HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-12-05, Page 17-. ...:Y' .... :... .. :.:. • :. .. ..--., ... .fir.. : 1 l' .f' 1
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''Formers apd pet lowers can nest ` ties, The Seaforth Veterinary table and, a gaseous unothetic in street clothes,, not v.-04 the loading dock and ramp., Animals
assured that large and .small Clinic used to have to send all hitt machine sits ,at thg head of the Expo§itor photographer, can be can get out of the back of a pick
animals in our .area can now get the simplest tests to the. ,labs .at table, along with i#n Intravenous allowed in when an operation Is in up right onto the dock or they can ,
as good health care as their the University of Guelph "and by apparatus. The anesthetic prQgress. be walked up the rantpa
owners do, with. the opening of the time they came back, the machine is Australian made and The operating area for laxge The pig surgery, entered only "
the new Seaforth • Veterinary, results were usually academie •. is the best available Dr, A)ke- animals is a big room, about .40' from an outside door, has a
Clinic building on NvNaln Street. the animal had recovered or made (who also comes from by 40' with three big stalls for sick trough like open., tg table made w 1
The new clinic, probably the only died". Australia) says. or recovering cattle or horses, from two rectang.dar pieces of
one of its kind iii North America, The most interesting iter(( in metal. It's not as fancy as the
has complete operating room The new clinic is of course not
used to'capaeity yet. "We built the room is a huge tilt top other operating tables but Dr. 1
facilities for small and latae The animal on the operating operating table for 'big beasts. Alkemade says its the ideal thing r°
animals, a fully equipped clinical for growth", Dr. Alkemade says_ table can be monitered by clos :d Tlie table, worth about 55,000. for working on pigs "because
Its quite a change moving from circuit T.V. duringthe o erabon, tips u hydraulically so that, the they're so round".
pathology lab with the latest in our old building, which was p p p i
blood analysing equipment, g to prevent anesthetic accidents. strapped on animal, his . feet . A special room off the large
"'hospital" stalls foi both small totally inadequate, to -here where "The chance is pretty remo` a as resting on a ledge along the inhr,,l c'rratin room is used
we have lots o£ room."
and large animals who are in for the machine is the safest , .i the bottom, can be operated on- with solely for t'reati'ng dehydrated
i treatment, a brand new front market but one dead animal relative ease. Dr. Alkemade says calves. They stand them in pensr
There are 17 cages, with „���,,�.,�,. ^ 7• � �,
office and a common room for the during surgery is one animal too he has done surgery on this type which keep them from moving A ,r
moveable wails to accommodate
whStanle there. Alkemade
large dos in the small animal man the doctor says.of table as a student at veterinary around much and are given fluid
Yy g
Y g dogs,
college but he doesn't know of intravenously. "It wouldn't be
owner of the new clinic, designed hospital quarters. Here the Dr. Alkemade explains that the any vet.ctinics in the area which unusai to pumptwo to three
the new 5,000 square' foot animals stay before and after whole building is wir or closed w 4 urs" the
q surgery. There is another use them. The table, its well gallons into them in 2 ho
building himself and an archi- circuit monitoring so that if it can padded wooden top painted red, veterinarian says. A trough in the
tectural firm drew up the plaits to completely separate room for be installed„ sometime in•,,,the comes from Stirling, Illinois. cement floor goes . around the
quarantined animals dos g' Y g -
his specifications. He took the q g future, a veterinarian at home on The operating room is a story edge of the room and manure can f
suspected, of having rabies or a weekend off could watch an
. Expositor on a tour of the building Y and a half high in one section, to be washed away with a poser �;� s � �'� s,� A= ' "'� a ,
before the official opening. small 'animals with contagious animals stili at the clinic. But the accomodate the tilt top table The Seaforth Veterinary Clinic
diseases. through the building monitoring
'every effort has been made to g g g when it is being used straight up serves the eeoeravhical area in
keepthe clinic".nvenient but to system won't be installed for and down. The room has a about a 12 mile radius of
,._.. The..small animal area also „• , �,> •
protect against the possibilities of includes an examination and some time - ih s too expensive", cement floor which can be washed Seaforth, Dr. Alkeni`ade says. The
cross contamination: The large preparatory room, complete with the veterinarian says. down with hoses, the walls are shifting ;mphasis to cash crop TALKING TO A CUSTOMER -- Seaforth veterinarian Dr. John Turnbull gives
and small +animal areas are an under-the-counter bath tub The clinic tries to schedule its covered in spray plastic and all farming in Huron has hurt the farmer Ivan Bennewles some advice and some medicine over the front counte at
cothpletely separate and each and -'examining table where small animal surgery near the fittings ate waterproof., Lar •e veterinary business somewhat he /
g p � the new Seaforth Veterinary Clinic, The Clinic, which Is being officially open�i by
room is individually vetftilated so animals are gotten read for be' innin � 4the week so that the garage type doors in the targe agrees, but the animal population
g Y i' g animal room lead out to the (Continued on Page 18) Huron M.R.P.Riddell, Friday afternoon, located o N. Main taff Photo)
P,. P Jack I, F ' a. n, is t n St. r;5 h o)
that there is no chance of one sick stwrgexy and .where the veterin: animal..ean recover and.go home' .
animal infecting anotherarians scrub up. An adjoining before the weekend, The clinic is. - '"""""""" •
room `has exercise runs for the open on Saturday mornings but '
In the case of pigs, this small animal patients. no one is at the clinic on Sunday ,
isolation is carried to the extreme.
The operating room for pigs,
which already has their character-
istic odour, can only be entered
through an outside door off the
loading dock... it doesn't connect
with the rest of the clinic at all.
Pigs. aren't being discriminated
against, it's just that they make a
lot more noise than other animals.
Shelves full of medicines and
other veterinary supplies are
central to both small and large
animal 'areas. The clinical
pathology lab where almost any
tests for sick animals can be done
is also easily accessible from both
areas. The !ab is directly behind
the front office counter so that
front office employess,, Mrs. Lois
Hoff and Mrs. Mary Ryan can
keep an eye on things in the lab
while dealing with customers in
the front.
A common room For the four
veterinarians in the practise, Dr.
Alkemade, Dr. Jack Turnbull, Dr.
Dough Bach and Dr. Terry.
Johnston, who spend a lot of the
week on call and work at least
double the average 40 hour work
week, is .at the front of the
building, along with' Dr. Alke-
made's office.
A seven channel intercom runs
throughout the building `-'and you
can talk from one _ room to any
other room", Stan Alk e)pac1
The whole interior is painted
with light coloured spray plastic
paint and a large graphic of bright
coloured lines runs along the
main corridor walls. -If someone
wants to get from the front office
to the loading dock at the back, or
vice versa we can just tell them to
follow the lines on the wall", the
veterinarian says.
"There's not much we can't do
here," Dr. Alkemade says,
obviously enjoying his new facili-
The adjacent small animal
operating room looks every bit' as
immaculate and well equipped as
the *average human hospital
operating room. Several movable
lights hang over the operating
o iook•after any animal patients. ~r
veterinarian will -check in w
regularily though if any. in,
patients are staying over, the
The operating roont is scrubbed r
after every operation and no one
HOLD'STILL NOW -- Dr. Terry Johnston examines
a canine patient while Mrs. Lois Hoff holds the dog
still at the new Seaforth Veterinary Clinic on N. Main
St. (Staff Photo)
RELAXING iN THE COMMON ROOM ^-- Longtime veterinarian Dr. Jdhn
Turnbull, left, and Dr. Stan Alkemade, owner of the neva Seaforth Veterinary Clinic
relax Ih the Clinic's common room. The room is equipped with reference books, an
X -Ray scanning machine, desks and comfortable chairs. (Staff Photo)
Dr. Turnbull
plowe Thirears',a o the roads wBrendi
It's a big,ebange from working year stint with the Federal drive as far as you could and then Dr. W. R. Bryans joined Dr.
for .over 30 years in a. small government as a meat inspector get someone to come and meet Turnbull in the practise in 1951
cramped office to move'into a big in Winnipeg and Toronto. you with a sleigh. I can 'and retired in 1970 to work with
building like the new Seaforth. Veterin9ry medicine has also remember one winter when I the Department of Health and
Veterinary Clinic,„ , Dr. John changed a great deal since the couldn't get out the North Road Welfare in Ottawa.
Turnbull, who founded the forties. Dr. Turnbull says "when for three weeks." In the years since 1960 there
original clinic in 1941 says. Dr. I first started practising we didn't • In about 1956 or 57 the Clinic have always been about four
Turnbull, a native of Brussels, even have penicillin", fie says got short wave radios in the veterinarians in the practise, Dr.
started practise in Seaforth after with a smile. "Outside of the veterinarians' cars so that they Turnbull said. He practised alone
graduation from the Ontario main highways there was no could communicate quickly with •for about six years and when Dr. �e
Veterinary YYCollegge hYand a four
( done. You
would each other and with their( office. YY (ContinuedYYon,1'aaYge��j1) �Y(
Dr. Stan Alkemade on the
' . . ' *Seaforth
o ening of the new
�* Veterinary
� ix, - on completion
WVM.* of your new building
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