HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-12-05, Page 3'y.
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r�cciate Gln thank `fou *ter ,�ji��r :qtr# i I.
ivlost f us eel that" the 's e d '� b,`'.' I
o t ..P, p. those who request her servicer,; bptwben hvma.a beings, .l�trs; ;i
And intensity of'rnodern"%ifs Puta Mrs. Hinz a ws w.oman who ;Binz sa s ' er or stTesse : Yep 0ay,a , ihafl `fit tt�eaoY».
y added'`stiresses into all .of ttr , Y rmarriage
u a'
Q lives with her husband aid family ttaditianal marr age,roles
' es. `These stresses' seem io,
on a farm near Clifford., 0Ys that and as people `face .someflme
aggravate. ;the normal problem$ the biggest part other {job as a hostile and insetting situations in
�!< that, peoplA have when they 04 counsellor is to help ;people their lives but once a couple can , �D �.A N p
with each other• communicate with each • other. talk to each other about these
Quarrels .and real difficulties
Poor communication; the inability things they can help each other y ""
between husbands and wive$# to talk truthfully and listen. to over hurdles.
parents ant& children anal., $ P each other,, she finds is, at the root Communication is what Mrs.
s grandparents are nothing, new,. of most marriage and family Hinz tries to improve as she talks
What is new, at least in rural
problems. to a couple' or a mother and
�y areas, is that trained She also tries to show people . daughter or a husband and wife
a� a professionals are available when
P that their circumstances can be and warring in-laws.
�y1,4,people in difficult family looked at in different was Successful marriage
.. „ y g
situations feel that they really After all' she says, You Fi, counselling does not always mean
>, xy for
need to turn to an .outsider Ht�'� � say a glass is half empty, or that putting a fractured marriage back
,� q t help. it's half ,full." together again. Sometimes
Traditionally, the old time Often one partner in a marriage couples decide, after a great. deal
€ r"
family doctor and the mueli•""''wi11 approach Mrs. Hinz for help. of soul searching ,that the best
r �sypc respected minister of the local She will see just the husband or thing they can do is to get a
church did family counselling and wife but likes to see theouple divorce.
dt id �
f h they did it very well. But these together at least once and then There is, probably not more
1 , 5 K days medical doctors have little continue separate Pounsel 'ng. trouble between couples now than
time to help their patients work But people have been abl to there ever was but these days
-out family problems that don't work out. marriage, difficult s people want help and talk about
revolve ,around an illness or even if their net refire s their problems rather than
disease. And many people have counsellin rs. Hinz says suffering in silence, Mrs. Hinz
1. HOME MADE WARES! — Teresa Van Dooren, Mary Hak, Diane Van Dooren, loosened their, connections to So ietim they just need feels.
Alt churches to the extent that they someon to• talk to. Mrs. Hinz says she sees people
Ingrid Hoste and Anne Marie Wilson look at a bag -for sale at the C.W.L. bazaar don't know a minister who they It i difficult, she says, to tom all walks of life and of all
Saturday afternoon at St. James' SCh001. A large Crowd did Christmas Shopping at can rely on for help in working out esti ate how many of the people es. "They are just average
the annual bazaar. (Staff Photo) a personal problem. she has counselled in her two and p ple". She has counselled
Those doctors and ministers a half years on the job have co pies in their fifties as well as
who do counselling have helped worked out their difficulties you married ole.County needs i n - many people. Some seem to have satisfactorily. "It's up to them to So etimes she will see whole
a knack for providing an decide that and what they see as ilie ogeth in their home to
°D g satisfactor might not be what 1
understanding ear and Y g get ani c ients y to day
• constructive suggestions. Very see." life situa
rota d b u da et cYo m m i tte� sa S few until . recent years were It is part of Mrs. Hinz' job to 1 The social worker, who holds a
trained to do -counsel. People help people workout their own Master's Degree from the School '
Residents of Huron County can
sufficient funds were available we
forecast of bridge construction. •
who didn't know a doctor or
solutions to problems. I can
of Social Work associated with Sir `
look forward to an increase in the
could rebuild every gravel county
All were approved by members.
minister who could help them
confront them with what their
Wilfred Laurier in Waterloo, goes
1975 road budget if 'Present
road in the county in the next five
Top priority 'for road
Probably _suffered in silence and
behavior is doing to others
back to university one night a
indications are correct, andO
years.But since 'the provincial
construction was County Road 19
�-'made the best of it".
perhaps", she says, and show
week for consultations, with a
chairman of the Huron County
share is' fixed at contributing
between Ethel and Highway 86
' In the cities government
them how they can change
teacher there who is tops in his
Commi Joe Dietrich has
about 60 percent of the. cost
for a distance of six Miles
agencies have stepped into the
destructive behavior patterns.
field. He is her counsellor and
I warned t ere cou consequently
toward nine percent of our road.
($360,000 estimated cost); County
breech, offering family
But the will to change always has
sounding board and helps her
"be an increase in th mill rate for
construction deficiences each
Road 30 between Lakelet and
counselling but it might come as a
to come from the people involved,
work out ways to better approach
road purposes in ron in. ,th'e
year, the county would have to
Clifford for a distance of 5.6
surprise to some of our readers
the .social worker says, and she
the people she works with.
new year.
raise ,the balance at the local
that the services of a qualified
emphasizes that there are no
Mrs. Hinz has about 30 cases
A " We haven't increased the
($300,000); and County Road 1
family counsellor are available to
magic solutions:
It back to
open right- now and says that is
county monetary share of our
"In other words, many projects
between Benmiller and Carlow-'
all of us, free of charge in Huron
all comes good
about the right number. She sees,
budget for four while
would be complet ed without a
for. a distance of 3.5 es
and Perth.communication.
people an average of eight to
years mostand
of our costs have increased by 60
Provincial contribution and would
` ($275,000.).
Lois Hinz • is. a quietly
honest, caring relationships
ten sessions,
i percent and more," Reeve
require us to raise an additional
The first three items on a long
competent counsellor who works
Dietrich reported to council. "If million dollars over the next resurfacing list are County Road out of the Wingham office of the L.•:...�•• .�.- x�
we are to mount any meaningful
five years or 2.4 million- per 25 between Highway 21 and Ministry of Social and Community~w~.v to the new
year," the chairman said. "This Carlow (3 miles . - $88,000); Services. She drives between 500
construction program we must THANK YOU council
have more money."is more than three times the County Road 5 from, -,Mount and 700 miles every two weeks,
j amount we levy now and would ),Carmel westerly (5 miles - V2 of seeing clients in their homes all
1 "We feel sure that some increase our road levy to 43.3 $120,000 as it is a boundary road); over Huron and in parts of Perth. t 1.. would Ilk* to thank the voters of Hullstt for
councillors will be disappointed mills from the present 10 mills - and County Road 1 from Carlow
t P project Y p ( Mrs. Hinz says that her work is allowing me to be • p
that some articular ro'ect is not obviously not tactical or to Lucknow 14.5 miles - $360,000 g part of their 'township Council
divided with roughly one third of
scheduled as early as they would possible." In other business, council g Y t during the next two years. Compliments of The Season
like or for that matter isn't fisted Long range plans for road approved a recommendation from her time spent on marriage
t at all," the chairman went on to construction and resurfacing were the Committee of. the counselling, one third counselling To Everyone
, , 1•, ;
report. "We can only say that if presenCed` fd'icodnciit as well as a Management o Huronview to- single parent families and one
counselling troubled GREG BRANDON
have $xetePharmacy Lfd.,. families, single Peo le
Exeter,} ,supply all drugs for
Huronview Home for the Aged; teenagers.
% ....— .... —^---------^-^-^--1
t t learned that 306 persons are now People come to Mrs. Hinz for
You re invited either residing or registered at ¢� help through various channels. j
Huronview where the capacity is R, They can call her themselves at
The Seaforth Women's gifts, value $1.00. Lunch, Mrs. 310-(27 more applications have the Ministry of Social and
institute will hold.tlieir meeting at Lorne Lawson, Mrs. Graham been approved for persons who Community Services 'office in See
the home of Mrs. Bruce Coleman Kerr, Mrs. Elmer Cameron, Mrs. are waiting for admittance to the Wingham (357-3370) or they are
December 10 at 8:15 P.M. Mrs. John Hendersoh. , home)-; approved . a Social referred to her by doctors, local '
Earl Papple• and Mrs. Ross Hospital Auxiliary members Services Committee report which health units or lawyers. Mrs.
Gordon in charge. are invited to attend a Pot Luck provides an increase from $7.25 Hinz said she has been getting aLOUS DISCOUNT
Supper for their Christmas to $8 per day for Victorian Order number of referrals from lawyers
Mrs. Ali Farag will speak on meeting at the Hospital on Nurses and rates of $3 per hour recently who see people with a
customs of her country. Roll call, Tuesday at 6:30 P.M. and are for in -town visits and $3.40 per marital problems.
the first Christmas -gift I asked to bring a favourite food, hour foo• out-of-town (over five There is no charge for Mr.s For
remember getting. .Motto. - A their own plate and cutlery and a miles return), visits made by Hinz' services; the Ministry pays`
Christmas program. Exchange of small gift. Certified Visiting Homemakers. her to act as a counsellor to all
00 WPh�i�.
Paw CAR.
SANTA would be happy to deliver the goodies in
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