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The Wingham Times, 1894-01-26, Page 2
2 eCinO?zDfi Ciams FRIDAY JANUARY 20, 1804. deft that was restricted to a limited rang of the commoner vegetables, can hardly realize how much more valuable it becomes when you add celery and cauliflower and aaparague,etrawberries and currants and gooseberries. If ,you are having a garden, have one that is a guide,' in earnest and not EDITORIAL, NOTES• the mere apology for ane. AT the banquet given to Bon. Mr. Pat- terson, Minister of Militia, at Brantford The Adverttsias 3'ast week, he said that he would discourage Of Hood's Saila"' arilla is always within *be formation of new regiments,and do all he the bouuds of re because it is true ; it always appeals to the sober• cotnmou sense oeuld do to increase the efficiency of exist- of tllinkiug people because it is true ; lima ing ones. He hoped that officers who had it is always fully substautiated by eudoree- .any compliments to make or suggestions merits which, iu the tioauciai world would etffeotiug the force in Canada would notbpacceptedwithout a molneut's hesita- hesitate to write to him and mark their 'letters "private." He added that in addi- Hope's PILrs cure liver ills,constipation, bl 1 ndi- s'ek he Oda to d'ce , n ,i tlogltc the 1,000 sant of arms recently billiouaness, Ian t ," purchased they had arranged for 8,00Q more gestiou. 1 . from, the Imperial Goveinmont at more Silage fotSheep, •• useasonable rates, In addition, salt be On silage forkeep the Home tussis were being ,nada frgm the Imperial Weeks says : "Good silage suites as Government from tLe conversion of the y Y Diartini-Henri rifles, which they had in cheap a ration ttboul as one can devise store in Canada.. When this had been done, they would hale 15,000 stand of arms with which to efehip. the, riflemen of Canada. R Teri •Manufacturers' Association, com- prising the infant industries in the iron trade, met in Toronto, lately. They com- prise the Wire Association, enourged 30 per cent.; the Wire Nail Association, en- couraged 40 per cent.; the Screw Associ- ation, enconraged 36 per cent.; ethe Bolt and Nut Association, encouragecil 48 per cent.; the Rivet Association, a !couraged 48 per cent.; the Barb Wire As ociation, ar Iron encouraged 40 per cent.; the Association, encouraged 37 per cont.; the Cut Nail Association, encouraged 32 per cent.; the Horse-shoe A, sociation, amour_ aged 45 per cent.; the Cack Association, encouraged 35 per cents, and the Paint Grinders' Association, ncouraged 30 per cent. Prices were sligb sly varied 'up and down, and one firm was ;struck from the list of jobbers for selling . nails cheaply to Toronto. TIIE WINGIU M TIMES, JAN -CART 261, 1894. Love of Idioms. HQMB A.ND PRIEN li1.. Oh 1 there's a power to make eaelt,lloirtr "[nhabltativettrtil" is tete eternal given by the phrenologists to a poo•- As sweet its heaven designed its,: tuberauee on the head buppostatd: to be Nor need we roam to bring it Monte„ the outward and visible, sign of itu Though few there be dist fllidiati (1re seek too high for things olosz by,. inward and earnest desire for ar per- And loeso what Datura gave us.; n,anent horse. .I3edLuin Arabs nod For life hath here no charms sa,desu;. Yttukee peddlers, are eitui tie, be deli- Aehome and friends;aroundlute. meet in tide hump, and it time tie We oft destroy the pennant joy. assumed that if 11tH Wi dehri.tn Jew And future hopes,.nor praise therre, could I e ceuetht anti phreetologlxed, a While fiuwers as sweet bloom,ab oua•iieee!' Considerable hollow would, be found If we but stoop to raise th ens. where the (even of Inti,rebi�tative'nebs For things so fair still ;;seated are. ought to be Imeated, Now being a lingerer of skull . v,'n aro not prepared to *ssert tDmt the magic pea, Iltl,al.itativ,•ne8s, is exaiitly under the thimble det,hgnated as its. t . 1, theh profess habitat con'ILt' rs who ru e Y�r 1 P t 'l;awed 'el. d to read character ei us' 11e rend v V a l their lir • •t• u1 thumbs. i is. books, f t,e,st d 1 i ever, that the >r les: iutenelty turjerity "f the It le trate certain, ho' 1 It faculty exults s uh niece in the minds of a tare+ human, family. yrerejlt otherwise we should all be as erret a es itiueraut or the nomads for fattening weth rs, although it is tiumen of Ounnecticu even better suited a food for breeding of Arabia. ewes. Occasionally it may be found Heaven be tllankoi that the wethers d not relish the appreciate the value of a house, and silage, especially ifit is in any way every „ , that we lige in a len where tainted, but if 1 '' food clean and sweet they wi sentiment of Inhabr aliveness is a es new grass. It is rarely, ever, that they Ilcountries, builds cities? tformal govern - take any dislike to a silage even at meats, erects mighty states. It is the a a re list that most of us When youth's bright spe1311iath, bcuwid ns j' Rut soon we're taught that eart'h'has+lu,:uttit Like borne and/friends auound us ; The friends thee speed in tilno of'Iaeed', When hope's .lastjeed iit:sbakeli,,. Do show us sti"al that, assns tvhnitwil), We are not quite fore+alten. Though all were night i'f but tleel'i let ii n * %' From friendship's Blear orow'aed ns, 'Twould prove the bliss of ea 411 was ti)is— Our home and frieatels arou sl ars. Toronto. Tostima7{tj . DEAR. SIRS.—iwo vetaps ago I had a.had Ilttaol: of billonsiiess and took one bottle of Burdoek Blood Bitters, and can truly ree•'rrameud it Loi any sufferjug from this COM plain t. i,IRs. CHARLES BATON, Toronto. Mrs. Sting's—Last, niii!it you came the o0 1s c est home with a story of sitting up with a 11 so, learn to eat it industrious man can s quire one. The sick friend, Now when excuse have t eagerness the • will good r with such g Y I d sentiment. Farm No es. Uniforutity of feed ng is required in order to keep the co •s up to a uni- fortu production. Eve`)y time that they fall back a little, (t will require twice the ordinary feeling and care to bring them back tU the former standard. Keep thenil from slhrink- ing by the closest pose ble attention to their every need. It is estimated that acre of land should produce 15 to is of ensilage. which should feed five cows for five w' months. Nu other kln'1 of food ill do do well, considering its cost, and it should be a special aro? next seasgn. Ensilage is succulent, ehL1, if fed with hayiand grain, gives !better resultie than if fed alone. It supplies a want ii11 the winter seasou i hat cannot be o •her source. su 'lied froth any t pe An exchange says thtt an appeal is made in the press to�jthe fanners of the t country to be on their guard against the new agricti tura, pest, the Russian thistle, which Nis said to be even more dreaded tints) the Canadian thistle which hags gained such a foot- hold in our country. '1 The Russian thistle was- imported :in some flax seed to Scotland, South Dakota, seven- teen years ago, and has in that short space of time spread' over 30,000 square miles of territory. The dam. age to crops this last year from this enemy is placed at $2,000,000. l tv h a fe ea ni e t first,and then only w d Y :p basis of all patriotism. We love the but not sufficient to a t materially the f the a progress o hoard of some she claimed that the we It is a bad habit to get to thinking that you can buy this product or that, which you need for use in your own family, ae cheaply as you can grow it. Produce everything possible that is needed for home use, and so save the middle man's profit on both that which you would have to sell and that which you will have to buy. For if you do Ii ay, you must grow some other thing With which to pay the bill, and some. one besides 'yourself manes the profit on both transactions. The watering of horses is a matter of paramount importance to the feed. bag. If the small stomach of the horse is loaded With food and in a half hour'sanimal oat red the tltnethee grain will be washed out undigested, A. horse Was fed on coarse beans and muttered. Upon dissection these beans w► found in the intestines from 85 40 ft. from the stomach, 1 repeat ,etatphatioe.11y, horses should not be Arateveid until two or three hours 't (fte testisEr msthey shouldld be water ed short time before feeding. Y. consider e best plan to water about a half before the time of feeding. spare now to have It Netter fruit ' a etable garden neat year'than have ever had before. There is etee thing that will eu much add to nese, health and prosperity. and planting, it gives t1t.fsg that you think be snide nee of on the %Pee Vrite meet 111&41% gar - els We have country of our birth, of our adoption, breeders who because it is our hem. We defend its government and i stitutions, be - hers would not !cause iu their pertnauence we see the, eat the silage and t they bad to be I 1 rant for horrid security they could gain in . sight. This must I instinct of Inhabitative pass --this long• ten sheep will rehab ;leau,sweet silage. l —this desire to dwell Lauder one's own Probaldv the trouble3has been that the I roof and on one's owq• land, and to owners buys dependd almost entirely I make them a family heritage, were' ediug• This has stronger in every man than it is. If , we are more domestic we should be more patriotib. Surely that man has reached the climax of hanhan misery who exclaims in tue bitterness of his soul : A. home and a country re sins not for me. changed upon another ration bef Vt4 ore ! °j would be well, 61'haps,if this you this timet Mr. Stilgs —To -night my lova, (hie) we ail g tbered around his beer, •ul.toasua toots env:tot e'uoap •euoasu0 of nano gigs 'sailC 'rtao:sc) an' poise ot;s 'Pill, •choices am/ ot,n2 o.0 'uI0 113 unit alisaan & nunacq ells uonAL, 11I SUM ells uatl'� a KCAL &gra COL1AL be excepttoual, for rine out of even ing for, and love fora 4rmanent home Swimming has been much neglected in the 13ritish Navy, observed Mr. 1'Ink)oly; iVhen there' it parliament in Dublin we will pans 'r} law that not a sailor shall leave terns firma ttil the can swim. RUEeMATISDI Cilium IN 4DAY.—South Arnoricau Rheumatic Cure,of Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures iu 1 to 3 days. Its action upou tlfe system is re markable and mysterioust It removes at once the cause of the disej.se,mmeclietely disappears. The first dose greatly bene* fits. 75 cents. Warrantel at Chisholm's drug store. Mrs, R. says that, of all of Shake- speare's plays produced it the Lvicenm she liked "Henry ills E ghtll" the hest because of the character, of Cardinal Bullseye•, which 11r•. Irvting played s0 sweetly. Itch on human and horse and all ani - male cured d in 30 Iniuutes Woolford's Y Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. VVar- rautod at Chisholm's drug store. upon the silage for been a great mist Silage is not ince, place of all other f stances either gree must also be fed, f the sheep, for instance, were fed 1,exciusively upon raid be that weak be would follow. sd fodder as well, n The same is to in the past. ded to take the ods, but in all in - hay or stalks silage, the results w and some dead +late The sheep would nc and also seine gra true of cows or any.' animals fed on silage." EIOLLOWAY's Ptr,i.--There is no -1 thing in the whole Materia Medico, like these Medicaments for the cer- tainty of their action in lumbago, all flying or 'c tic doloreux . rid sciatica, settled pains in the nerves and mus- cles. Diseases of this nature originate in bad blood and depraved buin,ars, and until these are corrected there can be no permanent cure, The ordinary remedies afford bot temporary relief, and In the end always disappoint the sufferer. Holloway's Ointment pene- trates the human system as salt gene. trates meat,and the Pills greatly assist and accerlettte its operation by,clearing away all obstructions and giving tone to the system generally. The pro- plhylactic virtues of Holloway's reme- dies stand unrivalled. Profits in Poultry. At a recent farmers' institute meet- ing, Mr. L. G. Jarvis, the noted Cana. dian poultry expert and judge, read an interesting paper on "Pie Most Pro- fitable Breed of Poultry for the Farmer." Atter alluding to the poultry and egg trade#of the country and the extent it ha0. reached, he spoke of the raising ofoultry and the pleasure and pride fano ers took in the beauty and good qua ides of their stock. He claimed that no branch of farming yields a better, return on a small outlay than breeding poultry, As this is an age of improvement, the common fowl must gtr, as it is not profitable. An inerease4n size of bird, and the best egg producers aro desir.• ed, as eggs and poultry are advancing in price. In the selection of etock he advocated the Leghorns, Wyan- dottes, Light Brahmae, Minercas, Houdans and Spanish for eggs. For marketing purposesthebest were Plymouth Rocks, Indian Game, Dork- ing Blalyatns and 000.114 the former growing in favor more and more. The beet producers are they Leghorrls, Fowls to he profiable for suing should be killed before moulting fume, when about oils and half years old. Eggs nl winter mean profit. 141 ogre' fowl never la well and thesoon r they fire done away with the better for the farrie. '1'o keep vermin oif fowl use coal oil and carbolic aeid fro ly about your henhouses, and feed b ekwheat, barley and a little soft feed. 'tri feed- ing soft food, great care al old bo takers, as if too freely used i would injure the birds. 'or imniadiato relief after 4ating, use K. D. C. t: "Like the dew on thelVIountain, .Like the foam on the Iver, Like the bubble on thFountain Thou art gone forever"" . How beautiful these 1 nes of Scott's express the instantane us flight of sick headache after the 1 e of Stark's Headache Powders wbic Ts effect a per- manencand immediate cure for all cases of Neuralgia and 1 1iousness,and s sold y a Y everywhere tweut live cents per hox. Mr. Atex Rumsey, Imperial Bank, Welland:, says they are excellent and he reco`amends there to. all who suffer from he=adache. The Youngest Editor i ; the World. Lady Marjorie, daughter of Lord and Lady Aberdeen, ha the distinc- tion of being the young st editor in the world, and her 1i I le monthly, "Wee Willie Winkle," f; an almost ideal specimen of what a child's paper should be. It is simple,natural, in- teresting, and I am glad to ,.rear that it is likely 'to have an r tended range of usefulness en the Am rican conti- nent. Lady Marjorie is a interesting child, somewhat tall fo' her age, but still a child at her lesson. She does her editing in the intervals of play tithe. Like all the rest if the family she is devoted to her to then, who is naturally very anxious ,'that such a child should not be unduly forced into prominent activity.—Review of Re- views. Sore Throat Curdd. DEAR SIRS. --I had a very sore throat for over a week and tried several medicines without relief until I heard of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, which I ; tried with great success. I think it a fine medicine for sore throat and lung troubles. li7ARIA MIDDLETON. Bobcaygenn, Ont. The Presbytery rf Huron met in Clinton on the 16th inst. Rev, J. A. Hamilton, N1. A., was appointed Moderator for the ensuing six months. The report of Christian Endeavor shower, that the !moieties under the r in of the Presbytery are n a flourishing condition, the total mem- bership being 322• The annual re- port of the Presbyterial ,Woman's Foreign Mission Society showed grati- fying Progress. Total contributions, $1,332, as against $1,204 last year, being an increase se for the year of nearly $200. Sympathy was expreseed with Mr. Shaw, of Egrnondville, who v illness. is passing through se ere 11 n ss. A suitable deliverance respec ing the death of the late Mr. Gr4ham, of -Egmondville, was adoptedj. Mr. Graham was one of the old p nears of the Presbyterial) Church in the - "Iluroti tract," having sc,,tled in l•3rucefield and 1`+;gmondville -n 1845. • K D. 0. the household randy' for stomaoh traublals. 1 y.LR the removal ail 1 K. worms. of all lintel,.; ffomcbl;dren or adu:tbh ,use De. t?+MIT118 'GERMAN WODM '11.OzENC,es. Alnwp'ta precept, reliable, safe ,and pleasant, requiring1,ri�a after'rnedicine, Never:A'ilina- Leave no bad Ant $eLi . prtco, 25,'a Moats Per Box JOB PRINTING, IIYCLUDkNG Rooila,, 1?aulphlete, Posterat. 8111 Hoods, Clrcular0,.6so:. &e., executed in ti a boat style et the art, atimodkre.te prices, enders,. most notice. Apply or address. E. ELLIOTT, TIMns OlRco, Wihreham. LOOK HERE 9 This Wilt IoteratEvery- body NEGLECTEDcoug a, CmaGag bthcl SAFELY AND SURELY CURED BY Alley's Lung Balsam • WJBSTER'S INTERNATIONAI, Entirety New. DICTIONARY Abreastglebe Ti»us. 4 Grand Educator. Trueoroftha A, 11711811417dged." r Ten years were ospent reiising, 100 ; It', editors Deployed, 0 ;r and over 8300,000 ,I i' exponde be Zng ii ire, IS:PIflal 1011kiD— EAR= FI fl ASG. Pd04LN•INC' TIME'3t:OFFIGI ,,JOSEFttl1NE•$IBEET WINGH.A41, ON3A4f10. Subscalptionprtap,apaV. Oa*,in a dvanoa _ _ ADYEATIS1NG ?IAMBS:. _ SRitee __ 1 1 „)•. 1. 0.1r. -?..._.1_3,11?!.' { 1 t,O One ()Almon $88,100 830.00 1 Rik an, 8000 14%:11,4,41.?, 85;•00• 1,20;0000.i 1.2 se 600 aa,co. , r. 00 4 ea ,. one .100 _ I L',.,tai and othexc w ,o�adatuntleomersts, Se. per lino for drat Insertiott„and 8u, penliva touvaMh subsequent insertion. d notices iso.. poi •.rue• for first insertion, and u i ,t ns vt . erlhwtoreao)Is ban. stet 1 c SQL. No a c local 5. 1 l heeP neitco will bo chanted letul ttl►an 21ie; dvo oscines a.otLOst Sound Str ed •ht a on A r t , six S u ti D, and Business C9tances Wasted., not exceeding 8 linea ,fnonparoii, 81ppo�rmonth. , houses andtifarmsdor,•Safe , not exoeeding 8 81 for dist month, 60e. tier subsequent month longer parkas,.. These tera . l be strictly • adhered r ed to Special rotas for losat adtertfueaen te, or to Advertreen,onta. and local notices without specllto directions, wanes inseatact 51.11 forbid and charged • accordingly.. Tra,4ikeey advertisements trust be We are scree) paid in adoanes 6� Changes: fou contract advovtiG:.ments must bo n.' Best Coal Coil 12 1-3 that weolxby foe_ _contract noon, in ardor to appear, centsIm per a 'al al R. ELLIOTT •j• p PROPRIETOR AND PUBLISHIE& lon, or a can containing the equivalent of five v ybody a I ; + 81101rwn this o i i Diction y. It an- e r, ewers al questions ` ii i, concern g the his- tory, sp ling, pro - 'in .' nunciati n, and meaning f words, A $ihrary in Itself. It also gives iho facts often wanted concerning eminent ' persolm, nncient and modern• noted fico - 1 ion) persons and places; the countries, cities, towns, and natural features of the d , globe; translation of foreign quotations, words, phrases, and proverbs; etc., ate., etc. !,icllis Work is Invaluable in the e� household, and to the teacher, scholar, pro - iiSessional man, and Self -educator. 2110 CIoUe, Toronto, says. : This new dictionary is the best book of Its kind in the English language. For every family, tl'o r members or which have mastered x110 ort or read- leg,ltspurchasewiltproveaproOtttbleDivestment. ,', , ^'7 Vic ilaxe5, Fi'alniltort, so t— ii h w n ho hes trorkln d1 r. d E, Jiniry n .11 bopronon cod t B V; 111=17 b:411(111 •uta tiro cheapest boot: m a =I and 0 e' 1110014 l n ht evsry school and family t Cmtndn. !a 1 S + 2'1'avcyouriiooksellerabow' ttoyou. cj C. 4'; C. blerrtitul Co. a til, tsfatnt r , tr iar:firh1 Hata U.S.A. 5, I 4 ,r.-11-04114 American gallons bbr 50c., exclusive' of pack- age. American Axes, oc. to 65c. each. bnyehr•tppl,otn• NVE..B TER' •r.hi.•e•:u:nl.o.'Leieat, ilvTTl1. t:p0mNel. .•':r ., 1JT ' ;t .,til' 1.1'''.!,•111.1%,” q'O1.1P,.,•riiiien 1':.,:•••', v i ,.0 th ere NERVE iti:ItvE DEANS covert' that care the Nervous Debility, BEANS FehkogDDMobo(01 y ;o bf overwork. or th 001501 of youth. Tb solute!), cares the meet obstinate DUOS TRINATMEItTE ha,. failed aeon to ere Nati st Si per naokont, or Dir 00.. of prion M 00.. Toronto. �o o for la a ride 't'ftKhan , ti F. QOlsi)O0. P e• Crosscut Saws, 45 . to $i.00 per foot. We to -day re uce our quotations on Binder Twine one cen per lb. J. A. CLINE & 0, Wingham. a OOW die, oryt two of Vigor and Ind cgat�ue Remedy r at - ea all other 'Id Warne, t lttil i I/2 lrt�+ Weekly free Press —AND— FARM AND UOME ...FOB 1894 $1.00 BOTH PAPERS F 'R $1.00 ENLARGED AND iMPRO ED. -CLASS -�IIG�I L sS FAY PAPER. NEW FEATUE, : VETERINARY DEPARTMENT Under the charge of Dr. J. H. }Filson, V. 3., London, ANSWERS TO CoRIaESPONDENTS. •,?nquirics will be answered free, and should' always contain writer's full name and address. EACH NUMBER WILL ALSO QONTAIN: REV. DR. TALMAGE'S SERMON deliver d the Sunday previously, YANEDAN sWANDERINGS" and o h s writings by this c thor. rated le at . celebrated t AGRICULTURAL 11A1TRR--I1111strated. LADIES' PACE—Illustrated. A SERIAL TALE, and other interesting reading matter. A -WEEKLY PAGE Or GOOD MUSIC. 1 SU.TBSCRIBE I' OW Price, One Della' a year in advance fo thewEElc5Y FRET: PRESS and FARM AND HOMti—in 1116 pages, Agehts wanted in every unreprnsen ed.district to solicit subscriptions. FREE PRESS PRINTING OMPANY, LONJQN, - ONTAB±O. ZETLAND SAW1�LI GEORGE THOMSON, Prol rietar. Lumber of all kin First-class Shi;r and Cedar 1 Car Load Orders a Spe WOOD delivered to any Win am. iaTOrdorsbnnait promptly attemclo to GEORGE TII011 Box 126, Wing_ gles, fists. Malty. art of ON, ant P. A. LIBERAL OFI R! We are now offering THE LAWS' S J0UR SIAL, of Toronto, ahtrge 30 pogo ninthly Illustrated Fashion Home Paper particularly interesting to ladies, ivi th The two publications will bo given for 151.25 for one year, and will bo sent o any adcireas, Thitt offer applies to tbos who renew for theTniks for another ye be. fore January 1st, 1804, as well aa t new subscribers. The regular ,subsoriptiou price 0 the Ladies' Journal is One Dollar per ear, The Journal and the nem will only est you $1.25 if you send now, Address, Tlssfss Orrice, Wingham, alt, DR. 11Ae1D0NSLD, JOSEPHINE STREET, wassunM. Oranuo, Iv 13. TOWLE1t, . Member College Physicians and Surgeons. Ontario. —Coroner for County of Huron -- Office Ilp•etatrs, next to Mr Morton's oiltcc, WIng. ham, Ont. Orman Houms.-6" to 12 a. m„ 1 to p. tn., or at, Residence, Diagonal Street. JP. KENNEDY, 11. D., Ili, C. P. S. 0. (Successor to Dr. A. Eleldruul.) Gold Medalist of Western Univers.;b)•: Late Howie Surgeon in London General Hospital. Special niton, tion paid to diseases of women and children. Office—Formerly occupied by Dr. Moldrum,Corner of Centre and Patrick streets. tt'INGRAM • • • 0E1 R VANSTONE. lh•BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate interest. No c mnimnon charged. Mortgages, tort and :Mini property bought and sold OFFICE—Beaver Blook WINo1IAil J. A. MORTON BARRISTER, Bic , 0115 NV Ingham E. L. DICKINSON, Barrister Et . SOLICITOR TO o nAN1C OF HAMILT 0 MONEY N Y T 0 LOAN. Office—Meyer Block, Wingham. 4 DENTISTRY,— .1 S. JEtt011E, )i'INonen, ��!! Is manufacturing ;,Celluloid Plates, Vulcanite plates o3tho bestmaterial as cheap as they ein be got "in the Dominion. All wok warranted. Painless extraction of teeth by trio use of Electric. ify or Vegetable Vapor. TARE NOTICE.—I will extract teeth for 26 cents each. OFFICE : In the Beaver Bloc , opposite the Brunswick House. eselele • i :, R'�11����• Wm. H. Macdonald, L. D. S., DENTIST. OFFICE, - - MASON'S BLOCK Opposite the Queen's Hotel, wingliam, Will visit Gorrie lst ani, 3rd Mondays of each month, JOHN RITCHIE,�1 GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT w,Nd1,ADr, ONTARIO ,p. DEANS, JR., MMECHAM, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR 01' HURON. Sales attended in any part of Moderate. rl' ",CHE COUNTY tle Co. Charges JOHN CURRIE, WINaISAat, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR TiIE COUNTY or• G> HURON All orders left at the Tains office pr4tnptly attend ed to. Terms reasonable. JAMES IHENDERSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER POR COUNTIES HURON AND Bauer, All sales Notice. ttonded to promptly and on the Shortest Charges A11 necessary arrangements sea �tbe made at the TIDIES' office WINDHAM '1"1It. .1, nicAsll ' b1, 13. Toronto, Members Colleyo I'i,ysleians and Surgeons, Ontario. 11xtenAvri ONTARIO Money. to Loan On O Notes. Notes Discou ted • AT rtEASONABLE litATES Money advanced on Mortgages at G} et cent with privilege of paying at the era, of any •err. Notes ami accounts collected. ROW. literelti0O. Deaver Block WIio has►, Out, - est W. C. Teue.Calt (OONA ccaute or mot lvnio51A3t lit l?or god 2lratir We! 3 the atteetiou ot- thu,tnothore to 011 t that ,the .tifeu en's •Ohrlstic ance harp, torone hoer, ow it Sires llelnv'eat rash tick street. A.11 lael1 o are made'w010024 Wa hold a monthly ..gospel .ineoting Monday of .ovary .Month, except when advertised, to whiolt ,nmetlmg'we,-invite generally. As the Editor has kindly :oven eta 1 space, for our work, we ask friends of t Deni items of interest on all moral ,quad day to any et our members. Chaplain 11n t p .tYleCa ,e says: 1 1 ing people of:the country see t for wdeiskey and •beer titan th:, banking capttal•of thr+,litttion, would wave what they spend way, ,and start •banke,r,tiiev•c c havel©h a11te wtt -q 3 •c 000 ctgpital. , ontt 4'got ',the wrong. •I'llowrite it out, so tl b ami stake. tin lcttstfekr iI•n (,three 3 saving wt{at ,they polis .doom threats, theyeseeld,have baht n in bbeir interest with an u cattital .of tieyo ,billion two and rtfty mfidioas"of dollars, 1 net prcJ t of .at ileal •eons• ".YLi!ll etre a year, to be -edivided them •Pnt ttiis•rat glee en, pu thonlsatron ehesway '.or the get'rieb is to -stop repending forsthfot•whieh,is'notib-reauy al 1a'sort1J..r thatow hicll eatisfietto CatteouaidAitient. :s'ii tethol will ale ayes .cause,i Timis - is true. •otOne dim. or • n quantity of alcohol's --in cause partionate to Iue!briety. ,"'The relentless consegglence'•,of,lilqu. 1111 ing or-•gdving ae .naedixtaue ur or,at„as y titneeoi J'ife;'inithe+c nursery., or saloon, groin host h& twestnfield,or,. tt:thtr'e;.onviv:i; or antfashionab.n .society,, the al wteysrimebrietyr.as aedisease.1 nibe'r5(:.) to the „amount of drank. Thougir'the ritrllueue, societyo.cr bad societyt'•or • sic viciousness, the efialan&ity o c0116011 a:1 t.ey Oh•ristiar, 'Ile simply,enorntous, but •Athey drizi lit ,witlfout leen Itt,forthc of ',i,ilel'iriety aced ;its . aces sorrow' is:also of equally .tuao proportions. L About sPaper. THE 311lNY',THINGS XtHIfa,Iifiklo'i IT ALtir ilOW,} TWAY .1Ath.E LUI Papertoaai be made ,off anything,Shat can lierpouuged Over fifty 'hinds of baciteare,e, while htl"' old•' e sactiI ,' 1I , and l d h 1 fir• good artiAle. Paper tis .nhraci•, banana skeuf;, front iti:trell •Ft+ vines, eocoun,ut fibre, ,<iiovtrr'1tt. tby hay, strewv, fresh tw,rter•nv. weeds, and more time ,one different kiaAtt's' of „setas. 'Jp„ l been wade Frt D) hair. i41ur tri t:from asbesevI'i,• whiC10 tllltllnk ;.article indestaarctihie b5 gave,: If plants, from husks of may ;N, alcinds of grain.. Leaves (mctc :,strong paper, a'.ihile the ba, � ,sterns of Indies) corn !awe at Aim ,tried, and alm set every :lir'rrad .Ilan be made liens: paper. 11 ,,latents for mall:ling paper fr, ,deal. and shitviuga,, . from there ctb;s;ledown, from .tobacco tet. (tanker k. at is said that rhisre are e Ithour,ar,d paceeeto fm this 00511 .ening the manufacture of pate anattee what the subniasce, th, ds substantially the dame. 7 terialti;3 ground to a pulp, the thi:n;ly.over a frame assts allows the subsequent treatment d, on 'the tiiintl of paper tet the nia English Spavin Lltntneat ret ,hard, 8015,.,or calloused Lumps a ashes f,Bosn horses, Blood lsipavi Splints, diiing Bone, SwEer,,ey Sprains, :Sege and swollen Titoaal oto. hate $hp by use of one Ioottl rautod by teltishblm.s drug tomes Mr. G1ad'stene is not gaits=ti of the House 'el' Commons. M era (91) is the older, and Isaac Holden (87). 13m, M 'atone has been til, Westmi years, having Ing bP rU electedd for tDecember, 1881. 1-o 1 first office—es a junior Lo Trearlhry under Peet --50 y Mr. Gladstone was it lord of sury before Mr. Morley, air Mr. Balfour and Al r. Clio Were born, and when even Sir Barconrt t< as a child of I So you went and proposed I spite of shy whruirg:4 Ye the result? The answer I got chilling that I fell several de; my own estimtttion: xndigestlon is titubborni bl C. 0vekoOnat'ia 1 .