HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-01-26, Page 4THE WIN AM JANUARY 26, t894. • ILL v , prolatueci; for hiwself a herculean CettOxt tletiision, I was Again appointed the other auditor such ae Hercules himself would tremble The tollowiag were appointed a. cont- ° by the Reeve, 0.171.WIIST arf:x DR*CfS ACT.(1.14. W. TLE a !i ), 'ao app. tiri€nsw€alt House. W Biggam, - - - Out c.#fix t :!fly`:jl' F1{ID;:Y. JANUARY 20, 184.4. EDITORIAL NO t'ES, Soue t I•Iurou Patrons have nominated Mr, S. M. Sanders, of Stephen, for the Ontario Legislature. a A New cable is to be Jaid between Ire- land and Newfoundland, at a cast of £450,000, Until era r is to have a soup kitchen, the distress iu the, city malting it a necessity. Tie United States House of Repre- sentatives has placed sugar and coal on the free list. Taos 11, TAYLoi , Reeve of East Wawanosh,waselected Warden ot Huron couuty, at the meeting of the County Council, on Tuesday last. 4142Y SOLICITOR ()ASWELL, of Toronto, has notated the Mayor that the clay council's resolution reduaiag tbe salaries of civic employes is illegal on various grounds. `.Cite Dominion Government have de. °idea to manufacture binder twine at } the Kingston penitentiary, and have Iet the contract nt putting in the necessary :`machy iner Aoco.DING to Auditor Barrington of, he World's Pair Exposition Company, the disbursements have bean $26,746,420, ,and he estimates that the stockholders will receive 10 cents on the dollar. Tae Dominion Government have do- hded not to disallow the act passed by she Legislature of the Northwest Terri - =dries, which ant practically abolishes the eparate sehoola therein,and substituting berefor a public school system like that low,ln -once in Manitoba, Ort February 9th a convention of tlemen interested in read reform and improvement of our public highways 11 be held iu the building of the Cana. Institute, 58 Richmond street east, roamA large attendance from die- ent parts of Ontario is expected, a0oCrTY JUDGE MAoDOU43AtL, of To- tto, iu delivered an important jud nt, to other day, in connection with the isessment appeals of the Consumers' as Company, ot Toronto, and a number ' insurance companies. The general est, of the judgment is to add over (k:0 to the assessment of the city to establish the principle that gas t: . tuns and the protniuws�reuetred by life .suranes companies are assessable. to uudertake It luny, however, teach . witted, vie; e. Were. Au4ereon, A bicolor gloved by Mr. McCowan, seconded by :air John the valuable teepee that the . nod Harrison, to Ybdt the four congress- Mr. Robertson, that John Anderson, sr,. true envie of ltotitiebi economy la »on- i tions•--Langside,. Whitinefuroh, Ent be twain appointed As$e8ser for the !s averted, or If too late to tuterferenon, and the only sate-udjwattng I Wuwunosh, and Belgravo, to elicit inter- current year, salary 835 --Carried, looter of de Tenn mei supply. Give no, motion as to re-arnatizatian of field and Board of health for 1804, the Reeve avert It It Is often curod And bounties, retake equal lam, secure life i to call a avoid treating of Presbytery it and Clerk, 'Walter 1110G°wain :laves Ma- 2Ir,]rays relieved by and property, and )on need give no sluts, i necessary. Callum. and James McGee, con. 10. ; Dr. nett thins, under fre`r,untranrtueloU trade, i Oonclitioutrl arreogenueuts were trade X. D1u 9h, Bolgrnve, reedicaI health • property rushee froth the idle aria the' for the 'Wootton of Ur, Verde. Mr. officer. , it 9 L ' to,bt•eiie to the Ind t...trioue, the !}rave Bose to preauh, Air. Rose to address the A joint petition from Thomas Stt•augil- and the capable. 1 reirtieter tied Mr. Murray the people. an, con. 2, and others asking for the Tun a.elbouroe (Auatreliel Ii euecnI0% J L 111 , 1 , navy was nominated formation ofa new ee top sendoff from t „ r r CONSUMPTIQN 1BARK(10 a$WAN���RK deieeesicw the proposed promotion .i�loderutor of the. next, Synod et Handl- -fonts of Union No. 5, ITutlett, East reel nyleSi of ttado by means of ' b tax- ton Sud. London. West \Vnwunesh, Union No, 0, East and i atiun oft the other, 8ay:�Cnnudn'a ' The W. P. 411, Society will woke their West Wawauosh, and S. S. No. 10, was I Miuirtter of b'inance, hinns elf a protea- own selection of speakers in copneution received, when it was resolved that Pin -,1 tlauiat, manes to us to open up trade re- with the presentatiuu of their annum (.lay ,9nde:san, of Belgrave, be appointed i lations, while ho advo;utes protective report to the I'reeeytery. !arbitrator in this mattee ou behalf of the 1 duties -to tedium the trade relations of ; .t1r. Anderson gave uotiee of wotiou to 1 towuship of East Waw,tnosh, James T. 1 ' MS t;ouutry with Great Britain. Yet, re-constdor, at a special meeting, the I Bell, lot 36, con. 5, was present, applying one the exception of bather, there is resolution passed lust Narita regarding for some assietanco -for Gila f:unily of r nothing exported from Canada that we. the bolding of a cauference OR the 'aeon- !George Coats, reaident on lot 31, con. 4, , can buy; while, at the salvo time, there l dny•previous to next meeting of Pewee.. I :.t present in straitened airoumstauoos, is nothin; that Canada can produce that tory, an account of Mr. Coats beteg in the I :tglund is not ready to buy, if the The next ordinary meeting will be held (:anadiaus will only accept the only res-Wingham' Bible payment for thin same. Thus do l the action of protectionists constantly , .1. MeoNAits, Pres. Clerk,• contradict their creed, Protection of 1 Lucknow, Jan. lath, 1$114. native industries, indeed ! What tau we meantime in delicate health. at , on the fatal Tuesday in Resolved that 010 be granted for this Mardi (2Qtlt,) at 1130 a. tn. . purpose, to be loft in charge of Mr. Bali, and paid out by him us it is required. The. foliowing debentures were passed and signed viz, :-Bea. Taylor, putting in joists, layiug plank. and spikes on bridge on river con. 8 and 0, ,6.25; Standard office, .Blyth. 200 treasurer's detail statement, receipts and expendi- tures,1893, a6.50; village of Blyth, rent of hall for Division Court purposes, 1892, 1843, 815 ; Wm. Linklater, 1834 rods wiro fence, sideline 39 and 40, con. 13, $2:78 ; P. Porterfield, services as Clerk in 1803, 080, also postage, sta.:onery, 1893, $4',10, services as Division Registrar, 1893, per order frons Registrar General, T'orobto, 87.30, expenses of last munici- pal unici- pal election, plebiscite and pointe of refuge vote, eau., $40.16 ; James McGee, eon. 1, for gravel in 1803, per order from D. Patterson, 02.50; Jas. T. Bell, cleanine nut ditch, sideline 136 and 37, con. 3, $2; George Coats, lot 37, con. 4, charity, 810. The ;x;t:ncil then itdjourned till Thes- e • send to Canada that it cannot produce Glexlannlll• itself f Most of our exportable produo- Whether it is customary for the young tions compete with those of Canada in people to pair oil and go for long walks the markets of the world, and the few at a very late hour, or whether the young which do not, can be produced in Unna- ladies of this place were ashamed of the da if they receive stdli tient protection : company they had and wished to avoid t. e., ie their price can be kept up hint; being seen, we do not know, but we do enough. But no amount of protection know theta week ago lastTeesday night, can keep out English -manufactured atter lodge, two pair of them were seen goods, because Canada in not yet sufiiet-; on the railroad going at a very rapid rate ently populated to produce them with toward Teeswatnr, anything like the facility -to borrow : ADDRESS AND PRE.SENT.t,TlON. - On Mr. Trenwtth's favorite phrase -with Friday evening of last week, pro- which they mu be produced if Great vious to Mr. Appleby's departure for Britaine Yet special arrangements are Bluevalo,•the noighbots to the number ' to be made to allow our goods to come of shoat sixty; assembled at his hone in, while English goods are kept out, to and presented him with a valuable purse gain a few customers here, while the and read the following, address : custom of 40,000,000 Englishmen is re- s Glenannan, Jan. 19th, 189.1. Al sett, A, mad world, my friande ; a mad To Ma. Ave MRs. APPLEBY : '. arid. DEAR Fat,umPe ;-Your friends of the nighborhuod 131 whin you here resided l tarrtsv rases to the plana roots and mu ears in soarers' anti er'rrar ra.c•rscr he should.know how to 1 ie Cream of Cod-liver Oil, Curds Coughs, Colds and Weak Lungs. Physikians,, ate world over, endorse it. Don't bb deceived by Substlfuteet sago li loom, Book, iii frolostn, roe ea. • A }1Sf1G�K g7lMf9rli�•1E.r tom make frons *15 to ~t1:i 1.erweek lasmilhapiour Hardy Canadian broken Nursery Stork. Hash st Rotaries or Commission paid weekly. Complete vt•rr•,r Nana, $portal instruction•, to beginners. wr to this week for terwa•to. , tt. O Cit AliAM, h raerrntan, Lit • D. Toronto, Ont WANTED SAL'SMEN ,a o sola } 1.ri g "t,b d 1 lAn To sella choice li+ Mur. re Stock and Seed Potatoes. Liberal , r e mutisaion paid wanly, Peru,an,+nt sad p: pa inions to good men, Special inducements e;; mets. Exclusive turri. •tory ,rhea if desire 1' to at once Par ter.us to TiiIS R:; NURSERY en., . Rochester, N. Y. wanted et the Wfngh+m Tannery. $5.0 0 PER 004U) Will be paid on delivery. Parties peeling 15 norma or over, aatn deliver half in hummer and hait,ntie in winter, if desired, and Nemo price will be paid. • ', i1CHAM TANNING iG CO, Winghens, Mey 10th. 1846. CEO. SHA CUTS DOWN THE PRICE OF MEAT , STEAK, 166. PER LB. and other meats low in prnprirtiou, PORK SAUSAGE also on hand. I am prepared to pay tine highest prim, for all kinds r•f fowl. They must ho drawn and well dressed. GEO. SHAW. Wingham, Oct, 10th, 1u08. • liui u � o tx� ! sot vivo • T1lOROUO is ]i•OhN, under the guiding hand et the P RLaUI PAL of the uhrz, tlis;,l.,tUbatrrt:ACyneSt. Forest City Business sail Shorthand School, of London, .Ont., :vhu has had r•rMC;.cL preparation for his e•hoaon piofeaion, asvdres ,:notes.' to et cry student. Riming spent P. Ponr]ar.r•I.:Ln, Clerk. prepare young people tnrbnslues.9. It pats to attend a wheel that has a standing among business men: • Presbytery of Maitltlnd• for many years in the past, and in which College reopens on Tuesday, January hni,„A$ttl, enttdoguu flee. Good board ,•t.50 per wook. The Presbyter of Maitland met at the bonds or affection have eujoined aCrrf.e• Wingham, January 10th. Rev. D. many hearts toyou,learn with feelings of On las unitedsday of last a week, e1r. W.H. Millar, moderator. Rev. ;vr. Aylward, deep regret that you are about to sever Day was in marriage with Miss Rev. Isaac MacDonald and Rev. Dr. your connection with us: But before Moffett were invited to sit with the parting, however, we wish to express our Presbytery. Estimates for the year esteem toward you, and aux appreciation were passed. of your services among us. We do in- I i}er or guests and spectators, :after the A petition from Huron Congregating need feel sorry that you have found it ceremony, the wedded couple and forpermissiuu to dispose of their Manse to )'our advantage to remove elsewhere, ,t,ba invited;rue sts dto "the .xesi- property containing forty-five acres of but while you aro residing in another land, and to apply the proceeds of *Wen)neighborhood and pursuing the several tierce of Mr. Dane, where all slit down to the ligaidation of their church debt, ditties of life, you may always be assured the wecldinf; feast. :11 r. and Mrs. ,J ay was laid on the table till next meeting.. .'ou are well remembered hero for the ints�nt1 making V. 3.41 m their futu,•e g••Ye The report of the committee appointed : many valuable services you have render- h,t:a: Jennie, sewed daughter of 1'Ir. Will. Dano. The ceremony way performed by the Rev. J. Grasso, in the Methodist (shureh, in the presence of a largo num- to draft a deliverance ou the Assembly ed us, and for the untiriug interest you Turnberry. remit. on recommendations ot the . have taken in the wellbeing of the cam - Hymnal Committee, was read. On : niunity in general. You will please motion, it was. carried that the Presby- aceept this small token of the reenact we tory emphatically objects to 'any tamper a entertain toward you. It is not.for its ing with the psalter , on the part of the 1 intrinsic value, nor is it in any way to church. It was also carried that no' compensate you for your wauy services, selections be made from the psalter anal but as a slight memento of the many incorportated in the New Hymnal Book. ; Pleasant hours y'ntt have spent with the The report of the committee so far as people around here. We aro glad that regards the paraphrases end bymns, was you are not going so far away but that adopted. Iwo may bane the pleasure or meetiug 1 you in the near future, and trust A call to Rev. D. Porrie, of Chesley,that from Wingham congregation, was sus- i in your new place t f abode our Heavenly tallied. Stipend promised, 81100 nor ' !'1Father may open to you a work in which annum, with free use of Manse and onehe may use you still more to his honor month's holidays each year. ivlessrs.' end glory. Wishing you alI kinds of 4.1t. Joule Rosie Roneetrsoe, of the D. M. Gordon and John Gray, Commie -1 prosperity in your nein home, aril hoping trouto Telegram,at a recent meeting of sioners from the congregation, supported i t10 meet you in the sweet bye :tad bye, l Toronto Employing Printers' Assoui- the call. Reasons for translation were; whereparting shall be no more, We wish en,. made the followhig statement : I read. Messrs. D. M. Gordon and John `you a cordial fareweil. Signed on behalf 'tyre the very best reason to believe that Gray are to represent the congregation I of your Gleuannan friends, printing of the Public School books regarding the call before the Presbytery' • Davin H. Manenett, We Province will be shortly thrown of Bruce and Rev,' J. L. Murray will, Jnttxs WEIR. for competitive of every printer in prosecute the call before said Presbytery i 1{r. Appleby tnad1 a very. feeling re. rio. There will be no snore mono- in behalf of this Presbytery. { ply, after which ten was served by the The readers for the school series In answer to a petition from Huron; ladies. When all had received justice in in this Province will be available Congregation, Rev. Isaac MacDonald,this respect, the young people began' i printing by any printers of tbe Dom- was appointed to take charge of said amusing themselves with music and en, irrespective of party or creed. I congregation for three months. karrtes. The gathering broke up about $ierstaud that the Government will templates, and let the plates be sold -be actual net cost to every printer etplates t s g u oa the g ran - u wants a t corn the printer that he will produce namable and presentable book. r.'STA rtaTalr CAL1>EcOTT, wholesale _Ratite Toronto, writes as follows: 7 'oar. there are a few farmers who are :.ationistsupon principle ; but, aa �s I can see, the majority of the to who are protectionists are so Nose they raise n little corn, which tat majority of farmers have to lime, and which. the farmers nater- neire to purchase as cheaply as Ile, or raise a few hogs, which the tearer naturally desires t0 get as low tar s n be produced. Se the things tat along every line of produce Committees were appointed to visit t 12 o'clock and all dispersed to their aid -receiving congregation as follows; t homes, well pleased with the evening. Belurave, Messrs. Hartley and P.•Ctinap. i boil; Dungannon, and Port Albert, i East °°`u,Wanaslt•. Messrs. A. McKay and G. Middleton ; i The municipal council Of the township Pine River, Item*. Inose and Ca 11&citen-; of East Wawanosb stet in the council eh>. room on Jan. lath, pursuant to statute, The annual raperts on State of Reit- the members elected being Thomas IX. gion, Temperance and Systematic Beni- Taylor, Reeve; Robt. Shieil, Deputy - licence, were read. These reports, to- Reeve, and Messrs, David.. Robertson, gather with their recommendations,were Walter Scott nr.d Itobt. G. itfcGowan, adopted. - ( Cannciltors. The following report of committee ap•' i Iraving each duly subscribed • and pointed to draft a deliverance on the 'signed the tleolaration of clualittuation relation of Colleges to the Cherub. was I and of (Alice, the Reeve in the chair, the approved. 1. That one method should 1 minutes of the last council meeting of be adopted in appointing professore for i December 15, 1803, were read, approved method to be that nominations be made I ° •Tfeeolved unanimously, that P. Porter - by the College 13oarde or Governors ori field be re -appointed Clerk at his former t itrottrre; ane man's raw material Presbyterial ; that notice of the same bei eatery of 9E0 per antlttnl. mean's manufactured article- issued to all Presbytoriee of the Church 1 Moved by Mr. Shiell, seconded by Mr. Jane Thtenpeon is seeking to for approval, and that the Presbyteries Scott, that Chula -Campbell, lot 33, con. t tariff by consulting r nom ittunicate their action an the matter 8, be appointed auditor on behalf of the wallow, he will find he ilte to the next 'General rkrsetnbly for final council. ,twin. Rabinaalt, tat 3t1, cson. 8, .taw. all the collegee of our church. :r. The . and signed, Mr, 'ohs Gemmtll, seen, for tine trove - ?Mips of Turuberry and fewieh for the Locked Wire Fence Co., of Iagersnll, is tanking a canvas of his territory and in sheeting with eplehdfd auccets, selling in a few slave between 400 sad ti00 ads of fence. The fence lute only to be Gaen to be appreciated, and tyill no doubt be the fence of the future. SLEEPLESSNESS' is instantly re. ]inked and per- utauently cured by the fa,t'J�ttfun use of a CAMPBELL'S QUININE WINE It tones up the system and restores failing strength. Rtcomtnended by all doctors ea a restorative after debilitating illnessetr, Prepared only by K. CAMPBELL a CO., ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT. • MOHTR$At. The at nl media natter Fac ' Co tors, Ulsil, 1874, ac 1510 (Moe report of the pest rafters anti the t that may be thou • ICE.* of the nlueraln Cheese and pally, Will be held in the Pores. on Tuesday, January 80th, p. a •, • rot -airing the Auditors 'season's n'k, the election of ♦readier of ay other business ht before the meeti,ir. fty order. JOHN BURGESS, • Sof:retary, MARKETp REPORTS. ' WI1OEux: Wingham, January 25, 1804; Corrected by P. Deans, Prottuce Dealer. Flour par 100 lbs.. ........ 1 50 to 1 80 Pall Wheat-- • ..... •0 55 to .0 57 Spring Wheat.... • 4 ....... 0 55 to 0 CIO Gate . 0 30 to 0 31 Btarley 0 34 to 0 85 Peas ... ................. 0 50 to 0 51 Butter, .tub 0 18 to 0 20 Butter, rolls...... ,., .. ,.., 0 18 to 020 Eggs per dozen........ 0 15 to 0 15 Wood per cord.... 1 50 to 1 75 Hay per ton .......... 0 00 to 0 00 Potatoes, per bushel 0 85 to 0 40 Tallow, per ib 0 06 to 0 015 Dried Apples, per lb 0 05 to 0 05 Dressed Hoge ..,... 0 00 to 0 10 Beef .............. . 4 50 to 5 50 mentos. Fall Wheat, ofd Pell Wheat, new......... 0 Spring Wheat..... ....... 0 13arley ... « ...... 0 Oslo ., ., ... 0 r Peas ..... 0 U Pi:A*1toes,perfoualnel.. ,..,.. 0 Butter ................... 0 Eggs, per dozen............ 0 Hee Cordwood '�r, «sa♦ 8b 57 to 0 50 57 to 060 53 to '0 58 811 to 040 6m J. W. WEST' EBVELT, 1Pvfipaeliplti. -rni order to ilisl)Os0 of +,nr entire stock of Goods, asiiet;d• them. arni we need the money, we shall for the ext rhirty be prepared to quote Ave know you Prices Entirely Below Anything That has ever been heard of Before in all onr lines. GENTLEMEN'S • T T ITS made of the best Fabrics the market. produces. FURNISHINGS 's ,U DERWEAR we cannot. be undersold, BOOTS AND SHOES at the most unprecedented low 1• "ices. We are hen.dclu:tl tern for the celebrated gang 4bler? dna 0 verOtuell tf also ell Canadian Brands in Stock, with Socks to nia,tch. ura is the plane to buy 111ST -UASS NOI1S ftP;O P.1110E11151itS io o al Repairing done as usual. 0 18 85 to 0 40 13 t 17 to 0 18 51 ar 00 to '7 00 tlpt+h400 J. J. 1-101VIITTI1 at SON, ngham. •I. The t town ha +Rt 11 o'c Member deolaral, w;em4 'PFelFut:- oai ss Deput- Kuntz a lora. T. ofwbloloseirPe 6dartdOeetinni ,i offiucaeercat Plebiscite hold J. wood and V appoint ti the year i Report Standlag committee members -t the same Bridges -1 chairman.. ?ad Johiaa and Edges Kuntz edit,; Johnston a man. Pe Wood, Ku Ma A SVelw+ Reid--tt oftheoa:nT in - s Contin adopted -t Maokay and Mr. 41 r water COB get a settd the into tures --•L0 Jobneto ship Clerk Municipal year --.Clue Reid- z+ the differei 1894 be t'1rea8urer, tor, $6i0, it Printing Cl ed and put grove afire pointmen meeting of dations to pe,' tn.-Car Mackay • ozh Couuei, timber on t : and Oulros 22 and 23, evaded op r the owners cuotifIed to orf. off road ail a copy of e,Conricil- Retd-J *engage th, t,'t7ouneil for a ziOunieipali 1 acme tern tflarrie,d. J olio ltto tWateon ht, t1le Treas for th yea the,,Coileetc and that th 8•vcach; at Ip rconfiru 'Carjed. M okay- • thedelditor fear u,aditin to look ave that d.lsx. ata4ko; - A J9te -Line for the„othc Iackay- ston, Wan, ,colt. W81 Gillipe ate, Board of (61 ried. I4aid --•$ reCarfunded $ ill a his t 7G t Macksy- Na. 1 of l8 the uppoint read a Iii i pasted, rigt l`To. 2, app for the yea eecoud and 3ttta seated- Jobu$toa 4, being by lliikttiattera, and third sealed .•welt Raid-�-I� being n it} • 0tt t .an a first,(3rsero signed and Welwo Twi+urrir 4