HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-10-03, Page 15. ii¢ " i
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iN CROP,Iand for the 197 season in
the Seaforth area. 1 to Box BRIAN K. RICHMAN particulax xequ9rement of the I 'would like '#o thank my "_q 'YAN $12d!
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t'+ S
i4o. 3149, The Huron Expositor. 4.* CLEARING •tender .e, `+No.2 garbage- dins• and .relatives •for th,pt! ki, , rJ,dhn �V1n `,13'00,, ,of, + "A
I 17-6 •'1 o ra h ' P'R'OPERTY, ANTIQUE AND HOUSEHOLD AUCTION , * AUCTION SALE posal. may b.e, submitted to .lite $
0 . Coloured Photography p y remembrances of cards 0 it ,4
� oxnhohtl, o(t I ids , , .d�feJmh
` straits ' . Of -Furniture. H usehold undeFstg>Re4 op ar beftae. ftyG and visits while t was a ,0i}tl nt In ;20� twin 1boysi _110sloP t✓4 '�1' , , ;
P.o for Effects. etc. on, ' Frank o'c k ' • he' a Brno a ober Se f rth Co mttnzt os tial a d and '�etly, lVlllt�rla at ,:�tx��gfi .
is. rpirty. WaftedI 1, l4e . tn:.., ...,n, o t. a o X # R,. ,
. - Weddings s *. . , ' ROBERT WILLIAM NESBITT ESTATE - * Street `in t e tow "' of 27 taQ:�� i
g . >? 11, 1994 also: Appreciate kindness of the General klospttal, n
I Mitchell on Tie lowest or an tender not, doctors• and nursing #ftaff. -- `i,
CASH down payment and - * Y g '
favorable,terms in return fbr Ton Aerials 42 Wilson Street, Seaforth,,,Dorth west of the main intersection • SATURDAY', OCT. 5th y P d, - , g a x
��,,�g * necessarily accepted. Mar a___ McBrien. 29-G0 1 SCIILVEIDI?fi ,a Mfr pfd; t;s•
i term ' lease of farm house `* n *- , (watch for sign's) ' * at 1:00 o'clogk . ' Mwri$ $040 , r�' rpdh,a 0. ,,+ ,04"
good well, septic tank, hydro and Call 1-(519) 345.25Q8 ° * * CONSISTING OF:. GQRDONMcKENZIE Sincere thanks to my family, September 90., ant `' il-Se4. rth
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5th at 1 P.M. refrigerator; Elecric stove: ADMI11iI$TRATOR relatives and friends for all the Community :Hospita1, a so1h, '
garden space. Prefer Exeter or' * M
PROPERTY: will be offered at 3 m. subject to a ver moderate dressers: chests of SEAFORTH COMMUNITY Oz
Seaforth area. Reply to Box Collect ' * kitchen cabinet;• beds; kindness shown me While I was a • • 2- 6 ,
' #3148, The Huron ' * p' I Y * HOSPITAL , patient to the hospital, Your ,
reserve bid as executrix is anxious to sell. Extra large lots with drawers; antique chairs; visits, cards and treats were truly NOTT ' -- To lvlr, gild Mfis,,
1" ,*Expositor. 18.60-1 R.it.2, Staffs. Ont. * beautiful trees, 2 store •-hous,e, insul brick and asbestos covered,, q Z1 60-2
Y * "small appliances: ,wicker. - appreciated. Special thanks to Dr. Beverley Nott, of R.R.gI Cllntan,
19-60-tf w ' * new roof, new gas furnace, full basement, bath, kitchen with fernery;ma azine rack; Stapleton. doctors. Nurses and of Seaforth^Community Hospital I 11
19. Notices g P
built in cupboard, dining room, living room, several bed -rooms, lams radios; small on'Se tember.2$ a son, 27-60x,1
.' "k lamps; ,, rr staff of University Hospital; p'ii
' NOTICE ( clothes and linen closets, garage. Don't overlook this particularly * extension table; extension - B V i ld� n g London. - Millie Evans. 24-60-1 ��
' good property close to .dow!own Seaforth. * table; wringer washer; drop WADDELL - To Mr. and IvX.rs,.
We are shipping cattle every * TERMS: 10% down, balance in 30 days. For further 'leaf table; 2 wash stands: ' For We would .like to express our James Waddell, %11,2, Staffz, at- -
Monday to United Co -Operatives SERVICE * information contact Mrs. Nixon. Rhone 527-0738, Executrix or'* treadle , sewing machine; sincere thanks to all our relatives. Self rth Community Hospital•on
(` of Ontario. To arrange for pick-up the Auctioneers. * hand and garden tools: Sa le
' friends, nei hbours and Se tber 24, a son. 27-60x1iat your farm phone by Monday 8 We Id
will pick up all Dead * ANTIQUES: ,gunstock chairs; cane bottom chairs; wooden g J g p
and Disabled ,Cows and * copper • boiler-, dishes and especially our family and chivaree
fi A.M, * chairs; rockers; leather backed chairs and rockers; wall cupboard * ,glassware; and many other neighbours who• made our 2
WILLIAM J. DALE Noises' and, Stocker Cattle * with glass top; wash,stands; dressers; beds (1 with oak carved
and all small animals FREE items too numerous to &Removal Wedding Anniversary such a
`Seaforth 527.0471, front); pine blanket box; 9 pc. ribbon design toilet set, excellent * mention. ha y occasion. Your cards and
19 60-tf as a service to you. We * condition; china bail and lid; china jardiniere; crocks: oil%lamps; * TERMS: CASH Sealed bids will be accepted gifts are all reatly appreciated
have three trucks to service P g g PP 4Y.
* sealers; 3 settees, con ch style; wicker stool; hall table with *' No reserve as property i until and, will long be remembered.
� you 24 hours 7 days a week; • * drawer; wooden Secretary with china cabinet and mirror;
HURON DEAD Phone Collect umbrella stand with mirror; oak buffet with mirror; old wall nun * S°'� You made our Anniversary �a
♦C g NOTE: This offering is in OCTOBER 15, 1Y74 happy one. Sincerely, Naomi and
STACK REMOVAL c1Qck; kitchen cabinet with leaded wind pw and mirror; rocker
r • 881 .9334 *, A 1 shape, so plan fo Harold Pryce. 24-60-I
* chair with cane seat; 'mantel clock; bedroom screen; thunder attend. for the purchase and removal of a
IV . *• mug with lid; some pressed glass, cryst'al; Nippon .& Limoges . MISS ANNIE TUER building approximately 36' x 60'. , CUDMIORE The family of the
Clinton, Ontario * dishes; mustache cup; china tooth pick holder; tea, set service for * Proprietress Removal to be completed by Nov. late Stewart Cudmore wish to
Brussels * 12: dining room table with 2 leaves.* 15/74. Arrangements to look at express sincere thanks and deep •
We pick up all.farm stock free of HOUSEHOLD: Clare Bros." wood and coal stove; Moffat 4°"' the buildin and obtain further
charge. * burner stove; Leonard refrigerator; erator; radio; Admiral 21" TV; * R. G. GETHI{E g appreciation to• relatives, friends Police News
g RICHARD LOBB particulars may be obtained from and neighbors for floral tributes,
MThree trucks for fasts efficient Pet Food n•* 'Beatty washing in Niagara massage 'attachments: * TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED g
service. ..Auctioneers . donations to the cancer fund also
¢vacuum cleaner; pots, .pans and kitchen dishes; cedar chest; * SEAFORTH 527-1911 A. L. VAUGHAN
7 days a week, 24 hours a da * Not responsible for for the many acts of kindness and
k Y Y plate glass mirror; wooden tables; sewing machine, etc. accidents on day of sale. Ask for Bill Strong expressions of sympathy in the CHIEF OF POLICE
1 Call Collect - 482-9811 Supplies' * TERMS Cash *. p p Y
License No, 378C - 74 1. . l 8 * 20 60 1 21-60 2 loss of a dear husband, father and
Cal( us first, you won't have to Lic. 399 • C 73 .Auctioneers grandfather. Special thanks to .
Y * 23. BUS. Directory. During the week 'the Seaforth
call art 'one else. 19-60-tf 19-60-tf � * R.S.Box and Rev. M.E.Reuber,
. Y HUGH FILSON * 21. Tenders Wanted ' , Police Department investigated
. 11* -�- Mr.'and Mrs.Harvey McLarnon, 32 occurrent s consisting of the
* TOM RbASON * TENDER . pallbearers, nowerbearers and followng: F g
Zurich 666-08,33 Phone 666-1967 . _ UN- Towers the ladies of Northside united
20. Auction Sales Ott . 20-59-2 .. Domestic • .rl
C/� Church.. 24-60x1
'� 'Al�it.11ci�con G�orryi•C� Pr operty Damage "1
4 �� 11� I r * f Antennas, Rotors and -Boosters Break and Enter' I
v, r� Installed and Repaired i wish to thank Dr. Malkus. Dr.
�. p ✓ aero a� 9e%rrenh'Vt1 • Phone d Underwood, the Canadian Legion Lost and Found 4 1,,
.Custom butchering. Pigs Monday Lobb Qty Geth'ke Notice and those who visited me or sent Assist Public 6.,
g y EVERY FRIDAY 8 P. M. will receive plainly marked sealed • Auto Theft (Unfounded) 2
morning and Beef Wednesday � p cards while 1 was a patient in the
monping.Cutting and 'wrapping AUCTION CALENDAR tenders on the following H. Elliott hospital — Melvin General Police Info. 7
sand quick freezing. Call collect til
CAcheson. '24-60x1 Disturbance 1236-4939. 19 =60-tf. - Auctioneers& Appraisers - V U I' eS 262-2829 Police Escott, 1A u e o n S a I e p p . ]-Would like to thank a I of our Theft .
. HARDTMAN & Clinton Monkton _ _ y l
482-7898 347-2465 required for our Elementary and 23-59-3 relatives, friends and neighbours M.V.C. H. & R. 1
STRACK LTD BALGAUCTIONS LI1VVllTED Secondary, Schools up to for the flowers, gifts and cards Animals 2
. Sia., Oct. 5 at 1 P.M. - - • .. g Insecure Pro lert 2
Mortgages are our only business. 12 O'CLOCK LOCAL TIME received during m stayin, P t
Furniture, Antiques, etc g y Dangerous Conditions 1
' Let Waterloo's oldest grid most BRUSSELS, ONTARIO FRIDAY ,,-OCTOBER ]8,1974 NORM WHITING Stratford Hospital and for the
on Frank Stiect in the P 14 Motorists were stopped and/
experienced mortgage firm help help aft er i came home. Sincerely Pp
Town of Mitchell for Special > this week, warned for minor defects.
M you to purchase a home or linens, new chesterfield, Audio Visual Support' LICENSED AUCTIONEER Mr:' and Mrs.Bailie & Fam+ll
y' 3 -Persons charged under the
Miss Annie Tuer. bedroom, kitchen suites, lamps, coffee end -table sets. bedding, Equipment, & Dublin. 24-60-1
cottage; to use -the equity in your Sat., Oct. 19 at 1:30 ' stereos, component sets, btink'beds, recliners and giftware at Art Supplies, Highway Traffic Act.,
home to cdnsolidate debts dr to P g' pp 'APPRAISER
�••*it wi • Snowmobiles. Ball 'Auctions russels to ' 887-9363. (Bud et Plan General Classroom Supplies, b �1 ..Pecsar� ..charged- und®r;• •tfie•
n improve it withotif cmbtirrassing , , ,, • „I'll r . QP g pP , Prompt, Courteous, Efficient To ,dor friends in' Seaforth and g
;u, �IrMotttrcyydcsaeteiat i'r 11yT•• .> avatlaGfe, r - p Li nor Control Act,
1 credit"' investigations; for , WPW600lts, area, To the entire hospital staff. q
.Gully, Varna. 20-60-1 P 2 Minor Accidents reported and
confidential', competent sere, -ice, Office Supplies, We wish to say thanks for all y our:. p
. t+' for mortgages from $1501 to Sat.Oct.l2 at 1 'o'clock Paper Supplies, and Physical ANY TYPE, ANY SiZE, help, • consideration, investigated with a damage
co isiruction loans; call collect, Real Estate furniture, Education E ui men]. estima estimat ed at $200.00.
1 , ' q p ANYWHERE• understanding and sympathy
Waterloo 884-6030. 19-60 tf antiques, etc. St. David dommwi during our recent bereavement -
I 11.Street, Mitchel,for�aitiel. MSN 11�Specifications and Tender forms We give complete sale service. Dr. and Mrs:• Whitman and Local Briefs"
If you arc 'thinkingof F. Eickmeyer. may be,obtainea from the Board ,
family, 24-60-1 v
buying or selling 20-60-1 Offices, 103 Albert St., Clinton, PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE * Mr. Thomas R. Cluff, of
RATHWELL'S OCTOBER AUCTION CALENDAR 'Ontario. • , A - i wish to thank my friends and Montr'cal, was here this weekend -
ANTIQUES r Phone Collect relatives and Seaforth Public • attending the funeral of the late
'b; OR • AUCTION SALE Oct: 5 at 1:15 P.M. - Property and contents for the Estate. of Lowest or any tender not 235-1964 Exeter 23-60-tf School for the lovely cards and J•Scott Cluff.
USED FURNITURE of Morgan Agnew. 226 Mary St., Clinton. necessarily accepted. , treats sent to me while a patient Ross Nicholson has been
Oct. 12 at 1.15 P.M. —Machinery, tools and household effects, D. J. COCHRANE E. C. HILL s in Seaforth Hospital. Special recuperating at Seaforth
contact antiques for Howard Lemon, Stanley Township. Director of Education Chairman JOHN E. LONGSTAFF thanks to Dr. Brady and Dr. Community Hospital after an
- 'Rede Oct. 16 - Clinton Kinettes - fundraising auction - support your 21-60-1 w 0 Malkus and the nursing staff. - emergency operation.
NORM WHITING Kinettes and give 'a donated -item. OPTOMETRIST ' ' Cheryl Read. 24-601 Arthur Nicholson. presently is
• Oct. 18 at 7 .P.M. - to be held at Knapps Auction rooms, undergoing surgery at Thornhill,
Exctcr•235-1964 Seaforth, iof area estates. TOWN -OF SEAFORTH By Appointment Only Ontario.
, 1 P i n e Oct. 19 at 1:15 P.M. - at 185 St. David St., Goderich. Household- Seaforth Office Mr. Harold Barry -left last week
We buy estates, household A contents. - Tues.,Wed:,Thurs.,Fri. 25. In Memorlaltri for England where he will visit his '
lots or single articles.Oct.'26 at 1:00 P.M. for the Estate of Jabez Rands, 120' Police 9'to5:30 P.M. sister and other relatives. On his
l . 19 �0-tf Pole. s ' Wellin ton --St., Clinton. . Thursday evenings- return .he will motor to Victoria
._ g McCLI CHEY — in memory of a
• ; E�AVESTROUGHING. Quality WEDNESDAY,OCTOBER 9,1974 W, 20.60-1 • - Monday only - Clinton Office dear husband, dad and B•C. where he will spend the
work at' realistic prices. Phone Crui ser For Appointment grandfather., who passed away winter.
11 }, at 2 P.M. Sharp. Phone 527-1240 - or 482-7010 Mr, and Mrs. Lorne' Lawsiin
345-2904. 19-9x2 one year ago, September 29th.
I at the Wawanosh Valle 23-60-tf Loving and kind in all hist ays, returned: home Thursday evening
y The Town of Seaforth invites Upright and just to the end of • after spending ten days with Miss
, CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Conservation Area, Concession ttttt� • tenders for the supply of a new Dorothy, Jack and Reg. Edwards,
+**#~ police cruiser.A 1975 model car is G. A. WHITNEY his days,
and #7, Lot 31, East Wawanosh Mr.. and Mrs. Maurice Young,
� Sincere and kind in heart and g'
I` PROCESSING Township required and there will be no FUNERAL HOME ; Mr. and Mrs. Larry Maloney of
requirement to accept a trade-in. mind, Kalcida, Mr. and Mrs.Art Crane
Beef -Mondays, Hogs -Tuesdays For further information conact CLINTON HOME TO BE AUCTIONED The. specifications of equipment 87 Goderich St. W., Seaforth What a beautifu) memory he of Winnipeg, Mr. and Mrs. Ken P
AL'S MARKET the: We have been instructed to sell by auction the property and rcuired may be obtained at the left behind. Nichol of Miami, Mr. and `
Phone Seaforth 527-1390
Phone 262-2017 Secretary- ronttnts forthe ESTATE OF - MORGAN AGNEW on the • office of the Town Clerk. Tenders -Sadly missed by wife Pearl and Mrs. Ed. Crawford, Mrs. Harry
19-60-tf Maitland Valley Conservation premises at 226 Mary Street, Clinton on torsi be Min the hands of: 23 60-tf Family. 25-60x1 McCallum, Mr. and Mrs. Alex
SEPTIC TANKS Authority SATURJpAY, OCTOBER 5 at 1:15 P.M. MR. WAYNE ELLiS Hunter and Warren of Manitou,
CLEANdD Box 5, Wroxeter, Oniario PROPFRTY - One storey frame bungalo%N . 3 bedrooms. Glen. CHAIRMAN R. S. BOX McLLWAIN - in loving rnenpory Manitoba.
Phone 519-335-3557 large -1k ingroom. dining room. kitchen, 3 pe. bath. back Protecticsn to Persons — of Larry McLlwain who died . Mrs. Pearl Shaddick of Hensall
20-59-2 cnt:incc, Carpel. rnd basement with oil furnace. situated on two Property Committee, FUNERAL HOME suddenly 10 years ago, Oct. 3. visited with Mrs. T. J. Flynn last
Modern equipment. We } ' ' Y
guathntee all work. Write or call ' . lots and has a single car garage. ,. SEAFORTH, Ont ario A silent thought week. .
A complete CONTENTS - Oak round pedestal table.'b maiching chairs and no Tat er than Phones: A secret tear Mrs. Mona McTaggart of
'Harvey Dale. Set�fori�l-i. Phonz;" } _ gg
Clinton , 482-3320. 19-60 tf HERD DISPERSAL SALE buffet, small bow glass frrnnt china cabinet.rcnrh provincial 5:00.0'CLOCK P.M. Day 527-0680 - Night 527.0885 Keeps his memory ever dear. Toronto, Mrs. Thelma Broomley
for Kenneth Britton. R.R,2, chesterfield and chair:2 recliner chairs (ne%%): 4 pc. bedroom OCTOBER 11, 1974 23-60-tf ` Time takes away the edge of of Kitchener spent the weekend
. ' - Custom Dublin. Sale to be held at Listowel suite Une\w): games table toLd): Victorian arm chair: 3 dra-,wcr 21 t60, 1 grief with• Mrs. T. J. Flynn,
Livestock Market on drop front ,writing desk \vitro book case abowc; oak book case: 2 PERCY WRiGHT But memory turns back every Mr. and Mrs. William M. Hart
• other bookcases: _ cedar chests; wicker and oak \writing TENDERS
Spray FRIDAY OCTOBER.L disk: leaf: and Mr. and Mrs. Geor e R.
{<, at I P.M.cherry commode: chest of dra"ers pith mustache nulls: small -Always remembered and sadly Johnston of West Lorne have
- it * } • For services required by LICENSED
I` , Pa inti n CONSiSTING OF: 32 grade birds cye maple KY,,; cherry, dresser complete \with mirror: missed. — Mom; Dad and family. ,returned home after a' 2 -week
g Holstein cows by unit bulls such - Seaforth Community Hospital as 25-60-1
hoakrast hcadboatd hid; pr. chronic suite: leather follows: AUCTIONEER holiday to the East Coast and
Barns and industry as Belle Bo%' and Medalish, some chesterfield: oak case -brass pulls; \wall clerk (lie\\): other \'lock%: , 1 SNOW REMOVAL
} while there attended. a Real -
fresh, others in full flow of milk. wardrobe: 3 dinnentional Iiictures of this propel -IN and others in •" Kippen, Ontario 26. Personal . Estate convention in Halifax. '
Free Estimates Some due later. 16 heifers dire shad\,\\ box fi:a les; glassi d china: pia ~rand: lana ps:
1 pipe } for necessar snow plowing, Mrs. Harry Greb of Kitchener
Phone 482-9202 from Oct. to March by Medalish. bedding: hand and garden tools: cnicr\; \\ood kitchen sto\c. Y P g• Telephone ' and her uncle Mr. Cornelius
1' JIM BOLGER 22 yeal•lings and cal\•rs by , snow removal, snow blowing, and pone 262-5515 -Hensall Mr, and Mrs.'Melvin Graham, ,
�PPLIANCF.S • Admiral _ door filo: Leonard ticetric ,i0" ranI- Spain of Florida visited Seaforth
R.R.# 2 Clinton Medalish and Emperor. This herd Hoover spin \\ashcr dryer 8000 b.t„u air conditioner and small sanding as may be required from 23-60-tf Bruhcomincefield, wish to announce' their
he P
19.60-tf has been on D.H.I. A. for six yell's appliances .1h" }" vault. . time to time on roads at Seaforth forthcoming marriage of their friends on Friday.
• ' and have exteptionalh• good - Community Hospital and on LOU ROWLAND daughter,Sandra Anne to David Mr. Glen Smith, who recently
s C t l n,;-. TRANSPORT LTD Gregory Burns son of Mr and underwent an operation in
udders, Unit bulls used for years, Property selling at -3:00 P.M. subject to rra•sonable reKcr\c to en ennta %1. , , - ,
co�\•s in calf to service 'of Royal clear estate.. 1(1°:, -down• balance in 30 rims, Mrs. Antoine Garon, Clinton. The Toronto, has returned home. His
Mark Dale ani] Ennperc{t•. Mr. r Tenders to indicate equipment to P.C.V. Class CDF & FS wedding to take place Saturday, sister, Mrs. Agnes Hunter
Britton lost his barn and feed is a NO RESERI E ON CONTENTS — TER11S CASH. be used and rate per hour Serving Dublin & Seaforth areas Ot`tober 26, 1974, at 4 P.m. in the returned with him.
rePce4vt fire which is causing this including necessary operator for Phone 345-2301 Dublin anytime. - Brucefield United Church, Mr, and Mrs, George Daveys 'of
sale. RATH«'ELL'S AUCTION SERVICE each unit. 23-60-tf Brucefield, Ontario. 26-60x1 Edmonton, Mr. and Mrs. Dick . ,
Parker of Lethbridge and Mrs.
TERMS - Cash Bn'uc'cticld•-IR-'-•11-'0 2 GARBAGE DISPOSAL Irene Martin 'of Climax, Sask.,
Af�1STETT JEWELLERS LTQ Mrs. Stan Dorranee of Cornwall,
Auctioneers ' • Miss Lynne Godfrey and -Geor e
• Listowel 20-59-2 ' FALL CLEANING For the removal and disposal of Y Y g
• TiME.
`accun5ulated wet and,dry garbage
Watch and .Jewellery Repairs
- Lee of Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs.
Turn vour old furniture and
at intervals of not 1nore than 24
J.K.B.Brown Toronto were
household effects into cash.
— We Sell and Service — I
recent guests of Mr. and Mr.s
We will either bud or ,\ li it
Further information concerning
M.H.1vlcltenzie and Mrs. Mae
for you. From .malle,t item'
any of. the tender requirements
may be obtained from the
Mr. and Mrs -Jacobsen and son
undersigned. `
-- '1 Stores -
of Elmira were weekend guests of
Miss Ethel McClure .
Individual sealed r tenders
M'r's, Mite' 1560alicc has fii 2di •'n , ,
i'hone 5`L i-OZ�10
covering Each of the re4uireinentfl
patient tdir shine time. at •�r�ai`4`rtfi . 1*
and on which is to be indicat�he
' .(
Community ,
11 11
. t
. 11,7
'11- 6. n