HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-11-21, Page 234
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r >�� �s�af ° The home of Mr. & Mrs: Lloyd `s.; wee a tdi}y at 0 a
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Squire, RR 5, Mitchell, was lovely `s l Jack, Riddell, M.P.P. Huron Co t un o /� ry jp
i �h :. f• � TF-.. 1 1'^ �^I',•F �I�M' F,�Y'NTiiA �i e'•
., .� ,y i•,� ��`5 with a profusion of flowers, ail Yt � tnpirlbers of th.,Q, �: lEt ?C.v�ti'
gifts to the bride and room of 50 k r t #
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y . 3 yes des iter " llx
ears,, Russel and Mar aret Hill - kith ts: ft�ays�it
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the mother and father' of Mrs. Allan Grossman. '• +Provinc)a� of the Province, The Minister freight nate co, tltrol' should be accgt))patlyin�g ai thy:. ptattq.s
Squire. Secretary for Resources stated .that 'he was awaiting the considered to ensure fair IJst 7ltursdaytteiytAs a
The happy event wag planned Development,,.. announed in the establishment of a national sugar competition, He askp4 ;that PCV Combined Arthday ��"fy'�A'0b- d
by their family of five daughters Legislature that stricter laws on policy, and Mr. Nixon suggested licences. be used to their in the >reCreati, xoom'for t►t
and daughter -.in-law, Mrs.. Lloyd snowmobiling will be introduced. an .economic competitive sugar- ipaximum for the ' most Bert 'Hf ndy, ;i(;ectl Rhoades,_' and
(Jean) Squire; Mrs. Alvin He said the Government will providing industry 'could .be efficient hauling of freight such as Steven Fournierx .Foch had "beeA
y� (Evelyn) Ahrens and Mrs, Ray establish an extensive network of established in Ontario without making certain that trucks are not remembered b, their ; Sditshitte
mond (Helen) Gloor all of RR 5, recreational trails throughout the awaiting the finalization of a running hundreds of miles empty Pal of Northside Voiteti� hnrgii.;•.
Mitchell; Mrs. Howard Province. In sQme•cases these nationwide policy by Ottawa, due to a lack of a return licence Crokinol'e, Euchre and. zeas{
(Katherine) Goodyear, Montreal; trails will be �stricted to a Mercury for some produce from the area. throw games were plgyed after
Mrs, William (Mary) Cooper, specific use and in other cases the A CBC program this week He said that as far as the Class F which all joined in slitging )Guppy z
Kingston and Mrs. Helen Will, trails will be identified for claiming that the Provincial . licences for aggregate haulers of Birthday and hunch was sewed, r
also of RR 5, Mitchell. They were multiple use where the enjoyment Government was suppressing, gravel stone were concerned, Mrs. Lillie Hudie +and Mf,
predeceased by, their only son, of these lands by different groups information on mercury poisoning there has been some controversy Clarence Jackson were til10
William in November 1973.. is compatible. The Government in the Gras�sy-Nartows White Dog' of late and he felt that this type of ' winning euchre players.
The tea table was lovely with a will establish a Trails Council. Indian Reserve areas of North- licence should be examined. The - Friday afternoon our weekly
beautiful floral arrangement of The initial task of the Council will western Ontario, , sparked, off . condition of the trucks hauling bingo was held with Richard
-'-'uWre feathery mums, yellow be an inventory of exisiting trails some hectic debate id the House. this material should be con- Foster and. Cecil Rhoades having
>M roses and baby's breath flanked and recommendations on the Mr. Robert Nixon, demanded sidered in the overall plan. the first full house while the
by silver candelabra and white development of a broader trail further information in this On the matter of school bus straight line bingo went to
tapers with gold rings, network. Mr. Grossman also said extremely serious matter pertain- safety, he said that the stop Stanley Hutchinson and Ila
Around three hundred well the Government will introduce ing to the health.;and livelihood of lighting system leave's something Gardner.
wishers called at the home on, amendments, this session to .the these communities. Both Mr. to be desired. Complaints were Mrs. Lillie Hudie.and Miss
Sunday, October 13 to extend Motorized Snow Vehicles Act Nixon and NDP Leader'r..Stephen put forth that the lights do not Mary Neville enjoyed ,•a , day's
LINE UP FOR MUSEUM MOBILE — It was foggy Thursday morning and the rural dealing with trespass and Lewis accused the Minister of show up during the bright shopping up town last week..
congratulations. Guests were
buses didn't go out but the students of St. Patrick's Schoolwho live in Dublin were v present from England; Grand- liability. Health, Mr. Miller, .,ot hiding sunlight hours. Mr. Ruston Mrs. Florence McGavin spent
out In full force to tour the Museum mobile, operated.by the ROM in Toronto which view, Manitoba; Bad Axe, With respect to the issue of information from the public. The expressed concern that school Sunday at the home of her son
was touring area schools. The bus, one of three sent around the province has Michigan; Montreal; Kingston; trespassing, Mr. Grossman said. Opposition urged that Mr. Davis buses were being used to trans- and daughter-in-law and family in
p the Government will implement intervene and suggested the port-thildren 100 miles or'more on Stratford.
exhibits on prehistoric man in Ontario. Port Perry; Thornbury; Toronto; y g Mr. and Mrs.Saw McSpadden
P (Staff Photo) legislation which will require the premier establish a commission the. highway and that the general
ry Kincardine; Fordwich; London; operator of a snowmobile tom ' visiked with
r Goderich; Benmiller; Mitchell P of enquiry to look into the construction'of these buses is not of Norwich.
obtain written permission' from providing of an alternative food suitable for high speed highway Mrs. Cartwright Hawley and
Obituary and surrounding district. the owner or occupier of private driving. Normal highway trans- Mr.Zachariah McSpadden also
_ Mr. &Mrs. Hill were married ' p P source. g• g Y P
Sq Goderich at the home of the Property before he enters that Murray Gaunt, Liberal Mem- port buses are much .heavier and taking their father out for a drive.
'bride's parents, Mr. &Mrs. J. H. Property. Failure to obtain ber for Huron -Bruce, asked the most have an extra axle in Out of town guests with Mrs.
i islet s weldowdi �/s of Graham on October 22, 1924 by written permission will represent Minister a Agriculture and Food, addition to extra padding in the Ada Reid this past week were ev.
-� the Rev. C.F. Clarke, minister of a provincial offence of trespass Mr. William Stewart, what action interior. John Marks of London and Rev.
North St. Methodist Church. in the absence of any lawful has been taken in regard to the Education Minister Thomas and Mrs. Sharples from Clinton.
Mrs.Sarah Jane McTAvish bring his pregnant wife, Malden.- Springford, Millbank, excuse. contaminated Al semen that has Wells said that the Government Rev. Reuber visited with Miss
The parents of the groom were On the issue of liability, Mr. y
Johnston, 83, widow of the late Elizabeth, .with him. The couple" Wardsville, Mitchell,St. Th omas Y. been distsributed and sold. The 'will introduce an amendment to Eleanor Henderson on Tuesday.
Mr. &Mrs. William Hill, also of Grossman said a roe owner p
Rev. Arthur Harold Johnston, Walked the final 25 miles from and Brucefield. property rtY Minister said he was ver con- the Municipal Act to make it Also Mrs. Little, Miss Jessie
h Goderich. should not be liable for injuries Y y
former United Church minister at -Goderich 'to Huron township in Their eldest son,' Pilot Officer ` After a short honeymoon the J cerned. When be became aware absolutely clear that a teacher Little and Mrs. Crawford of
N Brucefield and Kippen and earlier March', 1853. Find'i'ng the river in Wallace Arthur Johnston, was sustained by a trespasser. that semen which had apparently may sit on a municipal council Brussels called during the week.
couple returned to,,reside at the Therefore, legislation will be without having g
at Mitchell, died . Saturday, flood,Duncan McTAvish felled a killed with the RCAF overseas in g been rejected at the Federal Lab g to resin or Mr. Harold Hudie visited with
groom's farm at Benmiller until enacted which ensure that the g to
November 8, 1974 at Packwood tree for his wife to cross the 1'943. He is buried on Islay, in they itioved to Logan township in owner or occupier is not at Hull was being .distributed without
hand that takeleave
twill be Monday. Mrs, Lillie Hudie on
Hospital, London. water. She climbed the riverbank Argyle, within a few miles of the. 1944, retiring to Mitchell in 1971. property P throughout Ontario he y• ti
The funeral was from the to the hut, and six weeks later birthplaces of his mother's liable for injury to a snowmobiler requested a report from all the made retroactive to reassure Mr. Russell Wilbee was visited
Lockhart Funeral Home, gave bi rth to their first-born son,- ' pioneer ancestors. Two surviving A dinner party was held on who is a tespasser, except for insemination units across Ontario those who have already under- by Mr. John McDonald of
Mitchell, on Sunday, November Peter, who became Mrs. sons are Dr. James -of Cobourg, Saturday evening, October 12 in wilful or malicious injury. going back as far as June 1, 1972, taken this public responsibility. Brussels.
10 with burial in Union Cemetery, Johnston'9 f, Cher. Peter was the and Dr. Keith of London. There Knox Presbyterian . Church. In addition, legislation will be on every sample which had been
Mitchell. first white boy -born in the area, are seven grandchildren. Joining them were their children, enacted where the property, pss<r'X`<,
Mr. Johnston was minister at and Indians came from several. P P Y sent to Hull. A're ort has not pz BALL-MACAULAY
Also surviving are two 21 grandchildren and two great owner or' occupier has given been•' received to date. The ;yy,,,• ,>,»nTz
Millbank and Carthage from 1929 miles to see him, brothers; Rev. Duncan McTavish, grandchildren. • written permission to the snow- matter has been discussed with`,Yo�
to 1935, at Mitchell from 1943 to Mrs. Johnston attended rural London and formerly of Exeter, Other guests present were the mobiler to be on the property, the the federal officials and with the
1952, and came to Brucefield schools, then high school at and James, Lucknow, and one bridesmaid of fifty years, Miss property owner of occupier would Association of An imal Breeders s ,f ''ry r r "•
from Grace Church, St.1h omas, Ripley and Wingham and normal sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Street, Beulah Long, y
Benmiller Mr. only be liable if wilful or malicious and matter will be pursued to
in 1959. Upon retirement from school at London. She taught Kincardine. Predeceasing her Hill's brother, Hugh, from 'harm can be established. 5_, .-the full through the limitations of BUILDING C�-! thea ctive ministry in 1962, he elementary school in Bruce were sisters es (Mrs.Flax Goderich and sister, Mrs. Mary Liberal Leader Robert Nixoq: the Artificial Insemination of
went to Stratford, and assisted at County, Guelrh and Niagara Barkwell), G ertch; Margaret McCool, Brooklin and Mrs. Doug- asked the Minister of Agriculture': Cattle Act, in Ontario,
St. John's Church until his death, Falls, and iii 19' : married Harold • (Mrs. Ross Black)i Ripley and las'Graham, Brampton, sister -in- if, in view of the further substan' During the debate on thebeautiful paneling
in 1964. Mrs. Johnston had been Johnston, then a young student brothers Alex, Huron Township law of Mrs. Hill; also William tial increase in the cost of sugar, estimates of . the Ministry of
in poor health for several years, minister at Bervie. They went and Rev. Fred, Bradford. Graham and .his wife, Valerie of negotiations are continuing Transportation and Communi- B
and declined rapidly during the north to Dunchurch, then a Officiating were Rev. Brampton, nephew of Mrs. Hill. between the Provincial Govern- cations, Richard Ruston, Liberal
past few months. lumbering 'town east of Parry D.A.Deas, Mitchell and REv., and Rev. and Mrs. Wallace ment and Federal authorities to Member for Essex -Kent, asked
As a young woman, her hobby Sound, then returned south to F.M.Faist; Stratford, formerly of Murray, the minister and his wife re-establish the sugar beet for a review of freight rates in the
was elocution, and she gave Bryanston, near London, to Crediton. of Knox Church. industry in the south-western part Province and suggested that
readings and recitations. Later, III
1�1111�Nll�l 1111
she turned her talents to dramatic
glb'ups in the many small towns
!1 where she and her husband lived.
Sometimes, her plays were
presented several dozen times in
various communities. Frequently,
she stepped into her husband's
pulpit for' special services, ori to
preach when he . was absent.
Several of the pallbearers for her
funeral were from 'a group of
young men whom she directed in
play performances in Millbank
over 40 years ago.
* Born in Huron township, Bruce
county, she was one of 10 children
of Peter and Sarah McNair
McTavish, eight of whom
survived to adulthood. She was
the first in her family to be born in
a. frame farmhouse. Her elder
brother Duncan is the last of the
family to be born in the pioneer
loghouse which their grandfather
had built on the banks of the
Eighteen Mile River on Lot 17,
Concession 2, Huron, on a Crown
deed. All but one branch of her
ancestors came from Argyleshire.
Scotland, the McTAvishes from
Inverary, the McNairs
from .Lochgilpead. the Reavies
from Kintyre. Her sole non -Scots
ancestor was Elizabeth Husband
from Northern Ireland.
Mrs. Johnston's grandfather,
McTAvish came from Scotland to
Nassagaweya township near
rouelph, then up the Huron Road
to Goderich, and built a small but
on his land. He_ then returned to
"' � � � � � � � �. "tlF,bY �S\/W1�Y1•�\`�'fC S\\1\1\\\1\\1\\
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