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The Huron Expositor, 1974-12-05, Page 22
F A DELEGATES — Delegates from east Central Huron who attended the annual meeting ' of the Ontario FederAtion of AGriculture in Hamilton last week included (left) John Benjamins, R.R.1, Blyth, Gordon Blanchard, R.R.4, Walton, and Wm. Pullen,. R.R.2. Blyth. In commenting on the meeting the delegates said OFA President Gordon Hill had Agri -notes (By Adrian Vos) expressed concern for. the livestock producer faced with high production costs. He said lack of return may well force many producers out of business with a resulting increase to consumers. Delegates to the convention spoke for 24000 ' individual service members, 90 regions, 43 county federations, 16 commodity boards and 3 provincial co-operatives. The Separate Shoppe, (Main Cornk,r-'—'" Clinton4 Those of y ou who have been Did you know that Ontario has BLOUSES --- PULLOVERS reading my writings for some onl•• 10 million acres of good land time, know that 1 have deplored left? B.C. led the way in Canada PANTS --- SKIRTS*� the waste and destruction of food . by .putting all good agricultural ;� producing land. Therefore it land in a reserve. At the same * R� made me very happy that the time they said that now that thePANTSUITS delegates at the annual meeting farmer is locked in agriculture, he of the- Ontario Federation of has to be guaranteed a decent )} )} Agriculture agreed with mcincome so he canprovide for his age haOprll - h Ijll'tl 2 -- 6 ' U was agreed that farmers hive old g without having to sell his the duty to point out to the farm to a developer. Over there *�-^ K,. +�+ government and to thc.publi.c that they have seen food imports from once land is destroyed, it can't be California dwindle to next to recovered. However, following nothing 'and even imports from this, it is the duty of society as a Mexico are going down because Ph. 527-0240: Expositor Action Ads whole to see that the burden of on the way up it is gobbled up by P preserving food producing land is California. not born by the farmer alone. It was argued that our Northland Every week more and more should be opened up for industry people discover what mighty jobs and that a permanent freeze are accomplished by low cost k '_ should be put on any change in Expositor Want Ads. Dial ry SALL-M CA> LAY the use of cuss one and two land. Scaforth 527-0240. "ft With food shortages 'in many !' ' parts of the world it is immoral to . destroy even one acre of land. Society should cry out loud whenever this happens. Some argued that a retiring farmer should be able to build a house on a corner of his old farm. vary that this should only be Sonic day we will be in the same position with the food brought in from Florida, and we better be ready to produce our own food. allowed when this is an unproductive corner. and in order to protect the next owner it should be far enough from the, livestock buildin',gs so it won't, interfere because of possible smells. Mind -you, I hope to be line of those retiring farmers myself sometime. Christmas Glofts- *T.O W=14 * REMEMBERED CENTENNIAL CHARMS and BROOCHES SEAFORTH DISTRICT HIGH - _ ' SCHOOL RINGS CHARMS PENDANTS TiE TAGS AT ANSTETT , JEWELLERS Ltd. Phone 527-1720 #6A OR'1 1 CLI*NT'ON -- WALK'ERTON Vo ur yowseir o _ we can do it for you. PANEL RQOM _ _ i!I 'II,I Cover unsightly cracks il 1 IT j� IIII��1 i j''T I while you add the warmth -and charm of paneling. I Modern finishes, materials, .� and adhesives make the " % �• Isg • u' job both easy and inex- h•CJ pensive.I �-.-;-- NEW KITCHEN A' modern kitchen is not just attractive, it's efficient. Check our complete line of cabinets, fixtures, and floor coverings at afford.' able prices, NEW CEILINGS �C C ��- • For beauty and sound con- s trol, check our complete C line of ceiling file and --.�� modern suspended cell- ings. The quick, yet inex- �' „ -4:: pensive way to beautify `�•' any room. A large selec- I" tion of materials and pat. tarns. BALL MACAULAY LIMITIS01 Seaforth /� Clinton Hensall- S27P-0910 482-3405 262-27111 i 1 • -.. . ' •p I1..I1 Sar � r .I �" I .1 �•i I o. \ ! n 1 That Staffen's Food Market is , Independently 'Owned & Operated'and' not Affiliated with an*y Chain or-. Groups of Stores?? oeat Staffen's Weston's Canadian Sandwich Rye — Reg. 43c Staffen's Sliced BREAD, 16 -oz. loaf ' ' • ' • • 3 for $1.00 BREAD Weston's Cinamon Reg. 69c BUTTERHORNS • • • ' - • • • pk$. 4,9,E 24 -oz. Loaf, White — Cracked Wheat, 6% Whole Wheat and �/�� Oo Weston's — Reg. 55c pkg. ©- 100% Whole Wheat SWISS Reg.Only 69c ROLLS • . - • - • • • • ... 2 for 790 Hostess -- COFFEE MATE • • • ' • • • • 11 -oz jars* . POTATO CHIPS • • • • ' • ' • • • . • • • 49O Old South Frozen — 12 -oz. tin Family Size Bottles + Deposit ORANGE JUICE • • • • • • • • • • 2 for 890_ Kist - Coca-Cola - Pepsi - 7 -up 3 for 89¢ California Canada ,No. l I RED GRAPES • ' • • • ' • - 3 1b. $1.00 MUSHROOMS • • ' . ' • . ' .. • Ib. 7W Sunkist Seedless NAVEL ORANGES . • • • • • • • • • • • doz. 750 Me at, 5 l � H k 0 Burn's Pride of Canada Burn's S.P. WEINERS COTTAGE • ilk 'Tf: '• F i ROLLS 1 -lb. pkg. 6 9 ib 9 7 a Schneider's Mini'SIZZLER"-SAU k 4GE 71. I I b Schneider'sLUNCHEO N' MEATS r ' r I 6 -oz. pkg. — 7 varieties 3/$1000 ':i• i:'. 4 i Schneider's — by the piece UNINGER SAUSAGE 39 lb. • r• Westons Seal of Ouality •to�f 5: • !' L I r t FRUIT CAKES `�l�t�I �� � �3• ��.,,,,,,,;•a 2 pound Reg. Price Staffen"s Price LIGHT or DARK 3.25 , • - , $2,99 Meal Time Fruit Cakes 4pound LIGHT or DARK 6.75 Reg. Price Staffen's Price 1 pound 1.12 ..... 930 carol RING 44 -oz. 5.75 • $52a7 C Carol — +4"x,, 2 pound 2.23 . • ' ' • • • • $1.8S RING in tin 7.50 • • • • $689%J-- 3 3 pound 3.32 • • • • • • • • • • $2.75 PLUM PUDDING, lb. 1.50 - • • . $1.35 4 pound 4.39 • • • • • • . $3.55 PLUM PUDDING, 2 lb- 2.80 - • , . $280 m M ALL MERCHANDISE GUARANTEED 100% Food Market Ltd. A MITCHELL - ST. MARYS , The Independent Store with Red -Pencil Savings At 5taffen's Store Hours We believe it's the "Total That Counts" and we believe that after -you check out at Staffen's you wilt realizi Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. that: you SAVED with "THE RED PENCIL" Saturday 9 a.m, to 6 p.m. Sunday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. " Prices in effect urltll 9 p.m.IkAnnd4lby, Daicamber 9 1574 Y , , :, :.mo- .wu. :.fi n. :-0 o.a.h'wr :,., ...,: ... «.f.: .. •r•...nY .N.,n. :.n. ..... : am „•. «. :.., ..h 5x.*. r ..I ci?' ....5. ,e ............ .. ... ... _....