HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-10-17, Page 8.R ,. .v. . . : I�i s .. , V. i. ,' • , ;.'.. „'. .. 4 .,. IJ .. .1 '. A! , V "I'. .., . I .. G,,. .. Cit .: .. .... .. ..:. 1: ea • '.: +' , . �, , :�. .', . R 1. ,� , : TF 41, >w , ,j, . J S si ti' A r :-, , ".. • .-. ,.,.':, ktY ... 1': 1 ,...1: .1 ,. :.'U: + .: T v ,l., a .;.� a ...lti .1. ,� t L. -, r„ .n a e 9!re t�} ' .,�...'.1/�+�'y S" �`Xa#^}� �.F,pl t A+,hS e�!' gR';'"p'►r. M r' I3. \ I ` ' 4 �' Sr• l qui, �CU spit Thanksgivitrp 'weeket 4 to, gopt s s 'ef Mn 'dntt tsi Aavid 1 , �, p , ,Peterboraugit, Thi011 1 fofin(t4t`'s, Stewart: a a�>A �A mother,, ,Mrs, das, Patteison Mr,Ilttti Nips, Qveioit 'rind retttrn:ed to her.am+a cr famtl��;S,ttl�ilt+�s�wrttets y.11!Sdty 11� n �g visiting Torso lie"titne,in Seafpklh, qt iV rs etec: Stmol. ''r •thy t + C 0 M Miss .ertrude Criclt of FQront9 eekhtid Mrsr,q�'erboa, slit 'tvo �� /y. ovald o P visited her brother Mr, J��,(rriafl , i.{, y l s tit irst'sbteria �' I C#¢ur(AR : Sitttday tlQr,t1tT!bn and Mrs Crich on Tuesda Mr, and Mrs. Haroid Coleman, .� �3�' 3�t. � ,✓rr. F "'°•� ,? t } 3 r , f ' w x, s w; ' ,>w s ry' ,`r.�1Sy1 .• . 3k`l 4 4Me:.:.; „», , .Seaforth, spent four N • / - , ,. Rev: .• iM „aP hnThanksiving Holiday in New >iGuest Sp akerof • rt. e :;'" York Citv. d •I >.;:. > ...:.Fa, r , k t ,., t . ei t��l... __. .,Q: .. ,. Dungannon e •.(,1�.z. �.< W.. R! ;, r „ Mr. and mr's. Rolland Stewart �' Special music , by the Huronla Male Chti�>r CHORALAIRES -MERE — ,Fresh from a summer 10 husband and wife teams and a husband, wife, tour of Europe, the famed Woodstock Coralaires will daughtbr • and son-in-law was described as Seaforth to. of' Exeter i be singing at First Presbyterian Church' here on "tremendous." and "the best thing in, town all Saturday, Ott. 17 7A , Sunday, October 20, under the auspices of tate winter" when they gave a concert in Clinton Last Entertainment: ALL ARE WELCOME , Friendship Circle. The 53 voice choir, which includes April. is a Big Day fs1:- Colborne Township's SING -A -LONG Seaforth ' icouncil 9th.,Annual PUB GROUP ' CHRISTMAS ,'Irish Music by th n'I IR PF PHOW 57 AJ urninIgaves is �o em COUNTRY FAIR �,1,t!°J�ar 2� 2�1t3` ' �+• '�,V]P�N�G1!+ 9t)8r'�xaa':' NMI t.. 1Q7ha►N[IVERSR' ndr.,Wr s Ung' d Church t* , e�" ippen, Ointarxb, SO QAY, aCTO ER , 20th at, 1•t"'00 a.m. They will send an investigator TV. by-law, a grant' ", he said. Council Michael spent Thanksgiving to get a qudle on roller Burning leaves bothers at least Mrs. Florence Nelson has been 1975,• company should provide the 'm w: one Seaforth resident who came hired as •clerk tyupist in the A swimming pool by-law repairs at 'no cost, the councillor Visitors• oyer Thanksgiving tin Tuesday to the council meeting y clerk's office at $2.50. r hour P e providing for gates and 48" high � said. # night to ask the town to pass a_ and the usual fringe benefits. Nveekend'w'ith Mr, acid Mr, i.orne , Seaforth will revert to Stannard ¢I by-law providing fines for those Council will declare Monday, town was passed. Permits will Time on Sunday, October 27 a t ,} Lawson, Mr. • Ken Johns, November 11 a whole da official. Y o cost $5 and the by-law provides 2:01 a.m., council decided. , r "I thought it, wa; illegal but the holiday; following a, for fines of up to $1,000 plus costs Nanaimo, ,B. C. Mrs, Lloyd 'Wri police say they can't do anything representation by local for infractions. • Local Briefs 4 Heard. Hamilton, Ontario. Legionaires George Hays apd Councillor,, Crocker reported son, Dr. K.G. and Mrs. Stewart of ?i Archie Robinct-whohas to take Cleave Coombs, _.. that McKillop Township has Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dennis; � shots for an allergy to smoke John C.• Ward of Listowel who asked for a public meeting on theMargaret and Sean, visited cn Mr. and Mrs. Atex Townsend during the leaf burning season. has the 'CRTC license to set up question of a recreation grant or Thanksgiving weekend with the «. of Tuckersmith flew to $aittt Ste ' R use surcharge. "They are asking 4ntti i MT.Robi•nei--- -that he ----should Marie to spend Thanksgiving 'questions, li ke,'What does the Alec Dennis., approved a raise to $9;500•a year complaint to tfie,Winistry of .i with Mrs. Elizabeth Trefr)' of St, . Mrs. Irene Dalton of Whitby for Recreation Director Clive Environment office in Sarnia. conforms with the Town's Cable representation if we give Seaforth Joseph's Island. Miss Erma Buist, effective January 1, 1975. R1 Boutique Arts teachers in the weekend. Broadfoot who hast beeri visiting .'for the street and bridge itself. recreation program. " �5, Vanastra Lottery Tickets in town. additional toilets upstairs at the �� Mr. and Mrs, Elmitr Tonsend of . Fire ex it, ambulance parking the sidewalk". Deputy Reeve The Town's insurance coverage HarP urhey returned with them. either the PUC out of money they J •, k'yf'x nY t�f � h1 \,7 tz,[1� Bennett reported LOBO and Mr, and Mrs. Haroid Coleman, .� �3�' 3�t. � ,✓rr. F "'°•� ,? t } 3 r , f ' w x, s w; ' ,>w s ry' ,`r.�1Sy1 .• . 3k`l 4 4Me:.:.; „», , .Seaforth, spent four N • / - , ,. Rev: .• iM „aP hnThanksiving Holiday in New >iGuest Sp akerof • rt. e :;'" York Citv. d •I >.;:. > ...:.Fa, r , k t ,., t . ei t��l... __. .,Q: .. ,. Dungannon e •.(,1�.z. �.< W.. R! ;, r „ Mr. and mr's. Rolland Stewart �' Special music , by the Huronla Male Chti�>r CHORALAIRES -MERE — ,Fresh from a summer 10 husband and wife teams and a husband, wife, tour of Europe, the famed Woodstock Coralaires will daughtbr • and son-in-law was described as Seaforth to. of' Exeter i be singing at First Presbyterian Church' here on "tremendous." and "the best thing in, town all Saturday, Ott. 17 7A , Sunday, October 20, under the auspices of tate winter" when they gave a concert in Clinton Last Entertainment: ALL ARE WELCOME , Friendship Circle. The 53 voice choir, which includes April. is a Big Day fs1:- Colborne Township's SING -A -LONG Seaforth ' icouncil 9th.,Annual PUB GROUP ' CHRISTMAS ,'Irish Music by th n'I IR PF PHOW 57 AJ urninIgaves is �o em COUNTRY FAIR �,1,t!°J�ar 2� 2�1t3` ' �+• '�,V]P�N�G1!+ 9t)8r'�xaa':' NMI t.. 1Q7ha►N[IVERSR' ndr.,Wr s Ung' d Church t* , e�" ippen, Ointarxb, SO QAY, aCTO ER , 20th at, 1•t"'00 a.m. { They will send an investigator TV. by-law, a grant' ", he said. Council Michael spent Thanksgiving to get a qudle on roller Burning leaves bothers at least Mrs. Florence Nelson has been 1975,• company should provide the 'm w: one Seaforth resident who came hired as •clerk tyupist in the A swimming pool by-law repairs at 'no cost, the councillor ti;, tin Tuesday to the council meeting y clerk's office at $2.50. r hour P e providing for gates and 48" high � said. # night to ask the town to pass a_ and the usual fringe benefits. fences around all outdoor pools in , Seaforth will revert to Stannard ¢I by-law providing fines for those Council will declare Monday, town was passed. Permits will Time on Sunday, October 27 a t ,} found guilty of lighting bonfires. November 11 a whole da official. Y o cost $5 and the by-law provides 2:01 a.m., council decided. , r "I thought it, wa; illegal but the holiday; following a, for fines of up to $1,000 plus costs daughter. Mrs. , Lloyd A. 'Wri police say they can't do anything representation by local for infractions. • Local Briefs 4 since there is no town by-law" Legionaires George Hays apd Councillor,, Crocker reported son, Dr. K.G. and Mrs. Stewart of ?i Archie Robinct-whohas to take Cleave Coombs, _.. that McKillop Township has Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dennis; � shots for an allergy to smoke John C.• Ward of Listowel who asked for a public meeting on theMargaret and Sean, visited cn Wright has paved the allowance during the leaf burning season. has the 'CRTC license to set up question of a recreation grant or Thanksgiving weekend with the «. Town Clerk Ernie Williams told cable TV in Seaforth will be asked use surcharge. "They are asking former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, i MT.Robi•nei--- -that he ----should to meet with a council committee 'questions, li ke,'What does the Alec Dennis., approved a raise to $9;500•a year complaint to tfie,Winistry of to work out an agreement which money' go for?' 'Will we '•get Mrs. Irene Dalton of Whitby for Recreation Director Clive Environment office in Sarnia. conforms with the Town's Cable representation if we give Seaforth and Newton Dennis' Beverly and { They will send an investigator TV. by-law, a grant' ", he said. Council Michael spent Thanksgiving to get a qudle on roller pretty quickly, he was told. Council agreed to underwrite decided to look up the history" of weekend with Mrs. .H.Hulley. mayl aqvmpt to get damages "1'm.not aware of an auihurit Y Y installation of a watermain on who paid for what. -including the Beverly celebrated her 10th birth - ti;, . that would permit the town to Birch St. by the. PUC. Reeve John arena and then }told the meeting.. day on Sunday.,--,. " pass a by-law prohibiting. outdoor Flannery felt that the PUC should Constable Ronal Lauzon was Visitors last week ' at the Community Centre to Hildebrand burning". Mr. Williams said. He pay for the work by raising water promoted from 4th to 3rd class residence of Rev. J. Ure and Mrs. ,} added that Seaforth; unlike rates if necessary. "Why let -he constable on the recommendation Stewart were . the former's London where leaf burning is others spend our money?" of the Chief of Police. daughter. Mrs. , Lloyd A. 'Wri prohibited, has to work within the P asked. ht Chev Olds Ltd. were g , Christner of Kitchener, and his confines of the Municipal Act. Mayor F.C.J.Sills pointed out successful tenderers for a police son, Dr. K.G. and Mrs. Stewart of Mr. Robinet said that he .has that the PUC put the water lines cruiser at $4,465.23 plus sales Waterloo.' � seen little kids burning leaves, in at therequest of the town. talc•. Mr. David G. McFarlane, Miss Wright has paved the allowance And.lthought.itwas.against,the ."They are. ..developing. -something Jack M'eIlwain-will be paid for Jean And, Mr,., arid-t1!lrs,,l iaf? «. lw to play with matches. for us", Councillor Jim Croet the filial work on Birch St ih. the , Thompson of A-lmptntp,.ealle4;gft1 „in oth,ox ..business council •„ said. •�:•: amount of $4067,.50. Mrs. R:K.McFarlane, Seaforth - - approved a raise to $9;500•a year Clerk Williams pointed out that Payments were also authorized and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey for Recreation Director Clive not much thought wag given to to Karate. Yoga, Arts and Crafts T Johnson of Clinton over- the t: Buist, effective January 1, 1975. what Birch St.'w,ould cost except Boutique Arts teachers in the weekend. Tenders will be let - for .'for the street and bridge itself. recreation program. " asked asked to keep all their cars inside Vanastra Lottery Tickets in town. additional toilets upstairs at the "Somebody has to pay for -it., . Fire ex it, ambulance parking the sidewalk". Deputy Reeve The Town's insurance coverage arena which Councillor Bill' either the PUC out of money they and police parking signs will be EMPU.BOTTLE was reviewed and although about Bennett reported LOBO and dant have or Town Council out of 'said. installed at the arena Councillor al, Collection SeMm Health regulations require. money they don't have," he John Sinnamon reported.• The $1300 could be saved by changing companies, council decided a Council will askKyles, Kyles and �,arratt Stratford - Acting on a request from the Chamber clutch on the grader will have to M Cgll. ARCHIE of to prepare ofCommerce, council be replaced, he said. Town substantial cancellation penalty , architectural drawings for new decided , to ask the Ontario workmen were greasing -it' every would wipe out any savings. at swashrooms downstairs to provide Housing Corporation to do ,a 20 . hours ' when it' requires, i y a total of 8 toilets for women and 4 basins survey on the need for additional Senior Citizen's housing here. lubrication ev!�ry2 ylrours. They insurance{be reviewed again. neat ���0721 and three toilets. to urinals' After Mayor Sills declared were never given an operating summer before the policy comes Church Parish HaU and two basins for men. a manual and the 'manufacturing up for renewal in September. ill M B•d h • •11 0 fret f.; t t d 1 ft +1, BE A+0LQ6D DONOR rrr+s.a'�seeos'sarasesst• OPEN R9CEI'TION fors, . graham and Greg Burns, dWdil. c:aniple)' nuily" Ci oyiI Varna .t. Oct. • 6th d ' 4" 'i."tttreSt 'td+vicf� ,. 4'dii'�ftw�+,i►±icif��If The Ausable-Bayfield Conservation Authority Welcomes everyone to a GUIDED • NATURE HIKE in the (Formerly Held'at Carlow) You'll find. Nostalgia, Hospitality, Handcrafted Wares, Special Feature: Hand- made Pine Furniture, Country Bake Sale & Tea. Admission• 35c & 10c .. 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Continuously at SALTFORD VALLEY HALL, (+/� tittle N; of Goderich .off IHwy. No. 21) Door prizes for Saturday Evening visitors include craft items of wood, pottery, jewellery, paintings, etc. r✓bfu'Itl It, rt •.L,"#cs!<ssd :utgdl�r.,LC,@:O; "The Fout.'' II Ways Thursday, Friday and Saturday: Bayfield Road Goderich, Ph. 524-7711 DINW4G DANf1II1T(i} ENTERTAINMENT -- FRIDAY and,, SATURDAY NIGHT'., The Al-pinaires Country and Western Entertainment SATURDAY NIGHT in, the RED KNIGHT ROOM The Blue BOYS e IN TSE LADIES',and ESCORTS' ROOM FRIDAY and SATURDAY "HOWARD SMITH" • i Tasty Chicken Wings for Snacks AWLE FREE PAiI1KIWO — WE SERVE BEVERAGE ROOM LUX61EONS 12to2and6to8. — AT VERY LORI PRICES (WE SELL ICE) COMM911CIAL -HOTEL Seaforth =-=- SEAFORTH LEGION Costume Dante Sckturday, • October 26th. PRIZES GIVEN .FOR: •y- • AEST COSTUMES.' .SPOT DANCE e DOOR PRIZES ETC. Costume Parade,'at 10:30 O.M. -- $4.00 pe>h Couple — , Tickeft sJV2iHill t1 ,& h Legion llfetnhem y P AdmUdon W riurobleir t�>rrl FRi., SAT. -.00T. 17, .i wing only Thurs.,', Fri.,. Sat., at • 8 SATURDAY MATINEE 1,30 P,M. Ip) . 6 A.A. Ab A_ Great FrontierA Great Wilderness venture ! Adventure! 'a►� .Ir�f�• .w . WALT DISNEY WALT DISNEYpreSmB DOROTHY MCGUIRE and FESS PARKER260 , A�r6"e �J r TECHNIIF M COLOR COLOR* ' ski, TECHNICOLOR ­IJ' A«-4mge, eU[MA VISTA q.nwwE er eV[B• VISr11 �DIBTPIBOTIDe fA. IHC DISTN00110N.CO, InG ©-.'.'... ' C wulbnn,T►raaveuen, ��' - c ww Dry,,, noe.a•a,. . SUN., MON.; TUES.-OCT. 20, 21, 2 2 One , Showing Nightly at 8:00 P.M. RECOMMENDED ADULT ENTERTAINMENT DROP Lf a s EVrRyrHINGJill r -and seethe cheWest N comedy of The year! . REG VARNEY DORIS HARE - BOB GRANT " MICHAEL„Rpl3BINS •ANNA KAREN '� WILFRI0- BRAMBEIL KATE WILLIAMS ,„..,STEPHEN LEWIS • " WED., THUR.., FRI., SAT.- OCT. 23, 24, 25, 26 Wed., b. Thurs. One Showing at. S. P.M., - . Fri., d: Sat,'; two showings 7:30 8 gt05 • RECOMMENDED ADULT .ENTERTAINMENT 1111111111111611111 Ailkle All Now . AO 1 AduentuMs a.,., as the suuep 4 HOPO e1f11101" 11 NJ LJ E1`l11'110 T1;E Mt NAii atilt rrnande i9 hIe lYiieit I Tl1CHNIC6I:0R " A BRYANSION PICILkq R l f R>a a east ty..t.. X',. . t+u<..Yw ..�.. .v',l," et',w�M q:, .$(\`1. -`3i :.+tax P•Qt : , .. ',: a' .: , ._,.':: '.. -,:. -' ..: (, ,•. ,. •'b,..e:.. n „ 4r,_N . _�:1. n •_. _r__ rW�.:�"—.« ,�._,'.1 I :r..:. :., r. ennett sal a Is stl c n t o in eres an e e _ Ytrying to get a qudle on roller room, council discussed the {. skates which may be purchased mayl aqvmpt to get damages and rented out. from the OWRC following a 'sewage SEAFORTH ' Council authorized payment of backup' of from the 42,149.57 _.for painting at the Coleman St. treatment plant into JEWELLERS Community Centre to Hildebrand his basement in February, 1973. Paint and paper. The Water Resources pel . Council turned down Wright have asked council for a meeting v Chev Olds Ltd.'s request' for on the damage claim but council - JEWELLERY FINE CHIN i` permission to put four light feels they have no negligence or , standards on the town's street responsibility. Clerk Williams I allowance. Clerk Williams said was asked to'write OW RIC and tell All Types of Repairs Wright has paved the allowance them that they were not 111ione 527-0270 and is using it, as a parking lot. interested in meeting until all the Councillors felt the roadside correspondehce on the case is • - - L parking - 'was hazardous and that 'made available tothem. 4 permission would set a Council gave permission to ;'RUMMAGE ;, precedent. "They should be Tuckersmith Township to sell asked asked to keep all their cars inside Vanastra Lottery Tickets in town. ' the sidewalk". Deputy Reeve The Town's insurance coverage _ Wilmer Cuthill said. was reviewed and although about • al, GIVE BLOOD $1300 could be saved by changing companies, council decided a OCT., 26th- substantial cancellation penalty , S, SAVE would wipe out any savings. t 1:30� pall• Council recommended that i y insurance{be reviewed again. neat St. Thomas' Anglican LIFE summer before the policy comes Church Parish HaU up for renewal in September. ill BE A+0LQ6D DONOR rrr+s.a'�seeos'sarasesst• OPEN R9CEI'TION fors, . graham and Greg Burns, dWdil. c:aniple)' nuily" Ci oyiI Varna .t. Oct. • 6th d ' 4" 'i."tttreSt 'td+vicf� ,. 4'dii'�ftw�+,i►±icif��If The Ausable-Bayfield Conservation Authority Welcomes everyone to a GUIDED • NATURE HIKE in the (Formerly Held'at Carlow) You'll find. Nostalgia, Hospitality, Handcrafted Wares, Special Feature: Hand- made Pine Furniture, Country Bake Sale & Tea. Admission• 35c & 10c .. 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Continuously at SALTFORD VALLEY HALL, (+/� tittle N; of Goderich .off IHwy. No. 21) Door prizes for Saturday Evening visitors include craft items of wood, pottery, jewellery, paintings, etc. r✓bfu'Itl It, rt •.L,"#cs!<ssd :utgdl�r.,LC,@:O; "The Fout.'' II Ways Thursday, Friday and Saturday: Bayfield Road Goderich, Ph. 524-7711 DINW4G DANf1II1T(i} ENTERTAINMENT -- FRIDAY and,, SATURDAY NIGHT'., The Al-pinaires Country and Western Entertainment SATURDAY NIGHT in, the RED KNIGHT ROOM The Blue BOYS e IN TSE LADIES',and ESCORTS' ROOM FRIDAY and SATURDAY "HOWARD SMITH" • i Tasty Chicken Wings for Snacks AWLE FREE PAiI1KIWO — WE SERVE BEVERAGE ROOM LUX61EONS 12to2and6to8. — AT VERY LORI PRICES (WE SELL ICE) COMM911CIAL -HOTEL Seaforth =-=- SEAFORTH LEGION Costume Dante Sckturday, • October 26th. PRIZES GIVEN .FOR: •y- • AEST COSTUMES.' .SPOT DANCE e DOOR PRIZES ETC. Costume Parade,'at 10:30 O.M. -- $4.00 pe>h Couple — , Tickeft sJV2iHill t1 ,& h Legion llfetnhem y P AdmUdon W riurobleir t�>rrl FRi., SAT. -.00T. 17, .i wing only Thurs.,', Fri.,. Sat., at • 8 SATURDAY MATINEE 1,30 P,M. Ip) . 6 A.A. Ab A_ Great FrontierA Great Wilderness venture ! Adventure! 'a►� .Ir�f�• .w . WALT DISNEY WALT DISNEYpreSmB DOROTHY MCGUIRE and FESS PARKER260 , A�r6"e �J r TECHNIIF M COLOR COLOR* ' ski, TECHNICOLOR ­IJ' A«-4mge, eU[MA VISTA q.nwwE er eV[B• VISr11 �DIBTPIBOTIDe fA. IHC DISTN00110N.CO, InG ©-.'.'... ' C wulbnn,T►raaveuen, ��' - c ww Dry,,, noe.a•a,. . SUN., MON.; TUES.-OCT. 20, 21, 2 2 One , Showing Nightly at 8:00 P.M. RECOMMENDED ADULT ENTERTAINMENT DROP Lf a s EVrRyrHINGJill r -and seethe cheWest N comedy of The year! . REG VARNEY DORIS HARE - BOB GRANT " MICHAEL„Rpl3BINS •ANNA KAREN '� WILFRI0- BRAMBEIL KATE WILLIAMS ,„..,STEPHEN LEWIS • " WED., THUR.., FRI., SAT.- OCT. 23, 24, 25, 26 Wed., b. Thurs. One Showing at. S. P.M., - . Fri., d: Sat,'; two showings 7:30 8 gt05 • RECOMMENDED ADULT .ENTERTAINMENT 1111111111111611111 Ailkle All Now . AO 1 AduentuMs a.,., as the suuep 4 HOPO e1f11101" 11 NJ LJ E1`l11'110 T1;E Mt NAii atilt rrnande i9 hIe lYiieit I Tl1CHNIC6I:0R " A BRYANSION PICILkq R l f R>a a east ty..t.. X',. . t+u<..Yw ..�.. .v',l," et',w�M q:, .$(\`1. -`3i :.+tax P•Qt : , .. ',: a' .: , ._,.':: '.. -,:. -' ..: (, ,•. ,. •'b,..e:.. n „ 4r,_N . _�:1. n •_. _r__ rW�.:�"—.« ,�._,'.1 I :r..:. :.,