HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-09-12, Page 6i
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Mr, • and Mrs. Matt McCarthy
of Florida are visiting with
Mr. Harold 'Wilson has
relatives here.
A number from here took -in the
exhibition in London, also the
useful gifts.
Threshermen's Reunion,in Blyth
on the weekenii,
Mr, and Mrs. John Wallace
Mr. and Mrs.Frank Maloney of
Stratford visited w1t1i Mr:• .and
were guests at the 25th Wedding
Mrs. Wilfred Maloney on
members from at , the
Milverton Fair on Sept. 21.
Saturday evening,'
AnniversWy celebrations of Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Krameis
of Stratford visited with Mrs.
�;• +
Genie Kramers on Saturday.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Dan
Costello on the weekend were Mr
last week to hear of the accidental
Bobbie Malone of Winnipeg,
Congratulations to George
Mrs. Jean Groskok and daughter
Scott. Steven Miller; 7th 'yr.
Debbie of London and Mr. and
Douglas who was chosen Grand
Mrs. Dan Costello Jr. and family
Christine, in Vancouver one night
of Kitchener.
Anne Miller; 8th yr. seal- Steven
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cleary,
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ryan
Karen and Kevin and cousin
Jt Cleary of London visited on
I�; `
Sunday with Mrs. Frank Evans.
they are on the staff of the
Miss Teresa Ryan of London
plane and the Scot.t'3-bv car.
spent the weekend with her
,�,, ,� `+„ xt �,,� >' �' �"�• j`�'' a", �.�
mother. Mrs. Mary. Ryan and
j? ' _
Sister Alice.,
Mr. Harold Sutton of London
called on old friends during the
past week.
ALL ONTARIO CHAMPS The Dublin Bantom Girls Softball team 2nd. Gait . Bebermann, Vickie, Bennewies, Mary Helen O'Rourke; .....
won the Bantam D provincial trophy recently. Team members- are, Teresa Hicknell, Colleen Murray, Cheryl McClure, Janet -Duffy.
back, lef"e Cronin, Larry Cook, Laura Bennewies, Dorn McClure. Front. Laurie Milne, Karen Bruxer, Pat Jarmuth, Marianne Kale,
Maureen Delaney, Joanne Jordan, Karen Cronin. (Photo by.Wilbee)
NEONS OF.. .Hibbert zoning. by-law,
' (correspondent
Mrs. RObCrt Lain, gl are preparegd
6elleville I -ad
to s yak
Zoning by-laws are now being mentioning among other things,' $$11256'06 were approved for
:± p prepared, ared, for Hibbert Township
the use of plastic covers to payment. The Road
and w•ei-e discussed at the prevent rain flooding open Superintendent reported that
September 3 council meeting. storage.. nearly a mile abd a, quarter of
C'� ut"�'`� m E'f'ft !"f The new Mitchell & District Grants of -$140.00 were made road had been reconstructed, on
y I / g Arena Board weregranted to ,the Mitchell Fair and the Concession 13, and that a further
{ Mrs. M. Lamond was hostess charge for a short programme $950.00. Hibbert's share of 19% Seaforth . Fair., and a second mile and a quarter .should ` be
?! for the September meeting of including a. ruing by Mar et of $5000., tet `commence payment to Philips Planning and completed in the next two weeks.
Cromarty Women's Missionary Laing and the games Ani al operations of the Board. Engineering for preparation of The clerk was directed to
Society with Mrs. .,J. Jefferson Bingo and Musical Chair . anet Councillors Norris & Lannin, circulation of the Zoning By-laws. advertise for tenders on the
presiding. The meeting opened was assisted in openin her gifts explained that advertisements for By -Laws .,were -passed on the McLaren Di ainage Works, to be
'i with a poem, Give Them a Smileby her sist er, Nancy Allen. The Staff had been placed in Dill Drain (two readings), on the received for October 7th, 1974.
TNe scripture, Ephesians 4: 1-16, party was planned by Jean Carey_ newspapers, and it was hoped the McLaren Drain (two readings)r. Bids were received for the the on
was read in unison as was Marilyn Lam and • Dorothy arena would be functional by end a for tib , f>}ts drain,,. bpt hear e#fgrt�ve dot:1
g r 3:t Y
' "I`Se termor. ratna a oan or 00. .,was onl to 2t)f December1974.
absence of the secretary and the On Sundav afternoon aunts and Members of.Council, members Road accounts for $ 4,132.61 The next meeting will be
treasurer. Mrs. Grace Scott gave, cousins of the bride gathered at of the Planning Board and the, and General accounts for October 7th.
if their reports. The president, Mrs. the -home of .Mrs. Mervin Dow Inspecting Trustee ofDublin,
Lamond. announced the Fall
and she"was, again made the
discussed the proposed study by
Mr. Harold 'Wilson has
Rally of Stratford Presbyterial in
recipient of many lovely and
County Council on the restruc-
St. Marys on October 9. The
useful gifts.
turing of Perth Council. It was
guest speaker for • the
Mr, and Mrs. John Wallace
resolved. that there was lack of
Thankofferi.ng service on Oct. 20
were guests at the 25th Wedding
information on this subject, and
members from at , the
Milverton Fair on Sept. 21.
will be Rev. Stairs of the'Leprosy
AnniversWy celebrations of Mr.
that Hibbert would not support
Riley, 2nd. yr. seal - Steven
Mission. The October meeting
and Mrs. John'A. Wallace,of New
this resolution at. County Level.
Melinda Koehler visited Sunday
will be in the form of a
Hamburg on Saturday night':
Norman, Bird, Agricultural
last week to hear of the accidental
congregational supper in the
Congratulations to George
Engineer from the Ministry of
Scott. Steven Miller; 7th 'yr.
basement of -the church. Mrs.
Douglas who was chosen Grand
Agriculture aiid Food met with
o D&D.
Farm and
Residential Wiring
After 6
As her topic, Mrs. Lamotid gave death of little Danny Hullev of
some Bible Society news.The Winthrop. Deepest svmpathy is
study' book , Life-styles of the extended to the Walker and
congregation in . Missions, was Hulley families.
presented by Mrs. Dow and Mrs. Cromarty guests at the
Lamond, ,assisted by the other Cochrane -Kerslake wedding in'
members.. The meeting closed Sarnia we're Mr. and Mrs.
,-with praycr'"by Mrs. Dow. Malcolm Latnond, Mr. and Mrs.
Rally Day Service Robert Parsons, Mr. and Mrs.
The annual Rally Day service Nelson Howe; Mr. and Mrs.
evening with Mrs. Joseph Columban and Mrs.Doreen
Thornton. Marchand of Windsor visited
Mr. Edward Regele and Mr., .Wednesday evening with Mrs.
John Dietz are patients at Joseph •Flt ,ornton.
Seaforth Community Hospital. e
Mr. and- Mrs. Winston Powell Mrs. Joseph Thornton visited
of Seaforth, visited on Sunday • on Sunday afternoon with Mrs.
with Mrs. Joy Hopper. John Beaerman of Seaforth.
Mrs. Nelson Brodhagen has re Sympathy of..the. community is
urned to her home after being a extended to Mr. and Mrs.Robert
C Hulley in the loss of their little
patient at Seaforth ommunity
was observed on Sunday with the Hugh Sett and Jack Hoggarth, Miss Elaine Ryan has started Hospital. son.
Junior Choir and Sundav School ' II h b •d
pupils'occupving the front of the
..-Denton Taylor of Belleville will
Champion'Livesfock Showman on
Coun I .' connection with the
Mr. Harold 'Wilson has
Mrs. Joan' Underwood and'
*Scott as organist, sang How
Love Jesus"" and RFv. W.Jarvis
be the speaker. invitation to
4-H Day at Mitchell Fair. He now
cons ruct n of liquid manure
returned to his home'aftee being a
Miss Winnie Barret of Islington
f Sower. The assistant Sunday
attend the- 90th birthday celebr
ations of Shakespeare W.M.S.
goes on to compete with other
holdin ds, lagoons and
patient in Seaforth Community
visited on the ,weekend with Mr.
J.Carey, presented attendance
was read. Six members answered
members from at , the
Milverton Fair on Sept. 21.
tanks. a explained their.
construction and control
Mrs.Elmer Koehler, and Mrs.
and Mrs. Edward Regele and
Mrs. Joseph Thornton.
Riley, 2nd. yr. seal - Steven
the roll call by naming a country
This community was shocked
Gardiner, r, seal - Shirley
",,� Y
Melinda Koehler visited Sunday
Mr, and Mrs. Leo Murray of St.
i Miller, Ric and and
in which the Bible Society works.
last week to hear of the accidental
t Templeman; 6th yr.. seal - Kevin
and Mrs.C. McKaig were dinner
Windsor 'spent a few days Last
As her topic, Mrs. Lamotid gave death of little Danny Hullev of
some Bible Society news.The Winthrop. Deepest svmpathy is
study' book , Life-styles of the extended to the Walker and
congregation in . Missions, was Hulley families.
presented by Mrs. Dow and Mrs. Cromarty guests at the
Lamond, ,assisted by the other Cochrane -Kerslake wedding in'
members.. The meeting closed Sarnia we're Mr. and Mrs.
,-with praycr'"by Mrs. Dow. Malcolm Latnond, Mr. and Mrs.
Rally Day Service Robert Parsons, Mr. and Mrs.
The annual Rally Day service Nelson Howe; Mr. and Mrs.
evening with Mrs. Joseph Columban and Mrs.Doreen
Thornton. Marchand of Windsor visited
Mr. Edward Regele and Mr., .Wednesday evening with Mrs.
John Dietz are patients at Joseph •Flt ,ornton.
Seaforth Community Hospital. e
Mr. and- Mrs. Winston Powell Mrs. Joseph Thornton visited
of Seaforth, visited on Sunday • on Sunday afternoon with Mrs.
with Mrs. Joy Hopper. John Beaerman of Seaforth.
Mrs. Nelson Brodhagen has re Sympathy of..the. community is
urned to her home after being a extended to Mr. and Mrs.Robert
C Hulley in the loss of their little
patient at Seaforth ommunity
was observed on Sunday with the Hugh Sett and Jack Hoggarth, Miss Elaine Ryan has started Hospital. son.
Junior Choir and Sundav School ' II h b •d
pupils'occupving the front of the
as we as t e rt e s parents.
Mr, and Mrs. Everard Kerslake
her nurses training in St.
Joseph's London.
church. The choir. with Mrs. John
and sisters; Denise, Barbara and
Mr. Louis s O'Reilly of Hibbert
*Scott as organist, sang How
Love Jesus"" and RFv. W.Jarvis
Kathy . Douglas attended
has returned to London for the
spoke brietly on the arable of the
P p
Western Fair in London on Frida}
Mr. Tont Ryan and Miss Mary
f Sower. The assistant Sunday
as a delegate from Perth County
Lou Ryan will be, returning to
School Superintendent.Mrs,
4-H Homemaking Clubs.
Western University o continue
J.Carey, presented attendance
Andv Douglas, Lambton
their st udies this fall.
certificates as follows: 1st year
certificate - Dennis Elliott, Sheila
College. Sarnia, spent the
weekend his Mr.
Mr: Bob Malone of Winnipeg
Riley, 2nd. yr. seal - Steven
with parents.
and Mrs. Charles Douglas. \.
visited Mr. and Mrs, Jack Malone
Gardiner, r, seal - Shirley
",,� Y
it is interesting to note that Mr.
and other relatives on the
i Miller, Ric and and
and Mrs. Thos. L. Scott and Mr.
Mr. Gerard Marchand • of
t Templeman; 6th yr.. seal - Kevin
and Mrs.C. McKaig were dinner
Windsor 'spent a few days Last
Scott. Steven Miller; 7th 'yr.
guests with Mr. McKaig's sister,
,,.eek with her parents Mr, and
diploma - Nancy Scott. Betty
Christine, in Vancouver one night
Mrs. Leo Murray.
Anne Miller; 8th yr. seal- Steven
last week. Both couples have
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ryan
Quance; 9th yr. seal - Nancy and
been enjoying a holiday in the
have returned to Pembroke where
Terry Templeman. Karen Miller.
Jim Bob Scott; 10th
west. the McKaig's hav�ir�f]�" -gone
they are on the staff of the
and yr.'seal -
plane and the Scot.t'3-bv car.
High School.
Andrew Laing; 12th yr. seal
f Margaret Laing Elizabeth and
David Templeman; 14th yr. seat -
Mary lane Templeman.
Flowers in the church were
placed in , memory ' of Danny
Hulley, three year old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Hulley, who lost
his life in a farm accident last
week. Mrs. Hulley was the former
Margaret Walker of Cromarty.
Beginners in the Kindetgarteb
class at Upper ' Thames
Elementary School in Mitchell
were Tracey parsons, Karen
Meikle, ,terry Oudd and Tommy
Janet Allen was guest of
hotidut at two. miscellaneous
bridal showers during the
Wcekdnda The first being . a
cotnti ohitj� shi3vt'et' on sattirday
ebbBtiiA'. Maifij t Laing war., in
A,.nn.Ws. .. ... .... ..:..y ..;.,,,, .; v..,. , .....,,. .,.;.
" F.,111110-
,C ar + ' w `I
. e
Pian your spring .colour parade now with
plump and perfect bulbs dir ct from
Holland. .
top size only. -
Aeasonably priced, [Now no sales taxllj
*Colour plates 'to
r'' F assist you In your
for the' indoor
:ardening -
enthusiast as well
amaryllis, paper
whites, also
house plant
Shop now while • colour selection Is best.
A good time for seeding or
renovating your lawn. We
carry• a broad -selection of
registered Can. #1 lawn seed
mixtures. Also . specially
formulated fertilizers.
Peat Moss, Rakes, Tools, etc.
, ■
Durst -farm &,6arden
22 Isaac St.,Clinton
Ph. 482-9333
Open. daily except Saturday'. P.M.
M. 527-0240; EkPositor, ,Action Ads'.
�Gr • e
+ - ; Fur -Trimmed
Coats Get Best
of Care, Here
0 1
On sale -at the Fair
Seoforrth W6mi en'$ Institute
Prepared for the 1966
international Plowing Match
in `Seaforth
Thi ; HuronExpositor
627=0240 • SI►FiDRTH
t► I
" F.,111110-
,C ar + ' w `I
. e
Pian your spring .colour parade now with
plump and perfect bulbs dir ct from
Holland. .
top size only. -
Aeasonably priced, [Now no sales taxllj
*Colour plates 'to
r'' F assist you In your
for the' indoor
:ardening -
enthusiast as well
amaryllis, paper
whites, also
house plant
Shop now while • colour selection Is best.
A good time for seeding or
renovating your lawn. We
carry• a broad -selection of
registered Can. #1 lawn seed
mixtures. Also . specially
formulated fertilizers.
Peat Moss, Rakes, Tools, etc.
, ■
Durst -farm &,6arden
22 Isaac St.,Clinton
Ph. 482-9333
Open. daily except Saturday'. P.M.
M. 527-0240; EkPositor, ,Action Ads'.
�Gr • e
+ - ; Fur -Trimmed
Coats Get Best
of Care, Here
0 1
On sale -at the Fair
Seoforrth W6mi en'$ Institute
Prepared for the 1966
international Plowing Match
in `Seaforth
Thi ; HuronExpositor
627=0240 • SI►FiDRTH
t► I