HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-12-12, Page 4•
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„ iullQN, IWOMTO.R, DECEMBER 12, 1974
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" +~unrespondet>t 1V1jrs.W, Bewley conducted the Pres.- Mrs. icon Achilles; 3rd. McDonald; Mrs: Don Achilles; visitors at the homwti of„Iver. and
'Mrs,A4axtMcUall business opening with a Vice. Pres. Mrs.Campbe!! Wey; Mrs. Ross Bennett; Mrs. N•, Mrs. Jim Scott Sr. of .Blyth.
"Christmas Thought”. The 4thvice-Ares.- Mrs.Dan McGavin. Auditors - Mrs. Mac Mr. and Mrs.Ken McDonald;
`t The United Church Women g
mel for theirChristmas meeting minutes were adopted as read by McDonald: Recording Secretary - Sholdice and Mrs. Graeme Craig. Mr. and Mrs. Jim. Knight and Mr.
the recording secreta Mrs. Mrs. Herb Tr viii: Communion Mrs. Gordon and Mrs.Ross Knight spent last
in 1�tff s• Church basement on ry. HOOVER HOOVER
,Wednesday' evening with 20 Herb Traviss. All were in favour Corresponding Secretary rs. Murray and Mrs. Ralph' Traviss. week holidaying in .Nassau. HOOVER
ladies. present. of the donations recommended by Allan McCall; Treasurer - Mrs. Rep. to Manse Committee • Mrs. Mis< Gail Traviss of Sarnia ^ ' w ^ C SLIM LINE
1,I the executive to the War Ernie Stevens and Mrs. Murray spent the weekend at the home of CONSTELLATION PORTABLE -
Mrs. J. Burch, in charge of the Ken McDonald; Stewardship and Dennis. her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Herb
Memorial Hospital, London;
McKillop Unit gave the' CAiI to P Recruiting -Mrs. Frank Kirkby; 5Q Re c
Worship and read -a poem, MiChildren's Aid, or the
and the Christian Citizenship and Social Mrs. Bewley thanked everyone Traviss. Mr. Ken Moffatt a $59. $ g' $x 0795 62 5
- '-. for their helpduring her three Stratford also visited at the same $$9,95 '� $99.95 Reg.•
"Christ's Gifts of Christmas" Millon Society for the blind. It , Action - Mrs.C. Ritchie; Mrs. Roy $
}} followed by prayer. Mrs. Martin was .decided that it would he a " Williamson; Mrs. C. Years as President. Mrs. H. Craig home. Complete With Attachments Complete With Attgchments $$4.95
P on behalf of members thanked Mr, and Mrs.Tom Stevenson p
a, Baan was pianist for the singing joint meeting of all units at the McCutcheon. Community
i of the Christmas Carol, "Silent September meeting in""1'975. First Friendship and visiting - Mrs. M. • Mrs. Bewley for her work and attended the Vincent Christmas /�
Night". Mrs.C. McCutcheon read meeting of the new Year Baan; Mrs.Wm. Coutts; Mrs. time to the organization. Mrs. A. Party on Saturday evening at the /� HOOVER ®�N��Q"/tA /k �*�/+
a scripture from Isiah. Mrs. M. January 8 will be in,charge of 17th Doug eraser; Mrs. Norman McCall read Thank You cards Seaforth Arena. HOOVER UPRIGHT R iM A 1 C
Hackwell led in prayer followed and Boundary Unit. Mrs. Bewley Sch'ade. Finance Mrs. Ken from Mrs. W.J.Leeming and Congratulations to Mr. and e
mentioned the 50th anniversary Mrs. Murray Dennis for the book Mrs. Don Nolan on the arrival of @w7,.
� by Mrs. Don Bennis reading a McDonald. Program -and Model U4�S1"'S 95 Reg.
' scripture from the chapter Luke 2. of Church Union in 1975. Special Literature - Mrs. M.Baan and 4 they had received while in the their -twin sons in Wi igham Reg: $f04.95 $ g2, $159.95
Mrs. J. Burch read the meditation plans are being made ,by the unit leaders. Supply and Welfare - hospital., Reports from each unit Hospital Jast Friday.
on "Am i ready for Christmas". Worship Committee throughout Mrs. Harvey Crate and leader are, to be given at the Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
s Mrs. L. Walker gave us a very the year.. Mrs.rieorge - McCall and January meeting. Jim Duncan (nee Helen Searle) of it
interesting topic on "The Gift of Mrs. Reid reported there were representative from each unit. Walton Women's Inst itute Russell, Manitoba on the arrival BohrOnurnu re
Christmas", bringing us back to no church calendars available this Mission and Service Fund - Mrs. members took part in the of their son on Saturday.
the simple Christmas of our Year. Mrs. H. Traviss gave the Nelson Reid. Membership - Mrs. December birthday party,,at Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Stimore of
Grandmother's Day, it goes with P Herb Traviss and •4 unit leaders. Huronview last Wednesday Stratford spent a few days with
treasurer's report in the absence HENSAL! 202-2016
giving and endurance as things of Mrs. K. McDonald. Social Functions - Mrs. Nelson afternoon. Mrs. Neil McGavin Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reid.
weren't so plentiful, but was a Mrs. Cliff Ritchie of the Matks, Mrs, John Burch and was emcee for the program which r�
much happier fulfillment. nominating committee brought in representative from each unit. included musical numbers by:
The offering was received by the slate of officers for the coming Music - Mrs. M. Baan. Mrs. Bill Humphries at the piano; i
$ • �..s -�•� •s• .+•.• •�.�
Mrs. H. Traviss and dedicated by year. Past President Representative to Board of Mrs. Harold McCallum, mouth •• '• ••• •••
Mrs. Burch. "Joy to the World" Mrs. Walter Bewley; President Stewards - Mrs. H.Craig and organ and Mrs.Emerson / /
was sung. Mrs. Burch thanked Mrs. Neil McGavin; 1st vice Mrs. N, McGavin. Press - Mrs. A. Mitchell, violin, reading by Mrs.
everyone who took part. president - Vacant; 2nd. Vice McCall, Nominations - Mrs. K. Frank Kirkby. The Christmas
s' story was told in story and song
UCW presents life membership pin nwith
ary -Mrs. Harvey Craig the
narrator. Mrs. McGavin ted in a
U.C.W. units of Northside outgoing president with a Life Ruth Cluff, Mrs. D. Wood, sing -song accompanied at the re Christmas -
Church combined for a pot luck Membership Pin from the Mrs.G. Rimmer, Mrs. N. Belf and piano by Mrs. Herb Traviss.
supper in the church basement U.C.W. Mrs. E. Williams accompanied by The twenty-eight birthday
Dec. 3rd with a good attendance. Mm. Broadfoot thanked Mrs. Jas. Stewart. celebrants received gifts from the
After a everyone. Mrs. Lorne Dale Unit 2 - reading by Mrs.F, institute followed by lunch of cup'
bountiful meal Mrs. W. Roe, conducted the devotional, Hulley. Afternoon Unit - piano cakes and tea during the social
newly elected president, opened assisted by Mrs. Ure Stewart. solo by Mrs. P. Dunlop. Mrs. G. period. USED C'AR SALE
the meeting. She called on Mrs. ,Each unit then gave a Rimmer of Unit 5 told, the history Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reid,
M.E.Reuber who presented . Christmas number. .Vnit ,,l - a of writers of some carols which Walton and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Mrs. Wilmer Broadfoot, the chorus with Mrs.B. McKercher, were sung Stimore. Stratford, were ,recent
. .
News of Vanastra
Communityassociation elects
Correspondent worked many hours to provide interest in full time day care '18; government are confident in, our
Karch'L'6hifer creative playground equipment, part time day care 20; and c,)mmunity to support us in this
-the election of the 1975 Board wading pool, 10 picnic tables and way.
of Directors for the Vanastra clean-up and painting of existing nursery for pre-school children Previously, the curling club has
Community Association was held Bark property. Special thanks to 23. . The survey is with the been reported. The second draw
December 4. President Nelly Ron Gonie, Vic Evans, Sam Ministry of Community and Social Fill be made up the first week of
Gonie; Vice -President Dick Russo, Robin Gates, Eldon King; Services. January. New curlers, the rates
Briere; Secretary -Treasurer - Bob Argyle, Bernie Bryan, Duane The Day Care Grant for Vanas- will be reduced if you begin
Velma King; Directors: Vic Hackenbrooke and the many tra of $55,00G.00 has been January 1975. Contact President
Evans, Robin Gates, Clem others. Base Factory Outlet approved. The money will be John Brownridge, 482-7118.
Goulding, Glenda Littlechild, donated refreshments and used to renovate the Community Thanks to the Lottery Commit-
Hary Hammond and Ron Gonie; supplied paint and stain for the Centre. where Day Care anti;, tee for the time spent the last few
Youth Directors: Sam Russo Jr. undertaking. Nursery for Vanastra and dreg ,.months and especially the
and Wayne Futcher. The Also in the summer an heated will be held,; as well boolu�"� e'en g of the -dance. Mr. & Mrs.
Association vote t su art the junior size o! m tc '�'��
Q P.p.- I Y P pool f25 functions;:sports andsw`lgJ oirgani' ri'erCtil41r. &Mrs. Jerry
Clinton Centennial at carnival meters) and change rooms were zations. The grant will provde an Salton, Wilfred Schneider, Jim
time with a float for the parade built adjoining the Community improved heating system, kitchen Broadfoot, Barry Davis and Dick
and snowmobile trail rides. Centre. facilities, improvements to meet Lehnen.
Recreation in Vanastra On August 10 swimming began health and fire regulations.
Vanastra residents and under the direction of Vic Evans, Architectural plans have been
property owners in both resi- our water safety co-ordinator. submitted and the t7,Ro ttee RedlSt�'I�U�IOn
dential and commercial areas Mr. Evans donated many hours to expects work on,,AAd Coq unity
supported the formation of a pool management. In September Centre to begin i#f7tle W year. (Continued from Page 1)
Recreation Committee for Vanas- several children completed Under the Community Crentre's .
tra in the spring of 1974. Eighty courset at various swimming Grant, Vanastra is applying for In addition to acquiring the four
seven per cent favo.ured the levels. further grants that are available. Seaforth area municipalities,, the
proposal and tax levy to pay John " Duddy organized the For indoor pools $15,000,00; for Huron Bruce riding is extended
debentures of $130,000.00 for Tennis Club for Vanastra "and community centres $10,000.OG north to include Southampton.
recreation. An example of what District. This summer 44 mem- and for ,4thictiS field approxi- The riding of Perth represented
this meant for it single family bers enjoyed the club facilities. A mately $3,500.00 by Liberal Hugh Edighoffer which
dwelling in Vanastra, depending summer crafts and playground The LIP Grant (Local Initiatives in an earlier commission report
on assessment, a levy of $17.50 program free to all Vanastra Program) for winter employment had been divided among
would be added to the annual tax
bill. Only Vanastra property
owners pay this levy, not others in
Tuckersmith township.
On April 1,¢, 1974 the Tucker -
smith Township Council
appointed a seven man commit-
tee. The Community Centre,
formerly the Protestant Chapel
and fhe Curling Arena were
purchased for $70,000.00 (or
$35,000 each) from 260303
Holdings Ltd.
Volunteers from the community
children was held each afternoon
for July and August.
The Vanastra Recreation
Committee supplied the equip-
ment for the soft ball program.
Volunteers who organized the
men, womens, boys and girls ball
teams were: Ken Herman, Dave
Nichols, Peter Hendrie, Lois
Herman,Bonny Lortenburg and
Val Hendrie.
A Day Care study in Vanastra
in the summer of 1974 indicated
wBy Samsonite
LAz, Dionite
LUGGAGE — The Gift That Lasts a Lifetime.
;;)IlITH'5 )~estate a Fa Range of Medium
f, CedLti90ge, Vote Sags, Flight Bags and
pa"' es'. -
has been approved for $24,814.
This will cover labour costs on the
construction of the swimming
pool' roof. Carpenters, 'masons,
electricians and general labourers
will be employed when construc-
tion work is usually scarce.
This grant money must be
spent prior to May 31, 1975
according to regulations.
Total approved ro ed ran s are
g t
$79,814:00 and grants being
applied for are $28,500.00.
Vanastra can only be proud the
neighboring ridings, undergoes
little change. it includes the
County of Perth and City of
The commission which
corisisted of Mr. Justice Campbell
Grant, Legislature Clerk Roderick
Lewis and University of Western
Ontario Professor Robert Sansom
'recommends that the number of
ridings in the province be
increased from 117 to 125, Three
of the new ridings ' are in Metro
Snuggly 101ppers are Always welcomed
gifts under the tree. At S myth's you can
be sure to find all the favorite styles for
men, women, teens and children in the
f - J pmrwr sizes and coloars you want.
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