HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-08-29, Page 4;.. .i.. m..w. ,,n rm.w .. mv+mp»�'f#r> •hof. +M+e.r.+^rIM iJ.w:anJ� .�..: awv....x...,,.ra. «w.::-. v,.*:-:r...s.4 .Mra rA 'n'hi-,;. .., ., >.. .. :. r .6 :.r a'• ,-•,F',•!.^y'r�?�jfei+.J,'1fpr.,.dpWaPi3VA.�iN.. i,et.rtFvn»r. �t » m*•.c+N .iM1.rv.rn:.. .,.-4.. J.. _... .,:F r-e.,-,eM",1M, .. .. , , : �;'ql .; • 1: ,. ° ;,: g ijS :'`', ,ar a .,::19 his ;9,,{.��G ; attend ,Now, Qn�t nlyl - . reunion at • a C k3 r k PG a '" i' a � u ry% 4.//tu:.r>` 'til M.! .�' .f ,v lrr Fot'ty members of the Wright'ez�;'s�' family attended the Wright'' t " , -reunion on Sunday August 11 at ',. k�x+ +fir the Kirkton-Woodham w Vis::+%,,;., �f r S•'' -y':;:''r:':.'»r'% firZ ;, yea lir w y 4 � Community Centre. The \ � � � � �•S /•'%>:. ,�-' �r'`' 1'u '�:cw. •' , :� '�'' °.% >,.: s: i 4,af d i}J7yi 11 b a3 tad, ,.y,ft' S`i,:• .:�+":. ,ert ,n at aM d :1N'�r pYe n �I "s tK:, , President, Lorne Ross, extended ,s3. ft.;•:.,.7;'r<...i.`•".r•'.i%. •'•: '<;:•i::#<f: i� {{rpt ..I.l: .r`:/'fn'ry g.Aal@art welcome to everyone. .�:l:' ', • 'r`',,%`Ir%"f'•/ moment of silence was observed! ��pr W SEA FOTH.. f r € Wright .: i•':','' > ' a - r ,n , -� `+ t � M:. 3 ,� . • ta.. in memory g•of Howard Wri ht and � v.a.•: � t ; � :� %' _f ` '�ir'y I'� {, y t - ' p , , t �,�, J 4�guf C 4tL ', ��- w417 ",� p7{l } S'�i � �� ry?b , �� �$•3 5. -.5:�� -.r II ':, : r,:,.rre.,>, r.rAt �.{ aIrl ,'f,'.( k��y "p:fir✓• � n . "',,{, °-' .,,k., �, rtt�:�„X�g��4 rt.- . f •�,,, r ,"'+ .'..Y.b, Margaretaret Nichols who had passed i Jr S �....r..tr,e;s€•,u.� ;.�:a ."+ ;...,::. r. e,t ,.-,t'.,s,.•: ng P away durl the past year. A :i;`'r,i,',' lyag• r ���.'�, f ;i.k`.`:� ` a ,." �ri �`,� i � , .; `:„ ,aYSx .e . �+r;: 1 t -'^'r: fir; . 13,•� Y • .:✓Mj!+•t NYS ,;�.trrZry �.+�:g, � t, 4 }r�al ,:r: ^.""• s .,i, ,:. rk�&,sr 'u;?,;; bountiful evening dinner, with .a '., ..:', r y, ttti,,....3 t is -.g,.: ::� ., ',:?, :.°'. h .-:..zy,. �:*�,` .::r.:. .. l ./ •;iT;, /,'.1\'"•r;: Sit{"�s turkey, birthday cake and ice ` cream en. honour of Mrs. Myrtle r ,r: rl Y <,;:':;.:• , `' HOW DOES THAT LOOK. --Seaforth artist Mrs. Kerc er s h 80th brithday was •-� �f • Bili Dale ste s back and looks at .the colours she is enjoyed by all The 1975 reunion will be held in Ktrkton the' •::.,,, _ a#i P on canvas at one of the Art Trek workshops v• i::. ': �, 1 1 1p.m.:. s 3,u.:•. i second Sunda n Ju at .:z.:. .., � •• , .. ,. last weekend. 'Several adults and a lar e number of<Y; ,. 9 - U v, ykr y IRS » ,. with Lorne Ross as resident and . �::i:• �.�, ,.� ,g, �•:i �� �•��rr �;�: �t;4,��� �. �. s ix` ''. t ,.a ; �•,... P children took advantage of the free art sessions in the Reichert s Mrs. Laurebelle a Wiseel (Staff Photo) secre.tarv.tibrars basement. Alignment and � (parts and instcration.rtro lf,eyuir•,d.) ENGINE 5 %'/t — n.,,j> TUNE=UP 17' News of Walton f aNnlsls f3 < �` Caster,"r , camber and toe settings, ' steering wheel centering, inspect 7 � av front springs, shock absorbers, M0ST4� and 10Me09ST5rWKe e a reeor - t' adjust wheel bearings. 6•CYLINDER $•CYLINDER e s4 histor s e atealkke.r W1 Correspondent McCall and Mrs. Ken McDonald the guest speaker, and Mrs. G. Mrs. Allan McCall to look after the Hobby Craft table Craig presented Mrs. Engel with The Citizenship and World at the County Rally. It was` a gift. Affairs meeting of the Walton decided to invite Blyth, Londes- The hostesses Mrs. 'Laverne m boro, Brussels; Cranbrook and Godkin. Mrs. Jim Aximann, Mrs. Women's Institute was held the Community Hall on Wednes- Moncrief to .the Education and Dave Watson, and Mrs. Harold ;£ Cultural Activities meeting. in Hudie served lunch. day evening, August 21st. ,,Mrs. Don Achilles, Vice-Presi- _September. There will,be pictures Mr. and Mrs. Bob Machan and dent, opened the meeting in the shown and a bake sale held. family of Sarnia visited on the absence of the President, Mrs. The committee chosen to look weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Allan McCall, with the Institute after the display at the Brussels Nelson Reid. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ode, the Mary Stewart Collect Fall Fair are Mrs. Nelson Marks, Stimore. of Stratford visited on and O. Canada. The pt6ist, was Mr's. Harold Hudie and Mrs. Bill Sunday at the same home. `s Mrs. Lairerne Godkin. Ths Humphries. It was voted to start, Mrs. F. Dunk arrived home minutes were read by Mrs. Ken the euchre card parties at earlier Sunday following a week visiting F McDonald. The Roll Call ' was date in October 4th and 18th. with her daughter, Mrs. Ford, in y answered by, an item from the The convenors of the meeting Sheffield and Mr. and Mrs.. tpast and tell a little about it ,This •„w, re• • Mrs. Graeme Craig and Phillip Dunk in Toronto. x was followed by the `trea'surer's . Mrs. Sholdice, They had as their' ' Mr. and Mrs. Armour Dundas •` ' report and the collection. guest Mrs. Gordon ; Engel of were recent visitors with Mr., and In the correspondence, the Cranbrook, who gave a very Mrs. Torrence pandas. nutrition workshop was interesting talk on the history . of announced to be held at, Wioxeter that community and had many ' on November Sth. There was' a photos on display. She mentioned Every week more and more -- discussion•:to order more Institute things people should value and people discover what mighty jobs . plates. The County Rally was • keep a record that will be history are accomplished by low cost ant ounceto be held in Brussels someday. q . ' Expositor Want ' Ads. Dial d'h p a on i October '7th. Nrs.' George Mrs. Nelson Reid' introduced Seaforth 527:0240 ;iii' - MOST CARS 095. I .3ALc r Ki% y.A Save Er s t (exchange) for ON,c [ 0W PRICE A Here's, what aur experts do— 4 Install and or service spark plugs, ignition points, roror, '-w condenser, disiribulor cap. Set liming a Id•dsvell angle. (•heck ignition coil output. Glean or replace lir anti gas filters. Ad- � ,ntnnutnuuutuuutntutunttuttnt uuutat 1•egulator and battery. Adjust carburetor. Pressurg-test coot•) MAVERICK SPECIALS $1= 1695 ECONOMY- % taniX iii priglary and secondary cir�,uits. Dynamic cylinder ' balance test, Parts extra til required). = COMPACTS MAVERICK•driven by a quiet lady. Licence DFU441. -, $ 197.3 PINTO 2 -door, 4- 1970 MAVERICK GRABBER, yellow, for the 1595 speed, Licence 8DW778. youn5 of heart. Licence DFY629 r - = t $2295 FULL SiZE CARS = 1972 VJEGA hatchback, 2300 cc, 4 -cylinder, 4- 1971 MERCURY MARQUIS BROUGHAM 4- t = speed, transmission, radio. LicencetCNN740. door hardtop, fully equipped intluding air con.+2695 ditioning. Licence CNH338 = + 1972 FORD GALAXIE 500 2 -door hardtop, V-8, a �'/21 1895 automatic, power steering, power brakes, Licence _ TRUCKS DFU102 _ o 1972 .FORD COUNTRY SEDAN 6 -passenger = �. = 1969 CHEV window van, h as some kind of a motor } wagon, 8, automatic, power, steering, power brakes. Licence DHX711 �A05 = (b or 8 cylinder) Licence t 1969 FORD 6 -passenger squire wagon, V-8, Automatic, power brakes, power steering, power = 15� 875776 Q $1295 rear window. Licence FHS955 = 1= 69 FORD VAN V-8. Licence 1967 CHEV IMPALA 2 -door hardtop. Licence $ = 743377 DFX058 = $1195 1969 METEOR RIDEAU sedan, a nice blue. t $1495 Ready to go. licence DH'A244. = 1971 TOYOTA 1600 c.c. 1970 FORD 2 -door, V-8, automatic, Licence ' S.1 495= Coupe, 4 -speed. r' DFW526 $ 1X95 1971 GALXIE.500 �-door hardtop, power steer- = 7A j: ing, power brakes, automptic. Licence. HNK939 _ 63 MERCURY F700 Dump, $1295 Licence 1969 CHEVROLET 4 -door, licence DDC659 z tC39964 s 196$ VOLKSWAGEN 4 -speed and radio. _ - 1 79� I';i) Licence DFY546 = 895 72 INTERNATIONAL 1/2 ' t °` 1972 FORD GRAN TORINO Wagon, V-8, To'n pickup. Licence C 19633 automatic, power steering, power brakes, power tailgate window. 795 y - S 1 ��� l�' .'`. �. Jtrnerttunnnntunrnntlnuunnnnnrr: nnnnmm�nnnunn►itrnnnnnnnnunm - ' = member sgnse fro see - Lr a SnMotor ider - = Snider's = 5 Hurbn Cdunfy's LIMITED Lorgest Ford Dealer _ EXETER 235-1640 LONDON 227-4191 - = Open WeekdaysUntil 4:00 Saturdays Until 6:00 BlltifutlYfrilYl7ii'GYtirnirlfP�ttiruutri_ J MOST CARS 095. I .3ALc r Ki% y.A Save Er s t (exchange) for ON,c [ 0W PRICE A Here's, what aur experts do— 4 Install and or service spark plugs, ignition points, roror, �. condenser, disiribulor cap. Set liming a Id•dsvell angle. (•heck ignition coil output. Glean or replace lir anti gas filters. Ad- just fan belt. Clean battery cables. Test generau;i'Jaltcnwtor, 1•egulator and battery. Adjust carburetor. Pressurg-test coot•) ing system, Clean or replace PCV Mahe. Service. he" of vah'e (ii' eternal). Test hi -tension cakles. Eliminate rests- % taniX iii priglary and secondary cir�,uits. Dynamic cylinder ' balance test, Parts extra til required). Make your appointment today! 11,111(IRJI1' save', 15% (exchange) km f 1 Reduced Save == 0%0 10 �0 with exch. ;r with exch. ( with exch. ALL MOTO-MASTER - ALL STANDARD 6 &12 -VOLT., ---1 ALL MOTO-MASTER Tune-Up'Kits Ignition CoilsDistributor Caps Sample: '60-'74•V-8 Ford products (except Universal fit. For most popular -cars ago tSample: 1900-'74 l=ull -Size Ford, Mercury those with dual points and elec- Z.03 trucks including imports. / ���' and Meteor V-8 engines. 2.1 (� tronic ignition. Reg. $2239 ea. Regular $5.69 cath'.. 01 Regular S2,59 each. Only ALL REMANUFACTURED REMANUFACTURED ALL REMANUFACTURED Starter Drives' :y. Alternators Alternator Regulators Sample :'63-'73 Full -Size Chev. & Pontiac, Sample: '63='68 Most Full -Size Chevs and Saiflple: '632.72 Most Full -Size Chevs. & Reg: $3.80. Sale price with3.a'z Pontiacs. Regular. $19.95. x%.95 Pontiacs. Regular S5,50. /� -95 exchange ... each Sale price with exchange. Sale price with exchange . , . 04 4 REMANUFACTURED REMANUFACTURED Starters CHECK THE SIMILAR LOW PRICES ON PARTS'Voltage Regulators Sample: '67272 Full -Size Ford & Meteor, Sample: '62-'64 Most Ford. Mercury and FOR OTHER POPULAR AKES AS STOCKED 289 and 302 V-8. Reg. $.3.95 /)� eSs � •Meteor, 6 or 8 cyl. Reg. $3.75. 3e37 Sale price with exchange.. 2 BY YOUR CANADIAN TIRE STORE Sale price with exchange only ... Itsmanufacturad alticuieal Peru an guaranteed against manufacturing and material defects for 4000 miles or 90 days (whichever occurs first) -Exchange prices include your -old parts•suitabis for ralwildles. WINNER Winner of our Grand Opening Lucky Draw was Doug.Ennis, East William Street, Seaforth • 1 � ! s ' at . Fred Tilley Ltd. 1,26 X111 in Street, eaforth STORE HOURS: at a.m. to a pant. (Fridays—open "tlil 9 p•— Bpi Sdortifski�e _ Ron Dalo, Ucensed Mec)bnnle 4: 1 10 * I