HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-01-12, Page 80 0111000 E ! �"#ta t eaeiiffiart. DKatru+wuse zar •Tannery, 1 It would be difficult to find amongst the t monthly, ly, periodieals a magazine at all i rivallingin interest to Canadians that sue- cessful national review, "The Canadian ' 'Magazine." It is, while broadly coigne - year 1893 was a greater success wltlr politan in subject matter, thoroughly ever. We realize it will be hard national in aim and in attention to every part of the Dominion, The provincialism t, But we are determined to do lit that naturally tends to become associated only to give periodically a few items with a magazine published in any particular province is here conspicuously absent. p, but quote absolutely the lowest; Every province from the Atlantic to the ea at all times, on ever thing in our I Pacific, is represented amongst thecontrib- e. Our stock ie well assorted in every utions, and throughout a high literacy f 'i merit marks the articles, many of which pelrtment,with new and handsome goods, are highly entertaining and allnteresting. best quality, at The January number is, like its predebes- cors, full of variety. "Howe and his M. Hr MoINDOO. Times," by .Attorney -General Longley, gives many amusing incidents about Nova Scotia's public men of a generation ago, Chancellor Rand, of McMaster Uni• varsity, publishes for the first time one of the most extraordinary psychological ex- periences on record. Minnie .Jean Nisbet has a charming, illustrated article on "Longfellow's Wayside Inn," full of remin- iscences of former landlords, guests and servants. E. Dowsley's "flea for Ireland" 189 CHEAP READING! f Our Clubbing Rates. The Tome and Toronto Globe, weekly,.,. -,,.a 1 do TheTnixsand Toronto plume, weekly,-..,. 1 75 The Tams and London Advertiser, weekly,,.. 1 75 TheTivias and London Free Ness, weekly,... 1 75 charmingly describes Irish `scenery and TlieTrxrs and Montrealliorald, weekly 1 50 The Tulsa and 5Iontreal Witness, weekly 1 60 t people, and gives beautiful illustrations of TheTnissandeteetrealFamily heraldandStar the Irish valeys. E, B. Biggar's "Two weekly, aud premium 175 Lost Kingdoms," illustrated, tells of Cety- ThaTTntxtoand The Ladies' Journal, ruouthly, 1 25 ways and the Prince Imperial. A well The Tama andCosumpolitanIliagaztne,monthly, 2 25 written and illustrated article is J. J. Bell's New York The Totes and The Live Stock Journal and "In Canada's National Park." Amongst Household Companion, monthly.,., .. . 1 75 t The Tines and Farmers' Auvocate, bi-weekly 1 so other articles are "Vignettes from St. Pil- TheTi xs and the Cultivator and Country 2 75 grira's Isle" (illustrated), by A. H. Mor - Gentleman, weekly byJudge Fraleck; Reduced rates with all other papers not mentioned risen; "Algonquin Park, g ' ; i in the above list, "Celtic Monuments in Troubadour Land," The Times and Toronto Daily World........ , 2 50 1 Address, Tinee Orme, Wingham, Ont. THEWIN ()IAM rnmES,, JAN lJ A Y i2, 189,t years. 'Three dee diti:rs have passed ou before, She was an eerueet, ecFlve beth°, diet for many dears, Iteitig her faith daily, and wee always a frieud to the needy, She will be linseed by many, °spooislly in the home circle; but the kuuarledt'e we have of the troth in (.hast (ttWeb she posnesse:t) wilt make us feel to rejait:e rather tem' weep, fertile parting is pule brief. A large concourse of frtettdn gathered to pay the last earthly tribute of love, ou Wednesday afternoon, to one who had eudeared herseit to all. With the assist. ance of the Rev. J. W, bring and a cboioe seleotion of mean: we consigned the Auer. tal remains of the deceased iu Jewett'e cemetery. May tins family feel that their loss is her gain, and that she is not dead but liveth evermore, • Very successful anniversary. services were held in the Ebenezer Methodist church on Sunday, Dec. 31st. Bev. G. A. Gifford, M. A.. Ph. D.. of Fergus, et 11.30 a, m. and 7 p. to., and Ray. F. l.• Nu•:ent,of Pal- merston, at 2 30, preached sertnous that fairly bristled with striking polute and abouuded in deep spiritual truths from the realms of nature and revelation. The Congregations were large and the collect Cons touch in excess of last year's anai•. vereary. Dr. Gifford had to return home on Monday to attend two itinerate in the town where he is pastor, oousequently the tea -meeting that had been announced for Monday, bad to be postponed uutil Tues- day evening. A. large number of people gathered around the tables aud did ample justice to the excellent edibles provided bye the ladies of the congregation, after which they repaired to the church (tea having been served in the echool house) to eujoy by R. T. Mullin; "Common Telescopes and I the entertainment. The chair was 00 - what they will show," by G. E. Lumsden; cupied by the pastor, who, after devotion4 "Neglected and Friendless Children," by exercises, introduced the Rev, I)r. Gifford, J. J. Kelso; "William Wilfred Campbell,' who delivered his masterly lecture on --The :Review of Reviews for Januar) ip by Colin A. Scott; "The Story of a Dagger," I "The Mammoth Cave." The lecturer and "Haddo House" l i articular) strong in its editorial resume lby D. B. Read, Q. C., • takes his auditors ou au imaginary journey particularly (illustrated), G. Gordon Rogersexcellent of 17 miles through this wouderful cave Christmas story, two other stories and a and with the skill of a muster artist de - number of poems, several of them above scribes the scenes of particular interest in n' of the closing events of the stirring and 'i`• turbulent year 1803. Dr. Albert Shaw,the editor, discusses tariff revision, the relief he ,r, of the unemployed, recent strikes and labor t average, are also given. "The Cana- culturedrI questions, elle Hawaiian question and the tdia hea Magazine," which should be in every i Administration's policy with regard to that thome, in the Dominion, ie publish- ie ai subject,. civil service reform as applied to ed by the Ontario Publishing Co., Ltd., el our diplomatic and consular as well as $2.50 per annum. other brauclies of the public service, and a County Council for 1884. el great variety of other topics of the day. The following will be the members of Foreign affairs are briefly but clearly pre- Huron County Council for the year seated, and this department, entitled "The Progress of the World," presents in some 1894: ,v f l twenty pages a broad and frank treatment of affairs political and social from Canada to Capetown.. Among the portraits inter- spersed are those of Hon. W. L, Wilson, rn; who gives his name to the new tariff bill; extMiss Clara. Barton, the American head of le the Red Cross Society; Hon. J. P. Mo- el Donald, clnairnian of the New Jersey State :owed of Arbitration; Hon. G. Robertson, r., chairman of the New York State Board Arbitration; Mr. Arthur Marshall ttambers, chairman of the English Coal wners' Federation; Mi J. R. Sovereign, w Master Workman of the . Knights of bor; Mr. T. V. PowderlAi,f4eraerly as - n; Senatoresa- Henry •Whiter;;;L 'aofthe egation, in Landon; Mr. John Proctor, of Couhecticilty1Iae new chair - a of the Civil .Ser`vioe Commission; plsieren, of Brooklyn; Bev. Dr. Charleel , rkhurst, lIr. Daniel S. Rernson, secre- cy of the New York Kindergarten Asso- tion; Mr. Marshall Field, of Chicago; late Sir Paa = t Morier, British Arabes- dor ,to k ,tug; the late Prince a,ltlajor Goold -Adam, d Col. Carrington, leaders the campaign against Lobengula;Prince tir3ite'' tees MUNIOIPAI,ITY. R£1 lam olds '.PUTY. Ashfield, Grill Bayfield, Wor Blyth, Brussels, Clinton, Colborne, Exeter, Goderich, " Twp., Grey, Hay, Howick, Hullet, McKiItop, Morris, Seaforth, Stanley, Stephen, Tuckerstnith, Tnrnberry, Usborne, E. Wawanosh, W. Wiugham•, Wroxeter, The names members. indisoliratz, the new Australian Prime eater; Casimir-Perier, the new Prime Morris. later of France; Signor Crispi, Prime Wanted—A foot of snow on the level. Calvin Campbell and Thos. Bone pro- pose raising their barite and having stone Nelson,new Premier of Queens- foundations placed beneath them, next and the late John Tyndall, the emirs- spring. tiet. This list is sufficiently illus• A great quantity of fallen timber has re of the enterprise of the Review of been manufactured into stove wood duriug In securing and presenting each the past two weeks. the portraits of the men whose faces Miss Violet Bone, of'1'oronte , is Imme. of the world's Haws would most On visit to her parents. She bas been ou prefer to see. • the sick list of late and hopes that the couutry will be beneficial to her health. Unroll le artneria/nttfttttC, Mesa G. T. Bragg, of Edmonton, N. W. stinal meeting of East Huron , T., and family, are visiting at qtr. A. Jack- lnstitute will be held in the town son's. on Tuesday andWednesday, The reaper of death has once mote and 17th Mote., commencing brought sorrow and grief to the home of Tuesday. The programme' Robert Soueh, by taking unto himself the :—"Rotation efeegeps," + spirit of his beloved wife, at the ago of 63 ( nrelph; "Necessity:,of drain- years and 14 days. The immortal spirit 4T'inghain; "Grasses and was taken at 11 o'oloek on New 'Year's tenstbagemasst," A. Pillion, Galt; night. Mrs. Bouch was a native of Ar. ," J, J. geezer, Burford. ' magh County, Ireland, and came to this foal plrogratnme will i country in the year 1843 with her parents Wednesday's ' and settled inbadincton town ehip,Durham Kerr Mclvturchie Kennedy Malloy Young *Bowden *Bissett Proudfoot Holt Cox *Sturdy Milne s Oliver Dames McEwen S Turnbull' 7 Geiger Cook 8 Ferguson Graham Scott McDonald Benneweie elected by • Council Mooney • '•`Kirkby *Gray *Neelin *Clark • Erratt Rate Eilber Sberrit Shepherd McKay McPherson Cruick- shank Kay sleeted by Council Taylor Shiels Stuart Gibson Sparling *Holmes Sanders marked with a * are new pis'-ul•Ceirvin irj Chambers r ter of Italy; Mr. Emil Prey, the new of Switzerland; Holz. Mackenzie ian Minister of Commerce; 8' 1 it ;ear .} on llassre, W. Vodde A. J. Stewart's pboteg uow prepared to fur West styled and at t living prices. ,, Mr. W. Voddeu be Woes in the business of being able to give Dowling 4 Leighto factory, have enured aisle tete new public This company make furnishing, and is h flue. a way that makes them very realistle to his listeuers. The lecture is not ouly in- teresting, but instructive, many a useful lesson being drawn from the names and circumstances connected with the differ. ent apartlmenta of the cave. Everyone speaks in appreciative terms of the Dr's. efforts. The musics, furnished by the choir of the church, was of a high order, the selections d eine credit totheir spiritual, musical and zeethettc taste, aud were, tecdered in a way that might snake a much more ambitious choir. envious of their skill. On Wedueeday uigbt a social was held, for the treble purpose of eating the surplus provisions, making a little more rnouey, developing local talent and the social element of the church. Be- tweeu seventy and eighty atteudcd and had a good time. Total preeeed s of au. uiversary, nearly $00.00. Er. usse 18. S. 0. S.—The foliowing are the office bearers for Camp Ben Lomond, Sons t,f Scotland, No, 81, for the ensuing year :— Adam Reid, Pest Chief; John Shaw, Chief; James McAlpine, Chieftain; David Hogg Chaplain; Alexander Struchau, Secretary' 3. H. Cameron, Treasurer ; David 0. Roes, -Financial Secretary; William Edgar, Marabal ; Angus Lamont, Stand- ard Bearer ; William Robb, Senior Guard; Robert Nichol, Junior Guard ;• Thomas Ballantyne, Piper. Arraugemeuts are be- ing made for the anuual concert to be held in the Town Hall, Brussels, on Friday, 26th lust. Miss Jessie Alexander, the well•knowu elecutionist ; James Fax, Canada's comic vocaltet, and the bestlocal talent will preseut a first-class pro- gramme. Elizabeth, relict of the late James Kerr, died at her benne, on Thursday morning of last week, aged 76 years. Mrs. Kerr's maiden name was Little and her birth- place Co. Tyrone, Ireland, where she was also married, in 1842. The seine year Mr. and M. Kerr tame to Canada. They lived at aauebeo and Paris previous to taking up land in Morrie township in 1855. Mr. Kerr died after a brief illness, on July 11th, 1879. ' There aro throe children living, vis :--J'amee, of Nebraska and Mrs: M. Richardson and George, of Brussels, The subject of this notioe had been poorly for some' time but as attack of la grippe hasteued her decease. She Was a member of Knox thumb, Brruesels, for many years and enjoyed the reaped of the community. The annual election of officers and teaehars in commotion with Melville ebureb Sabbath school took place on TOR - day evenieg with the following result: Rev. J. Ross, S. A., Ilou. Sugeriutendent: A., Stewart, Superintendent; G. P. Blair, AsMietant Supertutendeut ; At floss, i3eo• look. The pre• i County. Six yearn later she was unite) in •rotary-Tres.surer; Jas. i3ailautyne, Librtr• : "Condition of; tnerrlage to her now bereft partner, and ian; Witt. Livingston, Assistant Librarian; stllttt; "Clean- :fa 1860 they moved to this tow nehip. She Mies Kate Wilson, Precentor; Mies Jennie election of was a sufferer (rain diabetic and went very CMQLauollliu, Organist; A, M. Dioliay, D. lave," A, Elliott; ' quickly at the last. The deceased was a elba acne fc, proilt,"J.C. Morrison, most estitasble woman, beloved by til who and its prods," J. J. knew ber. She leaves a bueband end five on We farm," R. Dosch. children—two daughters away from home, ikon cloak raidng and two daughters and a sou, Who remain , itt toms to eb+rr the father in his declining Stewart, Men. Graham, Mee. Alex, jello•. Landfill), Peter Ferguson, Dire. John ( hours Iles eotfull Stewart, Mrs. 'Tufts, J. li. Cameron, Mies ('rtes, t}no Donal nyear in advance tortheWrl[KLY p y, •7ennie Sinclair, Wm. Taylor, Mise lelle . liasr, Pares std Ftne AND 11ious--in an lopaites, , 1 In man, mai meleafn, f3•• F, 131alr, Mies Agents wanted In every unrepresented district fo $!3 a lf>rC. CtS .P iVY d: Co. have leased apb,gallery and are all photos in the to lowest possible ad a long exper- d fools confident isfaotiou. 1 the big furniture e contract to fur- col at Palmoraton. specialty of school toibeat in this sea One of the largest iu Seaforth greeted Fair entertainment here on Friday eye picas of the Beaver views, which were )ugh order of merit applauded, and g Mr, W. E. Rams share of the honor meetiug with gee Miss E. Paulin poetess, aud Mi Tonto, will asci under the auspi Cardno'a hall, of treat may be exp th. udieeces ever seen Sheppard's World s at its performance ing, under the ens- acrosse Club. The 11 of an exceptionally wore euthusitastioaliy e great satisfactiou. too, oame in for his his lecture and souga access. Johnson, the Indian doth 3. Aliller, of To, in an entertainment of the W. C. T. U., in o 17th lust. A rare d. BELL—In Mor of Mr. H. Bell, 1 ter. ' ' MAxwar.L—Ro the bride's sister, inst„ by the Rev. °vale, Mr, las. M Mxss Agnes Ross ''11IAMILTOb- LAI 'the bride's mothe inst, by the Rev. dine, Mr. A. L. Palmerston (fore, Mies Carrie Vera 11, KNOW LEa—Roux v tat the Methodist P the Rev. S. Sell Knowles, of "(ince, of. Whitechurch. MC 2AVISII—MCM the 25th ult., at th father, by the Ile McTavish, of No McMichael, Baugh McNi szxE -Mc the bride's fathe 27th. by the ltev. W. R, McIntosh, B. daughter of Dunce, Dau McKenzie, of MCLENNAN—MOD Kinloss Manse, on Rev. F. A. McLen .MoLeouau, of Clev eldest daughter of i the 5tln concession o }LN, ca 5th, iust.,the wife of Brandon ; a 'laugh - RUM. At the residence of Ingham, on the 10th Y, Hartley, of Blue. well, of Turoberry, to Wiugham, r -At the residence of Ripley, on the 10th . Murray, of Kiaoar- anniltou, druggist, of rly of Wingharn), to moot. ON.—On the Oth inst., rsonage, Wiugham, by y, B. D., Mr. Geo. ine, to Mrs. Robiusou, ODD—TAYLOR.— Ir. McKay, Md. Churiotte Taylor, ho RUDDY--BEYDOEs. the bride's par tits, Rev. T. E. Hig Ewa Wawavosh ter of Thomas b MEL—In Howick, on esidence of the bride's A. Shaw, Mr. IL Easthape. to Miss r of Mr. A.i,leMichael. —At the residence of n the evening of Dec. oss, assisted by Rev. A., Catherine, second McRae, Ashtield, to icagc. NALD.—At the South the 3rd inst., by the n, Captain tial. J. laud, Ohio, to Mary, r. Donald McLeod, of Ki nines, Dee. 25th, by Rev. n,. J. Todd, to Miss h of West Wawanosh. FonruNLI—CA the bride's pare Rev. D. Perrie, V. S., Wroxeter of Mr. %Vm. CI Elderslie, • DI to rydg 8505. ts, o Mr. to seals, At the residence of on the 27th Dec., by Mr. Jos. Ruddy, of iss Margaret, daugh-• s, of Morris. At the residence of December 20th, by Robert H. Fortune, Ilse Ellen, daughter 2nd coucessiou of BROWN—In Wingha 0bee. W. Brown, aged TiumenvaN—In Asti Thomas Treleavoit, eg Wansree—In Ashfi.el Webster, relict of the 1 aged 83 years. , NOTICE TO BUILDERS. Sealed tender* addressed to the undersigned and marked "Tenders for Presbyterian Church," Bel. grave, will be recelfved up tali noon on alto (20th) twentieth day of January, 1804. Plans end alma. cations can be sten at George Taylor's, lot 42. con. 7, Bast Wawanosh, Tenders may be made for the whole contract or for parts thereof. The lowest or any tender net necessarily accented. L' Tbllt W. SCOTT, See. Building Com, Knox Church, Belgrave P. 0, u - on the 9th Inst, 3 years. old, on Jan. 2nd, 77 years. , 5th inst., Susan to Daniel Webster E. The Council of the Corporation Huron will meet In the Court n Godarich, on Tuesday, the 23r0 (� 3 o'clock, p, nt. Dated January 8th, 1804. o the County of in the `Cows of y of January, at W. LANE. Clerk. Weekly Free Press —AND— FARM AND HOME cc�� ... FOR :1894. • . $LOO Ool H papei3S i oa c$j.00 ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. A HIGH-CLASS FAMILY PAPER. NEW" EAaTUIiE: VETERINARY DEPART3VT Under the charge of Dr. J. 10 Wilson, V. 3., London, A8ewNas ro -Coasknro$D8xte.-Enquiries will be answered free, and should always contain writer's full name and address., 'EACH NUMBER WILL ALSO CONTAIN: ltsv. Dn. TALTIAaa'a SitrztoN delivered the Sunday provicusiy. READy.igADE �"ti i - 1"'("1 f`'i "WAAI;TIAsts WA�nnnmos" and other thlo celebrated author. AonicULTuaAL MA:rxa.--Illustrated, DR. Me ELIAN, LONDON, ONT. 407 Talbot Street, EXE and EAR SURGEON, Gradu•6to of the New York Bye and Ear hospital, 1880, Post Graduate Contre on the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat at the New York Post Graduate Medical School and Hospital, 1892. Eyes Tested.• Glasses supplied. rine stock of Spectacles, Lenses and Artificial Eyes. Will be at the Brunswick House, WIN GRAM, The First or Last THURSDAY of each month, at date wailed below Second Visit, February xst,x894. Ilours 11 a. m. to 8 p• m. Charges moderate. ANrA!H.R'S C60C�, It's high time you were getting your Xmas presouts. CaII and have w look through our stock of goods Bill table for both birthday and Xmas presents, in Gold and Silver Watches, Onyx Clacks, Rings, .3ewellery, Silver Tea Service, Water Tilters, Pitobers, Cheese Scoop, Berry Dishes, Cake Baskets, and all other kinds of silverware, at the leading jewellery store. Repairing promptly done and warrant- ed. J. R. MUNSHAW. Mason Block, Winghaln. DEMILL COLLEGE, OSHAW.A. Au Ioatitutieu where moue but boarders are admitted; lute been running about 18 years. Employs a very Efficient Staff of Ten Teachers. SCHOLARSHIPS ARE SOLD, embraciug a full course yearly, including all the English branches, Scieucea, french and German, Classics, Music, Drawing, Crayon Portrait, Oil Painting, Ornamental branches, with Vocal and Elocution, in classes, at remarkably low rates. This Inatitution draws students from Toronto, Montreal, Otta.wa aud the towns and cities from Canada, as well as from New York, Chioago aud other cities from the United States. For particulars address, MISS D. A. HURD, Secretary, Oshawa. J4 B. CUMMINGS Begs to intimate to his numerous cus- tomers and others that he intends moving to the stand lately used as a boot and shoe store Two Doors North of Post Office where will be found a large ate ek of Musical Instruments, Sewing Machines, Washing Machines and Wringers, with all needed repairs. Also a full line of SCHOOL SUPPLIES —AND— GENERAL •STATiON Store will be opened on Saturday, July* 29th. GIVE ME A CALL. J.B. CuMMI*GS Wingham, July 28th, '98 • 0r1. TIIE , • N Things with it its own peculiar wants, and we are happy ,to be able to' say that we are prepared to supply such wants in a way that will in- terest and profit the buyer: Do not buy old trash awhieh will �C}Io r to be r v. any -price, when you can get ' Fresh,.New:Gro so cheaply frour tis. Wemakelt Great Cut i�. the Price of kir: and ill Grouris this week. Now is the time to get your Xrxias Supplies, this week in FELT BOOB'S, LUMBER MEN'S RUBBERS AND SOX, OVERSHOES FOR MEN, B0 'S, WOJII.EN, MISSES AND CHILDREN ; also iti7BBEBS ANI) CARDIGANS for every person. Come and see the FINE StTIS • we melte up to order --first class in every every particular— Finer Suits for a little more money. If you prefer LADIES' PAGE --Illustrated. A 8na1AL TAIS, and other interesting reading matter. A Wxa.iLY PAoa n:t (ode Keine. 1 SUBSCRIBE NOW , wt i111va thorn for very little money, • �[ 10R�r.✓/. Maggie Cotlsley, and Mrs. N. i.. Richards 5o reit eubeedptlaue• GORDON & ' .: I ` R pie Anchor." son, teachers. the annual. entertainment 101st Pita to iN M N , • ? vt will be held era Tuesday, Vrd ftrrt. t LONDON• • 81f'TAltio. VOL. XX WE HAVE TOO AND HAVE INTO TH CUT THE ACTUAI C WE MEAN Tell OR *.Cin BEAR, ;Januar Marrt Issued by FRANI moria etreet,Win required. ORES MRS. J Has decided to o 'mess, at her resid •Queer's Hotel. Apprentices wan 000004000 • seaet lege, Toronir • mec insltr • tion tills paper 04+ LO( -The thaw .aleighing,'and in use since. —There are "Town Council shorely be fille -New Blacl 'has opened r I '4t'tngham. Al ehoeiui; .' spec -Mr. general blacks shop, nearly o The patronage ---just are Royal Cattle « 019Y. Messrs. the insuranc Cornyn has o furnitdk•• ,in donald's bloc war. t .. r! into the Past tions of Nori Saugeen, in —Grain 1001bs. e t Oaf exchan —Mr. W. hilI, of this with the Tx Bible posits peg Free 'Si ingbam promotion, 'nnhe 00 i, mt••. in V., Tho ea.. a end result 1117.; J. Cite chap.; J. Caldbick, turer. —Good per 100 pc a» cheap, . Toro: gaged in el0soly w The true eetor, 1 • *Wok it