HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-01-26, Page 8ATE WIN GUAM TIMES, JANUARY 20,1894.
1 They contemplate buil('ug a church where , that farlrlerti tuts}•eas ssx to day, and
.� » e they live and want to ti d the cheape44 and ils. seati(rtas Where th y etre properly mi.
be to Ilse as a llaadel, tabiiebeci their pintro.ne could not be
Leonard Bitttan toe Wife 'were etisitiug induced to, leiltr rel ar an' 9"' nsider-
frierids iu Newbridge 1 et Week. agog.
Mrs, Crum, who, ha . been fll for same 4 praminelL sawyer,
time, is santewZ,at be ter now. „I hese eight chit:t(n, (Amy ostein goo
Mr. Jas, S. Timm' le, our genial Post• health, not one of vhont but hits taken
master stud general -tore-keeper, has, deci- SGott's Emulsion, in ,vhiols my wife bits
ded to biro up isinese this spring and boundless co S%llgo � ,,,,1
take a Jloliday. He talks of moving to h.-w-� �^ "
"Toronto, so that its family sway have the ll!101�iti.
advantage of the'.chools of the city, Look Ou Friday lasele1r,1,nd WIrs.13ssrk udder,
out fur: bargains 1 dry goods and other of the 4th ooueessio,r, Were uictiy burp rip-
staplo articles, * - he intends slaughtering ed in their home by it :umber of Sunsbiue
his stork in a sll.rt time, Who will sue- member, and friends, of the Methodist
teed him? is th
wyear 1593, ran n greater success with
t � an ever. We realize it will he hard
'to beat, But we are determined to do it,
not only to give periodically a few ,items
cheap, but quote absolutely the lowest
Prices at all tines, on ever thing in our
store. Ger stook is well assorted in every
department,with new and handsome goods,
in best quality, at
M. H. MdflD00.
Our Clubbing Rates,
'The Toms and Toronto mobs, weekly 5 1 50
The Ttz,es and Toronto Etupt.o, weekly 1 75
The T15s3 and London Advertiser, weekly,1 75
The Thirst and Landon Free Press, weekly1 755
The TOMS and Montreal Herald, weekly
The Tines and Montreal Witness, weekly. , 1 00
The Thins and Toronto Daily World........ 3 50
This Mineral Montreal Family Herald and Star
weekly, and premium 1 75
The Tame and The Ladies' Journal, monthly, 1 J
The Tom Cosmopolitan hiaoazate,ruonthly, 2 25
New York
The Timms and The Live Stock Journal and
Household_ Companion, monthly...... . 1 75
TheTutxs and Partnere Aavocate, bt.wee 11 100
The Taws and the Cultivator and Country 75
Gentleman, Weekly
Reamed rates with all other papers not mentioned
in the above list.
Tides Oe'rten,
Wingham, Ont.
IA Record `o be Proud of.
'rotr1 the,Prineie al of the Canada Busi-
ness College, of Cl,a ham, we have received
the following infor nation, which shows
most conclusively t] at this school is doing
a superior work au stands high in the es-
timation of the bus Hess public: The fol.
lowing stiedeiits We, placed last week : J.
D. Stale, formerly of Harriston, as teach-
er,of Shorthand, . nternational Business
College, Bay City,leeieh.; Geo. Ryan, Chat.
Ilam, stenographer with Geo. 13. Douglas,
Barrister, Chathan ; Ida Tompkins, Chat-
ham, utenographce with John O'Neill,
Barrister, Chathan . We also have an ap-
plication from a T. rent, firm for a lady
hook -keeper and ste=iograpber,to commence
duties Peb'y 1st. . ,very lady graduate of
1 the year now plact . It certainly pays to
attend the best.
District L.
The quarterly m
T. 0. G. T. No. 24,'
hall, Manchester,
attendance was ver
. + : ea were not rep
�aI reports from
on the whole
'ee, I. 0. G. T.
ting of District Lodge
as held in the Orange
Monday last. This
fair, although several
esented by delegates.
the lodges presented
encouraging, though in
Some instances a falling off in membership
etas reported. Th s was due to a variety
geniuses, and was subsequently dealt with.
Messrs. Holmes, Minton; Metcalf, Blyth;
faurdocei, emkn..w; and Miss Horton,
jseesbu a Virdinted a committee to
o stat' of the order in the ilis-
rtct. This repot showed a membership
.f 856 in the di Strict, a slight falling off
one the last mee ing. The lodge at St.
. one in Ashfield lueve ceased to
elena and,
xiet,but e
lien, ,:ti'
ecretat 'rib
sage at Seaforth
fist. The Tress
r a hand of over 13.
ills, in campaign
as reeommende
s vat►1 be mase t0 resuscitate
o reported, though the
tification of it, that the 11
iad practically ceased to (. Brussels. We take the following f
er reported a balance The next _otse fair will be held on Tribune of January 4th,
0, and the expenditure of February is a a aou of Mr. A. B.
York among eak lodges J. R. Gran , of Winnipeg, a well known township : "Our songs
word to
baaribcrs Who aro in
We would rge our subscribers who
are in arrear the importance and ad-
visability of rompt payment of same.
Individually the amounts are small,
the aggregetis large, and the benefit
to us, if you .hould act on this hint,
would be yer great. The times are
hard, we ku. ; but the best way to
better the tim:s if for each to pay what
we owe and k ep the money moving.
Wo will guara itee not to keep any idle
in our hand Others, besides our-
selves will be ; lad if you pay up. Send
the dollars al g now.
Herbert Finto-t left on Monday for Chat-
ham, Ms time having expired with Mr.
Snell, biacksinite, on Saturday.
Mr, and Mrs: :'hillips returned last Sat-
urday from Beeville, where they have
been visiting for a last few weeks.
B. Lawrason ar d Albert McGregor, from
North Star Lodge, I. 0. G. T., attended the
District meeting 1 eld in Auburn on Mon-
We are sorry tc hear that Mrs. W. F.
Longman is Buffos ing from an attack of la
At the meetingof the Sons of England
lodge, last Friday -night, one candidate was
initiated and one tpplled for $1000 insur-
ance. This is th( third meeting in succes-
sion there has beers an initiation. There
will be one if not nore propositions atthe
next meeting, ,ro. 13. Lawrason was
chosen as a scoot delegate to the Grand
Lodge. This lod a is prospering.
There were swe initiations at the I. 0.
G. T. lodgeson T sesday evening. Bra. Ae
McGregor gave t very interesting report of
the District mewing held in Auburn on
(Mouday,for nil'ehhe received a hearty
vote of thanks rom the lodge. An invi•
teflon was rete-ved from Constance lodge
to visit them on the evening of Jan. 3i.,
which was accosted, and a largo number of
the members w 11 go.
16 World's 7F r
The Chica o, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railway has ade an arrangement with a
first-class pub ishing house to furnish a
Series of beau •'fuI World's Fair pictures, of
a large size, a- tho'pominal cost of the pur.
chaser of onl• ten cents for a portfolio of
sixteen illus -rations. Nothing so hand-
some in reference to the World's Fair has
before been p .blished. The series would
be worth at hest twelve dollars if the pic-
tures were°tot published in such large
quantities at d we are therefore able to,
furnish thes, works of art for only ten
Remit your money to George H. Heafford,
General Pass .ager Agent, Chicago, Mil-
} waukee & St. Paul Railway, at Chicago,Il1., Place on Wednesday last,
Photos for one Dime.
church, who present d Mr. 13urkh.,kder
with a uiesty fiuishec secretary and film."
Burkholder with a beautiful albeit, Mr.
Burkholder ems been Superintendent of
the Sabbath Sobool stud 11 member and
Treasurer of the T,r.ntee Board, and has
filled other offices wi 'h ablity and cheer-
fulness, and the token offered were given
as a shall memento f his faitlsfuluess
and of the esteem iu elicit he is held.
They will leave the uei hborboocl soon and
With them go the good -eislses and prayers
their fellow laborers u Sabbath School
Suuday week, Henry Launder, a resident
of Morris for about 80 ye ors, paid Nature's
debt and was buried at iiyth cemetery on
Tneeday followir,g, Rev. G. Buggin cone
ducting tha service. The deceased came
#rete Birmingham, Engle sd, and lived for
a time in Tiingston loca[tt before locating
ou the 6th line in this toneship. He was
only ill for about a week - and died at the
ripe age of $5 years. ' Mr Laundywas the
ghters, one of
ea Jackson, of
respected by all
father of 7 sous and 4 de
the latter being Mrs. Ja
Morrie. He was highly
who know him,
John Lake, of the 2nd 1'ne, has purchae•
ed a farm on the 4th con. of Grey, from
Joseph Clegg. The- price paid was 83,000.
Revival meeting are he'ng held at Johns -
ton's Methodist Church Service every
evening at 7.30. They a e well attended.
Miasea Grace Jeukiu and Sarah Jane
Johuatou are visiting fri-nds in Stratford
among whom are Rev. L 14. Wallwiu, Bt
A:, and family, Miss E .. ma Bosman will
play the organ iu Johns on's church next
Sabbath evening.
, ` Sn Monday last, N1r. obn A. McEsveu,
of the 1st line, passed a ay, after an ill'
nese of abunt ten days, i his 68th year.
About two weeks prior .o hie death, the
deceased contracted it se ere cold, which
developed into double pn, urrionia, and he
succumbed as stated, no 'withstanding the
best medical atteutiou and Most careful
nursing; The deceased vas one of the
eerly settlers in the nor h part of this
township, coming here fr-m the township
of Stanley. He wast a i taunch Liberal,
and always kept himselwell posted on
the questions of the day. When !take Pae
trona of Ipdustry were ii troduced in this
part of Huron ecunty he took an active
iuterestin the Order, enc for a time ,held
the position of count; organize��r:,yk{�'He
was a delegate to a couOe of Pro Culla'
conventions of the societ , and was very
familiar with the aims a . objects of the
Order. He leaven two sons andthree
daughters, Mrs. McEwen . redeceasiag biro
by about two years. T e funeral took
o the Winglsam
mber were pre.
chi to an oblig-
om the Calgary
111r. T. Jackson
ackson, of this
platious are dui
kson, who were
t eburch on New
. Dean officiating,
e wedding par
latives of the c
to the resldenc
her -in-law of th
puret,tly lit duty appre
ber who•are uu it ever
Messrs. A. 1$ J. L a
moving: their etookr, of
the vacxut store in t
We are pleased to lea
Sautatllztuy navy engage
Agnes Nnox, who will t'
e•veuing of February 22
s1r, Geo, linuston, }a
woollen mills, now re
and the pieta •es will be scut promptly to cemetery, when a large n
any specified address. They will make a seat to pay their last resp
handsome bo iday gift. i n i bbor and true frie
1. A lively discussion former resi nt, was in town for a few to Mr. and Mie, T, Ja
tone as to the pamper way to expend this days visitin
friends. He i
Peter Mur
age of nearly
ore Wednesda
years ago and
by a friond,wll
States, where t
the father.
Cameron's far
supported by t
The Sons
held on Friday
be a grand sue•
On '1.'uesda
Orange Lodge:
Hall, Brussels
the followin
Henry .Monne
Driscoll, Wal
Barr, l;thel, C
eels, Secretary
Treasurer; 11.
Cor.; ltobt. Per
The County Or go Lodge will convene each appearance.
in Wingham on Tuesday, February 6th. of Listowel, :made
The celebration -,f the meliorable 12th cion en this her
of duly will ile held in •Winghanu this 5311e pesese.(ee a b
year. voice and A moat
Mr. W. W. HJ;a:,ria, of Rothsay, is ne- Ilarpere, of Lind
lurcbaseof the cheeseexcellent tnusio, :
russolrt, Mr. Barris is a I played the ac
Aker, and would no 5 usual marked abi
t. A well nanageci' Owing to the r
t paying institution'on the pond is e
?oney, and ares
!tent that it be e
:;pervision of tate
the oo-
R abii
ded r'
tt week of Pe
Blyth, was c
ranee •at
.*nrdoeb, L
-Ob.. It Was
,'taxugin Clin
• 18th. Ma
.= Isixicll
am vote of
iks uaectfng was held in the evening, at
Stan inters ing musical and literary
Ittemasse was, endered,w'ith addresses by
Int, Usteaif ::nd Murdoch.
ation was carried to the
pended tinder the direct
District Chief Te'mplar,
n of, Iodges, and any
in reviving or re -
edge, to receive a
115. The convention
(gate to the Tetnper-
o be held in Toronto, the
'nary, and Mr Fs Metcalf,
sen. Addresses bearing
given by Dr.
Somersr, A•lyth; 3.
cknow, and P. Metcalf,
eeided to held the nett
on, at I0 a. rx,., on Friday,
land Lodge, of Auburn,
rtained the delegates, and
tigate ,
!ranks was given them. A
am sod
eillr tact
ISO* c 1, tat aging to the Pree-
alpsitik the village of White -
on Monday leaak,
fist church and sleek.
Wagon to its coat, etc,
the "ilethodiet church
sing satisfaction lately.
oyes ont and discovered
bricklayer will put it
relatives and old time
enjoying excellent health.
by, who had attained the
yeare,dsed at F. LeBon's,
His wife died many
is children were adopted
took them to the United
ey were lost sight of by
urphy lived on Wm.
-- Wro
, Morris, for years, being We rtuarentee Ford Wh
e Council. eind colds. T
mniyhe nasket,only
Scotland Concert, to be avroxeter. Try it and be
vesting next, promisee to The concert under
esti.roxeter r a
of Last week the District•lay of last week, pro
was held in the (Orange able affair. The "Hie
After routine business to the pleasure of th
officers were elected : (pettily the targe P
Brussele, Master; Ed. evartlowingr soma i
o, Deputy -Master; Itobt. away. Every rase
eplain ; 13. Gerry, .Bus. her of 265, were sol
,tobn Oakley, Walton, l opening standing r
amiltors, Walton, Dir. of Pax and Cameron
uson, Walton, Lecturer, selves and we're
'married at the Methodi
Year's Day, the Ret. M
After the ceremony t
comprised of only the r
treating parties repaire
of Mr. H. Swaffer, br
bride, where the weddi
and a pleasant tithe ap
&tad by the .dual.
lin are this week
rulture, etc., into
e Grand Ceutral,
u that the Pavilion
err s of
Tear here on the
e of the Wroxeter
iding in Vasaar,
4.75 Talbot Street,
oradestc of the New York Eye stud Her hospital,
use. Post 0reditate Coarse tat tbe Eye, !,sari Nose
and Thrnstat the New York root Qraduata i;ts Uvat
School and 1Io4:4t41802. Eyes Tested. Masses
sup,lled, Fine stock of $peetacles, Lenses 11)10
tilieb,, spent a few days with friends here
last week,
Mr. B. If. Fortune, V 8,, is this week
tnnving into W, C. $az °wood's house, at
the rear of R. P,anu'a s oe shop, and is
elect bevies; au office hitt.d up alougeide of
tate shoe shop.
NET., Geo, E. Dane ma ea business trip,
here on the. first of the eek, in the luteia-
ehts of Knox, Morgeu d& Co., of Ha,miltels.
Mr, John Leckie mer with a very pain-
ful accident 11580 Sit urday afternoon,
which rendered the a putation of the
first two fingers at the ..cond joint of the
right hand, necessary, It was caused by
his band becoming eau•. st while loosening
the bark which had bee, me choked iu the
bark machine, Dr. Sni le performed the
Reeve Sanders is atte diug a meeting of
the County Council this week,
Mr. Will Tamau, of :lyth, made a fly-
ing visit here Iast Friths.
Mrs. 1-t3bt. Miller is v siting friends in
EIore, this week.
Miss Jennie Wynn is spending a few
days with friends in the illage.
To Inapeetors an Teachers
The reguiromente rega 'ding history for
the Fourth Form of the ublic Schools as
adopted August 3rd, 1893 were as follows;
"The outlines of Caned au History gener-
ally, with particular tentiou - to the
events subsequent to 184 The municipal
institutions of Ontario . nd the Federal
Form of the Dominion ..vernrnent. The
outlines of British Histo y shall also be
taught without a teat bo.k ; but there will
be no questions in Britis History at the
High School Entrance , lamination."
This has been ameude ' by the substitu-
tion of the following Re.ulation :
The outlines of Caned an history, genet.
ally,with pzrticular atte • tion to the mute
subsequent to 1541. Tie municipal in-
atttutious of Ontario, au the Federal form
of the Dominion Govern nent. Tho outlines
of British history shall also be taught ;
there will be suitable gtsattons in British
and Canadian history a - the High School
Entrauee examination.
10 will be noticed th:.t the amendment
makes no change in th►oourse required to
he taken up in the Fou th form and where
the Regulations lieve been followed by
teachers no additiou is made to the work
of the pupils. It wet' feared, however,
that without questions in British history
at the Entrance exam nation the subject
might be slighted. TI e questiou at the
examination will co 'respond with the
course made obligator last August.
Jor N Mirrzn,
Deputy Minister.
Education Departme t, Toronto, Jauuary
.12tb, 1894.
American Menem). Cure of Rheumatism
sad Neural'gie rt scally cures in 1 to 3
days. Its action pen the system is re
markable and my erious. It reproves at
once tbe cause of tie disease immediately
disappears. The first dose greatly bene-
fits. 75 cents. W smutted at Chishohn's
drug store. '
Cnnwa'roN--In I ower Wingbatn, on the
22nd inst., the wife of Mr, I. N. Croweton;
a sou,
ai.%''HANNA-In Merrrts, on the 22nd inst., the
e- wife of Mr. Geo..kanna; a son.
tt dinner was served
frotiating for the
factory north of
first-class cheese
doubt,rutl in the
factory is the b
to Pine Expectorant to
s largest bottle for the
5o, at Fox'. Eros' Store,
he au ' es of Court
e evening of Fri-
ed to be a most enley.j
weather added much
eveningg stud came'
Ilion was packed to
fact had t h
a t turned
ed seat, to the nuln-
end by the tlx >ter
cm was at a premium,
roved a host itt nem.
aartily encored tapotr
Mies Lorne Campbell,
most pleasing impres-
r t a earan
e pp Ge hews.
autifully, clear, sweet
leasing manner. The McLwv.:a, '.tti M
n, rendered acme very Jelin2A,dMcysEwen,
and 6
Wee Lottie Brawn lIt/am ,I, In 'kte,
pauiments with her Snowy Lauudy, *g
ty, Iltei,ns',--In W
ant thaw, the skating Margaret, belove
silent, uud which ap. Ilislop, a*ed 81 y
f' JAcarr.I.t--Iu Biu ,vale, on the 21st that.,
the wife of Mr. W n. Jacklin; a soh.
SANDY. -In As} eld towusbip, on Mon-
day, Jauuary 15th; the wife of Mr. George
Saudy, of twins, ac ❑ and daughter.
Reeeen-Iu Luel-now; on Friday, 3 -au.
12th, the -wife of Samuel barber, of a
daughter. 1
,art ttoe a ares, Will be the
Bruaswioo.# oa e, WIN1GIMM
The First or Last THU11SDA4 of
eaeh mouth, at date named bedew;
Second Visits February 1st51894.
Qum 11 a, Iia, to 8 p, m., ,ahargos
West halt, else pant et met halt lot
Wrst Wewauosh, coutainlrr 051 „ores, terthwrr
par;Sculars apply on. 05. premium or by to,
JAtiFtl:AlowattAY, cn
$wart 7ifian)Is n, d,, Npipl)aket4...
nuivanals LOKL
Y. ' " Aco Oh? Brno S r .N: oR ' ILL i S
Also, manufacturer of all kinds of
,shish can be supplied on short notice.
Iron and Force Pumps supplied to order.
It's high tiro, you were getting your e,
Xmas preseuts, Call and have a lank
through our our stock of gargle suitable for both
birthday and Xmas presents, in Gold and
Silver Watches, Onyx Clocks, Rings,
Jewellery, Silver Tea Service, Water
Titters, Pitchers, Cheese Scoop, Berry
Dishes, Cake Baskets, acid all other kiuds
of silverware, at the leadiug jewellery
promptly ng
Be airidone and warrant,
Repairing promptly attended to, Prices reason. j. R. MUNSHAW.
Shop—Alaeonal street, nearly opposite Hank of Mason Block, Wingham.
Hamilton, tvingham.
are busy taking stock this week, and
while the goods are down will
be the proper time for cus-
tomers to buy them.
"The Anchor.''
MeGowxx---Mun eett--- At the resideuee .
of the bride's paret-ts, on the 8th inst., by
the Bev. A eats" of Lucknow, Mr. it.
C. McGocran, of flint Wawanosis, to Miss
Maggiel, daughter w Mr. John Murdock, of f}/yam.-� AND
11f1 CIa, � .r. .[. RNESS° d ] N GOLJ ARS.
i' w xI r —1 t the real(1'cuae of the
bride's father, an ,It (lusty 10th,, 'by Rev,
Thomas Davidson, M. A., Mr. Job» Fitch,
of flowiok, to Blies feabella Il., daughter
of James Wilie, ;Ls ., of Turuberry.
Molter -thief no` -At ttte resideuee of
the bride's another, Belgrave, o» Jauuary
174,11, by the Rev. J H. Dyke, Mt. la, Mee
Hey, of liatniote, ;S nnitobe,tc Miss Maggie
llrendou, of Belgra .'e.
rris, ou Jauuary 22nd,
gild 1i7 years 9 mouths,,
tie, on January 14th,1
d 85 yawl.
tori, 60 the lith fust.,
wife of Alexander
• staving bought out the Ambler Harness Susie% es and started in his old' Mend,
ton prepared to furnish - the public with evorythi usually kept in St harness shop
such as
if3i t'S, DUSTERS.
• 1 make all my otvu Collars and guarantee stttiefaotion,
Give it trine and 1 will use you right.
a,. .A.. a 1\ W O -L s.
Spring Cho
and we find
we shall hay,
do not get tit
your advantr
at cost. To
odd furs the
that we �4ave
hoods, men's,
clothing, nie
would rather
than have to
season. We
oat .plsrase, "
eaten you, we
us and be eon
as usual, free!
hand the ne
Try it and sec
'Tee BEAR, J
Issued by F
toria street,
Has decided
nese, at her r
Queen's Hot
lege, To
mercial S
tion thio p
—The butt
present getti
supply of ice
- A reoept
bdethodist of
Two an
the To of
..i?ort El
suit brought
her leg on o
next • Stand
bare!' -Pear
—Just at
Royal Cattl
tainment in
evening Hex
the Eden -Ft
of the best i
' IVa ina
-''it our last 1
and George
in the 'TOW)
held Weans
Any one w
same will b
ably delive
full, elect
power, and
trol. Itis
ceived well
A Sabha
given in ti,
1tam, Mons
'unusual in
focal talen
by Dr, Ma
trOm ne
tied its hes
snloy the