HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-10-24, Page 12Y IT; -ITTF77r"
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40 We rklor Y011-4, Most I
M&siine,4mbo�t Aur"
ost �etii be
J i Board 9 _g
e� plan
to �ee% re,,OlectlOn in Decemb.0; work
they said ot vriday's, "Boaid*
in Howeiqr, 'one, local -A
ceting 5,82
trustee. John Broadfont
D", and
of Br
411i P P bartiog
T er,
Henderson ry.0
of R.R.5, Seafoith
said "Maybe" when asked if he M.
w The following trustees said QTUAL - FIRE
iff run 11.,
tbev would run-.' Vice-cha' WKILtOP M
airman PAF
Wilfred, Shqvtreed,
Girl, 1N,idds sta'd season tolle'dingb skefs of Walton; J. -P,
Alexandc'of Winibw Kenneth
Ws started decided that the Rebekah Lodge Thanksgiving in mind. Plans were INSUKA
Hensall Girl. Gut Cooke. -Clinton; Mrs. Mollie' �PANY
another season recently at the would enteirtain Parkhill Etn�erald 'finalized for the Bazaaf. bake sale 1�under. SWortht Harry Hayt-pr. Ostablished 1876'
Hensall United Church. Sixteen' Lo4ge on November 20 at the anti tea which was held on Dashwood: Herbert' Turkheim. HEAD OFFICE SeAfortii, Ontario,
girls were present�,,in cl u ding three regular meeting. It was agreed Saturday and it �,as reported to Z ich; and John Westbrook. Mrs. Mar . garet Sharp, Sec,-Treas., Pligile, 527-.0400
new girls, Roxanne Lavery, that each member is to invite one have been..a. real success. Mrs,
Jo -Ann Pepper And Karen Sheils. or two guests to a social evening And I erson closed the meeting with Clarence McDonald of Exe�te'r' 11, Only
The.Guides are still in the process in November,. ' -Mrs. Maggie praN er. said "Too earfy to decioe.
of collecting goodelean baskets in Campbell and Mrs. Leona Parke United Church Notes
Mrs. b. Wallace. Goderich, Costs A
the village. The baskets are sold volunteered tq visit I the Rev. E. Donald Stuart C.D�,
Mrs. M. Zinn, Lucknow: and
to the Supermarket, and the Queensway Nursing Home. Mrs, M,A.'. B.D.. a former minister of
Donald McDonald, Brussels left Little To
-uc,�f 0
money goes to the Girl Guide Margaret Consitt and Mrs. the Bi ield chtirge. c nducted
the meethig early,
Leaders are Mrs. Aldeen Volland volunteered to the services of worship in Hensall
Company. Chairman E. - Cayley Hill. Be Safe
Shirley Luther and assistant Mrs. canvass for the C.NA.B. A United Church Sunday mornirt.g, U09erten. a'r,d Charles Rau.
Florence Slade. number of members thanked nce o
,4j Amber Rebekah Lodge Meeting their. secret 'sisters for cards Special* music was provided by Zu. t
_M Extende'd Coverage, Windst�rm, Theft
in the abse f Re�v. Don B Hell did ndt atten h
The regular meeting of Amber received on birthdays and the * Pepper girls. Brenda, meeting. --V Fire,
7 P nertv Dama— Liabilltv Etc.
Directorg afid'Adjusters
weekend . with- Mrs. Grace
Rebekah L.odge, was 'held
Marilyn. Laurie and Jo -Ann.
the scripture. Vera"Brintnell read
Robt. Archibald, R.R.4, Soaforth 527-1817
Wednesday evening in the Lodge
Ken Chrnochan, R.R.41, Senforth 527-1545'
They sang ;i iWiltiber accompanied
Ross Leonhardt, RXI, Bornholm 345-2134
roorils with the Noble Grand,
Eric Luthei who is heading the
'on the,piano by Brenda,
Miss Jane Pengilley. Huron
Stanley Mellwain,.I(.R.2, �oderlch 524-70SI
Mrs.Margaiet Consitt presiding,
Hensall area CNIR campaign says
At a Sunday gyhool teacfiers
J.N.Trewartba, Box 661, Clinton. 482-7593
tpe film "Behind these Doors'.'
and being assisted by R.S.V.G.
many rural area� residents have
meeting on Wednesday evening,
Hickson, Lucan, Audrey
Steve J. Murray, R.R.5, Seaforth -K. S. Etuej-'Sealorth
Mrs, Hazel Corbett, in the
not as yet mailed their donations
it was decided illat for a trial
bo.ught by 'the . co ' nsumer. A
Mrs.Gary Tricbncr and daughter
absence of the Vice Grand, Mrs.
for the Canadian - National
period,'Sunday Church Sessions
Visiting committee for October
prices, labour and , convenient
Bertha MacGregor. Corres-
Institute for the Blind canvass.
would be extended . fifteen
spent Thanksgiving with his
Doroth ' Parker. An. excf-u)ive
poilidence was read concerning a
The camphign will remain open
minutes to 12: IS. This trial period
Alderdice and bv V(!rda Sinclair,.
letter received from one of. the
until,October 31st and residents
starts on October 27.
Ausable group.
tour guides that accompanied the
are asked to forw ' ard donations as
CROSS COUNTRY With one in The lead and th6*
students.to�the,Unkted Ntitions in
� I
soon as possible.
. 's
Mrs. ' LQird Mickle returned
others in.hot pursuit, a group.of senior boys run the
New York during the summer
St.Paul A.0 W.
reed-itly from a three week trip to
months explaining that they had a
Th , e regular meeting of the St.
th6 west visiting" cousins in
cross country event at the Bill Millson farm in Hutlett
wonderful tour of the buildings
Paul's A.C.W. was held Thursday
Edmonton and Vermilion,
Directorg afid'Adjusters
weekend . with- Mrs. Grace
Brintnell'assisted her by reading,
Mrs.Cliarles Eyre co -hostess. The
Wm. Ale'x'ander, Seaforth Phone 527-6831
the scripture. Vera"Brintnell read
Robt. Archibald, R.R.4, Soaforth 527-1817
Visitors with Mr. , and
Ken Chrnochan, R.R.41, Senforth 527-1545'
by naming a new article on our
Ross Leonhardt, RXI, Bornholm 345-2134
Jolui McEwIng, R.R. 1, Blyth 523-9100-'v
were: Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Donaild McKercher, R.R..l Dublin 527-1937'
Miss Jane Pengilley. Huron
Stanley Mellwain,.I(.R.2, �oderlch 524-70SI
- praycr'by the president. Roll call
Wm. Pepper, Brucefleld" 492-7534
M�s. Ralph 'Triebrier, all
J.N.Trewartba, Box 661, Clinton. 482-7593
tpe film "Behind these Doors'.'
Agents -
with A-qontinuous reading of a
James Keys, R.R.1, Seaforth Wm. Leiper, Londesboro
Hickson, Lucan, Audrey
Steve J. Murray, R.R.5, Seaforth -K. S. Etuej-'Sealorth
f6od goes through before it is
Township last Wednesday. 290 students. from six and other places of importance afternoon in the basement of the Alberta, and Pilot Mound and
area schools took part in the run. (Staff Photo) and how well they were received Churc " h. The president, Mrs. Snowflake, Manitoba.
by the Rebekah Lodges for Anderson read the call to worship Mrs. Helen Cooke MacRae and
tirovidincy meals and accommo- and the Litanv. The roll call was her son Mr.Donald MacRae - of A -1
dations. At times they were even answered by a scripture. Ottawa have been guests at the
billoted in private homes. It was "Harvest" , vers e, keeping home of Mrs. 'A.W.Shirray.
Am.a'zing, Grace s"ung at Chis.e1hurst
Chiselhurst U-.C.W. held th ' ci� of Rosa Harris on Oct. f8. A' "Does God Really Love Us"' '
October meeting in the church quartetie comprised of . Pearl was the theme used.by'D.orothy
basement. Marg Cole was in Taylor, Mary , Brintnell, Marg Parker for her Bible study.
charge of the worship service. Cole and Dorothy Brintnell sang hostesses were Betty Stonernah
The Consumer Affairs meeting Drummond of. Do' wnsview, Her Thanksgiying theme wqs "Amazing, Grace". and Pearl Taylor.
of Kippen East WL,,was held at Ontario,, spent Thanksgiving -"Think ano Thank". Mary
the home of Ivirs, C. Pullman with
weekend . with- Mrs. Grace
Brintnell'assisted her by reading,
Mrs.Cliarles Eyre co -hostess. The
Drummond, Robe*rf and Bri.�n.
the scripture. Vera"Brintnell read
members answered the roll call
Visitors with Mr. , and
a poem, "Mother Shipton's
by naming a new article on our
Dave Triebncr for Thanksgiving
grocery shelf a4dthe reaction.
were: Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Collection was dedicated. by
Miss Jane Pengilley. Huron
Bernard and- family'and Mr. and'
- praycr'by the president. Roll call
County Home Economist �.howcd
M�s. Ralph 'Triebrier, all
was �answered by 19 members
tpe film "Behind these Doors'.'
Brussels, Mr. and M ' r�; Robert
with A-qontinuous reading of a
showing the different orocesses
Hickson, Lucan, Audrey
Bible verse. A thank you note was
f6od goes through before it is
McLennan, Palmerston. Mr. aA
received 60"m the family of the
bo.ught by 'the . co ' nsumer. A
Mrs.Gary Tricbncr and daughter
late Mae McLellan.
diseussion followed concerning
'of Bayfic Id.
Visiting committee for October
prices, labour and , convenient
Mr.- Larry Wright, Windsor,
will he Dorothy -Brintn6li and
fo6ds.The rally report was given
spent Thanksgiving with his
Doroth ' Parker. An. excf-u)ive
by Marlene Bell for Mona
parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Pcrcv
meeting will be held at the home
Alderdice and bv V(!rda Sinclair,.
on Sunday b\, the Conservation
the' Canadian Agriculture and Miss Jean lvison. who. has
Canadian Industry by Rose spent a pleasant holiday in
Hurnmell, Education -and Cultural Oregon with her sister, brother-
Activilics bv Grace Evre. A in-law and other relatives', , fias
Nutrillon Workshop will be.hcld TOUrned home.
in the Legion Hall --on November Mr. and Mrs. Dave Tricbne'
.7. :r
attended the 25th anniversary
Plans for the 40th AnnivSrsar.% partY for Mr. and MCs. Gordon
were discussed. A donati " o n wa s Tricbner in Guelph.
made to the blind, ' M -is. H. Mr aiid Mrs W L Mellis have
Caldwell gave ' the � 1110tto
rcturni�d from a pleasant
Mr. Elgin Thompson received
."Hornernaking is 110 Common
Thanksgiving with Mrs. Margaret
word that his 'brother Sydney
task, it is Alic littitlide that makes
Hutchison in St. Thomas,
Thompson. Stratford had suffered
it interesting or dull-. Former
The 107th Annivcrsary of St.
a heart attack.
Santones s, scvc�r, songs
ang il
Andi -cw's Church. Kipp'en was
Mr. Wesley Ham, Huntsville
0 awornpanying lict-self oil the
celebrated ou i0ctober 20 with
visited on Sunda� with his
guitar and Margaret Hoggarth
the Rev, ,�C.McGlcnaghan of
mother, Mrs. A. Ha'm and aunt.
g 1� a Hallowe'en Gininlick.
Dunga PI-ciching tile service
Miss M. E. Swan.
Connoll ' v gave courtesv
and illilefloll-lilronia, Male Choir
Mr. and Mrs. Will. Pepper
temarks.Grace F.vrc conducted a
coritest and Rose Huniniell was in
l3rovoing tile music.
spent Thanksgiving weekend at
cha 1 71 ge of the -lunch.. Mrs.G.
Bi icebridge.
Mr.. and Mrs: J. Marshall.
MacLean had charge of the
Listo\v(�. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin'
programme and Mrs.R.
Fvel \\cck more and more
Smith. spent Sunday with mrs.V.
Kinsman the busitiess.
people discover what might.\, jobs
are accomplished by low cost
Mailv attended the nature walk
Mr. and Mrs -Stuart Ha veV
Expositor Want Ads.' Dial.
Seatortli 527-0240.
on Sunday b\, the Conservation
and fimilv of Hudson Heip"
-A' "his.
Ausable group.
" .11 r. and Ivirs. Janics
higher than ever....
W -,-
Ends Satur ay Nite
M. E. Hoover Pit
Ph, in* 5 99,0_
4 X 8
For these hard to get places
ZONOLITE1 bagc'overs 24 sq.- . ft. 12995.
2" thick
PAL-O-PAK 1, bag covers 40 sq. ft.
2" thick,,
9 --- GET I FR E
R-7 ... :71/2 4 R 12 —121/2 4
R -40-11t R -20--,-22t'
Ho.Mecare Buil i0g. Cenfte in
Staforth H iah-tall
2L '��.919 48_29 3405, 6.2'.0.iW