HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-10-24, Page 4'.., ::.
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foss was set at540,000 aftea
'barn owned by James Alexander
destroyed by fire early Friday: ;
morning,. .
Mr; Alexander., iiivyoke about 3
a.m.-and heard "the roar of the
flames" and saw the Slow in the
�sky.'The barn, located on .the 10th .
c _ g§ston of McKillop Toivnship
about a'm;ile and a quarter north
of Winthrop, ryas completely
engulfed in flames:' _
Lost were 50 sows and 100.
younger pips; 30 tons of mixed •
grain, .700 bales of hay .and about
700 bales of straw. 1973 Pick-up "
truck parked besidethebarn. a
new grinding mill for 'grain,
$2,500 worth of steel stored in the
barn in preparation for building a
new, -feeder pig addition 'to, the
d ,.btarn.
The §ieaforth Firemen were '
unable to do anything to save the
barn. but sllveil the implement
shed and a small, feeder pig barn
housing 19 ten -week old pigs. The
house was in no danger because
THE,RUiNS OF HIS BARN — Jim Alexander looked background) as•he ran out of the`Ihouse towards the of the northeast wind.
over what was left of his barn Friday' after,a 3 a.m. barn. he praised the Seaforth Fire Department for Mi. Alexander said the barn,
fire that also destroyed 50 -sows, 100 pigs, $2,500 in their quick response to his call which resulted in the which was partially insured.. had
steel, a new grinding mill and a 1973 car -truck. Mr. 'saving of his implement shed. (Staff PF Otoj been renovated last year. He said
Alexander saw a barn beam fall across his car (jwthe he will rebuild in the spring.
News of Walton a
m t err'guestsas W dis:rand o hCusses Home,Ca're
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Correspondent Smallest Waist, ' Mrs. Allan Open House Janis Van Vliet demonstrated Brodie of Scarborough, Cpl.
Mrs.Allan McCall _ McCall; Whitest hair, Mrs. Emerson Mitchell held icing cupcakes made/, by Bey, David Beer of the R.C.M.P. in
TW Women's institute Mrs. Stewart • Humphries and Open House for her Cameo Stevenson. Fran Blake decorated: British Columbia; Mrs. Bessie
meeting was held on Wednesday closest to mark on the floor; Mrs. Products in the Walton the, cup cakes and Irene Martin Mitchell; Miss Elizabeth Dickson;
cvcning in the Community Hall H. Traviss. Cb-r:munity Hall on Saturday made filling. Misses Luella and Helen .Mitchell
with the President, Mrs. Allan Mrs. Joyce Van Vlietcducted afternoon. Many instructors were Mrs. Stevenson discussed the of Brussels.
McCall in charge. a sing -song assisted bylvl . Bill' on hand to display 'their work. `home assignment. Mrs. Lillian Beer and children
Mrs. Herb Traviss was pianist. l4umphrie's at the piano. Debbie, Flynn pleased the ..' als'o visited at t)7e'Mitchell home,
Minutes were read by Mrs. Ken It was decided to invite the 4-H audience with her step dancing Persals prior to visiting her husband John
McDonald followed by' the girls, leaders and mothers to aot numbers. Marie Flynn played a Misses Ida a Gladys Leiper Beer who is a patient, , io, West-
correspondenco. The Roll Call luck supper on November 20th piano medley. and Ross Leiper of Clinton were minster, Hospital, London.
watt answered by "An Irish Joke','' when the 4-H girls are to put' on The Walton Unit of the U.C. W. Saturday dinner guests with':Mr•. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Traviss
or "Something your grandmother their demonstrations or skits from held a bake sale during the aft-' and Mrs. Gordonir Murray and spent the weekend in Toronto.
taught you". Achievement Day. ernoon. - Susan. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McClure
Committees were chosen for At the November meeting there' The door prizes. a cushion top Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mills spent a visited with their son Neil in St,
card parties. Hostesses for will be a, penny 'auction. was won by Anne Dowker, Exeter recent weekend in Burlington Joseph's Hospital, London.
'Friday, Nov. 1 are: Mrs.E. Mrs. K. McDonald gave the and a date book was won by Elsie, with Drs. Jean and Gerd Wester-. , Miss Carol Shortreed of
Stevens, Mrs. Eleanor Liphardr treasurer's report , and • received Willemsen of St. Marys. mann. London, daughter ,of Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Blak'c and Mrs -Torrence the collection and pennies for Euchre Held Mrs. W.J.Leeming;, McKillop Mrs. Walter Shortreed, spent a
Dundas. On Friday November '1S friendship. The secpnd progressive euchre Township is.a patient in Victoria week's holidays in Vancouver,
the hostesses , will be Mrs. A. card party was; held in the Hospital, London. 1 C,
(vl`i:Call°"Mrs. E. Mitchell. Mrs. UaC%W.N1eets ce�i � ` e111
fiY"fi�+t�,, � �.°��'�ti8'�M�s"'' �,"" o'h::of
community haul. ' ori ° Frtday „Q ' ''The,MeKi to CV., met at u., _> in.� mith and Mrs: Alvin 1 pevening.Em�two 1pdi., �1titl:•ntur.�• the.trome,of�Ivlrs*��%McCi3{ll with�� Ir N1_1
There were l 1 ` tables "in play' � ` ` t -
Mrs. Ron Bennett convenor for 14 members present. and prize winners were: • High boys -of Belgrave; Mrs. -Janet ntledge visited at the same
Family and Consumer Affairs Mrs. G. McNichol was in - Lady - Mrs. R. Marksjow - Mrs. Hockridge and Mrs. ,V({ilma •, hotri'A%week ago.
a vilelctimed the grandmothers who charge of devotions opening with Edna ilackwell: High Gent Mel
were guests and gave a reading.: a reading "Thanksgiving to God"
'-Grow old along'with-me". Mrs. followed. by 'prayer., Hymn 205 Jacklin; Low - Gordon. Murray.
Herb Traviss read a poem '.'What was sung, Mrs. N. McGavin as •Lucky Cup - Mrs.Stanley Hillen. A Registered Retirement
Hostesses in -charge were Mrs. Savings Plan enables yod' .to.
of Grandmother is pianist. Mrs. D.• Watson read the Harold Hudie, Mrs.Dave Watson, accumulate 'money for your.
The guest speaker. Mrs. 'Betty `` scripture from Luke 18. 9-14 Mrs. Mac Sholdice and Mrs. Jack i retirement while providing'- you >�
Cardno• of- Seaforth• was followed by two readings on Gordon. with tax savings. today.
introduced by Mrs. Bennett and "Thahksgiving". Mr S.D. yi'
Walton H The Super Hostesses
spoke on••Home Care. A health Watson and Mrs. G. McNichol r
The Super Hostesses met at i � '
• nurse for three cars before she resent ed a skit "We All Need a A
heranic Home Carr administrator Lift". offering was taken by Mrs. Bev Stevenson's on Oct. 10th; ! /'��
for Huron, Mrs••I Cardno said -M. Hackwell'and dedicated .by Janis "Van Vliet read the secre TED HOLMk
Home Fare provide's an Mrs. G. 'McNichol. Mrs. Don tory 's report. ` ray Deer Park
Mrs. Bev Stevenson and Fran SYNDICATE LIMITED Circle, London
•alternative to Hospital care by Dennis gave the topic on 471 W15
allowing a person to remain at. "Thanksgiving" and read twb B1ake'discussed The Service for , r
110111C ar to leave the hospital readings. Party Food.
earlier. The fainly physician Mrs. M. Dennis presided for*
makes the decisions and a person business thanking Mrs. McCall
has to bc' willing to have home for her home and everyone for
Icq:f•`•:�<;:>.<: ;::, ry::F:: • ,f;<:: a;C.>+ti •.:;••k:•?tr::+ 4::r.•;•yg' vrxv-' � '
fakir art. Minutes were read -by r,{s 5:.- ;: ? . fix• { s.:.,
rare. A person must live in Huron g p• %ass: ;f3,i' ;,.; .:. :,.�r��?:>• ;.• u Nt �•���:;'�.r �.�•''
Mrs. G. McNich 1 followed by roll .:v,'. "" ."T• "'' "�'
• County and the services that can A ;>f;o; �'' �>� • ;<�. , >< .� . ` r.�
be ovided a s needed arc: Visits ....-call. Mrs, ackwell ave the
pr i g
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by a'rcgistcrc8 .nurse (Victorian treasurer's report.. Mrs. M.
Order of 'Nurses). Regular Dennis closed the meeting with a
`-W-catment.,by a physio -therapist or poem on •'Thanksgiving". Pork
ivcupatignal therapist. Sick room 14nich was served by Mrs. C. '
.' 9t -pmcnt for use in the home. V1!ev, ivlrs. K. Ruck. Mrs. M. _...
' Homemaking . •rvirc by i'ertified Wark��•ctl and hostess Mrs. S.
Sh-*ulder Roo sts4.,........• 6.9c
visiting he.nl, makcrs.Drugs McCall. Butt
pertaining to iilnc .s. Dressings
pertaining to illness. "« %