HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-10-24, Page 7... ....... % A T ON EPOW04-.1 POT011! 24;' 110%1 7"'i M. rt 4. a .: 4nJ r�4 L4 " bold ET Il 9 W, �ened the- AlIcKill6p, II_Efiqpet,tc BET" (be, qr�r# qq�vil , , , ,� lip .EtJqqqqip.�, I , � 1 Ineeting,,plit QQI:9�.pr, loff"Alt 4t , f, i, QD ome,.cif �Dronda, h at Mr 911' �tf?,s hatill or pp, - , IV, Everyone mo0e t se ppr,cipepirig'the matingoith asi-opoogo with iho, 44111,,� 0 w The 441 Plodgq� Tfte �,*DVte5 was'hcId of r: wiqhes for tea, Thi next mcqo' oeting 10 T11 tic :4 on 00twe is on October dist at 4;00 at M lip 444erp sbq*ed the vverp. 1�gd _y4# v , osp� �yiElliott's ........ Wit way -of ,writing fOrInAl and worm T.,.he' 04in - Of, igotissod w P,m'. P �Mplotifig, 00 04,,� M Cori HabXirk and. Anne, Ribjy Mal The,-,,, leaders. ',t4e lnlstitut0de arranged a �,dellghtful 'cookie Party fhernes, deppratipjas,pilid, qxpalp0d I j he - 4 , plate. Jane and Heather made up entertainment were discussed.. party tI*,m0,s,- (16�0 reitbrt; 7 , , : call' was four plat I'slof sanowliclies for the For practical work wo wrote a •�Menl.][S, A,� i.-, �party'�,,-,, game`,All"' but, rest of the group to judge. weekend. itivitation'and reply, About tbc P.10 pirty wao'E00, -.,�Jiipmbet inswered'the V Heather acited is hostess for an Yhe meeting was closed with Mirg Vap 'Dy.kq,i,p h t matter - w4s�r,� a out, tranged, ,4 b inforui,11 tea. Cori thanked Mrs. "Q Carrada", A lunch was serve& table- centre piece ioifr' a pa,,tly :04#.y food., 'p 'b4rb6 d by Mary Anne and Mrs, Nolan. decor ft i n I�Elliotr for the use of her home. decoration. She arraili" ..0 ere p!cp c, a Joanne Rimmer opened the Kippen I 4H met at the home of fruits in wicker biske. All W!pre ma q fort►x,�l #eas were discussed ;'Then October 21st-meetingwith the Mrs. Chalmers or) October 15. leaves arida few Ones Out", cul ske". d 'by the e girls Ode and, the 4-H Fledge. The roll call was answered by TI Elizabeth` Golding was appointed each girl telling why. they like to secretary, for the meeting. The entertain. The name '* next meeting is on 'Octbber 28th, The,.Dining Dozen" and it is to beat, Mrs. Elliott's. was decided on as the title for It is to be a 'double meeting and their club. Shirley as, and Buyers -of . STUDENTS TRY LAWN BOWLING Three with, funds received from, a federal New Horizons will Iasi all through the evening. Kelly Dobson demonstrated how Hdafher McPherson read the to make cupcakes, Mrs. different Phys Ed classes from SDH$ are learning to grant. Arthur Finlayson, the club's greenskeeper section on . parties and* what Chalmers and Mrs. Connoly ' _f6ri* bowl at the 'local greens. The Seafdrth Lawn says they, hope to -attract more young lawn boWlers. makes them successful. The key'showed us the proper ways of J! 0#!h Bowlers,.50 strong, have updated their 18.greens (Staff Photo) words are co-ordination and good. measuring. table setting and how planning. to use proper table niapners. Jane made . hamburgers and - Lunch was served at the end of were good. Anne Ribey they the meeting by Kelly Dobson and 'd W thanked - Mrs. Elliott f6-rMe use of Shirley Chalmers.' Red her home. MCKILLOP Ill 4�H CLUB SID H -S-. Re v I e 0J.. Sesiferth 11 The munching Maidens held SeAforth - 11 Swift Servers' h;id their 5th meeting At Mrs. girdsfoat- Trefo: ts Jane,.Pengil ' ley,' Huron County Stewart's home. Important Home Economist, as their guest points in planning a party. were th"e Stu at meeting IV held at the home of discussed. u, en page Carolyn Wilson. Topics discussed the theme of a party. formal The most important fund we reach our goal)• to the Van announce that at a, meeting last and Junior boys did well. Mary were formal and informal teas. invitations and replies, - decorA- �Each girl brought a different type tions and entertainment are very•eed # raising •drive this year begin laist Egmond Soeiety to aid 'in the Wednesday afternoon, a record Lammerant received a trophy As Friday and will end next Monday. *restoration of the Van Eginond 'number of students,showed tip to she placed first' in Junior'Girls, of party sandwich and -explained important points for a hostess to It is what is hoped to be the first House.' The remainder of the offer their services towards the how each was made"' remember- -,,*is Friday they go to WOSSA I At a further meeting, at the Mrs.' Stewart served open - annual Seaforth District 'High funds will help lo' pay for- our making of this year's 'yearbook. Good Luck team. home of Eleanor- and- Joan- faced sandwiches and homemade School Magazine- Campaign., other commitments, such as the lets keep up the good work[! For, the rest of the week, running of school activities and S.D.H.S. NOTES Devereaux, there was an fruit punch which was much MAPLE LEAF MILLS LTM a.exchange of ideas for the hostess enjoyed. S.D.H.S. students will be trying the sponsorship of our foster child Year four and five students had The sixth meeting was held at to -sell their frieri&, neighbours' in India. theirgiaduation photo taken last file. Members 'learned about (SEED DIVISiON Xs wore their and relatives a wide' range of The average Canadian house- Monday, ThIp bo Dave Ring party -planning, themes, Mrs. Stewart's. Ct;pc'akes which invitations, -decbrations, and were used for lunch, were made EXETER, INT. PHONE 235-0363 quality magazines from hold spends , -about $15. per best tie -and the girls wore their duties of. a guest. Eleanor and and decorated by. -the members. "MacLeans", : t* '-Wrydne wore a"um on magazines. By buying prettiest dress aqd�e (Jones M 10 Good Housekeeping", "Popular your magazines through the their nicest smile. and staff- Joan demonstrated a centrepiece Plans were made for a club party acNaughton) Mechanics" to "T.V.-Guide", all school, you and .the school 'Can S.D.A.S. students are going to suitable for Thanksgiving, to held at a later date. at competitive prices. make more of a contribution to have a chance to ,buy a school This service has indisputable the community. We, hope you will coat. The coats come in the PLAY IT COOL THIS IIINTEIM, support us,. - --------- school colours and we have our be fits the school And the community. Firstly, instead of BASKETBALL choice of yellow with black stripes buying one's magazine's at the Last Thursday, October 17, or black with yellow stripes. Plus newstands, one has then arrive Listowel District High- Schools we can have our choice of bars or L. With y s regularl your,'.mail, at a girl went against �our girls' crests put on 1he,coat. Fittifigs ritial, reduction substantial, of thebasketball teams. Both our junior are being done- this week some- newstand price. and s,en�ior,teams were beaten. tinftS-'wt of the coats isn't.sure 0110A renewals -are no The juniors had a score• vof 36-32 yet. The,more students who want Secondly, P at all.Each year, if,one and the senior's score was 44-36. them means the cheapey the coats tl 'wishes to.rcp.qw,y9ur subscription "in order for the student body to will be. we at the' 'school. do all the. be, able to watch the game, Don't forget the dance .this/* paperwork. Third[ &-ps'FlAing -Thk,5,dAy.*as d All,.Frijday-night. wi h "Applejack" on h,,,,n the Student's. t W& q -2 he three lunches If you dress up, in a Hallowe'en pgazine -o r­ ,�, r cent were shorte ne ten minutes so we costume you can go Cour �J,ecclvcs I ­­­ f t"a fS. cent 2 d of 65 subscription price That . were dismissed at 2:00. Judging discount. works out to approximately 38 per 'from the screams and cheers CROSS COUNTRY I cent profit on the campaign.' That coming from the gym on Thurs- Last Friday the Cross 77 is money that will stay in the day afternoon, most of, the Country teams went to Huron- BY BAUER! H community, �V munity. when norn]-IlIY it viewers enjoyed the game. Perth. Results were -excellent. .;i Men's Sizes, 6-13 wouldn't. YEARBOOK.' Senior girls placed 3rd, Junior This year, the Student's - Last week, . .. . . . . 0 we reported the girls second and 4 n 0 first Cduncil fans to donate the f yearbook 'was on its last legs girls pla&ed f6urth.. Marvin Kale AN half of its profits (half of the because of a lack of members. of the Senior boys is eligible for its should total if This week, I'm happy to WOSSA. Midget boys placed fifth A top performe? for men! io prof about$800. Poro6s ballistic n l6n Attention DAIRYMEN Join us,on a trip to see The Purina Dairy Research Farm! in Arkansas and Missouri DATES, -Sun. Nov. 24 through Tues.. Nov.26 COST- . $250.00 Includes.!— Air, Bus Fares, Meals and Lodging Th6 Purina Arkavalley Dairy Oesearch Farm 'Conway, Arkansas, 1850 Dairy Cows -1500 of which are milking, 350' Dry Cows, - 300, Calves. For additional information contact your Purina Dioaler MILTON J, DIETZ LTD.. ftAiP0P.TH# ONT. R R; 4 - PHONE 527-0608 W011ho- -WAW, 90�. to quarters and toe 'won't retain moisture,.. Fully lined in top -grain leather with leather facings and tendon . guard. Has composition sole and Bauer 'Major' blade. Black with. whitesole. UUMILI I I'VVIM0 I 11UU I LV '7 VALUE -PRICED! si7 13Playmaker Hockey Skates. WINNING VALUE FOR BOYS JR. BOYS' TOP QUALITY Bauer 'Supreme' - Daoust Skates i A stand -out value in looks. performance and price! F'catureJnclude solid kip leather hoot, Strong ballistic nylon outer shelf, Top grain cowhide boot with, 17 full\ [Bather -lined: reinforced hackstrapan oam-pa eleather adc, w blade. You can depend on 95 hand -made Probilt bl, bi Extra long coupter and narro tempered heel fit for growing ankles, Great Pla\maker to -I've \%inning support! 'Adn's impact polystyrene toe. Boys',full Izcs I it) 5. Pair ............. .... 36.95 for beginners! 8 to 13. Pr....19,95 sizes 6 it) Y3, Pair... .............. ..... .... ................ 'S GOOD QUALITY and LOW PRICES ... GREAT TEAMWORK! 09 1 1, PRACTICE SWEATER 0 BOYS' ELBOW PADS • Cotton Vool blend. 5.79, 1)1,oni4ker! For B,i%,'S-\l or L.' WaLc 12. Pair. 2-19 2. BOYS' HOCKEY PANTS 11 BOYS' ANKLE GUARDS Blue or black, 24 '7. 7.79 ooperl Thick tbarn 99 36. 2S-30 or 32:34 padding. 3- 3. NYLON STOCKINGS 12 INTERMEDIATE GLOVE Foolles', 12" Ig. .69 dutc padding. 1 9S A. CUT A FINE FIGURE 011 �1111 teini color,. 2 1 lc\ thumb. Pair. Is. Budget -Priced' Skates I\ R1101 d Budget White split leather boot with soft 4. 19" SHINGUARDS 13 PLAVMAKER GLOVE I'l.mnoker! Molded 89 1 loating thumb, 95 suede lining fleece -lined tongue. I- pol: knee Qar S_ hit.re palm. Pr. 0. piece black vinyle sole and tempered 14 'TEAM COLOR' GLOVE steel z" 1691 Ove blade. Women's sizes Not Shown: SHINGUARDS .......... .3 to 10. Pair ........................ 8.99 vs. Girls' fleas 11-2. pr.., 14.49 B\ Coo�cr..Iunior 8.89 vontreal. Toronto As abe model. Pair Loj�,r,, Fim, to I.I. Pr. B. FEATURE -PACKED Figure Skates All X From a leadin4 pei makerl Spong tongue, fu t -fined 'Women's ll lining of vrl-sutde . .. ... ... split leather. Waterproof vinyl sole, 'Billtrite" nickeled, tempered steel figure blade. Sizes 5 to 10. jogs Pair.................. . . I............... DIM/ cash aw cwy.. 180NUS toupolit Fred Tiff,"ay it'd. 4•TORE HOUVIS: 6 *.iii. to 6 0-.M.06WO"' 60M `tfit* i�io, . 5. MEN'S SHOULDER PADS 15 BOYS' VINYL GLOVE sot's-,lkleN%ith 9.9*8 split leather palm. .49 7 quiltei paddinL. . B"\, to 12 . Pair, 6. BOYS' SHOULDER PADS 16 STREET -HOCKEY BALL Todgh pol� eth� lene6.89 Hard rohherhall for flirj�ers.To 16;rs, .,ear'round phi * %! •$9 1. ATHLETIC SUPPORT 17 STOP WATCH Cup tNpe in sizes 1.89 Quality 16 -jewel -96 17 S. M. L. Les% cup. mo\eri'ient. BuN no 8, FORTAILITE CUP N - -price 4 41lue , �d cup 119 18 DUNNAGE BAG lough 8 oz. blue 3-59 Apply lar a for ahove Support. duck. With crest. CANADIAN TIRE 9. ELBOW PADS Not Shown: DUNNAGE BAG 'CREDIT-CARD A'­f­ n le tt Pre -shaped pads. %V Cana V Intermediate. Pair. close Woven cotton: v 126 Mailin Street, S eaf orth A