HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-12-12, Page 2�e $, i ,7 ` Since 1W. Serving the Community Fust " "uVis ell! at; ,AFQIifH, ONTARIO, every Thursda3W morning by McLEAN BROS., Publishers Ltd. A '` ANDREW Y. McLEAN, Editor Member Canadian Commuiaity Newspaper Association Oiitario Weekly Newspaper Association and Audit Bureau of Circulation �A h• Subia$fion Rates; EC:N A ` Canada (in advance) $10,00 a Year Outside Canada (in advance) $12.00 a Year - SINGLE COPIES — 25 CENTS EACH - ,x Second Class Mall Registration Number 0696 Telephone 527-0240 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 12; 1974 Y An ironic' upset While Seaforth has a new -mayor, school year's extra -curricular deputy reeve and one new councillor participation. the voters here showed themselves to 'pleased In some quarters Mr. Henderson ' be generally with the is regarded as a troublesome previous council — all the former innovator but sometimes trouble is. members who ran were re-elected. _ needed before things will change. There is one new councillor in The late bus issue is just a sample of Tuckersmith and no changes in the many concerns that John' McKilhSp where the entire council Henderson has raised --- sometimes was acclaimed. In the Huron County he has won his point, often he has Board of Education elections, though, not. But he always kept pushing and -- thele w.As a --real upset. fighting for what he believed in. He John Henderson of McKillop, aquestion didn t hesitate to the Board member since the beginning of wisdom, good common sense of some the . county boards came 95 votes of the recommendations which as a behind newcomer John. Elliott of trustee, he was called on to consider. Blyth and 65 votes back of fellow The Seaforth area has been trustee Ken Cooke of Clinton and lost ...extremely lucky in the quality of its his seat on the board. school board representatives. Long it's ironic in these days of concern time trustee John Broadfoot who about lack of communication between , didn't run this year, was another We centralized school boards and the probing and questioning board public to see one of the most member. His long years of experience -vociferous champion of parent and in the education field at various levels taxpayer interests on the board gopermitted him to look at proposals " down to defeat. John Flord rson ' from a practical standpoint as fought hard for the interests of his opposed to a theoretical approach., constituents. Just recently he asked Molly Kunder, who was re-elected the board to provide a late bus so that with a large majority has done an Seaforth area students at Central excellent job as a school.. board -- Huron Secondary School in Clinton member and will continue to press for could take part in after-school improved communication between activities, .Y'. '!"^• ".�.', £°.+. -.^ii the board and the public. Hopefully rS'�• E't"+SAS �`''� �°' 9'P, +Td These are often elected by acclamation, f6t®f, r who relat.e`!'� o By Wajority of one the board twice Henderson and Bob Peck of Varna voted Mr. Henderson's proposal who won Mr. Broadfoot's old seat will down. But aft er some reflection and take an active part in the board's presumably communication with . work. taxpayers board members again It is hoped that what has long been voted last month and agreed to the silent majority onthe ;( (0101,1 " reconsider the matter at their, _ December meeting. Most likely Mr. County Board of Educatlt)�•v'iii PIP take Mr. Henderson's W_. PAk was a Henderson's persistence will pay off vindication of their policy of quiet and the Seaforth area kids_no longer unquestioning -acceptance of much of will be deprived of participation in the the school board's agenda. John regular and scheduled after school Henderson was defeated because Mr. activities. Elliott carried Blyth strongly and two Just last week the Perth County candidates from Clinton took most of Board of. Education decided, on the the votes there. recommendation of a committee Hopefully the newly elected studying the issue, to provide late trustees won't regard the defeat of busing for rural students it the two one of their most activist members as "Sfratford high schools on a t rial a hint _to keep quiet about the basis. We hope the Huron Board, concerns of their constituents. The which first had its chance to approve John Henderson type of trustee, one Mr.Henderson's sensible proposal in who probes and looks behind the easy October will vote the same way and answers, is still needed at the Huron give Seaforth students at least a half a County Board of Education. Attached to When two Michigan weekly newspapers went up for sale recently, citizens from the two towns banded together to buy them. Only one of the members in both groups has any journalistic experience but, in the,words of one of the buyers, "'I know how to read a balance sheet." This doesn't mean the men were lured by ideas of big profits. Their motive, each is quick to tell you, was to keep the local papers just that. The"Roscommon Herald News was sold by two brother=s who had To the Editor the news ,rte. published the 2,755 circulation since 1941. The paper had been in their family for 67 years. An ins0rahce agent headed up the group that bought the Herald News. He explained his reasoning in making the purchase as follows: - "When you live in a small community you become attached to the paper as part of the community: We all love the community which is good to us and the press is an important segment of any community from an economic standpoint,." (St. Marys Journal Argus) Foundation thanks Expositor simar and nice l fir•:• Dill smiley, About this time of year, every year, all sorts of queer things come creeping out of the woodwork and the underbrush and ' ' proceed to create a storm in a saucer. I'm referring to municipal elections, c It begins hack in October, when the local paper starts writing trenchant editorials urging people to offer themsel or public office.This is somewhat like 4rging people to offer themselves as volunteer guinea pigs to see whether or not the guillotine is working. But any weekly editor worth his salt will be able to demand the paradox of "new blood" and "solid experience" on the town council or whatever. These editorials have almost no effect whatever. except to fan the tiny ember in the occasional guy or gal who has a secret Snow SCef1a ambition to be called "Councillor" or "Alderperson". or even Your Worship," " and to be on the "inside." helping "shape the future of our community." Then the papers, in a creditable effort to drum up some interest, begin to interview the incumbent members of town copncil, public utilities commission, board of education, and dog catcher, to find out who is going to stand again for office. This probing also has meagre results, at I. h Sit --We feel that the giatuying at" • - In Closing, I salute all the people 1 g the Emergency Meeting held on November �` � y haven't .. n i ed in this column: the �h "t2ehali`„ of the 'yai � mond' g Y g ..�<s � � h me tot, dwriiiatipn,'I�,41fift 't6 intend, dot sincere 24th. was an indication that your message ¢ � x;44 i dedicated, hard -Working, self-sacrificing 6'rg�Atiode 1dr your W6nd+�' r e'tiit6r1W - reached the interested public. Publicity %th; k� ”: people who were elected to office and have °zt<#ri�ft-aPpe�tteel rit the i+lriveiiili'er '!ki Eike this t5 invaluable to our efforts. to put up for the next year with the h n g 'sStttf Idf,'theI titoNi 1 x, , , bt: R. W. Ne*hhatn r � ' and grumbling of the rest of us. Hang in ,t ._.... :...... • .,...�, : .,:,,,;..: ..,.,, , . _, , -,.. _.,, ., ....,. � , _.. u ,.��- ..__ ,,...�...✓�� ...s,r.....,... _ _ there. We nee you. d . ,� ? . S7 "E r� �,�,"H"i. .. , Jl .," zlq.,, „ TS Ncti.L': +_L'.iS.1.S'�'}:G �ar;5+wnx.;:cur,..-nF..n..e, .....,...,,-... .,.-._..•.._, ._ ..__,_........... .. _ _ ._.,... •---.__"_._ __ ._ _ � _ _ _.. _ .. _ . ..... .. first. Most of those asked reply t at t ey DECEMBER 8th, 1899 Wm, 'Manson, of E gmondville, who was haven't yet made up their minds, or thatit's time for someone else to take on their 9tt W. H. Willis of town has put in a new seriously injured while taking out timber' exhausting work load, or that they have gasoline engine and considerable' for Wm. Ament on the farm of Mr. Foote, found the work very rewarding, but' ... machinery with the view of starting the near Varna is .making satisfactory progress wholesale manufacture of coarse shoes. towards recovery. Behind this smokescreen of generalities, Archibald Wright of McKillop, has Chas. MacGregor of Constance has the .potential candidate, In many cases, disoosed of his 50 acre farm to Mr. received the position as shipper for the really means, "I'll see how the wind McLaughlin of Hullett for $3;250. U.F.O. on the retiring of J.H.Scott. blows"; or, "Yeah. I'll stand again, if I'm The eighteenth Firemen's Ball of the Miss Annie Beatty, who for a number of assured a seat by acclamation"; or. "Wait Seaforth Fire Brigade was held, in years was in the largest store in Brandon, till I see how tough my opposition is." Cardno's Hall on Friday evening last. The Man., visited her sister Mrs. A.E.Erwin in hall was prettily and tastefully decorated in Bayfield. Th is is not so in all cases, to be fair. buntings and presented a festive Messrs. J.W.Eckart and Mike Murray Some small-town politicians have a rare appearance. Despite the dark disagreeable of Manley have returned . from combination of honesty and pugnacity, love night there was a large Crowd *from the Schoemaeker, on account of the lumber a fight, and come out swinging at the bell. town and country, while some were present camps being over manned. These are often elected by acclamation, from the neighboring towns. Dancing was Jack Hohner of Brucefield who has been because they scare off potentially excellent commenced early in the evening and at sailing the lakes for the past season, has candidates who don't want to become midnight an excellent supper,was served. returned home. involved in a verbal donnybrook. Dancing was then resumed and kept up until nearly daylight. Splendid music was DECEMBER 9th, 1949 But behind all the smoke of municipal furnished by the London Harpers. That Joseph T. Hugill was master of elections, there is, in most cases, very little . every person enjoyed themselves goes ceremonies at the annual Christmas fire. Occasionally, there is a stand-up without saying as the Firemen's balls have concert of S.S.No. 2 McKillop. The pupils slugging match in which personalities, the reputation of being the jolliests events under the supervision of Mrs. Grace mud, and other such items are slung about of the season and this years fully sustained Itoggarth, the teacher and Mrs. E. with reckless abandon, while the public that regulation. Wendorf, music director, presented a looks on with glee. - Messrs. Cardq%ot this town lost $4,000 , :, on apples, ear, &hd t e"ina' e`$3' 500 pp �gy P Y 9 last " the _varied program of Christmas numbers. p g ,,•. While walking to qht u rs,. S tfnual , As a rule, however, .the people elected are chosen"for public office not because p + ~f� year,' �,tl„.(gkigg. t,4o years ,,,�,,, ,., 4Ianna had the misfortun�'`to step" info a transactions they are just out $500 and all small hole in the ice and.fall, fracturing her they are honest, fearless -crusaders for the their•work and worry., .P :. right arm. taxpayer, but because they are not quite as W.J.Clark of towns has purchased the Despite the blinding snow storm, the bad as the alternatives who are running for stock and fixtures of ' Mr. McNaughton's . citizens of Seaforth, , McKillop, the job. business in the CadyBlock, Tuckersmith, Hibbert and Hullett turned Many a man, or woman, has been B.R.Higgins of Bruce%eld has disposed out in full force to the monster feather elected because nobody else wanted the of the old McLean farm on the London Rd.party, which was sponsored by the dirty job. And many a strong and capable Tuckersmith to John McKnight of Hullett Seaforth and District Memorial Recreation candidate has been defeated for these very for $5,000. • Centre -The entire proceeds of $1200 goes qualities. He has trod on too many toes in James Ross of the ty ' g dHe Rcame to provide the artificial ice . p plant. an effort to get some 'action. up his raspberry bushes. across several',which were in full bloom. John A. Wilson, of town who spend skis More and more women are running for F. Rumball,of London loaded two cars of time between the homes of his daughter, Mrs E.M.Little, Quebec'Ci'ty, and D. H. va rious municipal offices, which is a ver p Y lumber at •Brudefield station. Wilson of town, celebrated his 90th good thing indeed. Women can be quite Friends of Mr, and Mrs.Wm. Elder of birthday in Quebec. ruthless when it comes to getting things Hensall, presented them with' an oak c William A. Johnson, a resident of done, and are much less apt to sit around p secretary and a rocking chair previous to McKillop all his life, passed away at the and bicker or gossip, when on a committee, their departure to their new .home in 'home of his son-in-law,Russell T.Bolton. than are men. Barrie. 1. The Christmas Fair and tea held in St. Then there is a.cei•tain loathsome type ' DECEMBER 12, 1924 James School Hall by the Catholic who wants to be elected so that 'he or she Win Hopper of Seaforth has finished Women's League, was most successful can go to meetings. They usually have a drilling a well for Patrick Maloney of with the proceeds amounting to $400.00. In rotten home life. They love meetings. They Beechwood, charge of the proceedings was Mrs. T. Sills, adore points of order, addenda, and Joseph Horan of Beechwood has been President of the league. amendments to the motion. They make engaged as janitor for the school for the Samuel Storey, McKillop, had the abrave show of voting against all motions winter months. misfortune to have his hand badly cut while except their own, which are usually so silly, The few fine days of sleighing were soon working on a window at S.S.No. 12 school• they are almost never passed. ended and bare ground is to be seen again It•took four stitches to close the wound. at Kippen. Joseph McQuaid of McKillop passed Then there are the strong, silent types . Gilbert Jarrott, of Kippen, receivedfrom away at his residence in his 78th year. They are often elected because their his brother Dr. James of New Ontario, a Mr. and Mrs. J.P.Belf, well known ..,strength and silence are regarded as depth fine deer which was shot up in that part of residents of town, marked the 54th and wisdom, when they are really just the country. anniversary of their wedding. Both are stupidity. These people say, at meetings, Miss Jessie Johnston of Clifford has enjoying good health and take on active "Well, I'm not sure as I understand all the been engaged as Principal of the interest in the events of the times, ins -and -outs of this here thing, but I'll go Continuation School at. Hensall.. • Little George kennedy of Egmondville along with the majority." A well attendedt meeting of Lions V, as held the lucky ticket for the turkey drawn held with A. Brookwell in the chair. The for at St. James Church bazaar, while the Even some young people — 18 and following officers were elected Ito Mild Chris't'mas cake went to Mrs. Jack Nigh: -olds get't'ing into the act. office until June 30th. President, rave, and C.R.Coultes, Belgrave, I'm not t m ntoo happy py about this. From,,what R.M.Jones; Vice Pres. W.J.Duncan; McKercher, Dublin, will lead the Huron 1'-ve seen of this age group, including my µ Secretary, W.G.Spencer; Treasurer, Federation of AGriculture in 1950; as own kids, I don't particularly want them to J.M.McMillan. Directors. Dr. Chas. president and vice president, respectively. have anything to do with spending my Mackay, John MacTav ish, J.M.Best, Wm. Liebold, well known and life-long money. A.D.Sutherland, R. M•Jones and resident of Zurich died suddenly in his 77th J.G.Mullin. Tail twister, Song leader, year. And of course there are a few peoplb, R. N. Bissonnette. Mr. and Mrs, N. Holmes and son Daniel very few, who are interested in a The new pipe organ in the Methodist of Winnipeg moved to Kippen. Mr. supplement to their income. It's surprising Church is paid for and there is a balance on Holmes has rented the Jarrott apartment how much a town councillor drags down in hand. The recent anniversary of the church near the C.N.R. Station and is connected these inflationary times. - brought in over $650.00, with the R.C.A,F. School. • That's, why I got into the business. h, 's yes, i was on town council for two ye rs. Unopposed. Acclamation. With t o mortgages and two kids, that $75 a yea pay as,councillor looked mighty good. Each year, I had a moment of terror when the committees were being struck. i f,;,,,,. ' :•..;., ., � was in a pate in rase they put me on the , , Public Works Committee. I didn't know a s .. r fin/ i• '�/n -I„�. pot -hole from a catch -basin. a / J Fy� •�///. J/�j JJN • (9. After two years, I resigned owing to a conflict of interest. I was interested in A being a good councillor. My wife was .I interested in having me home at least one 'o'• . j ° ;`� ' F' evening a week. As in most of our conflicts, ..i ! she won. Sit --We feel that the giatuying at" • - In Closing, I salute all the people 1 g the Emergency Meeting held on November �` � y haven't .. n i ed in this column: the �h "t2ehali`„ of the 'yai � mond' g Y g ..�<s � � h me tot, dwriiiatipn,'I�,41fift 't6 intend, dot sincere 24th. was an indication that your message ¢ � x;44 i dedicated, hard -Working, self-sacrificing 6'rg�Atiode 1dr your W6nd+�' r e'tiit6r1W - reached the interested public. Publicity %th; k� ”: people who were elected to office and have °zt<#ri�ft-aPpe�tteel rit the i+lriveiiili'er '!ki Eike this t5 invaluable to our efforts. to put up for the next year with the h n g 'sStttf Idf,'theI titoNi 1 x, , , bt: R. W. Ne*hhatn r � ' and grumbling of the rest of us. Hang in ,t ._.... :...... • .,...�, : .,:,,,;..: ..,.,, , . _, , -,.. _.,, ., ....,. � , _.. u ,.��- ..__ ,,...�...✓�� ...s,r.....,... _ _ there. We nee you. d . ,� ? . S7 "E r� �,�,"H"i. .. , Jl .," zlq.,, „ TS Ncti.L': +_L'.iS.1.S'�'}:G �ar;5+wnx.;:cur,..-nF..n..e, .....,...,,-... .,.-._..•.._, ._ ..__,_........... .. _ _ ._.,... •---.__"_._ __ ._ _ � _ _ _.. _ .. _ . ..... ..