HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-11-21, Page 6� fir+'-'••
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Forget the score, for et the
g g,
Giving srvice t0 Ott . rs.
- " '
mistakes, for now forget the
(by W.G.Strgpg)
something of himself to others, he dries
Queen Elizabeth, Il 'in her Christmas
up, shrinks, peters out but, .by giving of
broadcast to . Britain and the.,
one's self, one adds to the enjoyeft nt of life
Commonwealth, 1973, made this pertinent
and expands his interests.
otiservatiop, "There are many people of all
Their telephone seldom rings, They
ages who go out to help the old, the lonely-.,
Social Life'
the sick and the .handicapped . I am sure
Every organism from the. lowest to the
that. in so doing, they find the real
highest is engaged in some sort of social—',
happiness that conies from serving and
life. Our status in the group, our role ur
thinking of others. I believe that Christms
reputation, our, place among our
should remind us that the qualities of the
associates, all of'these grow and expand in
human spirit are more important than "`
importance- as wo• - progress towards
material gain. Christ taught love ander
intellectual maturity. We live in an age of
charity and Nve should show humanity and
change. One aspect of our changing times
compassion- at 'all tigies and in , all
is the alteration in the family.
situations. ' We should resolve to give
In child relationship but iri today's
expression to the best of our human
industrial society this relationship is
qualities not only at Christmas but right
preserved only to the point where the child
through the year. In this spirit tet us greet
becomes mature and seeks to,go his or her '
all our fellow -men and join together in this
own way. This throws more responsibility
festival'of concern and compassion."
on society because old people in broken
yti Within every Home for 'the Aged,
homes are, too often, cast adrift. No longer
Nursing Home, lest Home or Hospital
can the social security of a former
there should be ample opportunities to
generation provided by large family -units,
practisethe Golden Rule. This idea is not
closely integrat ed, be counted on. The
new and is attributed to Confucius the
friends of the elderly have dropped.away,r
i• '�
Forget the score, for et the
g g,
- " '
mistakes, for now forget the
sage of China. who gave this as the
one by one.
prestige. Concentrate on the next
compete with ,large chain stores
she didn't care what i had to say
play, and if that fails, concentrate
which are only minutes. away by
as long as it -was short. Peg has a
principle for the conduct of life, "Do not
Their telephone seldom rings, They
special timing device for guest
P g g
' 1
died in both world wars. Wreaths were laid fromto
speakers ,which 'hasn't yet been
unto others what you would not want them
do uiito you." The Christian interpt•-
hunger `For friendship. The person who
Cheers the lives of the senior citizen is
marched to the cenotaph
led by the SDHS Girls
many local organizations and businesses. (Staff
football but in life itself. -
tation'positively expressed, is,, "All things
going farther than providing sustenance
Trumpet Band for Remembrance Day services
hivbl�erltteiit tfE establiatrIng lir
(Staff Photo) '
whatsoever ye would that men should do to
and shelter; he is giving companionship
Monday morning to honour those who fought and
`l'liibtiglro>it the day.,
y6u, do ye even so to them."
wiihout which sheltered existence is
barren. Personal service is direct
This sums up the whole substance of the
law and,the°prophets on conduct between
_ .and
" smacks of neighiiourliness
Speaker te11S grads
individuals and among groups. It should be
rather than charity. Kindness,
the motivating influence in the conduct of
thoughtfulness, courtesy, tolerance,
all men and women who profess to play the
game life artTeachers of all faiths
consideration, appreciation are services
money cannot buy.
=• Most people havretfound that their
and the moralists of, all schools of
philosophy have continually •laid their
personal satisfactions are increased when
Continuing a ,tradition at
my remarks to teachers here now
1 have not been disappointe
-momentum and control their own•
emphasis on everyone's duty to others. In a
the who a histo'*' of human thought (here
l Y g
they pay attention to meeting the desires
and needs of others. This personal service
SDHS, a former graduate from
and 20 ears ago). However, we
y g
It's been a ver ive"
destinies that they must be well
has been voiced only this one rule of
is a good deed done for its own sake and
the 'school addressed the 1974
had .a teacher,; he was about my
experience for me. i ink you
informed and maintain a high
level of education.
conduct which can be used as a standard
should be given ,in a kindly way, not coldly
graduating,dass at Friday night's
height, thinner, had • gray eyes
only really appreciate someone
for human behaviour. meet the needs
as a matter of duty. if a person is to walk
Commencement. Peter 'Spittal, a
and combed his hair straight
like Mr. Plumsteel when you
On this basis then rural
and desires of other eo le increases one's
with head high, he 'must make his
physics teacher at a Cambridge
cydq back into the system
communities.CAN N OT AFFORD. -
personal satisfaction. This great principle
contribution to life. If he is to fulfil his
High School and son of Mr. and
•' This teacher 'set' an indoor
yourself. Seaforth and area have
a second rate ed .ational system.
of "otherness" is man's noblest task.
destiny, he must leave the world a little
Mrs. J.R.Spittal of Seaforth was
classroom record at that tone.
been very fortunate indeed.
You only reaKze this when you
There is • no need. to wait for big
richer and Better than it would have been
the speaker.
You can read about it in 'B elieve .
experience the absence of it.
ex P
opportunities to serve. The well-timed
had he -not lived and performed his
In his address, Mr. Spittal said:
it or not'. Wsays "If there was an
1 mentioned that a community
Be wary, get involved and don't
voluntary service, ' graciously given,
services. The Golden Rule ranks in histor
This is a very special night for noxious student said teacher
also 'has momentum.Rura•1
let this happen.
benefits not only him who gives but him'
with the great ronouiicement on the rights,
g P g
me for basically two reasons:
could r • each that student 'b
communities have 'a very special
In closing then I would say this
who receives,The modern word, altruism,
of man. It was the distinguishing bad d of
g g g
Firstly, I - missed my own
stepping over six rows of desks in
problem and that problem is the
to the graduating class.
means unselfish concern for the welfare of
the Suffering . Servant and we,' His .
commencement as I was 3000
2'/2• seconds without breaking
current shift itl population from
You are going to many
others. Egoism, on the other hand, means
followers, can do no less if we fbflow in His
miles away at the time spending
rural areas to large urban areas.
adverse realities both in your
valuing everything only in reference to
my days a very young 'and
lonely recruit in a
By 1980, approximately 90% of
personal lives and in your
community which w ill caus you
ones personal interest. An�ing
- ••
y"The clock'of life is wound but once
Y y
lthie population will be •
to lose momentum.
enlightened people it is an accepted fact
And no man has the P '
Mr. obson also coached
concentrated in urban areas. The
a mile loo from
There is a t g
that a person is not fulfilling his role in life
To tell dust when the hands will stop -
And secondly 1 can recall.
thinkingat that time, that if 1 •had
football in those days, quite .towns
in Huron County have to
death and tragedy to depression,
unless he contributes totheneeds of others
in his
At late or early hour.
successfully I might add. I'recall
\quite a degree, escaped this
and inflation.
proportion to capacity..
Now is the only time you own;
the opportunity to express a few
very well one game where things
problem as there are.no cities irl+
When are at that
We may -not be our brother's keeper but
Live, love, work with a will.
thoughts that i would like ver
g Y
were not going well at all.
Huron County.
you .point
recognize it, and apply the
we are obligated to be his helper. Everyone
Place no' -faith in tomorrow, for
mucJi._to do so.
We had lost our momentum.
However consider the 'case of a
g PP
Dobson Formula: •
is under obligation to be of service, an
The clock may then be still'
However'* I'm under a certain
We were visitbly upset, confused,
small rural communit close to a
Concentrate on one play. at a
expression of self. if one does not give
amount' of duress. Down in Gait , tired and depressed. How do you
Cambridge where 1 ..each, ai, a a'° Y
� •„ , y, g 1p ciuf0tum,
large Ci and the effects are
much;it>fp 'dramatic.
time, one problem at a time, one
T}re'a�vfe vfe `was� ver sim le
Y lil
, v;,_...
Tlie ijo� ant i' `the c1fy� the
day at a time.
guest speakers because they
"concentrate on the next play and
youth moves out. You not only
and thank you.-.,+ ,
speak too long. I'd hate to be the
do the best you can " -
h -'b t
one to end thg tradition in this
Forget the score, for et the
g g,
ave a gemeraing. gap u a
generation missing.
i school.
mistakes, for now forget the
The local merchants can not
i` a Also, Peg Coombs told me that
prestige. Concentrate on the next
compete with ,large chain stores
she didn't care what i had to say
play, and if that fails, concentrate
which are only minutes. away by
as long as it -was short. Peg has a
on the next and then the next.
car. The local merchants either
special timing device for guest
P g g
, This turned out to be a • uery
self out if they can or hang on by
speakers ,which 'hasn't yet been
valuable experience for me, not
the skin of their. teeth.
discovered by the 'national-
just later on when playing college
Research Council. It's called a
? cou h dro She o s it in when
football but in life itself. -
The community . • becomes
Y g start Y P P PosY about schoolly nandf the best tngs school of teams is classified as economically Tuckersrriith Group No.) of the Walters chaired the business
you ours speech and' ou'd
better be finished when it's gone the fact that while there ou ,can depressed and physiological U.C.W. Brucefreld United Church portion.
or you get clobbered. y depression -sets in as well.
have the early experience of met recently, with Mrs. Hazel
t And let's face it, who wants to Facilities, including health and Thank you notes were read by
losing momentum ('or a downer), education -become second rate. McNaughton and Mrs. Grace Marjorie Broadfoot from Mrs,
be clobbered by Peg. and you are going to have to Chapman in charge. •
You know when old graduates regain it. And lastly, the community. The meeting opened with the Haugh, Mrs. E. Henderson and
get togehter and I'm speaking to pulls into a protective shelf, it Mrs. Berry. The general meeting
Momentum, singing of 0 Canada with Mrs.,•
you now as a fellow raduate, the rejects new ideas and the will be held on December 3rd with .
Y g As a team�or an individual has Alice Ham at the piano. "What a of luck dinner, at 12:30 with all
conversation always turns' to importance of education even at p
V Y momentum, so does a school or Friend we have in Jesus" was
teachers. We could call it "the the secondary level. sun The scripture was repeated. ladies invited.
community. I recall reading last In essence the community has g' P P Tuckersmith Group will hold
a remember old so and so part of year in the local paper where one in unision followed by prayer led P
lost its momentum and once�lost it their Christmas art on Decem
the evening." of you'stated that above all you by s. Chapman. Mrs. party
Old So and So had a happy school. is a very difficult thing to regain .• McNahton spoke on,: "Love bet 12th. The ladies are asked to
{ It can' take years.- return the 10 tent a week for 1974
Whenever this topic. comes up I think in general that this has Never Fails".
# my wife asks '"1 wonder what been quite true. It certainly was Future Power . 'Mrs. Chapman spoke on Love and boxes at this meeting. Mrs.
they're calling you these days.". 1 20 years ago. The individual in Think of the Future Power that Friendship. The roll#.call was Walters closed the meeting with
t; who sets this tone urban centers are going to have answered by 20 ladies and 1 prayer.
feel that as long as its Old So and any school
` So rather than that So and So that simply on the basis of population. more than anyone else is the P Y P P visitor. Lunch was served by"Grace
4 it's a p ositive thing. Principal. T believe that if rural communities Mrs. Chapman closed with Thompson, Muriel Allan and
i I feel that there is a good deal When I applied for my first are going to maintain their pray er and the president Mrs. Elsie Keys.
of affection in the words Old So teaching job, I was very fortunate
and So and i think .you'll agree. to have a choice of three schools. I
Twenty years ago in this school chose the school with a tone very
we had a teacher'(and I'll confine similar to this one.
on all modelb - new and used
Talk- Easter. •seais
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See Our- Selection
The future of more than 1500 service club volunteer workers
physically handicapped had an opportunity of discussing 3-1974 Chev, Impala 4 dr. H.T. 1.971 Montecarlo 2 dr. H.T. air cond.
youngsters' int South -Western their work with handicapped 2-1974 Cutlass Supreme 4dr. 1971 Ford tialaxie 500 4 dr.H.T.
;t Ontario could well be affected by children in their own areas with 2-1974 Pontaic 4 dr. 1971 Dotage Demon
the first annual regional meeting the visiting' Society staff and
of forty-nine 1 -faster Seal service volunteet, workers from other '1974 Le Mans 4 dr. 1970 Plymouth' Satellite 2 dr. H.T.
`•� clubs on Saturday, November 2, service clubs. 1974 - .Chev. Impala 4 dr. H.T. 1970 Chevrolet Impala 4 dr. H.T.
i at Woodeden Camp on the . The Ontario Society for 1974 - Buick Century 4 dr. Sedan 1970 Oldsmobile 2 dr. H.T.
western outskirts -of London. Crippled Children i an
� 4-1973 Parisienne Brougham 1969 Chevrolet 4 dr.
fit Volunteers from Seaforth association of 234 Easter Seal ' 1969 Camaro SS
#ttdnded. service clubs - Rotary, Lions, 1973 Chevette 4 dr. 1969 Pontiac Parisienne- 2 dr.
Board and staff members of the Kiwani`s, Kinsmen and others - STATION WAGONS
Ontario Society for Crippled committed to the service of 1973 4 dr. Torino
Children met with physically handicapped children 1971 - pord Station Wagon
1973 Ford Custom 500 2 dr. H.T. g
' representatives of both the Easter and young people.
Seal and the Crippled Children's 1973 Buick Centuty 2 dr.L 1971 F.M Truck 'h ton.
Committee of the member service
clubs of the Society, to review
plans for next year's Easter Seal
campaign and : to acquaint
members with the Society's
fdtttre plans for improved
services and facilities for
liandieapped youngsters iii their
'dial emphasis was placed in
the riet:ci' 'icor g>:'es[#er cdttttnunity ,
hivbl�erltteiit tfE establiatrIng lir
eXpanBiitg local repkeatTott
"cdgraths for the liati4icapoed:
`l'liibtiglro>it the day.,
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Miss Lucy Thompson of
Toronto is spending the week end
at her home in St. Augustine,
Mrs. Raymond Boyle was irk
Listowel Sunday to a. shower to
honour'* of Lucy Neeves.
Mr. and Mrs,B111 Kinahan,
Mrs.Gus Kinahan and Mrs.
Hebert were in Bolton ori"Sunday
owing to the death of Patrick John .
Sullivan formerly from
Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Boyle and
Marie were in >Stratford on
A number fro't'rt''St '°Augustine
and Donneybrook attended a
reception for Mr. and Mrs. John
Thompson in Belgrave Satur day
Lawyer George Bropby,
Wingham, spoke to a group of
Fadies from different churches in
Kingsbridge last- Monday night
on making wills.
Clarence and Miles Gibbons
leave Monday for the west after R
,spending four weeks with their
brother Jim and friends. ,
FatherDenterger is gone for
two weeks holidays. Father
Sullivan will'take his place..
Mr. Bob Jeffe o returned -
home from londonLffospital after
having his leg broken in a farm
Every week more and more.*'
people discover what mighty jobs
are accomplished by low cost
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