HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-01-12, Page 3THF IR"INGHAM TIME ,7AP31TA Y 12, , • �44e miiigl nm tunes) 68?V13T,ISHBD.- EVERT J?BIDdY MO2tNINO —&T Tlik-- MES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAhl, ONTARIO, tblseriytt;sn price, $1 per year, in adyait ADVERTISING RATES: Space 1 1 yr. I 0oto. I3 wo, I 1 k yara 130 0000 12 00 5 e luob 00 ; i If 2n 00 s12 00 staler 11 20 00 12 00 5 0 7 00 4 e Col I 0 80 I 888 0 2 00 1 toot and other casual advertisements, So. pee lin first insertion, and 3c. per line foreach subsequent ertion, :Deal notices 10e. pe, ..no for first Insertion, and 1 per line for each subsequent insertion. o local hoe will be charged less than 25c. vertlsefound, Strayed,Situations d Business pances Wanted, not Dot excoeding 8 linoInparoil, 81 per month Houses and Farms for Sale, not exceeding 8 for first month, 50c. per subsequent month These terms will bo strictly adhered to Special rates for local advertisements, or to rigor periods. Advertisements and local notices without speolfl notions, will he inserted till forbid and charge oordingly, Transitory advertisements must id in advance Jhamges for contract advertisements mutate e office by Wednesday noon, in order to appsa et week 11, ELLIOTT PROPRIETOR AND PCRLI91i; )R MACDONALD, JOSEPHINE STREET, Ce i ,'Ul COLUMN. ONDUCT>QU 8 •rrtltuw1N0134At D13ANe$,) ,r Gamed Rome and AYatit'e Land.' ell call the atten$:en,'ef the mothers and sisters the face, that the •Weman's Christina Totsper• e. Union meets •ovarv'Ibtonday at three o'clock rp for orae hour, at dirs. Hohu's residence, Pat- $reot. Alt 1adi,lo,are made welcome, e heal a monthly °morel meeting on the last ;May of every 'motnth, except when otherwise vertlsed,to wbichutteutino' we Invite the public morally. As the Editor has'ltindly given us part of his Space. for our •,cork, we'adek friends of the cause to ud items of Interest en all moral questions of the ay to any of our tuctrubota. INOIIAM, ONTARIO. VB. TOWLElt, , bf,D,C,Af„ )mber College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario —Coroner for County of Huron— iloe Trp•stairs, next to Mr Morton's office, Whig. 0,, Ont, Orrroa Moans.—D to 12 a, m,, 1 to 6 p. m„ or at seidonce, Diagonal Street, - P. KENNEDY, M. D., 145, C. P. S. 0. ,1d Medalist ofessWestern f7 iv rsity: Meldrum.)LateIlouse rgoon in London General If°spitn:. Special niton. ni paid to diseases of women and children, Office—Formerly occupied by Dr,;M°ldrum,Co,nor Centro and Patrick streets.. WIltaueaz • ONT ) VANSTONE. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc.,. ivate and Company funds to loan at lowest rate tercet. No commission charged. Mortgages, touts and .armpropertl bought and sold NICE—Beaver Blocic WINOBAII J. A. MORTON BARRISTER, Jto , Wingham Ont .11 —�- 24 e L. DICKINSON, ]Barrister Ete. ,LICITOIt TO BANIt or I1AM1LTON. MONEY TO LOAN. Office—Meyer Block, 55nghatn. � EtTISTRl,--— ! J S. JEROME, V, IN0IlA;, s . ,`,`"a .y Is manufacturing Celluloid Platte 1•, -.'":',',2-"7-'s ae ,,.. Vulcanite plates of the best material eee.�a as cheap as they can be got In the Dominion, 411 work warranted. Painless extraction of teeth by the use of Electric. or Vegetable Vapor. leor1os,—I trill extract teeth for 25 cents ch. N 3FFICE: In the Reeve Block, opposite the tinawick House, ilm. ki. Macdo alesbhiqii • 5 "F1Ct, - kistJN'g S L' OCKOpposite the Queen'spotel, inghniu.Will visit Gorrie l each month. and 3rd Mondays t CIN It1TOIIIE, GENERAL INSIII;AN'(ijd AGENT xonAlt, OYTARW DEANS, JR., it'IaoltA,11, TENSED AUCTIONEER FOR TETE COUNTY OF HURON. 'alts attended In arty part of the Co. Chargee derate. URN CUJRRIE, 'C';(;INGRAbt, one., :CEN8ED AVCTIONEElb E'on erre COUNTY Or tureen 1I orders left at the Tants office promptly attend to. Terms rcaeonable. MMES HFxnkR_.._.-BpN$ __, eaeEh AUCTIONEoR 1,011 COVgrrRS tIVRON AND 11 eales attended to p omptly and on tho Shortest 'ice. harps Moderato and Satisfaction Guaranteed. 11 necessary arrangements can be made at fte acs' o111oe WiSoHAM Ost 111. J.1tIcASII, 13. toronto, Menthe's College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario, Buns QVictims. Since intemperance first dug as grape ow many viceirns has the earth swat ,iiowed from i•tsmavening arms ? And, ifI spoken ' as the earth has opened and. hrough its eeptilellers, the appalling umbers rebottle 147,000,000,000, This {h as the estimate of that eminent ehtas-' -' .+ tian philosopher,lThos, Dick, over hraAf a century ago,eand yet the voice has; not ended, the 'tale is not told. The record of that Ihalf century must dee added to this •atteful aggregate. '.fes,; more than OS/mations like ours, ruoa+e , than 17 worlde like this of human. beings,.have been struek from exist-, ence by the arm of intemperance.—; a ideon S. fiterircart. )° Only a Gl.aasiun the Morning.. Youth Is the forming time of habiva„ and these,'unlees carefully watched,: `'"'" will grow and ,hand like ropes and' handcuffs. Whore are few young roeir who are awalkened to the evils of a had! habit in titiaetto neer quer, as did a reme taiu young trean+tvho bad thoughtleselee formed the habit of taking a glass elf! ''liquor every morning before breakfaet.I .An older tfriend•advised bis to list: (���`eforo the 'habit ,Ishouid grow foci tis Utronn, ' Oh, there's ulo 'daogger. It's a mere: ) notibn. I 'can ?%nit at any time, eteei (. plied the drioh�bter. . Suppose you tiy'ot.to morrow moria- : ing„ suggeseesd •hbeifviend. iVery well T'odalease you I'll do sue ';but I assure you there's no cause for: '( alarm. ; , '1.Lee:week later dike, young man met 11is friend again. You are not looking well, observed; 'the latter. Ei,aate,yotii.he•.en ill ? r' Hardly, replied the,otber. one. Bat, • • r I am tryiug to +eeoppe a dreadful'. dangesr,and I fear it Avila be long before; I have congtt'ev+ad. „My eves were • ftpened to nn id,Lt•tnitieaat peril when I' :grave you that p:ramiee..a week ago. 1 • sthank you for ynisr ,timely suggestion. " How did it, affect wedi inquired the ffriend. The first trial •u•tteely • depriyed me , rof appetite for food. ll, could eat no 'breakfast and was au- eeua antli't"retiib= 'Ohne all day. I was eelftrtued• when 1 yirealized how insa'daouelee the habit ' had fastened on me ,and , resolved to torn square about seta tli2ver :touch another drop The st oaring off has • `.,stalled me down sesserelq, but I aur 'gaining, and I mean to keep the upper p.• band after this. Strong tdrluk will ''IneAlar•catch me in its Illtet again.— Se','Acted G.. rtey ritg'' ,22 oit N'btes, Notes Discounted REAS011M3LE (fluty at y advanced On Mort • ��� 3 5Y rear YdRidi. - Reim of paying at ha end of guy year. gyp accouate c011oo ser Block :ltm 1Mtk, Ont 1KoIPPDbff. .hood's and One/ aloadlr...,, Hfeod'•s eareaparilla.is.cares' Cheldninile Jays and : sorrows. i 1s One Cigar. I can endure a melan,tholy man, but $ir Andrew Clark wee so nrdeut in not,' a melancholy chtld;; the former, his .orusEde against overeating, mud in whatever slough ha Inlay sink, can 1 ov'erdrinking and so fires in his belief raise :iiia eyes either do the kingdom i that in a. large nlojority of c*ses 'diet of reeeen'or of hope.; +litit the little: wi i•do far more than drugs, that he child itl•enth'ely absorbed and weighed waif a little too Inuuh inclined to lake down tiay'one'blaek poison' -drop of theist for granted that Ids petiolate were preeent. ; seef indulgent to the ruin •df their Thierk'of a.ohildded to the scaffold i1 health. Among the many e•freedotes thi,nk.of'Oupid'in a odSrtn ; or watch a to which his views gave rise 'the fol - be tteufly,'after'its four wingt3 have lowing is ono of the most amusing : been+torn off, creeping like a worm, sA patient came to consult hire and and 'Yon +will fall vvhatll metro. was at once overwhelmed wish dimes Qltae'altild,'lil.a a+lreadt, only knows tions on the subject of ,the life be puv'ost,,though shortest sorrow ; one siiraltld lead and the dirt to wvhiclt he nes w. 'c kit fes nc past and no future ,one should adhere, Now, remember, only nrolh+tts the -stele -man receives from one glass of wine at erteh meal, the without, the dreamier from himself physioiau conuluded. and ,(just one intedeita.'asthnnie ,blltuin ; finally, 000 cigar atter dinner won't Ihurt yon, with'tlte •eonsoiouwness not of guilt, Good morning. Be- sum you keep but+oftinnoeence. strictly to the one cigar, tt;lertainly, all. the -sorrows of child.. Ono cigar 4 exclaimed (the patient. j rentctrel:but shortest . nights, as their &fat-- joys.'are• but'hot.testldays; and, indeed, My dear sir, broke in thin :Andrew, bo6h•soomuch eo, that in the latter, •somewhat testily, I meet 'insist, 11 I oftenrkloudiess and .starless time of am to treat you, you Insist'follow my lifl:,3the matured omen only longingly;'directions. I know .rite well you a �emataa,bersthis old .:elaaldhood's pleas 'will find it hard, but it is .'absolutely ures, he-soGmu •iia,t;3gether to have• esece3ssary for your het3iltrfl. forgotten his childhood's grief. Thos! The patient heaved a ::deep sigh. weird; 'remenlbraucet443 strangely eon•; All right, Sir Andrew:; 'since you, • :insist I will do my best, (Good morn- r1 gg. He went his way, 'lout 'his health •did not improve, and 'stake end of a tvaett><dl with the ‹opposing one to dreams and'fevers'ith this respect, tuatj lin tleei two last, it is ..8lways the cruel sorrows of childhood which return ; :the dream this ,moetz-:sen of childhoods Few lceeks lie returned •to• the physt. —and• the fever, its 1disterting glass—I ,clan's consulting venni. hot1l a raw forth frotttidark corners the No better 'I said tJhe•doctor, surpris- :fears.of defenceless +• yhildhood, which; fed. But have you 'followed my direc. pressrarrrid cut with iron fangs into the. tprostrete soul. fJ?1 enfair scent's of :dreams mostly 'play :ocean after stage, whereas that; :frightful ones'•choose :,for theirs the', Mons ? 1 Absolutely, replied Ith•e visitor. 1 'must admit that the diger was rather •hard work at first, mid lin fact nide 1 nese feel very ill, bat I -soon got used to nursery,and the cradle. Moreover, ini Et., and now I ruttie'rkitelit, 1 fever, the ice -hands .tof the fear of; • Good heavens ! st+id idiri4Andrew, on I ghoste,'the striving onc+:of the toachers \whom the truth d:tvt"11ed,,d:o you mean and ,pat'entt3, and, every claw with �4o tell fie-- whiehrfatte."•'has pree d the young, eYes, I had never +molted before.— Iheart,-ssereteh themselves out to catch! new York Sun lin ewaaltiering man. Parents, consider„ ,tilers, t1;:_; cry uhildhor,d's Rupert— His SufferJistgautted. •sitar PAINS THAT ONCE TWICE/DID 1IIII NOW 1 TROUBLED 0511 'NO 'mate. tit!hasllainechained for t.tens of years, I 'M'.UKHA0I, Tan. 8th, 1894.--•.C1 C. Conklin, -jet breaks loose and *eine mastery timed 38, as married pin .purl a+well-known 'aver •theesini a as soon as it finds him toEvals, o this town, flus 11tdn'e iia pin- t,otvals, for years back, avfuhuntenee pains :. .tan a -Sickened. The first !fright is more in ileis back, which haze often laid hint thhe n•afu3e given in Germany to the j 'fictitious ' being employed to frighten sohildrentento obedience—even though reser• ed Sawrsalearilla, Daly ,,ftaudake, Dock, IPilpsissewa, Juts.; .anemias and other awelllkuown remedies, by a tpeculiar combination, proportion and ,process, Iu toMood's ' Sarsaparillaari'iia +au :sties �• .trrnot tlosseRsed by other msdiciues. h 6 effects remarkable cures wile% 'other preparations) ail. HOOD'S PILLS cure biliousness. .A Stave Rescue. Ob, save him, save him 1 shrieked a distracted womatl as she mad‹' frantic endeavors to foto Open the door of a house in thteceller of which A fire was was lett below there; raging in the upper part of the citv Says the sojer-cap Ulan; b' Rlsy, sir; xecently. y they'll be, ail right whetsyez came 1Yho f Is thee® anybody in thel( Louse? asked a brawny fireman. ° down Vires ; oh, my God, pave my Bennie, iseiS,e1Ied. • "d.'f1% fireman forced the door and bravely made his way into the room, followed by the woman. There, there, site cried on the table The crowd outside held its breath, and a eiieer went up us the two nape 'Post Bites"are ugly thine ; a • soared et the door, the fireman carry- l,osla or ear swine's two twine its lug the rescued seal in his strong usual 1i no more heautltul than it is arms. cotnfortabte. After trying manyIt was it canary', and it chirped aq ,•caeca" we come hack "mi award the' ne hough it e rised at alre altt,l the texciteme tat ol---" Phil�tdel hist otdtltrelialllr,'' 17whic'lBauaffords relioPerravikiller,lef North American. 0 quicker than any other thing we ktlow of, Big I3ottle, p,3puler prierGeoA sign is front of a restaurant at RnitmsATtsbt Cogsslr tN A DAY.., -•'oath q tion, Md , ltanra this inscri e American Rhoumatie Cure of Rheumatism ''tic' _ _ tion, "Mi•tals open at all hours of the and Neuralgia, radtoaily cures in 1 to 3 The a+l ltor'swifn --I'd nst li!.e to day orad night l,y the wank or ;he days, IN aotiou upon the system le Se J month ezeept Sundays, :markable and myeterioua. It removes at kilo& what you wanted to hay rue once the oauRO of the disease immedietoly that nteasly old ell!3eo dress for ?' Itch on human and horses and all ani. mire( 'l 3 mina es b 'Nooltord ht cllalitspp75aceuts, The Warranted at se otlyclrn' editor- 13ecansa., my deur, l f'r thought Sa utary Lotion. 'Mitttnever fails, %Vat - drugstore, you'd look well in print, ranted et Chisholm's drugstore. dangereits'che sooner itehappens ; as thhe'nsan grows eider, lee ie less and less.ensilysfg'i;htened; the little cradle ef•tlie,chlld• is more rasil equite dark- enedahauitlse starry heerven of the 5111611. ‹,silk 0WWe e'a OINTME.szT taiD PIJ.Ls.- 11!Loreprecioue than Gold.—J)ierrha.a, alysentery., mid cholera 'are, through the slimmer .sheat, carrying„ off the yorttie,as theryinter's,cnld destroys the x;lted. "11n• the' nest aefute case, where intrr nil 111ediaines cannot be retained the gireatest ,eelirt' will immediately result lfroni rubbing Hullowarr:s sooth- ing (Nut men t,over the. a lid o UMW. The friction ehould(e frequent anti brisk, toureters' rthw penetration of laxer, por- tion •of,tile t1Jngren6. This (itiutment catnaae Lief e.ecited.peristaltic :return and sootheis'die pain. Both votnitin.g and griping ,,niw,'ld to at; where fouits or v'getableul,liave oaiginated the malady, it is proper to ,remove all indipested matter from the bowels by a mel3ilerete dose of ll,oiidoway's}Pilla before 'teeing the Ointment t.. alp. .. About a year ago be ,00,aceived the idea that these pains wore ettue• to kidney tenable. Acting on this aerie the bought some of Docld's Kidney Palle lfrom R. A. Macon, druggist here, and Lased them. Time boxes cured him so 'that he has uewerl had any return of 1siert:cable. Pat at the 'l8llevator. bays I, is 1liistber,Snnith its, site Says the man Mill the sojer will yez step in.? So I stips heti! the'rdlosit, and, all .oil a strident he pulls at e. :rope, aid—it's the trootn l's tdlliti' ye--thewallaof, the buildtn' begin rufanliraa' clown to thea cellar. 1 to brine; about a .correct positiol, of `1To Cure Round Ebiesilders, HALSTED & SCOTT Josephine Street W'ighaln, Ont. J. A. Hamann, j J. W. Scor,, Mount Forests. 1 Idstows Deposits Received and Interest allowed. Money Advanced to Farmers and Sunine88 Mon, • On long or sher itiane, on endorsed notes or collateral sotttuity. tale notes bought, ata fair valututiou, Money remitted to ail y Darts of (,aus.dlw at renrlouabla charges. Special Attention, Given to Cot - looting accounts and N otes. A Blessing to Every household. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINK; These remedies have stood the test of fifty yours experience, and are pronounced the last w\ Family use. TI -1 01 TDI_LIMS 1''tdfy the blood,' correct all disorders of the LIVER, STOMACII. KIDNEYS AND DOWELS invaluable in n11 complaints incidental to females of all ages. TT -1E 0.1IT & E rT Is the only reliable remedy for had legs, eons, ulcers, and old wounds, Volt RIIONOIIPIIt3. THROATS, COUGHS, HOLDS, GOUT, IlEE111IAT1SM, GLADULAR SWYI':LLINGS AND ALL 8+ DISEASES IT IIAS NO EQUAL, Manufactured only at 78, Now Oxford. Late 5125, Oxford Street, Lond and sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the world. I Purhasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. If the address not 583 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. Agents fzt Canada-. The Merchants' Break of Canada 0111re Ileacs•--lerom 0 0, 10, to 5 p, Ei. A. E. SMITH, LAME BACK \f hhEURALGIA,PLEURISY,SCIATICA AND RHEUMATISM CURED EVERY TIME x" WE D.&L.MENTHOL PLASTER use,. A. GREAT- OEEE.R1 VINGHAM MARBLE WORKSI Great Rapers Great Prenikims. • \Ve aredu a position lo offer The TIIIEs, and tit:e :1mily Herald and %Veeit1N Star, of Ala/Areal, for one .ear tor $L,75=.' This offer en:tttltes the subscrib r to .a ohrice of two t;1'Ntt1 prof nlultlsgivesl bytheembli,;hers of the nem ily I(aruld. 'a•t,e•see fa'onriu,ns are, ties' , 3itar" A1i ,r, ac, for WA, os.'.uperb book 4ff ta1i0na,,,e-, ur tf ti,3'et,a•reet,.tt copy of the•great I'ttatclly fletttl'ci Souvelrtir Pio. turn Which rets Is sr twer,ty 'clath;rR. The preral ove:A--Alu,snuc goof ehc4hune trill be rettcly,on ur,'11P cud , 1.lopi,teobe,,r:ndwill be formttrderl )n the ..r.at-r as •o Ioioh the t,U bseniptions are raeeiNerd. r,ut»priptiuns to aleg, .leer lusty negin s.tt twee. Retuenl- ber •the ,oiler of a choice'ef p.nemioans holds gond'nt1y to people cube wtrbnorike during thesuotumn. Afterwards the oih'oice will positiastaly be withdrawal.. Adilmeeo, Tutus ecu;, Windburn, Ont. 1V -w; -VT PIR M .. 1 RS. VANSTONE STOJ.`r E BROS., of Kiraardineli e,ve bought theMarble Business of big T T Watson, formerly carried on by W Smyth. Parines requiring work in their. •line will do well by Calling on them or seeing one of their agents befor purchasleg. YoU will find our prises are away down, Our workmanship is unsurpassed. Wo will use non but the very•besttetock and by scpnare dealing hope to secure a'teeral share of the public patronage. Mr T Wat9oa, y.l o has been running; the business for the past year, will repreeet ' us on the road. Cafk:cm0'oeet.r,,r stock and pains, VANSIONE .BROS. GORNY14 BUM, USI D ERT AKERS MGR -clasp illustrated monthly magazine in the home is no more i leseenry. It is a necessity, and to tweet the demands created by this rtesesteity, TH EiQOSMOPd)LITAN MAGAZINE, givin r yearly, as it docs, 1'I•ii8G pages of reading by the ablest living authoi:s, with - over 120t? ilbltn,'tl'ation, by clever artists, has stepi,ed into the breach, wit.)1 a. reduction in its priee that has startled the literary world. eesseesee The Toms, s, fully alive to the needs of its patrons, has made special arrangements with this superb monthly, whereby it will receive orders for yearly,subscl'iptrious to both publicatior.s combined for the sum of :p2.2J. WIN GUAM; ONT. is2 c,t,. (! THE WINGHAM TIMES S AL i, —AND— • month. The Cosmopolitan Magazine, Sketidan's Condition P eder SLlilti&Y.E REMEDY FOU A WiEEtY 00)IMON DEFoanitrr- A +roman physician haal'remaaThmend- Aed teethe Boston Herald tale ifollowing siatp'le.exercises, requiring ,little time and isieapparatue, fur t11,e •euro of all except very servers cases of .round shouldiors, when braces are also a necessity.: — 1. Ratide 013013 before you shoulder high, extend seretis.side- wise, tell'rnw head bark, sticatghterh head, stove arms forward. ioWer arms, repeat ban times. 2, Stant' (erect, raise ernes before you, dee on tiptoes, then throw amus as Far hall aa,pos- sible, Sulk again on heels and 'drop arms to side, repeat teu tutors. 3. liaise amass with elbow hent eltfooiider• high, brin„i<t;g palms together to 1L rout of face, then with elbows still .1,ent swing both amms vigorously backward as far poseibl`;e3,eve'u with the shout&ces, palms looking ,forward. This 811583lti be repeated eeveral times, but as talo positiou is sonooiwhat fatiguing. rest or ,change of enemies may be made be- tween the movearNente. Another simple movement designed $2.25 A YEAR. The prize of the .great illustrated monthlies in the 'past has been $3.00 and x;4.00 lig year, and they were to he found ,silly in the more pretentious homes. tier offer nearnishes a help to all f.lutilies, nf, matter bow modest their n'teate54, to keens in touch with the greatest luinds of the World as The Cosmo sooiitan thee todaythe strongest regular ' Ir' e5 �Il.al' Statl' of any t.'x1�t1I10"'• periodical. Send srri.lees to TUE TAMES, `\•'iugba 1, Ont. ',74,19N9N-CtenrfejKI KE1-31?S YOUR CHICKENS - Strong and Hiealth Prevents all Disease. Iti„ absolutely pure. 1J glily.oneeatrated, !la quan- tity costa teathmf a sent a qday. No otherklnd3allke 11. can, by>e mol *•�5 Ins8lx�laa.�r,_'xgrae� �e�mu,, 86, expacks 31. rae wergild. I. S. JbbOHUSAi s CO.,tt0uotoutueuau8R.Tiostgn,biasa fl�,lXY`;." r!� rr.�r'rry m{ ON :.�5'h 1.1 AAAi.Art,A Yee T. OA1 WNGHAM. Capital, tiff.:&5O,OU0 elle ut, $650,6Q0. President—Sem r`ruA PT. Vice. rreetJane.-,1 . i:. 5'5In.tt. -' •111T,CTORs lents PRtor , 1t.c»;el,Ituult%sr, 01 »sox, 11 1', A. "E. Wwrr}, At. 11. Isla (Toronto). Cashier—J. TUHNt3ULT., Savings Bank-r3Totns,11 to 3 ; Saturdays, u 1. Deposita of et anti, 'upwards received and Interest allowed, Special Deposita t.1,0 received at current rates of interest. Drafts o, Oreat Britain and the United States thought and sold Och, murther, says L. what'll bee the shoulder nladee.wrneists of holding D. WILLSON, AGENT. coli,+ of Bridget and tiie bilder which a eane or wand in both hands, throw- '1LYEft & DICRINSON, lug the head back asld carrying the, nein:item. stick from above tae head back and dowry the hips. As the clothin , if too tight and un- yielding about or oven the shoulders, may help produce mussel shoulders, both the under and outside waist should he comfortable end bands over the shoulders of garineahts etude of elastic. ' Coma down, is it? says L And is it few closet at all, bat a ltaythenish heloon that yez got me in ? Andwith that the w ills stopped stock still and he opens the door ; and -there 1 was tvid the roof fiat over iny head 1 And that's what saved inc from goin' up to the hiving entoirely ! When baby was slok, wo Caro liar Castorla, When she was a Child, alto crlcd for Castorla, When she became )Liss, 6110 clung to Castorla. When she had Children, she gave them Castor('. i For that Bad Cough of yours p�p,,1111 �ir � ll(ej t 7'' .n8. Oa rn, N,.,, „5'•T i' 'r,,�"ger _ p1 1' 5II'•'Auq.V • HIGHLY It£CQMMENDED" "'; As a, Preventive and Cure of all Throat and Lung Oiseases. COUNTY FUNDS TO LOAN. On the security of Cultivated Farm, Interest six per cent, payable annually. Ant portion of the principal may be repaid at any time the borrower wishes All expcnces pa:d by the Cminty. No person except the County Auditors allowed to see mortgages or to know to whoa money is loaned. Apply to WMR. HOLMES Goderioh, Aug. 8th iso,. Co. ',maser 0 SEP II COWAN. CLERIC Bair DIV. COURT, CO. HURON, AUCTIONEUR, ISSUER OP MARRIAGE LICENSES Couuxssroxra IN R. 0. T., Ere. Wnoxe rise, 05'r. o} ra '''' if i+ i11;111:110 1 �h;s. Si 1' Io.rway Pine d Syrup. rich is the lung -healing virtue:l ofthe Pine 1 -: "Maned with the soothing and expectorant . e:.riot of tutor pectoral herbs and barks. A penozCT' MUM 10/ : COUGH8 AND COLDS t ' Toarsoness, Asthma Bronchitis, Sore 'Throat ;rout) and all THROAT, BRONCHIAL and LUNG DIS ASES. Obstinate conghswhith resist other remedies yield promptly, to this pleasant piny syrup. PR:0li alfa. ANL, stab. POI! 00311-C. 6616_16g SU. alltla.lIT0. Vnlocl:s all the cloned avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying off gradually �vit tout: weakening the sys- tem, all tho impurities and foul humors of the secretions; at the some time Cor- recting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dysnepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, lioartburn, Constipation, Dryness of tho Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaun- diee, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Sero. fuls,, Fluttering of tha Heart, Ner- vousness, and General Debility;all these and many other ahuilar Cmnplalnta Iola to rho ha p Iniluenccof BURDOCK BLOOD TIMERS. I'ovr Sate lip alt Dcaters. la' iBOX&CO.1P:opridorsiToronto. 1831 THE CULTIVATOR 1894 AND COUNTRY GENTLEMAN THE BEST OF THE AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES DEVOTED TO Farm Crops and Processes, Horticulture and Fruit -Growing, Live -Stock and Dairying. While it also includes all 'minor depart- ments of Rural interest, such as the Pout- try Yard,Entomology, Bee-Keepiug,Green- bonne and G•rapery, Veterinary Replies, Farm Questions and Answers, Fireside lteadiug, Domestic Economy, and a sum. inalv of the News of the week. Its Mar- ket Reports etre unusually complete, and much attention it paid to the Prospects of tbo °tops, as allowing light upon one of the most important guestione-•when to buy and when to soli. Itis liberally Illus- trated. and by recent enlargement, Con- tains more reading rrmtter than ever be. fors. The subscription price is $2.150 per yens, but we offer a np foal, reduction in our CLUE RATES FOR 1894. Two linbseriptions in onts remittance. 114 Rix Sri bseriptions, do. do. 11.0 Ten tinbscriptionti, do. ' do. 11.5 r..-elo ell new eubscribers for 1894, pay - tug in advance 'now, we will eend the pnper weekly from our reeeipt of the remittenee, 1 te .1 enuary let, 1804, without charge. Speeimen Copiers Pres. Address, Albany, N.Y.