HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-12-29, Page 4G�I.ViIS�'
a : it i "Anel I should re Illy Goilsiwlc^r nay.
Sleen more aboiuivable than the worst
t. T know of, if 1 ttiught that
'� , heathen that
thyvirtue of an ordinatiIn to it sacsrtd
, office to which I WAS a lis race, I' could
} rise from a violuttoa of the Seventh
- AND - Commandment riga reeking with mortal
rottenness ugyeelf, declare till pardon following addreais andpresent a beautiful
z'"' t 1 5114 i t' t tt e p or conselenee- plush bound ease tilled with an ample
DRUGGIST �`� had induced d to apply at writing material an p
i artner of Grime for which, II tl
lender the Mosaic law, both trau4g
were stoned to death," hare. again, 1 Aa the time has come when the tie
' �1t w 7a ( aululcon you io the bar of nubile opine whien has bound us for three yearn must
„1jj„ ,,,,�i'q,l ,. be broken, we desire to exuress in our
} lou. Your own words contained in the simple way our a reciation of all the
,?� USWI�ilt House.
above passage shall be witnesses to bear effortssimple
you have mads in our behalf. We
app. Bttnsw�cic Qjouse • t you.I Call every
IC o a , ways, and might have ueeu a help to you
aeuior�-••Mary Kennedy. Ord limier-•'••
Geo. Aueley, 204 Class 'Geo. l lto.rd.
Atter the day's work had been finished
and the prizes awarded and the Children
treated by the teacher to candies, tbo
pupils, wvha had a pleasant surprise for
the teacher, begged leave to read the
abao a los o d a pen •
stricken wretch whom I In uoe h Lower Wiugtetin Deo. 22nd, lt3(J3.
E become tt p
t1 � resaore To our Dear'raaaher, :1, r,. ax ey:--
. I.gAEli3 ,, - _ - Ont
reader or against
reader of the TIMES to the following have, no doubt,beeu thoughtless linmany
challenge : (live proof to yestify ewe 4 as well as you to us; but that is past,
suspicion of ruffianly iasiuuatlon con- and we ss you to us; you at all your
tailed in the second passage, or make a
full public retraction. Remember,ngain,l patience, and hope that the lessons,
1. intellectual and moral, which you have
fl;l r9 there eau be no tli�atinl! abut tproofao
o S. r striven to teach may bear abundant
ri'other lir There must be direct, positive fruit, and that you and we may be
jrxed ogle ---- _--- a full and complete retraction. The
former yon cannot do. The latter isyour I mutually benefited in all the soars to
ili*}�.derail f DE0EMI3E11 29, 1893. onlyalternative. I will give you two come. We beg of you to overlook the
ve sta` smallness of this our gift and to accept
Ales wet,',.___,. --weeks from this date to melee the re- 'it, trusting that it may remind you often
....r quired retraction or take consequences t
td w list fusion !of the pupils of your first school. With
.4 tae wvin tela Ttanas• taken in this unpleasant affair has been our undertakings. Ultimately may
citizens of Wingham will purely is defence of those things which you and we bejoined together to Christ's
+• thousand titles more p 1
nsin a
lastI .• • above.
1, ho
list6_0school 1
in e
ri great 4
n holy
nay 1
sur -
'e.,.taken life totally to
expos -was by
i- x steacher t( 3
.{Miter to the Advance, 6. pThe a
Dae pretences under which a and my priestly character. I regret thati
f Our t prise,
The toll() wing its the report of S, S.
No. 5, Turnberry. for the month of De-
cember, The ponies are arranged tie -
cording to metit and the figures oorres.
pond to the number of days the scholar
was present during the month. The
average attendance for the month was
IV CLASS -Tho. Bantle n 16, Wm,
Weir 10, Letitia Rollinson 10, Maggie
Fergie 15.
III CLASS SENToR Thos. Gilmour 16,
Mary Gray 16, Annie Weir 13, Lizzie
Hastings 13, Alvin Hastings 11.
III Ut&ss Jurrroa--David Weir 16,
Alex. Higgins 15, Waldon Hastings 13*
Aggie :Pereira 9, Gussie Hastings 10,
'Nene Wallace 4.
IL Chess SExlon-Lily Robinson 12,
Mary Carruthers 7.
II Oases Jordon -~Thos. Gibson 16,
Hugh Gilmour 16.
aITQRIAL 13OTES, of your rash presumption. In conclusion,
I assure my readers that the part I have it we tender you our best wishes and
hots that you may have success in all
but soon recovered and made a
to be delivered in Wing- the social peace and harmony o 1 suitable reply, assuring them that he
ertain J. H. McConnell, of little town should be impaired by the i appreciated, ed the gift and always would
The bills announcing this monstrous extravagance of this pTe- { have a wenn tedt spot in his heart for his
tained. words caculated to sumptuous stranger. At this holy Dear, kine} and respectful pupils of Lower
e public, thus enabling the season, which heralds the coming into `ear,ki m,to obtain money under a false the world of the King of kins, 1 take ;Vxo�seter•
The pur5oSe of my letter was this occasion to wish my many friends of
this fraud. In that letter 1 Wiugham, Protestant as well as Catholic,, we guarantee Yox•s white Pine Eltpeetorant to �� , Y __ _ M �T
11 principles, rather than with a happy Christmas, and fervently pray l cure in'hlyonldttkldsony 50ho .annG 1 o�so000g otoru lzA;t10ET 1%EPOliTS.
rind, if persons. had to be re- that the inestimaole blessiu a brought ! wvra�ctctr, Try 1, al,d bo cmtvinee,l.
n'xY<aTt.liil��ls� , n/ In order to dispose of our entire stock of Goods, as we know
! •+ ,.,.,a because of their con- into this world by the Infant Redeemer a ;14r,lti%alter Green, who at resent bolds r
l a very good position in a dry goods store •twlingliam, i3i1T�,01, 1893• need them and we need the money, we shall for the
culvnt 11rt?:._;!os anti may iPrQ1'91 r4° ww'ith themselves and
a week's Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer.
IT PACT Cr,Ase-Ellmer Gibson 16,
T.ubt. Weir 15, Ellluer Hastings ,)5,
Charlie Ager 6.
Jos. E. M0DOxoOrt,
Flow to Got a "'Sunlight" Plctne.
Send 25 •'Suttlirbt"Soap wrappers(wrap-
per bearing the words" Why Does a Woman
Look 010 Sooner Than a Mau") to Lever
Bros., Ltd., 413 Scott St., Toronto, and you
will receive by post a pretty picture, free
from advertising, twit well worth framing,
This is an easy way to decorate your home,
and 1
r in the
ai to
•t i
n ben
� 4 tee •n1 i
soap 1
to 5
UHC one
will only
the wrappers. if yon leave the .ends open.
Write your address carefully.^
t k f rile to $2 ter (week ins'ellintr our fierily
a Mtn + +.-+ Salarle+a
Canadian brow.» rureerJ Stork, Ilil,hr't
or Co mtisalou old weekly. Complete nt'rr!r t PS%
Spaniel inetruetioiio to beginners. Write this Walt
for tarns to.
14, 0 0RA1(Aa[, Nurseryman,
i.t ' Toront'i, Ont
People and invalids will find in
wholes me, it has stood trative and he test of yetizer. ears.
Prepared only by li. CAMPBELL & Co.,
Beware ofjmitations. MONTREAL.
Wanted at the Wiughant Tannery,
$5.00 PER CORD
Will be paid on delivery.
Parties pealing 15 cords or over, can
deliver hall iu summer and bal(u,ce ut
winter, if desired, end wino price will be
Wingltant, May 10th, 1893.
F A.
and other meals t(W ill pr+•porti,un,
»! (t cut Baud.
I ala prepa.ted to pay the hiehest
prieii for all hit,da of fowl. They
roust l.e drove stud wt•Il drra.t'il,
Wingbam, Oct, lOth, 1b913.
r;. 1 1 � � .� l'ru tal CvcT'
Thoruh � u� �on�s� o
TIIORO(.Gil WORE, under the guidlu;hand of theYitIN I1'AI.of tbo
Forest City Business and Shorthand School, of London, Ont.,
• s ont
• vlu u
„•••� , u lTa
t t tuft+t. 4
re Fi
irCL'NN .nl 1.
` i01 assures hoson profession, • tiot for his c.
' • Ipreparation R 1
who has had he 6 p
p Pto
should know how . 112 lel d r
+ •t °11m. M 1
And n 9`tUl, t t,14
•�rwntl r
F'II�'1'I:t:\ YEARS in the class room and nen YMA!(S ill ItI1Ff\1 I .
prepare young people for business. It pays to attend (1 school that has 0 standine nutoag )m0100ss men.
College ro•epens 0n Tuesday, January 2nd, 1554. Catalogue free. Good baud y3,r,0 per week.
6m J. 'W. W E T11: '3rELT, Principal.
iffith llatl
ti, to which 1 wished to call their finoilles, viz s in Hallburton, is home on T'orrr par lbs 1 50 to 1
attention. As a result of this "Peace on earth to mon of good will." i iit. kaliper100 1 50 to 0
aid the consequent;failure of his I remain, yours feithfv.11y, l Mr. T. W Gibson of the Department % 411. Wheat teat 0 55 to 0
Tilos. Priest
....... 0.2:Pto 0
of F'YTinea, Toronto, spent Christmas with Oats............ • • 0 34 to
t„ J. R. i9.Connell becomes %51y 'nos. urr.T,i•:r,
his friends here returning Tuesday Barley 0 50 to 0
In this week's Advance he comes Si. Augustine, Dec. 23rd, 1893.
h one of the Wiest disgraceful
Wing, priest -bating productions
er befouled the columns of any
1. This letter descends to such a
;h f moral turpiture that no pure -
.,de man could have conceived or
i , Peas
morning. Butter, tub 0 20 to 0
Butter, roils
Eggs per dozen
tower Wingllam• ' Council all elected by acclamation az
The following is the annual report of also Trustees, as follows : Reeve, T. B.
the Lower Wingham school for 1893. Sanders. Councillors, Thos. Rae, Wm.
The names are placed in the order whioh ,Wilson, Thos, Hemphill and John Bray.
they appear on ;he daily register of the Trustees, Thos. F. Miller,Jas. K. Rae and
• tined' 11. His evident intention is to, school and the numbers correspond to Johu Davidson.
ray me into some expression calculated i the number of days the pupil was pre- , In consequence of the in the
sent during the yetrr: Minnie Linklater! GIe dam on Christmas, break, the mother
,ging me down to his own level. His
r 1iotetTt raga rather amuses me than! 68, Nellie Beckett 204; Jennie Dey 1.1, was here was than been seen
-heresies, I have never yet knowingly 1 Nellie Martin 99, Mabel Halstead. 161, for a number higher ears; n has running
tered or. written au ungentletnanly ( Jennie Halstead 64, Ida Murd'odli* 134, over road in many git w
rd. Neither will 1 on the present! Cassie Murdoch 210, Julia Linklator 1£8, er. the Geo. E. Dane places.
+., axion, though under the pressure of ( Mary Macdonald 188, Minnie Campbell with friends here.
L' Me provocation. My traducer, I 1 109, Annie Patterson 205, Birdie John- Mr. Jus. Knutson and wife are home
l ston 207, Melissa Finlay 195, Annie on a few . visit.
` deserves not the treatment of a' ,
' Revans 160, Una Eiausom 198, Verona A meeting in the interest of Prohi
° , gtnan, because his letter proves Phippen 196, }.hole Elford 209, Jessie'
bition will be addressed by Dr. Mac -,
i I`1 d° question that he possesses none
°3 qualification. I could not, there-
oop to a discussion with such a
without coming down to a level to
no Christian man, much lgcs,
tion Minister, can descend. My
sajj aim has ever been, and ever will
preserve my words, my thoughts
y actions in a higher, holier and
atmosphere. When I discuss
be questions, it must be with an
ated gentleman. Therefore, I will
e to notice, in future, this man Me -
ell, except to defend my priestly
eter against his foul attacks. Find-
'ittie clumsy deceit in counection
am, recent "lecture" 1n Wingham
z1,.,i,vered, be foams and froths
lsh+the Catholic Church, the
)n! clergy in general and myself in
per er. We can well afford to smile
181.1,'ixvings of suuh•s creature. There
3h.., passages in bis letter, however,
e.ek.'h it may be well to call public
l+btr(,n. The first of these runs as
1411, "1 Cao only hope that he seeks
or thent at sources morally less ob.
Isle 'able, though truth compels me to
P( rr:t according to the statements of
T'i iti.d. '�Jy
51 be prepared to quote
0 20 to 0 20,
018 to 0 20e prices Entirely Below Anything that has ever been heard
Wood, per cord.... .. ..... 1 50 to 1 75
ay per ton ...... ... .... 6 00 to 6 00
otatoes, per bushel 0 35 to 0 40
eese, per lb 0 05 to 0 00
=keys 0 09 to 0 10
hickens, per pair 0 25 to 0 35
Mucks t 4i `o 11 50
Dressed Hons.. �. d• • •.
kik ,
a, s
4 50
to 5 50
Fall Wheat, old .... 0 50 to 0
Fall Wheat, new.. .... 0 58 to 0
Spring Wheat 0 53 to 0
Barley, .... • .....:..... 0 30 to 0
Oats r 0 29 to 0
Peas 0 50 to 0
Potatoes, per bushel0 35 to 0
Butter 0' 17 to 0
Eggs, per dozen0 13 to 0
6 00 to 7
Mcllwain 69,11annah Englaud198,Fanny don old M 1'., of Wingham, in the Pani- Hay
Gilmour 89, Lizzie Potter 178, Nellie
Graham 144, Annie Graham 154, Mabel
Campbell 171, Eadie Welsh 138, Annie
lion here, on Friday evening of this 1 Cordwood
week. The Dr. is- an eminent temper-
ance worker and a good time may be
Currie 173, Bella Morrison 6, Maud expected.
Netterfield 114, Jennie Campbell 122, Mr J. R. Forsyth, of Toronto, spent
Jessie England 143, Flossie (graham 157, Cbristm as in town.
Julia King 147,1+anny Green 181, Minnie Mr. John Inglis, jr.,: an old Wroxeter
Prior 73, Edith Wellwood 9, Mary Ken- boy but now of Chicago, is spending a
nedy 134, Gertie Manner 84, Mary Mason few days with his uncle, Mr. John San -
32, Olive Ferguson 110, Ethel Ferguson derson.
72, Mary Fair 5, Pearly Anderson 40, Our popular dominie, Mr. Jas. Neil -
Louisa Carruthers 2, Pearly Smith 4, son, is spending the vacation at his Boma
Mabel i,lcllwain 44, Angle Wiley 37, near Millbank.
Mannie Mainprize 39, Lizzie Murdoch 3, The entertainments of the Presby -
Mabel Ferguson 3, Ella Sheridan 3, terian and Methodist Sunday Schools,
Eleanor Mitchell 2, Lorne Macdonald on the evenings of December 22nd and
60, Luise King 77, Allis King 86, Jo 25th, respectively, were in each case a
King 203, John Currie 56, John Murdoch decided success The weather on both
86, Thos. E. Graham 35, Jas. Lockeridge evenings was very disat reeable, yet
185, John Lockeridge 511, Jas. Murdoch
the attendance was very good.
203, Geo. Elford 211, Geo. Ansley 213, Mr. A. Munro soca Christmas at his
Oen. Campbell 185, Geo. Johnston 203,
Finale near Millbank.
Chas. Beckett 75, Norval Morrison 69,
Clayton Phippen 195, Wesley Ansley 184, j, Gurdon Brown, brother of the
Milton Graham 103, }i,obt, Currie 122, lat., flou.George Brown,and ex Provin-
Benson Cruickshank 106, Egerton Well- cial Treasure, Ros", are both reported
wood 200, Spence Currie 100, Walter seriondty in.
1 Welsh 177, Harold Gilmour 207, John __
PPlIlghbors his spiritual exaltations Potter 101 David ,0inlay 191 Jae Carr I
Isaac Deyell 1...3, Wm. Campbell
b"sometimes of a very differentIt
109, frank 11i11 113, Root. Deye11 143,
p1e' lionsiVleConneIl,Idemand ofyou u am bell 25,Jos,
8 e'mation in plain English of the
tea itsg of the covered slander contain- Finlay p
leafy Chas.
Geo. Herr, y ng Brown 35,
leads to Consumption. Stop
n.Abe above passage. Give the Chas. hair 5, Henry King 48, Clare heal .the Lungs the "neighbors" who have given Pbi en 80, Jos. Kin 39, Arthur Mc -1 the Cough,
et',"statements" or take the whole Dwain 80, Win. Wiley 28, Wesley Everett l and strengthen the System
,,bility yourself, and then I will 1 Dan Sheridan 27, Wtn. Sheridan 23, • With
}toward Finlay 3, Walter 1tveret9. From ,
the above report can be learned that the ,
total number of names on the roll is 101,1
and the average attendance is 55 per
day. The school was opened 214 days
during the year, and only one pupil
attended the full number of days, that
pupil was Donnie Dey, who received the i
first prize for her class. There were five 11
prizes i.warded. During the year ,marks I
were kept, for each class. These marks ,
were based on regularity, punctuality ,
good conduct and perseverance, and the r.
following are the mimes of those 'rho'
received the prizes: 4th senior -Nellie
rd, „Li yon. Remember, there is no
It • • ' thie question. Your failure to
lit w with the above demand will
Dutton before the public as a Colum-
r rfraud. I beg to state here that
ewes,:bbors" made the "statements'°
pti be refers, The whole thing
frail in his over -heated priest.
imagination. During niythirteen
'residence in St. Augustine I can
evety person, whether ?rotes.
Bone, within the Iitnit of my
arra, as to my prtestl,y conduct
d statement is Mill more
e it is. I loath to touch Beckett. 4th junior -Jennie Day. 3rd
5cott s
40 I 18
the Cream or Cod-liver 011
and hy'poph.osphites. It Is
palatable and. easy on the
stomaoh. Physio'ittns; the
World over, endorse Its
Don't be decetred by Sttlstltlrtest
$twat kEoWhe,'1f411erir1f,d11fiM+tit rr Sett Jill.
Don't' forget the greatest yet is
You will save your
1t..Ilt/d! AS MONEY
in all our lines.
of Before
tnade of the best Fabrics the market produces.
by buying your goods here. Caine
early and avoid our Saturday' rush.
Don't forget the Place, opposite
Dank of Hamilton.
All Repairing done on the
premises and promptly attend-
ed to.
we cannot. be undersold.
407 Talbot Street,
TY al,:
and. RAU. SIJlttGJOS,
Gradmto of the NOV York Eye and Ear hospital,
1585. Post Graduate (;00r8e nn the lye, Ear, Nose
and Throat at the Nov York Post Graduate Medical
School and Ilosp)tal, 1801 Eyes 'Bested. Glasses
supplied. ll'Ina Ntork 05 8psttaelos, Lenses and
Malicia Ewes. Will be at the
ErunSWick mouse, WIIIGUAM,
The each moanth att or date named beowt n
first Visit, January 4th, x894.
point 8 6.1n. to 3.00' p. in. Charges
at the most unprecedented low prices.
We are headquarters for the celebrated
rtut' 411)heri Rea overh000
also all Canadian Brands in Stock, with Socks to match.
is the place to buy
rar4112 DOQ__AI1 ??ICE
Repairing done as usual. �%�
3. 3. HOMTTTH & SON,
' u ...•.:.__
Having to furnish
rnish the public with ss everryt}ii usually kept in a ba neestshod startein his old p
am prepared.to
such as
TIi nKs, V'ALISI.S and
1 snake all my owe Collars and guarantee satisfaction.
dive mea, trial midi willuseyou right.
1 » «....%.«.
That ,fig as
`vete of tie
Mondtty, J a
asgainst the
.ilpsoltpltalaooeffs'detnt$o i0t
11,vary rile
sous to th
Every WOnli
Gipal uleet,ia
tl'le re „ult
,mutiisipal a+1
W'lae elect
'from the ret
which will h
for 111('11 and
form of the
Are you
liquors a.
Tu" vat or
hputting f 111
t.V nt,
expre•ising t
ballot marke
would appt'at
■1, Ike 1
Yl ll,rl
Are you '.
Cfl.i prohibitiot
"ro11 liquors as
ram r_._�,.,.....y_.._....-
A les vote
ParliarAent t1
with present 1
des re increase
EverylTo vo
mean anlappr
and the press
of the tato.
"Yes" is for re
"No" is srgain
Wednesday par
stuns, Mrs 1 ri
1Elora and Eli
mire. Da0101.1
'The fire enDini
'but the snow .1
sfrou, the prosi
.considerable 41
igettins the es
&the building w
sit burned so 11
.portion of the
both Downer an
,out., There w
ifor.$250 on th
lfhe present
been re-engagi
school. Good
tin' the virions
,closes on 'Tun
will re-opeli i\
. i,letnan Br
bit, Molise sale
they 'disposed
ranging from
handers. The
was $211. A
Jas. O'Leary
linwssels,' wh(
knowu seed
"Florence 0."
John Shank'i
between the tc
large '+ltd hand
to be collo attt
Wm. Puree
Purcell, of titi
his tweets 511
years since h(
is Itt :Nlichi+gar,
George Mel
so badly ni.ttllt
ten days ago,
removed as th
possible to eat
very low but
W. Irwin'fi
$shoot here,
Mitchell last
scholars of on
well all havit
with the exct
Death has