HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-12-29, Page 7Conttentmnnt.
I'rn glad I am a llttle girl,.
And have the afternoons for play,
For if I was a busy ben
I &pose I'd have to work all day.
,And if I was an owl I'd 1•e
Afraid tc keep awake all eight;
And if T was ail elephant
How could I learn to be polite'
•And if I was the Jersey calf
I might forget my name and ruse;
,And if I was a little dog
f couldn't read the Chil iron's 1 a a,.
My•s tltesl When I begin to coot t
It makes my head go all a.wh'rl
There are so many reasons why
I'm glad I'm a little girl.
Anna M. Pratt.
Some of Tlleln Were Not Without
Point and Humor.
No country in the word has produc-
ed such a plentiful crop of curious
prayers as Scotland, where extempore
"prayer is the rale among the Presby-
terian clergy. Doubtless a great
inaany of the prayers which appeared
fin the papers fathered upon the cierev
sof the Lead of Cakes pro apocryphal,
I,bu,t these quoted in this article are
-undeniably authentic.
Preacher Geordie, an eccentric itin-
.t9r€ltlt monster, who was fatuous all
'bluer Sootland at the beginning of the
preseut century for his nowhy, homely
sermons, was also noted for his ur-
iigissal prayers. ou one occasion he
•emeatationsily ascended the pulpit of a
toouutry . church with his fiddle—his
inseparable companion —'• under his
arm. Ile thea very devoutly set abour
aiding the precentor by means of the
instrument in rising the tune. Ob-
serving some little tittering among the
songregatiou—for the vigilance of his
suspicion was extreme — he took
occasiou in his prayer, where, es lie
often said, he found htu►self..least
straitened, to express himself iii ,hose
or the like terute : ''Good Lord, 'thy
people—Thine own peculiar, Chesson
people t,f old—were wout to praise
Thee with tuber and with harp, with
rackbut and with psaltety ; and 'thy
douce and loyal servants were seen
,systt;cins and skipping and snapping
ttheit !gees to rhy praise, and weer
wawa the, the,. rewarded f )t it, But nowa-
(i}ays •.1,)thh.'tti, will Reeve 115 but, sighing
and gr,,,t,)lil,g •nd agnerulutg'iand howl-
ing out dislual teoilUi tunes, w.' feet
mailed In the pird, nils faces an ell
hang tin(! rnuel:l(: di, .loyalty in our
,hearts, artera' ! Gif Thy blessing
reach tie, it mann surely ,b" 1nalr by
Thy favor tiau our stn gilts guiding,1
trow l'
Geor•lt-'s prayer for the magistracy
arif Loch to ti. u was tornletty far famed,
"'Lord," shod he, "we pray Thee to re -1
tnlember the magistrates of Looli uunr•o
an they lire I"
A no iee of somewhat similar peti-
ttion is , n he found 111 a volume pub.
dished Iu Erliiiburg in 1798, e,rtitled
"Scotch Presh, teria., .E uqueuce" • l
ivir Aeeskie prayed. in t• e Iron Kirk k our Fatuity L'hyshcina.. j
last year, •L•)rd, have lllero•r cm ctrl l
fools ttui idlote, and p.irticulsrly on
Abe ma„isLrates of Eiitilmrs,'."
.,Anothet utinister ut the last century
srho wits famed for his peculiar prayers
was the i.L. v. Peter'. Giese, the minister
of Grail, I{'ifeshire, The Rev. Peter
invorito,.y prom:lied and prayed in
good tread Sootclh, using all the
homers technical terms appropriate to
the r"tll j cis he happened to have iu
band. li 8 perisllouel's being mostly
fisherint'tl, he was praying une da,•
"that the Lord would iill the men's
boats wi' Herrn)' rip to the very tow..
holes''—i. e., rowlocks — when one
.of the ners')ns concerned roared nut,
-"Na, tis, nu' that far. sir, or we wad
sal be soul: I"
Wnatevt r may have Leen his other client sold i Ito. land, got his pay for it Cain safely reootutneutO I3. 13.Ir1., for trick(
eaefrcia••e'Ns, a former minister of the acid gay., the deed, didn't her aslecl hettdbis•b�e.
Crumb, .e, (own mere specks of Islands judge Ilnrtington, That makes no cavil
Ulm. A. A. Fe>+tanx„4Auetso, Ont. I ti
in the Posh cf Clyde), seems rtot to ereuce, Saye Uhipmtn, the deed hors
have L+eu wanting 111 local patriotism,
!1m Sral all(! eatuito, be admitted. :1 '1r, t+' t+orrow nlnaley its to bor,cw;
its he will wont to conclude his weekly (Peck, said the .Judge, give teen to trnaalula,;;furl tome men titid it a Brod;
Suncor, prayer with the following safer tool I► three-curueved pie of dein of trouble to burrow motley too.
petition : "0, 'Lord, have ruercy un p,tpor. •1'no cleik obeyed midi the
''Thy Sirt,anta, the denizenti of Great .fudge deitLt'rntt•ly made and telixed Ipavis' Paid(➢-1;3.i11t'r.—its vale -
and Little Gutnbrat' as also the lolltltl•i- + , +►rule )Tti)Pt.rttei Mss a rl,eetly Cure f(Ar
� ' , t1L• heal, mere Brother �.elUitpu,dlr,
palm c ay' +ot, tail tm be ua'innatly ttppre•
-taints ••f tat, adjacent Great Britain iel the Jridge, toe gleed is w'It right tPtl, sad II„ flintily , ht)ul't be with -
;;and l r t•Inuti,” ntity ante goat he put in t•virs,..>v,:e, A S °"/.11,, in uuse of ot)t idents, or sadder
A wel'•knnty, Lauarionire minister rutin l M t �Olnit 1.tt ht ebests.o out. Uf • .
puny with a brother clergymen, was
spending a vacation in Cumberland,
and on the first Sunday of their stay
they attended divine service in a Tittle
Ssote's kirk in the vicinity, taking
W NGJIAM TIMES, ijkagYi.,BETii'29
The Pullman Stocking. .
Say, mister, Santa Olaus down
travel on this train ?
Oh, I really doa'c know, was et
the precaution to nit in the remote. reply. ,Well, 1 suppose ant,
earner, so that the o}floitttitlg minister
That'e what mamma said she s'po
should not notice them. ,But the ed, with a little sigh. But coarse h
eagle eye of the minister detected Course t, with a half laugh Sant
theta, rnd in the intercessary prayer' Claus has too much to do Ohristuifi
lie so expressed himself as to make, i eve to be Lakin' tripe,
traits snre If sorr:e 'aid from thew, And he doesn't travel t.y rail, son',
the good roan's worth} were these. ;I Dnp i1ln,pPBted.
Lord, have mercy on Thy minister
Course he doesn't, with enthusiasm
servants who have lookt.d in . upon ua I He goes Sian' along with his reindeer
so unexpectedly, one of whom will st°otic' over the roofs and down tit
preach in the afternoon and the other
ohiulleys—my i But, with auotht
in the evening, a eil;h, 1 don't know how he'll find me !
The porter now carne to stake up
the berths, and cnatutna led the boy
The• Conversation Fiend. to another seat, The next man be -
Goin far, mister ? ; hind, corning to his berth a short tittle
They were in a third-class compart-
ment of one of trite expresses running
from London to Liverpool, The
question was asl?'ed by a long -nosed,
thin-lipped wan'with painted chin,
acauty whiskers, a slouch hat, and a
hungry expression of countenance,
fie was resting his feet on the opposite
side of the carriage, whish seat was
partly occupied by a passenger in a
'grey check suit. The passenger
addressed turned partly around and
took a look at his questioner.
Yes, I am going to Crewe, he
replied. My business there is to sell
four shares of hank stock, dispose of
my interest in a farm of eight' acres
ten miles from town, and invest the
proceeds in a clothing establishment..
1 am from St AIh,tus, in Hertfordshire.
1 got on the train there at at 9.35 this
rnoruing, It was forty-five minutes
behind time. 111y ticket from Boston
post the 133, 2:1. Had my breakfast
about an hour ego. Paid 1s. Ed.• for
later, stopped with a stare of surprise
and than met with a smile the smile
of the lady across the aisle as she
nodded towards the curtains which
closed outside the boy who had missed
a visit froth Santa Claus. Upon the
button of the drapery huug a small
A poor place for that sort of thing,
I'm afraid, Paid the next behind to the
lady across.
1 erhaps not so bad as one might
think, was her answer. Site !fad
opened a lunch basket,'and, Just as
the rnan, after tumbling in his pocket,
dropped a silver dollar in the toe of
the stoi itithr, drew out a box of Gaudy,
which followed the dollar.
But the gifts did not stop, for the
spirit of the season was fully awaken.
ed. Small coins were passed along
from oue hand to another, and shaken
well down into the toe by the man
next behind. A woman with a bag of
Uhristrnas gifts for a family of expect.
it. This cigar c )st me 34 , or five a j ant small friends, made a selection
shilling. L have been a smoker for I from them, and brought her offering.
about thirteen years. \1y name is Why, the stocking's full, said the
man next behind. But here—this'll
Thomas Williams, I am thirty-nine
years old, have a wife and four chil.
1ren, and a'n a member of theOonure.� He pulled out a targe silk handker I
ationa' church. I was former' ychief, i she lard her.ttts tr,iide
a au, when
chemist, but sold out to a man named tied it by the four aoruers, and pinned!
Treadway, and 1 am not in any ( it to the stocking.
business now. 1 am worth, perhaps, j The word hod passed aloe„ and
£2,000. My fattier was a cooper, anal travellers in the next car Chale through
my ura.udfather is a sea cttatsiu. 1iy to take a peep at the travelling stock -
wife's Imine was Garr before I married ing. Scarfs c ere lied around the
her. 11,r father was a surveyor. The stocking, and handkerchiefs filled our
childre;u havts all had the trumps, wittl nobody knew .what fastended on.
chicken -pox and measels. When I In short, if Sttuta Class was not
get to Crewe I expect to stop at a hotel, travelling on that train some of 1118
Ile stopped.,. •The 1on�g.u,sed. man near relatives must have been,—Har-
regarded hitt for a moment with per's Young People.
interest, an'! then asked, in a dissat-
isfied was:
1Vh't did your great -„grandfather do
for a living'?
Always Fatal Before.
nE'rE„ north» Volt 'rhe 1IiIT TLsAlk I. t re
CA$1 OT' Uli. L.k a.)iE.�UO UU'8 EILESa PILLS
inn I'r.
To, onto, Dee, 25th, 1803—The arse of
Dr. E. rt . loose, who was cured of d,abetes
by Do(1,1's Kidney Pills, was sutlievetitly
remarkable to Germain widespread•at-
tetitiou ; nut second thought:! bring amt a i
more remarkable phase of the tr. iter.
Blood poisoning, tdi ad develop-nent of dint
hetes, is always coostdere( fatal. 'tV4en Dasa: S- u,- I was troubled with eczema
it "tete in, the attending physician altt,wys (suit rtteuu-J for about two years, but, 1. did
hive up any liugerieghope he way haysbatl'. not bother math it until it bemoi, to mien e
lit Dr. Bone's case blood poisoning had set and spread over sus (lead. 1. drew took i
in, yet he Was cured. His being the only four bottler ar€ 13.13.13.• which,. completely f
ntstauce of a cure hay' ug beeu affected drove slr•away. jr was by ray,aou'rt_ atittii.ce
alter blood poisoning.; Irad appeared. T'M,is I tools .t .1i. 1i., as B. B. 13., )scour humility
fact and the reports of other cures of Kish--, phy„icaatth.
cheeses resulting fronll, the use cf Dodder; I 1. 3. 19ILLs, Colliu�o sons„ (t�,it.
Kidney kills, intuit mr•)nvince every one.
titin these possess extraordinary virtues int
cases of lrioluey and Wood disorders. God he thanked that tbohte• are ;imam
1n t he wtarlrl to whose• helttrts, i be
It► a recent volume of "Reminiia- littrnecti•s \viii not
wolves” appears a good story of .fudg land
ILltrriugte.n, of Vermont. Technical)
ttltjeutittns did not weir -'h heavily with �ICIt Cures bion 3tead.a
fits judge, as. one Daniel Ohiornailf Gl r.MT,tat>'ri, — Having, suffered for tL
found in a cape of ejectment, (7hup. rluntbar of years with :lick headache I
I) "clad to rite admission Ole decd oouclaulerli tt> tr•y. I3. 13. P*.and� by the tithe
marl objected I head ut>4rl Live betties It wax ¢uceti, a'dd
because, it httri no seal. But your !nave !,tat tt of guy sympaom o i¢s6nee. I
For Over Fifty Yeats
AN soot AND %Vsr,-'raise. listoun Mrs. Win
yours St.othiutr Syrup has been usrd.for- over fifty I
slogs' by mill tons of mothers fur their ehllaren white
tttuthin,, with perfect success. It soothes the child
sotfens the gun's, allays all pain, stares ,vied colic.
and Is thubust roma y fur Dlarrhula, la pleasant 6)
the taste. Sold oy Druggists in etery part of the
Wot•ti Twuntylive cents a nettle. lite. teas, itt
incalculable. lie sure and ask fur Ars. Winelmw's 1
Suottria;t syrup, and to ke no outer kind.
}Inman ttttrure is so etru.stitthted
that all see and tIld!!re bettler IAT ttie 1
ti!t',aist of other men t.httu in their otxu.
To Subscribers in in Arrear. and ton
Others, LUUS `` nO
I � I. V ��i LOCS:
A number of snb.seriber are still
in arrear' for their subscripeione Icor J The highest Cash prices paid for any
the current year, and a certain cluanity of good
number for two and etven more 1 HARD AND SOFT WOOD LAGS
years , We urgently request all
subscribers in arrear to put thein- deliverer in our yard, •
•selves right on our books as soon (;all andget rices before disposing
as possible, p
Those indebted for ,)ob printing a of your Timber.
and advertising will also confer a
favor by an early settlement. We Sawing Plano
Lave lame payments to snake and LJi1StA(n Sawin 4
would like those indebted to us to
nut us in a position to meet them.
'If you owe rho anything, don't
wait it t
Canadian Paeifict B€idl
A 1 -
Trains arch's and departfollow
4:35 a, ns........•,For Toroa�tIe
r:0a p, In
t:50p. )n. ..... ....., loot T seawater..
13--E .A. cs-rD 'a u a
----TIME TA13I.E.-'-'
0:38 a tn. kattneretedAietrph,
11:20 '
0:55 p n
10:55 a.
3,37 p. tta
10:02 '
11:00 a in.
d:lsp, fa,
tt for an account to be :gent you done cheap as the cheapest and satis-,l,
faction guaranteed.•
but call and mettle or remit the
amount at your earliest conve-
All. remittances sbould be made
by express or money order, or• sent
by registered letter to
Wingnam,. d1tt.
C7 -
All kinds of+ 2
Rough and Dressed Lum
Shingles, &e.,
kept constantly ou baud•. .
Wingharn, Deo. 7th, 1893.
i ves pi,htate Lessons la "Vocal Trai ring, botch ilt,Stufr'
.and T'o,lie•Sot•B'o Notatfo». Open for eneagtnnentb
for Coraierts or C'iuhrckmeetings. Terns InecRtrate.
Apply a
MRS. Il.:WIRaow'S;,
Patrick St Wis';,•5am I'
Cares Cox:stnnptir,n, Coughs, Crotip, Sose
Throat. sect b7 all I)ruoRists on n Gaaraotos..
For a Lame' Siete, Buck or Chest ShiloW,Poroul:
Plaster wiltg.ar¢greatl:at+sfa,tion.--25 cents.
Mrs, T. 8. haateuv:s, SIntitnooga.'Tenn.,s:t
".4laitoh's V t'c.'f:z, i `ii IV'S D 81Y I E17 ,.\ 1�"
oonetdert:tth•eb:•z"„ se:�c:(�l)t'orac7el,:ltafr•17&',+stetft
e ever used." F i o D1r2r,aps1a, Fat or er _rCiduey
trouble it excaf . irt.Sct, ?d oto;.
L r."rSiik, CATER MI
414 4is
Have you Ctt:p.-4a2':;rytl-i Tteinedy.7t�rt;t
,io'it,vc y s c ,r� c t:^ & 1 nf. Price 50 cts.
This .[niect'or for ;t ,.,.' o:•• ti ,Peatravntlo
furn lshct. f T.fN•, , '. S l)tloh n tferne(1103
are sold ort r1 , • .0iisit,CtiOII.
When we assert: that
1�rF "s
Kidi:e PIIS
v t f.JvNtC,r,cafi...4r01e.
Cure Bac.; .ache, Dropsy,
Lumbago;, &fight's Dis-
ease, Rheumatism and all
other forms o' Kidney
Troubles,. we are backed
by the testimony of all
who have used them.
By all drurr,.•rs or mail on a 'ciptof price,
so cents. Dr. L. A. S+niw �; C , , Tur.nto.
Cr�;'H��I LN} LS�y0ryy
5zg1PEvirR� 'CIA VD39
then?, of iytehtery, diem -limit or
Of tit ' ,.1 1 ,wliool, recently debased wai lira turn, in t His enerthuue se his deet! ohoi► Ill runthtts, Gig; $5cr, Bottle.
so seas•ite toail y suspicionnt pl,togitir •ttt•itt a Whitt' u11-t.h twit. is It ti'ilt)la
ism, dist he never allowed himself to I, ,x of w tfees 011 the elm k's desk. I
Dr, \Voted's Norway 'fate Syrup is the
Thin and impure bino.I is made rich turd l i„,ist and hent t oro Sot coughs, entds,
hraltb6t i by titkiln! llonrl'n isatwas'at•ilbu. 1 t ilthltt, I3rin,('11i:its, t•uro throat, and all
It braces up the utsrves and alvei renewed llama and twig troubles, Price Zoe. and
strength. i,ec.
One ttolitfry phtloaophsr nasty tie
trrertt, virtuous, and happy In the Tie...'Iloiv old. Ilid ynu say Miss
, make the slightest quo! moon without
giving his authority. 1-}e was ut:env-
toltCted to assemble hit itonschol•I every
morning; for family worship, and on
one occasion he commenced bis deco.
tions (1105
"0, Lard, We boartily. thank Thee
Haat we have l,rnn awakened from the
Sleep wli+' . „titer in the lilitniturelt
Review It•t:` emir. ti the i•nnq'u of death.t,
Vire will conclmio with the follow••
ing ittt+lrv, r•'ittte,l by a well-known
Glasgow D. 1), The doctor, in eotn-
Not only a relief but a ours for all kinds of
ilo eContain no hurtful drugs. A
wonderful pound. Nice to take. r
Jo if
IA „
" dse(ifor Et
for xhiardi,it
Lo )don, Clinton.
O Sq
For information and free It'and
MUNN & Co.. 3*1 13RAADWA
Oldest bureau for securing pat.
Every patent taken out by us is
Mho public by a notice. gluon free
Largest circulation of any sotent 5
world. Splendidly' illustrated.
)cart should be without it. Wee
ICar; St.50Six months. Addraps
'tasssin,uts, 361 f autway, I'd
(10' TOO
Cheap for KAS4T.
Arr-- '
E.��S - T E , T
J t.
tove,Stoves, Sto
y :ti447,
All intending purchasers of stoves fes
Winter Will save money by buying from
'Tho Boat Cough Cure, burn death to pain.
to sure yon got STAItii'8.
PREPARED ny R. STARK, i'!. 0. C. p., Curranti
FRet, GLASCDW UsvepiRY. tool4Arm,
25 OENTS a box. Mold RhY Litt orrmensta
depth of poserty, but not a wlior's Vrere wits 4 511e- (irrace actrnow. u�
Minters ti,Cti Cn3ritooiuii4
ledges to years, Iiti---Then it was
people.-�}attar Iselin.
Itch no 'human and horses and tall her elder sister 1 met at Newport
mals eared in 30 minutes by Woolfotd's anent six years lege; She watt 18 then.
iinititnry Lotion, Thin never kits. War. She --That must have been brace her -
rooted 3t C;hirltolm'a drug store, gulf i she has no slater.
Pten'5 Mined). gar Catarrh to the
we,+t.hn-it•t.t to reit, :nod (ht•aprkt.
at b) tltu,ttttsl nr sett Ly mat:,
sec 1C.'1'. 11eteltilts. Warren, Fa.
','°o° : bought a very large variety
H`�.. 1L'
to choose fro
I+eery stove guaranteed
to give complete satisfaction
NVinghrm, August 25E13,1603,