HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-11-07, Page 6T
777777; 7777
MIT"' 'dn
has who had resigned from the responsibility had not been given- did the lind
council It has approved the but did -not approve
Tuckorsmith Council
school questeO by 'Mary
approved a preliminary plan for-- committee previously. Council will ask theApplication fict land soverplice. for severence rf
Council set the 1974 election boards to Accept o.
subdivision of al?RrOxImatelY Payment Of Albert Stivker of R-.R.S. Clinton. Coleman of Harputh
twenty acres owned by ken and fees but Clerk McIntosh asked the school levies on June 30 And
'-Rod Doig on the north side of rates not be released pending December 15 'again this year.
Eg14 appointment of officials,
ondville. The Recreation Committee of
The project will pr6vide lots for . The County of Huron notified Seaforth has Invited the council
61 houses and a one -acre park, the township it is xesponsiblg for and township residents to a
,meeting in Seaforth Library on
The Poigs must construct fhe ihe election of the two Huron -
necessary roads and provide all County Board of Education Thursday evening Nov. 7 at 8:00
services before turning it over to trustees who represent the p.m• to discuss costs of, the
I ) n recreation piogram, in which
the township. They will sign: townships of Tuckersmi.th and
N Seaforth and our - citizens
J agreement with the council Stanley; Village of Bayfflqld; kqo
covering the necessary the Town of Seaforth.Clerk James., Olrflci0ate and how these costs
requirements.' McIntosh noted . that this could be shared by the townships
ofTuckersmith,. McKillop and
The plans will be4submitted to--
the London office of the Ministry notification was late and as ai Hibbert.
ot. Treasury- Economics and result the formal notice The County Land Division
A mAi Le TQ THE GRADUATEScounsellornoollnr Are-hilft 1"In*Ke n I f+ Intergovernmental Affairs 'for concerning the , township's Committee 'for Huron notified
l'!. t
%VJ , W 9 approval.'
talked to Grade 12 graduate Bill Salisbury and SDHS students council president An engineer's report . by
Allan Carnoclian at the commencement at, the High School Friday night. Over 400, B.M.Ross & Associates Ltd. of
peopletattended the event. (Staff Photo) Goderich on the safety of bridges
• in Tuckersmith crossed by Huron
Hanings t Seaforth 1Vianr
County Board of Education b6ses- VIA%
s, wwi Mims,., sn". vll= N=
revealed that several of them all. III W, wo
ppea," 'misaw
need replacing.
Miss Eleanor Henderson was, Walter Sommerville, Mrs. Anna Seaforth Manor last week.
pleasantly surprised to receive a McNichol, Mrs. Norman Schede Miss Mpbel Whiteman visited oc Last sp about
the Board,
concerned about the safety of its
telephone call from her uncle •Mr. and Mrs, Stewari McCall. with Mr.Duncan Aikenhead, students travelling on township N N1
Th omas Jarman of Climax, Miss Annette Sinclair —vlsit6d ef4kr , Elm
Mrs.Ada Reid celebrated h 1
oads, asked that the - van' I NOR,
c r
Saskatchewan. He asked to 'be with Mrs, Ada Reid and Mrs. birthday at Seaforth Manor on councils in the county certify their
remembered also to Mrs. Florence McGavin. Friday, Nov. 1st. She was the bridges safe for school buses.
Henderson at Kilbarchan Nuising Mrs. 'Ada- Reid ha dinner oil recipient of many cards, letter -S
Home. Sunday at the home of Mr. and and gifts. Having tea with her in The report of the engineering
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Scott of Mrs.John Wain also during the� the fternoon at a surprise party firm, asked, by the township
Brucefie)d visited with the week she was visited by Mr -John arranged in her honour were Mrs. council, to test the Tuckersmitb
former's brother Mr. William Davidson and Mr. and Mrs- John Ethel McDougall, Mrs. Eva bridges, indicated 'that - two
Scott on Sunday. .Kerr.. .1 ' McCartney, Mrs.',Frankie Ball, bridges, the Roman Line bridge
Ars, Lillie Hudie and Miss
I Mr. Fred Schmidt was visited Mrs. Gebrge Dundas, Mrs. at Lot22, Concession 4 and 5
Mary Neville visited with Mrs.
by his sister-in-law Mrs.George Florence McGavin, Mrs. 'Lillie (Huron Road Survey) should have
Schmidt, and also by Andrew and Hudie and Miss Mary Neville. A a sign indicating a limit of 41/2
Jennie, Storey who is a patient at Mabel Debus on Suridafy. lovely birthday cake with light6d tons carrying'load and replaced as
Seaforth Community Hospital. II
Mrs. Cartw0ght Hawley and candies was a gift from her soon as possible; and Plumb's
Mrs. Marie Sadlier and mr. Zathariah McSpadden were friends at the Manor. Mrs. Reid _bridge on concession I1 and 12
Mrs E
(HRS)- marked with a sign that
Mrs. - Donna Farley of Toronto dinner guests with raclously thanked. everyone for
'taking her birthday a most
visited with Dr. Ernest Sadlier of Hawley and Mrs, S. Hutchinion maximum carrying load five
on Sunday afternoon. enjoyable one' tons and should be replaced as x
Seaforth Manor.
Visitors with M;s.FI)6rence Mrs. Wm. Hart and Mrs. Ken Visitors with Mrs. Florence soon as possible.
ek r
McGavin last Friday' were Mrs. Etuc visited with each resident of cGa in over the weekend we e
The report said the Hanna
• Mrs. H. VanRoojen, Mrs Mabel
bridge on Concession' 3 (HRS)
Crouch, Mrs. Malkus and Mrs.
sideroad 15 and 16 should have
James Henderson.
an eight ton carrying, loid limit,
Mrs. Lillie Hudie received a t %W.
that repair work should be carried
letter irom W. Leslie Hogg who
X'S.: X -N
laced alid the M
payers out and rails repla'
�C1�feresides at Port Credit,
now bridg3��eplaced in. th6 near
Ontario.'In his letter he stated he futZfie.
was still a subscriber to the
e. report recommends that
Meeting Expositor and 116'1oticed in 'our
e bridge at Lot 7, concession 12
Happenings Column that Mrs. tC EVERY Y
(HRS) have a 11 -ton load limit >;R Id
Hudie was a resident of Seaforth and that Turner's -bridge on
Manor. He had not been In
concession 2 (Hrs) Lot 36-31 can,
bw'nship cb'ntA&t wiih her for many
carry a load in excess of 11 tons.
but remembered having dinner at�.
• noted in the
The engineer
her 'house sixty years .. . . ......
report thai'he has prepared plans
as. for replacing the McLean Bridge Xw`
Needless to say Mrs. Hudie w
of -Stahley pleased to hear fromMr. Hogg•
on, Concession 4 (HRS) at
A Ratepayers Meeting for the Township after. all these. years. sideroad 20-21 and is preparing
Mrs. Bryson McQuarrie and
plans for the bridge on coheession N their f
will be hold oil 1.11 .10-*, New Canada SaviAgs Bonds area great cashable anytime at th full face value
Mrs.Elva• Effis, visited with their 1(�11 (HRS)" at Lot I to be "M
me and ..,plus'earned,interest. Buy New Canaqa
Mr&. -Lillie Hudie. combination of Security, frice
. I ) 4 flexibility,. Theylre;La secure: 4,westment, � �Savings Son ds today. .. .....
replad6d in 5.
TNU 193 13yr IVIT 10
in the
V Oq r W%.04
commencing at 8:00 P:M.
Mel Graham
Clerk, Stanley
And remember, past Series of Canada
backed b alf'fhW resources of Canada,
Building permits were issued -to 11 They pay 93/4% a year, guaranteed to you Savings Bonds are now worth m,)re than
the Vanastra Recreation r
pa after year foc.R.y.ears ever, The cash bonus payments have been,
Committee for a building over the Canada Savings Bonds can be bought increased to produce, from, September
swimming pool and to Rochus for cash or on, installments wherever 1, 1974 to ma urity, an average annual
Faber of Kippen for an addition to
18'. .6it,. i n -a m o u n ts from $50 yield of 10'/2 Yo. Complete details- are,
a barn. you bank or ' iO
up to $50$d."AiicY, as always, they are available where you bank or invest.
Council passed a by-law setting
the installation rate of water to a
house in Egmondville at $400
(was $200) and to A commercial
building $500 (was $400) and to
continuing an annual char ge of
W per year. SECURITY • .INCOME
Council Accepted the
resignation of Jim Hill of
Vanastra from the Vanastra
1 eup.
111 rill M,
Recreation Committee as he hasMellon
N::°: ,
moved to Saskatoon to accept a
new job.
Barry Davies and Gerry Salton
of Vanastra vere appointed
t the Recreation Committee to
replace Mr. Hill and Joh 'Duddy
SAUSAGE..,....... .. ....... .......
In the piece ........................1b
Sliced ................ ..... .
Maple Leaf Sweet Pickled
COTTAGE ROLLS.... ............ ..... 89c
Hof f map'.q
®LOGN A'n the piece ........................................... 9 C
Fresh Sliced
7 C
....... ....... . .... . ............... ...... 9�
]Beef and Pork
SAU SAGE ... _... .................. 79c
BEEF, PATTIE'S' ................ �..
10-H) bag 05 0
Westinghouse Extra Action Dual
Agitator Three Speed Washers.
Five Water Temperature Combination.
Knit Fabric Cycle. Double Wash
Action. Water Saver Con -trot. 18 16.
SEASON SALE PA Ce -$35-,.,9,
Fidly Processed
4 Easy Loading Heavy Duty dryer With
rr y:,• x,
Automatic Dry dydie.
Two Dryer Programme.
of BEE 619
Throe Temperature gelettlon.
Giant 16" diameter open g.
010 .9 s,$,2'39
i jll'