HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-01-26, Page 5Jr't
The quavers 'vMonacil met :in the
t Bowra hall, `.!"eeswattetr, Jan. 1 rich, INSetd:,
at 11 o'alonli at, to„acoordiug to s'tutute,
Members aid present, The statattoP7'
declaration •df erataali6eatiou mot 'aal ce
wits Indlkittid •$ubeoribed to by .Jes.
W6iwoet uslReere; Henry Aleintsay,
es .Deputy -.barrio; Win. Reid„ ,Fetor
Kautz and .Jut. Johuaton, as r( tru,r,leil,
lora. The $,teevte then took tlaritnlna,ir,
lYiinut4d of last meeting of t(Jtaytacil
Were read •aYndi.approved.
Reid--•Jedieston—That a chegueo he
issued in favor of the Townsla.ipiCiork
for $60, to pay the Deputy-R•etueniug
officers and ',polling booths„ etc., in
counectiot3 ,vr4th the taking •of voile
Plebiscite /048—Carried.
Reid J ohneton—That Mesas. tA4'31e1.,
wood and I ackay be a committee to
appoint the,6twnding Committees for
the year e, O4-•-Oarried.
Report•ofrcotnnttttoe to strike .+the
Standing .Committees, : We, ,,your
committee, would recommend that:the
members ofatlte several committees be
the same ata last year: J,itrada and
Bridges—Tata whole Council, Welwood
chairman., ?t Finance -.-Kuntz, 11I'>,eid.
and Johtastau,iteid chairtnan..Sohools
and Education—Welwood r1 d:Kuntz,
Kuntz chairman. Printing—•Wel.wood,
Johnston and Mackay, iMaokay:obair,-
man. Petitions and By-Laws-..Wel•.
Wood, Kuntz and Reid, Ii,ta,ntz: chair•
man. ?assessment—.The whole,
Gil, VTelwood. chairman.
Reid—doltuston—That she deport
of the t;o.nrmittee to app.oiaait rthetand
ing Committees, as just preseutelle be
Maaka,y- ,,eid—That 'mine ,Reeve,
and Mr. Zohustoii wait upota:Ghe,'1"ees-
water Ootantill this evening, and try to
get a settlement of the dtfaculty•attoout
the intertestr.en the Teeswater detwene
Johnei on- Reid—That eke I: euvn.
ship Clerk send for seven ceopies •of,the
Municipal 1VJorld, the same as .carat
Reid—Kuntz—That the ,ealaricat of
the differentypaid officers for ttlie•year
1894 be as follows: Ckarts, �;$l.!1A0;
Treasurer,;; Assessor.:iw+<rfl;tOoltec-
tor, $50, estithotat extras, maid :that ,the
PrintingQio nreittee have nattse6t0ant-
1', ed and put tupathat applications fote,t.he
aaove offiees mill be received +anoloiCp-
pointments •auaade at next ,generJI
meeting of Ocriericil, 10th Feb;
cations to belie not litter the .l..o;vl.ezk
p. rn.—Oartued.
Mackay—J3uuotz—That the' kGree4
and ace which of theta he eau make
the hest terrors with fent the benefit of
the toweeltl l -•.•.tarried,
�VeIwo od--,Tohatttatr-.-That Mrs.
Taugher be wade the .10.030 grant to
help, her tnitintain,heo family as else
received in the tyearin93, and paid in
the an manner a.uutil otherwise
ord ertd,--••Clat•ri ed.
John at iI un :-+That the Fin -
once report, :as.•readotet adopted--..Oar-
The followingaurcoiints were ordered
to be paid, wiz:: ,qa omas Hughes, re-
pairing etmlesert,elot i27, con. 6, $4 50 ;
bars, Taugher, aid as permotiou of
council, $22; ,A,'G•,oStewart, printing,
$13 50 ; ).,i& 11...If.i Id, spike uails,80c,
R. N. T11urtell,•atati,euery,&o., $4.95 ;
Bart & Rideal, et•ationeryt &o., $4.67;
R. E. Lucio, taxes,erefunded, $1.50;
Township ,sheik, •;delivering ballot
boxes, $2.; Wewneleip cleric, expenses
of Plebiscite vote, 4 60 ; Township
clerk, Maiiiciptil World, $5.50.
Mackay---Reid—'flirt the clerk
send the following petition : To the
Honora(aleteihe cf,leglalature Assembly
of tin Province of x]tario, iu Parlia.ii
went assembled. .ir!'he petition of the 1
corporation. of the •,mutaieips1 con t!
of the ipe•wnship•of Culross hum bag
showed]: That. there being no Mttdzi..J
eipal election+h•eld+•,in the `Township •ot
Cuirass,u,pon Monday, the 1st Jan.l
1804, tile ,council,ubeing returner( by
acclamation, eand•,as the Municipality'
was put •totthe expense of taking ra vote,
ou the proh•ibitioutgt::estlon, wht.eh was;.
no a •rnuialetpaltqueetion, but a Gov-:
erntetat •ryptaaetion, we humbly petitia»E1
that clot Ci,vern.maarrt.allow this -19aarui
cipairty tlreemnaraut•expende:! in Wyllie
said vote-,,GArried. 1.
Kuntz—i,1rLaor.ay--•That this Board
do cow :ttt'lis,uru to meet ag•aina ,U:n
Saturda ',, the i1.Othro''X` F eb.,at the boor
of 10 ta'a lolctl:vit, m,.+.cis•, at the trail texf
`the Reeds -•!Married.
rCilns.a urrov, Clerk.
The semiud: n eetipg,..of the (Juirnsa Art -
meeting. Members all present. Seoretary
in chair. Minutes of last monthly meet-
ing were woad and •edepted, when it was
moved by Messrs. Allison aud McKague,
that iteltert E.,Littlay be President of the
Company rfor d8"•4,-••t,Carried.
R. If..'tdittle--Ts n-MolXague - That
Thomas ,,Alison a•bet'Vice-President of the
Companytfor1i•894.- i arried.
Mr, &Attie •having taken the chair,
1lessrs, Bison and KoKague moved that
Aiax• A,demaou••be »appointed. Secretary.
Treasurer 'for ;J89.4,'•saylary, duties and
securities tto 'be:tbc ^same as iu 1893.—
A, tlison--Mngagr,e-That this Board do
now a$3ouru•tot.encetagain in Teeswater
town haU,on theda'at'Saturday of January,
at oislock p. n. -'--Carried.
ilnsz..ADAMBarQ, Seeretary.
d •adv 'tn :Get.r+i'.W5unlight" Platae.
Se11(145 "Sunliglit"Soap wrappers wrap-
eler bearing the words" Why Does a Woman
Look•C1d SoonerlThan a date) to Lever. ;laxa'time ;pin0441os embraced .in the
Bros vTytd 43 S¢att St T d
nc ,
iculturei :Soceaty Avas theld is Teeswater
on the 11>th remit. :The ',auditors' reports
was receire.d.atrd :,acceptod. It showed a;
balance ori ahadd,oflaNd.n10. Officers werea
elected asfollraws:iJ'rea.;iMr. It. Jr.. Little;
Vice -Pref,., 1 r..A. M¢.K.e ; Treas.. Air. I
W. Little; ,!,brie„ ,.Mr. •4.; B. 1Tirkland;
Directors, Ylueeists, H: GillLes, Jas. Ballagh,
D. Ireland, W. r'II. .Jereit', Chae. Steele,
Alex. Alcliagus, W. •Mafia, Jo,. Bothe
and A. 1iehiomlay. ;It ewes resolved to
limit the n.urnber ,of ,,admission tickets
given. to nieaevbexata Ito; two-1',The matter of
Brings cotnff:'rt and improvement and
tends tto perst,li;t'i e1oymont• when
rightly used. The rimy., who livo,bet-
ter than others 'ait4 •o, m joy •l i f o more, with
fess `expesxliture, ed
by more promptly
adapting the vorld'u 'beet preducts to
the nueas,of ;phtasicttl ,boing, will attest
the 'value :1 het.:3ilt .0f the pure liquid
•, ., - ., oronto, atiII yob;0I11e 6t')i'
will receive by pest a pretty picture, free d5`''Syn uP
from udvertlsilrg,e.i�d well worth fra niug.. trx oseelleneri'is duo to ita-presentirtg
'Thiele an easy way to decorate yearltoraee. tile 'form accopttb'.e'aud;pleaa-
'c.Ohe•enap is tne.best iu the market aud it .alittoitho•.bastr.,'therefreshing and truly
will otilycost.one.cent postage to send the ihunefidaal •pr;r erties of to ,perfect •1ax-
,the •wreppers, fif,vxou leave the earls 'opazm.-, t;,.,• •ail • ,' .
ri ,rite,,,,, -your '
W tn, 'address carefully. a �,o , .ef£eett....,ly.ele anstr,t� the system
'dirpolling:colds, .headaclws and •fotsare
. 9'adericlh- I and'porman+e+ttly curing :constipation.
The piers of the dock are to be, ex.: It;ha,stiven+xsattisfactionttoiniillionsatnd
ttended and a large number •ef sq.uxrrel met with 'the 'uppruvdl:rif'the •medical
timber•has been hauled for Must haair- ofossion,•thecause.it oats 'ori .the:Xid-
• °I. d J3 1 ' itl
,pose. ,.•A number of nrvaa rime at ureide,:iteys, ..ive c.an • owe s,a tont weal.-
mingthem/aid it is paifeetly free;i•,rom
.in.therdook building new piers, w,liacdai ;yar,.y,objeCtio.,able substance.
krill itis towed -oat iu spring.. 'Syrup of Figs is fui:sale by'all-iirug-
iRev. ,Dr. MofTatt, who aaep esen•ts'rgistn:in1ii;c.•bottles,:.!tut it is.manu-
the iU,, per. Canada Tract Society,, paid! ffaotnred ii the California Fig ''Syrup
Alis annual visit to Goderach last wee,k,.l nckalle, whose name e io rSyzup of every
Fe s
IThe;.I,tGMraru Society in ersul¢ecGi`'"; and being well informed, you *El not
•with th.e•Coldegicate Institute 'Meati d,t,r1'Acceptany eubstitute.if.nffered.
(regular meeting- on Friday •eateniuj;; .
'last. EThereewes a large tvatrterella,ncroarhere ou:'Snnday last ,:Mr .:Dyke being
and a good . meeting. The repair oyes away to .Durham.
occupied by the. new precedent, Mr, ` The social :heldeat bar. fliaylor's,
i-1oieerlBussi•11. .The proatr>.itn•n con -Fon Thursday evening, was a success
rsiated of readings, recitations, i.wstr.u- riinancially.
iuontalarnusic and vocal music by tht-9 TherI.tO.,rJ. T„ of this ,prate, held
efcilee Oleb. •IVI•to.Strata;, L. A, tool a•meeting on ,Saturdecy night, when
,i barge ethe,queatiou drawer in a veryll•oficers were elected' for quar-
r>;able manner. • linter•. "Four members were 'initiated.
Rev,.G,eo.alto,Adaat , D. „D. join 'oyster supper tis.a thing of the
_lubu'r•ndale, masa., iter. "r re- IFnoer:future.
,coin mend ve• siren
tray cese.t has : •rov
,tient; whenr.I Co
giwe roller it
By actual count we have only 13
MANTLES left. These we are board'
to clear befor Stoc .Ta k u . $7 ones.
now $4,50. $10 ones now$6.75, &c.
loeSpecial values in. Overcoats, Furs and Mena
Best value in Dress Goods in town. 20 dozen
Silk Handkerchiefs bought at 50c. on the S.
Special value in all Goods for 30 days before
Stock -Taking.
Rospectl ully yours,
LaF JJ ( o, .tor
sOmr large stock of Christmas Goods has just been received, and is suitable •
for aflparties, old or young, consisting of
(hand painted,)
al lit I al's is altogether likely that the new urge Assortment of ANNUALS
oyi jp. `x,9917
nd uotbiogelse�to t'builtl;this coediyterien nursummer, 'wrll not be ? Consisting of Leisure Hours, Sunday at Hotne, Boys' Own, &c., &c.
prompt remedy.ip,o. on miti daseatii faation Illns verut, towir>� to sotto ! ,Itahave a larger stoeit this year than -ever before and desire the public to calf
.should be, un- ' .trig to be without it. r e ,p posed nnidtsee it before purchasing elsewhere, as it is no trouble to show goods.
!Free sample Moiled to any address,': ti1.aiou'becaaeen 'BeilIcave and Calvin,
-all. C. t41o.,aLtr1.,;,New Glasgow, N. MutWawanoah The !,tante , it is said,
S,, and 1d .State St., L'oatou, Mass.lies enaife+v of the the inbers tvfso have
been trying, to manage. Affit ti's for the
ooh Council •b t d .puwt ,tv, e.
a4{',^.t1ues ( to ate th
timber ou road actllowanee, Qareenool
securing grounds.aud.•enarutina a building
u a,.wtre discussed and
and as ;bou,isdary,oppoeitefints. trt,r,, a cotamittee
for exhibition Ipue•poseeuuaistittg:: cfte:lleaars.
22 anndd 23, .ileal -dead the a.oatiuG nal -t Little, D. A. Ireland andilt..l. Hiscox was
pended opposite sa•.id lots, awl matt '' appointed to saonre,ia:tfornnatiou respecting
s the owners of dote 25, 26 and :2r7..oh :
a l;rourds, etc.
cnotitied to brise their fences atsuaaveed"
oft road allow,anees; the Olerk Ito •send^, •
a copy of thisrc�aotiou to (; rrlt'natal;%
The Annual General.ineeliis g of item -
a •bene of the Ualrwse,aliittnalrlhre• Iusurauce
rjConucil-0e.r bled.. '
Tietd—Jolaerataa —That the$tLeestaa3, pauy was bald in�tbe�tawc.; hall, Tees-
r+aengage tate use >.-of the hall for •this "water, lath Jocundly,. J1804. 'Rotel: Clark,
t'Council for the year 1894 front :the 'Esq., President .aaf .the .company, iu the
fanunieipality .of seawater, on ,tate' tuhttir. The minaa,tes,of,last,mwetiug read ,
•came terms as float year, viz., $4.(9•—',taud adopted. The earditors awe request-
tDsrrit,d. • • .ed to bring iu their,retpor<t,of„trhe state of 1
a Johnston— Kuntz-. — That Robert
of the Oone,paay.for,the,;year 1898.
Watson he appointee! Auditor oo audit;.W,esars McRae and Watson ,thele gave a.
the Treasurer's .ltu;nkv and aCcotente datatl statement of rmue(pts sutt , expoudl-
for the year 1894..ala- to look over ,titres for the year andoeported,,us follewe;
the.Collector's roti stair the same year, •"Lir•viug made a careful .iuveati;,w,tiou into
:and that the salatry •of' the Auditors lee! ;the affairs of the Compan•y.,aa-shown iu the
48eeitch; and that atay-Law he drawn' oe=etory —Treasurer's,booke,,we„ttad that
p rconfiruliutt ureic appoiutineut ,at tine audit of 1892, theeeinpuitr,;carried
'Care -:ed, ,ou fig polioiea a risk sutaatntiva ,bo , ,$70ti,-
:Mac kay---Reid---Jzi,ttaieudment,that..9,73„ et 31st Dec. 1893, we .ilud.tberd are
. the Auditors be paid th l..euru of $8 each •541,pp1iciea, with a rusk .vt , 1f,JQ7,; we
!for auditing the Treasneer's boolta,also„hud4orrect vouchers for .emery ,e4.peudi-
to leaf: aver the Cnateeter's roll, and, tura- We raw deposit reaai,pts.for $855
*hat .lex, Adainaou be appointed iu .the.•,Bank of Hamilton, ::,t Win, barn ;
ataditor•- Amendment tlr$. 'eve.al.w,ayu saw bank book showing „that
*'Ike-;.leeve appointed .tJ•uhu McRae there nuts 0500 lying to the credit .of the
for tdaeeother Auditor. Cowpayy iu the Yost OMce Ss.vitog l eek,
Maelizy--Kuntz—Tat Joe. John- Teeakvator; we counted cash in xreatiar,er's
Sten, Wain, Reid, Peter It 1intz and halide 0.1,10.65, this being the ceLreat .Rayl-
Jos. V`Jelwood, chairman, with Dr. once reputred by cash book. We ,alta
(fillies as.Me..lical Healtlatirltlicer, be a that the ,premium notes in Treasurer's
Board of !Health for the year 1894— custody ygrecd with the amounts entered
Carried. iu policy :regiuter. 1Va fiud the sum of
Reid —Kuntz—That R. E,1Little be 6.75 unpaid of levy of 1892. This, wp
refunded $1.50, thele beiog,an error think, shoardd be written off as bad debt.
in his taxes to that amount—t0arried. (Staled) • • Joxii MORAS, 't
Mack1ay—untz - That day -Law hoar, WArso.%. ?.
N. 1 of :89(1, basin„ a 13y -Lary for
Nowinatioas for Directors wore called
theuppointtu.nt of Auditors, be now
read a first, second and third tune, for in room tet George Artnetrong and
passed, eigned and sealed—Carried, Robert L. Litk. r, who retire by rotation
Eunt:t— NIaCxtrty -- That By -Law at this date. It was moved and seconded
No. 2, Appointing a I3otttd of Health
John Ilfcifr.•gus cud Alex,bleHague
,for the`yeat' 1894,.104 note read /oirak, be Directors for tate eusuine,three years;
isecoud and third time, passed, stgltrral there being no other nominations for these
rbtatd Healed --Carried, appointments, the said two gentlemen
Jollnstou—Ruidhat by-law No.
rwere declared elected for the ensuing three
4, being by-law appointing Road Conn- years. Mr. Andrew MoKague having
lniat:ioners, are now •read n first, second tendered his resignation as 1')ireetor, thus
aud third time, paiteald, signed and necessitating the eleetioli 01 two Directors
sealed --Carried. for it term of two years, it was mowed And
Reid--7Cuutz---That by-law No. 5, seconded aud carried unanimously that
heir g as lea -law eencelling the bond of Robt, E. Little and Thomas Alliaou be
Pette tlr,aut end others' hu now read elected Direotora for two year froth ditto
a first, second and third tuna, 'mord, The bhairmau thou declared the annual
Illgned and sealed• --•(harried, meeting closed.
•We1wood—Johnytoi .— That the ' The Directors met as per resolution,
! ttI,t&urtr call oil tilt - several bake1 itnmedirlg4ly utter The Attie at uncurl
Wife Atoara .ltzaarlcets.
Al on tread. .1 an. :..'7,3.—Th ere were
about 550 'head of llas,tcllers' cattle, 20
calmer and 1g00.sheep ..offered at the
Ertot End ,alabatolr. , The butchers
were present ,in .large numbers, and
trade was fib . Xiteekest cattle sold
at &stout 4c per ;pound., ..with pretty
rood ,stock ,trout .3:: oto 32c. and
common and ?inferior beasts at from
2c to:3c, per 1pouuil. 1lhi're was au
attire demand rftr;good calves, as. all
the heat 'reale wore thought up before market.reachin; thearket. s rices ranged
from a. '•3 to $10 ,each. eG;ood lambs
were in dewa nd, •and ,a „picked lot
wero sold at $$4.2111 per iiQO pounds,
the common and liaefeuior mutton crit-
ters are dill i f as!a a;tteasisr, rates. Fat
hogs coutiliee to mef at about. 51c per
East Buffalo,„ Jan. 28 —
Cattle—Oefferings .d cars. Toronto
exporters bought tate yeetordaly after-
noon all the choices s:etaelc,cot disposed
of in the day market, paying $4 75
to $4 90. The lots ,ort, sale ,to -day
were gr,nerally thin, .steers selling at
; 3 10 to $3 40, with better,quakities at
$3 50 to $3 90.
Sheep and Larnbs--Einda-teenteure of
yesterday's offerings and 12 ,care:,fresh
were on sale to -day. •Of this quant.
icy 9 cars were Canada lambs. Th.eastern inarkete continue bad and
speculators who have been buyacig
here have been badly nipped. Tradeis practically ate. standstill and with-
out prospect's of on improvement un-
less there comes at speedy change of
weather, which rhes far has been t000
sumtnery for trade. Best Canadas, : be %hire
a$4 75 to $4 90. The bulk of the • •.
,offerings were unsold at the close.lc
Hogs—Fourteen earn on sale. Mar- as Snob,
'llowle tt.
The liig,wiok Agricultural Society
held their,atanual meeting inatbe town
hall, GGorrit:,•on the trill islet. The
society is in a tlouri,chcrag condition
although the mousy ou hand is not
quite as large a, last year. The fid.
lowing are the utii.srrs for the corning
year: Jno. Ktitiie, Pres.; J. H.-.John-
etou, V. P., Peter Tia piusta�►1., St•c.•
Treas.; Direetore—Alex. Rohert•ton,
Jas. Bell, Sinn', Johnston, B. 19. Wal.
Ince, Rich, lstutchart, John Stewart,
Robt. Harding, Jas. Perkins and Wm.
Evans. Auditors—J. Donaghy and
Andrew Wilson. The semi-annual
meeting will be held m Fordwich on
the fitat batni•d,ay in July, to revise
the prize est, end Al ti'bi'a to other bnai-
tlese In the il,••'r•.'4 ,if 'l ll +o.uety.
B7 SP/ICS-Vs ,,,li, a) TO
APPOINTMENT., '.;;+; .•. rxx71, M: uz'S!
co -`-p venni' rots G vv,'%CTule oun:zor
Jo 000000
Linen to
ket actiye and higher. Yorkshires,
$5 80 to $5 85 ; good to choice pigs,
$5 85 to $5 90.
Ori 17th inst., Miss Maggio Bran-
don, of Belgrave, was 'married to D
McKay, of Harolds, Manitoba. The
::carriage took place at the residence
of the bride's mother, Mrs. M. J3ran-
don. Rev. J. 1.1. Dyke perforated the
ceremony, Miss Mcllwaiu was brides-
maid attd 1,Ir. 141. Brandon, greonls•
Mr. Sid. E'errit,r, aline Rio!, return-
ed home from Michigan lath week.
cause SU`tLIGHT
ol9.tj is per:aculy pure,
sod omit dna no luauri-
And +•l ouateals to injure
Either your clothes or
. your hands. Greatest -
rnre Is exercised in its -
uuanr.Caeture, and its
qusli+ty is so appreciated
ey the public that it has
the Largest S,,le of any
soap M the World.
Can you test chit? It
you hallo nnvor tried
those who use it what
they think of i', taxon try
it for yourself, The re-
sult will },lcuso yon and
your clothes will bo
washed in far loss time,
with Less Labour,
Greater Comfort, and
will bo wlaiterthan they
have over boot lr ,fort,
when you used ordinary
TV AL t0 not the. boat way to.de.
he e
experience is of those
who already use It.
• se S ndl a fair
o0 by trial
oOurself. Youare not
lninittod inanywa
to tree the soap; all we
ask 1st Don't Delay, try
it' the next wulhing dry.
Mr, Maitland tlailoy roturnea to , imimme
Detroit hot week.
Mr. J. 11 Hunter, of S'unwhhno,
preached in the Methodist obutt'nh
Prices as Low as the Lowest,
i Titie:.Popular Bookstore, Wixigham.
0 1) s
—AND --
'leafy, para bit*
Next Eight Days,