HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-08-22, Page 9"7
successful t0\1rhame;1t. inning groop
,�,wa held hi,Seaforth �ver they while the.loss dr4ed.theV11148,0. Vp '191",l
'IF , . . 0 , :*'# ..
1t 00#4 4
ego after the first 1040,4, PARPall,
two 1,4400J� M
weekend thanks to the tremen. into the -B- groupiagf
a es' In* dous wor)(of several men and the At the Lions, park Saturday, bowo.vor"the. Toxaco n14049084 wul PY _tA:
Optimist ladies. The weekend Main Street became the only back
after four f :had P
Tuesday night was the second Seaforth team to Mal, the "A" tho. spo
saw some great baseball, and good S�e cc re tied at 44. JUP., Oft
night of playoffs for the ladies,
crowds when the, Turf Club from grqu offo, 00-0
p by whippijig the Strathroy innin #
g In4de th, ronc.q whplt
I.theTurf Strupic for The early game was between Seaforth captured the 0 xiqis� •OnfOO 4' _loW,_
Ptimist Dowaha
6� ,m's team by a convincias
group. -Strq
Watt's team and Wesenlierg's Ato and t�o
trophy for the "Wil Ilib .1
224 scoro., Maio et W11ttle -tho *e"HO _f
team. Wesenberg had alreaq. Strathroy Legion took honors in win. Ver McKollafle;l,t , be Turf, �,4
trouble. handling the Strathroy V
WIP won one Some: xo, Watt's tv#m the "A" group and captured.the plUb.and knocked them Into the for threoqffofit
Club with a, two
r.t At
4f *,s;:0ff t
had to win this one to stay alive, Industrial League trophy. "B" division. the plate. Ben Akkar bit the,.,bj$ MpOja�iq -Ift
-the first inning took a 3.1 -the ugioul.o, +4#00
Action started Saturday night In the late game at the Lions� blow Texaco with, a two,40�
raldry Rlied lead but Wesenberg lied in the and the first game at the Optimist hoinq. run in the fourth Oam.p, plate N
Park on Saturday, the. Turf Club 01
TgURi11AMENT PLAY Baseball was THE sport i second with eleven runs to make Park set the pace I[Or the weekend dropped, an 18-2 decision to a Waj(do LQtz was the Winning Ralph 6. '4 0
Seaforth over the weekend as it 12-9 in the'ir favour, At.the end as fans -enjoyed an extremely strong Strathroy Legion squad. pitcher for the Ttirf`\,Wh1I.e Ron hits. The victory.:' pap.o
t ay and Sunday at both the of that inning. Then it was Watt's close contest and saw Strathroy's Again the loss moved' the Sea, Beuerman sufter6d the loss for IndustfialLeague,"A"Ti;h7l"
Optimist Ree Grounds and the Lions'k e action above was at the Lions Park turn and they rallied the thircil" Lanes Development edge out forth into the "B" groqp,while,
Park: the Duffers. the Strathroy Legion sonar(,"'
On Silver Creek. (staff Photo) to make it 17,13 in -their favour.; In' Seaforth's Texaco' squad by Strathroy advanced to the "A". 66A" Final Arrangements. are beiiig,)n44e
dU the 'next inning Wesefiberg was narrow 4-3 count. The win put -the Strathroy Legion struck to have a similar 4
Op Sunday, the: Texaco team 0404010 1
held to one run in the ' fourth while Lan6's into the "A" group and, came fiom behind to edge out Strathioy either later this. �Peaspxi
Watt got five runs and the reverse dropped Texaco into the "B" Strathroy Downham's 18-12 and or next year when'the $eafooh
happened in the fifth. Going into divfs—tofi. to
will have a. chance No
'N 'Changed the top- of the seventh inning the advanced to the "B" final. The
HL b `h h
The second game at the loss eleminated the Downhams Turf Club redeem themselves.
score was 23-20 for Watt's team- Optimist "Park also saw the team from further play. In the' The tpurnament drew excellent
Wesenberg's team was unabW to Strathroy 'team come out On top next game at the Lions. Pool or. crowds for both Saturday night
score so the game ended with that, when Finnegan's nipped the Sunday, the Turf Club also upsets and, Sunday's final games and
Dublin mans 50,E•gra score. Hitting for Wise'ribe-rg's Villagers.fro.m Seaforth by a 10-4 advanced to the "B"" final by local fans viewed, some excellent
'team was, Rose Eckert, Mary count. The game was closer than oleminating the Villagers by a baseball and good pitching.
(Writing in a recentissue of the nothing by the Rangers. -Likely Kitchener in- early September. More and Shirley Van Loon each the score indicates when Finne-- 12-6 count, 'The lo . ss also Main Stree
Kitchener-Wat6flop,lRecord, Toth he'll play with Providence Reds of He'll re'6&TA6 the Holiday Inn, with a home run. For Watt's team ' TOURNAMENT SCORES
'about '-'Dave 'the American Hockey League this Sept. 7. was Joan Hildebrand with three gan's scored 5 runs in the sixth eliminated the Villagers and set . Last Wednesday evening the (Saturday)
Conaway tells . an all-Seaforth "B" Final.
Maloney in a story headed year.' Perhips he'll spend. the The addition of about 12-15 triples and Nancy Scott with one Turf Club showed they were Lanes Development 4 Texaco 3
"Money hasn't changed him.", next two years there. pounds of muscle isn't going to triple. Since each team has -won 'learn
At the Optimist Park Sunday ready for the -playoffs when the Finnegan's 10 Vfllago 4
Seaforth - te morning, Main Street were y
The . son of Steve Maloney of He doesn't really care, as long hurt either. Maloney ended last one game 'they have to go to the knocked out of further play whetip', whipped Main PStreet by a 10-4 Legion 18 Turf Club 2
Kitchener, Dave is a grandson of as he's 'learning. , I'll. season at a lean 172. Being an -Ahird and final game to decide 'count and finished in sole Downham's 4 Main Street 22
Wilfred Maloney of Dublin.)' "I didn't talk Whim '(Francis) aggressive.' player, the -extia lays summer Lane's Development advanced to second place. The
who goes into the finals. P the "A" final with a strong.,6-1 Possession Of
about making the team," -weight will be a decided asset.- The 44te game was between horsemen started strong building (Sunday)
Dunlop's, team and S6ymour's up a big 7-0 lead before Main "B" Group
Dave Maloney hasn't changed Maloney' said. "I didn't think"it "I'm running every - day. I victory over Main Street. Finne-
a bit. I was the time to talk about that., guess 7' jog about, half a mile. team. Seymour's team was -lead- . broomball gan's from Strathroy were, also Street finally -hit the scoreboard. Texaco 1,8 Downham's 11
He may be driving a spanking What could he promise me Then I do about eight 50-yardBroomball in summer? Yes a eliminated from further play as ard.
new white Corvette and he may ing this series one game to none. team from Seaforth travelled'to they lost a close 4-2.decision to The Turf also played a strong Turf Club 1.2 Village,6
y anyway? sprints. I'm using the weights Final
t have signed a - $400,000 � "Someone said they b- Seymour's team took it command- Harriston last Saturday ' t__`;i' Strathroy Legion. The victory defensive game and only made
Jus heard 'him too, not every day though, every ing 15-0 lead in the first inning. 0 three errors none of which were Turf Club 8 Texaco 4
op three-year contract with the,New (Francis) say I'd either play in othdav Aftef this the game settled down compete in the second annual moved the' Legion into the' costly. Main Street played a fairly "All Group, I
York Rangers, but if his head has summer broomball. tournament. final and made the "'A" group Main Street I Lane's
become a little unscrewed, it sure Providence for a year or two or be Obviously, , Maloney means for the next four -innings with There was a total of 15 men's final all Strathroy. strong game in the field but were
the fifth or sixth defenceman' with business. Although he's geared ]Dunlop's team scoring 6 runs and held down at the plate as Jack Development 6,
• isn't detectable. Rangeri. I really don't know.- to the fact he'll be going to the Seymour's team scoring 7 runs. 'teams and 6 ladies teams in the 66119t Final McElwain ..contained the big bats Legion 4 Finnegan's 2
Talking with Maloney by tele- Rangers picked the precocious NHL, he's intent on making a The score now w at the end of the tournament. In the "B" . filial,. Texaco outhit of the ' Main I Streeteirs. 'The Final -
phone the other day, this reporter 6-1, 185 -pounder No. 1 - in 'the good impression. Who knows fifth was 22-6 for Seymour. , The Seaforth team made a good the Turf Club 8-7 but dropped the playoffs 'continued on Monday. Legion 2 Lane's Development 0
found him to be the same sincere, amateur draft, and . they wasted what' might happen?,. Maybe , Seymou?s team collected IT runs showing winning their first game game when errors made the TYPE FINAL STANDINGS. FINAL STANDINGS
good-natured type he was last, no time . in signing . him. he'll play so well, Francis will be in the last two innings while 2-1 over Neustadt in overtime' difference and the Turf took the Playoffs W L T P
year when he. toiled. as an all,st�ar Maloney's lawyer, Allan Eagle- forced to keep him. Dunlop only got one. Final score Tom Burk scored from Ross Series "A" Main Street 10 2 2 22
defenceman , for Kitchener son, negodaited the contract with Rangers could use a tough, was 39-7 for Seymour's team.' Mitchell to tie the game then Main Street vs. Queens Turf Club 9 14 'A i9
Rangers -for a paltry $60 a week. no difficulty and then turned the young defenceman as -will as a Hitting for Seymour's team were Gord Pryce scored in overtime to -Series "B" Texaco
8 5 1 17
4 He's not -likely to 'change, money over to a company called few goalscorers. They've exerted. Jane . McNaughton and Mary give Seaforth the win.- Turf Qlub ys. Firemen Village 8 5 J 17
either. Besides money, Maloney Sports Management. and Consul- themselves to the utmost in the Muir each witli...ii. home run. Kilsyth, the tournament Series "C" Queens 7 6 1 15
has Maturity'. tants, with which he's affiliated. StAnle'y Cup playoffs in recent Seymour won two games out of champion, eliminated the C4th Texaco vs. Teachers Firemen 7 7' 0 14
'in -no different," said. Extra Welght Will Help,#x years, but their efforts have been three so they fleet the winners of team with a 2-0 score in' the Series '11)" Teachers 3. 11 0 6
M Loney, obviously ' a little Former Toronto Maple Leaf-- in vain. the other two teams. second game of the day. an A
_'Village vs. Travellers Travellers 1 13 0 2
embarrassed talking about his trainer Bobby, Haggail and a With the old guard gettiptlong- The lineup f6i the 'Se,aforth-------
lucrative contract which has made couple 'of guys called Gralfiam in the tooth, Francis is almost team werFy goal Murray
him• financially independent l Clarke and Bill Watters have also forced into a youth movement. McClure; defense -, Jim Finlay -
almost overnight. "I haven't invested a few sheckles in the Signing a talented youngster like son, Gord Henderson; Rae
changed much. The only thing firm. Maloney is a good start. -Mathers, Gerry 'O'Rielly, Gord•
I've boo ht is 'a car." . Whether, it's the relaxed, The only problem is, what do New.,. motor Di�k, -Graeme Craigi George Police, News
Hesitatingly, he also men- healthy life at a hockey, camp or Kitchener 'Rangers do? It won't Townsend. Forwards - Brad Buyer's of
tioned paying off his parents' the simple fact that his mind is be easy finding a replacement Finlayson, Ross Mitchell, Gord,
mortgage.. now at ease about the future, Kids like bave Maloney don't* inspection. Pryce, Keith Williamson, Tom A. L. VAUGHAN
"I can't begin to realize whit I Maloney is raring to go' when climb out of the woodwork. each - Burke, Bob Henderson, Neil CHIEF OF POLICE
ave. I haven't lived. at a standard gqAge�g',, ens in fa Murray, Chuck Vow, and Matt Tim'oth,
:1 , "., – - , gkp p 11 nrnnrnm vs
ere �ve ha yet in nt in de
s fora
dad eN
hat Z
elievel it, t
Maloney, 'who has three
brothers and three sisters, still, at
home, couldn't have, picked, a-
better time to tell his dad about
the mortgage paymqnt.
It was. Father's Day in June
when.Dave broke the good news
at the Bobby Orr -Mike Walton
iA hockey camp in Orillia. His father
cried talking about, the incident
last Friday when Dave signed his
contract with Rangers' general
manager Emile Francis at an
Orillia preis conference.
"It' was just something I
wanted to do," Maloney said.
"My father has a big family to
Orr and Walton may seem like
two prestigious names to the
average hockey fan. But Maloney
has been instructing at the camp
for the past six years.
After attending the camp as a
young teenager, Maloney dis-
played so much talent that he was
asked to help with instructions.
He's been there ever since.
And what kind of guys are Orr
and Walton who are sitting on top
of the world 'as if it's one
giant, -sized puck?
"They're two terrific guys,"'
hial6ney said. "They're the type
who make employment like this
1 so enjoyable. Bobby's really a
down-to-earth type. Mike's the
same way ... only a bit/ more
outgoing. Bobby's a litt on. the
shy side."
, Asked what kind of a summer
he's having, Maloney replied,
."good, great, terrific... we've got
about 260 kids herd and I'm
hNing a ball."
Maloney has been at the camp
for 10 weeks. His hours on the ice
vary, but they work out to about
six a day." . .
He' in prestigious company. He
and the five other instructors are
relatively unknown, but Orr and
Walton are around all summer
long. Then, there are talented
guests such as Bill Barbei, Billy
Harris, Syl Apps, Dave Burrows,
Marcel Dionne, Don Tannahill,
Bob Dailey, John Rutherford,
John Garrett and Rob Walton
(Mike's brother who plays for the
"A Vaticouver Blazers.)
Newly -signed Jack Valiquette
of the Toronto Mapft Leafs, Rick
Hampton and Rick Middleton will
also instruct it the camp before
the summer's over.
Orr and Walton are living in
luxury cottages on Lake'
Couchiching, but Maloney,
despite . his . newly -achieved
Wealth, is making do with a trailer
behind the rink. He shares it with
the other instructors.
Maloney has. been Womised
ThIs is all- guaranteed first INTERIOR & EXTERIOR
quality - Interior and exterior
paint by a famous manufa9- REGULAR
tore. It's re88
gular $13.9S quality 13.95 PER GALLON $8 SALE
and we are clearing our SALE
existing stockat PER the low low PRICE GALLON ENDS
Bass Factory Oullel price of
Mr. Elzar Mousseau is a
patient in Seaforth Hospital.
During the week of the -14th. io.
Mr. and Cameron Mellis,
Next year, team. Next year.
the 21st of August 1974, the
Seaforth Police Department
Red Clove.r,
$0 SHOP IAR'44
Ladies win,
investigated 38 occurrences. They
and Mrs. W.L. Mellis. ""'r
Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Mellis, My.
Minister of Transportation and
are as follows:
General Police Information 13
Communications John R. Rhodes
has afinouficed details of the
in Wint.
Assist Public 7
Birdsifoot Trefoil
Motdr Vehicle Inspection
program corring into effect the
Men's Slow . Pitch-
Winthrop Warriors were
Lost & Found
Theft 3
Assist Other PDs
Mrs. Margaiet HutchisoA in St.
first of September'
beaten by the Staffa team Twin
Animal Complaints 2
Under -the new. program, a
Safety Standards Certificate can
City' -Bombers - 10-3.
Missing Persons I
Break and Enter 1.
be issued only by lic'enced Motor
Ladles Slow ' Pitch
Thursday night Winthrop
'Wilful Damage ..2
Vehicle Inspection Stations, and
each inspection of a used vehicle
ladies went to Dublin for an
Insecure Premises I
must be carried out by a mechanic
registered with the Ministry.
exhibition game in which
Winthrop lost to Dublin 7-4.
One minor accident was
The Safety. Standards
Friday night was the deciding
inyesfigated with damages
certificate will replace ' * the
Certificate of Mechanical Fitness
game of the . Brodhagen and
Winthrop series. Winthrop won
totaling $50.00.
is peirsons were charged under ,
the HTA (Highway Traffic Act)
the game 14-12 and now will meet
now in use.
In Ontario, a motor vehicle
Brussels for the final 3 out of 5
series. Marianna, Ryan; Ann
3 persons were charged under
the LCA (Liquor Control Act)
must undergo an inspection of its
safety related components
Bosman, Irma Pryce and Carol
14 persons were stopped and
(Jones, MacNaughton)
to regale or transfer of ownership.
Ann Campbell each got a home
warned of minor offences
It is estimated that approximatel,
one-third of the vehicles in th;
province is inspected each yea
under this program.
in making the announcement
Mr. Rhodes said, "The purpose
0 11
of this program is not to take car!
off the roe ' but to have
mechanicol dei _,ts corrected a
the time of resale, resulting it
safer vehicles on our provincia
There will be approximately
550 enc d stations throughoul
the pmvitnB, mainly at service
stations--,. d car dealerships.
• s e e
Each station will be inspected
prior to the issuing of a licence to
ensure sufficient space, tools and
equipment are available to
properly complete the safety
standards inspection.
ass ONLY
Mr., Rhodes indicated, "The
new progrAm is designed '.to
provice a uniformly high standard
Of inspection throughout the
province and to insure the public
-N Ow I
that both the mechanic and the
station producing the certificate
meet the standards established
by the Ontario Government.
ThIs is all- guaranteed first INTERIOR & EXTERIOR
quality - Interior and exterior
paint by a famous manufa9- REGULAR
tore. It's re88
gular $13.9S quality 13.95 PER GALLON $8 SALE
and we are clearing our SALE
existing stockat PER the low low PRICE GALLON ENDS
Bass Factory Oullel price of
Mr. Elzar Mousseau is a
patient in Seaforth Hospital.
only $8.88 per gal. We will REGULAR
continue to offer top quality
but 3.95 PER OT
Mr. and Cameron Mellis,
praInt and discount prices
out new stock will be $10.9-1
and Joyce of Inkster, Mich. and
Mr. and Mrs. 'Robert Anderson,
per gallon ... so why not buy
$0 SHOP IAR'44
Lansing, Mich. visited with Mr,
now and save.
and Mrs. W.L. Mellis. ""'r
Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Mellis, My.
A.M. TO 0 011411
and Mrs. Vivan Cooper visited
Mrs. Margaiet HutchisoA in St.