HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-10-10, Page 2° M Y 7 of 1 ran Since 1860, Serving th4 Community First 3 dub'%ililuci at SEA.FORTH, ONTARIO, every Thursday morning, by McLIwAN BROS., Publishers Ltd. IY, * AI DREW Y. MCLEAN, Editor Member Capadian Community Newspaper Association Ontario Weekly 'Newspaper Association and Audit Bureau of Circulation �a Subscript I% Rates: " Canada (in advance) $10.00 a Year C�NA Outside Canada (in advance) $12.00 a Year SINGLE•COPIES — 25 CENTS EACH Second Class Mail Registration Number 0696 „ Telephone 527-0240 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, OCTOBER 10, 1974 .rt " Can't cut the MvOard ? Until just recently no one around " health nurses and inspectors, doctors, here could get too excited . about hospitals would'beadministered on a mustard - - - it was just a substance district wide basis. that you put on a hotdog, or rtnaybe a. There' would be no more hospital ham sandwich. auxiliaries, no more Ontario Hpspital 1 But all that was, before the Mustard , Association and" no more local Report. Since Seaforth doctor Paul hospital boards. One of the provinces' Brady slammed the report which Deputy Ministers of Health said that ' advocates gentralizing health services the smallest ,hospital in a district in Ontario at a Hospital Auxiliary might have 300 beds,Dr. Brady told convention in Seaforth last weel� there his audience. has been a' lot of concern and There were gasps from the women discussion about the Mustard Report at the meeting. Seaforth Community lod'aily. HdspRal which has just received Explaining that implementation of accreditation, reflecting'it's high the report would 'mean a loss -of standard of patient car�,has 45 beds. personal choice for patients and for Doctors will be told where to health care personnel, Dr. Brady practise and will not receive OHIP urged that convention delegates; who payments if they refuse, ' Dr. Brady ' represented over 6,000 Hospital said. The family -doctor will baa Auxiliary members, study the report phenomenon of ,the- past as sick and , "present their views to the people are assessed by a • government before it's too late".: non physician' who decides what ,"And I'm not speaking of years but doctor he or she' should see. of weegks or months", Dr. Brady said.' TheSeaforth doctor told auxiliary The sense of urgency that Dr. membrs that he found many of the Brady expressed at the Hospital 'Mustard •;:,, recommendations „..:'.`very ' Auxiliarymeeting ma . or may not be 9. Y Y alarming". We urge our readers to justified. It's hard to believe that the write their MPPs or Premier, Davis' Ontario government will stick to their office at Queens Park and ask 'for '. short time table in imposing the more information about what the changes that Mustard recommends in _ K tyi is and Report wall, .mean.;:for.hpalth ,.„. the face of opposition from most .of r care in Ontario. The report itself is the ;county . g9, ,rnappts concerned.- �� ��� joe*tt.y dismal to% iif&n4,,o read and almost every health related through. The provincial government, profession in the province, but they if it is serious about citizen might, they just might. • involvement, should have easy .to'- Certainly Mr. Davis' predecessor follow capsule versions available .now pushed and kept pushing 'and while the matter is under discussion, eventually won out in spite of the fact not later when the decisions have all that a good percentage of the public been made. was against Atralization of our We agree with some of the reports school systems. ideas. We also think that all The Mustard Report again Ontarians, no matter where they live, (.recommends Centralization, this time have a right to equally good health of health care. care. We are just not sure that a And if there is one thing we have scheme that includes shutting down learned since the county wide school hospitals ' that serve their boards were introduced here, it's,that communities because they are close bigger doesnot necessarily mean to and.invofved with them, is the best better, but it ALWAYS means more way to improve province wide health expensive. care. The worry that the regional health Better health care can come simply councils that Must and recommends from working with the hospitals, the would only add yet another highly • health units, the medical clinics and . paid bargaucratic tier to government, the specialisfs as 'they now exist to is one of the big reasons that we see help them better serve their own to criticize the report. small areas.We don't have to Another big problem we see with amalgamate. ' or establish all over Mustard is that the report's authors, again these services on a five county all of whom appear to live in the big basis and then expect better care to cities want to lump Huron County into result automatically. a health district that would be the Another empire. we do not need. largest 10 the province, including five How can we impress this upon the big countie and over half a million blue machine at Queen's Par K? peopl All health services, public he is putting in. a gasoline engine ib drive � �.. *p w� " �j `k:va�'u>� i�"�Yx. 4 �z ,a.� h z ��,'.�'�"'�fe'F,y�•,�"t ,bid ��;tyx , °�5 j <s Mt'`'`%� ,�,�` ,� �aka�lybt �, �t ¢;' �y-�'i,,'��%t� 7��°#;"��`a•{'t�gs��+ � � ' make tVYQ` }�•' `E•`rv.•:?�Kz'�.c, w ����.R�,,�rx% �,,,,� }� ��Y'f��bY .$,.>z�,*rk;.»rn� '�� °�`"` p This Week, I'm going to til e t, �dictions. For too long, I've .b een hiding t -•+, my light under a bushel, when it.comes to forecasting, and it's time to come out from -under the bushel and, raveai that I am somewhat of a seer, when it comes to the pc, • ,b a9 future. Years ago, 1.. came out against' capital 4 " F� ' ° ku punishment, It -was dote away with. I said M A� x t , s � ti .�r' " we should let Red ChirtA.,into the UN.' It was done. I said the trout were disappear- ing from our streams, be ause of pollution. cf They did, I suggested f would nover'be tt' 11 k rich. I'm not, Vh But nobody paid any attention. Only Xy S : V e, ,,y,, ; within. the family did anyone realize that I had the gift of prophecy. i told my son, "1f 7 • you don't stop goofing around, .you're ' going to flunk out of .college." He did. I told my wife, "If you dont stop worrying so much about'everything, you'll be a nervous < f. wreck.," She is. I told my daughter, "If you +► pick that baby up every time he utters s t`' t whimper, he'll be spoiled silly," He is. You see, even my own family didn't put i much faith in me, even though I'm always right, I'm somewhat like. Cassandra, the t,' �' t• "' lady from ancient Troy,. who was given the gift of foreseeing the future, and, at'the a z, sante time. the curse that giobody would ever believe here. : IC'It's time to go public. If I'm right, i'll have politicians and poets, actors and authors, beating a path, to my door. Will 1 ,t win? Will 1 be famous? Will I wow them? Will I write the great Canadian novel? t I've -decided Oto take on an +assistant, though it's only to keep' his mother from °1 starving in a cock -roach-ridden'apartment. Last rose of summer 'He will be Nikov Chen, my grandbabby. He's. half fey Iri:o and half romantic German and half blunt Canadian. That makes him 150 per cent. A natural. If he chortles. I'll tell niy whining clients "Yes". if his face -wrinkles and he starts to whiniper, as he does, i'll give my customers a blunt. "No." We -should make a million. With the new child labour laws, I'll robabl have to ive him ten er cent M J , .Well, here's my first prediction. This is k being written after: the first half of, the Canada -Russia series, They are all tied up, i With that group of tottery old men, who He'll be-dm+sse OCTOBER 6th1899 The sudden death last week of of community activities and to each he Frank Kling removed one who, in a gave freely and without reservatioh relatively short lifetime, made a those same talents with a resulting major. contribution to the town in benefit to the community as a whole. . which he was born and- in which he As a member of the Public Utility spent most of his.life. Commission and later as Mayor .he • , V was instrumental in introducing Far sighted and possessed of a programs involving town planning natural ability and much common and drains and streets *that reflect sense he early pippiied these his forward looking approach and attributes to make successes of a which contribute to long term variety of business enterprises in economies and to a better Seaforth.. ,which he was involved. So it was too in the contributions 'he He had a great curiosity. He m9de to his Church and "the many wanted to know what made thipgs organizations with which he was work arid" •thus ,he learned to fry an associated. -', Al'f0 I10 when in his -fifties.. He He was unassuming and avoided dpprq ch'ed every task and proposal personal publicity. His recognition with tj e" Glt query. "fstt't there a wag In the knowledge that the task in letter 'finny ' which fie was Involved. was being l es` 464, h 'frlgily business carfled buf effectively. F'�ltivie' tleklt 'be fat ftd tf'riie for a hdSt r' He' liiiill be missed. Maitland Cemetery was broken off at the Besides. Canadians are the biggest � �.. *p w� " �j `k:va�'u>� i�"�Yx. 4 �z ,a.� h z ��,'.�'�"'�fe'F,y�•,�"t ,bid ��;tyx , °�5 j <s Mt'`'`%� ,�,�` ,� �aka�lybt �, �t ¢;' �y-�'i,,'��%t� 7��°#;"��`a•{'t�gs��+ � � ' make tVYQ` }�•' `E•`rv.•:?�Kz'�.c, w ����.R�,,�rx% �,,,,� }� ��Y'f��bY .$,.>z�,*rk;.»rn� '�� °�`"` p This Week, I'm going to til e t, �dictions. For too long, I've .b een hiding t -•+, my light under a bushel, when it.comes to forecasting, and it's time to come out from -under the bushel and, raveai that I am somewhat of a seer, when it comes to the pc, • ,b a9 future. Years ago, 1.. came out against' capital 4 " F� ' ° ku punishment, It -was dote away with. I said M A� x t , s � ti .�r' " we should let Red ChirtA.,into the UN.' It was done. I said the trout were disappear- ing from our streams, be ause of pollution. cf They did, I suggested f would nover'be tt' 11 k rich. I'm not, Vh But nobody paid any attention. Only Xy S : V e, ,,y,, ; within. the family did anyone realize that I had the gift of prophecy. i told my son, "1f 7 • you don't stop goofing around, .you're ' going to flunk out of .college." He did. I told my wife, "If you dont stop worrying so much about'everything, you'll be a nervous < f. wreck.," She is. I told my daughter, "If you +► pick that baby up every time he utters s t`' t whimper, he'll be spoiled silly," He is. You see, even my own family didn't put i much faith in me, even though I'm always right, I'm somewhat like. Cassandra, the t,' �' t• "' lady from ancient Troy,. who was given the gift of foreseeing the future, and, at'the a z, sante time. the curse that giobody would ever believe here. : IC'It's time to go public. If I'm right, i'll have politicians and poets, actors and authors, beating a path, to my door. Will 1 ,t win? Will 1 be famous? Will I wow them? Will I write the great Canadian novel? t I've -decided Oto take on an +assistant, though it's only to keep' his mother from °1 starving in a cock -roach-ridden'apartment. Last rose of summer 'He will be Nikov Chen, my grandbabby. He's. half fey Iri:o and half romantic German and half blunt Canadian. That makes him 150 per cent. A natural. If he chortles. I'll tell niy whining clients "Yes". if his face -wrinkles and he starts to whiniper, as he does, i'll give my customers a blunt. "No." We -should make a million. With the new child labour laws, I'll robabl have to ive him ten er cent M J , .Well, here's my first prediction. This is k being written after: the first half of, the Canada -Russia series, They are all tied up, i With that group of tottery old men, who OCTOBER 10, 1924 Edward Brady, who is m the employ of Mrs. W.E.Hawley of Winthrop picked F. Eckart, Manley'. met with a painful ripe raspberries in her g --den last week. accident, when he «'as kicked by a horse, Miss Isabel Bettles of Winthrpp has = accepted a position at •Peterboro. John Eckart, Manley was one' of the ♦ _� losers in Sundav's tornado, when it blew 50 citizens, including business, teachers the verandah off his house, and employees of the mill at Zurich ,. gathered for the purpose of digging post_ Rueben Hart and family of Winthrop h61es for the erection'of the new $45,000 moved this week to Chas, Dolmage's Community Centre and Babe Siebert •+ �►+ 'hotise. iie•si of the village. Memorial Arena.lvan Kalbfleisch was in John Bullard of Winthrop is improving charge of the, work. the appearance of his residence by putting g asphalt shingles on it. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Eggert of a McKillop have returned • home afterThro� Dublin. the local had' b Wm. St ae able spending their honeymoon at her home in Marsh World of Uublin, the local hard ball fans are able Unity, Sask. , to listen {n each day to the broadcasting of Ducks Unlimited (Canada) ' the World Series. One of Seaforth's best known 4nd highly Right Wor. C. Aberh'art. respected citizen passed away in London in g �,D.G.M. of P WILSON'S PHALAROPE (Steganopus tricolor) — An eaforth paid his official visit to Zurich the person of•Robert Devereaux in his 87th interesting and attractive addition to the life of odge 224 at' Hensall %%hen there wa's a year. He was born in Tuckersmith and was large attendance. married to Johanna McGrath of Winthrop, prairie ponds, the spritely phalarope seems Frank, Ellwood of Fergus is relieving at equally at home spinning about in circles on the the C.N,R.St atisn during Mr. Kaiser's water or dashing about on shore. Well -liberated, Miss MarthaReid entertained the absence. H.G.L.Club at the home of her mother, the females of this"species wear the more color - Mrs. J. F. Reid, Mrs. J.W.Free has soldhh r residenpe to fu) plumage, take time initiative in courting, and As we go to press we learn of:the death Robert'Iiogerson of Huliett. Mrs. )Free has leave the male to raise the familyl of W.D.Bright one of Seaforlh's oldest and " leased an apartment with -Mrs. Roland tsA �4 most prominent business Men, T ennedy. ; 0 14 If have given a great account of themselves. OCTOBER 6th1899 The new blacksmith shop at Constance is and those unknown young players, make being rushed along. The cement walls are ' up the WHL team, it takes a lot of courage i T. Russell,'B.A. of Thames Road, has completed. to come out with a bluirt forecast of the been appointed secretary of the Toronto •Richard .Reid of town brought into the final result, U-niVersity Athlette tlssoeiation at a salary office this week a large branch ExpZries. But here it is. i predict -= and'it f'm not of $150.00: thatiterally covered with large ripe right on the nose, i'll drink a'bottle of A .eat number of beautiful apple trees Awa great rasp Vodka on the town hail steps - that 2,400 at Leadbury, broke down under the weight of the 2,500 Canadians going to Russia for of snow and fruit. r J. B, Henderson also informs us that the games there will be drunk sixty per there are two bushes in his garden covered cent of the, time, and hung over the other Finlay McIntosh of Leadbury has been with ripe berries: • forty per cent.. , awayt . iM`tng j number o ilo'"I"tti TUk 'th, having b� "� � �t rte" . The nearest .appioachr to a cyclone that ':.. As rothe r`se�ies itself; what does it matte who ns. It's only a game; though n $� �?.,,;,,<�eaforth has .eve ;.eicperienced:.•passed .. necessary ma with him. over here about, 6 p. m. Every hydro pole. rather entrancing combination of ballet and from the North Gravel Road to the.mayhem. A very happy .event took place at the Maitland Cemetery was broken off at the Besides. Canadians are the biggest residence of James E. Troyer, Hen§all, ground. On the farm of John .Eckart,-east of sports cry-babies in the world. If we lose, when Migs Teresa Jane, dau' hter of Mr. g the cemetery, the orchard was' almost we were robbed. If we win, it's a victor of y { Troyer was..united in marriage to James completely destroyed. , free enterprise over authoritarianlsm..This 'Monday H.Wright, machinist, of Hensall., "' is a nation of morning quarterbacks and, late Saturday night Snow to the depth of four inches covered p OCTOBER 7th, 1949 referees. mother earth at •Hensall, -a"very unusual . Thomas R. Cluff, of the Timmins Branch We're''a nation of experts, especially in w' occurrence in .September. of the Dominion Bank has,beeb transferred' hockey. After all, for several generations, 'thinks his Jacob McGee ofEgmondville 't hi to the Atitokon, Ontario branch; It is the all that the world knew Canada was any new stable entirely too grand to soiled site of the Steep Rock Mines. , Mr. and Mrs. J,H.Wrighf, former well good at was producing maple syrup, rye whiskey and hockey players. by a horse consequently he has been. residents of Seaforth and now of I've heard women who wouldn't know a looking around for an automobile. ,known Windsor, celebrated their 50th wedding shift from a nylon 'slip castigating ,tire. , Messrs. John and Frank Jackson of anniversary.. Mr. Wright was in the garage Canadian players for all sorts of sins. Egmondville have gone to Toronto to business in Seaforth for many years in the I've heard mature 'men, who couldn't resume their studies, the one at Osgoode building now owned by W.T.Teall. even skate on their ankles when they were j Hall and the other at school of Practical kids, shouting, obscenities at our players ' Science. because, "They're not hitting enou ` Results of the T.Eaton Co. bacon hog fergawsghe," When tearing up the sidewalk in front of special prize were annouriced.Firsf prize -Prize. I'ye heard teenagers of both sexe cheer the Royal Hotel, a well about 14 feet deep Robert McMillan, -Seaforth, 2nd. when some Canadian ape rammed is stick was found directly under the walk. Russet Bolton , . Dublin, 3rd . prize, into a Russian's teeth. i H. W. Willis of town is having a large W•E.D.Storey, Seaforth, 4th prize .Harry Well, that's my first prediction. The addition erected at the back of his store and Bolger, Walton, 5th Russel Bolton, Dublin, second is that l in going to win Mayor he is putting in. a gasoline engine ib drive 6th prize, W. Storey, Dublin. Drapoo's lottery. First prize. A cool million, his sewing machines •'tax free, Town and provincial police are searching This prediction is based on a for thieves who broke into a jewellery store combination of prophecy and logic, not just Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Swan oft in Clinton and escaped -with about $1,000 a wild hunch. : Brucefield have returned from a pleasant worth of watches, rings, necklaces and Look. In the past two years, i`ve broken trip to Rib Lake, Wisconsin. He was not stones my toe, my nose, two ribs, and the law. I'm very much taken with the st ates ander . not saying that the Lord is picking on.me. i tri more contented with his own home. Mrs. James McNairn 'ofEgmondville just don't think hes been keeping his- eye i James Purcell of Egmondviile has won the consolation prize at a draw held by on this little sparrow, when he, falls. i purchased Russel Hill's driver and a a London firm at the Western Faif.She It's time for a different kind of break, • comfortable buggy and will now be able to, received a voucher worth $40.00. and the law of averages suggests to the cam on his business with greater ease. John Scott of Cromarty has sold his occult side of me , tha�it's going to be the Big Million. When people arose on Saturday and house and lot to Geo. Wallace. looked from their windows, they were Fred Dobbs,of Exeter has purchased the j surprised to -see all the ground. covered Passmore garage in Hensall, and gets J� with ricrac inches of snow,, immediate possession, A OCTOBER 10, 1924 Edward Brady, who is m the employ of Mrs. W.E.Hawley of Winthrop picked F. Eckart, Manley'. met with a painful ripe raspberries in her g --den last week. accident, when he «'as kicked by a horse, Miss Isabel Bettles of Winthrpp has = accepted a position at •Peterboro. John Eckart, Manley was one' of the ♦ _� losers in Sundav's tornado, when it blew 50 citizens, including business, teachers the verandah off his house, and employees of the mill at Zurich ,. gathered for the purpose of digging post_ Rueben Hart and family of Winthrop h61es for the erection'of the new $45,000 moved this week to Chas, Dolmage's Community Centre and Babe Siebert •+ �►+ 'hotise. iie•si of the village. Memorial Arena.lvan Kalbfleisch was in John Bullard of Winthrop is improving charge of the, work. the appearance of his residence by putting g asphalt shingles on it. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Eggert of a McKillop have returned • home afterThro� Dublin. the local had' b Wm. St ae able spending their honeymoon at her home in Marsh World of Uublin, the local hard ball fans are able Unity, Sask. , to listen {n each day to the broadcasting of Ducks Unlimited (Canada) ' the World Series. One of Seaforth's best known 4nd highly Right Wor. C. Aberh'art. respected citizen passed away in London in g �,D.G.M. of P WILSON'S PHALAROPE (Steganopus tricolor) — An eaforth paid his official visit to Zurich the person of•Robert Devereaux in his 87th interesting and attractive addition to the life of odge 224 at' Hensall %%hen there wa's a year. He was born in Tuckersmith and was large attendance. married to Johanna McGrath of Winthrop, prairie ponds, the spritely phalarope seems Frank, Ellwood of Fergus is relieving at equally at home spinning about in circles on the the C.N,R.St atisn during Mr. Kaiser's water or dashing about on shore. Well -liberated, Miss MarthaReid entertained the absence. H.G.L.Club at the home of her mother, the females of this"species wear the more color - Mrs. J. F. Reid, Mrs. J.W.Free has soldhh r residenpe to fu) plumage, take time initiative in courting, and As we go to press we learn of:the death Robert'Iiogerson of Huliett. Mrs. )Free has leave the male to raise the familyl of W.D.Bright one of Seaforlh's oldest and " leased an apartment with -Mrs. Roland tsA �4 most prominent business Men, T ennedy. ; 0 14 If