HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-10-03, Page 777,77 7 77 . . ..... 4 'A 0181�T 0 Area Mo $ W, L (Continued from Pa$p I) were , Accepted subject to theMISS,P, 4 AF, �CUQT (Continued from age 1) ft ,' 9 On approval of the District Municipal k the coo0tr"Petion 4pq $4 committoo-49 sell '19t, r tic is Engineer. Miss The $900 qost, colied: X $7. of Atironview. Clinton, fore" 4 for Ill their mu'viciparilig t If -- $0 There were no appeals to - 3/4 -inch pipe but'the:reavv sgid MOPOY to, enclose -the #0_40 Merly'of Egniondville. died Sat," consider oil the Cloakey Drain urday -At the Clinton - public the township might consider, A Ming Pool. He Wil the t�wq Pf and on motion by Jas'Malr and two-inch pipe line pold1by council Seaforth was i.hli Hospital. p" Thos. Miller Court of Revision oil in alonger route to acctintmodatv municipality wbicb had not,, dealt GS M She was :born In TuckersMitli the Clookey Drain was closed and other possible future ho' e9wner4 with the request yet. in .................. 4 0 lit pg V11 p .; people discover what mighty jobs McGregor and Charles G&ddes. are accomxY zR plished ccomplished by low cost Flowerbearers were; ' James 4, Exp;sitor Want Ads. Dial Mqliitosh. Eric McIntosh. and Seaforth 527-0240, Ronald V,­� laid McIntosh. Road Accounts of $3,080.94 B y -law No. 14, 1974 was finally' lownsh p. a maughter of did late Mr, and Mrs. John McCloi Miss on the street at a cost of 51.800. if An applicatloji by Harold be 'moved. Council was asked to prepare a by-law so that the– proper agreement could be drag n s "f'631•11 1, ,�,7,, �', , . General *Accounts of 'totallin' Monday at 2 p.m. with Rev. TA. problem. Walter, passed as given third reading. McClov was a member of E council undertook :this Mr. Ettie Turnbull for severance of,"I lot $23.141.44 Hancock officiating, Burial was in Palmer. manager of Clinton Ontario Hvdro. subsidy for road con struction' for 1974. Council agreed that "knoridV11le United Church. %% as told that .his costs ,would be 100 -foot frontage by 160 -foot Egmondv� LeCemet,erv. area of 'd 'a wore a white suit and WE BUY PISTING NOR Tuckersmith, Township be Surviving are nicees And only $600. Council did' not depth in Egmondville' was 4EAP V .......... .......... Kenneth (Evelyn Grace) V ,Z IM allowed to sell lottery tickets in nephews. indicate It was seriously recommended'f6r approval. Federal Government for' church organist, and she also ushers were Harvey Snell, Clif- J`Z, Morris for the swimming pool at The body was at, the R. S. Box donsidering this solution. Clerk McIntosh was authorized SAFE Adrnlnitratron.'Snell. are and R.R. 4, Walton. t kA �� v " Vanastra. f-- I ko* — A C V-11, —U- Mr Etue told. council he would t 0 apply to the Mini of I . M"I'l.-, 11,1 Z lit pg V11 p .; people discover what mighty jobs McGregor and Charles G&ddes. are accomxY zR plished ccomplished by low cost Flowerbearers were; ' James 4, Exp;sitor Want Ads. Dial Mqliitosh. Eric McIntosh. and Seaforth 527-0240, Ronald V,­� laid McIntosh. Road Accounts of $3,080.94 the funeral, service Was held take a few days to ponsider his Transportation and Commonicat, IvAdNT."S" be 'moved. Council was asked to prepare a by-law so that the– proper agreement could be drag n s "f'631•11 1, ,�,7,, �', , . General *Accounts of 'totallin' Monday at 2 p.m. with Rev. TA. problem. Walter, ions for $0.900 additional, 0 - likoots, $1 Hf!ad,' 11111,cei �,O Q wokoort M, -e up for hydro at Vanastra between klband, , $20iO6O.5O -Nv " , 11 �, N", g ,Y $23.141.44 Hancock officiating, Burial was in Palmer. manager of Clinton Ontario Hvdro. subsidy for road con struction' for 1974. TGA,4S Ronianik of R.R,4. Seaforth. The meeting adjourned at 1:30 a.m. Wedfiesday morning. q5 {U4 were approved, bride, acted as ringbearer. He Egmondv� LeCemet,erv. area of 'd 'a wore a white suit and WE BUY PISTING NOR by , Rev. McDonald, 'polyester carried a heart -shaped. satin Pallbearers were: Nelson presente map to council of the Council will apply to the .......... .......... Kenneth (Evelyn Grace) Traditional wedding music was Robert Shannon, brother of the Colema n of Egmondville for $3,105, Riley: Andrew Houston; James layout of. street lighting At Federal Government for' church organist, and she also ushers were Harvey Snell, Clif- V r-, '40 4.,P- Every week more and more Landsborough: James Doig,'Alex Vanastra at the present time and assistance under the Local Adrnlnitratron.'Snell. are and R.R. 4, Walton. lit pg V11 p .; people discover what mighty jobs McGregor and Charles G&ddes. are accomxY zR plished ccomplished by low cost Flowerbearers were; ' James 4, Exp;sitor Want Ads. Dial Mqliitosh. Eric McIntosh. and Seaforth 527-0240, Ronald V,­� laid McIntosh. the proposed street lighting to updat�, the system. He said there were several privafe ral poles oil property. He asked council to go to Vanastra to check out the poles. and decide which of them should Inittatke Program towards enclosing the swimming pool at Vanastra. Mr..Mcintosh 'said if' the application was approved about half the costs of enclosing may be coveted. Wakh for our nosegays of white, pink, and ti",N TODAYS CHILD be 'moved. Council was asked to prepare a by-law so that the– proper agreement could be drag n , Huron Count%, Health Unit notified council that septic tank peimits -erd approved for John -FALL -PARAD dF VALUES' " - , " with greenand vVifite streamers. cover recent changes required in Church on Saturday, August 3, -e up for hydro at Vanastra between Cooper of Kipper and George 1974 when Bonnie Charlene Snell yellow hats'. Photo by Harvev McDowell SHANNON-SNELL BY HELEN ALLEN the council and Ontario Hydro. Mr. Palmer said he expected a 12 to 14 per cent increase for street 1; 1- ; 1975 Ronianik of R.R,4. Seaforth. The meeting adjourned at 1:30 a.m. Wedfiesday morning. HANDBILL bride, acted as ringbearer. He MIS Week' SEAFO.... TH,. IGA open all day pen Wednesday alr�sd Friday night till 9p.m., Timpany. Aylmer, who sang, "The the male attendants wore white gas to anastra by Moffat t Lake Explorations. Lighted Candelabra and white, nosegays of white, pink, and Council passed four by-laws pink and, yellow daisies formed `5' breath yellow daisies anal ba*Oy dealing with: --a new by-law to the setting in Blyth United " - , " with greenand vVifite streamers. cover recent changes required in Church on Saturday, August 3, They all wore large brimmed the permits for installation of highway entrances to, property ill 1974 when Bonnie Charlene Snell yellow hats'. of tile drain loans to farmers. an . d Herbert Melville Shannon Kriss Snell, nephew of the the township. exchanged m4yeiage vows in a bride, acted as ringbearer. He by-law covering sale of former 'double -ring ceremony, solemnized wore a white suit and Logsdon property of approxim- by , Rev. McDonald, 'polyester carried a heart -shaped. satin ately 3/4 acre in Egrnondville to Londc'sboro., cushion.Mrs, .......... .......... Kenneth (Evelyn Grace) Traditional wedding music was Robert Shannon, brother of the Colema n of Egmondville for $3,105, provided by Mrs.. Donald Kai, groom, was best man and the Aby-l-aw for the agreement to church organist, and she also ushers were Harvey Snell, Clif- theinstallation of natural accompanied the soloist, Mr. Jim"' ford -Snell and Tom Shannon. All ycover , 17 lelr_ MIS Week' SEAFO.... TH,. IGA open all day pen Wednesday alr�sd Friday night till 9p.m., Timpany. Aylmer, who sang, "The the male attendants wore white gas to anastra by Moffat t Lake Explorations. Wedding ... "The Wedding "0 tuxedo jackets, black trousers, a. by-law covering repayment Pfayef" and Lord Most ruffled shirts and black bow ties. of tile drain loans to farmers. Holy. The wedding dinner was held J. Requests for three building The bride is the- youngest at the Blyth United Church with a permits were approved: Joe 411 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Blyth. The groom's parents Mr. Mrs. lvin Shannon, reception following at Blyth Memorial Hall with dancing to Scott's Orchestra.Seaforth Devereaux, R.R.4, Seaforth, milkhouse-, Don Car -ter, R.R.2. 'Yea' Business Adrnlnitratron.'Snell. are and R.R. 4, Walton. The hridv'% mother wore a horse barn;.and Miltonrst The bride, given in marriage by TOfi� floor -length gown of pink floral J. Dietz, R.RA Seaforth, feed warehouse. her father wore a floor -length chition over taffeta with short Mr. McIntosh reported that the gown of crystalettc over crepe. ciipc sleeves. Her corsage was of' Town of Godericb, and the The gown featured a rolled collar, mauve miniature carnations. The The Stratford Centre of Conestoga College will be accepting high waist, ruffled bodice and full groom s mother wore a turquoise Townships of Stephen and registrations for Year 'I of the Business Administration Program for a sleeves with deep cuffs. The lace gown, with long sleVves and Ashfield had given permission to few more days. If -you are interested in entering an interesting and collar, bodice and cuff's were stand up collar. Her corsage was LIKES OUTDOOR LIFE I I program, givi us a call at 270 Water Street, accented with appliqued roses. A of yellow miniature carnations. Andy has just started Grade five.' This would" riol be rewarding post -secondary progya ... short cathedral train fell from a A , -guest of honor at the newsworthy for many 10-year-blds — but Andy has had some Stratford. Telephone 271-5700. tailored bow at the waist. The silk wedding was the bride's grand- unsettling years with frequent moves and school -changes and Frank Kling illusion. cibow-length, veil was mother, Mrs. Walter Cook. general upsets. Despite these he has never had a failure. (Continued : ed from Page 1) held in place by a floral cluster The young couple left after the Good-looking Andy is French Canadian and Anglo Saxon, in of Seaforth. He is also survived by adorned 9 with streamers. reception for a wedding tl�p to descent, He has wavy blonft.-hair, 11 pgj gy, ITVe' grandchildren and by e sk it cascad 5) fl";4 4ir. . � 11.1, carried �v Is pLpd t5thley, 1041 a sister 1•N. oldi, 4 u. OR vi� -,Healthy, and active. Andy loves -'outdoor activities Team Mary, Mrs. O. J. Smith of i� , 14 1., sweetheart •. roses. 101110.1, c1r, da isles. lo Itir c tflp't it newlyweds CONESTOGA. COLLEGE and baby's breath. took up residence in Blyth. games do not appeal to him — he prefers things a boy can do on Seaforth'. Miss Dianne Cook, friond of the Prior to her niarraige the bride his own or with one or two others. He is an excellent swimmer The remains are resting at the OF APPLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY bride, was maid of', honor. She was honored with bridal showers and enjoys camping, fishing, hiking, nature stilly. Andy spends G.A.Whitney Funeral Home, Wore a gown' of yellow and pink given by Mrs. Laurel Glousher, a good deal of time leading. His hobbies Ave sketching, painting Seaforth after 2 p.m. until 4 p.m. floral chiffon over taffeta. Her Mrs. Elsie Walsh and Mr$. and cooking. He has a good voice and likes to and from 7. ... p.m... to 9 p.m... dress was fashioned with a scoop Margaret Caldwell 'in the United Andy is affectionate and outgoing, inclined to be boastful but Thursddy until Friday October 4th neckline, puffed sleeVes with Church for , the friends and not really scif-confidefit. He is high-strung, enthusiastic and when i service will be conducted wide buttoned cuff's, and long neighbors-, Mrs. Harvey Snell and sensitive. by his Minister, Rev. •Edwin back ties. The bridesmaids were Mrs. Cliff Snell at ffic latter's Warm -mature parents with a fondness for outdoor life will be Nelson assisted by a formbr Mrs. Audrey Tinipany, sister of home for the relatives,: and right for Andy. They will need to be patient while this, boy who Minister, Dr. D. Glen Campbell, (lie bride, Mrs. Bev. Snell and Dianne Cook and Linda Hanim nim for has moved often ]earns he is now finally and really settled and now of London. Interment will Mrs. Deanna Snell, both sister -in- the friends.follow in Maitiandbank part of a family. He has the makings of a fine son. Andy should law's of the bride. They chose be the, youngest or the only child. Cemetery. yellow polyester dresses styled MemorW services will be To inquire about adopting Andy, please write to Today's conducted by Britannia 'Lodge, the same as (lie maid of honor. An - Expositor Classified will Child, Ministry of Cornmunitv and Social Services, Box 888, St Miss Denven TimpanY, niece of pay you dividends, Have you tried ation K, Torol"Ito M4P 2H2, *For general adoption information, the Order of the Eastern Star and the bride. %vas flower girl at . ld one. Dial Seaforth 527-0240. please contact your local jChi4dren's Aid Society. by the Lions� Club commencing at wore a dress simikir to the maid 9- p.m. Thursday evening. or honor. I lie. attendants carried Wholesale - Gift and Sporting Eqtiipment By Catalogue LThe gas pumps Open 24 hours at �Arc hi.e"s Sunoco .J WGREGOR Top Quality BEEF GOVERNMk.V.T INISPECWt) Whole Beef 1.05 Half Beef 4j .06 Price pubject'to change INCLUDES: CUTTINQ WRAPPING and QUICK FMEZ]lq(; Free Delivery- - Within 10 Mile GRANT McGREG Pho. 262-5839, N.O W. Available at.., ARCHIE'S SUNOCO. a complete line of these fine P rad u cts .� REAI WIPP OTtAGE C000' CREA X, -from .1—' �c�vc liivii*.y to make money. For most of us, it's difficult'to save money. TD Cash -builder can help you do it—automatically. All you do is tell your TD branch how much you can reasonably afford to save each pay or each month. Then that amount is automatically transferred from your regular account into a Premium'Savings account that now,'pays 91/4% interest. So your money earns more, while you're saving. You won't miss what you don't see'. And. you'll be surprised how quickly your savings will grow. Money in the bank. It's a good feeling. TO Cash -builder TORONTO C)MINION the bank where people make the difference Watch the Canada/ USSR hockey series and pick tip 0 free score=card from a your loc I TD branch. 4 El E W