HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-01-26, Page 3W. C T..U.LU M fiN U (comma"a7klt an +stilly, 'Inset r44 11R. 11test.)? i1'ue G'od And.Homs,orici .iYatir e LJ.' Wet 1 the atteutinn of thus:loti ors assileiat,rs to OA that (Oho •1lreman's •Ohristie ,n Te ror- tome L n ,a met •uvc h ex+y, i� u s tome .landau at th tee taia'Il ek sharp, Among hour, at Mrs. Holes resp lead4')1'nt• rick street. ,All ladies are shade •welooa• ic, We held a monthly .gospel ,lueeting r m >thtO last Monday of ,ovory •uonth, except when. other.:ise advertised, to avhioh ,meot1ug,we, Invite the alanablic generally. As the Editor has kindly :Omen ms 1 tett. •o1 lois spectator our worst, we ask friends of t he ,enure to Send items of interest on all moral ,quer tians•ef this day to any of our na nnborb. Chaplain McCabe iaayb; 'i be labor. ins, people of'the country spe ad .more for whiskey and •beer t'!.ao th:e • ...attire banking capital'4yf tbe,taiatiou, fLfltlwy Would 'save what; they spend xrr this way, and start'banke,a' thev'c maid •soon have 11.0;000'haulas witia•-'13; 250:X00,- 000 50,X00,-000 cagpital, 113' oiiZt ul;s,t i.th,el'titijures wrong. I'1l"write it out, so there will be no aetistake. IIa a.tkree years by saving avt}at 'they pour •do'waa atheir tilt®etre, they you'd 'have•ban 1<sTract).ing in their interest 'with an .agg11Sgato capital •af two ;billion two broached and rtkfty mildi.oas• of dollars, leaving a net prdkit of• .at lieut. 'tont,. ,lrtaaldred mit1ion41 a yearato'be ivitled.•'arsnong them. '•Put tliis•.at atLIelan, putt, iat at theinsetrottg—sbe,,warfor the.pcoor ta, get'riesk is to •stop ,spending etneney far Want' which, is. note:wadi, and oitheir laloorbfieir thataavhich aatisfietiouni:. Cau✓ e.anc1. .'-Test. :.i'itl:eohol will ala aye •causedn)ebriety. This is true. tD.ne dry)•or • an t other quantity of alcohol 'win cense .: a• pro.. pestionrste inebriety. alto ..ivavi,".o,ble, relentless cotsatquence.ief'liquor mak- ing oregiving ac.a ledixz ne ur d rn;ury, or ,ataomy titna+t:(mf d'ife;,i litho 'creme or nuasorry, or saloon, orein hospi:tai„ or hwrvestufielh,orkat: thfie/tonal v:ialsbeard, oranffashionable •sooiety,, the rasault is al aaysr,imebrietyr,us aadieitase.innradefi- nitseirai(tee to the uata ouTat of 'alcohol draoi'k. 'lhougk'the influence of good society.ier bad societyr,.or • sickness or viciousness, the iftenantity of •,jkuor confsamed by Christian ',nations is simply•er:aorwous., but Alley 'do not drink tit •witlfout osttltfri orthe, amount of 'ilrael<iriety and its acoompmmling sorrow is:also of equally ,maguifieieut proportions. WINGILA.IVI TIMES, JANUARY. 2611894, Just tt bout to Falb. Rain's Torn Blasts'. �. Blessing to Every tLouse of d,. .-..�. Origin ,of a ,L1.yxnlx. Havoycutseetl:tt'?lc happy motheranitak;olrthe;. ;9.1oafer is never sati;Iied with •hip .Dr. it'awoett, the author of the hy+atn, "Blest J3e the 'I'm That Binds," babe 4depginb to talk? wages, Have youaaeeu)e,or teaoh the t5rly ff.:104ldcl , was the pastor of a small Baptist ' feet lmw,ta'walk? •',44s rullltard s throat list )rte bottom.p' ' p ist Ivor near•jaoh slender shoulder, lyot •tttil ',to tit. tOtI1 rch in Yorkshire, frotu which be feoble,eta]clo small, t rt+etvived only a meagre tottery. J3einn Witla ller,restdisr' rands to bold il.er,'eeten, IThe man who hams ldplituetaalwa•ye • ^ she'a.ijatstatbout to fall. ! afriod of his own shadow, lnvitad to London to sticcaeQ the tis, tioguished Dr. Gill, ha: 'accepted, Shut yous.eyessand you can saellbenbathe When people have ooly•a tlittleore- .tprelim hed hitt farewi•lI tier MOO , and babi/'tirttUli hood days, ' ,litti:.n ;bey are apt'tts ias'atalaalglaedtof .,began to load his furniture on waiggons Wh en tlae•polc1en gleam of sransgii)aui ',her • taublerl:xvaesesplays; 1C ;t`foa• trtansport,ttin. , When rho' time And theunether,though growalaolaier,stilll'ii kThe lush goes to 'bed 'tired Lvvha' for departure tlrrinetl lire Yotkehire near comsat, to call a fetlfds tllo da in lavoWt = rfur•an'et►e `" Parishkunr'rs hurl neighbors clue; to With her Iva* hands to bald 131st *hen e. yl7 y' I'un and lits family with an airectic,n she's i]eastrtcbout to fall. N ' :,that was beyond expression. The agony Now the,babyrcla a woman, and alabblettberida ('The easiest think let''a '1°°1 4° do 't of ee raration was almost heartbrealking. 1 ea ingseer.atled, ' :to•tell all he knows. ; 'The pastor and his wife, completely Where tho,.Asier.t from. the Ikeda Diler gentle,an,dttaer fled; As long as prize ift.,ertiug ►pays ala` overcome, eat dawn to wea'p. 9.s the hi'less€limbsgrow oolder;'£tNothert net:eh better than ,prearolxin;,•t;he'tlavii- ;Looking into iii,, tics while tears Mother'd".hoar hor call, will foo! that he still .@Wile the earth ;flowed like rale down the cheeks of But thebe.ariaone hands to hold I)her, ..and both, Mrs, Fawcett exclaimed ;— she's 1ust:about to fall, • .:Some fiddlers eau splay tattuno•on Launched 'alone on rough life's two. a. .. Aon string but it never 'makes :ear,. ' t9n, she .bed want to deuce. is dstitirl;r with the years y But the veyatto is a lonely one, 'maid ..some- ' Angels weepen Mae •da am . at ti)neseem to sh bar hter moan begins to spend •snore woney tha1ll ung She coil seem to see Icer motlasr; .ache ..oan n pe Y alnaost3loar her call, ,,tie can make. And by£aithllsho sees another )hasato hold , her should she fall. . • A hypocrite feels -hatter •sactisfied "si-4.t11 himself every timethe-eeost.a.good How to'.X re for the Sac's.' Ones., r.ulan make a ittittatop. It needs -but a slight acquatntance . ' A. mistake is ;aptrto:attracfr•more with one's fallow -beings to are Mize that 'tattentiotl to us thern,a'virtue. nine out of every . ten are ..sn•eezing 'The man who Leans•om,his'bkifisings their hteadeottef, and diose who. are.,not';;onnut walk straight, confined ato'x1 sir beds aro erroauing ' over tli<e•aobea and pains tirrrjident to Many of the otos •+vihieh •shilne, the the reign oft that winter .ogre—the "rbzigbtest will !rill itlie.gadckest. She Was from:Vassar. Ob, John, I catl't bear Until IL know not how to go I :Nor 1 either,said be, nom will we go; ' •unload the waggons, a,latl pat 'every- thing in the place where it' was fore 1 • He wrote to the • Londe'ra eoltgregtt.. 'tion that his coinieg was mori oseilale. i t>,./t, /� A A;a n M and so he buckled on hail armour for rdv renewed toils in. Yorkehi're •one,ealary less by $200 a year than Blatt which :he declined. To eo:m noa)orahe this incident Doctor Fawv'oett wrote that hymn. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND O.MM N These remedies have stood the toot of fifty years experience, and are pronounced the bust as Venally use. Purify' the blood,' correct ail disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH. KIDNEYS AND DUN R invaluable In all complaints incidcut.at to females of all ages, 1111 -IM OITTT-.'aT2' Is the only reliable remedy for Wallop, sores, ulcers, and old wounds. FOR n11ONGH1•xls. THROJTS,DOHS. '''OLDS, GOUT, Iti:ELh1ATIS1f. GLADULAR SWELLINGS AND ALL DISEASES iAS NO EQUAL. Manufactured only at 70, New Oxford, Late 54, Oxford Street, and sold by calcine Vendors throughout the world, "Purlrasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and bots. Tf the address aot•533 Oxford Htreet, Loudon, they are spurious. RIA.; EU NEPAIN IN SIDE 8t LAMCULIIII E wit STIFFNESS, iJlnllJ � WHEN 4a 9! �� i Daed MENTHOL PLASTER alp grip. '1"The devil soon Tuns Arm' thetsnal}•,AND SHE WAS AIRING 1sEith ICNGW,LKIOGE Now, (those that are so fortunate as •,.ik'ao is not afraid•of a 1iori s.den. len ARItIiTia:fJ .1tx [I.RSIorr. to havas'ssall.18 d a visitation ift'ota this _ I )'Let of a ruoster,s 'spars and ,you urpleaeeant.m>Llady, are "led'up" r.ts.te the statics a.lt.out pf,his,crovc,.y She was a Vassar .graduate and•did largely to nt1 ciato as nurseui,to'those lint !mow a little bitaab0ut hou•sekeep• who need their care. tl1anyro ciovice '' With, all his practice '°the devil) bar: , ing wlleu sloe married her last 'beau finds dt•ersealf in the position of !hospital ..elc'ver unproved •enitheiligst.Yhypoerite and settled down to %domestic Life attendant,,vttit.a about as rinachl,kr,ow-i- t4Good fortune .•aoo]etiines conteerto " 1 -ler first order at the grocers was edge of the duties incident todteriposi- -see us in a eery siaabbv+leaking ,cur- a crusher, bat that goad .wase was teed. tion as avoultdstt]it through td>1ei l:rain of _ a`u a sick bidden, ''e' • to all sorts of people, 'and at,etld inter -. • pret Vassar as easidy:as plain Eutlish.. Wheat the-aairo is serious,;aclnain•ed Gored z ia.c;ow. 1 wattit ten pen lid of ,paralyzed nurses otild be called iti at ori e,rfot' A`tt flue colt belonging to Mr.;aPeteriLitnd: •sugtkr, she snit, walla ,it business like these sieill£ul.attendants are tharTu.alit,( ,eh;;; of Nixon Out., .wak'bac3k,1iookedaoy „ t • of more aernaiee than the physician - asepw. Two bottles -62 iHattyard.'s .Yellaaw al r , gOil, it. This •iuvultsufale •remedy'Yes lit• Anything late ? Linaself,ibein saver near to'watch,the ° ,, • ttbn:ald be in everymouse. !It (cures. elate ,Two cents of coudeutned milk. variatio�es.init�the disease and ceat taile s ins bruises ora) and all t pea , , e,: gamins aaratd Anything more, ma'am? ,y on the .ad•ertta le arrest its dangtrons ; noires in man or beast. progress. A bag of fresh Mali—be sore rtl!aart:it If, how eiverlttlae patient' n'aederonly I is fresh 1 Snap ,its. t ,Yes'na. What's next_ coddling, senelwas a member toll the fit•.takes a giddy woman ••to disturb :•A pound of desecrated codddtahl. house circle .call „live, let us iitlapAst a ithe'A'quanimity of dean. - E 'Veru. 1 -ii: wrote giillly deastcated few points ;that mill be of hentrtit't)oth ,l to the sick �a►ndtttdlr, well. Don'It.woray "NR girl ever 'mares 'much :att,.seh.00l! r' °d' < Abolzt.:apor,after• she begins to pease in'laax.boolts `'Nothlne lanre,ula'aaaf Here's rime the invilid ,,about what he wants to1, Ia eat—get ittfor tthim without 'traGit:or itlit'tigOwers°the boys,gmwe.her. air , hureeranl b just iia. THE DI+LNY'iTFIINGS NI,iIIG,ifia 0 iTGttlItiSCE iN'), she t,tiitl, with a spa$ w sl'a'w to Ir AGE IIOw,,Ti3.ldYAatItELUb•ED, foss. Rervr.tit•LL&kntily and do nsrrt.dll'er .,•,T11o.scoldilia wife who ihu.sband is iLwr;ltlexihle voice, It would I,e of no __ much at a rtiltue. Walk noiselowsly,-.M'elocamist watts=to loo's out forihis ...A4,0,.as we dull'' beep a tttarae avoiding sgeatt,lly •.shoes las you would ,retorts. Paper team be made ,out of almost !'hen the grocer sit down on a frit the pratil�'u'oro idea'(' out too armatila anythiugtatlat can belp.ouuaaed to.ptxtp. company atniladiAgD11:1]a;;sod suPllby.vif:-Some' take ra>Etse :nWtwell of.crsackerel and lam Nd himself with Over fiftayt4linds of batt:•k„ara-eanploy'e l,, fresh, but net ',chillier.. air. Ai•evea enoug(1, but they never vase an,y of i:t. R apat.ent washb •list Vassar dead while old sacking and ragging make=.: talk in whasto,,ss I,tu• he sick rooal, be Oneaof the' safest and cheat olrahs,a. taino the cake.— Detroit free Press. good article. Paper tris innate • out Or cheerful auntf, asaliera•<� all, he patient;, tmanr•eibn belong to is ins tonally. ` "• - banana skims, tront tti:t)110-Ea'al,k;a,I.pta for etCktlecat esters -'tile general diaposi,. , --Nor first -dos cailorint� and cheap vines, commons fibre,,etiove•reserd.tOatosa Tamfool thinks he taauAt .get ;mad ,gent,4' .$urnisitit,r4, try Webster ift CO, 4 boll and all al' ar health may. Ibe•, , thy !lay, straw, ftesltn4Varter•nv�ede, Sre� 511 thacansernume one Insults kiim. Remember the plass, only two doors nerds weeds, and more than cone ihntaflrrtc ' come a fiend i n Ideas. Follow out of <the) . old stand null between Ross' book - weeds, rules; sant! .evenr•Lhonnh you acre Kind , nature warns tanaoa of lthe,$p- -store curl Pattersuu'e jewellery shop. . different kinds' of „nese. 4Ptiper:llaf ,uot kt bore naaaWe or..ene lay training, !preach pii fate. t3�eeu wade from hair. gar and woa,•I,t `,lfitlaradoctut• orders bark has not a :;you will mill;, a oiler•, desirable hat ,lVhen,.a. man has no aigltts:le6t(he ' from asbescati, Whil la t5lavoisl►es an •s ndnl)t th•su if aneu .rl•is ,t=arded the ae i thrapratienr a right to growl ; ...article fndistaua4tiblci h It;iftrotn llo . y lbeg.ins•tossssert his wrong.tt. gipWants, from basks of wee ;and ever s n]F,1(, prinuipiet, , Leaves �' y IL)overes alncy that tlae lulu] taerse'it' ,rtei.aly.tams.udy fectory. ., z.stron;; paper, tasillilr, tk14a busks ~and' aor oveu.?>yltay. cora - r!>a scr.n Aare watt.-5awkuo ,1anx;ruy.—Mrs wing ,1erurs>ar••e supposed to tae idle when (stams of Indian corn has'e:also;been ,;yeLks st.otn;r,xsyrup•hasiheen ,nest' for eye' t fifty ...t. a p .tried, and alrneet every :bind.of,eaos3:.sloe' by millions of)nothers;Ior.theirchiluronwhile tt'kl�e4f •fit,! to +vnt'k. , ' 001 ilig, with porfeotsucoess. .It,soothes the child •4 .Alan be 'node irate paper. 'lllheire -are .sot)'ens the guars, allays alt Dain, aures wind colic. : iIt s -s impassible fgr• even tete most tjlatent8 for maitieg paper !Elio in Saw. and iethobestran,odyfor'rIrbarrhasa. Is pleasant to iiitnGlf)Et4])t•Or.I;�llnrant mortal tod41n.kCe tbo.trste, sold b•v Dru0irrts: ;in •ewe•; part of the ^ 'du.Sa and shtaviug,s„ 'from tl istl'-e,and• LVoa•le• Twen.taev^o Mal a »ottic. Its valve is' his Iltilfe anea111a+gless. ttbisaledown from .tobacco *talks and 'tncalc labty o sure and •aclvfor 1[0 , tVihaieays sooab,;Y+x a ru and taa:o no4uther a),inti- Alt ;that a rotnantic young roan wants rue his sweetheart and nae i% - (tanker k. at is said that albere are over. 'two. +tllottsand patents in this country 3ov i Tram Sited. tit .ering the manufacture of paper. 1{{.)3 How ,:;r0 TELL HMV ;.°t'r%S1',t 'CAR IS Yo'utl`)'ltlall Whtlrt are you looking anattee what the substance, thepi,"+oecsli ,flisAVELIN*GF ownt 0.11LE .1i/01-4. for f I81 .it NOM t:,ti'ng for nothing that us substantially the sumo. The ,nl:a- -_.-_ you areso eager to find ] terialtis ground to a pulp, then 'Knead; Superintendent Alooy'., of •the IL3alti•• What is More painful than a man thinly -over a frame mad allowed to dry, rare Asad Ohio road, lives at l'aoorna, tvllose leaving' is auo ]ouch for him is tllesubeequent treataaient depeatdiiag and thu.eoterie of courua,utrttw,in the l on 't'hetJ,ind of paper:to the made. aatwok•iog car always en1••e at Sem for Largo cars ,tsrutve one to be of generous Hetet*. If one's ears are ,'iam in lire morning, Go ,cahoot ikow longi enough he ;will give himself Spavin Luanne -at removes ailt, ,(sig the •uamwd may be coming itu to Hard, soGt,•or calloused Lumps and 13letn e,1aurclt reoetltly, some one Raked :inion away On alt 00031510110. isbea fawn horses, Blood laipaviu, Curbs, Spliute, Being Bone, Swcesaey, Stitlas, how fast the train was raatooing. He The great value of Hood's Sarsaparilla 13praios, 1ioee and swollen Tkesat, ()ought.,' pulled out /lois watch, and after 'quick- as a remedy for cataar& is vouched for by etc. Save eVf. by use of one mottle, War ly glancing:at it, peered intently out of thousands of people whom it has cured, routed by Cb,isbolm's drug tore.'s • the window. ] u tt little while be re- The moral world has gutters where marked quietly:. 4t dishonored persons try to splash the This ttaiu iia gnilrg between thirty nod in which they are wallowing up one and thirty-two miles ter hour. , on men of honor 'ihere wits e tehorus of queries as to , how he had determtnecl it, beedUxe lila Sir, [always pian to tell the truth, manner left 110 doubt in the „Ind of remarked is politician whose veraoit, y any one that be was entirely serious had been itnpuguud. That may he It is very easy to find out the speed : true, wits the quick retort, but ,justice when you are frowning on a double- • compels t''9 observation that you are track road, he replied.• if you are a mighty lad shot. curious shout it, hereafter just 1,fok at At the annual meeting of the Silver the inside of tine other rail oil the op, Corners Cheese factory, Llma, it was i.. posite track t'•)r A minute or two mitt] shown that the industry brought into i you find that you can distme'uish where one rail joins another, Then So you went and proposed to her, in count the joints, and as many mails as 'leets of my avlruit',g�ro lt'p AndVolt pta S In twenty-one seconds is the the result? The answer 1 got wits so (miniver of ,riles. your train is traveling ure Chilling that 1 fell several degrees in Tit ualld r. Try awk11 urs lues I'm rand i t t my own estimation" .‘I t u, f g Indigestion is 'stubborn'' but IC, n. i IL D. C. bills euro ohrnnlo Con+ Cr overoomOS ' Otlpttti011s Mr. Glaad•stoue is notquitl=tbe father of the Elouse,et' Commons, Mr Villi- ers (91) is the older, and so is Sir Isaac Eloldetl 07). Nuc Mr. Glad- •altone has bean ttt Westminster Gl '' gslrn, haveng bees elertr•d for Nouraru eta Doceinber, 1881, lift held Elis Ant office—es a junior Lord of the Treasnry under Peel -50 years ago. Mr. Gladstone was It lord of the trea- sury before Mr. Morley, Mr Asgltith, Mr, J3alfour and 11r. Chamberlain were born, and when even ,1jI1' Wiliiam Earcourt oils a child of 7, CUM. ,lure ftEoaaer caption, !loughs, Croup, Dore 'Throat. 1. olti:by all Druv,rists on n Guarantee. Fora Lame Sid:,, Back or Chest Shiloh's Porous ..P.lastcr willgivelgreat satisfaction. -25 cents, LOWS°)li AJ6s ' . T/tzs 'S. S.I3aw'k)us, Chattanooga, Tenn. ears• `Sltitoh'r. Vitaiwuer'i'AVED 111Y LIlr:. I coazsitierfttlI.•cbest,cmcdlfjorarJrbzlitatedEmden 'ever use;).'For7Dyspep^iat _Idlers;: iiciney traub a It ezcalp. Price , 5 cls. f. �,� R REMEDY, P r taw IlaveyoalCatartrh? Srythisl omedy. It will positivelyxoiievo andt„u10 7ou. Price 60 c:.s. Thio Injector for its r I ee sfol treatment is furnished free Reit' n •,.,I.n)to nitemedies airsgold ona ar:... . : t• . :. )F.oation. the community last summer the stint a• Of $12,108.88, The auditors' report a n in the fu-healittgsrht )) X etc,'vole p4";121T.: t',ith the Spothin fand a:cpectornnt was adopted as follows : AtnOtint of ' ,ria•5 of nthcc pectora herbs and hari:s. . milk received 1,807.2137 pounds; .a Pt RP1+Or cctrfu rem, cheese manufactured 121,7G8 pounds; a OOZJ H-te ANC) COLO e, average 10.78; average Cost 30 mantle a Ha rs e Asthma r•i%v�l' n 8 f Sore Throat, facture 1 pound of cheese 1.2 ; avert.age pride per pound for season 10.'01, 'Subscribe for the Toms. R. ` DOE'S Ctg tv • tlftla ..e i Croupad Bronchitis, BRONCHIAL, and LUNG DISEASES. obstittatecou hwhich resist other remedies yield promptly to this pleasant play syrup. MOOS Stab, ,ANd trbb. Prig ltto#z.x. VIOLS ■Y ALL a,1t1)paller. MARBLE WORKS. 1\T." 7- DE'IRM_ MESSRS. VANSTONE BROS., of'Eineardine have bought the Marble Business of Mr T T Watson, formerly carried on by W Smyth. 'Parties requiring work in their lino will do well by calling on them or seeing one of their agents. hetor 'purchasing. You will find our prices aro away down,. Our workmanship is unsurpassed. We will use non ibut'the very best stock and by square dealing hope to secure a lioeral share of the public pat ronage, Mr 'T'•tVatson, who has been running the business for the past year, will represer ' us on the road. (rail anises our stook and prices. q FOR THE VANSTONE BROS. EST VA tJ.os ORD ARED OLOTH j, r HATS,, GO TO -- CAPS, a SHIRTS, COLLARS, CUFF '2, Cheap for K AS}::, AT— -- "W EBST El I .._WEBS-~.EI &G. Have a Very Baal Cough, 't Are Suffering from Lung Troubles, -, Have Lost Flesh through Illness, 4.--1 AreBThreatened with Consumption, Remember that the r , f I•lti it✓i//4. 15 WHAT YOU .aEQUIRE. ,• ao. COUNTY FUNDS TO LOAN. On tho security of Cultivated Farm, Interest six per cent, payable annually. Anv portion of the principal may bo repaid at any time the borrower wishes. All oxpences paid by the Comity. No person except the County Auditors allowed to see mortgages or to know to whom money is loaned. Apply to WM. HOLMIES Goderioh, Aug. 8th 188.2. Co. ;:reason• JOSEPII COWAN, CLE141 9T7I DIV. COURT, CO. HURON, ISSUER •�'-a..u..w»a:gnu:nutv�i.:.YsL",>�'E'E;:�.::3.4'�'n,•w..,-w'.',�if:e.�7p•' ' r/ �'O �� Den UNDERTAKERS, WEEN GRAM, ONT. C AUCTIONEER, OF MARRIAGE LICENSES COIDIIRs;o;il'R IN H. 0. eT., .LTC. WRozETER, OXT. THE KEY TO READ' n V0100118 all tho clogged 'a^eMUoS of t110 Rowels, Kidneys and liver, carrying off gradually without woa renil;g the sys•• tom, all the impurities and foul humors of the secretions; at the rano time Cor - rooting' Acidity of 'tilt' Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, IIoartburo, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaunty died, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scro- fula, Fluttering.' o1' too rleart, Ner- Vottsnbas, and General nobility all those and many tailor similar Complaints )eldto tho happy�influoncoof BURDOCK BLOOD BITTRS. Per Sato by eat.Dontcre, x, U &CO,,P>*ap�is�oltl ea HALSTED ';SCOTT Josephine Street - - Wltlgham, Ont, J. A. Hstsnin,W• 'Scott J. , , 'fount rorest. I Listewo' Doposits Received and Interest allowed. Money Advanced to Farmers and Business Men, On long or short time, on endorsed" notes or collateral security, Salo notes bought at n fair valuation, Honey remitted to all parts of Canada at reasonable charges, Special Attention Given. to Col - looting Acoouixts taut 19 otos. Agent's to Canada -•shite Murolhantw Ilan* of Canada of lee Ilotn•e--From 0 a. at. to 5 p. wo, A. Bl. warm, Wit.