HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-10-10, Page 13,
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(Today's E•Iealtlt . is rovided t .The October meeting f 't t rt c elt4 a tt�orr
P ' P g o he Hutchinson read there art frgm'j,ttssa.s.
Weekly newspapers by the' Catholic Wometi.s League was the. deab.t
cry, meetin : fiel+d tr aoY ads kQ e1p up P t th x
Ontario of Health) In:
held in St. James,. 'School recentl. at St. Coluniban .at h
Fish, .",.• ` ,'.. ;:'I a tci lt$ta>!ii)>4i>1 ttr:asi.1
Y t' x
1aY David Woods Auditorium on October ,ist with Sixt een members attended,- brea)t,r atjJet h 1S rear t eY a '
Mrs. Bay Hutchinson'presid'tng. There";Fill Abe a euchre at tSt':" a, Bakefia�k GQsa?l a
It rs good to see a measure of sum granted by Council, the Club say, method, order and :g9941¢.eF• o
Father Laragh ripened the meet- J mes' Aµditorium October )Bali 1ltsidpf' Thtsr was a :;S..att -0c ,
,, Let's face it, nobody thinks visiting, nurses and homemakers. ing with the League prayer nder .convenorship of ,Mrs. organization going into the must re -apply for more money, ation for other's.) pod tietrls Wgr)Cd1'� to r' x1.
they, actually want to go to The homemaker sees to the followed by a reading "The rry Hak and Mrs. Archie budgeting by clubs of their year's At the end of the. year, •all A coitimitte ought to be FaiSe Jnongy
hospital. But sgme of us assume activities. Budgets are now being monies accumulated by the Clubs
P smooth running of .a patients T anksgiving Prayer" by Mrs. Ro loot. resented to the Student's Coup- (and Athletic Association) will ba impawered by Coun i -to •deal leadlgg.°this Flub
we ought to tae in hospital if we're home during' the treatment period Alin Smale. ' Fa> her Laragh told the' meeting p with the 'te uiretnents of each ' . 'makottoatan• . n Best '.ot lack., A
sick enough to need professional lie orts were iven b various one of the wa s to fee God's cil for approval. To the degree of turned over to Council.
-- and may look after children or P g Y Y ' which they are approved, the Hopefully, the present Council group on a monthly basis. A defi ,
nursing, and often that's true, elderly. people who normally convenors. Members are invited presence is in the changes of the Council will then, rant them a will extend this 'regulation of definite schedule shJould then .be
But not always. Health depend on the patient. to,.a thank offering meeting seasons.. God. uses the signs to g g set u b y
planners are becoming October 16th at the Presbyterian help us realize His presence. He sum upon which They may draw at activitles into ' the allotment of P Y whish everyone must EM�� ,
increasingly aware that hospital For more than 33,000 patients church. said we should say thanks far their own discretion. time acfd' space for clubs and 'abide. �rp4Cit1p�R ►+
care is not only highly expensive, admitted to Ontario's home care Thirteen visits were made to things that grow and have grown. Since the cheques will lie teams in %he school to hold Without such a scheaule,
but that it may also impose program' in the year cooed last the §ick ,and shut-ins in This fe'eling.is the true joy of a issued by the Student's Council, meetings and practices. Thi •rivalries and bitterness occur Ca„'"I�'. '''
burdens beyond the illness itself. March 31, say's"15r. King, the September. Mrs. William Hart Christian. bdth Council and Club can obtain present system of scrambling for •bet veep' any number of groups
y*,For example, unfamiliar average length of stay was 24 and Mrs. Ken Etue will visit in The meeting was adjourned bxx an accurate picture of how the position (somewhat akin to "'King vying for the same. spate, at the At i
surroundings and disrupted' days at a cost of less than SO. a; October. Mrs. Hak and closed with prayer Club's finances stand by merely of the Castle"). thence to drive same time; each having a legiti-,
pat}erns of day-to-day living. And day. This•compares with average Mrs. Alvin Smale thanked the by Father Laragh. checking the Council's ledgers. off all comers, leaves something mate need for gathering. Friction s27-07!
man times the patient onl hospital costs of eight to ten times If a club happens to go over the to be desired (offhand. I should ' of this sort accomplishes' nothing.
Y P y• � ladies for attendance at the Forty Lunch was served by Mrs. Hak
needs professional nursing' for
vii merit
that amount. Hours Devotion. Mrs. Ray
and ''Mrs. Robinet.
about an hour each day..
But while economics makes a
An increasingly popular
compelling case'for home care,
alternative is home care. '
there are other advantages both
The Girls Basketball Team
Obviously, there's no way you're -
going to'hdve a tea of sur eons
m g
to the health care system and to
the individual patient. For
001frt�pin formHe'd
The girls' basketball teams
eratin in our own bedroom,
op g y
instance, the person who doesn`t
been doing .call well.
but there are Certain 'health
actually need a hospital bed -- and .
• -
Although they haven't won any
Oproblems that can be just as
who cam be assured of competent
games yet, they came very close.
effectivelytreated in the home..
care at home -- can free that bed
This ear's golf team consists
y g
guess you know what that means.
g Y
Last Tuesday, October I, in.
Among these are post-surgical
for someone who really needs it.
of four people who have had a lot
'-Good luck in future matches boys.
Wingham, the juniors were de -
care, and various forms of
Moreover, continuing home
of experiene a in the game. They
feated by the Wingham juniors
rehabilitation and convalescence.
treatment , by professionals,
are Ed Malkus and Steve
with a score of 36-28. The seniors
-How does home. care work.
coupled with the encouragement
Bennet, -who have both been
too played a close game with
Well, first, says the
and support of the family in one's
playing golf for six years; ,-Cam
The Octobeg assembly was held
Wingham seniors defeating them
Ministry of Health 's principal
own environment, is a sound
Doig, who- has played for seven
on Friday, October 4'. Student
program adiviser on home care,
formula for effective health care.
years; and Brian Nigh, who has
council president, Allan
The next game they played was
Dr: RobertKing, anyone insured
Not only that, but home care also
played for five years. Mr. Morton
Carnochan spoke about the Huron
in Clinton.on October 3. In both
under OH1P is eligible. But it's
h ands back at least some of the
is the staff' advisor of the team.
Expositor Subscription Campaign
the junior and senior games, the
llf!'railable only on the recommen-
responsibility for therapy to the
So far the boys have taken part
which started this weekend.
scores were 'tied until the, last
dation of your pyysician.
patient and the patient's family,
in two' competitiortsf On Friday,
Forms were., handed to the
sixty seconds of play, when the
Ontario now has more than 40
making them participants in the
September 27, they played at
students after the assembly was
Clinton teams, scored more
home care programs, and most of
therapeutic process.
But home ca re doesn't replace
Huron Perth in St. Marys. They
won that match with a score of
over. Allan also mentioned the
Magazine Campaign which will
points. The Clinton juniors
defeated our juniors 19-15. The
these are administered by local
h9spial care. It's an alternative to
241: There were ten other teams
start in a few weeks. He
senior team was defeated by `
boards of health of by the
hospital 'care that only works
in the competition so they did a
mentioned that they decided not
Clinton seniors, 37-33. The next
Victorian Order f Nurses.
where doctor and patient agree
really good job. On Monday,
to sell chocolate bars this year
game is in Stratford on October
Among the services provided
I that- the, home provides an
September 30 they played at
because of the cost involved.
are physiotherapy, occupational
thatris better than
1 11 Wh sked
Susan Bueurmann explained the -
Ien a
and speech thereapy, diagnostic en on wossa n ngerso or at least as good as, the World Series Lotter which will 1973 Chevrolet Impala 2 dr. H.T.
g how they did in that match the Y .
and laboratory procedures, and hospital. help to raise' mono for Athe. 1971 -Chev. I ton Cab andChassis
P answer was "no comment", so i P Y 1972 Chevrolet Impala 4 dr. H.T.
46 Athletic Association.' tickets for dual wheels
; students to sell, were given out
Qi`at0 1972 Ford Sedan
x� x{y a r the a5sembl Mar Jansen s . 1972 Mercury Marquis 4. dr. H.T. air Cond. 1 _ T970 Chev 50 series 14 ft. Vans
.. Y j
read the financial report of the Chips101972 Ford Galaxie 500 4..dr. H.T. Y
Number of Vans. Chevs. Fords c 1
l tudent's Council. Allan also
v t s oke about the Student Council g 1911 Chevrolet 4 dr. Sedan and $automatics From 1970 to 1972.
4 P Reg. 15C
Al : � meetings which have been taking
place , to look over the new QHQ per Q"IhRtOmer
M ,
budgets which each club has -
V n submitted to the Council. M t at
of the budgets have been
accepted but there is a meeting Ai'CI11e S Sunoco RHONE 887173—The Home ofBetter Used, Can' OPEN EVERY EVENING
this week again to look at the rest
of the budgets.
There will be a dance on
October 25 at SDHS with the �: • •
ng -E, S .:
�F$ Mi A.� rH '9, T � �?•C:AY,Y'Y' �,�'. I >� iy ,M....Y 5 � �R,
Picture Day ,
Monday was picture day ; at ya
-x�h a ; yy Seaforth High School. The PR E W-1 TER VALUES
k t �A , € pictures were $3.25 for a three
heet package. We were asked to w day
3 s only
� • �;.;v f s.�a�� �: ��� ;,; ��� �� � � � , pay in advance because so many
°wa !g * 4 .•, y.a " E.. waste film by getting their
pictures taken with no intentions
of buying it. Everybody's picture
101 ill 1t Fr'i*.,Sat,,d
AT PRESBYTERY CONFERENCE — Mrs. Ruth Axtmann, Walton and Mrs. Lois was taken in black and white for
Moore, Egmondville talk over happenings with Rev. T.E.Hancock at the Huron the student cards, yearbook and
office files. The picture„ taking
Perth -Presbyter rally 'of United Church Women whrich was held at Egmondville started at year 5 at 9:30 and RN
United on Tu sday night. (Staff Photo) ended . with year 1 at 3:00.
Anyone absent on Monday willPHELatest: Fashion Colours
have a, chance to get their picture 3 ply 3.2 O Z.
taken when the photographer -
11 O1 comes back for retakes. ASSORTED COLOURS 58 - 60" Width
a PotO
,e Sl' Y,+ee
A Hot.e Ny �N ^o INE
higher than ever...
a 59
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Colours: Cafe Pecan, Charcoal,
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$1*37 '