HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-01-12, Page 2THE WIN GIIAM TIMES, JANUARY 12, 1894. t d M. , kith UiEimcs FBA.Y ,IANUAItY 12, 1894. The. Farmer. „Tie food -compeller ie the first of all; He sows to hope, reaps opportunity, And bears his sheaves, that bloom as they fall Into fragrance of the fruit to be,. To man the savage; and the savage turns His beastly features upward to the light, And lot within his bosom display burns The fire. Prornetliettu that shall conquer night. It'roan his brown furrowss waiting em it e springs, And genius plods unhonored till his hand V ars the Iuture, and unbinds his wings ...,s,0010*"Toefiights he knows not of. His toils command d n All flags, all commeroe; power; 'Grim war devours fails, .Ana stormy conquerers hour When far and wide prevails. Laugh at his plowman's browned slain, If laugh you must, but be laughs best of• all; It debt to him all ranks and states are kin; Let him but totter and your kingdoms fall ; Palsy his arm, and all the vibrant strings Of thought and purpose into discord break, And art and song, distraught, on pulseless wirl;gs Lie groveling where be bade them first awake. peace asserts his itsvitals when he bid the auspicious the farmer's skill gait and sun - To dwell with nature in her many moods, To plow her fields, direct her grazing herds; To garner wealth from all her vernal woods Know the sweet comradeship of flowers and birds; Feel out the secret that uplifts the grass, Or tints the lily, or adorns the rose, Or" through the ripening seasons as they pass, Behold how toil to golden largeness grows. These are the farmer's rights, his joys,that make Alliart subsidiary of subsidia y bliss, The brook that ripples through the tangled brake,. The corn that blossoms to the summer's kiss, The bourgeoned bough, the nectar -laden fruit, The autumn's glory and the winter's Orrest, e Heaven'sown bounties to his rare pur• suit, Purveyors of peace that wait on his behest. Deem no profession, calling, art or trade Higher than his that is the first of all 1 Let science delve for him, let truth invade The realms of error, superstitions fall Before the light that gladdens his domain 1 Let fortune reach her jeweled hand to him, Fame on her temple set his harvest wain And honor fill his beaker to the brim 1 —Benjamin S. Parker. Lady Aberdeen. Lady Aberdeen possesses immense activity and energy,, together with a capacity to do things and get them done. Her first training in the way of organization was the establishment of the Onward and Upward Society, an association which began on a small Scale among the domestics and poor people on their estate in Aberdeenshire and which has spread until they have about 9,000 members throughout the world. In connection with this Lady Aberdeen edits a monthly review under the title of "Onward and Up- ward." Dr. Lyman Abbott, writing upon this association in the "Outlook," says that it is a eombination of the Y. W, 0.A., Working Girls' Club and the Chatauqua Literary and Scientific Association. Another work with Which her name is even more prowl - newly associated' is the Irish Industries Association, which was brought more conspicuously before the American public by Lady Aberdeen's Irish Village, with its reproduction of Blarney Castle,which stood at the entr- anceof the Midway Pleisa ee in Jack- son Park. It is difficult to estimate the stimulating influence of this associa- tion in promoting the development of the domestic industries of Ireland and calling attention to and advertising the existence of Irish manufacturers, it blob are quite worthy to take equal intik with any other nation in the Much of the Irish lace and r displays tock a high place among. exhibits at the World's Fair, i�arfng forty-seven medals. Thanks to the business capacity, un- 8itetry and constant vigilance 'White, the Irish Village at with over one hundred Irish Was a great success from nt of view, as an object hat the Irish could do. Et RAN reproduction of the Ions of lift in the old made a very handsome *fon of the work of s8'reist Obaracter Sketch of Lord and Lady Abercleen,by , Stead, in1_ li • Review W. T. S a,i, the ,fat a iy of Reviews. Scraped With. a Rasp. bins. -4 lead such a severe cough that my throat felt as if scraped with a rasp.. Qu taking Dr, Wood's Norway fine Syrup 1 found the first dose gave relief, and the second bottle completely cured me. Miss A. A , Downer, Mauotio, Out. Lord Aberdeen as Governor- General. Lord. Aberdeen, however, hall hard, ly landed upon Canadian shores before it became evident that he was much more than a mere Governor-General. Ile was a living than with wide and catholic sympathies, who recognized that while it was necessary to abide strictly within = the constitutional liu'lits in all political questions, which after all occupy three-fourths of human interests, he was a position which placed upon him a}d his family the obligations of exercising all the in-. fluence which any highly placed and cultured citizen is hound to exercise. There is no doubt but that Lord Aber- deen will find ample opportunity of proving himself a servant in deed as well as in name. There is plenty to be done in Canada,land few men are so capable of doing1it as is Lord Aber- deen. Traditionally and personally a Protestant, he has ialways cultivated the most friendly erms with Cath- olics,, and one of the first and moat significant of his a tions in the Do- minion of Oanada was to overcome by a little kindly diplomacy the ob- stao,es which have hitherto prevented the friendly tneetinsel of the Governor- General and the Cardinal of Quebec, It may pasts the tricot roan to invent any way by which the French Cana- dian and the Orange' Proteetaut can be prevailed upon tet recognize that each are brothers in ;.Christ its well as subjects of the Queen. If it could lee done the Aberdeens ,are the people to do it.—From Character Sketch of Lord and Lady Aberdeen, by W. T. Stead, in the January Review of Re- views. REL/Er IN Six bl.ouus.—Distressing Kid- ney and Bladder diseases relieved in six) hours by the "Great South American Kid•• f ney Cure." This new . remedy is a great S surprise and delight t physicians ou P g p y ac- count of its exceeding prooaptness in re- lieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back , and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves reteutiou of . water and pain in passing it almost im- f mediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold at Chits holna's drug store. ' Would Give 810 to See Artz. AND THE GENERAL HIMSELF AFFORDED HIM THAT PLEASURE. (Topeka State Journal.) Adjt.-Gen. Artz it few days ago went to Clay Center, Entering the train at Topeka he found only one vacant seat. His companion on the seat after the train h'ad started touch- ed upon the political; issues of'tlie day, and alter talking awhile the question of State politics casae up. The Illi- nois man referred. to Gov. Dwelling's appointment of Artz at Attorney -Gen- eral. Why, he said,; I have heard that Artz skipped from Colorado, is a reg• ular cowboy, and walks around with two loaded Winchesters. Is that so? said Artz. I have never heard that. You don't live in the west then, replied the Illinois man, but really I would give $10 to see this man Artz; he must be a freak. The conversation continued for some time on state politics and then drifted into national issue. On reaching Olay Center Gen. Arta addressed the Illinois man and said: I have enjoyed your company exceed. ingly, and as I have to leave you here, if you will give me the $10 1 will be, obliged. What $10? cried the Illinois man. Why, you said you would give $10 to see Artz and vett have been riding with him all the way from Topeka, so I claim it. You, Gen. Artz? Well, 1 guess not. If you are Artz, I owe you an apol. ogy. No yen don't, replied Ariz; you owe me $10. Well, here it is, and will tell the Illinois people that Gen. Artz isn't the Texas steer that somep 0 p e ie take him to be, Baglish Spavin Liniment removes all hard, eat. or ealloused Lumps and Elem Wiwi from horses, Blood Spavin, Chubs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stfilee, Sprains, Sore and swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. War. ranted by Chisholm's drug tore, s The man who was lkicked out of a seaside resort was cafigllt by the other toe. Eyes are not eyes en cigar -smoke tuaktie thorn water. A Domestic Failure. She was a young wile just lnariiod. front hoarding school, ono of the Torry- dove•y order, Sud althoettlt educated in Bolton, d'en`t kt ow beans from any other vegetable. Hence this dntloeue with tris soot,, New, Briddy, dear, what are t%t' to have for dilute, 1 '!'hire is two chickens to dress, muni.. I'll dress theta thN first Where are their clothes'? Holy Moses, mum, they're in their feathers yet. Oh, then serve them that way. The ancient Romans always cooked their peacocks with the feathers on. It will be a gurprlae to Hubby. lie"nl hethat,it nut. Sure if F Ynu want to help, you could l,e pain' the turnips. Oh, how sweet! pair tlletn too and two in no time. Why, 1 had no idea cooking was so picturesque. I think, mum, that washing the celery do be more in your line. All right, Briddy. 1'li take it up to the bathroom, and I've some lovely Paris soap that will take off every speck. Thank you, murn, Would you mind telling we the name of the asylum where you were eddicated? 1 think I will have to take suhne lessons there myself if we are going to work to- gether. A Frightful Symptom. Nobody went to tine World's Pair without learning something. Indeed, the more the visitor' knew, the more he learned. One man made a startling discovery s.buut himielf, according to one of our exehang"t'•s;1 He was n gentle- man from the far .mast in attendance upon the congress of religions, where he was seated upon the platform. Presently a mac ;who sat near him perceived that he was getting .uncotn- tertabie about souls thing or other. Eft shitted uneasily !in his chair, and now and then pursed up his lips, and expelled his breath ilslowly. By and by he leaned over •to this observant neighbor, and whispered that be thought he would lh.ve to go out. What is the matter? asked the neighbor. I do not know, g id the Oriental. Something is wrongi. 1 do not know what to make of it. See how my breath smokes. i Fie exhaled a long breath—a cloud of white vapor --to show what lie meant. He had never seen his breath before, and was greatly relpeved when the cause of the phenomenon was ex• plained to him. A Benefactor to his Species. During the recent drought I sat in the train opposite a gentleman who seemed to be haunted by a fixed idea. He never tired of repeating how great a blessing it would be for humanity if artificial rain could be produced. You see, he excitedly remarked, I have already tried .everything. The plan of going up in a balloon and send• ing down a shower with a watering can failed, because we have no means of transport to lift sufficient quantities of water into the air ; further a Jolla. tain, rising at least 300 feet in the sir and scattering jilts of water in all directions, came too expensive; can. lions to perforate the clouds and make them explode are not yet invented,and are, in fact, useless when there are no clouds about-- Excutte me, 1, interrupted, yon wish to become a benefactor of the human race, and more especially the agricul- tural population. You are a landed proprietor, I presume 1 No, he replied, an umbrella maker ? —Auntes Allerlei. Gems of Thought. He that wrestles with ns strength, ens our nerves and sharpens or skill. Our antagonist is our helper, No iron chain, or outward force of any kind, can ever ciimpel the socio,` man to believe or to disbelieve. Probably there ie no quality more efficient in dispelling ignorance than the courage which dares to confess it. The function of culture is not merely to train the pewere for enjoy. , tient, but first and supremely for help. ful service. Let us have courage about these ordinary lives of onrs, not fret our• selves, abont their conditions, but put the utmost that wa can into them, if you separate yourselves from everyone that you think can do any Harm to you, you separate yourselves from everyone to whom you cart do ;any good. Mince the generality' of persons act ' from impulse much more than from principle, teen are neither so good not (so bad itb we are apt to think them. low She Signed. An old woman of undeniably Celtic origin entered it down -town savings Link the other day and walked up to the desk. Do you want to draw or deposit 1 asked the gentlemanly cleric. Naw, of (hetet. Ui wants ter put Moine 1t1, said rhe 'lhe clerk pushed up the book for her signatnre, tied, indicating the place, said : Sign on this line, please. Above it or below it 1 Just above It, Me whole 'mine 1 Yee Before ui was married 1 No, just its it is. now. Ol can't wrote. • Tale of st Comet. 'lhe crew of a An of war once saw a comet and were somewhat surprised and alarmed at its appearance. The hands met Lind appbiined a committee to wait an the commander to ask his opinion of it. They approached him and said : We want to ask your opinion, your honor.• Well, my boys, 'what is it about '1 We want to enquire about that thing up there. Now, before I answer you, first let me know what you think it is. Well, your honor,;,we have talked it over, and we think 't is a star sprung a leak.—Ram's Horn. Size ain't everything,. A watch ticking can be heard:• farther than a bed ticking. a Let a man but alit his ign orance and be willing to� learn there is always hope forhim;itis for those alone who are invincibly ignbrant of their own ignorance that there exists no pros- pect whatever of intellectual salvation. The young society belles have a new fad. To hear about it will enlighten nota few of the young men who have been mystified since the fell began, over the despoiling oft their new hats. The fad is to taloa the little bow that fastens the lining of the man's hat trod and wear it thereafter; hidden in their shoe, By some subtle influence the superstition is that, Without - fail they will'have an offer of " rottrrlaoe irons the yoant man in question within a month. It must be taken with out the young man's knowledge or the charm will not work, find young ladies are resorting to all sorts of subterfuges to obtain the bows.—Ohicago News. JYouNcedlt! The`tD.41;: - -- E nuisioo. ItWi11 e e 010 CureThatCougb, HealYour Lungs, P ttFkesii onYourBones Prevent Consumption. WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONA.I.r, Entirely Neu. DICTIONARY Abrea.rtoftheTinu. - 4 GrauddEducator. 27LCSUCCCSS07•Cf th..0 "Unabridged." ty Ten years were spent revising, 100 S editors employed, h.5 and over 3800,000 eo expended. � .7verybofiy sliouicl own this Dictionary. It an- v Steers all questions 4 concerning the itis- d tory, spelling, pro- .asn nunciation, and -•• meaning of words. A. J4brarry in Itself: It also gives e the facts often -wanted concerning eminent persons,n n cient and =dem.; en noted Rai - Um* prsons and places; tile countries, 4 t' globe; ttrtnslati n ofnatural foreignfeatures quotations, 0 words, phrases, and proverbs; etc., etc., etc. 2111s Work is Invaluable in the household, and to the teacher, scholar, pro- fessional man, and self -educator. 2'12o (lobe, Toronto, gage:— This hew dictionary Is the hest book of Its kind in the English language. For every family, the members of whlelt have mastered the art of read• iug,tte gurehaSo will prove aprofltabre investment. The Times, Samiitalt, says:- hanhceaetIneldiloary d te pronounced the tiio, fid should be in every school and family 1n Canada. ?rdvoyournOoknellerahoy. itto"tis. C. & C. Merriam VQ, Panthers, Sprdnelleld,Maas.,VIS.A. graph to reprints of ancient editions, �s eontiintngeporlmcePefftep, illustrations, etc, tv E R,V �� NI2IWE BEANS cin, r new died. Qyr •�� ��v� N oTergMet Debility, Leett the Vilgor andd BJ,rA1V vJ weikueeil boiy'orrhind o►il by ever -work. or the errors oeesssef youth. Thio Rome iolotely cures the meet obetieiate Wee vr. 'an excerserses have falied even to Meters Id by eieN art i1 Per of sit'" 7'oomsos 1.y �r�aia1011291 004 ' inylh.,s., 0. Y. 0,0111)0X. WORMS FOR the removal .t worm* of all kinds froe children or adults, use DN. SMITH'S. GERMAN WORM I,ozENCEL. Always prompt, reliable, sato and pIoasant, requiring :no drew medicine. $lever failing,. Leave no bad ahot olgults. Piles. 25 suits pm' Box JOB PRINTING, 1 NOLUDING Books, Pamphlets, Posters, 13111 1 Heade, 0ircuisrs, /cc., $o., executed in the beet style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short notice. Apply or address 3t. ELLIOTT. Tuns Office, Wingham.. LOOK HERE 1 This (iIi InterectEv tfody c Ming Ijira (limes ••-llkt Pi UBLls1uw-- EYX:ifix ntiDA,Y Molt oxo —AT tux— TIMES G�pdCE, JOSEPHINE STRgE WINGHIi M, ON T.AltI0. Subsorilpttanprice, $1 per ycar,In advaner►e _ ADVERTISING RATES: Spats ...t1 1 yr. 0 mo. I 3 wo 1 1 21 One 0ottymt 300 00 8856 00 320 00 ., Half 35 00 20 00 12 00 5 Quarter " 20 00 12 00 7 00 •i One tach . 6 00 8 00 2_00 1 Legal and other casual advertisements, Ro. par lin. for first insertion, and 8c, per line foreach subsequent insertion. Local notices 10c, pea ..no for first insertion, and Sc. per line for each subsequent insertion. No I000l notice will be charged less than 26c. n Srayed Situatione anAdBcurnemOhasn0c1eLsosWFnoeudn,dt exceeding 8 lin: 1 nonpareil, 31 per month y Houses and Farms for Sale not exceeding l 31 for fitst month, 600. per subsequennth Those terms will be strictly adhered to Special rates for local advertisements, or Io longer periods. Advertisements and Local notices without epeoifl directions, will he inserted till forbid and charge accordingly, Traoaoory advertisements crust paid in advance We are selling Changes for contract adrertls:menta must be Best C 1 Oil the office by Wednesday noon, in order to appea y� oa gip' at 12 1-2 . that weak R, ELLIOTT cents per Imperial gal Y Y,ROPRIRTaa AND PosLtsas lon, ora can containing the equivalent of five American ' gallons for 50c., exclu'ive of pack- age. American Axes, 50c. to 65c. each. Crosscut Saws, 45c. to $i.00 per foot. We to -d0 reduce our quotations on Binder Twine one ',cent per lb. J. A. CLINE &. CO, Wingham. WINGHAM STEAM PUMPNORKSI ANII SHOWERS, PROPRIETOR. I wish to inform the people of Wing - ham and surroundink country, that, as I have purchased hhe Steam Pump Works lately owned ''by Mr. H. Clark, I are prepared to supply all kinds of Wooden, Lift, Force & Iron Pumps And attend to the wants of the public in anything in the Pump line. As I have long eTperience in the business I guarantee all my work, and if not satisfactory will 'refund the money. I also deal in ALL KINDS OF WIND MILLS. ear Soft water .cisterns made on short no. Oticerders by mail prom'btly attended to. D. SHOWERS, Winghanr ZETLAND SAW MILL GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, First -clan's Shingles, and Csedar Posts. Car Load Orders"a Specialty, WOOD delivered to may part ot Wingham. 1C r0rdersby'mail protrgAly attends to GEORGE THOMSON, box 125. Wingham P. A LIBERAL OFFER! We are now offering THE LADIES' JOURNAL of Toronto, a large Sd page monthly Illustrated Fashion Rome Paper particularly interesting to ladies, with MIM T±M.I+iS.. The two publications will be given for $1.25 for one year, and will be seat to any addreae, This offer applies to those who renew for the 'Mats for •another year be- fore January 1st, 1804, as well as to new subscribers. Tile regular subscription price of the Ladies' eternal is One Dollar per year. The leurnal and the Tants will only cost. you 131.25 if you send now. A.dslreee, TIMES Ouzo*, DR DMACDONALD, ILJ JOSEPHINE STREET, WINO,I5H= ONTARIO. W. B. TOWLElt, M,D.(1,M„ Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario —Coroner for County of Huron— Office Up.stairs, uron—OMceUp•stairs, next to Mr Morton's office, Wing. ham, Ont. Orme }loins. -0 to 12 a, in., 1 to 6 p. m., or at Residence, Diagonal Street. T P. KENNEDY, 11I. D., M. C. P. S. 0. Gold Medalist ofessor %Vestern U iv rsity: Late to o) house Surgeon in London General hospital. Special Litten. tion paid to diseases of women and children, Offiee—Formerly occupied by Dr,' Meld rum,Corn or of Centre and Patrick streets., 11,INGHAM • ONT 1 VANSTONE. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Private and Company funds to loan st lowest rate interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, town and .arm property bought and sold OFFICE—Beaver Blocic WIN01IAat J. A. MORTON BARRISTER, &,e , Winghanl Oat E. L. DICKINSON, 7Bialrrieter Ete. SOLICITOR TO BANK OT HAMILTON. LIONET TO LOdN. Office—Meyer Block, Wingham. DENTIDENTISTRY. --J S. JEROME, V IxoIIAn, STRY. -- Vulcanite• Is manufacturing platesof thebesttnatl erial as cheap as they can be got in the Dominion. 411 work warranted. Painless extraction of teeth by the use of Electric- ity or Vegetable Vapor. TAKI. NoTIos,—I will extract teeth for 26 cents each. OFFICE: In the Reeve Block, opposite the Ertinswick House. tea a ter Wm. H. Macdo1la1di; DEN"i! OFFICE, - - r'csON's eLOCK Opposite the Queens Hotel, 1Vinghatn, Will visit Gorl'ie la -gland 3rd Mondays of eaoh month. JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSt1RAh"lvl< AOENT wixonAM, . J ONTARIO P. DEANS, an., Wis0UAa,, LIOENSED AT.ICTIONEEIt FOR THE COUNTY 01' I10ktON. Moderate. lta tended in any Bart of the Co. Chargee JOHN CURRIE, `' rNal1ADt, ONT., LXCENSED AUCTIONEER, roe THE BOUNTY 011'' IIII�ON A11 orders left at the Tikes office promptly attend ed to. Terms reasonable. JAMES HENDERSON, Lytton) AvcrloNrt2R Fort Commmtrts tlnioN atm BRuc#, All sales attended to promptly and on the Shertest Notice. Charges rate and A11 necessary arrangements ran be maction ade amt • 1i:.. Tants' ollieo Wition.M....».V..,.._-. ONS, . D0. J. MCASII, M. B. tomato, Alcntbets 00115225 Plrysidans and Surgeons, Ontario. IIELORAVR ONTARIO Morley ttf' Loan on Notes. Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE ItA'1114 Money advanced on Mortgages at 64 pet cent WI privile,, of paying at the end of any year. Xo6 endaccomrt+ collee'- awwsra Rimer Block 1,'il411 , Ont, O. QNDSICTSD8IX'r•192 r Gott coxa ,Tun t' ell call the atteoisen, the fact, that ,the 11a, 'Union meets +pert/ rp, for one hour, kt FM street, Alllad_eo.aw e hold * monthly '"'r nday of every ileal yertieed, to wnnoh,nte' nerally. As the Editor has .bin sew, for our •:fork, vise nd items of iitereet on ay' to any ot our wash, .RunI1-8 Since intemper0 ow many vlcSlrnl • lowed a'ttl els if thfrome earthe trahan Brough its sivaumbers return tl; . j�ae the eetltsnfsto ., 1• tian phitoeopher,l t a century aga,'an not ended, the ,t record of that 'h ad s .rxtlt moreddethtoantisi40'n ', than 17 worlde 1 , beings,,have beet ence by the arm ideon 5. Stoma Only a Was Youth 1s the £ and these, ,unlea .` will ;row sand '1 handeuffsa 'Ilia. who are awaken habit in titise50 taiu young man it formed the Itabi 4'liquor every ,Inc An older foie rt:,:nrgon, e£orc the diad t< g. Oh, there's ins otion. 1 scan lied the dristiht , Suppose you sol;gCatrtid Very welll 'abt_ut.I. Wassure eeka�tt y,u `C alarm. lois friend agai i You are not 1 the latter. a t' Hardly, reps • I am trying dartgtar,and If I have 00142 • ripened to nrr , gave you that • ltbank you for " How did it, ffriend. 'I'he first tC tof appetite b ..breakfast and Bing all -day. ligealized how '(bad fastened horn square. t snot.her drop • '.palled rate d iLtnwg, and \,. tm:nri after t ,:w.i er,catch t (,Sebacited Htasd'8 darn ed Sarsttpar , pock. 4 'i sis 'other attdllrku j cornbitatleu, 1 iveu to 'ole r ,,slit net p t,5 effects ret preparatiose HOOD'S Pu y A Oh, save distracted endeavors 1luttse in tb raging in t recently. Who? bousel as' #P,S; OI e ,ti'.,elled. i t .fire bravelyr m follewed 1 table The arc and a elle peered at Ing the 1 arms, It ens lively its all the' North A Runes( A.mericat and ilei days. l: inark alit once the Metopes fits. 76 'Wrtldo