HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-11-07, Page 2F
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{i Shtce 1!8.,64, Serving tyle Community First
"*eo:: at SE URTI I.,: ONTARR, gvery Thursday morning by McLEAN BROS., Publishers Ltd.
Kpiober Canadian Community -Newspaper As.sociatiorr
N> ' Ontario Weekly Newspaper Association
and Audit Bureau of Circulation
Canada (in advance) $10.00 a Year
Outside Canada tin advance) $12.00 a Year ,
truck. ::.... .,
Second Class Mail Registration Number 0696'
The first snow of the season hit McKillop
of the coop.
NOVEMBER 7, 1974
who is not one, than an "Old Sweat";
Frombola was an irrepressible character.
_ ..
unless it is a collection of Old Sweats,
Fires and
r� ,
If you don't count the relatives of
expressed by onlookers, but they also
formerly 'owned by A.TScott and 'are
those . who are on council, elected
enjoyed the excitement...
compatriots switched to the U.S. air force
representatives, town and PUC
The Ratepayer's Meeting was not
employees, town appointees and the
very exciting, far from it. But It could
press, a grand'total of three or four
have been if interested citizens had
Geo. Hill's comfortable residence in
people attended Tuesday nig`ht's
been there to ask questions of their
of anything, except 'enjoying life.
Ratepayers' meeting.
elected representatives, to help take
• Relatives, employees and
stock of the. last .two years and plan
appointees are citizens too and have
the next two.
Cochrane of Stanley Township, is
every right to participate in municipal
We are lucky that our fire calls are
terror with the ladies. he was strong and
government, but they have a special
answered so quickly. Without a
Just the other day, (came across a photo
Interest in attending this sort of
strong municipal government apd the
meeting. 1. '
dedicated group of volunteers it
quantity of apples in the vicinity of
it was the general public, the 1575
supports, we might 'not be so
showed what he was ,made of.
people in Seaforth who are registered
and looking over his shoulder, with a crop
to vote in the December municipal
Town Councillors who spoke to the
election who were conspicuous" by
meeting expressed disappointment at
and are, ready to do chopping.
fhe'tr absence. Three or four people
the small -turnout of electors. "Maybe.,
beach in Normandy. There was nothing of
attending out of 'that number of
we should do something wrong.Then
yours truly.
electors is a pretty sad statement on
we would have .a .--crowd here,"
haw highly we value our democratic
Councillor Betty Cardno said.
apples will be shipped out of Huron County
freedom to' HAVE -an election.
.it's a pretty sad situation when the
supply in the. mess.
The right to'.vote is not a gift. Good
people of Seaforth are more
didn't actually escape. We just got sick and
government does not mean that '
interested in a disaster than in
citizens can sit back and take, take,
making sure, 'that their Town is
Woodyard and will reside in Clinton, '
take all the handouts they can get
properly governed.
parked on the sand, guarded by two British
without putting any personal effort
There are two openings on council/
seven days, and there we were, stuck
into the community or taking any'
this year. The mayor is stepping.
responsibiity for it..
down, as is Deputy Reeve Wilmer
barrels of apples this season.
An hour after. `the Ratepayers'
Cuthill. We can only hope there will
jeep, buddy?" i nearly fell over.
meeting was over,,dbout one hundred
be more interest shown in the "
before was that the guards up in the,sentry."Five
people left their houses to stand in the
electoral contest than there was in the
pouring rain and watch fire destroy a
ratepayers' meeting. Nominations
leased from A. Cardno.
James Purcell has
man's barn. Sure, there was concern
close on Tuesday, November 12.
flush, as he was a gambler and a dealer. he
Phone b00tfllSn
with the Yanks or the British roiling into
's Store•.town
Suppose that you live in Dublin
local phone book but promised to give
rounded up some paint, and painted RCAF
Your child groes swimming in' Seaforth
all Seaforth ' and Dublin phone
and chc colate bars to the joyful prisoners.
in the summer, and.,you want to call
customers both books, their own and r,
'the'Lions Pool'th'We'to'give him an,,!'.-••--.
the one'listing their neighbour.
Miss May _Kemp who left here a few
important messag4 `#�Ithough you can
But for at least two years none of us
:make the call toll free from Dublin to
has gotten two books. This imposes a
They didn't have any cigaretts to throw
Seaforth and visa versa it isn't easy to
real hardship on . businesses with
do so •because you can't look up the
customers in both areas, families With
James Thomson's grist mill >At Bayfield
Pool's phone number.
members in both areas and even
the sick and wounded, but to date nurses.
All because BelfTelephonp in it's
neighbours who are in different
to be kissed. They threw a guard around`busily
infinite wisdom declared some years
phone exchanges. We can call Bell
ago that ,Seaforth and, Dublin, less
Canada's Stratford office and ask th t
John and Wm. Shannon have rented Lot
than five miles apart by road and part
we be sent copies of the Dublin phone
picked u five hundred dollars n the
p p ,,�
of the same natural trading area,
book and` hopefully° Bell will oblige:
want us wandering -around the countr •side
were to be listed in two different
But why should we have to? - -
- •- •
phone books. For some odd reason,
It seems that Bell is always looking
McGregor has bought Lot 16, Cont 5 from
Brussels, also with close ties -to
for rate increases, and getting them,
since we landed, but wherever he is today,
I'll bet he's rich.
Seaforth, is marooned in the Stratford
at the same time that the services the
enough of that dump, So, about four
phone book with Dublin. We don't
utility offers are declining.
know . who decided what
Just wait 'till Bell tries to impose
morning there was thick ice on the water
municipalities to group together in
that 25c service charge for calls to
course. of •us shared a tent in
Normandy. We were all shot down within
phone books or why but the decisions
information that started Nov. 1 in
grass (very wet). and headed for home.
don't make much .sense.
Toronto. Information calls for ail
What's the use of having toll free
numbers listed in thedirectoryw It be
-in Manitoba have returiled home. They
calls if we can't look up the numbers
charged for...but what if you on't
from the Department of National Defense.
that we want to call'? Those.of us with
have a directory? Surely they can't
thump a bit, but it wasn't either of those. It
the Seaforth book can look up phone
charge us 25c. Good old B might
numbers in Strathroy and West
consider that it could say itself some
' Edward Reid, Alexander Brown and
Lorne. But who needs them? What we
money by not Navin to answer
mine, and lost an eye. The second was
need, several times a day, is Dublin
information calls if it ave us all two
However, we made it to the Canadian
books. The chance t save money in
There was a hue dnd ory about the
times of increased osts that Bell is
survey boat "Bayfield"' arrived home.
re -aligned phone books when Bell
always mng.about. should be
working of fate, we're all alive.
Canada introduced them several
the swaying argument.
caught a lane ? tb Brussels
f9etg p
years ago. Ma Bell wouldn't
Flow about - it Bell? We want the
reconsider a . '-fna.re sensible
Dublin area bok sent out to Seaforth
bruised by a fall 'from an apple tree.
arrangement of rr>op'Iclpalities in our
residents annhe Seaforth books
going to Dublin phone numbers.
Closed to. wheel. chairs
Have you ever Wondered what it
legislation in time for December's
would be like to ,tthe whole world
municipal elections which would
of public buildinpo theatres, stores
allow a Deputy Returning Officer,
and 'churche's � 019sed to you?
accompanied .by other officials to
Physically handiedoped people who
move the ballot box outside the poll,
have, to use a wheelchair to get about
perhaps to the bottom of the steps for
don't wondor, their 'know.
long enough to allow the handicapped
it is not general'ty realized that
person to vote.
people in wheelcil are also often
Mrs. Edgar Elligson, R.R.4,
deprived '' of tlt right. to
Walton, who is chairman of the
vote.,"bedatlse pulling places are
March of Dimes Ability Fund for
often .rla'Ccessible by wheelchair.
McKillop Township, passed the news
`fhb o ty of Toronto has adopted a
of the decision in Toronto along to the
r"esolutlori' calling oil,. the government
of Ot t>ario ' to rrlake changes which
Now, there _may not . even 'be
iNbufd Allbw ji060le In, wheelchairs to
elections in Seaforth, McKillop and
'Vote`ereri at. polls vlrhlth are held In
other municipalities in this area but
Moog: ithere afire# alalia, narrow
that shouldn't stop our councils who,
y I.. y
ddorWattr>r other wheelchair
have the interests' of the handicapped
exlst: ,
at heart from secondi'n'g Toronto's
'r►edntn bltkt th# pi'ovihce tdi pbsg
restlitltian to the provinde.
',:-,, ..s .,n,.
,... ,. ._-'..V...J{. A ..:: I: ,u r•._ .. 1..' ., ..., [.. n 'e 'x nl•'..4 ,•:...
Signs and ice
Sugar and Spice
J .
By Bill Smiley
The final touches have been put to a
three year old combined bridge and road
construction program, thus completing the
new 20Woot bridge over the FlAdyfleld river
at Bayfield.
Most visitors to the, I/re yterian mansg
have already met err two 'kittens
McKillop" and Tuckersmith". Last
week,McKill . ' fined the pay roll of a local,
plumb'in'g and heating contractor. The men
were confronted with the problem of
a thermostat wire through a small,
underground trench.' The problem was
solved by tying a long Aring'ot McKiltop's
tail, placing him at one end to the trench
and Calling to him from the other. McKillop
went through.
Wilmer McGregor, son of Mr. and Mrs.
William McGregor, Kippen, made his first
solo. flight at Sky Harbour, air port,
Goderich• He has been taking a course in
pilot training at that school. n
Announcement was made this week that
Hugh Berry, of Brueefteld has sold his
general store to Ron McKay -4 Kintail. Mr. '
Berry has• owned and operated this store
for -26 years. He originally purchased it
from Mr. Hornby.
One of the most highly and well known
residents. of Tuckersmith, Wm. R.
Archibald died at his home. He was in his
81 st year and prior to a few days before his
death was in good health. A successful
farmer, Mr. Archibald had operated the
land which has been settled by his father,
the late Andrew' Archibald, nearly a '
hundred years ago.
Messrs, Campbell Eyre, Lloyd McLean,
W.J.F.Bell. Harry Caldwell, Emmerson
Kyle and Stan Jackson made up a deer
hunting party and left'"to spend a week in ,
the woods near Blind River.
M Leo Hagan and W.E.Southgate of the
Huron Expositor attended the convention
held in Harrison of the Western Ontario
Weekly Newspaper Association.
Miss'Janie Moffatt, left for Kitchener
where she has accepted a position, with the
Mutual Life Assurance Co. Prior to her
leaving she was presented with a three
piece pen and pencil set from the Seaforth
Messrs. Robert Patrick•and Lloyd Haney
of Tuckersmith left on a motor trip to
Melville, Sask.
Lloyd Backer of Dublin has sold his 50
acre farm in Hibbert to Martin Feeney.,
NOVEMBER 7th, 1924
Fire laid bare about 2000 acres of land at
the north end of" the famous Pinery and
threatened for a time to destroy all the
cottages owned by London people in the
summer •resort near Grand Bend.
The choir of Turner's
Tuckersmith, met at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Sam Whitmore and made a
presentation of Miss Mildred Young, a
member of the choir, prior to her marriage
to Kenneth McLean of Auburn. Miss
Gladys Crich presented her with a set of
silver teaspoons.
A few of the sportsmen of Winthrop left
on a hunting trip to Parry Sound district:
Those that went were: Clarence Bennett,
Joseph Bennett, John, Bennett, Walter
Eaton, Fergus Bullard and Wm. Kinney,
Ciarence Bennett took them in his motor
truck. ::.... .,
The first snow of the season hit McKillop
There is nothing drearier, for anybody
of the coop.
Township and then only a light flurry.
who is not one, than an "Old Sweat";
Frombola was an irrepressible character.
Messrs. Harry Dalrymple and J. Cornish
unless it is a collection of Old Sweats,
He was a Yank, from Oakland, California,
of Brucefield have purchased the building
exchanging cheerful lies and trying to
who had joined the RCAF." Most of his
formerly 'owned by A.TScott and 'are
drink Canada dry, about• this time every
compatriots switched to the U.S. air force
remodellingxit and filling it up to be used as
when the latter got into the war, but Tony
a chopping mill.
Although I'm not much for l old " •,'
didn't bother. He didn't bother about much
Geo. Hill's comfortable residence in
of anything, except 'enjoying life.
Brucefield is nearing completion and will
soldier bit. I find myself, each year, doing a
add much to the appearance of the village.
lot of remembering when Remembrance
He had a big, homely mug, but was aCleve
Cochrane of Stanley Township, is
Day rolls around.
terror with the ladies. he was strong and
this week in Gooerich acting on the jury.
Just the other day, (came across a photo
tou cynical and witty. "'"" "
his lay be hard to believe, but this
R. Laing of Toronto has purchased a
that brought , back a lot of memories. There
incl nt. which i personally witnessed,,
quantity of apples in the vicinity of
we were, the two.of us. Tony Frombola,
grinning as though he owned the world,
showed what he was ,made of.
Ashton & Radford of the Walton
and looking over his shoulder, with a crop
it was August, 1944. One evening; after
chopping mill have their mill completed
of dark hair, a huge, sweeping. handle -bar
flying,, eve decided ' to walk down to the
and are, ready to do chopping.
moustache, and a devilish glint in his eye,
beach in Normandy. There was nothing of
NOVEMBER 3, 1899
yours truly.
interest to do back - at the wing, and the
It is estimated that 40,000 barrels of
I think it was taken an Brussels, shortly
padres had cleaned up the tiny whiskey
apples will be shipped out of Huron County
after we "escaped " from prison camp. We
supply in the. mess.
Mrs.Thornton Wallace has rented her
didn't actually escape. We just got sick and
At the beach, a Liberty ship was
farm in Hullett to her son-in-law, Mr.
tired of hanging around, and left,
unloading jeeps.There was a line of them,
Woodyard and will reside in Clinton, '
The blasted war had been over for about
parked on the sand, guarded by two British
James M. Martin, Hullett's apple king '
seven days, and there we were, stuck
soldiers. Tony walked up to one of them
purchased, packed and shipped 2500
behind barbed w•ire.The only difference
and said: "How much do you want for a
barrels of apples this season.
between that and the situation a month
jeep, buddy?" i nearly fell over.
Edward McFaul of town is having a new
before was that the guards up in the,sentry."Five
-.quid," 'responded the Limey.
plate glass front placed in the store he has
boxes were Russians• instead of Germans.
Torn}• peeled off five notes. He was always
leased from A. Cardno.
James Purcell has
At our'caiirp. our incarceration didnt end
flush, as he was a gambler and a dealer. he
returned to town and
has resumed his Former ' in
with the Yanks or the British roiling into
drove the jeep away to a place of privacy,
's Store•.town
the camp in jeeps, and throwing cigarettes
rounded up some paint, and painted RCAF
Wm. A ment of left for Muskoka to
and chc colate bars to the joyful prisoners.
roundels and the legend on it.
look at some timber limits.
who wept and kissed their liberators.
He was the only rowly Flying Officer to °
Miss May _Kemp who left here a few
We were "liberated" by the Russians.
,have his own jeep during the Normandy
weeks ago for Leipsic, 'Germany has
They didn't have any cigaretts to throw
campaign, and he made good use of it,
arrived at her destination safely.
around. they didn't know what a cholcate
such as visiting field hospitals. Not to visit
James Thomson's grist mill >At Bayfield
bar zvas, and they didn't particularly want
the sick and wounded, but to date nurses.
is again in good running order and he is
to be kissed. They threw a guard around`busily
engaged chopping grain. .
the camp, and load us to stay put. Our,
We cams hr,•me on the same ship. He
John and Wm. Shannon have rented Lot
senior officers told us the saMe.Theydidn't
picked u five hundred dollars n the
p p ,,�
17, Concession 5, from Duncan McGregor
want us wandering -around the countr •side
twenty-four hour crap game, lost most of it,
for 5 ears at $255,00 +a
y year. Alex
being shot by some drunken R6oshian.
builtit back up to $2,000. Haven't seen him
McGregor has bought Lot 16, Cont 5 from
Boredsilly. Tony and I decided we'd had
since we landed, but wherever he is today,
I'll bet he's rich.
Mrs. Donald McUregor for $500 .Off•
enough of that dump, So, about four
The most se"vera frost of thi season
occurred on Wednesday. On Th ursday
o'clock one morning, we nipped the wires
Not all the memories are so pleasant, of
morning there was thick ice on the water
with a pair of borrowed wire clippers,
crawled several hundred feet through
course. of •us shared a tent in
Normandy. We were all shot down within
and the earth wad frozen hard.'
grass (very wet). and headed for home.
10 days, and I'm the only one alive.
Messrs. Hugh Aitch and Samuel
Townsend of Kippers whoo spent to months
It sounds incredibly daring dnd
My parents received three telegrams
-in Manitoba have returiled home. They
fool -hardy, and it did make the •-heart
from the Department of National Defense.
r6port a foot of stioyy there when they left
thump a bit, but it wasn't either of those. It
Each of them began, "We regret to 'inform '
for home.
was just stupid.
you ...... One son was blown up by a land
' Edward Reid, Alexander Brown and
mine, and lost an eye. The second was
Harry -Falconer, who have spent the
However, we made it to the Canadian
missing in anion. The third was shot down
summer in Government employ on the '
lines in three days, hitching and hiking,
over the Channel. By some strange
survey boat "Bayfield"' arrived home.
and a very time viVg had of n
and very
working of fate, we're all alive.
Mrs. C. Borrows ojr Leadbury is
caught a lane ? tb Brussels
f9etg p
imp't'oving nicely after having been badly
another to England, and were -there about
'$tit•thotisands of lads aren't. Remember
bruised by a fall 'from an apple tree.
four days before the otheir chicketis got out
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