The Huron Expositor, 1974-09-19, Page 129XPO.OITt R APTE0�� 10, 1914 1�Q�re i�l $�
Miss _R'
.: ,,.I , ,y
H,S Rev lew
It S quiet ,- w + I lvlissl Tarris is 3n he spotlight Miss axarl$ teaches .xyitlg.
H, this geek. She tia taught at clerical, art„ consumer edAetiticr[r,
Every mo th I . recgi}�e deadline for comfort)-ko the next So this week's column seems Seaforth ,four years now, and is secretarial procedures and short-
/ calendar of tte events to take Moqday. or Tuesday. the Lest possible one. to present staff advisor of the Melody hand, $l.16 went to Westetn
place fn school over that period, It Therefore this, week's column our regular features, the Student l�!I;ikers. $he will be 'head of the 'Untverstty and she stili poen to
stude page ► a ver hand and s stematic s T esd 10 September to Spotlight; Teacher Spotlight; Junior Girls Volleyball team school, . working towards her
r� s Y Y Y. cover u aY• P�:
way of outlining' 'the major the 17th. On my calendar, the Bit of Nostalgia and the odd oll. when it< 'starts this .fall, % degree. When she's not busy ,
" happenings that we have. to cover. 10th to the 17th is a crisp, clean, studying or marking papor�, Miss;
Our coverage week begins on and disappointing blank.' `./� • Harris enjoys pottery and
• Tuesdays, after the previous There,are of course, slow days ' T �I o, w1on 'at Plowingreadling.
Student S Otlt h t Ott Kath Bruxe r ' week's column has - been during the year, but they usually
submitted (usual), too
close to the fall across more than one week. Seaforth District High Schoollation.s boyts; .keep tip the good She likes small schools Like
The student spotlight this week cross-country team, the Dublin t 1 would like to congratulate 'Carl work; Seaforth and she thinks the,
Is on Kathy Bruxer Kathy is a' Junior•Girls' Softball Team, the V7 ruCF'i , Bolton and Kevin .Campbell on Glasses of students at school are
sixteen year old, year three Dublin Girls' Midget Softball p�� their fine effor-i,at 'the Plowing continuously improving due to
.student of SDH$. She lives in Team, the Dublin Girls'. Hockey �� 1a Htfa x `i Match, The boys placed first as a CON I FST kids staying longer in school.
Dublin with •her mom and dad, Team and Seafor'th's Braombait C3,0 o team representing the school.vAt Miss Harris also thinks that the
four brothers and"three sisters, team. Kathy was a tifeguard'and Both boys won firsts in other co-operation between students
Kathy is an honour student and swimming instructor at Seaforth , classes and Carl received two ' and teachers in our school is very
has been Tor two years. Her this summer. She,also used to % trophies for his effort. Congratu- good. ,
favourite subjects are .phys•ed, teach guitar lessons and she plays /
history and geography. AtltKetii-s the piano a„l.iule. Kathy wants, to / -
ire what Kathy really exeells irf;” •bei a phys"ed teach e'r:' Good luck
though. She is a member of the, tQ you, Kathy!
Jgckls Jottings
Drug - e 4fitplan.
nleed.s more, work ,
BY Government is serious about
Jack Riddell, M.P.P. Huron reducing -hea)th costs, it must—
" The new Drug Benefit include some of these compound
Programme which provides drugs drugs ' when it revi ses - the
free of charge to more than formulary, The Ontario
548,000 Ontario residents has • Pharmacists Association said the
beeh in effect for only two weeks formulary ' will have to be ,
and alydady it is plagued with expanded to include some
problems. Many.pcople -eligible, therapeutically valuable drugs
-for assistance including recipients that were omitted. u
! BO n4�r -
of Federal Guaranteed Income Some people have criticized the i J, W a►y` r0OSe.
Supplements), Ontario fact t:iat only onJdn
th's supply - _
Guaranteed Annual Income . of drugs can be sed at oneS stem (GAI;NS) and Famil G-0 �, ----. 4Y Y time.For drugs a ve to be - . .-Benefits Allowance, have been taken'Sor an d period of
. severely criticizing thetime, "flits is very uneconomical 2 I ,,✓
programrrae. quaritity. Also, a new prescription P
The 'origin'al intention of the must be written every three ��/
programme was to alleviate the months, even if the drug will be r .
burden of the high cost of health -%eGded indefinitely
care to those who could least....,, hbelieve that -the Drug Benefits
afford it. However, in some cases .-Programme is basically an,C
the programme -is .,valve excellent idea, but there are some r 6'r
since the drugs needed by certain kinks which have to be worked out,
patients are not listed in the before the programme becomes CAC., -- --
Government formulary and totally satisfactory. The
cannot be dispensed free, -Of Government was Iitte in
charge. Only certain drugs will be advertising the Programme, and
paid for under the scheme, and - as a result people were not
this has led to very real`problems prepared an¢, well informed
for some patients. Some , beforehand, I hope the �l�°t� I'�ai►� sAN3
physicians are reluctant to Government will listen to the
substitute drugs listed in the compt,aints that.. have been
-'Government formulary for the additions to the ,9,gy, JyrWtllar
tttcy' were rescribiri�
a • prescribing which will come out January tst, BALL'
.,.���Y Ltido.
prcvu>us' to tlic start of the of next year.
programme. Therefore, some . Another issue raised at d
physicians write prescriptions for Queen's Park recently was .the
the drugs with which they are unfairness of the present GAiNS
familiar but are not approecd legislation whereby an increase in
under the programme, leaving Federal ' benefits means a
the patient no further ahead than decrease in money received under
before. GAiNS. Effective October 1, the
Another problem is that the basic Old Age Pensi6n increases
plan docs not pay for all types of . from $112 .95 to $117.02, the
medications. The forniulary does qi.; m in a cinnla ,
_not allow certain combination increases from .$79.23 to $82.08.
drugs, laxatives and some high- T rum, someone receiving'he NG.C9. priced drugs. Our offices at m xin um benefits' from the
Queen's Park have been deluged' Fc er I Government will receive
with phone calls from people an in tease of 7.00, but theN RE
unable to obtain drugs which
chekjues received from GAINS
their doctors prescribe, some of would be 7:00 lower, so the :, ���� LOW COST.
which are life-sustaining. increase is.annihilated. �'.'•'
Another aspect of the plan The Government announced ; r Wrought Iron
which is hard to comprehend, is
P that it is thinking about this �
the fact that certain compound problem and a decision on thea1�111gS and �O'unS
drugs are not found in the list. As ' pension boost will 'be made /
a result. these prescriptions must shortiv. l think , it is imperative
be wr itten individually, forcing that the Ontario Government
the patient to take three pills allow 'old -age pensioners to
rather thali one. Furthermore, a receive the increase granted theist k
person who was , taking a by the Federal Government. This '
compound • prescription previously money has been earmarked to Lasting beauty
paid for the cost of'the pills plus a help senior n
citizes cope with the �. Easyto •'Instal
dispensing fee to the pharmacist. probletl7 itf inflation and the X in every detail
Under the nod• plan, the difficulties of living on a fixed
pharmacist will get a dispensing income. 1 would urge the
fee for supplying a month's Provincial Government. to amend'
supply of each of the three tables. the GAiNS legislation to ensure'Mount newel post with
so the dispensing fee .is three that it brings the maximum relief -9 -_ -z Keystone" Ezy- Mount"
times as hiph as it would be for to old -age peiisiondrs in Ont ario floor flange, t
one compound pill. If the kcho arc in deperate need of help.
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1970 PLYMOUTH DUSTER 6 cylinder standard SPECIALS
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1972' GMC Fleetside
1973 TOYOTA'COROLLA 1600,4 -speed, radio. " 1 59.5 pickup, 350 V-8. engine,
Licences EUK143 _ automatic transmission,
1970 MAVERICK 2 -door .200 ,C.I.D. 6 cylinder rear step bumper, long-arm
a Y = 'West coast 'mirrors, radio.'
engine, automatic, radio, finished in deep'brighf Licence C28-184
yellow witikConstrdsting black vinyl roof, Licence
DDP354 $� Reduced to Char, _
Original Price $1695.00 Reduced -to Clear _ t"
1973 FORD PINTO.2 door 4 -speed transmission, = 2495
2000 c.c. engine, radio, 4• brand new tires. _
Licence BDW778.: _... . , .. w w �95 _ y.
.Original Price $2595.00 Relduced to Clear �1:icG " RDF 1 oe'r"" lbi
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coast mirrors, automatic
BiG CAR- BONUSES! _ transmission, radio, custom
1969 FORD LTD'country squire wagon, 390 V-8 cab. licence C47-181
engine, automatic, power steering, power _ Before Safety Inspection
brakes, radio, deluxe luggage rack. Licence2 t
FHS955 $ i 495 = $ 950
Original Price' $1895.00. • Reduced to Clear
1969 METEOR RiDEAU.500 sedan, V-8 engine, = 1967 FORD F-100 deet -
automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, = side pickup, 6 cylinder
completely reconditioned in dark blue metallic. engine, standard transmis
Licence DHA244 1495 = sion. Licence C30-561 ,
Original Price $1 X95,00 Reduced to Clear _ Before Safety Inspection _
1971 GALAXIE 500 2 -door hardtop, 35 V-8,
engine, automatic,power steering, p $ wee t = t $ 750
brakes, radio, white walls and wheel co ers.
Licence HNK939 c
Original Price $1995.00 Reduced to Cie or
1971• GRAN TORINO 2-dogr hardtop, 351-2 c 1972 IHC 'nepickup,
304 V-8 engine, standard
engine; automatic, power steering, power = transmission, Licence C19
brakes, radio. Finished in bright red with vinyl in- - 633
terior. Licence.DD0650
Original Price $2895.00 Reduced to- Clear $2699
1972 GRAN TORINO WAGON 35.1 V-8 = $1895
engine, automatic,power steering, power
brakes, radio, power tailgate window. Licence $2795
° 1963, MERCU4 F750
DHJ917 t
Original"Price $2995.00 Reduced to Clear _ Dump, 5 spec t ansmis
AA _ sion, . 2 -speed rear axle,
c 900 x 20' tires. Licence
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