HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-12-05, Page 15,�'k ,,�:i , " � , �, ''. �. , ; ,!7' � " � � �'; �'� �i' � , �` �.. ]" ­;­ , , . , , , , "". � I I 1-11. -1 I 1.11". I -1 "I I .11.1 i, - _ 11111.1'1111�. , , ­,­ �,,­ " ." , _� 1,11 " ­:�,­ , _ ", ,-a ...... 'i�,�,�,,�,,�,,��v."""�l-.''�,� '­,., ,11 ­.", , ,11-.i.111_ ,.,.,.. ", ., -111"i-111."', - ',_,".11 "I",- �, 1, 1� �-, "'. "", 1� 11 I " � ", �1/111�1��,­, �­ I I—— 1.��.,�­­t­ � , I '! � . , � .. .. .. , _ . . �, , , , , "'C"," — , , � I ." 1i I , , ,-4 M""0,, . � , � - ­�­ , ­�, �­ ,;i-' ­­�,.�­, ­' T �7 7. �� ,,, � , , , : _ . , � , . � . , � � . ., , � 1: 4 , � . , . i, . , .�, � ,� i �, .� , , , �, I 1, " , � , , , . 1. I � , . I , , . � �, , . , �"- I., I ,�, ,�, , , " , 1 , I 1. , , - ." 1, � ". , � ",j:l � I, I .� I � , � % ; , ; ­ , :., . � , " , , ., . . , �', � 'i , � I , , , .1 I I 1i I 1. 11: , I I . ;� ",", , .. ,� � , ., I "', I . ,�, , , , , , , , ",;, , , ., , ­ . I ; I . 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I II 1, , ,� � . -�:_'', '. ��0 ,,�,­ ,, - t I�, ttr1", ,,„:�"!, :,, e, , ',',, .11;�, 4""',�:!. 1"..�W ,�, ..,„..711�,Zll­.T,ofipn„, r., , tI� I. ,, '"': i �:RW�e'”,-,1%%%%%141i ��.ti�4. 4 ., r I 14��.414”­ ols"�of." . ,�. 1. I . ,ql,p C . -1 .1 or, '1AoJJq:rT.VPrq ntp#,� 'a .1� , , r '" " I .111, �,I�. . . � I - , f i1orge pi: , ii , I � , 111,_I I �,� .11 P -A �um.m,ins,s, 0, )�vww,�, 4 '' 1 g,:;I. 'I, 11 _41041'sAy'v, ,,so ms - [�`�" ': ,,,, , , ,,� , , ;, iokogsos�; �.�,fh .'�I . Pen , , iiii,, ft,j#c ,f r,", - , I r'. , , ­'Ayog,., r, ". ... , - tl" , ,,, , ` "'' � . , I I ' i * W is, , W 10,04..' � , , -:,� � �;". i�� I I � I . . yo enQiiFh CoMmorc! J ; I - %TV. S Jr . il I I � I � . I -M-1- I I . o . aie i ' ' , t -t �. I . .4t pfrwpf. 10. Have 4 I 1 91.1 - County'A developm., til QW, fi .. Itle, hAt 114-�"14114;* , " N X, , ' , , hk . 4W , c,4, - , - O.P"w" I I . r , . I . .1 I I �4 r r,W'iq ''- , 'Il ,.,,,. ,, - r:', 9rogiW, 1 ­ �;-_ I �IWIUAAVIAW . V:,�,,,7,11;0!.'r'141#stft,,��.,'�� � _e I , " ' ���� . , ''. , , . ,� .1 .. %­­ i�, E-, i- , I ­),­ !� t.. - 1. 11 , ,'� ,,, � �. 1. i I � My, Cqmm - e ?1 , , b _ 41, , , :, ;, ;�;' ,1'' '' , - i..I settlin In Woodstock tip 1006stry, - I :, , on We , for , , , �� , � ,,.,,:, 6 " :.. . ,I., 1�� ,At. r 'n 0�0,to, the $ th ChambOT Of - area gr copugh pmod. Motors.ys,bg .:' '.`v'�.3.4!,� w#*�"."V440P—e "' 10 ., _ o.,iftir �s�"� q'- " " ' ' al*" 11 '-"'—a .2 . -:r , ,'Tp - P"or' V'.10' � . 'Sp , ,,,, en ' , .4 W ,273." 0�'K, D "?"O_ � � .0 5 �t# �4i"PT "1111911�( r, 11*41�,JAA �I � A , !� ,.,, tlyng I s I , , �jpIOTt 1, WR,fo,,� annooncoo ti, r ,� , . driesday iii8lit, commercial area to allow , -, dA, * ,04�i�. . HU0Iao-;- �n loving momoryof a, . , . g , i,4*0, *T#,Iq,0A-�-4A01R1- R . � .Jpg� said, xpansion. of stores approximately 200acrp�, ', IT.A#$P",;rt,a"i�pxt.�.9,;)''!A,pa",,A,A '' 4..40, , "PiOn'l: , :00 i,-."'4bi i 144, :iq,,tVi,4 , - . ` , , 4�CLEANINQ TIM , . ACCQUNTINOAND TAX dear 4rother, Harold, who passed to It. Have yotir 0 tPpk ., You RA9w many of the events v ,ber Pf � (he �tihno�1'0',,,.,: 1, b 'i . �;e4rago,, Dec.. 1, 1973 r,�erni& As. A Chain �Mmorgo. 'air to got sIQWi1",0#: t 11 . � I �� , 4 5 accommodation for tou ts and �.. 0" f .I 11 , * 4 , " , ,� is "*�.I' i,u ,m"A �,�i'Turn your old, furnit4rV and . SOVICE Aw'..Y_0110y 6"iff, 4 .'O, t# �`Op tiogo*iq � . , that place your town where it I! ,You sb . ,# , , ...... i' �7' '�� ... � . or , . .,,_,J' jlo'n on,O, ,��...'':I for riwm.41opA, . .- , ": ;l " ,�n�, ,�4�:t household . cts into ca�h- and a dear mother who -passed , 9410 ItIsp lbe lopkitig st,ft, , tq,vo .000.tvy � �� O,b� ,, AP 'AA I I '01 n0i I' , , !� ification.of The Town. The . - ii ipr bo�, f!#1qh i , , ", , ., . ,�.�*­effe Ji 'y ,.��.A. .`!.1 We will either buy or sell it away thirteen years,ago, Dec. I I I today, Whether these cvents� , visitors, to your industry? - beaut n s, r ,4 �, ' " , .j � it*i* A",;004,0 11r� , ,,. . %,I ", ,,II�­` ARTHUR it re "t or f�r- 01, a, oxpP. t4f)n , ,,,,r h ' ­ ' " '', � ,-, TUCKER wore economic. or "cial, I don't planning for The Mai ot Ina pro4w. ,, OR 10 i4'. 0ii 1440 ..I .th ,, "� " , .04, ;'.t;:', 1961. - '. _0� , for you . You can see that Development y . . 11 , , " , �A ,)th �'. . From smallest item 1�b '. i�',40 II " .CRUTIA10 . .know, but I do know that what a be done by ,a sub-committ.pc of invet-witli his ,stipPJtor',Qr',b4Y.of,, I - 11 , . to the largest estate. Phone Loving memories never die 0 "' "' , cWt,, GENEMACCOUNTANT . . . town wants is usually reflected in Planning must be done for .the I :ry must bo'.01 hk,cp, 1400***94 �94!iI Indust . 0 to pompefp , � " 4o , "O �� - -0 16 Victorla,B]vj., As years roll on and days pass ,.,�,w %:�- , ,I I 1 _1 1.. .KNAPP'S FURNITURE Vanastra . by; , . the look of the town or the activity , future. If you want to expand, your Chamber. You know better in the Cana4Jari as well - h,6 ,­ - t r q, as ,the , tg$i�#�'hy,ofqi:�y i, ��. , ., # I � ,�vi�.�l.,k#Ow-','�t,,h4,t:,w iptlil� 119 � 4,$-_,- allow for expansion. I used to Orkt., Wh " _ I . , " '_ Box 957, Clinton of the town. - than I what buildings need export M ot �d I � � 'f WAnd AUCTION ROOM 1 4,82-3737 � In our hearts the memory is .10 h1li 1,9 � � ;"',hos�I.Miool iI The question has to be marvel at the foresight ,of the painting. what b4ildi gs s h " 1,10.04. "I � It 4 .�should industries look for wwrilbpy Are ' , ­ ", " ­�:.��`;A-.­­� , . �� 01$oryioo ),j,�'wi�,,��'."1, o482-1336 , . 23- kept ,rs of some of the cities in. , , .. I.,I I . 694 answered by the citizens as a fathL be removed etc. The,,committee looking around for a inew At Z , � � �,.� i, . 1 ,, "20-69-tf 0, , Of ones we. loved. and never * �11A7�,%:",,, � ,whole'- "Do you want develop- Western Canada. The wide woufd have to take a block at a can say in the ovgrall pictiArii 1, . _�, . 'O._*�J" I1- Iforg,et. streets with ample room f�r , f . meot" Should the answer be I time and plan it. The -ownerr. theyare looking for the beAt'deal There pii�*��arpfq,,#"; 10r , ,� 11 0� 22.Agalotices ,PERCY WRIGHT - Sadly missed and alw4ys. .They-waritAg"'g�. en today's i)arking as well as modern inmg 1, 4t I-,.., �r � I I - . ____ - , do not want development". th! I would probably welcome ao they can get. . �, �,.Q n '� ., 't 401, , �remembered by Iona and Mary day traffic must ic�,hout iiIIN OF f Scaforth will":remain have looked ov�rall ,plan of beautification. If., Financially theyare looking for SoMe.4re �. i.. IP . P, .1 , I '. ,A THE ESTATE 41 LICENSED . . . 25- the Townb . . � . , I �,,­, .,'I"".�."'69-1 ridiculous to some people in those painting was done through a help. either locally or'frora fhe cannot %(44 u I in r?�� ;'.. 4 1 � as * Should youto� ti!d� -" � V 1. ROBERT WILLIAM NESBITT, . it is or deteriorate, If itLATE of the Town of S AUCTIONEER deterioratps then more and more days. They were looking far student program. as Goderich Provincial or . Federal , " . 1,1. , ; I . eaforth in CHAPPLE -In loving memory of ahead. They believed in their. available .to ient to.h , ., 1; � ""the County of Retired citizens will move out until it was done last summer. the Governmehi. We do not come ,. Huron, ou the .. 11� . �FArmer, deceased. Kippen, Ontario our Dad and Grandpa' Fred- becomes a shadow of what it was. destiny to- grow. Witili this owners would save money and under the Federal Government's move in, Y .nb . p 4 . I ' Chapple, who died so suddenly. Should the answer be "yes'..', I allocation of growth area they accomplish what they could not D.R.E.E. program (Regional will probably 4u!ld'tbp, bulldw,g,­Dec. 3, 1972. he wants, to - h -, ; ant development, then a wbdle grew and are still growing, on their own. ' Development Incentives Act.) !s'ownALL persons having claims Telephone 26i 5515-Hensall Our family circle has been w specifications, ata later d1atet,..b6t,against the Estate of the above. I new world opens up. The quest Location . '..Again, as a Ch4mber of although ti�is program takes in . "23-69-tf ' broken rp fie will build it in yourp .hi. a, J_gII .mod who died on the 3rd da,# of for the answers to the question Now, let's get a little closesr to Commerce, don't leilve every- most of Quebec province and 1.na . - A link has' gone from our chain ,'how" can be fun, In other home, Let us assume that the thing up to your Town Council. eastern Ontario it does not conic looked into a type of buldi;)4August, 1974, are required to file 24. Cards of Thanks — But though we 've parted for which can be divided into 50000full particulars thereof with the I words, the planning of your majority of the people want You can' inivestigate problem into South-We%tern Ontario. , awhile undersigned.on or before the 9th I would like to expre�s my thanks .future can be enjoyabie. We gave growth, How do we get growth? areas'and advise them the results Thereare other federal programs, sections and can be rprite What - �. 4. 1 . We know we'll meet again. said PLAN - that is the magic Why haven't we had growth like of your study. You are interested some call them - the"alphabet is needed in, each Industrial PaxkdayfDpe974ftDrdr,hth-Lovingly remembered by his is one of these starter buildings. word today. Most people think of Mississauga9 There are many in the economic development of soup" programs which individual wich.datethe issets will be Clinic doctors, ,and the. hospital daug. hter and son and their Why not be prepared to exp4n . planning only as it refers to land reasons, but the main reasonlis the whole area. Why'not have the industries may qualify under. So , . , , d indistAbute,d. having,regard only to staff for the wonderful care I families. - 25-69X 1 . ' npxt.I�1,the claim"s of ',Aich the received while I was hospitalized, I . I planning in the town but location. Industry and comm6rce neighbouring municipalities ba'sically. we are looking- -for an orderly mantier over the Development Plannin is attracted to the city with its represented on an economic incentive�' from the Ontario decade. We need planning and 9 undersigned shall theri have also to all my friends who visited 26. Personal encompasses industry, tremendous market for products. development committee.They are Government. The 0,B.1.P. we need orderly development,notice. - me and sent cards. —Mrs. Frank Other parts of Ontario have DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this Storey. . 24-69-1 Mr. and Mrs.Edgar Elligsen, commerce, housing, recreation The city also can offer industry interested.They may even offer program (Ont ario Business 18th day of November, 1974. 1. . .I . R.R.4, Walton, are pleased to activity, soci.al activities, tourist__g9od transportation and good financialbelp in projects. Should Incentives Program) provides for expanded to the point where .they., avenues to transport their good . we in this have made it hard onthemsolye$- -E. R. MENZIES, Q.C., I would like to thank all who were announce the forthcoming 'activities and school activities. is you go ahead with a project and the incehfives which away we Wehave an opportunity. not on. Clinton, Ontario so kind and thoughtful. to me marriage of their daughter, Everything from the cradle to the , from the city, whether these not consult with them they may part of Ontario can use when to plan and expand at our own rat. avenues be road, rail or . solicitor for the said Estate during my stay in the University Margaret Elizabeth, to Kenneth grave- resent it. It makes sense to have are trying to attract industry c. but to - pi�k that kind of22-68-3 Hospital, London, and sime Ross Hull, ,- son, of Mr. and I am going to take only one item waterways, The city has been representation from the areas However, we are classed in the ' * coming home. It was deeply Mrs.Ross Hull, 78 Ripplewood and show you how it rdiates to the able to offer industry a stable around your town to help in same category . as Toronto, expaitsion which we want. The'I NOTICE TO CREDITORS appreciated. — M4ry Chapple . Cr., Kitchener on December 21st others?: .tabour force as well. planning their and your future. . London, Windsor, Kiichener� or elected officials need help and allIN THE ESTATE OF - With all these advantages, ication citizens can help them by lqtting - - , i� I24-69xll . at 3:30 at St. Peters Lutheran . Industrial Planning should be a industry has been content to Problems Sarnia. And in tfiis classif them know what the Town wants.LILLIAN FAULKNER Church, Brodhagen, 26-69-1 good example. Here are* some As I have stated. my job is to we have Iq � criteria which an . questions without answers: I settle in or near lar ge cities. heip all communities within the industry must meet before they When they kilow what the desiresAll persons having claims againstHOGGART —The family of theI However, this expansion in and county on ' developmental can -qualify for an incentive. I can of the tovn are they can put thethe estateof Lilliah Faulkner, late late Mrs. Etta Hoggart wish to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hillen of 1. Do you want to attract , . plans into being which will bringof the Township of Tuckersmith, express our deep gratitude to Walton are pleased to announce industry? attraction to large cities ,has, in problems they face. This is a go into detail about this program . about orderly expansion whichin the County of Huron, Retired relatives, friends and neighbors' the forthcoming marriage of their the last few years, been large subject. Let me tonight, with anyone who wishes. but 2. What kind of industry? Dry, . everyone gets a chance to . Stenographer, deceased, 44 who for their many acts of kindness daughter June Elaine, to Mr. . one which uses a lot of water. diminishing and in particular the dwell on Industrial Development'.' suffice to say I don't think we �, died on the 17thday ofduring our recent bereavement. Larry Charles- Hubert, son of Mr. 3. If you increase the number of last 5 years. The tabour force is I have been asking the Provincial have very much to offer industry , understand. Each citizen can,help/ November 1974, are herebyThe floral tributes, memorial . and Mrs. Charles Hubert, jobs where are you going to not dependable in large citi- es and Government plant placement because we Lare classed in the in attracting industry to your * ' "potified to send in full partic.ulars donations, cards, and letters were Dundas. The wedding to take house these extra people? towns by strikes, unsatisfactory section to send us Industry who same citegory as those towns and Town. Everyone should be aware A o\ftheir claims to the undersigned sincerely appr Special place Dec. 21st at the home of the 4. Do you have a site for an workmanship, - and large are interested in expansion or cities a.long the 401 Highway. that if you bear of an industry that"on� or 'before the 26th day of eciated. bride at 6 p.m. . 26-69xl industry? Is it large enough? turnovers ih staff. One industry who are interested in setting up Categories is thinking of expanding let your thanks to Dr. Doorly and the � new establishments. . There are three areas who e Industrial Commission Chairman Dec mber, 1974, after which date wonderful staff at Huronview. S. If you have a site, is it in staff last year. However, I been by 0 Irltthe ssets will be distributed Rev. Lewis Your thoughtfulness 27. Births , I serviced? . have contacted helped under the .B.N. I know or let me know and I will having egard only to claims then will always be remembered. 1 .. 6. Can you handle a large because of the same problems industry directly. I havehad local program. They are: contact the industry on. behalf of..' 'receive - 24-69x, BROADFOOT — Les and Gwen industry or do you want a number developing in smaller cities people give me a hint that maybe Area I-Northiarn Ontario- 90% Seaforth. We need industry in theDATED t Seaforth, this 2nd day are pleased to announce the of small industries. industry has started to migrate to a plant is looking for expansion. I Area 2 -Eastern Ontario -7S% County. You can belp yourDece , ber, 1974. smaller towns. They are looking ;ty 6y being vigilante. 'It of We wish to thank all who came arrival of a baby boy, Robbie 7. Are your schools big enough have. worked' with our local Area 3 -The rest ofOnt. -50% commumMcC, NNELL & STEWART and gave so generously at our Edward, on,Nov. 18 at Stratford for an added population? extensively for a dependable industry who desire to expand. Area I & 2 are also eligible may only be a whispered eaforth, Ontario dance on Friday, November 22. General Hospital. Grandparents 8. Are your recreation facilities tabour force. Industry is planning Why haven't we been getting under the D. R.E.E.(federal) comment but it could be the sameSol 6itorsfor the Estate ' Special thanks t o the boys who are Mr. and Mrs. , Alvin , lar ge enough for an added ahead. Their investigators have these new plants? The reasons program. We can't attract people as turning on a light switch. The �I , . 22-69_3 got it up,and all who helped in any Beuerman, Dublin and Mr. and population? . been in towns in Southwestern. are many but the most noticeable and industry to our towns unless smal.I comment reveals to us thatMrs. Wilmer Broadfoot, Seaforth. '9. Are' your ,churches and Ontario. One industry' alone— the an industry is expanding. Away. ; John and Penny Lansink. i , to me are - we ,have help -from bothMINISTRY OF , N 27-69-1, meeting halls wanted 200 acres of land. No, ­he 1) non -available good rental Federal and, Provincial contact can then be rREVENUE 24-69xl lar ge enough . oade. ASSESSMENT REGION NO. 24+ ,. space. Governments. We are just too far In 1860 we had 67,600 peopI6 in I"I ­ I wish to expressmy thanks to McLACHLAN — To Mr. and - . 2) the old vacant buildings that away , from the transportation Huron County and in 1969 we had,..I._,If lrlfl;�,. P .1-01h � _--,,.„,,,I ' cen_. -P AI�SESSMENT, ..OFFICE.- ' Mr!r"Glft McLachlan ofVa[ffa'9tYh­ we show them are routes. *less than S0,000. We'ha�c b ” - $7 NAMER STREET,P.O.Box 190 everyone w sent c rds and Seaforth Cornmiunity N undesirable. I think we should be classed in exporting the Young people, our treats, to the hospital. A special on Dec. 2, at - GOD)BRICH-ONTARION7A3Z2 thanks to Dr. McNeil in Stratford Hospital, a daughter. 27-69xi C . of C -ouraging,( 3) unavailable good serviced the same categpry.th,at applies to most important natural resource-.1Iand nurses in both hospitals who . . ' , gifts enc . I land . Northern Ontario. for many years. To give jobs toT the Owner or Tenant: SMITH — To Mr. and Mrs. Many firms come and look in An attractive location . 'for these young people we need were very kind. Thanks to Dr, Donations to the Chamber of ' hoe Repair industry in our tow s A sou d ake notice that pursuant to Malkus and all my' neighbours Ronald Smith o n ' - Hugh Thompson Is .our area but because of the extra Industpy is most important. n . nS ction 40 of the Assessment Act 0 ,Commerce Christmas Decoration Don Eaton Insurance. Agency 0 I who are especially .kind. Many Nov. 30 at Seaforth Community Fund are coming in at an travelling, settle closer to the Should an Industrial Park be secondary ec nomic base for our Q .apter 32, (as amended) R.S.0 ' thanks. —Mrs. Annie Hoegy. Hospital, a daughter. . 27-69xl encouraging rite, and should R.S. Box Ltd. market (Toronto) or closer to the developed ,you - would ha�e c0untY'Will aid the predominantly1970, 1 have .on the .2nd day .of 24-69-1 1 I Simpson -Sears Ltd. 401 Highway. We have a decided available a nice location with all akricultural economy we all 1i �D�cember delivered or caused to cover the total L.ost quite nicely Topnotch Feeds Ltd. . disadvantage when' it comes . to the services r eady. What does know.";�kb,,b delivered, Assessment Notices - , according to the committee. Pulsifer's Harmony Houseto all owners and tenants in this Iwould.liketothankmyrelatives, As accounts are now due it is R.S. McDonald 1� ,� '***********************************;*********** :.** Renewal . I I"i-egior. I. friends and neighbors who visited hoped that all donations will be Genesco Canada Ltd. * ... -kThe last day for appealing the me, sent cards and gifts during . 0 left at the Toronto -Dominion John M. Munro * �. . . * my stay in Seaforth Community ­ _k * Lsessment is January 7, 1975, Bank this week. Ball McCauley Ltd,, and the assessment roll may be Hospital and since I came• home. stickers Since the last report further Graves Wallpaper Store -kexamined at the Municipal My grateful thanks t6 Dr. Malkus . I donations have �been received Seaforth Medical Clinic�qffices during regular business and hursing staff of the hospital. ' om:Flannery Cleaners� .hours commencing December 18, — Roy Williamson 24-69xl on sale'.fr Stedman's Store' Keatings Rexall Drug Store *,..-I..�,:t..'..*�e. � ... . 1974. . Joseph McConnell Real Estate Robt. E. Eh 1.il'. * I insmore ... I I Starting December 2nd, owners _k I 4,e , , :-,. �,*. V 1 25. In moriam of passenger cars and trailers willV. ardware . . - I ... . . — r.B. G. EASTWOOD incent Farm Supply Crown H ... ASSESSMENT COMMISSIONER Jack &Jill Shop I I.. ;, Awe, - Me Elmer Lattone Stationery * � .; ' 1. ... * —be able to obtain their 1975 -22-69-1 1Seaf&th Meat Market W . 1`4�.. , ...... .I , I ­, A renewal stickers at any of the 296 � * -,..CHAPPLE — In loving memory of * .., .4 ..irectory - .�'A ,23. Bus. D my husband Fred, who left me so licence issuing offices throughout 411 �.. 1 I — suddenly Dec. 3, 1972. the Province.*6 I'This year the validation stickeis If, Its sad to walk the road alone*.�,.. tl),.","I . G. . TNEY for passenger cars will be green ristmasot -,..". ..",. " """I * ". I 11�, .. ..1%,I I It' I .%4:4t Instead of,side by side . colour and those for trailers will . . . ... I � �, .I.. I �. ." 110,�"FUNERAL HOME But to All, there ' comis a in . � 44 . t�w . I-- 0 ". .-. * . *." I ..�.be black. Fees are the same as , ' .I moment , .1 .. When the ways of life divid for 1974: $23, fora4-cylinder . :. r, :.--ich St. W., Scaforth e. * I,87 Godet vehicle; $32. for 6 -cylinders; $40. . , Ycu gave . me years of -kPhone �caforth 527-1390 * erry for some I : N for an 8 -cylinder car and $5. for . ... _. �,23-69-tf happiness * � 1I.4t trailers. -k I ,. , !� ::, . �Then came sorrow and. tears,This is the second year of -the Many people cannot look for- community. * -__-T.,A .1". .JOHN E. LO But you - left me beautiful . .. .. Iniulti-year permit and sticker ward to happy reunions with their Christmas should be a happy * . memories renewal system. families at Christmas. These are time for children. Yet, for many, -k .. ..:� . - I * v OPTOMETRIST I will treasure throughout the Christmas is a time of sadness. 4( . 11 I , .. ,eyears. ."W.ith a view to speeding up the inmates of prisons, the elderly * I I , 41.Perhaps it's because their dreams t11'I,I..—Too dearly loved to ever be service in the licence issuing in nursing homes, the sick in 41***,,.; . *. By Appointment Only offices, simplified renewal appli- hospitals and other institutions haven't come true. They feel that .0. * Seaforth Office forgotten by his wife Mary. I W111cation 'forms containing an which The Salvation Army visits mayb,b Christmas is only, for *4c . Tues. Wed., Thurs.-. Fri, — 25-69xI insurance Aeclaration have been every Christmas to make sure others, not for them. But the�ir -N Nktl *9 to 5:30 P.M. distributed ahead of time to all that those who are so often drearg can come true - for the it * Parents and Friends as a I - 4tII Thursda .'DEVEREAUX — In memory of 4iy evenings ' provincial L.C.B.O. retail outlets forgotten, are remembered on SalvaRion Army, with your help, 41 Newsletter from You III 0 1kMonday only - Clinton Office Anne Marie Devereaux who as well as all licence issuing this special day. can brmg a measure of happiness * ,\14% 4c For Appointment passed away December 9, 1965. This is to encourage For well over 90 Christmases to less fortunate children 49 0 That Son or Daughter * Phone527-1240 or 482-7010 —Always Remembered. 25-69xI offices. '. 41 - I * motorists to fill the forms out now the Salvation Army has been Remember. the joy that we give * Away from Home, ..., _k I .0a.Oft, - -_ 23-69-tf X —In loving before going to the licence bringing little gifts and the to; others is the joy that comes * 0 A Dear Friend or Loved One � " ,� ;�-kI memory DEVERE�f Anne Marie who bureau. .. warmth of friendship into hospi- back to us. * __.. _k� I R. S. BOX .Applicants need just present tals. prisons, old people's homes, it Who Has Moved Away 11. 1 49 �­ passed away nine years ago *4tFUNERAL HOME December 9. 1965. I the licence issuer the completed into all the "dark corners" of life. U* 0 Those Who Are Confined to I itJust a lonely heartache form. together with their muVi- The Army of the helping hand IGHIAt Home or Hospital.49Phones: And ninny a silent teat year permit and fee. The tries to fill that December 25 dateI 149 t_� * .Day 527-0680 - Night 527-0885 Alwaysa beautiful memory of validated permit will be returned with the true meaning and spirit 4C. 23 one together with a validation device of Christhias ... for everyone. THE I 4K -69-tf that the applicant will be instruc- Giving is part of the Cliristmas *. GIVE THE 52 WEEK GIFT THIS CHRISTMASgWe loved so dear. ted to Attach to the rear plate of spirit. That's why the Salvation I * LOU ROWLAND We think of her in silence - * hi's vehicle on top of last year's Army gladly give's its time o itTRANSPORTLTD. And make no outward show., . Ie this holy season ,more i Asticker. . mak' LUNG *THAT'S WELCOMED BY FAMILY AND** But i�hat it means to lose her 491 P.C.V. Class CDF & FS No one will ever know. Deadfine for having the new meaningful to those in need. The . * *... �Orvlhg-Dublln & Seaforth areon ,. — Always remembered and sadly s .ticket- on passenger vehicle homeless one -- the un,wanted one * .. I.,; missed by Father, Mother. .Ll��Tlcc plates is February 28, -- the shut-ins -- the prisoner -*4f 0 Phon634,�-2301 Dlublinanytime. 11CRIPPL49 FRIENDS LIVING AWAY, 19751of"trailer plates. March 31. and yes. -even the families of * 23-69-tf Brothers and Sisters. . 25-69xI , _P .1975. .those incarcerated. Many others.Emphysema Asthma TuberculosisFailure to affix the sticker by too. are greatly helped because . Chronic'Bronchitis Air Pollution w r, . 1ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD, „ the required date is an offence Salvationists every here sense . -,- * ,k xounder the Highway Ttaffic Act. th6 needs of the less fortunate in ., 4C 0 , ft*Watch and Jeweller* & y Repairs many communities. and do some . — We Sell -and Service — IThe thing about it. I * * i While many of us enjoy the*mbI ssI 1�, "'. if 01 J" y 11ke-,6� ,,�P , , wip t F' CCO'' AUTIUU2 I . I ) I f, I having . I .ive , It 11 111c, ' ' c 'I 1,tal oil I � . ,m;'�'­ . * Arrange a Subscription Now by WE SEND A LOVELY I .. � warmth and love of family and ;; 4t I 0 . .. * a I BULOVA -ACCUTRON -WATCH-ES Huron Expositor friends at Christmas time. tlr. 49 Dropping in to the Office GIFT CARD WITH , i I . I I * 1�1 lonely and unwanted do not have * .1: . : . : , , . * , I — 3 Store.,; — 11 YOUR COMPLIMENTS 1. i! - this privilege. But they are not , '. * . . I .* ' I , 41 ­­�­ 4F SEAFORTH — CLINTON — WALKERTON WANT-AI)S forgotten, for the men and women I , . . — . q i- , I Of the Salvation Army love and I 1 * ,* . , I Phone 527-0240 t ... � *,# *,* , , ,i: *",!" . I 23 -69 -if care for the less fortunate, in our p . 4