The Wingham Times, 1893-12-29, Page 5THE WIN GliAlotTIMES, DECE In a Nut Shell.. The ee called plebito`te is simply Il vote of the eleotore of ()uteri° ota Monday, January 1st, 189.4, tor or e against the principle of prohibition ns applied to the liquor traffic. The vote ail tits part or system of legia'aturu, find le tekettt simply to ascertain the ophis ion of the electors, wit: ) NIA t Nova? Every luau entitled to vote at elect- ions to the L •0.1atrve Assembly. Every woman entitled th vote at muni- cipal elections. The vote may be cast at the regular polling booth at th'A municipal eiectious head on that day. TIIE BSLLc$T. The elector will receive 'aballot from the returning nicer or d'puty, Which will be printed or. yellow pa.ner fur Igen and no bine for women. Tim' forte of the ballot is as follows: Are von in favor df the immediate prohibition by law of the imrortation, manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors as a beverage:'? YRS. NO. '.CUu unlet t+hunld mark the ballot by putting a cross opposite the word expressing the answer desired. A ballot ,narked in favor .of prohibition would appear as t'ollo+sys: I_ Are you iu favor of 'the immediate prohibition by 1awe the importation, inanufacture and sale ,of .intoxicating liquors as a beverage? YE S. NO. WIIAT IT MK E. A+eyes vote will be a waned ;rto the Government, and r+ presentacives in Parliament that you are not satisfied with present legislation and that you des re increased restr.o ions upon the ,traffic. Everylio vote will be inteapreted to mean an,approval of presatitt•.coudltions and the present legislattsive'breatment of the tarll%c, -"Yes" is for reform. "No" is eetgainst reform. Brussels. —Between 5 and 6 older* on 'Wednesday ,morning the fire alanmtwas ,rung, MrsiGriflich's house cornor ,of ,Elora and Elizabeth streets :being on ;fire. Daniel,Denman was the tenant. ':The fire engine and carts were.gotnut Abut the snow .was so deep esi the street from the preelous day's storm, ,.that considerable Cale was coa'aumdd an isetting the engine to the trivet,. ,:&a the building was ti frame structure sit burned so vguickly that a goodly; portion of the, ifuruiture beleu,ging,toj both owner anelttenant could mat be gotj rout, There wae.an insurance policy ifor.$250 on the shouse. Ellie present ntatf of teachers .haat ,been re-eneat;ed'fer 1894 in the Public! school. Good words has been dente in the various departments. School .closes on Thuasclay of this week and , will re -open Wednesday, Jauuary 3rd. 'Odleman Bros of Seaford' had a big horse sale last 'Tuesday at which they disposed of 21 fine animals, ranging from Shetland ponies to 16 handers. The average price received was $217. Among the buyers was Jas. O'Leary of the Qneen's Hotel, ,Brussels, who purchased the well known and speedy pacing mars "Florence 0." Listowel. John Shanks has put on the road between the town and the station a large 'end han:%ome new 'hue. He is to be congratulated on his enterprise. 4Vm. Purcell, eldest son of N. Purcell, of this town, is here 'visiting his pttraats an brothers. It is nineteen years since he was here last. lie is ill :Michigan where he is doing well. George McDowell, who got his leg so badly mangled in tt thrasher about ten days ago, has had to have the leg rttnoved as the dot:tors found it inn• possible to save it. He is at present very low but there are hopes of his recovery. W. Irwin'first assistant in the Iiigh School here, was in Stratford and Mitchell last week assisting at the exannnations at the Modelo, The geholars of our high school have done well all having passed at the Models with the exception of three. Death has removed ,. well-known and estimable resident of the township of Elms, Benjamin Faulkndr of the boundary haveag succumbed Sunday (17th) to the effect of an at*seer of the grip, Deceased was iu hiseixty.sixth year and was one of the 'kindest and imeost ' espeoted reeidhuts Of the town•. strip. He was a leading member of; the Methodist church and wan for many years a local rpt'e'rtolaer in the lestowel district. He leaves a grown tip family. The funeral took piaci on Thursdxay afternoon to the Listowel 1 cemetery and w•as a very large one, The funeral sermon will be preached in the Methodist church here on Sun-, day morning 31st,provided the mewborn' of the family who are ill will be able to attend. West Wawanosll,. The•o!d Reeve and ,Deputy'.Reeve and, Messrs Alex Stuart and Jas. Gibsou, were elected by acclamation. The contest for Couneiliors will be betweeu Messrs. Thos. Todd, ,Robert Medd, Thos. Durnin and Robert Purdou. The council met on Friday, Dec 15th. Members all present. Minute of arevioes meeting read and approv ed. \rhe treesurer"'s report for Nov. showed balance. and receipts $1520:.20 with expenditure $830,40 leaving $687.80 to December account—filed. rho reeve reported having received 818.''3 from the reeve of East Wawa. nosh to rtalance accounts between the two townships. Mr Milligan asked i30'te build bridge 10 gravel pit .entl fencing road to same on his farm Moved by Mr Todd, seconded by Mr Medd that the deputy -reeve he appoint- ed to act with a •representative from Ashfield couucil in examining the matter.—Carried. A by-law was ad- opted appoiutinglthe following deputy returuiog officers :for the municipal and I•'tebisoite election : Polling siih- dr.isiuu No 1, J 0- \yard; No 2, D ,E Munro; No 3, 1Vui Oatnerou; No .4, )ohn Gordon; No 5, Arch AndMrsoujr. It waselecided that:in accordance:with ttse desireof•the Cou sty0ouncil,a vote be taken on,Ihe,Poor House questima at the:.same .time as the municipal election beheld. 1Loved by Mr Medd seconded by Mr Detrain, that the time for returning the collector's roll 13e extended until Jan 15th.—Oarried. The following checks 'were issued: Mr:e Watson., botad and Clothing Jas Bar row $1116.; T L Jobb scraper $7 754; Patrick Welsh brushing con 8, op- posite lot.24 $5 50; Aee: Oullis 24 yd gravel at;7 cents -$1 6t; ; W W Scotty, 106 yds gravel• at 7 cts:;;$7 42, dawrgej $2, $9 4.2; Thomas Nickleson arave4 and damage $6 39; Jno,McPhee 35 yds,. gravel at.10 cents $3.510, culvert 8t B $4 75, .$8 25 ; David Mollwaiut• culvert 8 X13 $2; J Barber gravel and damage $9,36 ; F Jury ;$ravel $2 16 ;ij J I++hater culvert lot 21' and 22 con, 14 $1 50 ; G \Webb grave,L$12 ; W A Wilson selecting jurors $4; Alex Stuart 8 das,s council $16:20 roads etc $40, •jnrorse$.5, $60 J txih3on 8 days council :311:, ,1.3 roabs ai,d,ete $26,$42; .r Todd 5 d -:y,$ council $if 11 road etc $22, $3,8. T Durnie 8 days eounett $10, t1.1J. roads et.: $,22, $38; J S 1Vard salas.y.$80 postage $a, Gov returns $10 mails 23, $9525; 13 K d tiler hal salty" .5.15; postage and stationery $1,0, , selccti ig jrerors $4, delivering patutuasters list 4.2 $61 ; J Bryan balance printing ry55; Mrs 1Jnr•ray naile .$11:36 ; J Agnew 41 rds ;,'ravelling opp rot 2/ con 10 and 11 at 48, $1; 63, less deducted for unfin holed w•,ra ti4 30, $13 33 ; J Agnew, part emitract con 1 I And 12. ►$5 80 ; John Crai,, lumber f6 80, cash ,given arfaaon Cameron e2,, 80;Wm Barber, gravel 96 Rob Medd .3' days inspect- ing job of grave ling $1 50, $.5 25; R Woods damarie on roadway in re. moving 2 60 yds gravel $10 : Jas Mc- Otuckey 17 l rods ,gravelling at, 28 $5 45 ; John Redmond .gravel $2 4+0 ; Dungannon Agricultural and Driving Park Association court room accoruo- dation $20 ; Dungannon Agricultural society grant $20 ; Lucknow Agricul- tural society grant $20 ; Peter Clark rods for bridges $4 28 ; Hart tri Riddle election blacks etc $6 98 ; J Marshall services uuder watercourse act $7; J MoLeen 187 yds of gravel at 7 cents $13 09 ; R K Miller teile- grams etc, 91 preparing minutes $2, School returning $2. $4 91; W J Todd 15 yards gravel at 7 cents $1 05 ; Dr. Case services Board of Health $4; Rob Irwin 33 yds gravel at 10 cents $3 30 Wm Milligan 75 yds gravel at 7 cents, $13 51, damage, $2, $45 27 Council then Adjourned. lt, 11, MILLER, Clerk. The following are the tetras irtiieu ill the township for the year for comity, township and school purposes County rt to 2 3.5 mills, Township rate 2 145 muds, speeiel school rate 77 100 mills. Lucknow selarate school exempt from this rate. School rates: II 8 8 No 11 4 1.2 mills ; S 8 No 2, 1 1-2 ;gills ; 1.T $SNo3,311.2 mills; US$No 6, 2 9.10 mills; U 8 S No 8 2 4.10 Miler, USSNo7,19-.10; U S 8No 10,1 2 0.10 Intek --tor debenture 1 7.101 uallla ; S S No 4, 1 6.10 tuills; U S 8 i No 12, 2 2.10'tnills ; U S 8 No 14 2' 8-10wind ;[38SNo0,3210mitts; l Lucknow, 6 mills, Blyth, The following otlicers were elected in L.O.L. No 968 et the lost ureetin'g tor the eusning year:.. T.0 McElroy, W.M.; Jas Gibson, D.11.; Rev. T. b Higley, Chap sin; W. Montgomery, Rea, Sec.; A, McNally, l'in. Sec ; Jas. McGee, trees.; le. Mu0orumins,D of 0.; J. E. Tenons, ..0 1 Lecturer; ,John Phillips Nn 2 Leetute C rtninit• eo men John McGill No. IL, Geo. en- arson No 2; John Maines Nu 3; W. Love No 4, Ben, Quinn No 5, Goderioh. Ou Tuesday of last week, Surrogate Clerk iblacr!onwld had the misfortune to fall on the ice and break one of his laza, North street Methodist church has invited Rev, Mr Iieildereon, of North Bay, to become their pastor nest year, and he has aocopted, subject to the action of the stationing committee. This means that before Mr Hendereon can come into Guelph Conference someone must, be transferred into Montreal Oon ferensJe, A wonderful new .combination is R. Stark's Headache, Neuralgia and Liver Powders, nice to take and perfectly harm- less. 1ylrs. Mary Keats, 88 Main street, Hamilton says.; "Uor years—in fact all my life —I have been troubled with severe headache. I have tried all the remedies I could hear of and have been treated by many doctors, but with very little good result. A friend recommended your Head- ache Neuralgia and d,ivar Powders some time ago, and I have found them to be the greatest bleesiug te'me—in fact 1 can truly say they are wouderful. I would not be without them forenore than I can tell." Mr. Flook, station master, Grand Trunk Railway, Hamilton, says: '-They cured my most severest•headaohes, which I had for at least three years," Price 25c. a box. For sale by all medicine dealers. \Voodstock's opera house was totally destroyed by fire on Friday night. The TuCher company, R hich was filling a week's engagement, lost ell its effects. The opera house was built a year ago at a cost of $20,000 and was to be sold under mortgage on Wednesday. tlt 'was insure,l for $10,000 The fire is supposed to have been caused day a gas explosion, For Ovor i51 tpr Years AN ,tta AND %VE61rtr7D.IED MOW OT,—Mrs, Will years S&.othinr Syrup haerbeen used for over fifty slow' by millions of mothers' tor theirchiluten while frothing, with perfect success. It soothes the child ‘and the gums, shave ate{lain, cures wind colic, and is thebost remedy for lDiarrhma. Is pleasant to ;the taste. Sold by Drug fats lin elery part of the +w:orlu. Twentyav, cents a uottle. Its value is sine:deniable. he sure and ask, for Mrs, Winslow's '.Soothing; Syrup, and take .no.otiaer kind. • 'iT'he ballot to be marked on Mona lousy Jan, lst is a simee•":Yes" or "No" eta the principle of prohibition. The Government dors notiask your advice ocithe Gothenburg eyeitem, on the Ntttionaiizatiou of riae,and beer 'for strong liquors, or, cositpeusation or on probability of law eii+foreemect, The Legislature reserves cbe decision of all these nlnestions whets the 'matter' of iegni:dation is lip. Do nnotrperrnit any one tto drag /on off on these side tracks just \now. Stand by the si,e ple, plain uuqurdlilied question,anri give an honest opinion. It you are satisfied with the ?resent license system and its re- sults spit an X oppositeith•e iasord No. If you want further resttrictions put upon the traffic the only way you can express your deaire,at this time is to put an X opposite the word "Yea". Itch on teuman and horses and all ant- I mats cured lin 30 minutes by Woolfcrd's Sanitary Latina. This never fails. War- rauted tit (;lhisholm's drug store. The woman of the hour is the one who has breakfast on time. Rimer IY Ste Rouns.—Distressing Kid- ney and Bladder diseases relieved iu six hours by the "Great South American Kid - no,/ Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight to physicians on ac- count of its exceeding promptness iu re- lieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retentiou of water and pain in passing it, almost im- mediately. If you want quiok relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold at Chia• kola's drug store. Well, Tommie, said the boy's father, as be began to carve the turkey, what, are you thankful for to -day 1 That there's six mince pies down stairs, said Tommie. ''uglish Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft, or calloused Lumps and B1em fames front horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stites, Sprains, Sore and swollen Throat, Coughs,' etc, Save 850 by use of one bottle. War. ranted by Chisholm's drug store. y .Stir stair! ONE ENJOYS Ilot:t the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptlyon the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleansee the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- duced, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared•only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in "c bottles by all. leading druggists. Any reliable druggist u'ho may not have it on band will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. 1JLaerufactured only by t:.0 CALIFORNIA FIG SYSUP C? •r SAN I!,RANCISCO, CAL. LOUteemer,.`KY. NEW YORK. 11.19 ; '.Q Subseribe for the TIMES. J imenie, what part of the turkey will you have 1 The drumstick. Baby, what do you wan!? Div the de dwum. How tender toe turkey Is, my dear! I thought you sIun this morning that it was tough? It wits • hut the boys have been playing fc'ntball with it, and it's softened up considerably. It is useless to tell a boy who has deterrnined to become a barber that he must begin at the foot, and it is equally o, waste of time to say to a boy who intends to be a chiropodist that he will reach head some day. There's thirteen at this table, roared Bobbie at the Thanksgiving Day dinner. Dear lire ! said grandpa, nervously. Really ! I thought there were oirly rt.tvelve. Thirteen, counting the turkey., said Loht,i., The good .work of cruiser depends much open tune crew, sir. • Spacer—i( wonder wit!, no news- paper lyse ewer.ealled iis.4lf the. Moon?. Liner—P•rubaiala because that planet is 1111der*t.00t1 IGO be wade up of .worn, out matensile. How 11 Jniiin C' ,t ti lntF alone with his writingl tie fond parent. Rapidly, rep'lted tare teriett •r• 1 think he is alrear£1; •conittetcgut t.i write his own exeuaes. BY SPECIAL ROYAL APPOINTMENT There's Nothing Like OLIO SOAP IT DOES AWAY WITH BOILING HARD RUBBING BACKACHES SORE HANDS t ANOTHER 11 On U t�AY "- Siiulight. GO 9Y WITHOUT TRYIN4 REFUSE CHEAP IMITATIONS GEO. E. By actual count we have only MANTLES left. These we are bo to clear befor Stock -Taking. $7 o now $4.50. $10 ones now $6.75, Special values in Overcoats, Furs and AI Gloves. Best value in Dress Goods in town. 20 do Silk Handkerchiefs bought at 50c, on the $. Special value in all Goods for 30 day Stock -Taking. Respectitally yours, The Popular Book a IS HEADQUARTERS FOR Christmas Preen Our large stock of tehristmas Goods has just been receistad, and i for allparties, old or young, consisting of TOYS, PHOTO ALBUMS, SCRAP ALBUMS, WRITING 'TOILET.' SE 1'S, PLUSH GOODS. CHINA VASES, XMAS OA LADIES COMPANIONS (iu plush or wood), VIOLINS, MOU ORGANS, CELLULOID MJUTFI ORGANS, TOY BOOKS HAND SLEIGHS, PORJ-t)DGE SETS, BLANK NOTES, BIBLES, FANCY MIRRORS '4hand painted,) ' A Large Assortment of ,A. NUA Consisting of Leisure Hours, Sunday at Home, Boys' Own, Stu., & I have a larger stock this year then ever before and desire the public. and see it before purchasing elsewhere, as it is no trouble to show goods Prices as Low as the Lowest. ALEX. ROSS The Popular Bookstore, Wingham. SLAUGHTER PRICE —AND — Readyado Clothill —FOR THE— Next Eight Day -- AT T A. MILLS CLEARING S