HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-10-17, Page 4'777777;
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ey lof 't T Mr.'and Mrs. R4•ii�-§Jdjp _4�1;
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114t 'Lamer, se ed. home .on Bfussols, hctri� tb >44oA0
,cretary, 'Carolyn
np from 90i0griton
M"'. J10 Ac
McQqT,.e,. frea$111er, Ch Fraser $aturdfAy, On Tuesday she Australia to V1.0t Mr. 4 ianksgiviOg d•ay w.1t 411
ry. �made for'
Ferguvi 0 -,bp, 40eja CO t%
-A w0th, 14- tob 0, Ord, POO,, t
edpcsday Oycuhig, Anne Gies, Janet. and Veiha
reOrter, :0 Peggy, Hg- acgompa 0 reqt4 Wayne Baker, (,n�q air
, , riled 'fiet gran pa
TheA 00": volt prl,1*3 rs., 4c
in,) ries, social convenors,- Lori Mr. and M J, k, yull) Of ley.
qctober 9 in 'tho JOAWMV ,Of Flood.
rs United tot
ks -Ron -"e
Church Newly nqtt opened the k,��
�w me , ye
meet Cd 5tinday ingra ff's United
li�g at Du
with hymn
lb4nkfiitp�q 1;4 c "w
.as , AS sun& church Rev, Derwhi, Docken's,
66'.1—ppanjod"Attho piano by Mrs, sermon was 'The art of saying,
Tead' •tb4pks'. The q oir sang 'Give
M4,pqnslvely followed by Mrs. thanks to the Lord'. The -offering
received by Tom Williamson,
Allaq McCall. reading the was r6c
scripture froth. Psalm 100, closing Bob Leeming, andClayton Fraser.
vithl) Hymn.- "Now; thank' The children's hymn was 'Jesus,
G ". Mrs. Bennett Friend of little children' and Rev.
we All ur od j
gavathe meditation on "Thinking Cpocken told a story to the
and 'Thanking" -followed with children about an apple and being
prayer. thankful. He treated themallto,.,,
ALL" WAS SUNG. Mrs. McCall an apple.
read a poem, "'Thanksgiving The flowers at the front of th5
Thought' AND HYMN THE church were in memory of the late
Thanksgivifti' hymn, "Now, Alex Gulutzen Sr., placed by the
thank we all out, God" family.
devotions. Personals
Mrs. Stewart Humphries gave Mr.
and Mis. Stanley McDonald
an interesting topic,, on ' Rev.
near Detroit spent Thanksgiving
William Howard.. He is the new weekend at the home of,Mr. and
26th United Church moderator. M�rs. Alvin -McDonald. 'Lynnc
He wa 'W
s, , . n ... I .. 1 .1 McDonald, nurse. ,in -training at
I t by the Ontario
Religious Education Cound to
Woodstock Hospital, also spent
consult with a aurch. committee
the Vekend with her parents.
........ ... . ...
in an Ontario City, Dr,. Howard,
Mr, and Mrs. -Garnett GCra.gg
62, is the first non-White, first
and son of PetroliA have purchas-
bachelor to pr6side for three ed the home 4 Mr. and Mrs. Ron
yea"rs- and as the result of a 0
Bennett., We welcome them to th
surprise, motion from the floor, he the village. The Bennetts are -
will be the first to preside over
living at the Dunk's home while
three councils. Dr. Howard will Mrs. Dunk is away for: the winter
preside over the 1975 adjourned
1977 months.
session and the regular Mr. and Mrs, Robert Pritchard of
session. London visited with Mr. and Mrs.,
. Mrs. Williarn'Thamer presided Dave Watson during'-Thanksgiv-.
for the business. The minutes
ing weekend.
were read by the secretary, Mrs.
Euchre players are reminded of
Howard Hackwcll followed by the
roll -call, Mrs. Mac �hoidice the card party in - the hall this
Friday evening,
received the collection and gave
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard fu nd of In appreciation of your loyal patronage to our Clinton, Seaforth and 'Hensall Home Care.
the I treasurer's report. Toronto spent Sunday wi th Mr.
Invitations 'were extended to
and Mrs. George McCall. Building, Centres during the Past 95 years, WE OFFER YOU THESE OUTSTANDING in-
attend Thankofferind meetings at
Rev. and Mrs. Docken and family
Segforth ' and Moncrief. Mrs. N. spent Thanksgiving weekend at flation Fighting CASH SALE ITEMS- SALE. ENDS ON OCTOBER 26th, 1974
Marks reported for the supper.
'Der Doc'ninn'
Comm their cottage. S11
committee: Money was collected
nerar Meaford.
for the ObscrvcC subscriptions
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Clark and,
and several offered to collect for
the Bible Society. son spent the weekend at- the
home of -bet parents, Mr. andmrs. -C No. 1 Construction Grade PLYWOOD
Mrs. Thamer closed the John McGillvary-at Dorchester.
meeting with prayer. Following
Miss Brenda B
Herb Traviss'served
Grace. Mrs' ["S,
ewley* R.N., arriv� 4. x A -.8' 5 4
lunch assisted by Mrs.N. Marks. SPRUCE
Boundary and 17th Unit Every, week -more at�d. more X 8
4 5/16AF1 SP. STDO, —
The 5957 A0
t October meeting of the unit was
people discover what mighty jobs
are ac . complished. by low cost 2 x, 4. 154 if., 2, x 374 if*
held at the home of Mrs. Harvey
Expositor Want Ads. DiaL�-
ratg on Wednesday !eMW#i_ 5�afdirtli 527,0240 4,x t 5999'
C esday Aft $T•
Mrs. C�iff,rlkitcbie�,op'q�nc4.,imo 4� a
_t 2, x 6
poem, 'Be Thahkful' Hymn. 2 4
Praise to thelord, the Almighty. r, �� 1 ?"l'sfri.' 8' �, r�: i,,. 4 FIR SELECT
. 0., 3
the King of Creation was sung, HYDRO LINES
followed by Mrs. Ritchie reading INSTALLED Iril I WIN
the scripture from Psalm 26. The
general Thanksgiving prayer was
said in unison. NEUFELD
7 Color -Lok
Mrs. Martin Baan read the poem,'
Give Thanks, followed by the 1 576 9856 DROP 'IN AND GET. YOUR YOUR FREE BOOKLET ON WINDOWS.,
VVaterloo -,
topic, Thanks even in trouble.
which was related to the Thanks- House lots of Mason quality Windows
giving season. The col lecition was
rcizeived and dedicated. SI DIN G IWO". with the exclusive Thermo Pane,
M*inutes were adopted as read 20 -year guarantee.by Mrs. H. McCallum Pre-Finished'White
The. -next meeting will be held at potato No'Painting for 10 Years
the home of Mrs. Hugh Johnston.
A stocial half hour was enjoyed • the mim cost fuel LESS
IPS - *
when lunch was served by Mrs. ^Ch 494 .00 20%
Ritchie and Mrs. - Baan. SQ.
Reg. 69c 55 lumfTc)
Lost and found
The girls' group opened its with any $3.00 0
meetings for the winter season S tion
which will be held in the church gasdine purchase your
basement on Tuesday evenings, at ASPENITE
under , the leadership of Jean
Docken and Helen Craig- Archie s. Sunocci EXTERIOR
Officers clectecid are, president. 4 x 1/4"" STYROFOAM
10.1 ... .
Rats and Mice go for
�rnn -Bait aks
they knock 'em dead.
Flavour fresh ftrfarin Bait Paks are rdbre attractive to rats and
mice :tfik,hdiMal.fod0ii 46re these netts are seen Warfarin
Sdit l�ak- provide a ready-to-tisid;feedifik stafl6(ithat kills rats, and
mrce.ifunng thtee 1d fbldii;4jys of feeding. There Is a bitter chance
of etadreating SII ttte rats and WIC6. Od q6Utfarm with ftfatin
Wit. M9 ii66usfi IM slow-idtifig fdd6t killer doffs not canoe
At might want tate rest of the cofody. '
kW6 Bill, nlal4ey *Ill year,,
WvJ1'(6kA4',40 6-:616, Paks id both rfte6lt 3nd0blift
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16 x 16 Natural AWE 6SC
16 x 16 GreenJJVl 9
16 x 16 Red Slate J�„IOC ,
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For these hard r to get pia'm"
ZONOLITE.lbag covers 24 sq. ft.0
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PAL -0 -PAX 1 bag covers 40 sq. ft� 2*20
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BUY. 9 --- GET 'I FREE
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Huron M�ple 4.7 9
Cou"fly"Club Elio T r. 5