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The Huron Expositor, 1974-11-21, Page 21
s ®ANON©I l O WINTER, _ 1YF14TF8' SOMME ri WIDE 70 SERIES • AI�V'ICE g V - - vl-iiJ1 _ • I _ -- who Dom... asxd ME;NN, Too... 43 Mr. Tamirof and from DEDE BENtm... a Wolman who &ft ©NS • cars may not do. IMMEME K Dear DeDe.: pen, if you're lucky you'll chanical condition. Why more at trad in time. You've heard of couples get M. If unlucky, it could are people such fools ? And as you a noticing, who have become incom- be fatal. Tell wide-awake Why don't they know a a shabby car ay attract patible in the bedroom Frank that the window good car when they see it? no customers at all. You because he wants the win- needn't be open all the No SAm NoRmAx don't tell m the age of dozy open and she wants, way to guard against the Perth Amboy, N.J. your car,o how it is It shut. Well, Frank and CO menace. But, more im- Dear No $ale: equipped bl} it might pay I have the- same problM portant, tell him to have 28 runkard. you to have the dents but only it's in the car. your car's exhaust system What you say may be bumped out, rust repaired Titttat nut wants the win- checked every time it's up true. No car ever' had and the car painted. In dour open, even in the on the service rack o - at starting trouble because any case, take care of your Manitoba -winter, He least every six monies of a faded paint job or ° next car as.well';-on the claims it's healthier, 21 Owns, couldn't stop in time be- surface as you da' under . 'What's the use of having Dear Dee: cause of a dinged fender. the skin• a heater, doors and win- I must confess, I some- But you are learning a 3 So be it. dow if you're going to keep times do not understand fact of car life. Anyone -in 37 Time periods the stupid window open. the mentality of the mo- the car -selling business checked.when Eroisa toring public. I've had my can tell you a well-main-n�40 too high. S Proofreader's F'REEznv' car for sale for about a tained exterior can bring 11 Winnipeg, Man. month and no buyers. I several hundred dollars suspension.. 8 Site of BYU. have always made sure the 33 What well -main- 9 With 22 Down, Dear Eloise: car is in top operating derisive comment 6 44T Frank may not be as condition. The brakes are Good mechanics 34 Pirate's gains. nutty as you think. Most almost new, the exhaust 35 .Should be 10 Spanish ladies auto experts'say it's a good system is brand ne1'w and (Abbrev.). 49 National Petro Idea to keep the window there is not one thing leum Institute 37Electrical equiv= open slightly' when driv- wrong with it mechani= alent of engine,. way, it's time to Ing. Why? If there is an tally. There are a few change them. Richard -. undetected leak in the dents and a rust hole or 53 Printer's 3 What 3$ Across; exhaust system, the car- two and the paint is kind will often: do. 16 What Clara Bow bon monoxide fumes, of shabby, I'll °admit. But had. trent={Abbrev.l. which are colorless and 'it's not the paint fob that T a+ odorless, could seep into will carry people around the can Should this hap- safely. It's theTeneral me- s 30 59 Here's Another- 16.98 29,40 s ®ANON©I HIWAY•BYWAY H1WAY4YWAY WINTER, _ 1YF14TF8' SOMME ■O■■ WIDE 70 SERIES tOMRESS _ 4 Pty Nylon M1 MEN 43 Mr. Tamirof and ■Ml ©NS IEEE MEMO cars may not do. IMMEME Sion to keep ` 6 Vital part of on this kind of 01 MMMMS■ road, 20 School at Troy, 11 Headlight adjust- 48 English river. N.Y. (Init.). 22 See 9 Down. ing equipment. ©MO 24 Permit. m®® 25 Brazilian seaport (Fam•)• off, is changed. ME 26 Japanese sash. ®EM® 52 Noisy one is Sign 27 Soviet Chess 15 Something to of engine wear. IMMENSE change about ev- 54 Jarring sounds. - cry 4,000 miles. 6 w��11rI4 Motorists violating the 55 -mile speed limit not only waste gasoline but subject themselves -to arrest by police officials since tris fuel saving mpximum speed has be- come law nationwide. Beware ! Now -that you know this, don't be too quick to blame your battery when you have starting trouble. Instead, see your mechanic for a more thorough diagnosis. Half the time ignition failure turns out to be the troublemaker. Trouble that a tune-up can help correct fast. And be sure to ask, for Champion spark plugs in that tune-up. Champion. It starts more of !the Worlds- cars than any other spark plug brand. >e r. CHAM PION WINDSOR, ONTARIO ' We've got your plug. SIZE - �..i"'�., `.�. e;' `�• Vic... 'ia �,',.t: :.�'s . •`�^ � ,: `\a\. mac.. \��' ,� ` 520/10 150/1 2 .' 600/12 600/12. • `b. Wh S� t \` 1�` 4, ` I 1 • 520/13 600/13 A78113 878/l3 (650/73) C78/13 (1DO/13) �� 878/14(645114) SHORTAG C78114 (695/14) 078/14 h 08/14 (735/14) me fiubber Workerstwo of fJ8/14 (775114) having Closed down lents 678/141825/14) Canada's largest rubber P N78/14 (855/14) forseveralmonths,continuesto Cause eanstderable shortage of 560!15 eanadlan-made tires.., 590/15 HIWAY•B[WAY HIWAY•BYWAY H1WAY4YWAY WINTER, _ 1YF14TF8' SOMME WHITEWALL WIDE 70 SERIES tOMRESS _ 4 Pty Nylon MEME ACROSS 43 Mr. Tamirof and 19 Run this during 11111 Ism namesakes. MEN cars may not do. IMMEME Sion to keep ` 6 Vital part of on this kind of system working. MOSES road, 20 School at Troy, 11 Headlight adjust- 48 English river. N.Y. (Init.). 22 See 9 Down. ing equipment. 50 All- about -, 24 Permit. 12 This should be caged when 51 Severe - on braking is a sign 25 Brazilian seaport (Fam•)• off, is changed. of worn shocks. 26 Japanese sash. 14 Dancer Astaire. 52 Noisy one is Sign 27 Soviet Chess 15 Something to of engine wear. Champ Mikhail change about ev- 54 Jarring sounds. - cry 4,000 miles. At['tMeYF 28 runkard. 17 Computer results. w��11rI4 Motorists violating the 55 -mile speed limit not only waste gasoline but subject themselves -to arrest by police officials since tris fuel saving mpximum speed has be- come law nationwide. Beware ! Now -that you know this, don't be too quick to blame your battery when you have starting trouble. Instead, see your mechanic for a more thorough diagnosis. Half the time ignition failure turns out to be the troublemaker. Trouble that a tune-up can help correct fast. And be sure to ask, for Champion spark plugs in that tune-up. Champion. It starts more of !the Worlds- cars than any other spark plug brand. >e r. CHAM PION WINDSOR, ONTARIO ' We've got your plug. SIZE - �..i"'�., `.�. e;' `�• Vic... 'ia �,',.t: :.�'s . •`�^ � ,: `\a\. mac.. \��' ,� ` 520/10 150/1 2 .' 600/12 600/12. • `b. Wh S� t \` 1�` 4, ` I 1 • 520/13 600/13 A78113 878/l3 (650/73) C78/13 (1DO/13) �� 878/14(645114) SHORTAG C78114 (695/14) 078/14 h 08/14 (735/14) me fiubber Workerstwo of fJ8/14 (775114) having Closed down lents 678/141825/14) Canada's largest rubber P N78/14 (855/14) forseveralmonths,continuesto Cause eanstderable shortage of 560!15 eanadlan-made tires.., 590/15 HIWAY•B[WAY HIWAY•BYWAY H1WAY4YWAY WINTER, _ 1YF14TF8' WHITEWALL WHITEWALL WIDE 70 SERIES tOMRESS _ 4 Pty Nylon 2 + 2tun- ACROSS 43 Mr. Tamirof and 19 Run this during What untuned namesakes. winter on occa- cars may not do. 45 Drive carefully Sion to keep ` 6 Vital part of on this kind of system working. tune-up road, 20 School at Troy, 11 Headlight adjust- 48 English river. N.Y. (Init.). 22 See 9 Down. ing equipment. 50 All- about -, 24 Permit. 12 This should be caged when 51 Severe - on braking is a sign 25 Brazilian seaport (Fam•)• off, is changed. of worn shocks. 26 Japanese sash. 14 Dancer Astaire. 52 Noisy one is Sign 27 Soviet Chess 15 Something to of engine wear. Champ Mikhail change about ev- 54 Jarring sounds. - cry 4,000 miles. At['tMeYF 28 runkard. 17 Computer results. 5� pence ergy 29 D 18 Common con- •13.251 30 Goose eggs. " traction DOWN 31 Gearshift Indi- 19 Tires should be - cator (Abbrev.). rotated - 1 What worn 33 Leaking one 10,000 miles. brakes are not causes engine 21 Owns, 2 When underin- trouble. 22 Smite. Hated this wastes 36 Women's lib 23 RussZll Train's gas• legislations anti -pollution 3 So be it. (Abbrev.). group. 4 Color of light 37 Time periods 25 Should be when- engine (Abbrev.). checked.when temperature is 39 Tax agents - . you service distributor. too high. S Proofreader's - (Fam-)• 40 Manx et al. - 28 Popular type of mark. -41 Shape of Indy `500' track. g wrench. 3Z Type of truck 63.1416. 7 Law degree. 42 Soup (Span.).44: suspension.. 8 Site of BYU. Four to Julius Caesar. 33 What well -main- 9 With 22 Down, 45 Sagacious. taineed car will derisive comment 6 44T save. to early car Good mechanics 34 Pirate's gains. owner. -. drive a car 35 .Should be 10 Spanish ladies after repairs. checked in crank- (Abbrev.). 49 National Petro case for Ieaks. 12 When radiator leum Institute 37Electrical equiv= hoses get this (fit.).: alent of engine,. way, it's time to 51 Film star 3& AAA, aid: t4 change them. Richard -. motorists (Inst•). 13 Commercial car 53 Printer's 3 What 3$ Across; units. measure. will often: do. 16 What Clara Bow S5Original Equip - 40 'i`ype°oi`lettuce.• had. trent={Abbrev.l. T a+ 22.28 23.70 w��11rI4 Motorists violating the 55 -mile speed limit not only waste gasoline but subject themselves -to arrest by police officials since tris fuel saving mpximum speed has be- come law nationwide. Beware ! Now -that you know this, don't be too quick to blame your battery when you have starting trouble. Instead, see your mechanic for a more thorough diagnosis. Half the time ignition failure turns out to be the troublemaker. Trouble that a tune-up can help correct fast. And be sure to ask, for Champion spark plugs in that tune-up. Champion. It starts more of !the Worlds- cars than any other spark plug brand. >e r. CHAM PION WINDSOR, ONTARIO ' We've got your plug. SIZE - �..i"'�., `.�. e;' `�• Vic... 'ia �,',.t: :.�'s . •`�^ � ,: `\a\. mac.. \��' ,� ` 520/10 150/1 2 .' 600/12 600/12. • `b. Wh S� t \` 1�` 4, ` I 1 • 520/13 600/13 A78113 878/l3 (650/73) C78/13 (1DO/13) �� 878/14(645114) SHORTAG C78114 (695/14) 078/14 h 08/14 (735/14) me fiubber Workerstwo of fJ8/14 (775114) having Closed down lents 678/141825/14) Canada's largest rubber P N78/14 (855/14) forseveralmonths,continuesto Cause eanstderable shortage of 560!15 eanadlan-made tires.., 590/15 HIWAY•B[WAY HIWAY•BYWAY H1WAY4YWAY WINTER, _ 1YF14TF8' WHITEWALL WHITEWALL WIDE 70 SERIES tOMRESS _ 4 Pty Nylon 2 + 2tun- 2 + 2 Gtass-6elted - 11[ACKWAIl 1WITEWALL INon- etw Polyester lklyHp a �SPl7FoNKtar Belied) Nybn - 80LDLYHITE 21oe ed -Arl4_2Pdlrestet- LETTERS ilWO odvke,4 8eitadllytott - Compact and Compact and NarmsY,WhBearap ;Compact attd Coatpaa.d 78 Series 7&Series w ilit'MTxr( 76 ' i, is not avallable stock, leave your order •elktwanjltta�ewarr�misazmenf FA in PAIRS EA m PAIRS EA in PAIRS #ACH 71rb1s7IIRS atter discount after discount after -discount atter:3iseotht! At['tMeYF for cash for cash fwcasb -io[,iszb �_ •13.251 - - - •14.23f - TIRES �g ci-i •16.58- ' IN PHONE X27-13 0 : 19.43 _ F --- THIS 1546 78:16 1;814. 17.531 - _COLUMN 19.90 2011 LIMITED _ 19JTt- t - to YOUR-0WH -8.29 2D 19 20.861 - - _- STORES STOCK 19.43 �:s2128 - -18.76 21.75 HN HAND. •19.39 _ -i3tE8 22.70 23.65 24;65 21,98 49:21 2275 24.96 25.83 2912 24;31 3323 . 26.54 28.40 32.54 3.2:32 27.98 30.59 34.10 - -Ski `26 8 = 21.60 - �- -� w 79$3 19.90 22.28 23.70 - 25.17 26.11 30 59 '20 �8 16.98 29,40 33 49 - 2232 35170 26.26 3193 - 35 72 T it :_� We regret the need to give tires advertised- 685/15 fIR/15 (665/15) -4- - notice that all F78/151776115) 25.17 maynoLbeavatlableatanatores at all times. requircmist H78/15,18551151 if your particUlar from Your l0=1 .z PH _ 1�a aniw twraas1.47+eaeaMnavr a4) i, is not avallable stock, leave your order •elktwanjltta�ewarr�misazmenf ' store's for priority delivery from re' NOCNAR6EFOR'nkEtiSTAttATIONxficn)voubuyoucth'ifarS trod' Y seatour i1swia production- of 31.00. We must install ournew Lire and valve iogethtr Atit;if»Luca ;uisl< Stam -Balance tiro andiwheel, 51:00. DynatnicBal2noe 1230 �. 15%D(u;ountfw=Gslrisxstl'�:olSuntnCoupont „ - Fred Tilley �td.r � �� ��rr � } aaini�d�i�jR ' n Seaforth �g ci-i CA ED PHONE X27-13 0 : � _ F i -4- -