HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-01-12, Page 4WILLiAMS
DR --
The app, Brunswick Rouse.
Wingliara, - ` - Out
JAN iAJYi2i,894._...
x.. the tt titer or tae a oose% Star» -
Stu is fu1111ttte it if ct protutao tnacla
I ilhist
letter,t e1,liu. p.s4 this V\R
turning on the light to expose the dark
ttiut;a of the P. P. A. and the nefarious
practices of those who propagate its
principles. "Protestant Protective As -
;t :ltocitttion" is an ambiguous. term. It
may he taken to mean an. association for
: the protection pf Protestantism, yr it
!nay mean a society of Protestants
orgetezod for the protection of something
Lie i else. Asit is in talo i'ortaer sense that
the tirgauuzatiou is usually regarded,
purpose treating it in that eense, viz.,
society for the proteetioa of Protestant
ism. Protection presupposes an attack
by some superior force, on the person o
thing protected. Those of the P. P. A
claim that the weal, thing attaoked m
the present case is Protestantism, and
that the superior force attacking it 1
the Catholic- Church. Protestantism
must either accept this humiliating ac
knowledgement of its own weakeess, o
publicly repudiate P. P. A. ism. This i
a conclusion which must force itsel
upon the mind of every one who vie
the matter by the unbiassed light o
reason. I have said "humiliating" for
tworeasons, lst. If Protestantism needs
protecting that protection, one would
suppose, ought to come from the clergy
and to acknowledge the power of an
other agency in the accomplishment of
such a result would be a confession that
Protestantism is surrounded by difficul-
ties with which its clergy is unable to
cope. 2nd. Even a tacit acknowledge -
Ment on the part of the Protestant
clergy of the pretensions of the P. P. A.
would he placing their own duties, pre-
rogatives and powers in the hands of
agents morally and intellectually infer-
ior to thetr.selves. This would certainly
be a humiliating concession, because it
is a well-known fact that the P. P. A. is
composed of an element, whose moral
and intellectual attainments are by no
means to be admired. Its leadexs are
persons of no standing is the country,
wi„ h little or no education and many of
them little or no character. What,
then, my we expert from the rank and
file of the organization ? Even the
leaders of the "Third Party," whose
creature the P. P. A. is, are ashamed to
identify themselves with it. But they
keep goading on the more desperate and
shameless portion of the fanatical ele-
ment, promising them a fair share of the
spoils when they shall have sailed into
power amid the putrid waters of religi-
ous hate. I shall now deal with the
"cause" which P. P. A. ism claims for its
existence, namely, "popish aggresion"•
This repulsive scare -crow is always
dragged before the public whenever the
fanatics have a purpose to serve. But
the most amusing part of the matter is
that none of them can tell in. what it
consists. If "popish aggression" con-
sists in the propagation of the Cathraie
faith throughout the world, I beg to
assure the croakers that that work will
go on iminterrupted, according to the
prediction of our blessed Lord, until
"the consummation of time." The
Catholic Church asks no special privi-
leges, nor has see received any. Her in-
stitutions are exclusively maintained by
her own indefatigable labor and the
self-sacrificing zeal of her ohileren. Her
clergy and people mind their own busi-
ness. And it is only when some raving
fanatic transgresses
„ beyond the
3 limits of
endurance that we have to stepin to call
him to order. Our people constitute 40
per cent. of the population of Canada.
It is to deprive them of all the rights and
privileges guaranteed them by the con-
stitution, in common with all others of
Her Majesty's subjects in this Dominion,
that these conspirators have banded
themselves together. This I will prove
eat r on,when n
with ith '
dealing impious
ritual which regulate the sacrilegious
proceedings of these midnight plottrete
p '�. t'* ssy� �
t• T.'f !Ti i j in l ass
Ir zs said that at the next session of
the Ontario Legislature Mr. Master will
reintroduce his bill to prohibit the retail
sale of ilatoricants for beverage per•.
Tee Weson tarifa' bill is under discus-
sion in the House of Representatives at
Washington. The indications are that
the Democrats will be able to pass it
With but few n oditleations.
a ntausree:r is proceeding at Osgoode
Ball, Toronto, on. a wotioaa for the
re -trial of Messrs. Connolly and Mc-
' Groovy, who were, it will be remember-
ed, recently sentenced to a year's im-
prisonment for conspiracy.
TAF annual banquet of the Toronto
Board of Trade, held last week, was a
most successful one. Among the prin-
cipal guests . were bis Excellency the
Governor-General, his Honor Lieuten-
ant -Governor Kirkpatrick, the Minister
of Finance, the. Minister of Trade and
•.Commerce and Hon. G. W. Ross,
T.tinfull returns of the Probibitiou
vote in the province have not been pub-
lished yet, bat it is expected that the
majority will be in the neighborhood of
100,000 for prohibition. Windsor was
the only that give a majority against
and but very few of the other municipa•
lilies. recorded majorities against.
IT 1s thought that Reeve 1/cMurcir"ie,
. • of Clinton, will be the . next Watteau of
13urou merits-. ilr.,4Vner'1 cPherson,
Reeve of Turnberry, !Vane of the oldest
members of the99ofiuty Council, and is
in every way gratified to till the office of
' Warden,. f I the Trus would like very
much tosee him honored with the posi-
Aeeeteusi>e lire took place in Jack-
' sen Phi's Chim ro, on Monday night,
when the Peristyle of the Worrd's
,: Columbian Exposition, the Casino and
the Music Hall, were destroyed. The
r'1Vlanufaeturers' Building was also partly
burned, and about 0200,000 of damage
Selma to the exhibits which were stored
i' Arr Ottawa dispatch says that the
Dominion Government has been invited
to co-operate with an international com-
its of Predate
ee en h Belgian and tier a
m n
� g
,ry a:perts, which is being organized for the
'aur os of enquiring fu
e n ether into
p q � the
1 tiineral resources of Canada. Itisin-
t leaded. that the committee shall issue
$eciodica r
I reports is u on
the follow'
' smatters of interest: --1. Description of
`deposits and mines, 2, Their location as
regards means and cost of transportation.
1: Best manner and reduced cost of
'orking. 4. Disposal of output. 5. Es-
fiblishment of new metallurgical incluse
and utilizing ores. The `inquiry
mmitee will extend over three years,
sad their reports will be• distribut-
' in French and German text by the
etvernmeut interested.
,nota Conservative papers are trying
eccreate uneasiness in the minds of the
yple over the fact of some English
t lishetaeuing the Canadian pttblisih-
1 some oaf the Isa,lool readers and the
r 3' rio 'Government for setae alleged
3egemetat of copyright in publishing.
rticle over which said English pub-
er:s claim to have a copyright. There
tact armee for alarm in the matter. The
in question have been published.
nigreeanent with W. J. Gage & Co:,
mato, for nearly ten years and
bas been no complaint until the
is about expiring. The :natter
seittled in the comets, if the Eng -
t fishers prams their snit. Tho
reeve papers are using the
a littler election powder, and
' that that is all there is in it
trtirztberrer, _.
r. :Jobe, 4
r„ ►
Yi 3 -line,
t141' stn .lel'
ff f 1
`ataji#i(Ptl Mat n, WaaantlY'ff visit to Mrs, 7
r sliced iiMA. i
ever read. The Catholic Church ha
I encountered more fortnidhblo CUODUe
• than the disreputable, jeatous•minded,
discontented sore heads who now Beek
to destroy the' pence of Omuta. Still.
she has lived on and will continue to live
on wheu the vulture -remains of i'..P. A.
ism shah be scattered in the dust. She
relies solely ou the t,upporting and sus-
!taming hand of thug • who has said to
: her: Behold, I am with you all days,
even to the consummation of the world.
Yours faithfully,
►' 1 Cheese llteotang.
8 The annual meeting of the l forria: and
Gray calaoese 1411tnufacturip.. Company
was held in the Town Hall, Brussels, on
Friday afternoon of last week. In the
absence of President Turnbull, Thomas
Davidson was voted to the chair, The
Alnenclel statement for the past year was
presented and discussed at length, Thos.
Strachan, Jas. Ireland, Jno. Cardiff, D.
Stewart, J, M. Martin, O. Smith, James
Turnbull, John Strachan, Thos. Mo-
Lauchliu, E. J. l'eloArthur, Mark M.
Cardiff, and others taking part. Moved
by Thos. Strachan, seconded by Jas.
Turnbull, that the annual report us pre-
sented be adopted --Carried, Moved by
John Carditf, seconded by J. M, Martin,
that the balance on hand, about $230, be
paid an the factory debt—Carried. Mr.
Gray, cheese maker of the Dominion
factory, Elam Township, was present and
addressed a few words to the meeting.
A geeeral discussion was entered into
on the prospects of another year and
the ways and means of work, after which
the following directors were chosen:—
Thos. Davidson, M Martin Jae. Torn -
r -
J, , .a. in
bull, Jno. tearditf, ;Viark M, Cardiff. The
first named gentleman was appointed
President. From the annual report the
following statistics are gleaned:—Total
pounds of milk received, 573,970; total
pounds of cheese made, 50,075; average
pounds milk to one pounce cheese, 11.4;
average cost of drawing .per gallon, 10.5
mills; average price received for cheese,
$9.45 per hundred pounds ; number of
patrons sending milk, 68. Factory open-
ed May 22nd, closed September 9tb.
Bir. Samuel Renton, of Palmerston, ou
ex -cheese -maker, was visiting beveled
Mr. Wm, Hartley left for Harriston
High School last week, where he intends
studying for a second class certificate.
Mr. David Weir brought his bride to
the village last •week. Success to you,
Our school opened last week, with an
attecdance of about forty.
Our chopping -mill is doing a big
businessa these days.
Mr. John Mulvey has secured the 'con-
tract of supplying the Belmore cheese
factory with wood.
Mr. 'trilbert Clarridge, of Palmerston,
is the cheese -maker for the season of
1894. It is expected that the make next
year will be larger than ever before.
ower Wingham•
Mr. Wm. Hartley, our late teacher, is
in Harriston taking a course in the High
School. We hope he will be successful
hi securing a second class certificate.
Mr. R. J: Barton, lately of Middlesex
county. has taken charge of the school
here. Mr. Barton is an experienced
teacher, and son of Mr. G. Barton, of
Belmore. He has moved into Mr. A. G.
McDonald's house, and Mr. McDonald
has moved into Wingham.
Pitittlkysten electors at the remelt
erections voted for end curried by ,t
ntajtnity of 20, a by•Iaw for increased
tire protection,
1 t
Taos. Qauonnv, P. P.
a St. Augustine, Jan. 60, 1804.
Michael King was born oo lot 113, con.
r i 3, Culross, in April l8($O. ilo received
' ibis education at S. S. No. 3, Cuirass, end
remained at home on his father's farm
until some nine years ago, whon he went
s out to Manitoba. He settled there near
Dominion City, along with three of his
_ elder brothers, and took up laud. A
r month ago he took L a Grippe, which
s settled into inflammation, and he died
f on the 22nd of December. His corpse
view was brought homehy his -brother Owen
was buried ed i Teeswater on a et -
ulle n
'ber 30th. The funeral was largely at-
tended. Mr. King was a respectable and
iudustrious young man. It is only eight
months since his father died. The
J' mother and eutiro family have the sym-
pathy of the neighborhood.
The Direoters of the Culross Mutual
Fire Insurance Company met in the
town hall, Teeswater, on December 30th,
1893. Members all present. Mr, Clark,
President, in the chair, The minutes of
the previous, meeting having been read..
and adopted, Messrs. Allison and Arm-
strong moved that all applioatione for
insurance be laid before the Directors.—
McKague — Reid—That havins ex-
amined nine applications and found them
satiefaotory the President and Secretary
are hereby instructed to prepare and
issue policies for same. --Carried.
Allison—Little—That the Treasurer
be instrueted to pay the following ac-
counts which have been ]aid before the
Directors, viz : Directors salaries, $97 ;
Agents supplementary fees, 840 ; Secre_
Lary -Treasurer's salary, 860 ; Secretary,
for postage, Stec., to date, $2.74; Mr. Stew-
art, for printing, &o., 012.75 ; Ives. O'Ooti-
nor, for stationery, 37 cents ; Mr. Thur.
tell, for stationery, 75 cents; Rent of
hall for 1893, 012 ; ' Caretaker of hall, $1.
Reid--Little—That Messrs. John Mc-
Rae and Robert Watson be appointed
auditors of the books and accounts of
the company for 1803 and to have the
,audit completed and present their re-
port at the annual meeting. The audi-
tors are also requested to enquire into
and report on such other business as the
Secretary may bring under their uotice.
—Carried. •
Allison—Little—That this Board do
now adjourn to meet main in Teeswater
town hall, on the 13th of January, 1894,
immediately after annual meeting of
members.—Carrie 1,
ALEX. Anomso,l, Secretary.
The annual congregational meeting of
Enol Church was held on Tuesday after-
A large quantity of baled hay hasbeen
sbipped from heie during the past few
Mr. E. Livingston 'is having a new
A remarkable evidence of the schem-
ing treachery of P. P. A. ism cave under
my notice a abort time ago. A kind
Protestant friend sent me, at my own
request, a copy of a document manu-
factured at P. P. A. headquarters and
published by that organization as an
"oath" taken by every priest and bishop
at his ordination. It contains, among
other iniquities, the most revolting re-
bellion against all lawfully constituted
Civil authority. The purpose of thin
document is to convey the impression
that the Catholic clergy can be loyal to
Jim country. It is needless to say that no
prieet or bishop ever does or ever Can
take such an oath. Before Consigning,
to the flames, Vie infamous publication
in which this so called "oath" appeared
The Patriotic Canadian• --I took a rapid
glance +over its pages. I must say that
for low, vulgar -slang. ignorant, intolerant
and: clumsily ft
bigotry s y concocted, false-
hood, with wholesale mtitiaation
of the Queen's English, The Patriotic
Canadian surpasses anything i have
chopper placed in his mile the capacity
being considerably greater than that of
the last one.
The annual meeting of the members of
the East Wawanosh Agrieultnral Society
was held hi Livingston's hotel, on'Thure-
day afternoon.
A large number of our townspeople
have been laid up with Zea Grippe.
The Ladies Aid
f Knoxu •
ch rt.h intend
holding a box social at the .resideneo
of 11Ir. Geo. Taylor, on ',l'bursday, Jan. ,
18. Proceeds in aid of the church fund.
who are thin, hollow-chesti
cel, or growing too fast, are
rade Strong, Robust anti
PT(ialth ' bq
.tho Cream of Cod•..liver Ott.
t contains material for mak....
healthy Irlesh and Bones.
Mg Coughs, Colds and
't.,1cIck Lungs, Physicians, the
`cy (,r:1 ovor, endorse it,
►.f.°1'z be deceivedb Substitutes!2cettu'liaBSf+$rtJeMillp. DreaidstikOOd.&$t
AFTER a'1ILKHES3 to to:tcu;, t:ec'
system, and
bring back a healthy aeti:e, phyicia:ts
recommend the use of
: 5LTsASn\T Tp Tun TASTr.,
.Preparedonly tryKC:i@,7FE4ELL&CO,
Ccwarc of !r-t1Cmiorty. MONTREAL
ee• `e'..•L. +ever, ertee:eette+:iese te. v etei�
Wingham, January 11, 1894.
Corrected by 2'. Deans, Produce Dealer..
Flour per 100 lbs 160 to 1 80
Z'ttll Wheat • 0 56 to 0 66
Spring Wheat 055 to 066
Oats 0 30 to 0 31
Barley .. , ... 0 34. to 0 35
Peas .O50to051
Butter, tub- . . 0 20 to 0 20
Butter, rolls ........ 0 20 to 0.20
Eggs per dozen 018 to 0 20
Wood per cord.... 1 50 to 1 75
Hay per ton...... ,... ,6 00 to 6 00
Potatoes, per bushel 0 36 to 0 40
Geese, per ib .......... 0 05 to 0 06
Turkeys 0 09 to 0 10
Chickens, per pair.... 0 25 to 0 40
Ducks..,......,......,0 40 to 0 60
Dressed Hoge 6 25 to 6 80
Beef..,., . 4 60 to 5 60
Fall Wheat, edw..... , , , . 0 50 to 0 61
0 58 to 0 iJ1
Spring Wheat 0 63 to 0 58
Barley 0 80 to 0 85
Oats............ ...... 0 29 to 0 80
Peas ... 0 50 to 0 51
Potatoes, per bushel.. 0 85 to 0 40
Butter ... ............ 0 17 to 0 18
Eggs, per dozen... ..... 0 13 to 0 13
Cordwood3 00 to 4 00)
Went halt,. also part of Raab bait lot 07, son, 114 11
West wxwasiesh, contalnlbsr 119Acre,. For further
particntars aityiv nn the premiers or by snail to
Saint Thomas V. 0., North Dakota.
to uuake trams} ifs to 3:3 } er week in selling aur !lardy
Canadian a
dl in (Ir
axil Nu•.'te•
t a Stock. Tlighrgt '!choirs
or Comttiisldon paid untidy. Complotn assns l`'it sn,
Speolaf instructions to hrgtnners, Write this wok
fur terms to,
1311 E. 0 (113Af 11)1. Nurseryman,
Toronto, Ont
wonted at the Winghatax Tutelary.
$5.04 PER CORD
tVili be paid on delivery. '
Parties peeling 16 carets or aver, eau
deliver halt in auinnier Ned bnlniic5 is
wetter, if desired, end same price will bo
tVinghata, May Toth, 1593.
• CEO. Sliffi
STEAK, 14—d. PER LE,
and other (meets law En pri'portiun.
also on Iltttlti.
I aur prepared to pav the highest
price for all kinds of fowl They
must 1 o drawn and well dresr•e•ri.
Wiughate, Oat. 10th, 1600.
Throtigil '' i' r• toll Liq Tuii,lhors
9 a 5
TaO1t0UGII rr'ehli, under tho guiding. hand of the PRINCIPAL of the
.reg: ,''%�.w93�_�..J'1evh
ak" Mgr tib,
Forest City Business and Shorthand School, of London Out,
who has had erktA,ir, preparation for his chosen profession, assures MIMOSA to rtery siudont. slaving spoilt
P1I'TI:RN YNA8$ in the class room and ma mu* In nusnmsa and °PRlos PitACriCli, he should know how to
prepare young people for business, It Paas to attend a school that baa it staudiis among business mon:
College ro•opone on Tuesday, January 2n5, 1SO4. Catalogue free. Goof board 92.80 per week.
3. W. WESTJ! RVELT, Principal.
In order to dispose of our entire stock oi' Goods, as we know you
need thele and we need the money, we shall for the
Text 3hi ty
be prepared to quote
Prices Entirely Below Anything that has ever heen heard of Before
in all our lines.
made nr the best Fabrics the market produces.
we,cannof- be undersold,
`OO'I'S AND .Sfri ES
at the most unprecedented low rices.
We are headquarters for the celebrated
ruby . r ut' ei g mg over
a!so all Canadian Brands in
Stock withh
to matte).
�1�M is dal. J r1H
is the place to buy
.` ter--.
Repairing dune as usual. •
]laving bought out the Ambler Harness Business and started its hie cid stand,
am prepared to furnish the public with overythi molly kept to a harness ehofi
such as
HEAVY, LIMIT and T1tACT<. IlAIR +'13S,
Wil IPS, CU ER r CO M B8, ,, '
'r'1WNIIS, V.+iLlS11S and
'1 h&V '`Lori is 23AO5, jos,
t ,
makeall owu Collars ai
/ ► my ad tiu0rantoe riatisifaotion.
ve mea trial and/ will use Yea right.
... T0..,a,
wen .Dtxx s xixezis's A seootatxorl+ i
The annual convention of the
Dairymen's Association of Western camPos
Croatia witl be held, in Ingersoll, oil Nichols
January .223rd, 24th and 26th i$p4itiie;(ltl
Tho convention will to addressee by' JohuOo
fixe followiut; •persons, in the ordYr
John 1Geary, _ J.'rPsideuxt, Loudon ; + 1VIr. J
Ron.'J ohn Dryden, Minister of Agri -1
culture.; kion 'Phos 3a11antyue,Strat• ab, whi
ford ;'O. E, 'Chadwick, kion Secretary, 0•1ri+turned
ingersoli • •tl .S Pearce, London; the The b
Mayor ofdnt;ersa ;
tare Scan* of Trade,*, H Poster Id Jar•.
Knowlton, ;�1ue.., ,Prof, Zi � Dean,
i98 vote
ll.the President of
Guelph; A d'attullo, Woodstock; r :87;
t h1aoPherson itaneaster, Cat. • gote
John Glqutd, ,Ohio ; .laves Fletcher, e
Experimental Farm, Ottawa ; Prof J M.
W tliobertson, Dominion Dairy Corn-
utissioner,,Ottatva ,,Ur S L 'Vanatyke,
Chemist; N ; .A 'J. Bell, Dairy
l'3ohoal, Tavistock.; T 13 Millar, In-
spector, L urgoyutt Mark Sprague,
Ameliasburg.; J W Wheaton, Secre-
tary Western Dairymen's Associa-
tion, London; D :Derbyshire President.
Creameries' Association,: Brockville ;
3 A'Graham, Belleville, and others.
.Ontario .Poultry Snow.
The twentieth annual exhibition,
of the •Ontario .Poultry Assooiatjon
was held
Quinn ,
13t ; ag
ert Shiel
o.n lyse.
112 .tew.l3amburg,10811 weak, :005:1)1ye.tiaorist:ver. 500 in,prizeswascom When a �.*retied ,for. •'Cliere,were a larger nut/-ee tber 0f entries than at any previous aly►show, and mauy.of the birds' which' nm
;stood .tirst.at tl,e World's Fair had to, Lulraxtake a second or tbirdplace.The
most ,Hated • breeders from all parts of -_,Georg
itJntario.had good exhibits of splendid dim, of
stock, The annual Meeting was held ou of Aubn
'alhuridiiy afternoon. The reports of urs,. Le
'the directors and officers showed that James
ithe.Assootation.is in a most flourisning: ingLon
,pancjition. JIun. Mr. Dryden, Minis- late Mr
ter of Agriculture, delivered ail able' Benoist.
addr'ess.en ttlie,poultry.industry ,dealing -
mainly •with,tbe,gueatlon from a far - tial
pier's str.odpoiut, Mr. Meyer, of Toren
Kossuth, rend a capital ,paper, cover• trig of ti.ing the whole ground of raising and sotnat4.01
rtlietears ,of 'fowls. Mr.cele Bii ogue,
,of Akliddiesex cuuiity, g
address ,ou raising poultry for market
.arid also ,for .cggo.rMr.
Boghe lust
ue has
been breeding ,poultry for
thirty -Awe .years, .and had charge of
the 'Ontario exhibit at the World's
Fair.. TVtr. Ga. ;G. McCormick,' of
Undo% also d
er on
the preservati nlef ,eggs. 3d riles F.
Ernst, .of New E atuburg, was elected
president, and Thus. A. Browne, of
'Auden, secretary. for 1114 ensnieg
- wear, 'We^w ilawhnrg was again select-
ed £S•the place of meeting next year.
to share
rates ea
dent, 'T.
lin, M
'G.or z 1.0.
The death ,of Mr. ,fleury Wiegins,of
the tires of Walker t't Wiggins. 'livery-
men, °tone village, took place on Fri.
day, Dew. 2nd, Deceased had been
sick for severed weeks And his red had
been expected for several days, He
leaves a wife .and two tobildren—a2 son
end daughter to
have the sympathy�claf l
,all in their n Isis loss, 'lead
' afiction.
-On Friday., January Sth. Court
Gerrie, Canadian Order .of Forester,
.c wed an official visit • from Use
nigh Chief Ranger .of the order and A igetrrid g $5 25,
' s. A
Court tiGC
of J:1:;
number 1 Hog
of Yor
fills d
to Choi
sold at
in duri.
sold at
$8 75;
137 I ha,
$ o'clock the
given veu
by the members of Court
Gorrie in their neonatal Court room.
An address of welcome was prsseuted
then!. Stirring speeches were deliver.
ed by the.follewing MO Court offi-
cers:—C. E. 13rittott, Rich Chiet
Ranger, Gannoque , B. Elliott, \Ving.. $5 45;
ham ; D. M. Gordon, Wingliam t a. heavy,545
D. Henderson. Whitecbatch; B • ,l Illy.
eels ►
bat ,
Dowing, Harriston ; 600 hehe
Wit}tihau►. From the addresses it was and lt'
lei►rued that at the end of 1808 the East
membership of the order had reached East
18,000 and the surplus in the insur- nuaitb
cane fund $300,000. Over :fifty new trot su
Courts have been instituted duce last
ligh Court meeting in Jat.e last and and
ind or
•uring the same time the surplus in anima
1,he insurance fund, after paying all b°48141death claims, had increased $48,000.
Prosperity Wes noticed throughout bet C
the whole Ord' -r ansa a grand rear's
progress was predicted. There was a 3e to
large attendance, courts in the fol. critter
lowing places being representeds•---1 lot of
t lOtlltiti
13rttsselt+, Teeswater, Wroxeter, Tune. lb• tat
berry, 1-lowick, Wingham. Fordtvich, oalvea
Delmore, Listowel, Newbridge, ua Oo no
t'VilitPahureb, In 'the evening 1
air P,xCeilent enterta Good
are n
intnent as given
in the '1'own !loll, when a plead
pregraturile wee well rendered,! the
following well known artists taking
part:—M r. •1.11 Cameron, elocution-. 10 5
ist; Toronto; Mies Bolton and Mr. D.1
Lamont t
soprano, Toronto; and Miss Perkins, . Bence
pianist, of The town. Riglt Chief t inde
• Ranger Britton ocoupitsd the elauir'requi
math delivered a capital *Wrest,