HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-11-21, Page 14tl- 9. ,rt A:..ron •N• x1 .w,T., we.:.R�, ,yr.R:e, ..wN,,,Nm•'Mn„+ew,ur-..p ,r ' ,......... ...,. •w..n ... n..r+ . � .. ..:•t7r. ... - ,..• s ... . .. WF 1`11111aw 1. Comiung Events 2. LostStrayed 4. Help Wanted 4. Help Wanted 4.. Selo' Wanted , r 11. Ar des forSale 14. Property for Sale 19. Noticea y ' SECOND Annual Brodhagen 8:30 LOST - a yellow envelope with Beavers' Dance, Bluewater pictures, between Post Office and , Playboys, Nov. '30, $4,00 per Sperling St. Phone 527-0091. couple, tickets available 'from 2-67.1 ` Gord MacDonald or Allan A• gelp Wanted Siemon. , r - 1-67-1 . WANTED ' A Mature Person to work as TURKEY Bingo, St. Columban AN P.T.A. Thursday, 'December S. MASON, BAILEY St. Columban Parish Hall. 1-67-1 Aide SEAFORTH Opiimists Shopping for 11 P.M. - 7 A.M. shift Spree Draw December 20, 1974. PART TIME 1-67-1 For further information NEW Bingo Clinton Legion 4Hall Phone 527-0860' , 271.9660. Closed KILBARCHAN NURSING HOME 8:30 P.M. November 14, .1974., 445-1 Admission $1.00 $150.00 in 54 Large solid brick hom, in Clinton, calls. 1-67-1 slate roof, centrally loated, extra MEETING NOTICE TOWN OF SEAFORTH A public meeting to elect 4 Must be at least 18 years of -age delegates and alternates, for thelice 100 acre farm in Grey.ToWnship, Huron Provincial Liberal Associa- P'' O tion to r4bresent the riding of the storey home with 3 bedrooms. Liberal arty of Ontario Annual with •chauffeur's license' Convention in Windsor in Constable February will be held at Town phone 235-1964 12 67 ' f t Hall, Clinton, Thursday, Dec. 5 at C-h t f "4' Make her Christmas. dream come to be employed at Arena for true with these specials. Easy on den and upstairs all carpeted. r .the pocket White Straight Stitch r �` 1 sewing machine $79.95. BudgeE 1. Health Surveillance priced Zig-Zags from $99,95. MATURE Super. Deluxe Stretch Stltch Whit es from $179.95. Cabinets to Real Estate Ltd put her present portable in from 82 Albert Street $69.95. All machines have a 20' Clinton .year warranty. Qualtiy sewing . machines since 1876. Use our MASON, BAILEY -lay-away . .Char;es. Master 14anager/Brq,ser Charge or Budget Plan. - Sew & 482-937 Save Centre, South 149 Downie Must be capable of operating Street. (2 doors south. of 50 acre farm in Hullett Township, Hudsons,) Stratford, Phone with spring creek, 7 room insul- , 271.9660. Closed sided home. ; Mondays 11.67-5 town machinery. and ice flooder. STOCK RE�AOVAL Large solid brick hom, in Clinton, ONE Collie male .pup, 3 months slate roof, centrally loated, extra old. Henry Diegel, R.R.1, building on the property. Bornholm. 11-67-1 Must be at least 18 years of -age Experience not necessary - , 100 acre farm in Grey.ToWnship, GESTETNER INK AVAILABLE 85 acres workable. '8 room. 1'/2 AT The Huron Expositor, storey home with 3 bedrooms. 527-0240, Seaforth. 11-65xtf with •chauffeur's license' d0 l? , + 2 storev frame at Vanastra, 6 TWO snowI res with wheels, size room living room and dining NOTICE L78-15. Phone 527-1713. 11-67x1 room. 3 bedrooms. We are shipping cattle every ***** 200 d d ' f Monday to United Co -Operatives P.M. Applications r t e pose ion o acre mo ern airy arm m "-"•--•� ONE 600 x 13" Snowtire nearly of Ontario.'To arrange for pick-up olice constable will be received. Ashfield Township, cows and Howard Aitken, Secretary ' 1-67-2 ARE you interested in learning modern square dancing? Come to the Clinton Public School Nov. 27, 8:30 P.M. 'till 11 ,p.m. for a fun night. Clinton Wheel ''n" Dealers Snnare DanCl b., For particulars phone &-36Y1. 1-67-1 Thee Huron County Health Unit invites you to attend the ADULT HEALTH GUIDANCE Centre HEALTH UNIT OFFICE SOUTH HURON HOSPITAL EXETER on WEDNESDXY NOVEMBER 27, 1974 P by the undersigned until 5 p.m. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1974 Applications must be submitted in the applicant handwriting stating the qualifications possessed and giving a resume of personal characteristics, education, etc. Please state also any previous police experience. E. M. WILLIAMS, Clerk Town of Seaforth Bo*.610, Seaforth, Ontario 4-67-1 Full Time Person for TOWN OF SEAFORTH new mounted $15,00. Wilfred Maloney. . Phone 345-2474, Dublin. 11-67x l 1972 Moto Ski "Zephyr"' 440-35 H.P. Snowmobile; - Like new. Mileage -277 Miles. Illness forces sale. Phone 527-0599. 1 t -67x2 12. Wanted to Buy CLASS "F" PCV In Dublin, Seaforth area. Willing to pay reasonable amount. APPLYTO, BOX 3160 THE HURON EXPOSITOR 12-67-3 We buy any antique or household quota included in the purchase price.. Vanastra home, 1'/, .'storey, 5 rooms. newly decorated. FOOD FOR THOUGHT A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with bricks that others throw at him. 14-67-1 15. Property for Rent ONE bedroom apartment for rent in Dublin. Ph. 345-2314. 15-66-tf OFFICE space, heated, available immediately: Ph. . 527-0232. 15-66-2 TWO bedroom house for rent newly decorated. Phone 48Z-7844. 15-670 at your farm phone by Monday 8, A. M. WILLIAM J. DALE Seaforth •527-0471 19-65-tf HARDTMAN & STRACK LTD Mortgages are our only business. Let Waterloo's oldest and most experienced mortgage firm help .you to purchase a home or cottage; to use the equity in your home to consolidate debts or to improve it without embarrassing credit investigations; for confidential, competent service, for mortgages from $1,501 to construction loans, call collect, Waterloo 884-6030. 119-65-tf, _ Custom 'Spray i Pa'intind from 1:30.3:30 p.m. for: to be employed at Arena for If you are - thinking of buying or selling den and upstairs all carpeted. r The Huron Expositor. 17-67x1 ONE bedroom apartment for rent, items, singly or in complete • Bank barn suitable for any type of 1. Health Surveillance Winter months and Public Works MATURE 8. Farm Stock for Sale 11.Articles for Sale household lots; or sell by public heated. Phone 527-0734 after 6. Barns and Industry 2. Foot Cage Department for remainder of year. • 34 heavy Chunks, five bred sows STANDARD bred eldin with gelding auction m our , new modern auction rooms. -We specialize in 15-67-1 ` Free Estimates NORM WHITING 3. Anaemia Screening 4. Urine Testing Must be capable of operating J Nurses Aide Landrace - York cross and a Hampshire Boar. Papers $200.00. Phone anytime estates. Norm Whiting APARTMENT on North Main, heated. Dalton. Phone 482-9202 S. Blood Pressure town machinery. and ice flooder. STOCK RE�AOVAL proven -Brian Melady, Ph. 225-2759. 8-67-1 •after 6.482-7567. ' 11�tt6-2 Auctioneering and Appraisal gas Murray Ph. 527-1197 15-67x2 JnvIBOLGER R.R,# 2,. 6. Rearing Tests Must be at least 18 years of -age Experience not necessary - , r SNE 29 cubic ft. freezer. Box Service, 63 Main St., Exe err rCii nt4t� >' g with •chauffeur's license' will train 9 Poult for Sale Zur►Ch phone 235-1964 12 67 ' f Ontario: Phbne 527-1555. 8-67x1 19 -65 -if VOLUNTEER DRIVERS . ARE � Furniture. 11-66-2 t TWO bedroom apartment in AVAILABLE All employee benefits available Full or Part Time Seaforth. Please phone 482-9217. 1-67-1 Applicantions to be received no for KIMBER LEGHORN TROPICAL FISH 14. "Property for Sale 15-67-1 later than 5 P.M. 3-11 & 11 - 7 shift Day Old and Started Pullets BUDGIES CANARIES a • FRIDAY, DEC. 6th Apply SCOTT POULTRY NEWLY decorated farm home in and be addressed to SEAFORTH MANOR Goo T�I'1'1eS 527-0030 FARMS, LTD. A complete line of pet supplies the Hensall area available INR. ER own ClerWILk MS 4-51-1 Seaforth ' ' / . December 1st. Phone 262-5988. To ' Town Clerk Phone 527-0847 Box 169 PAT'S PET SHOP =--+= 15-67-2 Seaforth Ontari ave 4-67-2 Xmas Holiday ir1 Nashville, Tenn. 4 day tour leaving IMMEDIATE Christmas earnings _ Dec. 26, 1974. $99.00 per with VAnda Beauty Counsellor. person (2 or more to a Full or part time. Age no'barrier. room) 527-0050. 1-67-tf Phone 262-5295. 4-66x6 HAM and Egg Supper Thursday; Every week more and more November 28th, 5 P.M. Hibbert people discover what mighty jobs United Church, Staffa. Adults are accomplished by low cost $2.50, Children under 12 years Expositor Want Ads. Dial $1.00. Preschoolers Free. 1-65-3 Seaforth 527-0240.' Classified Rates Effective January 10th, 1974 WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of nurllerals as for- serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count'as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION- 20 Words $1.50, 6c per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS- No copy changes, 4c per word, minimum $1.00. SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $1.68 per column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - $1.54 per column inch. (Minimum size in this category 2 inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch.), BOX NUMBERS TO THIS -OFFICE - 50c par Insertion. BIRTHS - 20 words, $1.50, 6c per word thereafter. MARRIAGES, Engagements, Death Notices, 20 words $1.50, each additional word tic. IN MtMORIAMS - $1.50 plus 10c per line of verse: COMING EVENTS - 20 words $1.50, each additional word 6c.sThree Insertions for the price of 2. CARD OF THANKS - 30 Words $4.50, each additional word 36. 25tDISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE WEDNESDAY OF WEEK FOLLOWING FtNA4�15ERVON No cancellation of muitiple insertion advertisements after Noon, Tuesday. ' x De'adi ne for. classified a'd's is 12 Noon, u9864LYlr. phone,. "1527--0240 ■o 9-65-tf PULLETS FOR SALE Quantity of Harco Sex -Link pullets, 20 weeks old end of October. Phone ROE FARMS LIMITED 350 Main Street Exeter Phone 235-1951. 11-65-tf AUTOMATIC 'battery-operated scotch tape dispensers available at The Huron Expositor, $8.95. 11-65-tf' REAL ESTATE ar►s.r . HOBIFY FARM Ten acres in Goderich Township with 1'/2 storey 3 bedroom home featuring new vinyl siding and oil 6 Room apartment, water and facilities provided.-$eparate bath. Phone 527-0313 . Available on December 1, 1974. 15-67x1 3 Bedroom apartment. Plione 527-0920. 15-67-tf 17. Wanted to Rent 0 furnace. Country kitchen with at 356-2211, Atwood, ntarto. 9-67-1 10., Used Care for Sale 1969 International half -ton truck in good running dition. Tuckersmith Muicipal Telephone System. Ph. 482-9908. 10-67-1 1970 Volkswagen Super Beetle, ' automatic, extras, very good condition, 45,000 miles. Call 345-2189 - 10-67-1 new cushion floor, living room, FURNISHED apartment or room and board. Apply Box No. 3159, If you are - thinking of buying or selling den and upstairs all carpeted. r The Huron Expositor. 17-67x1 �{k Bank barn suitable for any type of THE HURON EXPOSITOR ANTIQUES stock also hen house and steel 19Notices . OR garage. Priced at $36,0 00. BUSINESS BUILDING PICTURE framing . as usual. USED FUR TURE Well located on Main Street, this Frame made to fit any size of contact business block includes 2 stores picture. Harold Tyndall, 482-'7409 and weekends. Phone 527-1012. with 3 apartments on the second after G'p.m. 19-67-1 NORM WHITING floor. Room for 2 more . condition. 345-2006. 1'1-67-3 apartments. Avoid speceerci HURON DEAD Exeter 235-1964 tax by investing in commerciall „ FOR SALE Child's navy Kipfer, Hensall, Ph. 262-2388. property. STOCK RE�AOVAL we buy estates, -household COPIES $8,900 lots or single articles. .1969 Plymouth Sports Satelite, Copies of your important papers Clinton, Ontario 19-65-tf 41 V-8 Automatic, bucket seats or documents while you wait. 1157 sq, ft. building suitable for IrypM.i�p I sale. e52s. p0500 riced right fo10q�u� 1 Letter size, 25c each. hobbies or business. 20% down balance on 8% Wechargepick all farm stock free of Phood THE HURON EXPOSITOR payment, mortgage. Located in Vanastra on p 7. Situations Wanted 11. A'rtieles for Sale 11-65xtf t/2 acre lot, zoned for industrial or Three trucks for fast efficient BABY sittingwanted, evenin s g 1.974. We are sorry if this is an GiVE a gift that gives 12 times a commercial use. service. 7 days a week, 24 hours a day and weekends. Phone 527-1012. 1971 Skidoo, Nordic, good year, any magazine. Davis ContaFt Call 482-9811 7.67-1 condition. 345-2006. 1'1-67-3 Agency, London, Mrs. Cecil JOHN THOMPSON License No. 378C - 74 but good size and quality. 100% „ FOR SALE Child's navy Kipfer, Hensall, Ph. 262-2388. R.R.2, SEaforth 527-0238 you as we have in the past, we must cut our operating expenses. 8. Farm StOC]i for Sale APPLES, potatoes, onions and 11-63-6 or - Call us first, you won't. have to 12 Angus cows, pasture bred, fresh apple cider at Art Bell's PP RIP 'K k t f A--. or JOHN DUDDY call anyone else. polled Hereford. Owner selling Fruit Farm. Special No. 2 Spies, $3..50 a bushel. Phone 524-8037. ST tic .. ora refreshments, ' §ingle - •and VANASTRA -482-36S2 HOLST Due to decreases in meat prices we are' unable to accept any due to ill health. - Gerald WAtson. 523-9488, Blvth. 8-66-2 11-67-tf duplie'ate.The Huron Expositor, 11=65-tf DON REAL, ESTATE LEWMD collect calls as of December 16, Seaforth. REaltors 1.974. We are sorry if this is an A number of Polled Hereford SIMPLICITY wrin er washer. g ` , ' DONT forget, your Vanda 14-67'1 inconvenience to you but in order AdditiQno�l bulls 6 months- old, not registered , phone 345-2746. 11-67-2 Beauty Counselor, Anne Laverty, to enable us to continue to serve but good size and quality. 100% „ FOR SALE Child's navy has a display of Christmas gifts .• Recessrdn /� you as we have in the past, we must cut our operating expenses. polled breeding: available for snowmobile suit, size 3; 1 pr. for the whole family, 48 East • 19.67-tf • • C'as$�f�ed three weeks only. Priced s9ow•mobile boots, size 11. All in William or phone 527-1587. reasonable. Apply Francis Colemanr� R.R.1, Seaforth, excellent condition, 527.0715. 11-67-1 _ , 11-67-1 ONE set of bunk beds with like Depression? Zur►Ch an Ontario: Phbne 527-1555. 8-67x1 USED 20 cu. ft, freezer. Ray new mattresses, priced reasonably. 482-9206. 11-67-1 REGISTERED Polled Hereford bull months old choice quality Consitt, 527.1765. 11-67-1 Infiotton? Abattoir re dark red colour. Proven. Priced to ONE jet water pump. Walter 2 - E78 - 14 snow tires. One on Pa O , Ford rim used /: year. sell. Apply Don Steindeker. Phone 348-8579 after 7 P.M. McClure, Phone 527-047 6. 11.67x1 REasonable offer. Phone People talk about them but only Custom butchering. Pigs Monday 8-67.1 527-1443. 11.67-2 the future holds the answers. -..morning and Beef Wednesday Nevertheless' its a colour morning.Cutting and wrapping 8 Steers 800 lbs, 345-2088. TWO Vikingmilker units, floor EATING, cooking and cider own thought, when you own your own apd quick freezing. Call collect • 15 8 67 1 model. an 8 -can milk cooler, and a apples, McClymont Orchards. 1 home, that no power on earth can 236=4939. 19-65-tf double stainless steel sink.-•- Chile south of Varna. Phone rightfully ask you for rent money. ONE Purebred Hereford heifer. Apply Frank Eickmeier# Ph. 345- .482.3214 or 482-9141. 11-67-2 We have a nice choice of two Cal) aft er 4 p.m. 527-0115.8-67-1 2168. 11.67-1 p and three bedroom home's plusP�ALES,&SEF FOR SALE. A pair of black and some building lots. beef cow to calve ip the NEW davenport and swivel chair brown shoes insgood Condition. 'WILLIAM M. HART.. Spring. Phone 482-9880 before 7 sets from $189,00. We also have a Size 8, A 1 80 Geor a Street• Apply g 527 0870 or 527.1972 • p,!M• 8-67-1 full line of new and used East. 11-67-1 GEORGE R. JOHNSTON � ,...., . TWO first litter sows due in a few furniture, Will take trades. Norm Whiting auctioneering and - ONE choice beef. REAP. ESTATE LiMIT19D • • ' days. Irvin Leonhardt, "" Appraisal Service, 63 Main St., quarter of Apply Stanley Jackson, Ph. West Lorne a 14.67-1 �aEiAFUR` 19,65-t!' 18rodiia'gen: 8.67-1 );inter. Phone 235-1964. it •67.1 527.1927 11.67-I Y •• Yall♦ • '� • .:.....r:. :m"� r :.. ,.. r :v..... ....^...r:i.:l...;..1. Sl'.::LG: ..iH.µ.:wr.+rW