HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-11-21, Page 22a! _ lb
Adults, Too, Can Benefit from .. .
r �
Sl; Ch I
i rn
1974 Y!.N0 0
Less than $3000.00 N
] y before high-speed driving.
Ings. Tires should not, however,
end on AUTO INSURANCE to meet the cost of be inflated above the max- safety RegLilres CheckSEE
- p AVOID ENGINE ID- imam recommended pres- `
r. LING. An idling engine sure.
wastes energy; it does -no Qf, Power Steering s
repairs, injuries and liability claims. * Gerald's t �t®.
useful work while consum-
ing fuel. Excessive idling KEEP THE ENGINE Datsun
�� FACTS may also shorten engine TUNED UP. Spark plug If your car is equipped stde). 22°GODERICH STREET SEAFORTH
GETlife if the practice is re- misfiring may result in a with power steering, you If any of these symp-
peated over a long term significant increase in fuel may think that this sys- toms occur, you should 527-1010
from period. As a guide, .drivers consumption. In labors- tem is very complicated waste no time in getting
should not idle engines for tory tests at `speeds of 30 and must be serviced by your system checked; ear-
more than three minutes, and 50 miles per hour, for highly skilled technicians ly attention can prevent
if possible. example, spark plugs mis= using costly special tools: big problems later,
- - -DONALD-G ■ EATON * _ _ firing 10 percent of the This is not the case,An Ex ositor Classified will
;WARM ENGINE BY g Granted a power steer- stop for pre -winter service
■ e time resulted in an eight Po pay you dividends. Have you tried
INSURANCE AGENCY DRIVING. Drivers will ob- percent increase in fuel ing system is considerably one? Dial Seaforth 527.0240.
more com
tain better economy by consumption. In addition plex than a non -
ignition timing deviating power systema But most
I}eRtald G. Eaton Kenneth J. Cardno driving the car to warm g g ower steerin
39 Main Street S. the engine, rather than, from the manufacturer's p g mainte-
setting resulted In a si � ' allowing it to idle exces- g-
nance can be accomplished
' sively. This speeds up the nificant decrease in fuel by the motorist or his
-_- PHONE 527-1610 527-0490warming process, and thus economy. For example, a service station operator.
SEAFURTH saves gasoline. The driver 1-0 degree retard in basic Special tools are not usu-
spark timing may result ally required:
in an averdge loss of 1.3
miles per gallon at speeds At Heart is Pump f, .
of 30, 50, and 70 miles per At the heart of your -
hour. Drivers should be car's power steering" sys- _
reminded that these and tem is the power steer -
other obstacles to efficient- ing pump. This hydraulic
engine performance can pump merely supplies the
!.BIG S"ING be eliminated with acorn- pressure to turn your car's 4
plate tune-up. wheels when you turn the _
steering wheel. This pump 1
r rarely breaks down as long
as you make sure its sup- s.
en t�.11i1. executive driven cars SERVICE AIR FILTER. ply of power steering fluid
A dirty air filter can cause does not get too low. Peri -
1 Fz decrease in fuel econ- odic checking the fluid
o a
1 my, and decrease in level is all thatt is nates- 0e
1974 LUXURY LEMANS four door colonnade hardto a ui power output, by restrict- sary for regular mainte-
. P t1 PPS ing the flow of air to the nance of the power steer-
�_ with air conditioner, power windows, power brakes, power
engine.- Drivers should ing pump.
steering, 350 cu. in. engine, shade lite glass, custom sport mirrors, therefore be advised to One other item that
custom bumper guards, AM radio, with rear seat speakers, exterior - change the air filter at should be checked period- .RADIAL TIRES'
finished in satin silver and contrasting maroon vinyl top. Interior specified intervals, or ac- ically is the belt that con -
finished to the manufac- netts the pump to the en-
- appointments feature a notchback front seat in maroon cloth turer's recommendations. gine. If this belt should Regular $46.00
and vinyl. This car also includes many other fine options, and all In addition, frequent air break, your entire power Now only $30.95 per tire!
at a big saving. filter servicing is required steering system will cease f
if considerable driving is to function, immediately. FR - 78-14
Ron Mugford_ done in sandy or dusty This could be extremely GR. -78-14 HR.{78-15
conditions. dangerous if you are trav
1974 PONTIAC PARISIENNE BROUGHAM, four door hardtop, ailing at high speed on the Set of 4 $123:=80
This fine car is hoaded with many fine luxury extras, such as auto- DON'T RIDE _ THE i freeway.
Set of 5 $145.95
matic climate control, power windows, power trunk lid release, BRAKES. Even slight foot Check Fluid Level Installation, Balancing, Tax Extra
power seats, power door locks. electric rear window defroster, pressure on the brake ped- While you are checking
tilt steering wheel, tinted glass, custom wheel covers, -AM/FM al can apply the brakes, the fluid level and the
;f especially power brakes, ;
custom Stereo with 4 way "speaker System steel belted radial' drive belts, check the hoses 'Lights °Directional SignalsiZ
This wastes fuel energy
whitewall tires and many other extras too numerous to mention. ) that connect the pump to
which might be ,used to the other components in °Wipers °Windshield Washers
Finished in Admiral blue and contrasting blue vinyl to Interior: move the car. It also wears41
Admiralty 9 Y P the system. Hose connec- °Exhaust System °Battery '
• g:, . the brakes out faster than
Y appointments are in matching blue clash and vinyl trim. You con �,;° • :normal. tions should be tight and °Visual Tire Check °Anti -Freeze [Test]
save hundreds of dollars on this outstanding automobile. leak -free. Hoses should be Horn \ '
Gord Fawm * _ _ firm and free* of cracks.KEEP °Radiator Hoses
es of
IHIGH GEAR. Keep hesystem isethesmain �
both automatic and man- cause of fluid loss, which
Get. your FREE 'Winter 10 Point Inspection Whole you wait= •�-
ual transmissions in the = .in turn4s the main cause
highest gear possible. With of power steering troubles.
manual transmission, shift How can you tell if your
-�����• into high gear as soon as _ power steering system z
+ you can; with an auto- needs attention? Usually, WRIGHT CHEU OLDS. LTD,
matic transmission, use a the first sign is either an
1 light foot on, the acceler- unusual noise (squealing, \ d
��� �r peaCr�R� Dealer �� ator to encourage the 1 chattering or knocking \ Se®forth Ont.
' transmissioli to shift into sound) or a change in the s
high gear quickly:, These "feel" of your. steering Phone J A % � 17
F rr actions will save gasoline. (sluggishness, jerkiness or L
.. r
a tendency to pull to one °
our Students Were Brie; fed for
was- Economy
KEE]x SPS DOWN. omy when speeds are re- is thus required to move
ation in city driving can
must remember, however,
Tests conducted with a duced from 70 to 50 miles the car at higher speeds.
save as much as two miles
that a cold engine does
popularAmerican car have per hour. Wind resistance _ *- _
per gallon compared to
not respond as quickly, so
indicated a 25percent im- increases as car speed in- AVOID "JACK RABBIT"
rapid acceleration. That's
care must be exercised in
provement in fuel econ- creases, and more energy STARTS. Gradual acceler-
because it takes a lot of
all traffic "situations where a
extra energy to increase
engine response is critical.
an automobile's accelera-
` ' $
tion rate. A power valve,
located in the carburetor,
lets more fuel into the cyl-
conditioning puts a sub-
e _
inders under full acceler-
stantial load on automo-
ation. In addition, an ac-
bile engines, . and should,
celerator pump provides
therefore, be used only on
t t
extra fuel to avoid heli-
the hottest days.
tation when the gas pedal
driving at 30 miles per
is jabbed.
hour, for example, use of
the air conditioner can re-
salt in a fuel economy loss
STANT. Driving at steady,
of two miles per gallon.
speeds helps to save gaso-
As a rule, use of the air
line. Unnecessary acceler-
conditioner cuts g asoline
ation activates the accel-
mileage by 10 per ant
erator pump and power
valve, thus injecting extra
— and wasted —fuel into
the system.
inflated tires reduce Baso-
_ * '
line mileage slightly. Soft
encs Can Happen
best to plan ahead for
es o wear out e
quickly,is and may adverse-w
all possible traffic condi-I
affect vehicle handlin
y g'
tions. This allows for grad-_
thus creating a potential
- .ual,
rather than abrupt,
stops and this smooth
safety hazard. Many auto -
mobile manufacturers rec-
driving contributes to bet-
ommend increasing the
ter fuel economy. In addi-
tire air pressure by ap-
Play it AEE behind the wheel •off our car De-
tion, gradual braking pro-
longs the life of brake li3z-
proximately four pounds
Sl; Ch I
i rn
1974 Y!.N0 0
Less than $3000.00 N
] y before high-speed driving.
Ings. Tires should not, however,
end on AUTO INSURANCE to meet the cost of be inflated above the max- safety RegLilres CheckSEE
- p AVOID ENGINE ID- imam recommended pres- `
r. LING. An idling engine sure.
wastes energy; it does -no Qf, Power Steering s
repairs, injuries and liability claims. * Gerald's t �t®.
useful work while consum-
ing fuel. Excessive idling KEEP THE ENGINE Datsun
�� FACTS may also shorten engine TUNED UP. Spark plug If your car is equipped stde). 22°GODERICH STREET SEAFORTH
GETlife if the practice is re- misfiring may result in a with power steering, you If any of these symp-
peated over a long term significant increase in fuel may think that this sys- toms occur, you should 527-1010
from period. As a guide, .drivers consumption. In labors- tem is very complicated waste no time in getting
should not idle engines for tory tests at `speeds of 30 and must be serviced by your system checked; ear-
more than three minutes, and 50 miles per hour, for highly skilled technicians ly attention can prevent
if possible. example, spark plugs mis= using costly special tools: big problems later,
- - -DONALD-G ■ EATON * _ _ firing 10 percent of the This is not the case,An Ex ositor Classified will
;WARM ENGINE BY g Granted a power steer- stop for pre -winter service
■ e time resulted in an eight Po pay you dividends. Have you tried
INSURANCE AGENCY DRIVING. Drivers will ob- percent increase in fuel ing system is considerably one? Dial Seaforth 527.0240.
more com
tain better economy by consumption. In addition plex than a non -
ignition timing deviating power systema But most
I}eRtald G. Eaton Kenneth J. Cardno driving the car to warm g g ower steerin
39 Main Street S. the engine, rather than, from the manufacturer's p g mainte-
setting resulted In a si � ' allowing it to idle exces- g-
nance can be accomplished
' sively. This speeds up the nificant decrease in fuel by the motorist or his
-_- PHONE 527-1610 527-0490warming process, and thus economy. For example, a service station operator.
SEAFURTH saves gasoline. The driver 1-0 degree retard in basic Special tools are not usu-
spark timing may result ally required:
in an averdge loss of 1.3
miles per gallon at speeds At Heart is Pump f, .
of 30, 50, and 70 miles per At the heart of your -
hour. Drivers should be car's power steering" sys- _
reminded that these and tem is the power steer -
other obstacles to efficient- ing pump. This hydraulic
engine performance can pump merely supplies the
!.BIG S"ING be eliminated with acorn- pressure to turn your car's 4
plate tune-up. wheels when you turn the _
steering wheel. This pump 1
r rarely breaks down as long
as you make sure its sup- s.
en t�.11i1. executive driven cars SERVICE AIR FILTER. ply of power steering fluid
A dirty air filter can cause does not get too low. Peri -
1 Fz decrease in fuel econ- odic checking the fluid
o a
1 my, and decrease in level is all thatt is nates- 0e
1974 LUXURY LEMANS four door colonnade hardto a ui power output, by restrict- sary for regular mainte-
. P t1 PPS ing the flow of air to the nance of the power steer-
�_ with air conditioner, power windows, power brakes, power
engine.- Drivers should ing pump.
steering, 350 cu. in. engine, shade lite glass, custom sport mirrors, therefore be advised to One other item that
custom bumper guards, AM radio, with rear seat speakers, exterior - change the air filter at should be checked period- .RADIAL TIRES'
finished in satin silver and contrasting maroon vinyl top. Interior specified intervals, or ac- ically is the belt that con -
finished to the manufac- netts the pump to the en-
- appointments feature a notchback front seat in maroon cloth turer's recommendations. gine. If this belt should Regular $46.00
and vinyl. This car also includes many other fine options, and all In addition, frequent air break, your entire power Now only $30.95 per tire!
at a big saving. filter servicing is required steering system will cease f
if considerable driving is to function, immediately. FR - 78-14
Ron Mugford_ done in sandy or dusty This could be extremely GR. -78-14 HR.{78-15
conditions. dangerous if you are trav
1974 PONTIAC PARISIENNE BROUGHAM, four door hardtop, ailing at high speed on the Set of 4 $123:=80
This fine car is hoaded with many fine luxury extras, such as auto- DON'T RIDE _ THE i freeway.
Set of 5 $145.95
matic climate control, power windows, power trunk lid release, BRAKES. Even slight foot Check Fluid Level Installation, Balancing, Tax Extra
power seats, power door locks. electric rear window defroster, pressure on the brake ped- While you are checking
tilt steering wheel, tinted glass, custom wheel covers, -AM/FM al can apply the brakes, the fluid level and the
;f especially power brakes, ;
custom Stereo with 4 way "speaker System steel belted radial' drive belts, check the hoses 'Lights °Directional SignalsiZ
This wastes fuel energy
whitewall tires and many other extras too numerous to mention. ) that connect the pump to
which might be ,used to the other components in °Wipers °Windshield Washers
Finished in Admiral blue and contrasting blue vinyl to Interior: move the car. It also wears41
Admiralty 9 Y P the system. Hose connec- °Exhaust System °Battery '
• g:, . the brakes out faster than
Y appointments are in matching blue clash and vinyl trim. You con �,;° • :normal. tions should be tight and °Visual Tire Check °Anti -Freeze [Test]
save hundreds of dollars on this outstanding automobile. leak -free. Hoses should be Horn \ '
Gord Fawm * _ _ firm and free* of cracks.KEEP °Radiator Hoses
es of
IHIGH GEAR. Keep hesystem isethesmain �
both automatic and man- cause of fluid loss, which
Get. your FREE 'Winter 10 Point Inspection Whole you wait= •�-
ual transmissions in the = .in turn4s the main cause
highest gear possible. With of power steering troubles.
manual transmission, shift How can you tell if your
-�����• into high gear as soon as _ power steering system z
+ you can; with an auto- needs attention? Usually, WRIGHT CHEU OLDS. LTD,
matic transmission, use a the first sign is either an
1 light foot on, the acceler- unusual noise (squealing, \ d
��� �r peaCr�R� Dealer �� ator to encourage the 1 chattering or knocking \ Se®forth Ont.
' transmissioli to shift into sound) or a change in the s
high gear quickly:, These "feel" of your. steering Phone J A % � 17
F rr actions will save gasoline. (sluggishness, jerkiness or L
.. r
a tendency to pull to one °