HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-09-12, Page 3L. l
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Al sale ole. of a
R, W. Carbert, a native of Perth
County, was a farm broadcaster
$ea?orth's, OeP >iliial 118 11 year
��itr,~ ulat s 14 h >,
will be disalrs§e at an Qp9>a
Centennial nler;tlttg .16 tyre
`: �� $.� ���:,4000#Q
bas meat of thle °library gnight ,
emni ith0,
Sept. -1 ,
The CentennialComnliitt `say
erste :Aral # gf th t ,re, s b,
khan slime amo#t#ltdef#:#9tjaot#te
that new .ideas are heeded to
big weeketiti
round out the festivitiand ask
enjoyment playing with them.
Materials: `
that everyone who is interested in
,!::Every week- rlprol _pfl Mo. �
working for Centennial on various
peaplie discover w, 4' rni$hty, jobs
committees _attend the meeting.
are, accomplished by lbw ,cost
"If our Centennial is going to
Expositor Want:" tads. I?aal'
be a success, many more people
52,7-0240 • '
yrs e 5 a u r a ie + ., rr a ;;a,°3txfi tz { €+2 r•
zkaa�Xy' r, "Ir�.• x; '� r
1 • �I! a ti' " : ri r �N �.>rr.`i v - ; yr'" f'a'rtx.�r +. :rJ•k> e t` r4 `� nr*r,F
l i ��( By Job D Baker
'P F rr C
Public Relations Officer
B anch 156
Events of Sigpificants Thirty -One take 1,320 villages in • one day.
Years Ago, During World War, 11 28 September 1943 - British
1 August 1943 - American Air forces occupy Foggia airfields, in
j Force fire Ptoesti oil fields. Italy. 'Empire war casualtiesN. c
5 August 1943 - Russians take date were 667,159, of this number
Orel and Belgorod in • new Canadian casualties amounted to
offensive, 19,697•
7 August 1943 - R.A.F. bomb Past Events
Milan, Turin and Genoa. Last Friday night the weekly
10 August 1943 - Prime Minister Bingo attracted ' ninety-five
Churchill arrives in Quebec, players. Prizes to the value of
AT THE START Spectators line the course as motorcycle enthusiasts sponsored the event and 15 August 1943 - Canadian and $348 were shared by the winners.
motor cycle riders in the 125 race round the first about 400 people came to watch riders run a muddy, U.S. forces land on -Kiska Island Last Sunday, the final mixed
corner at the moto-cross races neap' Walton n p p and find the Japanese have gone,' golf two ball foursbmie was held.
Q dusty and hilly route. (Photo by Pat Langlois) 17 August 1943 Sicily Many participants enjoyed, an
Sunday. The Maitland Dirt Riders, a local club of afternoon f fun in the sunny
conquered. President Roosevelt Q Y
and Prime Minister C=hurchill v weather. Winners were: 1st
• confer in Quebec, plan 1944 Helen Nicholson and Jim Watson,
Bob Carbert heads landings in France. Canadian and Jr.; 2nd - Mrs. Terry Johnston
1 lay Time Bv: J.D.Sctitt Mae Isaac British bombers heavily damage and Bill Wilbee; 3rd - Faye Storey
new farm flying -bomb site at Peenemunde, and Terry Johnston. The event
museumGermany, was climaxed with a corn boil and
23 August 1943 Russians chicken barbecue.
R,W.-"Bob" Carbert has been In making the announcement, recapture Kharkov. Coming Events
the beputy Minister pointed out 25 August 1943 - Mountbatten Sunhy, September 15th - Zone
appointed as General Manager of
O the Ontario Agricultural Museum that until "now the Ontario heads East Asia Command. Cl Convention is being' held in
O ' at Milton. The announcement was Agricultural Museum has been in "26 August 1943' Allies recognize Clinton Branch 140. There will be
made by Deputy Minister T.R. " a short parade commencing at
the planning stage, but with the the French National Committee.
Hilliard. coming of spring ".we will be 3 September 1943 - British and om hours. The meeting will
The appointment follows the moving into the developmental Canadian troops land at the foot commence • at 14.00 hours. All
Ministry's deeision-, .to.,„„proceed stage, and our new General of the 'Italian, mainland, and. push members are urged to, attend.
with plans to establish_a provin- Manager will be in charge of this to the North. i Friday, September ,20th 1?
P -
important work.” 7 September 1943 - Allies extend Weekly Bingo as usual at the
tial agricultural musei�°m • on a
92 -acre site near Milton, and is "When completed, this bridgehead to 60 miles. The Legion Hall.
¢ the first step toward the develop museum will provide a home for Italian fleet surrenders. Friday, September 27th - Five
HELPING YOUR CHILD START SCHOOL ment of this facility. the historical artifacts of Ontario 8 September 1943 Italy -Pin Bowling.,
N te'
Drinking Straw Puppets
R, W. Carbert, a native of Perth
County, was a farm broadcaster
agriculture, and a place where
citizens, young and old, rural dnd
9 September 1943 - British and
Associate members (not sons
A child can never have enough puppets. These simple puppets
for a number of years at CKNX
urban, can relive pleasant
American troops land at Salerno,
and daughters) are eligible to
will give all children fun -in helping to make them and hours of
Wingham, and with the Canadian ',memories
and learn - of the
heritage of rural Ontario,"
10 September 1943 - The
compete in in Zone,
District, Provincial and Dominion
enjoyment playing with them.
Materials: `
Broadcasting Corporation.
"in an administrative
"Bob Carbert has been closely
Germans occupy Rome. - The
competition. Interested Darters
i large plastic drinking. straw (the type used for milkshakes)
capacity with the Canadian
associated with rural Ontario for
Italian fleet is turned over to the
should contact Comrade Ross
1 piece of cardboard about 4 inches by 4 inches the thickness of
Federation of Agriculture in
his whole • lifetime, and we are
Coutts, Branch Sports Officer.
an ordinary cardboard carton
Ottawa, and the Ontario Federa-
confident he will give this project
12 September 1943 -• Mussolini
Watch the Legion column for
any type of adhesive tape (cellophane tape will work)
tion of Agriculture in Toronto,"
the combination of experience
• freed from detention by German
Euchre and Cribbage dates in late
for faces y ou can either use paint or crayons, or y ou can use a
joining the Ministry of Agricul-
and enthusiasm necessary.'
October or early November.
face cut out of a'ma azine. i you use a cutout it 1hiI c�v,er
g,,, f
fire and Food in Januar of 1968
13 September 1943 - Canada
! ._-_;'.• I (j
. r,i..Ic .rr
the surface of the cardboard head: (you, c�$ afsq�combi�ie a
as Associate rector of th'e.
,, EgM.ojndvil,le. ;
rr disbands two home defense
development. No two children ever devOop at the same rate of h, Det roit who skated 151/: hours to
speed mentally or physically and to assume as the law does, that raise $15.50.
cutout with a drawing)
Information Br ch, artd Execo
rl,r•r f �r rfi Il1�rl �ci M,
paper glue if .yoh use a cu%ut face
tive Assistant- to tine Minister.
,�Mr. and Mrs, Charlie: Wood
'16 September 1943 - German
and .Sylvia and Mrs. Wood's
attempt to wipe out 'Salerno
mother, Mrs. Johnson from
beachhead fails.
I. cut the cardboard in any shape you want for a head (the
% �y
Wingham, have just returned
20 September , 1943 The
simple round .shape is easiest to work with)
■ op ■ aonors
from spending 'a month in
Canadian destroyer "St. Croix"
2. attach the straw to the head in the following manner (a) lay
England visiting relatives of Mr.
is sunk by the Germans with a
the head down and place the straw in'th@ middle of'the head
Baan Oldfield" took top honors
new acoustic torpedo.
so That the. top of the st raw is at the top of the head (b) cut
among Huron contestants who
24 September 1943 Germans
Phone 527-0240,
strips of tape (c) secure the straw to the head with the tape
were among sixty eight senior
4-H dairy club
abandon Smolensk in Russia.
until it cannot be easily pulled apart,September
calf membet•s'from
27 1943 - Russians
3. draw or glue the face on the puppet's heady
fifteen counties who competed in
Over $900 for the Muscular
4. if you want to paint the tape on the back of the head with
this year's 4-H Dairy Silver Dollar
Dystrophy Association of Canada
Com etitio This w d
aee our utsptay ur
Color ' TV's
and Stereos
at the Fair
Our store will be closed
Thursday alYdtFridby,
Septerribee10 = 20:`
,,'water paadd a few drops of liquid detergent to the paint 11 n. as a recor was raised by 60 area y oung
so that you can work on the plastic tape entry for the annual show held at. eo le who roller-skated 'round
5. this is a tan for a basic puppet, you can add hair b gluing Orangeville fairgrounds and p p
p p pp Y Y g g sponsored by United Breeders the clock at Vanastra over the MODULARandDOU-BLE'HOMES
wool or string and you can tape tissue paper for clotbes weekend.
Inc. -Po ' int scores were awarded Paul Gridzak, 18, of Seaforth,
Special clothes, new schoolbags packed full with pencils, for ansering a senior level quiz, was the -only participant io skate
•cra ons and notebooks are read and waiting for thousands of writing on essay, showing a calf
y Y g and showmanship. the full 24 hours of thee n
young children who will be starting school for the fart time this Skateathon which began at 6 l
balls our
Y savings into a
new job a child starting school must be made to feel at home Police information 3
_ _ -1_,_} -" - -
with schcol. it especially that the child
But are the children ready?
Kim Fulcher, 14, of Vanastra
The following is a list of activities which you can play with \.our Children Complaints } interest. This intemst
,y, i
Obstructing Police t
Because the law says that at six years of age all children must
and Nancy Cook, 14, of Clinton:
(h) Ask your child to ci`rau• or panni pictures about his day at Disturbance 3 interest. Together with
school and afterwards ask him to tell you about what he has
Kio'p'pen O
Make your money work
go to school,. we have tended to take it for grant ed that at that �,
each skate for 221/2 hours.
(c) Using puppets (see suggestion) or dolls a" k your child a
drawn ASSl51 Other Police De t't 1
/ 41
age all children are prepared to go to • school. A child's `
v.. Dave - Harrison, assistant
development goes in many stages; first he raises'his head, then
E, manager of Vanastra Skateland
(d) Get your child and some of his friends to play act school.
Lost Ad Found t
rich today at Victoria
—_ �f
learns to sit tip, tat cr he learns to walk and finally he is able to
said the youngest skater was
and Grey.
run. The same tv pe of stages re found in a child's mental
G, eight-year-old St arr Girardin of
! ._-_;'.• I (j
j : I:
development. No two children ever devOop at the same rate of h, Det roit who skated 151/: hours to
speed mentally or physically and to assume as the law does, that raise $15.50.
six years of age all children have developed to an equal level
® The project was sponsored b\
�hich allows them to learn m school, is at the very least, denying the Brucefield Fire Department
asic facts of life.• and Vanastra Skateland.
Until school law starts to take children into consideration Pollee News -
ro concerning the starting age at school instead of mathematical
efficiency, parents must do all they can .to assure that their A. L. VAUGHAN��•�.��-,�..� ,
Children are ready for those all important first days and weeks at CHIEF
school. your way A;• qd
Going to school is a turning point in a child's life, for he is -
leaving the comfort and security of his family for the first time Police News
and going off into the world by himself. Besides separating The Seaforth Police to
himself from home, a child goes into an environment which is Department investigated 38
completely different from the one he came from before'school, it occurrences from the week of the prosperity
is only n atural to expect that such a dramatic. change in a child's 4th September. 19'14 to the 1 1th
sway of life should cause him added tension and pressure. The of Srplcmbcr, 1974, Thee are as
`in W h
Royal Oaks
alority of children quickly adjust to their new surroundings but follows: en you put your
a few are so seriousiv affected that the}• can never learn in Theft complaints ; money regularly into a r1
school. Assistance Q special savings account at 1, i- _•-,
Just as you are given a breaking in period when you start a Animalsconipalinis 5 Victoria and Grey Trust
balls our
Y savings into a
new job a child starting school must be made to feel at home Police information 3
_ _ -1_,_} -" - -
with schcol. it especially that the child
when he begins to work at school. Property Damage 2 we pay you generous
substantial estate in
The following is a list of activities which you can play with \.our Children Complaints } interest. This intemst
,y, i
Obstructing Police t
child as he §tarts school. g
htsccurc Proper � 1 Itself earns generous
(h) Ask your child to ci`rau• or panni pictures about his day at Disturbance 3 interest. Together with
school and afterwards ask him to tell you about what he has
ro`•4�� -- , ` �_ •
Make your money work
Traffic Complaints } your deppsits, it Snow-�•
^` --
(c) Using puppets (see suggestion) or dolls a" k your child a
drawn ASSl51 Other Police De t't 1
(b) Tell or read our child stories which have something to do
Y g
is important
Parking } 1
balls our
Y savings into a
eta• ,..�, �,�<z
_ _ -1_,_} -" - -
with schcol. it especially that the child
MotorVehicle Accident t
substantial estate in
understands what a teachers job is and that he will be
Obstructing Police t
time than you imagine,
staying at school Monday thru Friday for most of the day.
to do
Suspiciouti Autos 1
Make your money work
Golden State
(c) Using puppets (see suggestion) or dolls a" k your child a
Domestic Dispute 1
for you. Start getting
show about school.
Missing Persons 1
(d) Get your child and some of his friends to play act school.
Lost Ad Found t
rich today at Victoria
Give them each a pencil and paper then ask them one at a
The%,,ere two minor
and Grey.
time to play the part of the tegeher.
acciden in•esti ated with
g Member Canada Deposit
(e) One of the best activities is simply talking to y our child. He damages totalling $55.00• In enee Corporation ) ri'J€ilytE
will come home with a lot of questions and if you can 2 Persons charged under the
answer them clearly for him you will be taking away some Highway Traffic Act.
of the mystery of school, 2 Persons char ed under the=
Liquor Control Act. GREY
As your child st arts school, become acquainted with his
h Sh ill hel ' u a d er an_ ou have 12 Motorists stopped and warned
See our display models at our Lot in Kippen
and visit- our Mobile Home at Seaforth Fair
eat Ca. e w pyo n answ y q Y for minor defects and
about how your child is reacting to school and how he is settling offences. 12 year financing available °
in. One Major accident TRUST COMPANY SINCE lsao
Help make those school bells happy sounds fot your child by investigated with damage POST Office Box 2$ Ki
peen, Ontario Phone 2612 ffi24 '
+" preparing him for them. His school career could depend upon itl totalling $500'.
r, •