The Huron Expositor, 1974-10-31, Page 4qXy v u mpm fx%w WAS, V4 'to, *W41 'd a. 11to a* A0* 'Mrs. 00#00 A TOMAW" MrSXXA4 44� LT insr4edqmdurt;knat 0 i� , , " : '" i , I _ X*114049 00gh 1. 1 Q ", IC, R* IV and A .91i A. vido And -fix-roor-bitto 7 offi�= were b*aw mc#dq .;uusicim with ft, war, 'WIth the '41P evenrMs. VIM Oean �Wozr, Mrs. Bli4evoketm-Action- CXPPA==, '15t is�t3) '.0 whicb is Av iMclto of WR. Giract, F=ddc= - Cif the R;54cob Love. A-4s=My f �946ma. Mrs, sgrl�g ae UJIbed, Chureb jas F'ollowigg The M01300 opoice AssgwbJy (of Oatnio, A7, mssxcmaiy�_b 4Xma and Hoo the *014: Stg Bennett ai=64 %he ftw an 1or lbe year 40sb, VP We* theillStalfinS iOM =r% ft$4 wromittees d led 0 Kong, Fbilowing es to utcbr Mis dutrib in tbe Depastmeat of 'Soine subaramcc on uss the b Finance, mm Roy Mctiter faltt SIC;: �vJ�t infcn Wrw$ niarsbalt. Mrs, Tm=�k Mrs, J=et 13a*=. Mr.�. i. Smitbr, 'A b1son vrwsn hrovo of luck. Cbfisftau Educatiot the Mm Th omf,, musitiam Aind MM Social Convuncv...M.m1 Smitb. 5ar&---SU?hM= read 0* Mrs. L Cirummm Ws. 10. Tbe Cly dale DjviAcin,of the Out Ulm CanOda rommissionand was also, sWOHM, Papple.- Mrs� -M. Eiab]4* awd &d&S of C=a& hId Ann? expeqrnents Other cffwers Imst Gell T*s.R-, McGool fmoperry. dix;ner i4 ctf a".. Mrs. Reeves, MmAdin Fwbes. pol_hwk s I , ERA _VATSUN LTPo'p (top left), five- included, secretary. Mrs. James upp!:r 4 the Ated Rps= Financial smift VAUM F_ Church in;St_Ma*% lbllgiwed by.a -g. mm. yi�ar-old bull, Gordan Pappic r T reasurer. $Us- Malcolm. Mrs. 1. Smith, W-, tvibiog om I'le new Mscauery 'tae Hillebrecbt. PTDg=M. Int di5piqy;S,of Otte- Ighth biS Lillian �Grummew. Junior Fast' Bennett, Mrs. er-MM9 on; and (I()Wer Noble Grand, Mrs. Irene Smift Mrs. 'N. Riehl "d Mrs. A. ne,F Methods of =rap =king H -yew- Warden, Mrs. 0xwles des; Harris= District. m Reeves left) 21 M using foil around a •cardboard box Mrs. RachaeJ Mehl;- and Mrs- Ha Q.P.S.MT& 1% 'pther ideas �wem di 01alilain otd +iereford -and splayed Inside Guardim Mrs.Arthur Sniith: Sale of cards .,etc. Mm -K• ith, i a -b crAft de scontri uted alcmg bison DOW Varley, Outside Guardian. Mm sharp. by -Guiders from iffie DiviAm On�aff bison lillie Dunn; ColoT* Beam, Mrs. The social romminee/ IoT Gjen Mac DrLqfict was repre . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... Eldin, Yem, Supporters, shits: Nov#inbeT -uil) be: Mrs- L:Srnitb, rented by MM Max Watts and ARBU RST May Hibkirk. Mrs- Margaret t4rs.. A.din Forbes. Mrs. W_ 'Mrs_ John Janis from Tirussels. Messenger, Mrs. A=de-Harrison Messenger, Mrs. Ethel 'Bvyes-" and Mrs. George Reeves and Mrs' J. kase �, Mrs, F. Kling. T -In- ]XIvict Commissjme,� Mrs. - R. BONUS and Anne He6derson and. -Mrs. AUan w. Ne,,n1,,am f,,m Seafarth_ &M New apple. Campbell 'Mrs Ne,%mbaro receiveda Long 9 were reminded of the Service A.,,ar,�. vMembers -76 annual Rally of LO.O.F. and very: week more more MY. w; Rebekah lodges in -Stratford on -bat mighty jobs could be' people discoverm NoftmbeT 16. X T" shed by low cost AS 1�. . i� .3o9 FOR 6 are accomph . . . . . . . . Mrs. Rabldrk presented a gift of appreciation to Mrs. Bridge os Expositor Want Adig- Dial newton behalf Of the lodge. SeofoTtb 527-0240. Newton would have hada Isaac Newton 'ITURE. problem' "ALL. F -URN n stock tough time finding a suitable 'WIe tree under auiucb to sit in at Caffdlq, bison ~ca We coo ts'. least one orchard in Ottawa. Bearing im mind the story about .0 NUSALE this week the big, red and rosy Apple landing on his head and t gravity, be mien only have found at OO to beel induStr Y' the law of fittle,: shrivelled -up specimem of Cro5sb=edhig cattle with Mankberries, Alia. In 345. aster Also. while the birth weight of the fruit. often He may not even have felt a Worth American bison may be a tbe federa) researchm had bison -cattle. calves was hit him. boon to the beef mhustry in some assessed the animals' lower, by weaning time, many of tiny fipple But- if Sir Isaac had Jodked a areas. but most farmen should performwiLv -under range these calves had surpassed the rlWt more closely in theAme-ac.re, -d was - Many hybrid cows stick so cn*ses be-Tweev cattle conditiorts, the het s sold. Herefords. orchard at Agriculture Capades IP brep-ds. -., 43 r '-The � cattalQ project (one-half bison) produced -calves 4P 7liat's the a rice Rom demonwated that bison -cattle for more than 25 years. Central Experimental Farm here, JX-LAwsonr am, animal geneticist crosses have &fmite Generally speaking, the crosses he.,,,'Woluld have found sme fine N'S - ,BOYS' -LADIES'- GIRLS'.' WEAR limbs ardhed and BABY'S w Airiculture Canada * s Reiscwcb Mr. Lawson says. with a higher percentage -of bison appleii hanging from Station at Lf by their weight _thb;ridge. Alta. "When bison bulls were mated to out -performed those crosses YARD GOODS -FURNITURE- MATTRillEtSES-PANT 1. 'Wison-icattle crosses have e' h-,a� tyle. %ey losses. ref cws' oand which were only one-eighth to Many of floe trees the in AL_ some advau%gvs. ever ordinary calves o�curred before calving. one-quarter bison", orchard are Mclutorsb-producers SEWING MACHINES -SMALL APPLIANCES -LAMP Cattle, but they also have -Many of the calves born to "On northern ranches where of a juicy red apple which usually fr drawbada.- be says, crossbred covewere very small cattle cannot be raised profitably. Outnumber' others on super- -B u the `fheiv bW1 been a lot of and tweak asid then ufte fewer I think bison -cross bed arafiWs market Mclnf&b frd'hin tras ;kbard are interest in &bswipg cattle male thad'. , femal� , offspriu& j66uld be very with the aal'A i�,Atern bitKm'. but 09eralWaAe-quart e�r and one�­balf' Lawson says. shrivelled ailif voVei�bd with ugly the idea, isn't ' new, This bison cows produced 20 per vent coat, proven hardiness and marks victims of scab disease. Crossbreeding was observed in fewer calves than the straight longevity of these animals cat Even leaves areaffected. the 17Ws� ,and - ranchgn- made Hcref6rds, and the rate of gain counteract the effects of the •Cold -In a word, the apples are THIS WEEK WE ARE OFFERING attaimpts to get the two species to .1for bison"and"W?son-cross calves climate and the heavy insect unmarketable," says L FL LyalL maw in the 18806, was lower thAh for Hemfords infestations. assistant director of Agriculture NOTE NEW A conditions.,. Research Station here.' griculture Canada began w, ander feedlot couditi' "Growth performance can be Canada's develop a bison -cattle herd in Mr. Lawson points out there improver)by choosing good cattle None of the usual spraying of 1916 at Wainwright. Alta. Bison were alsopKoblems persuading tb breed with bis" andfungicide against the disease has by using a OFF' i STORE HOURS i were crossedI with Htreford, the bulls and cows of the two performance selection program been earned out since the orchard Augws. Shorthorn and Holstein speties to mate. Koweve-T, this and arMcial insemination, and was established 10 years ago - MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY cattle. problem could be overcome by upgrading :a herd by culling the The scab -Joos been allowed to Under the Agri&lturc Canada using artificial inseminatixm. poorer animals, take its course, causing infected 11 A.M. TO 6 P.M. the new beef animals were 'Most of the bison crossbred ­However4 in less size FRIDAYS 11 A.M. TO 9 P.M.' prai rigorous apples small in J and quantkty. OUR REGULAR LOW—LOW DISCOUNT ..1cooW9 as cattalo. This name, bulls had low fertility and. qnly a climates.- a ranchef can avoid in the midst of the diseased S: PRICES ON ALL OUR FURNITURE STOCK SATURDAYS 9 A.M..-TO 6 P.M. Jaken from cattle and buffalo., few with chree-sixteenths bison management -0oblems'' and trees are some with a tag rdkcts a comaxon misnorner. The were fertile, Bulls greater than numbered 0-532. CLOSED SUNDAYS American buffalo are not three -sixteenths bison were not % ht 'Zo And their apples are healthy North crossing breeds Ith SHOP NOWN. and make this a really buffalo -- they're proper)y fertile. than crossing bison'with cattle.". and Plentiful- , called bison, On the plus side. part -bison These trees are the pTQdu-ct of HERE ARE A FEW In 1950 the experimental animals were more hardy and years of research by Dr. L.P.S. 'itattalo 'herd MovokL to the wId-resistant than ordinary cattle Spangelo at Agriculture Canada's . great S—A—V-14-64 WEEK EXAMPLES research substation at and hadthiLker and heavier hair. Research Station here. The �— _U ; 1-- —_t;_A CnAir SAVERS Fe , u— - - I by the department's research LESS stations at St. Jean, Quebec, and AS LOW Smithfield, Ontario. 15% DISCOUNT AS 89.97 The aim of the research was to BASE FACTORY OUTLET NOW $ 76.47 develop new apple varieties resin- I taut to scab disease -- the scourge J, of both commercial producers and hone gardeners. A The new variety- named M­fo. __ has nlrenrj.7 proven — A 25th Wedding Anniversary Cranbrook- Mr. & Mrs. T! J itself at Ottawa. - �(Aaics The trees at the experimental Dinner was held at the Wilbee of Sebringville-, Mr' & Commeroal Hotel on Saturday Mrs. Bill Wilbee; Mr, faim are free of the disease, while Mrs. "Amother beer,..to to show trees in orchards in some parts of evening for Mr- & . Mrs. Hill Charlie Geddes: Mr, & Mrs. Ross gratibule to the sponsor who Coutti of Walton. arranged by Bennett. borther of the bride from made this telecast poss%lo!" Ontario and Quebec are sprayed their, daughter and son-in-law. Walton, at least a dozen times each RECLINER Mr. A Mrs, Alan Carter and their summer and some incidence of tiY the disease still persists. fd$0066ie Coutts who CHAIRS TWILITE just -A - C�#­A_ ks_ she &-- - y I received her RX for nursing. inose attending included; Mr. 4& Mrs, Bruce Walters of Hanver, : WrS, Walters was the bride's attendant, Mr. & Mrs. Don bbcDonald of Walton. Don was the best man. Mr, Ken IlitcWie of Toronto, Mr, & Mrs. James Cameron of Sarnia. Ontario. Mr, & Mrs. Gerold Huetber of 6061pli; Mrs, Glen Huether of ............. 777 'r 00 e Ot . . . . . . . . . . $0 r�v Y0u Donl-Weedl S 9 Lt V'. . 0 qXy v u mpm fx%w WAS, V4 'to, *W41 'd a. 11to a* A0* 'Mrs. 00#00 A TOMAW" MrSXXA4 44� LT insr4edqmdurt;knat 0 i� , , " : '" i , I _ X*114049 00gh 1. 1 Q ", IC, R* IV and A .91i A. vido And -fix-roor-bitto 7 offi�= were b*aw mc#dq .;uusicim with ft, war, 'WIth the '41P evenrMs. VIM Oean �Wozr, Mrs. Bli4evoketm-Action- CXPPA==, '15t is�t3) '.0 whicb is Av iMclto of WR. Giract, F=ddc= - Cif the R;54cob Love. A-4s=My f �946ma. Mrs, sgrl�g ae UJIbed, Chureb jas F'ollowigg The M01300 opoice AssgwbJy (of Oatnio, A7, mssxcmaiy�_b 4Xma and Hoo the *014: Stg Bennett ai=64 %he ftw an 1or lbe year 40sb, VP We* theillStalfinS iOM =r% ft$4 wromittees d led 0 Kong, Fbilowing es to utcbr Mis dutrib in tbe Depastmeat of 'Soine subaramcc on uss the b Finance, mm Roy Mctiter faltt SIC;: �vJ�t infcn Wrw$ niarsbalt. Mrs, Tm=�k Mrs, J=et 13a*=. Mr.�. i. Smitbr, 'A b1son vrwsn hrovo of luck. Cbfisftau Educatiot the Mm Th omf,, musitiam Aind MM Social Convuncv...M.m1 Smitb. 5ar&---SU?hM= read 0* Mrs. L Cirummm Ws. 10. Tbe Cly dale DjviAcin,of the Out Ulm CanOda rommissionand was also, sWOHM, Papple.- Mrs� -M. Eiab]4* awd &d&S of C=a& hId Ann? expeqrnents Other cffwers Imst Gell T*s.R-, McGool fmoperry. dix;ner i4 ctf a".. Mrs. Reeves, MmAdin Fwbes. pol_hwk s I , ERA _VATSUN LTPo'p (top left), five- included, secretary. Mrs. James upp!:r 4 the Ated Rps= Financial smift VAUM F_ Church in;St_Ma*% lbllgiwed by.a -g. mm. yi�ar-old bull, Gordan Pappic r T reasurer. $Us- Malcolm. Mrs. 1. Smith, W-, tvibiog om I'le new Mscauery 'tae Hillebrecbt. PTDg=M. Int di5piqy;S,of Otte- Ighth biS Lillian �Grummew. Junior Fast' Bennett, Mrs. er-MM9 on; and (I()Wer Noble Grand, Mrs. Irene Smift Mrs. 'N. Riehl "d Mrs. A. ne,F Methods of =rap =king H -yew- Warden, Mrs. 0xwles des; Harris= District. m Reeves left) 21 M using foil around a •cardboard box Mrs. RachaeJ Mehl;- and Mrs- Ha Q.P.S.MT& 1% 'pther ideas �wem di 01alilain otd +iereford -and splayed Inside Guardim Mrs.Arthur Sniith: Sale of cards .,etc. Mm -K• ith, i a -b crAft de scontri uted alcmg bison DOW Varley, Outside Guardian. Mm sharp. by -Guiders from iffie DiviAm On�aff bison lillie Dunn; ColoT* Beam, Mrs. The social romminee/ IoT Gjen Mac DrLqfict was repre . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... Eldin, Yem, Supporters, shits: Nov#inbeT -uil) be: Mrs- L:Srnitb, rented by MM Max Watts and ARBU RST May Hibkirk. Mrs- Margaret t4rs.. A.din Forbes. Mrs. W_ 'Mrs_ John Janis from Tirussels. Messenger, Mrs. A=de-Harrison Messenger, Mrs. Ethel 'Bvyes-" and Mrs. George Reeves and Mrs' J. kase �, Mrs, F. Kling. T -In- ]XIvict Commissjme,� Mrs. - R. BONUS and Anne He6derson and. -Mrs. AUan w. Ne,,n1,,am f,,m Seafarth_ &M New apple. Campbell 'Mrs Ne,%mbaro receiveda Long 9 were reminded of the Service A.,,ar,�. vMembers -76 annual Rally of LO.O.F. and very: week more more MY. w; Rebekah lodges in -Stratford on -bat mighty jobs could be' people discoverm NoftmbeT 16. X T" shed by low cost AS 1�. . i� .3o9 FOR 6 are accomph . . . . . . . . Mrs. Rabldrk presented a gift of appreciation to Mrs. Bridge os Expositor Want Adig- Dial newton behalf Of the lodge. SeofoTtb 527-0240. Newton would have hada Isaac Newton 'ITURE. problem' "ALL. F -URN n stock tough time finding a suitable 'WIe tree under auiucb to sit in at Caffdlq, bison ~ca We coo ts'. least one orchard in Ottawa. Bearing im mind the story about .0 NUSALE this week the big, red and rosy Apple landing on his head and t gravity, be mien only have found at OO to beel induStr Y' the law of fittle,: shrivelled -up specimem of Cro5sb=edhig cattle with Mankberries, Alia. In 345. aster Also. while the birth weight of the fruit. often He may not even have felt a Worth American bison may be a tbe federa) researchm had bison -cattle. calves was hit him. boon to the beef mhustry in some assessed the animals' lower, by weaning time, many of tiny fipple But- if Sir Isaac had Jodked a areas. but most farmen should performwiLv -under range these calves had surpassed the rlWt more closely in theAme-ac.re, -d was - Many hybrid cows stick so cn*ses be-Tweev cattle conditiorts, the het s sold. Herefords. orchard at Agriculture Capades IP brep-ds. -., 43 r '-The � cattalQ project (one-half bison) produced -calves 4P 7liat's the a rice Rom demonwated that bison -cattle for more than 25 years. Central Experimental Farm here, JX-LAwsonr am, animal geneticist crosses have &fmite Generally speaking, the crosses he.,,,'Woluld have found sme fine N'S - ,BOYS' -LADIES'- GIRLS'.' WEAR limbs ardhed and BABY'S w Airiculture Canada * s Reiscwcb Mr. Lawson says. with a higher percentage -of bison appleii hanging from Station at Lf by their weight _thb;ridge. Alta. "When bison bulls were mated to out -performed those crosses YARD GOODS -FURNITURE- MATTRillEtSES-PANT 1. 'Wison-icattle crosses have e' h-,a� tyle. %ey losses. ref cws' oand which were only one-eighth to Many of floe trees the in AL_ some advau%gvs. ever ordinary calves o�curred before calving. one-quarter bison", orchard are Mclutorsb-producers SEWING MACHINES -SMALL APPLIANCES -LAMP Cattle, but they also have -Many of the calves born to "On northern ranches where of a juicy red apple which usually fr drawbada.- be says, crossbred covewere very small cattle cannot be raised profitably. Outnumber' others on super- -B u the `fheiv bW1 been a lot of and tweak asid then ufte fewer I think bison -cross bed arafiWs market Mclnf&b frd'hin tras ;kbard are interest in &bswipg cattle male thad'. , femal� , offspriu& j66uld be very with the aal'A i�,Atern bitKm'. but 09eralWaAe-quart e�r and one�­balf' Lawson says. shrivelled ailif voVei�bd with ugly the idea, isn't ' new, This bison cows produced 20 per vent coat, proven hardiness and marks victims of scab disease. Crossbreeding was observed in fewer calves than the straight longevity of these animals cat Even leaves areaffected. the 17Ws� ,and - ranchgn- made Hcref6rds, and the rate of gain counteract the effects of the •Cold -In a word, the apples are THIS WEEK WE ARE OFFERING attaimpts to get the two species to .1for bison"and"W?son-cross calves climate and the heavy insect unmarketable," says L FL LyalL maw in the 18806, was lower thAh for Hemfords infestations. assistant director of Agriculture NOTE NEW A conditions.,. Research Station here.' griculture Canada began w, ander feedlot couditi' "Growth performance can be Canada's develop a bison -cattle herd in Mr. Lawson points out there improver)by choosing good cattle None of the usual spraying of 1916 at Wainwright. Alta. Bison were alsopKoblems persuading tb breed with bis" andfungicide against the disease has by using a OFF' i STORE HOURS i were crossedI with Htreford, the bulls and cows of the two performance selection program been earned out since the orchard Augws. Shorthorn and Holstein speties to mate. Koweve-T, this and arMcial insemination, and was established 10 years ago - MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY cattle. problem could be overcome by upgrading :a herd by culling the The scab -Joos been allowed to Under the Agri&lturc Canada using artificial inseminatixm. poorer animals, take its course, causing infected 11 A.M. TO 6 P.M. the new beef animals were 'Most of the bison crossbred ­However4 in less size FRIDAYS 11 A.M. TO 9 P.M.' prai rigorous apples small in J and quantkty. OUR REGULAR LOW—LOW DISCOUNT ..1cooW9 as cattalo. This name, bulls had low fertility and. qnly a climates.- a ranchef can avoid in the midst of the diseased S: PRICES ON ALL OUR FURNITURE STOCK SATURDAYS 9 A.M..-TO 6 P.M. Jaken from cattle and buffalo., few with chree-sixteenths bison management -0oblems'' and trees are some with a tag rdkcts a comaxon misnorner. The were fertile, Bulls greater than numbered 0-532. CLOSED SUNDAYS American buffalo are not three -sixteenths bison were not % ht 'Zo And their apples are healthy North crossing breeds Ith SHOP NOWN. and make this a really buffalo -- they're proper)y fertile. than crossing bison'with cattle.". and Plentiful- , called bison, On the plus side. part -bison These trees are the pTQdu-ct of HERE ARE A FEW In 1950 the experimental animals were more hardy and years of research by Dr. L.P.S. 'itattalo 'herd MovokL to the wId-resistant than ordinary cattle Spangelo at Agriculture Canada's . great S—A—V-14-64 WEEK EXAMPLES research substation at and hadthiLker and heavier hair. Research Station here. The �— _U ; 1-- —_t;_A CnAir SAVERS Fe , u— - - I by the department's research LESS stations at St. Jean, Quebec, and AS LOW Smithfield, Ontario. 15% DISCOUNT AS 89.97 The aim of the research was to BASE FACTORY OUTLET NOW $ 76.47 develop new apple varieties resin- I taut to scab disease -- the scourge J, of both commercial producers and hone gardeners. A The new variety- named M­fo. __ has nlrenrj.7 proven — A 25th Wedding Anniversary Cranbrook- Mr. & Mrs. T! J itself at Ottawa. - �(Aaics The trees at the experimental Dinner was held at the Wilbee of Sebringville-, Mr' & Commeroal Hotel on Saturday Mrs. Bill Wilbee; Mr, faim are free of the disease, while Mrs. "Amother beer,..to to show trees in orchards in some parts of evening for Mr- & . Mrs. Hill Charlie Geddes: Mr, & Mrs. Ross gratibule to the sponsor who Coutti of Walton. arranged by Bennett. borther of the bride from made this telecast poss%lo!" Ontario and Quebec are sprayed their, daughter and son-in-law. Walton, at least a dozen times each RECLINER Mr. A Mrs, Alan Carter and their summer and some incidence of tiY the disease still persists. fd$0066ie Coutts who CHAIRS TWILITE just -A - C�#­A_ ks_ she &-- - y I received her RX for nursing. inose attending included; Mr. 4& Mrs, Bruce Walters of Hanver, : WrS, Walters was the bride's attendant, Mr. & Mrs. Don bbcDonald of Walton. Don was the best man. Mr, Ken IlitcWie of Toronto, Mr, & Mrs. James Cameron of Sarnia. Ontario. Mr, & Mrs. Gerold Huetber of 6061pli; Mrs, Glen Huether of HAMILTON TRUST AND SAVINGS.00APMT10" PAYS Y6 ONS -6-YEAR GUARANTEE INVESTMEWCEATIFICAT$Eg Interest payable Half . I Yearly or may be 0momaded to Maturity Publabd raterfAe4;at to d with,,Art. notice. Contact your LOCAL FINANCIAL ADWOn or ,so YO IGE ST SUITE 2b2 To" MSE 1K3 VI!1M 1 110 IN, VINYL OR HERCULON AS LOW LESS AS IS% 129.97 DISCOUNT A NOW $11W7 . HASSOCKS REG LESS SHAn.nw .MATTRESS ox t. B A. POINCI R90 139.97 LESS 15% NOW $1 1V, DISCOUNT PRICE DISCOUNT now g a ORO 1� Al V. E Om S I tMal l ' I A� o W ILIgas A/'Ll 25497 DISCOUNT 6 "'Al.11.11US , jot W 09LIVOt 11fittV IN A 11, MILS OUR STORE 0 ,0 A I 0 0 416 1 someboy WanU *hat Y0u Donl-Weedl S 9 Lt "'.1 Through recently opond4 a veterinary anti' Pou tfy disviostic lihoratory In Shakes ate' nt:arbtfi 13r 'Yob idra'k sopa deals And Abd hk lit 8imAl'A", HAMILTON TRUST AND SAVINGS.00APMT10" PAYS Y6 ONS -6-YEAR GUARANTEE INVESTMEWCEATIFICAT$Eg Interest payable Half . I Yearly or may be 0momaded to Maturity Publabd raterfAe4;at to d with,,Art. notice. Contact your LOCAL FINANCIAL ADWOn or ,so YO IGE ST SUITE 2b2 To" MSE 1K3 VI!1M 1 110 IN, VINYL OR HERCULON AS LOW LESS AS IS% 129.97 DISCOUNT A NOW $11W7 . HASSOCKS REG LESS SHAn.nw .MATTRESS ox t. B A. POINCI R90 139.97 LESS 15% NOW $1 1V, DISCOUNT PRICE DISCOUNT now g a ORO 1� Al V. E Om S I tMal l ' I A� o W ILIgas A/'Ll 25497 DISCOUNT 6 "'Al.11.11US , jot W 09LIVOt 11fittV IN A 11, MILS OUR STORE 0 ,0 A I 0 0 416 1