HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-01-26, Page 1HE' W INGHA_lI TL VOL. XXIII.---NO. 1148. WE HAVE TOO MANY OVERCOATS AND HAVE PUT 'THE KNIFE INTO THE PRICES ANA CUT THEM DOWN TO ACTUAL COST FOR CASH, 'WE MEAN THIS. ORR & HISCOCKS, Direct Importers. Tun BEAR, January llth, 1894. Marriage Licenses Issued by FRANIc PATERSON, No 23, Vic - ="toric street,Wingham, Ont. No witnesses 'required. DRESSMAKING. MRS. JOS. B1ILLAIIrD •Has .decided to open a dress making busi- 'sness, at her residence, John street, opposite "Qaeer.'s Hotel. Satisfaction guaranteed. Apprentices wanted. 3m WING -HAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 26, 1894. -Cash for good butter and eggs at R A I -Mr. Thos. J. Graham's market grocery. the Sons of Sco -The annual meting of the Huron Die- dine, next week.j trice Council, R. 'L of T., will be held at Se ,orth on Mend -y, Jan.:9th, at 10 a. m. -Messrs. R, '. Sperling and Wm. ' • Holmes, Reeve ar 1 Deputy -Reeve, respec- tively, are in Goisrich this week attending the meeting of ti4, County Counoil. - The unite Mitchell hare e: the Rev. Dr. Pa come the pastor Methodist churches of ended an invitaticn to ce, of St. Thomas, to be - f the united churches. , -Quite a nut 0. G. T. attenc Manchetster, o -Chisltolm's horses and catt; per pooled peeld 'cott will take part in and concert, in Kinear- ibcr of members of the I. 1 th istriut meeting at' Mon ay last. ( .ondition Powders for are nnequelecl. Price 25c. go. --Rev. Geo. Bulgin, of Blyth, will con- duct the services f the Wingham Metho- dist church, on Si nday next, in the absence of the pastor. -Private moneys to loan on, mortgages _There was i s truth in the report at reasonable rate of interest. Apply to current in town tl s week that the body of tf Joxx hIEP:LANDS. Angus Mattheson of Ripley, who (limp. -Mr. E. H. Dee ar has disposed of the peared some time a a, had been found at Arthur Exterprise .o Mr. M. 0. O'Donnell, p Kincardine. ex -reeve of that 'page. The Enterprise - The question n will be run as an ndependent paper. Mr. Dewar intends rei coving to the Northwest. -Rev. Robe, A Iward, B. A„ of Loudon, will preach in t e Presbyterian church next Sunday. H� subjects will be as fol- lows: Morning: "A Failure in Divine . Service." Evenit : "A. Vision of God's Glor ," Everybl_�ty invited. • he license c mmissioners recently ap- , .- pouted for the county are as follows: East Huron -Th mac Gibson, George-For- tune, eorge For- tune, George Mui lie. South Huron -Rob.` ere Spicer, Pet .r Douglas, John Weir. West Huron -Samuel Sloan, James Stev- ens, Hugh MGQt :rale. --Watches, clocks and jewelry promptly repaired and fully warranted by HALSEY PARK, Meyer Block, Wingham. a —An important)mendment to the Mun- icipal Act is a sec on authorizing munici- pal councils to de ide by by-law that taxes shall be paid to t e treasurer at his office, the collector to act as bailiff, in serving notices, and mak sg collections from delin- quents, - The first edi ion of Funk & Wagnall's "standard dictio ary" has already been covered by ord s. Another edition is under way, whits the printers will push to completion as ra dly as possible; but it will be several we lis before it can be finish- ed. The diction ry is receiving almost unlimited praise om those who have re- ce {ql copies. ••000004,044.414041.440.400.4e• •m • EST Place In Ganada to O get a Busines%F.du- 9 cation, Shorthand, 9 etc., is at the Cen- A tral Business Col- A lege, Toronto, Ont., and Stratford, Ont. Unquestionably Canada's Greatest Com- mercial$choola. Caualogues free. Men- tion this paper. Straw & hlllott, Principals. LOCAL NEWS. Nora 01 -Miss in Kincardine ne -Rev. Wm. M last week, attend tilt Missions Be nth is to give a concert month. Toronto, �CGTe or was in Tor g + ng a meeting of the Bap - •d. -Just arrive:'( Two tons of Myers' Royal Cattle Spice. For sale at Griffin's Grocery. 9t -Mr. D B. C abick, formerly of this ,-town, but lately a .t aveller for the God ich Organ Comply, is about to start a book and stationer: business in Goderioh . -A government . ietective is in Kincar- dine working on :lit Mattheson case. Mat- theson, it will b remembered, disap- peared some weeks go, and it is thought with foul play. li t be m o Some a b >;mP Y Y I.' -Grain chopping done for 5 cents per 100 lbs. at the Wingham Oatmeal Mill. Oats exchanged for oatmeal. W. HEitnnv. -The Marks Bros. 'Comedy Company Closed 'a verb, cotes sful weeks engage- ment in the'; 'own hall, on Saturday evening,playing'to a ft 11 house. The mati- nee, on Saturday aiernoon, was largely attended. -Good and Cheap -Good figgttl et $1.50 per 100 pounds. All kinds of feed eq'tally as cheap, at A. H. Carr's, Viritngtltain':; -Mr. John Din'tey, of. ••t e'' Dinsley House, Wingham, :ns arraigned before W. F. Brockenshire, J. P.,by W.J. Paisley, License Inspector, o: Friday last, charged with selling liquor - rithoat a licohse. Mr. Dinsley pleaded gut ty to the' t�'ltli4l'ge, and was fined $50 and casts. --It is the local taper that advertises your business, your schools, your churches, your numerous soc sties, sympathizes with you in your dinette's, and rejoices with you in prosperity. In short it is yourlocal paper that neantio is the thousand and one items in which yo . are interested during the year, and wha h you do not find in the city papers. Dost forget this. -.-%-.adieu, have your garments made by Mies 11:. Johnston, Gregory block, oppoeite the Qneeu's Hotel. Tettest styles, good work, always first-oi se fit. -Very successful :meetings of the West Huron Farmers' I stitute were held at Eintail last Friday and Saturday. The meetings were all . •y much appreciated by %hose present. r rhe delegation consisted of W. Ronnie, 0. `r. C.; Andrew Elliott, Galt; J. T. Frazer, r'lnrford. The subjects there well put,and a ively discussion follow- ` cd each. The effiterr elected for the en. • liming year a list of: W. Bailie, ?resi. dent; D. 0..".1cGovr, n, Vice; 3. Itutehineon, 21id'Vice; W. N. Maven, Sao.-Treas,; dele- gation to Central F-rrnexw' Institute, An- drew Currie and W..N. Howell. '-Crown Attorn y Lewis' Government' returns for the six onths ending Deo. 31st, 1893, show 12 eas tried at the County Judge's Criminal court, resulting in 11 convictions and o e discharge. The crimes consisted of 5 lar enies, 4 burglaries and house breaking, indecent assault, 1 per- sonation and on false pretence. The sen- tencesvero all e ce t one to the Provincial t p Penitentiary, ra ging from 2 years to 7 years. -New Black mith Shop -R. Wilson" has opened out in Lenmex's old stand, Wingham. All 1 nds of work done; horse shoeing a special, -The followin was the attendance at the Wingham Pu lie School for the month 1891: of December, DEPT. PUPILS. AVERAGE. 1 2 3 4 5 '6 7 8 33 48 63 50 50 57 66 73 446 29 46 52 49 41 48 62 58 385 giving a social, in the near future, will to considered at the meeting of the W, 1. T. U., at their meet- ing on Monday next A full attendauce of the members is reqs Sated. DREssirAxxNG--Mi -s H. J, Powell begs'', to announce to the ladies of Wingham and' vicinity, that she is prepared to do dreos- mbkiug in the latest style and at moderate prices. A call solicited. Shop -Nearly opposite Macdonald's block. 'The Bishop of duron held cotrfirma- "tion services at St. Paul's Church, Wing - ham, on Wednesda-: evening of last week. Tis Rev. Mr. Woo presented twenty-six candidates for con` motion. -Tete ane 1 meeting of the Huron Veterinary Me Teal Association was held in the Town Hall, Linton, on Tuesday, llth inst., there bei' g a large attendance, and some live die unions took place. The Treasurer's rep .rt showed that the associ- ation is in :sod condition financially. Officers were el ted for 1894 as follows: J. Wilson, V. S.,�Pres., Wingham; W. F. Clark, V. S., V :e-pres., Goderioh; 3. E. Blackwell, V. a.., Treas., Clinton; J. J. Walker, V. S. Secy., Londesboro. The Association ad-,urned to meet in the Town Hall, Winghar -, on Maroh 8th, at 11 a. M. -Fire did co Victoria Block, The stores occupied Jas. Twitchell wer the hall over Jacks() cupied by the Sons - Mr. R. Wilso general blacksmithit shop, nearly opposi The patronage of tl iderable clamage to inton, on Wednesday. y Jackson Bros. and damaged, as well as Bros.' store, and oc- f England. has opened out a g shop in Letnmex's the Union factory. nubiic solicited. -A. meeting of the Wingham Plebiscite Committee will be held in W. F. Bracken shire's photograph • gallery, on Monday evening next, at 8 'Clock, to appoint a delegate or delegat s to attend the Temper- ance Convention tc be held in Toronto, on February Oth. A 1 til attendance is urgent- ly eesteested. Macdonali4 M. P., will deliver a lecture in the Pre :byterian church, Wing - ham, on Monday e ening, February 5tit,on the "World's Fair. ';(;;There will be a first- class programme g -wen the same evening, consisting of quartattes, solos, readings,etc. Silver collection tc-. et at the door. Funds in aid of the Sunday School. -0 T R trams for Toronto and east „11.20a t 6.25amaudm. �Vn hams leave I via \V G & B Division, and at 6.40 a m and 3.45'p m, via Clinton and Guelph. Gooct couneotione by all trains. - The Ruri De Lnal Chapter of the Deanery of Huron et in St. Paul's church, Wingham, on We nesday of this week, Rural Dean Hodgi s presiding. The meet- ing one, all the ing was a most tecesafu o , clergy in the Dean ry being present, except one, who was abse t on account of a death in his parish. Th evening meeting tool( the form of a p tit( service, when the following gentlem n spoke; Rev. H. Jean - nes, on the Work -f, the Church ; Rev. C. Miles, on the Rola ion of the Church to the Children ; Rev. J. f. Fairlie, on the Socie- ties within the anted', and Rural Doan Hodgins, on the Duty of the Church to Strangers. -There will be n• service in the Con- gregational church Wingham, on Sunday next. -We are indebt d to the Clinton Ntw Era for our repor of the District Lodge meeting, in another- ,olumn. - A. meeting of tail Executive Commit- tee of District No. • 4, I. 0. G. T., will to hold in Blyth this (friday) afternoon. Mr. John Watt, sr., who has been ill or some time, is no recovering as rapidly as his friends wouldwish. Air. John Bitch: s has been confined to )11s bed for the past few days, and his case is considered quite c itical. -For first-olass tailoring and cheap gents' furnishings, -try Webster & Co, Remember the place, only two deers north of the elci stand and between Rose' book- store and Pattersou'a jewellery shop. -Regular meetin of Court Maitland, O. F. to -night, ht da A full Ia O1doti Times People overlooked the importance of per- manently beneficial effects and were satis- fied with transient action; but new that it is generally known that Syrup of Figs will permanently sure habitual constipation, well-informed people will not buy other laxatives, which act for a time, but final injure the system. -The Executive County Sabbath So sistiug of Mesats. J Taylor, 3. C. Steve Better 'hail Ever for 1804. Revs. J. W. Hohn Economy is be order of the day, and yet ton; Messrs. W. M it is false econ my to use anything except Mckinnon and tho very best, specially wheitts. It comes to met in Clinton; on a question of oigityin 'steal, The most a programme for t noted house a,rtilt�s Dominion is "The which is to bo holt Steele, Briggs- Heed Co„"'Toronto, and Wednet;day, and their, ban taloguefor the year her of practical t' bbath School subjects is now to ban . Ii is brimful of all new we.o chosen for tl : programme, and good and relriable vaiefles lit Flowers, Fruits, I practical Sabbath School workers whetted Vegetables a -d Seed+ Grains, as well as t to introduce these subjects. In order to all e cries i'br form orgive -the ccasioil an Potatoes anc� ace sa additional int eat to o garden. It o is mailed fr c mm we re o The firm et mmittee of the Huron of Association, cons s. Scott, H. Foster, I. son, T'.. Holmes, and and %V. Smyth, Clin• Gray, Seaforth; J. S. ugh McQuarrie, Blytlr, Friday Week to arrange o next annual meeting, in Clinton, on Tuesday eb. 20 and 21, A num- C. g , ( 'day.) attend- ance is requested. A special meetit,$ of the BrucoTresby- ery will be held at itaisley, on Thursday next, to consider the call extended frotnthe Wingham Presbyter to congregation to the Rev. D. Perrie, of 0 :esley. amount contributed by Society of Christianry but we have no doubt is quite equal to their following officers were agers-Chas. Hent eat (Treasurer), and Pet Choir -Prof. Scott; Kenzie; Caretaker-Rc -J. A. Cline and S. G ly agreed to have a gra meeting some time soc treat may be confident in the near future. $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE the Young People's ncleaver is not given, that their liberality rge numbers. Tho hen elected: Man- n, D. M, Gordon r T e.uns; Leader of rganis5-Miss Mc - t. 3Vilson;Auditc ra acey 'Unanimous - d old.fashioned tea t, so that a social y looked forward to Note e. All accounts owing' +e, and not otherwise arranged for before I 1 .ft Wingham, have been handed to Peter Fisher, Esq., Post- master, for collection. By settling at once costs will be saved. J. ;,. Alumna:, M. D. Perac -nabs. Miss Maggie Murray -of Seaforth,has been a guest of Mrs. Jas. T cLauchlin, Shuler street, for the past wear or so. yet.fr, John Murray, oeaforth, was visit- ing friends in town a uuple of days during the past week. Ir. Ross, of Strathr y, was visiting his brother-in-law, Dr. Kennedy, for the past couple of weeks, returni day. Mrs. Richardson, wife son, of the Salvation Ari on Wednesday from Ori Miss Strachan, of Es visiting at Mr. E. C. 01 week or so, returned to j day. Brussels Post: Wm. aid Lincoln Hembly, of Wingham, were in P iussels last Sunday. -S. B. Fralick, jr., of Wingham, was visiting in Brussels ast Saturday. -A. Cousley and wife and be Misses Sample were in Wingham last Sunday. -Mr. Geo. Mason, of Wingham, g sve the army ser- vices in Brussels quite t, boon last Satur- day egand S '. venin Sunda Report of Wingham ''ubllc Eo tool for 180( Logs Logs. Messrs. Button & Fessant have again received their usual large order from Eng- land for maple blocks, and will, again be paying the highest cash prices for any quantity of good large maple logs. Also all other kindsof logs taken. - The Eden-Fonta an entertainment in ham, on Saturday n� retains 500 illustrations, and 'effort is being triad to swore the cervi .es Toronto, all intending buyers, and � of Mr. S. H. I31akc_'tf well•kuowu rd you to send for a copy.1 as ono of the best teebbath School workers II anat. ti liable and their seeds grow. r i 1 a Company will give he Town Hall, Wing - t, under the auspices of the I. O: F. Th company is composed of Prof. C. C. Font: nee -Hypnotist. Miss Grace Eden -The - farvel. Chas. Kelly - Basso. Madam F ntana-Witcli of Wall Street, end are h ,lily spoken of by the press wherever the have appeared -The act of 1893 -respecting pounds re-' quires every poundl leper to file with the clerk of his munici ality on or before the 15th of January, a -.atemsnt for the year ending 31st Depen ber, prior to that in which the statemen is filed, showing: 1st, the number of ani tads impounded or dis- trained; '2nd, the nmber of animals sold and the amount relived ; 3rd, the sum received as pour ge fees and the cost of keep by pot ndkeeper; 4th, the amount of damage paid by any party; 5th, all disbursemer■s and to whom paid and other receipts a dexpenditures in con- nection therewith. or refusing to ill amount not exceedi -Very snceessfn. mestings were held r and Wednesday of were delivered by A. Rennie, of Toronto; ford ; Thos. McMil of East fV Currie, The auditors' report to be in a splendid there being a blanc Officers for the ensu as follows :-Presidj Vice -President, T. Che penalty for neglect this statement is au 510. Farmers' Tnatitute Brussels,on 'Tuesday ast week. Addresses lliott,of Galt ; Wm. J. Z. Fraser, of Bur- in, of Huliett; Robt. 1 and others. wanes t , hewed the institute position financially, of $91.57 on hand. ng year were choihi et, Thos. Strachan ; Icliillan ; Secretary - Treasurer, Axel'. 'Hislop. Directors- Hullett, Jas. Hinceley and Geo, Stephen- son; McKillop, A. Gardiner and T. E. Hays; Morris, Joseph Smillie and J. R. Miller ; Grey, Re bt. Dilworth and Jus. Ferguson ; Turnbe ry, Thos. Mosgrove and Robert Black ; ` "roxeter, T. B. Sanders and A. L. Gibson- Brussels, W. H. Mc- Cracken and S. W: liter; Howick, R. Edgar and W. McKerricier. Delegates to the Central Institute, -the President and Sec-° retery. The annual c- ngrogational meeting of the Wingbam Presbyterian congregation was held in the lee .ore room of the church, on Monday event' g, Jan 22tt The at- tendance was ver- good, and The present outlook ie ono (f vigorous activity and great hopefulness.The devotional exercises Rev. Mr, Aylward, who pulpit at present. Dr. !tet called to the chair, he discharged in Itis business like manna:. rtes of last aunu•Ll and , igs, ocoupied consider- nbe r of congregational during the year. The , things considered, is +, The total receipts for g a balance of $117.25 _to $2114.06, which,with .ny the Sabbath School, the W. F. M. Society, were coitduetel b is supplying the Macdonald was the duties of whit 'anal happy and Reading the mil intervening meeti able time, for a nt meetings were heli financial report, n very satisfactory,° the year, inch from 1892, amour i nt raise;! the amount $283.55, and by $07.41, make a g home on Tuts - of Capt. Richard- ty, arrived in town a. ex, who has been rke's for the past er home on Thurs- T01 N I1AI. •IWWJ {1IA14, MC -NIGHTS, MONDAY D TUESDAY, Jean. 2!i h and 30th, i 8 r. nt. GREE. F�'tS TRIP 1'n $HE WOR D'S FAIR At the last meeti, g of the Wingham Pablio School Board, t.4e following report for the year 1893, was presented, by the Principal. Number raeistered during the year 585, -boys 296; gin s 284. Attendance-Numbe attending less than 20 days, 29e number at ;ending Letween 20 and 50 days, 74; numbs ° attending between 50 and 100 days, 76; n tuber attending be- tween 100 and 150 day_, 112; number' at- tending between 150 Lnd 200 days, 256; attending2 0 lays, Number number 0 38.N ei Y legal teaching days, 20(i School open 20ii days. Average attends neo for the first half year, 373. Average for second half-year, 400. Ciassifigation-Io p t 1, 100; part 2, 113; second book, 86; th •d book, 146; fourth book,73; fifth class, 59. Subjects -Writing, 5; reading, 585; drawing, 585; geography, 306; music. 522; grammar, 278; composdion, 304; En4glislt history, 132; Canadiar history, 215; Tem- perance and Hygiene, 3; book-keeping, 59; Algebra, 58; Geometi-•, 68; Botany, 27; Physics, 27. Promotions -Part 1 o part 2, 28; part `9, to second plass, 43; sec And to third classjr. 35; third jr, to third ex., 34; third s.•. to fourth, 51. Passed Entrance, '-5; Public: School Leaving, 5; Commerci ,1 Coarse, 14; Third Class Certificates, 1C Matriculation for Chemist, 1. total of $2447.08. The ' Financial Report -- from 1892, $202.95; to Government grant, Leaving grant,3e5; fee. under the t anagen_ent of R. T. radon. A Grand -,enroilnction of Chicago's great Columbian I xposition m your own town, Ftnmetbin * that every'uo'•s•'n wishing to enlighten tl emselvee sjto:tld see. Receipts- balance es, 1893, `,311.51.75; -255; Public School non resident pupils, $25; total, $3069.70. Expenditure --Paid other expenses, 5708.5 5185.43; total, $3669 Average cost per ; t. kcachet's, $2775.69; ; baltenee on hand, Ill $5.81. Does IntAttrtnce insure? A. few •years ag might have been put ing insurer and wit rsasou, but net ao t vance:Hent has beei life insurance durit there are few, if a panics that 1 ser eliminated to a la able and trainees ry Cached to the poi the demand for sures from date restrictionrl . wording hi Ian all -in fact, a Admissit Plan of ha at William 25n.; deserved Seats, 35o.• - to he seen and tickets on sale' ' Drug Store. payment of the clai:1 immediately upon' receipt of the proof: of death, without question, has only be n acceded to within. the past year. The Confederatior- life Association, a home company, with -en assured position in the foremost rauk, ata having the unlimit ad confidence of the Janadian public, leas always recognized the necessity ofliberaliz- ing their contracts foam time to time, and during the pat year the Directors decided to meet the demani = for a contract which would give a compleae answer to the above question and sett] : beyond a doubt that life insurance doe insure from date of issue. - The r -afedoratien Life Association is the only Canadian c tnpany issuing a policy that is unconclitior l :dila:• automatically non -forfeitable. It`,on't 4iis world-wide and indisputable. 'cu "trnay travel and reside where you wi- , engage in any occu- pation wha snover, adtd, provided you fulfil the one c clition :eked of you, viz: the pnymen of tbe prep ium, the Association will • your polite immediately upon recei of death. Ti •s contract not only guar utees the a,bov but grants to tbe in- sured, not only the it 'eel nonforfeiture con- ditions of paid-up nu surrender values,but also that great benef known as "Extend- ed Ineurance." Th. is, that after two full premiums have been said, without applica- tion the full amount f the policy will be carried for a further eriod of time definite. ly set forth in tbe poi cy itself. Notwithstanding 11 Larch timesipf 1893, the Confederation Li Association have sa than in written more new bu_.te any previous year. This :peaks for itself, and goes to prove that tl : Unconditional Ac- cumulative policy is Mae policy that is want- ed The Association's seneral Agent, for the county of lemon, Mr 1k illiam Taylor, of Clinton, has been hi L it,gliain for the past bas {-lit ton u I several a - two weeks, and i s 1 p plications, and expec to be here again in the near future. Aft - A. E. Smith, banker, is the Wingham eget t, and will be pleased to furnish rates nand :tell particulars to any who may commttuic•tIto with him. Williams Little .Dandelion pills will cure Headache, Biliousness, ISour Sten -mein etc. ''Try them once and you will not•use tiny other. Price :'15e. box, at all drug stores. 4Ilai:IOici'a k'';tru;g;lish liriitiites Oiillw is the best Fn.ntily Liniment fn the world. Instant cure for Sprains and Bruises. Beware of imitations. Ask or Salmon's English White Oils. • . Dr. King's Worms Pow•devs the above question o the agent all intend a et:rtaiu iunonnt of day. Stroh rapid ad- made in the science of the past decade, that r, of ti e old line tom. not during that time extent the unreason- ctionswhiclh at - hose days. But t dtslimitelyin- ' poli f issne� policy without iimnplo Z7rosEliae t4 Itay, 'Alis+ alltcliablc iuedieinee snit lays era ago easily underetoo.1 by pri.e.m., ;+''t:trautee •.11i•,lnettrnr' lam, tom; r r i�m' for the • .. o: Limit , t•eit.t - , r vac. � :ra stat o t r y are safe and sure. 25c. a box. Ileatlafield's Healing Dalsain will cure the worst cold, li:undreds of testimonials testify to its merits. 'Toney will positively be refunded if Ileathfield" Healing Balsam does not do all that is claimed for it. Dr. King's ,l1edical Disem'. cry is the great blood purifier. It will make tho blood pure ora keep it pure. Cures dyspepsia and all forms of stomach and liver troubles. Tt is the best; buy the best. Price one dollar e, bottle, six bottles for five dollars. Williams' tittle Dandell*iilt Pills. Snlmtoni's English White. Oils. Dr. King's '4' dorm Powders. Xlesatlidelil's Healing l5s>•1- 1)K'. King's t>Cti"clletal Ditweuv.