbam, J A Morton, D M Gordon ; The heart keeps its place as an orna-
Blyth, 0 Hamilton, H McQuarrie ; ment.
F_ullett, A T McDonald, J Snell; (Min-
ton, D A. Forrester, W Weir ; Goder-
ich townehip, J Mc0loskie,Mr Sturdy;
Goderich, J E .Torn, A Sounders ;
Colborne, J Dustow, .W W .Fresh.
Auditors -1 Hetherington and J A
Menough. Delegates to Central
Farmers' Institute, Andrew Currie and 1
=Treat. W N
three &Id by some of the same men
acre now trying to again cause dissen-'
Portunetely the Conservatives of
Huron were taught a lesson in the
-Bishop election that will not i bre bees fertilise red doper; Cut clover
orgetten, and Mr. Weismliler may i with reaper, only cuttint off heeds.the full vote of the party of, The straw ie turne1 down in plowing,
is the ldghly respected candidate. Crit clover early. Clover ie the strength
dens is w:so lw will slay at home 1 given to stock. tritons feed is large-
ly to produce s new, stamina into
his money. !horses. For rich soil grow the early
1clover, if soil b3 poor grow the large
s toxleand regulate the late, dye grams 're adapted to this
bowels. country, Sow 12 to 15 lbs. per acre,
W N Howell. Sec. ,
Howell. The March meeting will he
held at Dungannon, the fall meeting
at Darlow, and the annual meeting at
Wingham. A vote of thanks was
given to the delegates for their able
addresses, one was also sent the Hon.
John Dryden, for the travelling dairy,
also to the President and Secretary,
for past services.
Life Is Misery
To many people who have the the taint
of scrofula in their blood. The agonies
caused by the dreadful running; sores and
other manifestations of this disease are
beyond description. There is , no other
remedy equal to Hood's Sarsaparilla for
scrofula, salt rheum and evei4 form of
blood disease. It is reasonably sure to
benefit all who give ita fair trial,.
HOOD'S Pries cure all liver ins.
Farm Statistics
The following figures relating to
Huron are taken from the )3ureau of
industries report for 1892,just issued:
No. of acres occupied, 798,85. No.
cleared, 576,689; screw swamp or
marsh, 90,429. Acres of 1l wheat,
71,857; yield 1,385,821 hlLshels, or
22.4 bushels per acre. Average in
spring wheat, 19,3440 yield 288,226,or
14.9 bushels per acre. Acres in bate
ley,17,130,yield 357,895,or bushels per
acre, 27.3. Oats, 88,421 a'pres, yield
3,519,156 buchele, or 38.8 bushels per
acre. Peas, 42,552 aerea, 014,868
bushels, or 21.15 per acre. Hay and
clover, 113,160 aeras, 211,6 0 tons, or
1.87 tons per acre. Potato w 211,509
acres, 471,300 bushels, or 100 bushwls
per acro. Mangold wurtzela; 1,878
527 bushels per acre. Carrots, 292
acres, 381 bushels per acre.'] Turnips,
8,053 acres, 473 husheles'per acre.
Huron had in 1892, 8921 acres in
orchards, an amount exceeded only
by Kent, Middlesex, Lincoln and
Xs your digestion weakened by
Bela -grippe P" tree 1 ., D. C.
If taken in time it will cure most severe eases
yr Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, or chronic irritation
of Throat or Lungs.
THUS S aheavy doctors bill
YOU SAVE mu' hfdiscomfort.
lC T
Entirely New. DIONAR 1'
Abreast of the Times.
A Grandlducator.
Tit¢¢ successor ofilaa
' Ton years were
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I editors employed,
and over 5300,000
o expended.
91 .Everybody
4 should own this P
" Dictionary. It ail- 1
ewers all questions
concerning the his-
• tory', spelling, pro-
nunciation, and
` + ' n +(J-, n nits
J �4.1a
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Sttbscriptionplrioe, $1 rper Boar, in adraigei
Space 1 syr, 1 able• 13100. 1,l;Ito
One Column 80000. 088 00 1 820 00 8600
Half " ' 85 00 2* 00 12 00 600
Quarter " 20 00 12 00 7 00 4 O0
One inch ! _6 0_00. 1 00 _ 2 00 _ _1_00
Legal and ot ler eae>aa.ladvertisentetltn, Se. per line
for first insertion, and 80per line 'epoch subsequent
Local •nottees 10c. pr, ..ne for first insertion, and
per n oreeehsubsequent inserticr. o loc
50. ! e fN
notice will be changed I esthan 250.
Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situations.
1 and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 lime,
nonpareil, 81 per month
Rouse+ and Farms for Sale, not exceeding 8
1f for tion h b per o t Oo. subsequent month'
8 s t n0 1
. P 9
These terms will be enemy adlte d t
to i y se p
Special rates for local advertisements, or fo
tenger periods.
Advertisements and local notices without specific
directions, will be inserted till forbid and charged
accordingly. Trai'd'ory advertisements must be
paid in advance
Changes for contract adverticsments must be n
the office by Wednesday noon, in order to appear
that week
lon, ora can containing
the equivalent of five
American gallons for
50c., exclusive of pack
age. .
meaning Of words.
A Iiibrary in Itself. It also gives el
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cN¢ denary and rho cheapest book im the worhl, and tj
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t dlttoite,
( -'800ft,1 for fro, ar,apeetlu
Mese Mime, t
erneaVL2 BEANS area new die.
covert' that cure the worst eaeee of
American Axes, 50c.
Crosscut Saws, 45c. to $x.00
per foot.
We to -day reduce our
quotations on Binder
Twine one cent per lb.
J. A. CLINE '8c CO,
to 65c.
Nervous Debility Lost Vigor and
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weakness of body mmind caused
by oxer -work. of a errors or ga-
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14ktsiy cures the moat obittaate oaseet when ell other
TRSATMEH'rs hare failed evert te relieve. Sola by dreg.
gilts ab Si peer packagge, et sixor 86 er sent bq ntaa 0n
mak* of price by,eldreseine TX X JAMES M1t1)IC1N's
W:r Terorao. Ont. Wm* for panpbt.b. bold in'-'
1t rghmr., H, i'. 0oi1DON.
Weekly free Press
...FOR 1894.•.
$1.00 BOTH PAPERS FOR $1.00
Under the charge of Dr. J. H. Wilson, V. a".,
ANswERs To CORRrsPONUENTs.—Enquiries will
bo answered free, and should always contain writer's
full name and address.
REV. De. TALMAGE'S Serino delivered the Sunday
"WAKEMAN'S WANDERINGS" and other writings by
this celebrated author.
AGRICULTURAL 11ATrER--Illustrated.
LADIES' PAor Illustrated.
A Seam TALK, and other interesting reading
A WEEKLY PAGE OF GonD tit1usio,
SUBSCRIBE NOW Win. H. Macdonald, L. D. s.,
W. B. TOILER, M :D.C.M.,
Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario
—Coroner for County of Huron—
Office Upstairs, next to Mr Morton's office, Wing.
hang, Ont. "
Orrin Honas,-9 to 12 a. m., 1 to p. 01., Or at
Residence, Diagonal Street.
J7 P. KENNEDY, M. D., 31, C. P. S. 0.
(Successor to Dr. J. A. Meldrum.)
Gold Medalist of Western University: Late Rause
Surgeon in London General Hospital, Special atten-
tion paid to diseases of woolen and children.
Office—Formerly occupied by Dr. Meldrunt,Corner
of Centre and Patrick streets.
Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate
interest. No connuiaslon charged. Mortgages, tow n
and .'arm property bought and sold
Wingham Ont
Barrister Etc.
Office—Meyer Block, IViugham.
• STRY.--
Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates,
Vulcanite plates of the bestinaterial
•ilarr• as cheap as they can be got in the
Dominion.'. All work warranted.
Painless extraction of te,th by the use of,Electrie•
ity or Vegetable Vapor.
TAKE NOTICE,—I will extract teeth for 26 cants
OFFICE: In the Beater Block, opposite the
Brunswick House.
Price, Ono Dollar a year In advance for tho Wscear
FREE P1tEea and FARM AND HOME—in all IS pages,
Agents wanted in every unrepresented district to
solicit subscriptions. .
GEORGE THOMSOlN, Proprietor.
Lumber of all kinds,
First-class Shingles,
and Cedar Posts.
Car Load Orders a Specialty.
WOOD delivered to any part of
egrordersby'mail promptly attends to
Box 126, 1Vinglta m P.
We are now offering
of Toronto, a large 36 page monthly
Illustrated Fashion Home Paper
particularly interesting tp ladies, with
The two publications will be given for
81.25 for one year, and evill,be sent to any
address. This offer applies to those who
renew for the name for &netther year be-
fore ;January lst, 1804, as well as to new
The regular aubecriptiot price of the
Ladies' Journal is One Do lar per year.
The Journal and the TIMES vill only cost
you $1,25 if you end now,
Address, TlarEa OifFlep,
ingbatee Ont,
Opposite the Queen's Hotel, Wingham.
Will visit Gorrie lst and 3rd Mondays
of each month.
%VIEGIIAN, 0sw, ,,eo
1 DEANS, JR., Wiseman, .•
MSales attended in any part o9 the Co. Chargee
JOHN CURRIE, Wreionaif, ONT°,
All orders left at the TIMES oflce promptly attend
cd to. Terms reasonable.
All sales attended to promptly and on the $hortees
Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Ali necessary arrangements ran be made at II,
Dn. J. MoASII,
3I. B. Toronto, Members College Physicians and
Surgeons, Ontario,
Money to Loam on Notes,
Notes .I iscoui.ted
Motioy %dvnnced on Mortgagee at r1} pet rent wit 11
privilege of paying. at tbo end of any yearr. Notes
and nceounts eolleeted.
11.02 1% 11/011VB00.
Beaver Block Wingham, Ont.
W. >• T.
(COND., ""n DT Tii
Fri tCad and Wit;
otheall the at'estioe
to theface, that the v
ance &inion'meets even
sharp, dor one hour, at 1i
rick ebreet. Ali ladies
Wohold.ne a onthly g
Meador .of ,every wont
ad.ertked,vto which me
Astthsrrsditor has kit
epaoe,dor our work, wo I
send diems of interest o1
day to any of our menti
Cue hopeful sign of
Ismatrtliat some I
Wlailetothers droppt
But m4 rah w ea co
The; plebiscite, appy
Denounced by me
Has geiceni.the world
The press, abroad
This .Province has t
If althea issues see
This gone alone had
Ac tenlpereuce mt
Our patient yeomen
Theis toil and
They waffled have al
Tilat.wish expres
.,I`,l';" Who'tdaret,'.we say,
'Twere,nseless no
To orystaiize that v
Must cheer Ontee
She knowst!the bligl
And mourns the t
Her rre.enue may 81
But aiighttprecedt
'Tis waseito urge, y
Tlae,ativoeate of e
In harmony to plea.
Anel trust results
That valiant,work 1
ti Siaede lustre all a
Some:Gee their fau11
The vantage grouni
Oaa \whiclh the wo
Should nnatitimity 1
And ctaiive;divisro
If rulers ,should reje
Let not our bioke
Our aim iis.one—to
This 1PI:miiuce bl
Existing wrongs de
This leading Pro,
If other lands*1vill
This :one welll.fre
Can those iwlho:licel
Cale peace turd pit
When iaev upholds
For fanmiehed tho
The alad.00nomu
and distilienyimu
You canal rut
say Our ilppou111
we can prevent tl
drunk by taw.
'rhe breath •ofrl
breath of stuneicik
every 'young an
Avoiding the lout
way of avoitlinl
A e,on,.entoreel
just like a non
law—no good. '
and are after is Js
tory law. The t
secure the desire.
By a constant
place the tou;het
into or firolien,
needs to be done
,prohibition to a
%keep thumping
ilraific, patiently,
Judge Sanford
:gena, has publish
on gime and it
the tfoilowing tea
Intemperance rt
My own obsery
perietaue of over
practising lawy
torney and a oro
the conclusion el
exaggerated til
the crime Foni
States is .caused
by the ase of
is specifically ell
a a este and a
,States alone of
annually; tint it
of the home; thrt
panprarern, wit
suffering; that
health, vitiates
strop! 60,000 In
is the chief esus
the univeriaal
'What Chailes
wine shops of Fi
equal truth of
this country:
oolll»nes and ori
France, tliatol
literature in Suit