HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-01-12, Page 7itk The Land o' the Leal, One of the most tender strains ever sung in Scotland is I,ady lVfeirne's "Land o' the Leal." The author was a lovely Scotch woman who married William Murray Mairno, a military than of good position.' She loved music and poetry and did much to sweeten and purify the minstrelsy of Scotland, She was most anxious to pre- serve her anonymity, and today she is known and loved for only this ono sweet strain. These verses were written to con- sole a friend of hers, a lady who lost her only and dearly loved ohild: I'm wearin' awn', John, Like suaw-wreaths in thaw, John, I'1>a wearin' awe,' To the land o' the lead. There's nae sorrow there, John, There's neither eauld nor care, John, Theday is aye fair In the land o' the leal. Our bonnie bairn's there, John, She was baith gude and fair, John, And oh! we grudge her sair To the land o' the leal. But sorrow's sal wears past, John, And joy's a-ooming fast, John, The joy that's aye to last In the land o' the leal. Sae clear that joy was bought, John, Sae free the battle fought, John, That sinfu' man e'er brought To the land o' the lead. Oh dry your glistening ee, John, My soul Tangs to be free, John, And angels beckon me To the land o' the leal. Oh, baud ye leal and true, John, Your day it's wearin' through, John, And. I'll welcome you To the land o' the leal. Now fare ye weel, my ain John, The world's cares are vain, John, We'll meet, and we'el be fain, In the land o'' the lead. The Power of a Telescope. Prof. Hotden says that if the bright - nem of a star seen with the eye alone its one, with a 2 inch telescope, it is 100 times as bright; with a 4-ineli tele. eope, 400 times ; S•inch telescope, 1600 times; 16 -inch telesenpe, ` 0400 32 -inch tolesuope, 25,000 tuned; 30- ineh telescope, 32.400 times. That is, store erin be seer. with toe 30 -inch telescope which are 80,000 tidies taiuter than the faintest stars vleh'1e to the naked eye. While the magnifying power which can be successfully used on the 5 -inch teles;ope is not above 400, the 36 inch telescope will permit a magnifying power of more than 2000 diameters on suitable objects, stars for example. With such a telescope the the moon appears the same as it would with the eye 200 !aides away. This is the same as saying that objects about .300 feet square can be recogniz- ed, so that no village or great canal, or eten large edifice, can be built on the ()soon without our knowledge. Rbeumstiem originates iu the morbid condition of the blood. Hood's Sarsupar'• ilia cures rheumatism. Get only Hood's. Household Hints. 1f the rollers ot a wringer are sticky or covered with lint pass a cloth dam- pened with kerosene between them. Flat irons should be kept as far removed from the steam of cook- ing ire possible, as this is what causes them to rust. Let cold water froin a tap run on to hard boiled ems. which enables you to shell them quickly and preserves the color of the whites. Dark red or black Etrusiian wares Bleed tL little yerteillu n and hnrnt sienna in the cements ordinarily used to prevent unsightly white streaks or joints;. A towel rack made with several arms fastened to h half circular centre, Which is in turn fastened to the wall,is a convenient place for drying dish tower. If yen wish to clean yonr spice mill, grind a handful of raw rice in it• The particles ot spiv(- anal pepper, or of coffee will not adhere to it atter the rice has passed through, Wanted a .Bonnet to Match. • Fri lad—It 15 eost•ing you more to rlake over that old drese•than it would cost to buv a new one. I1r:,. Manager (a snrert women) -- I am not trying to save money I ani tryin'e to make it. What ? Yoe are hot married yet, you know. Whelk my husband a"ea me in thie dress he'll think it is a new one, and he'll have it reeutar tit about woman's extravagance, and doclar,,,„that I ain driving hitn to wreck anemia and ought to be ashamed of myself. I shouldn't wonder. Yes. Then I will tell him that this is au old dress made over, and all these trimmings and furbelows are to cover up stains and tears and thread- bare places in the miserable old rag. Oh, that's it. Yea. And then he'll fee lsean read cheap ,and disgnste t he'll i a $50for O.—New Alm new' give York Weakly, ( THE WJNGFIAM TIMES, JANUARY 12, 1894, Remarkable Beard. Three brothers, searing a reeemb. tance to one another, ore in the habit of being shaved at the ennui barber shop, A few days linea one of the brothers entered the amp early in the ruoruiug and was duly havo'I by n German, who had been et punt in the eFtablisbntettt for one or 1 wo days. About 12 o'clock another brother came in and underwent a similar oper- ation at the hands of another person. In the evening a third brother made his appearance, when the German dropped his razor in astonishmeut, and exclaimed: Well, (nine goodness; dat roan hash the fastest heard I ever saw, 1 shaves him in dis urorniug, another shaves him at dinner times, and lie comes back again with his beard so long as it. never vosl—London '1'lt-lilts. For Over Fifty Tears AN ME AND WELL -TRIED RSi1EDT.—Mrs, Win years S,.othint; Syrup has been used for oder fifty slow' by millions of mothers for their chiluren while teething, with perfect success. it soothes the child 'Wenn the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and Is thebest remedy for Diarrhoea. Ie pleasant to the taste. Sold by Drugrlsta in eery part o1 the Worru. Twenty.five. cents a uottle. Ito lalue is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs, Winslow s Soothing Syrup, and take no outer kind. Save the Deer. A petition addressed to the Legis- lative Assembly of Ontario is being largely signed by eportstnen and others asking for the better protection of the deer in the provincial forests. It seems that during the open season the deer are driven into the numerous lakes and hays, where they are slaughtered without mercy by men *she are station- ed there in boats for the purpose. It i$ admitted by ell those who have giver, the matter a thought that this must result r alt isl the utter extermination of the deer • in n few years. Hence the petition. It asks teat the open season be confined to the first ten days in November, and the killing of deer in the water or from a boat be strictly prohibited. Hacking Cough (lured. GENTELMEN, —My little boy had s. severe haokiug eougn, and could not sleep at uight. 1 tried Hagyard's Pector- al Balealm for him and be was cured at once. Mas. J. HACKETT, Linwood, Ont. Misplaced Gallantry. A judge, riding in the cars recently, from a single glance of the counten- ance of a lady by his side imagined he knew her and ventured to remark that the day was pleasant. She only an- swered: Yes. Why do you wear a veil ? Lest I attract attention. It is the province of gentlemen to admire, replied the gallant man of law. Not when they are married. But I am not. :indeed! Oh, no. I'rn a bachelor. The lady quietly removed her veil, disclosing to the astonished magistrate the face of his mother-in-law.—Boston, Courier. A wonderful new cornbinatiou is R.1 Stark's HIeadache, Neuralgia and Liver Powders, nice to take and perfectly harm- less. 'Vire. Mary Keats, 88 Main street, Hamilton says ; "For years—in fact all my life —I have been troubled with severe headache. I have tried all the remedied I could hear of and have been treated by many doctors, but with very little good result. A friend recommended your Heade ache Neuralgia and Liver Powders some time ago, and I have found them to be the greatest blessing to me—in fact I can truly say they are wonderful. I would not be 'without them for more than I can tell." Mr. Flook, station master, Grand Truuk Railway, Hamilton, Rays: "They cured my most severest headaches, which I had fqr at least thtee years." Price 25c. aim, For sale by all medicine dealers. Dwarfs from Generation to Gen- ation. Col. A, T. Fraser has sent us an in- teresting note from Bellary with re- gard to two l.iindoo dwarfs which he photo; rephed in the Kurnouf district of the Madras presidency, notfarsouth of the river Kistna. In speech and intelligeutie the dwarfs were not indie- tinguishahle from ordinary natives of India• From ee interrogation of them it appeared that he belonged to a fam- ily all the male members of which have been dwarfs for several getter - 'Wens. They marry ordinary native girls, and the female children grow up like those of other people. The males, however, though they develop at the natural rate until they reach the age of six, thele cease to grow, and become dwarfs. These stunted specimens of humanity are almost helpless, and are unable to walk more than a few yards. ---Nature. Auntie Alt Other. DRAit Bins.— ur Burdock urdock B1eoc1 Bitters excels all other medicines that 1 ever used. I took it for biliousness and it has °urea me altogether. Wet.Walleceburg, Ont. .A. Cute Old. Bachelor. AND IIOW III; 'MANAGED T t LIVE TO BE ° FOUitSCOBE AND SEVEN'. All old bachelor who jest died iu Patio in u house in the 1i•,ul.verd l4ichard Lenoir, et the age of 87 years hit upotr an original ides for inenring proper uttentiou from his servants' in Ins det:hning years, Twelve years ago, says the Loudon Daily News, leo went to his lawyer and notch a will. nod... which he left his two women ,servants an annuity of $120 etch, to b'• iticreas ed by $20 for every pout• they he should continue to live. `file will line just been incited., and t be 1• geci'•s have been allowed vat the rate of $410 tt yeicr each. Ti,e .,;d ru•tu wits In the habit of snaking great fun out of the motherly care with .which ht• t', look ed after. You time le 11111th can', he would say, ttlet they will not let tn'. die soon if they can help it 11e seen{ od to have cverlujItart tete fact that i' uas clearly not to the interest of the women that he should survive dean. Scrofula Entr sly cured. EAI{. SIRS.—I he suffei:ed much laav from scrofula and bad blood for seven years past. Six mouths ergo I commenced using B.B.B. urternelly and exteruelly and can uow say that I am entirely cured, and have been so for some time. To all sufferers I reeommead B.B.B. as an excel- lent remedy for scrofula. Miss A. B. TANNER, Pictou, N, S. Why Earls' Wives are Called Coun- tesses. Verstegsu, in his V estiges, states: Before we borrowed the word tumour we used instead thereof our own ancient word ear. Her noble and gentle we used ethel. Ethel was sometimes in composition abridged to el. So as of ear•ethel, it seine to he ear -el, and by abbreviation earl. 1t is as touch as to say, honor noble or noble of honour. Earl is the ()illy title of nobility derived frotn the Anglo -Saxon for tttrousrll Williaiu the Ocr,quernrfirst ivade hereditary earle they were to Ise called counts, ancient title, however, bold,+ its posi- tion to the present, and in ackuowl- Edgment of the Norman-French the wives of earls are called countesses. Homo Testimonials. GENTLEMEN. --Two years ago my husband suffered from severe indigestion, but • was completely cured by two bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters. I can truly t•ecomineud - it to all sufferers from this disease. Mas. JOHN HURD, 13 Croat; St., Toronto Little things often change the cur- rent of life. A rnoment's temper has often severed a friendship which might have lasted a lifetime. Au ut: kind and hasty word has Ielt a tusrk which death seems scarcely to flare erased. A Postmaster's Opinion. "I have greet pleasure iu certifying to the usefulness ot Hagvurd's Yellow Oil," writes D. Kavanagh, postlnasterof Unarm - vine, Out., "having used it for soreness of the throat, burns, colds, eta., I find • nothing equals to it. Horticultural Notes. The daily use of fruit helps materi- ally to make people independent of the doctor. Remember that the very best time to put manure around fruits, both large and small, is in the fall. 1f this is dune, the rains wash the plant food down to the roots dialog the winter, and when the best growing season comes it is iu the best possible condi, tion for use by the rootlets. Pruning may be done at any time wheu the trees are not in full loaf. Whether it should be done 111 the fall, in open weather during the winter or in the epr iug depends upon the conven- ience of the planer. Most farmers and orchardists are apt to be unusually busy towards spring. When it gOtS warm enough to work out of doors there a'e innumerable matters that require their uttei'tiun, and if pruning hast nut been attended to before, it is apt to he neglected. 'frees and vines that are only half hardy should not be pruned so closely in the fall as would be proper nA the spring. The cut is porous and which admits cold which the closer bark of the tree would ex• 3lude. Some farmers make it practice of pruning trees in June in order to prevent sap sprouts where the branches are cut ant, This practice injures the thrift of the trees, Tut it 'bey be ad- visable for young orchards that grow two much wood and do trot bear fruit as they should, The cheek which lute sluing pruning gites to sueh trees induces the formation of fruit buds, and the trees wtll bear the year after. But the better way with most trees is to prune when the budtl ate dormant, and rub out the sprouts when they have grown a fete triches in the spriug. There is leas check to the tree to this way, brit enough to make it more pro- dnotive than it Would otherwise lee, To Subscribers in Arrear and Others. A number of :;ubseriber's are still. in ftri•enr• for their subst'rilitions for the current 1•enr, and it certain number for two .and elven more years. We urgently request all subscribers ilk Reveal' to (gut thei,i- selveg vii b,t err nut books as sooty as possible. Those indt•bt„'l tin• ,lob printing and advertising will also confer a favor by an early settlement. 't\'e Lave lame payments to make and tvonitl like those indebted to us to out ns lrt ft llo,itinn to meet them, lf you owe us anything, don't wnit for an account to be sent you, lint call and settle or remit the atuouut at your earliest conve- nience. All remittances should be made by express or money order, or sent by registered letter to Ii. ELLIOTT, Tures U1rixcx, Wingham, Out. Curds Consumption, Coughs, Croup, Sore Throait. Sold by all Druggists on p. Guarantee. For a Larne Side,l3ack orChest Shiloh's Porous Plaster will give gre:.t satisfaction. --c5 cents. &IIf iLO9irs VI m ALUZ.R5 Airs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn., sent "Sliaoh's 1Titeltecr''eiATTED 21Y LIFE.' 1' considerlt hcbestremedy for a&LOltztedsysttem .1 ever tied." For Dyspepsia Lie or or Tridney trouble it excels. Price l5 cls. si 9 LO t"'tgS ;. CE-iTAG1 Ot, L1 HaveyouCatarrh? Try thin ltemedy. it wilt positively relieve and Cure •:,u. Price 10 eta. This Injector for iti ru•ee:.stud treatment is furnished free. 1%ett:-' e •er. eniloh's ltemedies are sold on a L'uarvr.. 0 to i:•'"0 St'tisi1Cti0n. When we assert that Dodd's V WZ/4ryLWCN Kidney Pills wvan+tva�,�,rye,ar�t. Cure Backache, Dropsy, Lumbago, Bright's Dis- ease, Rheumatism and all other forms of Kidney 4, Troubles, we are backed by the testimony of all who have used them. THEY CURE TO STAY CURED. By all druggists or mail on receipt of price, so cents. Dr. L. A. Smith & Co., Toronto. Omit l.141t 611 Sickness Comes before Buying aBottle of PERRY DAVIS' PAI ° I LLE r'.. 'You may need it tonight t`4I.G IA Tet ee aORNfiYI� 1tFUL GUMS at relief but a cure for all kinds of t•a:'.C' PAINS, SICK STOMACH AND BILIOUSNESS is"user' •.s. Contain no hurtful drugs. A teon,:o.ful Compound. Nice to take. Sure death to pain. i:o euro you got STA12It'S. l'r'r•::n:.n BY R. STARK. M, 0.0. P., CH11111T enol., DLAScoW Biometry, SeerLAND, .44 THE R. STARK MEDICINE CO, n .• t t r n a 'box. Mold by ail ZDrtrcaaists �o' trw+•f 1' Entircls DOW Compound >slstl'a Itentetty for tatr,n', h the nems lents t to t?art ant t'r,e apt t -Sold by di ugglsta or nett b;,' nail:. W. XV. Itarettlu+.werrrn, Idone cheap as the eltt'apest ono suds - faction guerlfte, d. 1 LUGS, LOGS, LOGS. The highest Cash pikes paid fur any, (inanity of gond HARD AND SOFT WOOD! LOGS delivered in oto )tu•9, Call and get plicei before disposing of your Timber, Custom Saing,Piainin and SHINGLE CUTTING Alt kinds of Rough and Dressed Lumber, Lath, Shingles, &c., kept coust,utly ou MICLEAN & SON. Wiugham, Dec. 7th, 1898. PROF. SCOTT MUSICAL LEADER PRES3YTERiAN CHURCH gives Private Lessons in Vocal Training both in Staff and Tonic -Sol -Fa Notation. Open far entragements for Concerts or Church meetings. Terms moderato. Apply a 11RS Ir. 110RROW'S, Patrick St Wingham Cttued/en Pecdfla TIMY TA)1.44.. Trains Arrive and 4opt,rt u tollssew : &time !BM A, ..... ...• For Yoram+ .. ...; :es p.rn ., r:pt'Y• tel kor Teosit Mit, 111:40 p, to -• G7'4A. tetr TZz3T7 . —TIME TABLE. ---•- --•- A5Zttlr AT wltell to t,L%YE '3:11 8 m, i'al n,rl atoa, taurtph, Tbro,tu, sie 1 11:20 a " ,, .• MSS t' 1n, " „ ,. 11 r 10.5 a. tn. " n,ixtit for Finesniine 11 1.57 it, In. for lih,.,,dt• 0 5 1402 " '• •to.or 11:00 ,1 n.. London, Clinton, *a, S. 8.511 In. ., Scientific Americas Ageney tor CAVEAT** TRADI MAR*$, DESIGN PATENT, OOPTRIQII'ri *UM, For information and free Handbook write to MUNN h 00.. 381 BROADWAY, NIW TONNE, Oldest bureau for seeming patents rn Amerlcs.' ]f very patent taken outby us is brews• t bet Ow public bb�yyyanyyottce��sgivenn1 fie* Of ((h�*larrrg��e in th. r8entA•Nic: atturiio Largest circulation of any ,etentlf0 paper is tile. world. Splendidly illustrate& Zto• intelligentma' veer; $1,160.lx mnwithout A't see MU ., ' k'umrasaxus, 381 Broadway, Clty.y FOR THE BEST VALUE IN ORM:REIN CLOTHING/ �R7E HATS, 00 TO-- STE CAPS, Of1LARS, SHIRTS, CUFF , Cheap for KASH. F 13 S T E l oyes, citoves, Sto c&c. e All intending purc sers of stoves for t.h winter will save mon y b buying from D. SU HE Having bo ght a very 1 HEA : ING AND S - - • ge variety of COOK. to choose from : 1yrer stove guaranteed against to give on.plete satisfaction. D. STITHEE '4Viughr:te. Aut'nnt'?:>th,It r skage a AND.