The Huron Expositor, 1974-10-17, Page 16V J:
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4 IR I
A the 01 pri's
Joil 11; or
t,. A *y, :unIn their mostTlev
oot g4ing", the
junl0k 'v Aly,
olleyball, team w, A 4 401
Even in the best of years, the follow an assigned se and beatenby Mite ell with a scoreof
All. the
other smaller thiaps that Course
total number of students actively h4V0. 0m,0. t6 W .erected. I look for fossils, vegetation types,. 15.2 in. the, 1.1 s game, .000, As' MR
a,+ flc-c4xicular, everyone maR4 successful! to All 6 layout of the surrounding 0 .1. in the -second aa
working in extra so .
Activities is relatively small. eltiloe, one's respon4lbilities, what lqpd.-. ficcg4gip otga`1140k of players, a
to, all thO Worthy and They iilll met it the pavilloR seplor bo s' team wa not
',; This year, with an enrolment of, n
just over four hundrOd, perhaps' enjo
�ablo things I have' around 1:0Q where they atei; Free possible this �jar,
• one hundred all mentioned?' pop Ivan suppli led.. At 2.00 tlil GeograpIty
I are'ed"jaged in Red?, club
the sports, and all the clubs in the What happens,, if the hundred, buses started back to Seaf0i The, Qeogr4j�iby Club holq a
school. That is twenty-five per people who. w.6rk hard the whole When th'ey got back to"the school ba d I
ke6ale last Satur ay on a n
cent. This is not one of our best year I'm to, k0cp things going everyone met in the basement to Street. If cotildn'treally be called
years, just dqcidg to give up In Trll' sort out their findin a bake' sale sin they - -It s Most
since tfi di(Tn sell
Each of those one hundred trati6n at the ��thitFgy of the Test? agree that it was an I -baking. Potatoes, carrots,
enjoyable' just
people is found.,not just in one Who will be o first to scream- day.
apples, and eggs were just some
club or team. they turn up again bloody , murder when their Cross Country of the Items sold. A member of
-and again, working, creating and privileges are removed for the Last Tuesday, our Cross the -qlub said the sale went well
achieving in as many varied fields simple reason that .these are' no Co ntry.,Teim showed excellent The Geography Club is itlis;
a s is possibill suckers- (as L've heard them results at Exeter.' Senior girls holding 4 raffle on' records and
to MThey work in basketball; junior called) to run therl• placed second, Junior giiis placed tapes. They are selling tickets n
and senior Math. Cheerleading, . The answers are apparent. The first and Midget girls placed well. ow at twenty-five cents. apiece or
Golf, Art, Tennis— Dramii,.,khq, .,solution has but ofte face: Midget boy§ placed first. five for a dollar. All the tickets.,
Yearbook. Volleyball. Count, David Rhig On Saturday they' went to will be put into one box and one
and so on. Each group,has a vital Trip to. Be"milleF London. to, 'the - Western will be drawn every week, in
fi contribution to mil to. school, life Last we
dtiesday, the 3rd year University, Co-ed team placed November. Each winner ,*ill get a
if pro choice of four records or tapes..
-perly supported. history and goographyk students first. 4 1 , I
CLASS TOA#RS.TOPN,Q.TCH miss Jessie Little's' there. Bill Str0ng of Topnotch explains some of thd For example: Council's annual went to Berimiller. The students, Girls' Basketball With the money the GeoI
class toured the facilities at ,Topnotch on Friday and outdoor operation to the Grade 3 class. (Staff Photo) Huron ." Expositor Carqpaigh were dividad-into 10 groups .and The girls' basketball teams Club is making, they are -planning
finishes tomorrow. As this is each group was let off the bus at played in' Stratford Central last
enjoyed looking over the storage and office facilities to. go to Paris, France. in the
being written, there are four day5i different spots. They were theif to Thursday, octobtr 10. The jil winter break.
11�1 giggil 111111§10, 11
left. In a week the four hundred
Sc'hool and five studefits of S,D'.H.S.
have managed -to sell $170.00
calendal r worth of subscriptions:Seventeen
'subscriptions from 405 students.'
Such apathy; such singular lack
6f enthusiasm has never been
i's s,tarted. -d in the years'I have been
a student here.
order to let st ,dents know There is I no one 'I know who
future school activities, In loves to sell subscriptions door -to-,
advarill a "school calendar f
door, bttt,that does not alter the
,'f each month has been formed. �r, 11--lity Of doing it Co sell them,
the calendar are listed all tpe to gain money. for Council—that
W, M,
athletic teams which are
will in turn finance the things that
scheduled to pliy here and also have come to be regarded as
4wy lft,
when our school- is scheduled to
institutions and right 9. r.
play at other scho6ls. In order to It finances th6 Yearbook, the
encourage students to join in
Drama Club, Art, Vhess,
A .:,some t activities, certain
Mathematics, Kine Graphics,
cill havil agr6ed to* have
meetings on certain days' from Basketball, Volleybatll,_ Curling,
Tennis, Golf, Badminton,. Cross
three o'clock- to :three -thirty and they' too are listed on the Country, Track and Field and on
calendar. In this way, 4 person and on, the list growi with
who belongs to three clubs won't Assemblies, the now att-ainable
be expected to go. to all three TiI Shop and Student Lounge, _32"ALUM INUM
Initiation, Awards presentations,
meetings on one day. Club I LADDEP
uniforms; special grants; Day 3 r
membership has been low this Pi- Buty
schedules, in which, an hour is
year, Iii fact a lot of the clubs have Interl 'eking channel side fails - 3" deep I, V wide
been almost ready to call it ,its . s squeezed out of a regular day, so Dicast ladder locks With Ittaildess Steel springs
So weathepuse
Safety shoes with "me peel" plates fin, .11
PINS FROM RUSSIA Sisters Marion and Maureen Looby,daughters 6f Mr. and that the entire student body can kid resistant whIsels make 11 easier to be raised and lowered
because of a lack of, members. It Working leulith 28' - 5 year waiiahty
Mrs. ClaYTON looby of Dublin went to Russia this month to see the Team Canada is - see , a home game; N. 590.044
hoped that this new schedule -
Russia Hockey Series there. The girls show off their collection of pins which were Commencement; Honour and SALI
will encourage 'students to join 6288"
traded with Russians they met on• their travels. (Staff Photo) -,'Banquets; Dances; and
some clubs. Athletic.
scow 1 city
at war', Islay
Marian and Maureen Lo of
' "All m , es were shown to
' visit Dublin, who returned from a.sit us later i e dining room on
to' Russia a week ago, said colored television except the one
Moscow looks just like a city at game in which the controversial
war. goal was made!" . Marian
The y oung women were among laughed.,
the first group of hockey fans to Maureen, a London engineer,
arrive in Moscow to. view the spoke admiringly of , the
recent Canada-Russiahockey technological achievements ' , they
"Soldiers are viewed when touring the Exhibit
V everywhere, They surrounded'our of Economics and Agriculture.
plane on arrival. They were there "Very impressive. Sometbing
as we spent a half day getting like the Toronto Exhibition but it
through customs," they said. makes the Ex look like the
"I think about 90 per cent of Seaforth Fair. Every so often an
the,men on tbe,streets of Moscow engineer is returned to this.
wore armyjuits.There were 300 exhibit for a refresher course."
soldiers sittifig in the front three "With all that show of
rows at the hockey coliseum, technology and the $250.000
soldiers at the end of each row -of Olympic clock, for the hockey
seats, among the crowd and gamesnot working. when it might
around the- exits." Marian favor the Canadians I she
commented and added. "One y hoote1N)
oung woman from Toronto was Ma spoke of the beautiful
arrested 'for picking up sonic scenery and the - lovely autumn
pretty stones on the ground. It colors in Russia. "I've never seen
took an hour for a tourist guide to so manv people on the streets as
secure her release. Our guide told -in Moscow" she said. "Perhaps
us if we were caught doing it's the apartment living. There
anything wrong he would be are no houses in Moscow. only -
punished' as well." Government, subsidized
The women said they, thought apartments with the average rent,
they got the best accommodation I understand. about $112 a month
in Moscow because they were on for a person with q salary of about
the first plane load. "We staved $210,"
at an Intourist Hotel (Russians She said the Russian men
not allowed) with 3,000 roonI seemed to wear either a grey or a
omen's clothes
Marian said. "it took us about 15 black suit and %�
minutes to get from our room to were nondescript. She said at the
the elevator. Our room was nicer games it was an odd feeling to
than most we have had in other look at the rows and rovi's of dark
�q countries in Europe. Clean and clothes with the white faces
'beautifully polished wood in the looking out. like a funeral. Only
furniture, especially the d6sk. about three per cent of the
The view over the river was Russian 'spectators were wornell.
lovely. 'The cost of our double she estimated.
room was about $50: Marian said they visited the
Maureen add6d. "We had a famous Gum Store in Moscow but
radio r in our room which you said -they found the goods so far
colildn't turn off -- no music -- just behind compared to Western
someone talking in Russian." things --worse than our bargaia.
Maureen said- it was great to. basement stores. She priced a
watch the hockey 'games but pair of stylish" Russian
very frustrating". shoes (popular -here 115 years ago)
oda "There was nb Way the with pointed toes and high heels
Canadians could have won. The and said they cost about $50,
Russian officials made stil of Maureen added, "The fur hats.
that --just a matter of handing out the furs, all very beautiful. The
penalties to, the Caft4dians. They jewelry is nice too, but, the
ignored trippitig,tearing and craftrilail is not good."."
such'. Whdrll.oand 4yo d 'Rtil . The Dublin traVellers. said it
0l0 ,r Lyet "' '5h aid. , - . -1,
.1 was - difficult to find good
Good Light souvenirs, most Wares were
Ditedisin"g- ' the ddritrovergial trashy. '['hey found buly one store
finalthe Russians Said the that eafri'dil gifts they Would buy.
1 i r
CAMilldrig AtIdW t J�Rhkd, the 1!hdy &playea, it 16vidy triple
i Lexby -gldg Wdti,P'64601tshould leitf, light yellow amber= Pin and a,
li -6 be!"11'6d00t
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