HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-08-29, Page 13,A
Mr,' and Mrs. Bill Si 0q,
r ��•' "` b attended a birthday celebratign
on Wednesday for his mother
04' Mrs,Elizabeth Storey held at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. George
' . • � 'Wasson and family of Waltor�
We would like to welcome to
S ' ' 0��� OO haveommved in r durents the
coresp ting
.. , summer holidays, Mr. and Mrs.
Mr.d Mrs. John Anderson Procter -and Gamble's factory, as Wilton. Whip.. there, they are Paul Stevenson,D3vid and Darrin
have rdcrted from a vacation in well as other interesting things to going to the C.N.E. to see or ny from Hillsburg to the former
the Southern states. While away see and do during the day. Those Osmond, and later to a cottage at Irene Grimoldby house in the
they attended the 'Grand Ameri- interested may contact Mrs. Pearl Huntsville for the remainder of village. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
can Trap Shoot in Vandalia, Ohio. Koehler, their holidays, returning Dimeline and family from the
Mr. Anderson shot there for three This fall, the local W.I. will again on Monday. Walton area to the former Bill
days and scored an average of sponsor two 4-H clubs and On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Arie Dale farm house,
97% on 600 targets- In.one, event leaders have just ,completed a twd Roobal left for Holland from . Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Whyte of
he -had a score of 1Q0 straight. day training school -for the unit Toronto airport after spending Glen Orchard spent the weekend
St. Paul's Anglican Church Notes evAitled "The' club girl enter- four weeks with Mr. and Mrs. with his father Mr. Harold Whyte
At St. Paul's Anglican Church, tains." Hensall 1 will be led this Sim Roobal. Eight hours later also Mrs. W.L.Whyte, Tom and
the Rev. Cannon B.H. Fan of year. by Mrs. Wes (Ann) Lenting, they telephoned the Roobals that Bill.
London, a former rector of the and Miss' Brenda Pepper. Mrs. they had landed safely in Barry Turner of Tuckersmith
parish, preached on Sunday. The Peter (Janis) Bisback and Mrs.msterdam and had had a spent a few days holidays with his
Forrest orchestra played during Bill (Helen) Tinney will be the %onderful time in Canada. aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Reg.
the service and Mr. Harry Horton leaders for the second club, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Collins, Lawson, John and Elizabeth.
sang a solo, "Standing on the Hensall II. There will. be, an Kitchener, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs-. Peter Harrison of
Promises." The flowers were organizational meeting this year the latters mother, Mrs. Laird Goderich Township, Mr. and
placed in memory of the late Rev. before, the club work actually Mickle. They returned recently Mrs. Jack, Crozier- of Huron
i..... J.C. Britton and the late Mrs. begins. from a months vacation spent in Ridge, Kincardine, were Sunday
Jean Middleton. Personals LondbnvEngland; Paris, France; visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
(Intended for Last Week) Visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Sim Zurich, Switzerland; and Rome, George McIlwain.
The Rev. G.A.Anderson was in Roobal and Mr. and Mrs. Arie Italy; and while on the continent Mr. Jack Whyte of Stratford,
charge of the service in St. Paul's Roobal during the week were toured Austria,- West Germany, Mr. and Mrs. Gouinlock of
Anglican Church Sunday Peter Van Driel of Goderich, his Denmark, and Holland and had a Toronto were Saturday visitors
morning. The Forrest orchestra sister Jane from Oud Beyerland, most enjoyable trip. with the Whyte family.
accovied the hymns and also Holland Mr. -and Mrs. K. Mrs. Laird' Mickle spent We are pleased to report that
played'Ir"Love Lifted Me". The VanDenHeuvel of Goderich, Mr. Tuesday of last week with her Mr s.Annie Leitch of Clinton (a
flowers were placed in memory of Anthony Gelderland ofd Ridge- daughter Mr. and Mrs, Ross former resident) returned home
the late Mr. Lorne Hay. town, 'Mr. and Mrs. John McMillan and family of Waterloo, on Sunday from being a patient
W.1. Plan Trip )Conynendyke, Woodstock and at Southcott Pines, Grand Bend for the last few} ks in Stratford
On September 12, the Hensall Mr. and Mrs. Don Dodds and where they are vacationing for six General Hospital. We hope she is.
Women's Institute and. many' family of SeaforthandMrs. Jean week s feeling much better.
friends will leave the town hall Adenen of Ridgett:wn. Mrs. Robert Mickle and Miss Margie Whyte has taken
and, spend the day -touring the On Thursday, Bradley and Mrs. Charles_..CrouchI London up residence in Guelph following
Hamilton area. The group will Vicki Mann, children of Mr. and were recent visitors, and Mr. and the holidays. She has, a teaching
take a boat cruise around the Mrs. Doug Mann are leaving for Mrs. Keith Hillier of London were position in Aaron.
Hamilton harbour and tour Toronto by train to visit With their guests on Sunday with Mrs. Laird Sy mpathy of the community is
aunt and uncle Debbie and Don Mickle. extended to Rev. Stan McDonald
The U C W of 'St Andrew's
on the death of his father on
Jeffrey Whyte of Lindsay is.
spending' holidays with his
grandmother, Mrs. W. L. Whyte,
Tom, Bill and Mr. Harold Whyte.
Saturday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs.PaulSouthgate and Jennifer
were Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Knox
of Embro, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart
Bryans of Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs.
Church; Kippen, held a very
Mrs. William Lane of London is,
family spent the week end in
Gordon McGregor, John Muir,
successful booth at the Zurich
spending a week with her
Chatham with Mrs. Mae Mulhurn
Miss Mary Muir of Clinton, Mr.
Bean Festival. '
brother, Father Phelan at St.
and Rita.
and Mrs. Donald McGregor and
Sympathy of the community
Francis McGregor of Londesboro,
Mrs. Wm. J.F: Bell
, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Picco and
goes to the Alton family' in the
Mr. and Mrs.Steven Sproule and
ave returned from a,,,h004 4
- family'_ returned .,,to Moosonee _,
deans of Mrs. Harvey Alton in
Jeremy of Kitchener and Mr. and
t Moosonee. .�aru ,,, +
afters spending iwo•+month- s with •• *-ingham Hospital last
.Mrs. Mark Smith ofE>
Mr'. and'Ivhrs.' Jim Prr eszszcator;
Mr. and Mrs. • Grant Love,
Mrs. Wm. Redmond and Wayne.
Wednesday. She is survived by
These wind ws can be mounted on exteri-
Caro, Michigan, visited Mr. and
Mrs. Redmond returned with
her husband, daughter, Mr 's.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Scott of
Mrs. Ed McBride and other
them to spend two weeks or more
Paul Henderson of Toronto and
Parkhill spent the weekend at
in Moosonee.
sons Lorne of R.R.2..Aubur n and
Wasaga Beach.
Mr. Eliar Mousseau, who has . Mr. Tom Foran, Terry and Ronald of Lucknow.
been a patient in Seaforth Hospi- Cathy are in Windsor visiting A.shower is being held. in St. INSURANCE •-
1 tal, has returned home. their `sister and brother-in-law Augustine Wednesday evening
Miss Margaret Hutchison, St.. Mr. and Mrs.Ted Symonds. for Miss Connie Hickey. ° AUTO ° LIFE
Thomas, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry' George and The Franken family won many FIRE
Mrs. W.L. Mellis. daughter of Nova Scotia are prizes for their calves in Blyth on • °
Mrs. Hazel, Blake and Roxy, visiting with her,parents Mr, and . Saturday. f. • Donald G. Eaton
London, spent a few days with Mrs. John -Foran. - .,Mr.. and Mrs. Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Vivian Cooper. Mr, and Mrs. Cyril Boyle and acDonald of Hanover spent Insurance Agency Limited
Su evening with 'Mr. and Office in Masonic Block
Mrs. Gu ond. Main Street
TODAY'S CHILD Miss Mae'Re v of London Phone 527-1510 - Seaforth
is holidaying in the vicinity. .
0 .
Ips Ronny is an alert baby of 14 months with a passion for
anything that makes a noise. Happy, responsive Ronny is
sturdilybuilt with very dark eyes, light brown hair arfd fair skin.
He has eight, teeth whose arrival did not bother him at all. Inf act
nothing seems to worry Ronny who is normally cheerful and
seldom cries.
Yet this lovable youngster has a major problem. He was born
with spina bifida, an injury at the base of the spine which often
results in paralysis of the lower part of the body. He also has
hydrocephalus (abnormal build-up of fluid inside the skull) which
is being satisfactorily controlled.
Ronny has no movement in his legs but his arms and shoulders
are strong and muscular. Ronny has been fitted for leg braces
but they are not ready yet. When they come, he will also have a
i walker and .will start on physiotherapy with the object of
strengthening his legs. No forecast can yet be made as to
whether he will walk. As if this were not enough, -Ronny has no
bladder or bowel control. Schedules can usually be worked out to C
handle that problem when a child is older.
Ronny is an appealing -baby with a winning personality. He is
affectionate with his foster family and accepts strangers amiably
if they will wait for him to make, the first advances.
Ronny is considered at least average iii ability. He is saying a
few words and starting to feed himself. He is eating mostly table
foods now. -
Lovable Ronny needs parents who will give him much love,
stimulation and excellent physical care. Such special people are
invited to write to intiruire about adopting Roriny. The address is
Today's Child, Ministry of Community and Social Services, Box
888, Station K, Toronto M41? 2112. For general adoption
information, please contact your local Children's Aid Society.
I ;
Established 1876 .•�.••
HEAD OFFICE: Seaforth, Ontario �'
Mrs. Margaret Sharp, Sec.-Treas., Phone 527-0400
8; It Only a
Costs A
Little To
-- "_fir
• Be Safe
0, Fire, Extended Coverage, 'Windstorm, Theft
Property Damage, -Liability, Etc.
Directors and Adjusters
Wm. Alexander, Seaforth Phone 527-0831
Robt. Archibald, R.R.4, Seaforth 527-1817
Ken Carnochan, R.R.4, Seaforth 527-1545
Ross Leonhat ttRM.,1, Bornholm 345-2234
John McEwing, R.R.1, Blyth 523-9390
Stanley Mcllwain, R.R.2, Goderich 524.7051
Wm. Pepper, Brucefield 482.1534
J.N.Trowartha, Box 661, Qinton 482.7593
James Keys, R.R.1, Seaforth Wm. Leiper, Londesboro
Steve J. Murray, R.R.5, Seaforth K. J. Etue, Seaforth
70" Western Red Cedar
I..Y�IYr4 % r
�_�� -`fF
Reg. 33.70.
2'6"x6'6"; 2'8"x6'8"
_ _
210" 'x6'10"; 3'x7'
NOW ...,.,
3 �Natural
Name brand. White only.
These wind ws can be mounted on exteri-
picnic tables and
siding. Redwood
Oil Base Latex
or wood tr' Easily cleaned and,operated
or. cedar.
Reg. 7.85
NA -
from th inside. Bring measurements for
your custom made windows: Allow manus7155.39
gal gat.
facturing time.
No. 91128 No, 9c124
Black holder Ceding mount
Clear glass Black 81/2" long
Height 14C�' Spiral shaped
3 cu. ft. bag
Beautifies, waterproofs and
seals asphalt surfaces.
70" Western Red Cedar
Precut - ready to assemble ry rything included
�_�� -`fF
Reg. 33.70.
2'6"x6'6"; 2'8"x6'8"
_ _
210" 'x6'10"; 3'x7'
NOW ...,.,
�� ..
3 �Natural
Ideal for fencing,
Name brand. White only.
These wind ws can be mounted on exteri-
picnic tables and
siding. Redwood
Oil Base Latex
or wood tr' Easily cleaned and,operated
or. cedar.
Reg. 7.85
NA -
from th inside. Bring measurements for
your custom made windows: Allow manus7155.39
gal gat.
facturing time.
No. 91128 No, 9c124
Black holder Ceding mount
Clear glass Black 81/2" long
Height 14C�' Spiral shaped
3 cu. ft. bag
Beautifies, waterproofs and
seals asphalt surfaces.
Width 4' 2' �;\• 60 -watt bulb
Covers apprbx 500 scl ft.
Reg. 6.57 Re.2. 4
Reg: 2.26
Dries overnight.
NOW 5.99 NOW 1.99
NOW: 199
5 gal. 922
Made of sturdy ABS. No painting. Black or white
5" x 5' pipe 1.99 ~4" x 10" x 6" angle
b" x 5' pipe 2.24 boot 1.19
15" x 35" 9.79 pr. 15" x 63" 15.92 a•
5" x 90' elbow .59 5" take offs .75
6" x 90' elbow ,79 6" take offs .95
15" x 39" 11.24 pr. 15" x 72" • 17,76 pr.
4" x 10" x 5" angle boot .99 4" x 10" register 1.59
15" x 47" 12,69 pr. 15" x 8o" 19.22 hr.
15" x 55" 14.47 pr,
Other ductwork available upon request.
Do it yourself and save.
Pre -finished
Model No. 200 Sottaire
Reg. Now
Power. Max. cap. 1 gal-
8'x6'6" 89.44 82.93
Ion per hour, 1 -year
t l
8'x7' 95.00 89.S0
Prefinished components
warranty on motor.
9'x7' 105.00 94.25
Packed separately, ready
to install. Let Saveway
219.00 209.95
help -you lay out your kitch-
Only 59
• p ce maudes hardware
• Add 8 00 la iig"s /f
en and save $$$$.
• OIt10r 51ze5 available
7. �noraocs' Totlhat s�ynnn
1a err Nth grass l,l' 14 hgh x 13
glass 16" x 9". ;.ulb max
as and dear verde 60 wallMONDAY
60•W bulb max. 13.60
Seoternber 2 /74 1
EWAY A UG.r131
- - ..: I- • YARD
,Mon. - Thurs. 8:30 - 6:00 rriday 8:30 9:00 227 Main St., No.'4 Hwy. North
Saturday 8:00 4:00 PHONE 235-15$2