The Huron Expositor, 1974-09-19, Page 4lb. IF
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unit i1. met atthip �Cltuw "my 11deals". Miss Soo Ann
u4r who
Irene 8149kWell '0114 ibe Schroedor entertained witli'voc-1
meeting and opened wit
fitsolos accompanying herself Q`h
It the oult4r, Sadie Hoy c9hductva
NV. -;y
-its pg as, -Hpr
t 01
the worship perl6d
'7 is theme "To -day, is the first day of
the rest*of our lives". Helyn ST_
Drysdale, read articles from
open women fashioned by
God; the story of Dole, Evans, the
Queen of the west. Because of the
meetings October �generhl meeting on
October •. 7, and also,
Thanksgiving; Unit 11 will not 4J
The reopening meeting Of
0. Amber Rebekah Lodge was held hold an October meetil*
me recently in the Lodge rooms.with
oefs ,,Efl nd L' 9 h 1J.G.Mrs. Aldeen Volland
• presiding and being assisted by
Perfect Weather was not the Inst itute for a tray that she had Public Schools, who discussed V. G.Mrs. Margaret Consitt. Mrs. V
c "Pubilip Relations", -He said
order of the day when the Hensall received in appreciation for Olga Chipcbase gave the district
Purdy Public Relations is how we appear �o "j" rA
W.I. and a large group of friend� helping with 4 H. -Susan Pu report which was held in Brtissels
thaj.iked, everyone for the to others interpreting or on,July,3 when fifty-three past -
Imt off to tour the Hamilton area F
At 31. Josephs Hospital,
and arrived at the Erland Lee sympathy cards sent her. The improving a group -or individual. &rands attended. The installation '
London. on Saturday. September
j ,
onL- half hour programme conveners for the of the Rebekah Lodge
Howie about The duties of the President of offi.
14, 1974. Rene 'Mae McLeltan
late.The home is situated at the evening were" Susan Purdy and were outlined b.* the. President will be held on October 2 and the
(Brintnell) of 11.1112, Staffa n her
edge Banquet will be
Mal�el Shirray. Hilda Payne. A newsletter from Grand Masters
L, of the escarp ent and there m
is a lovely scenic one' Mrs. Noblitt was read by the held at the Brucefield School in
Creek below. Many- furnishi gs Susan introduced the guest secretary Janis Bisback. the near future. The D.D.P. for,-- was the mother of Don of KICK OFF LOTTERY' — A dinner Saturday night kicked off, the comp
She raise
and decorations have b n speaker, Eric Mansfield, a t Hostesses were Sara Simpson and 1973-74, Mrs, Mary Grigg's
donated by Bi.anch Institutes an cachet . at Hensall and Zurich Joyce Pepper. report was read by , the recording R.R.#2, Staffa 'and Mrs, Bob$40,00.0'wit'h which to enclose the swimming pool at Vanastra. Wilfred Schneider of
(Mary Lou) Hamblin of London, iolth,
the home is well, appointed. An secretary, Mrs. Leona Parke. the Vanastra Recreation Committee left, who sold the first ticket to Tucker
sister of Isabel Brintnell of
interesting boat tour was t aken P. N.G. Mrs - Olga Chipchase gave 'Hensall, 'To Reeve Elgin TI;i ora son, centre, and the new recreation director at Vanastra, Ted
by 24 of th- passengers along the a report of a bus trip to, the Home in, R.r.#I, Hensall, (Staff Photo)
Unit heOrs "Whot is Grace?" Cliff and Wilson,, both of Exeter. Thurston, get gether at the dinner.
Hamilton harbour. The cruise was in Barrie. Jr. P.N.G. Mrs. -Irene Also survived by fourJJ
made available by the Hamilton Unit I met in the Hensall Shapter served lunch. Blackwell gave a detailed report grandchildren. Predeceased 'by
Harbour Commissioh -and the rain United Church on Thursday with Hensall I will commence on of the Rebekah Assembly which riefs 77
one sister, Mr. Edna Kinsmen Mr. and Mrs. Ron Page and on Friday from . St. Joteph's Sunday a7 M-onday visiting her
luckily stopped just prior to Audrey Joynt . presiding. Wednesday, September 18 at she attended in Toronto in June. and one brother William. son David of Burlington and Mrs. Hospital in London after having two'
boarding. The "Seaport" is a 45 Accompimied by Helen Goddard -Mrs. Wes Lentings home and -of London. dauglites, Mrs. Ross
year old 'vessel and.would cost on the piano, the meetinj opene4 Monday September Jk6 will be the, Unit ed Church Notes O'Connor England had surgery. Macmillan, Husband and family
"Faith makes strength" was The late Mrs. McLellan rested were visitors with• Mr . and Mrs. Mrs. Carl Payne is patient in 1' Wat erloo, and Mrs.Brian
about 5.150,000 to replace. The with a hymn followed by passages first club meeting ovensail 11 at V
the sermon topic rhosen by Rev. at the Bonthron Funeral Chapel in Harry Horton on Sunday Seaforth Community Hospital. Collins and . her husband in
boat was �n elegant yacht. The of scripture. Mrs. Joynt -gave Mrs. Peter Bisbdck's home. I
Dop Beck to preach on for the Hensall - until Tuesday when afternoow. Mrs. O'Connor was Kitchener.
group,arrived on time to take a devotional thoughts on "What is-, Mothers of club members are Mr. and Mrs. Phil Ward have
most interesting tour through the Gracc"�? ' She read . some encouraged to attend the Sunday morning service in funeral service took place at 2 returnin� to,England on Monday taken 6p residence in An Mr. and Mrs.' Clifford 'Cox,
Proctor antiGhnible Hensall United Church., The choir p.m. with Rev. Don Beck leaving by plane that evening. Kincardine, were guests
oldest paragraphs from John Robinson's meetings. ff kiciating. Interment was at apartment in Seaforth.
I g a' number entitled "He o Thursday of last week with,Mrs.
factory. There they manufacture book entitled "Honest to God". San
soap products. After the visitGrace is beyond us, in the sense
keeps me singing". McTaggarts Cemetery. Oliver Jaques returned home Mrs. Laird Mickle spent Laird Mickle.
' -
each person received a 'that it is not ours to command, . ... ...
complementary box of products, Wg experience it like the prodigal., KIPPEN
which included five regular size as we -c=6 to ourselves". It is
brand, name gifts. 'The last visit . nearer to, us, than' we
was Whitehefn, home of the ourselves, for it is our new being,
is McQuestern family for 1'16 ,years. yet we cannot will it. The roll call
The last mem -ber of this wealthy was answered by . twelve SERVICE
fami!y died in 1968 and willed the members. It was agreed to cancel Fn
home to the city of Hamilton. The the regular meeting in Octaober Couches and Chair.,
furnishings in this home were the because of the general meeting Rockers, Davenports
original dating back to 1852 and the same week. Mrs. Joynt
was an authentic display of the 'thanked all who helped with the and Kitchen Chairs
119th . century urban living. meeting. Mrs4Audrey Christie
Stopping off in Kitchener for. had the study, using articles from Free Estimate,supper at a well known st eak daily papers'and the Observer,
house the 'party made its way about some of.the latest good Pick-up and Delivery
'home after a busy and interesting work of Dr.. Bob WClure; A
day. contest was conducted -by-Jean
Inst itute Enjoys Po�kLiack Supper Traverg' Hostesses ' Margaret Call '527-12SO
After a pot lock supper, Hensajj,l', Consitt, and her , helper Lois ter„
W.1. held -their September
meeting. During supper the roll
calfwas answered by 22 members
and two guests with "Name an
officer in F.W.I.O." Corres-
pondence included a bazaar at
Huronview. Sou* Huron
Hospital Tag Day will be held
during the ' last week of
Sentember and anyone interested
in canvassing will contact Grace
Peck. The Children's Aid.Bursary
financial statement was reported
and. a card of thanks was read
from Linda Mock thanking the
Some 1975carsrepuire the use..
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