HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-10-03, Page 9.„ , ... .. .. ..... , ",.,.:. . ,..:, k 1r:.x�' !9 5:, ,l. I..� FT r ,P. ,. ":C91:•rt T., v ' S . • ..' ..; , � w. I •.9 . , , t r .i. r ,T,. ,. 1. "•:?laT,'1 ��: T'.'.<"?:;��: r. s ...'.':'rT Pt• vA ..2L- ... [ � ,tial:'!, a , .. .. � ,1 i... ,,r.,-• l;,':,..y n- ...•, w 1. ,.. Douglas:;Cllexyl Centenaires 16 Nome Games' Anyone v anLantltlyt, ,TP}�P�o�g ele_ Bible to win a trip to the Bahamas •• 'Slow Doug }as. Achtevow t Day vvi11 u WINTHROP- 1A�ARRETTEB who. recently' won the Ladies Pitch be, held pecettlli�,r Championship in a league including SlabtoWn, Brussels and Brodhagen. They won. :. .:. The girls .were 1,00'ed 14th? a trophy donut ed by 'Re'eve,Alian Campbell and Mrs. Beatrice Campbell.. Front rqups as tgllows:, cookingDouglas, Row - Pat Bernard, Irma Pryce, Ruth Campbell, Carol Ann Campbell (captain), An i CONTON' , ANTAltl"t BOX OFFICE OPEN ,a -P4 $H.O•W sTAi TS lido R.M 00", 6 Weekends Only after Sept. 1. FK• +AY .'SATURDAY ,: SUNDAY ' October 4 5-A n Fp%P.RFrSEM,rS aantuRx. QR TOE } " L T Of! TIDE: Entertainment ,.;, . J-( ... i .:.. •.� . [ A 4.:' f fp., -ts. lar., . n,,.ty. 0, . I/rliilillll� ntertpinment _y ""'-"' VIPERGR OF THE MORTH P0LE Attention - �.�p►utt'trr Veterans a - Ex -Service Men and Women and Dependents • 'rhe, Royal Canadian Legion Service Bureau Officer H. W. MOYER Provincial Service Officer of London will be visiting in the -area. Anyone• wishing information, advice oi• assistance, regurd- iiig War Disability Pensions, Treatment, Allowances, etc., is requested to contact the Service Officer, or 'Secretary, of the Local Branch, whose nati-te°'appears below, NOT LATER THAN OCTOBER 10th TO ARRANGE AN INTERVIE SERVICE OFFICER: 44,0R(ir H. MILLER, `FAFORTH, 527 -Lit' - WED., THURS., •FRI., SAT. Vigilante, city style° judge, jury, and executioner. WT.2,3,4,5 �FFIW-Vl A I',u,unrtp,t Rt,it`,L r DINO DE LAllRENT1i5 Pu•5rnls - C }: s� r�WN ... � IT MIC L WINNER him '>r "DEATH WI$H,,,, Ir,,w tla•.a'v "DEATH WiSH"I'� BRIAN GARFIELD ';, by WENDELL MAYES t 0 CE "tu t l y NAL LJ1Nl>FJ2S ,u, r BOBBY ROBERTS ro i`,.L�7DMMTruLtt_A�N Duet'Ierldn tl ,• P`I, tur,V t• MIC�iAELwiNNER TECHNICOLOR A f'.udn,runt Rra+dd,•e •, \�' i SUN., MON., TUES. OCT. 8,7,8 TO BE ANNOUNCED, t N LISTING NOT AVAILABLE AT PRESS TiME WED., THURS., FRIT, SAT. OCT. 9,10,11,12 NO dnes faster di 9,7 owyLarry, # 4 der ' .• , odrrearN/raA;WMA04WF--1PICA* CX41WW.sfra"w eolerarOrWxd• �,� . Adult lotettainthent i I C�¢ y ,i ' ir' A4d" • . , j,. I t .` r �; •'e x t,r �: ; � o ��� x 1r /f "" I ` , The, Sea�forth W ' Jn ti* . 1 • i?tlle.s ,. l�S. tote will -hold their ;Oetober meeting 'in the Seai'orth 1?041i,.c L School, Tuet<slay, 9etober A ,ai .8;15 P.M. This Is Publie`Relatl ns meeting " by Mrs. Ke= nethCampbell and Mrs,, Lorne � lsFiiN ltMiy { * r t I , K Lawson. Guests will be Sister >o Branches Grand Bend, Zurich, Crediton, Dashwood, Elitnville, } ly#a g r ox Abe lug it'q 1o4 �►` also members are to bring a 1 ,4r1�i44 3� Cna ?e,l tIj guest. A program is'planned and �' i a the;Ilole, A Ivirt;;,�Ip'i�lllatge the Bradley Family, Clinton- will fs el e, r entertain with songs, Roll call!1e�e�et�",�f�n�lloi;`�� How many times have 1 visited M lite xldent+ (lrinatgr�r>T.sli�j Sep,r M my neighbor In the last nxQntb, , Teas, n>Iiie No llgr Ax i tl�ltt Lunch is in charge of Mrs I°_ Seth' Ainlsc >li�t�t <, >x� Wilfred Coleman, Mrs, Gordon Ite,ortet `':rBs#t+tlnMs. McKenzie, Mrs. Jas, keys. tex'tt4tt4�, �'at rbr�irit*.lat'` gar„et Zaino; H�� 4oyet's -° :�pt�l�' ” r Country and We-tern,EntertainInent SATURDAY NIGHT in the Egmo'ndvmle United Church � entertcun Cookers fdt Their name. Bonnie P Norris gave the Secretary's re- d the Japenese -young people' fro' ,Toronto topic.ort.MOurDHe itagelasiscussefrom New ,A group of young people from Hamilton were guests of the Chbir..all members of present and .France and d. Mrs- )rood e -and the Japanese United Church in '.young people of the Egmondville past Church Classes. under, the was reviewed. Mrs .Wallace and v U d Ch cth on Sunda Last direction of Mrs Arnold Scott Mrs. Douglas did a small skit nrte ur y. winter the Teen -Age Church Membership Class, Church Class '74, had accepted a LIVE/LOVE project, a personal relationship with the Japanese Church. In May accompanied by their min- `iater, Rev. T. E. Hancock and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rose, they attended the service in, Hamilton .and shared in, fellowship with their you ifg .people. ft To return that hospitality, the Egtnondville young people acted as hosts for the Sunday morning worship service and the mothers under the convenership of Mrs. Jim Rose served a buffet lunch. At the service Brenda Haney, Church Class '71,`Robert�aney, Church Class '73, .and ouglas Henderson, . Church Class '74 E I) K N I G H T R Q O M read the lessons, The ushers were Lyle Haney, Brian Dietz, Richard Smith and 'Bradley, Carnochan. MO David Smith acted as sound Elgin. I Fisher - Playin' g this engineer. A been Aj;e Girls' sang•two anthems. The minister engaged in a conversation with the two Japanese leaders present, Mrs. Wm, Harms andMrs. W. tokiwa. Sixty-seven persons sat down to the buffet luncheon. Mervin Nott. Clerk of Session, brought greetings and. Bruce Coleman, Recording Steward, thanked 'the ladies. Mr,- Hancock showed picturesof the Hamilton visit. This exchange provided an op- portunity for fellowship, -worship and socialization for groups of different racial backgrounds. about bartering prices for goods in early years. Personals Mr, and Mrs. Calder McKaig have returned home after spend- ing some time in British Colum- bia. visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Smith. While there they also attended the 50th Wedding - Anniversary celebrations of Mr. McKaig's cousins, Mr., and Mrs. George McKaig of White Rock, and went 'sight-seeing on Van- cou•ver • island. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. -Scott arrived home last week following a motor trip to the Western provinces. Debbie Hulley, Winthrop, spent the weekend with her cousins, Steven, Lisa, and Leanne . Gardiner. , Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laing arid - Tommy, and Mrs, John Jefferson ' visited Sunday with Mr. and -Mrs. Donald Riehl, Seebach's Hill. Marilyn Laing is spending a Park ., receives, Mrs. Mary Malcolm had visit- two-week,vacation with'relatives • t' ing her this weekend her grand- in Regina, Moose Jaw and IN THE LADIES and ESCORTSROOA!' weekend added g ifts son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Calgary. ' A 4gcolm from Simcoe. Xi I'' and SQA"?' IRIjAY r Additional gifts received by the r Mr. Jack Frost, St. Thomas, Ellkl y BOTTLE Park and Pool Campaign, include and Mrs. Jean Dill, . Dublin, AT THE the following: visited Miss Turnbull and Mrs. 'Collection Service Fred � I�arburn � ' , ,Previously ack'd:• , $4229.00 Mary Malcolm recently. Both Call ARCHIE Victor Chaper ``5.00 , Jean and Jack were born and ROYAL HOTEL Mrs. Wilmer Kelly 3:00 raised on E. William St., rightat Mrs. Catherine Austin 3.00 across from my own home.5 � No Name - 2.00 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Grierson, 27�g721 Tota! $4242.00 Guelph, ailed on Miss Turnbull . 2 0 Tasty Chicken Wings for Snacks MITCHELL u this weel, AMPLE FREE PARKWO -- WE SERVE BEVERAGE ROOM LUNCHEONS In The'_ 1`L to 2 Qnd 6 to 8 Crown Room AT VERY LOW PRICES — sQLID COMMERCIAL HOTEL -- SeaforthSiLVE:R Zurich Chamber of Commerce -presents: IN THE ZURICK'ARENA. - ON, SAT., OCL, 12 6 P.M. TO 1 A.M. r German Food m German.Music two eic eaNns `The Alpenaires! Gard Harrison and 'The Harbouriff 5' 1974 vanetul wumraarva $2,00 .pat person 0 " P .0p* en Br'oombdll Meeting, All persons interested in playing broom'ball in the Seafo.rth Broomball League, Are invfted to a meeting Thursday Night, October 3rd at 8 p.m., second floor, of Town Hall. THIS MEETING IS FOR LA PIES AND MEN The family of DON and ANN WOOD invite you to.a#end their parenVs Z1 t'h Vedding 'Anniversary Seaforth Legion on CTOBER 12 from 9tol Musile by `Nie Lincoln Green Lunch following No gifts, please ets ow Douglas:;Cllexyl Centenaires 16 Nome Games' Anyone v anLantltlyt, ,TP}�P�o�g ele_ Bible to win a trip to the Bahamas •• 'Slow Doug }as. Achtevow t Day vvi11 u WINTHROP- 1A�ARRETTEB who. recently' won the Ladies Pitch be, held pecettlli�,r Championship in a league including SlabtoWn, Brussels and Brodhagen. They won. :. .:. The girls .were 1,00'ed 14th? a trophy donut ed by 'Re'eve,Alian Campbell and Mrs. Beatrice Campbell.. Front rqups as tgllows:, cookingDouglas, Row - Pat Bernard, Irma Pryce, Ruth Campbell, Carol Ann Campbell (captain), An iea# Douglas, Bann`ig Norris; 'Jeans Margaret Laing,. •Dail Bosman, Dianne. Beattie; ,Seco d Row - Gail Schroeder, Dianne McNichol R , Harburn, Retfy Anne M)Ilei',• Pam `? HarbEllioturn, Marianna Ryan, �aurene ReGele, Sharon McClure, Gordon Pryce (coach); Third Wallace; -Cheryl Riley, $411y Row- Mary Anne McNichol, Gail Glanville, Sheila Dolmage, Joan Beuermann, 'ilanLanduyt, Teresa wisllacp. Jean Dapple, Marion McClure. (Photo by Frank Phillips) Mrs. Chai`les Douglas lsc> a 12 and under discussion on Canadian Histow. ' and Foods of the Early Settlers:. • • • The girls chose The .Happy Egmo'ndvmle United Church � entertcun Cookers fdt Their name. Bonnie P Norris gave the Secretary's re- d the Japenese -young people' fro' ,Toronto topic.ort.MOurDHe itagelasiscussefrom New ,A group of young people from Hamilton were guests of the Chbir..all members of present and .France and d. Mrs- )rood e -and the Japanese United Church in '.young people of the Egmondville past Church Classes. under, the was reviewed. Mrs .Wallace and v U d Ch cth on Sunda Last direction of Mrs Arnold Scott Mrs. Douglas did a small skit nrte ur y. winter the Teen -Age Church Membership Class, Church Class '74, had accepted a LIVE/LOVE project, a personal relationship with the Japanese Church. In May accompanied by their min- `iater, Rev. T. E. Hancock and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rose, they attended the service in, Hamilton .and shared in, fellowship with their you ifg .people. ft To return that hospitality, the Egtnondville young people acted as hosts for the Sunday morning worship service and the mothers under the convenership of Mrs. Jim Rose served a buffet lunch. At the service Brenda Haney, Church Class '71,`Robert�aney, Church Class '73, .and ouglas Henderson, . Church Class '74 E I) K N I G H T R Q O M read the lessons, The ushers were Lyle Haney, Brian Dietz, Richard Smith and 'Bradley, Carnochan. MO David Smith acted as sound Elgin. I Fisher - Playin' g this engineer. A been Aj;e Girls' sang•two anthems. The minister engaged in a conversation with the two Japanese leaders present, Mrs. Wm, Harms andMrs. W. tokiwa. Sixty-seven persons sat down to the buffet luncheon. Mervin Nott. Clerk of Session, brought greetings and. Bruce Coleman, Recording Steward, thanked 'the ladies. Mr,- Hancock showed picturesof the Hamilton visit. This exchange provided an op- portunity for fellowship, -worship and socialization for groups of different racial backgrounds. about bartering prices for goods in early years. Personals Mr, and Mrs. Calder McKaig have returned home after spend- ing some time in British Colum- bia. visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Smith. While there they also attended the 50th Wedding - Anniversary celebrations of Mr. McKaig's cousins, Mr., and Mrs. George McKaig of White Rock, and went 'sight-seeing on Van- cou•ver • island. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. -Scott arrived home last week following a motor trip to the Western provinces. Debbie Hulley, Winthrop, spent the weekend with her cousins, Steven, Lisa, and Leanne . Gardiner. , Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laing arid - Tommy, and Mrs, John Jefferson ' visited Sunday with Mr. and -Mrs. Donald Riehl, Seebach's Hill. Marilyn Laing is spending a Park ., receives, Mrs. Mary Malcolm had visit- two-week,vacation with'relatives • t' ing her this weekend her grand- in Regina, Moose Jaw and IN THE LADIES and ESCORTSROOA!' weekend added g ifts son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Calgary. ' A 4gcolm from Simcoe. Xi I'' and SQA"?' IRIjAY r Additional gifts received by the r Mr. Jack Frost, St. Thomas, Ellkl y BOTTLE Park and Pool Campaign, include and Mrs. Jean Dill, . Dublin, AT THE the following: visited Miss Turnbull and Mrs. 'Collection Service Fred � I�arburn � ' , ,Previously ack'd:• , $4229.00 Mary Malcolm recently. Both Call ARCHIE Victor Chaper ``5.00 , Jean and Jack were born and ROYAL HOTEL Mrs. Wilmer Kelly 3:00 raised on E. William St., rightat Mrs. Catherine Austin 3.00 across from my own home.5 � No Name - 2.00 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Grierson, 27�g721 Tota! $4242.00 Guelph, ailed on Miss Turnbull . 2 0 Tasty Chicken Wings for Snacks MITCHELL u this weel, AMPLE FREE PARKWO -- WE SERVE BEVERAGE ROOM LUNCHEONS In The'_ 1`L to 2 Qnd 6 to 8 Crown Room AT VERY LOW PRICES — sQLID COMMERCIAL HOTEL -- SeaforthSiLVE:R Zurich Chamber of Commerce -presents: IN THE ZURICK'ARENA. - ON, SAT., OCL, 12 6 P.M. TO 1 A.M. r German Food m German.Music two eic eaNns `The Alpenaires! Gard Harrison and 'The Harbouriff 5' 1974 vanetul wumraarva $2,00 .pat person 0 " P .0p* en Br'oombdll Meeting, All persons interested in playing broom'ball in the Seafo.rth Broomball League, Are invfted to a meeting Thursday Night, October 3rd at 8 p.m., second floor, of Town Hall. THIS MEETING IS FOR LA PIES AND MEN The family of DON and ANN WOOD invite you to.a#end their parenVs Z1 t'h Vedding 'Anniversary Seaforth Legion on CTOBER 12 from 9tol Musile by `Nie Lincoln Green Lunch following No gifts, please ets , ow for the Centenaires 16 Nome Games' Anyone purchasing a season ticket is- ele_ Bible to win a trip to the Bahamas Wicket Season SAS Prices ® Tickets -= ADULTS $1.50 x 16 154.00 $9.00 STUDENTS $1.00 x16 $11.00 $S.00 with students card CHILDREN is x 16 $100 $0.00 12 and under Season tickets corer all regular and exhibition games - '.-' not clay-ottx. ,