HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-08-15, Page 15y :
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the Pxovin a of gntaClo, cansistiz) �.. xhe . �... S s .
of: sa i ar sewer caller i n s teal .4 rX 2�1. AUC >10 ►�d�.e >lIC>� 4 2Qr Q .,► .. ,. .. Qr .. � � . ,
revlousl to the Town and the ne . nstructlon a ..g t. y, . t . Y # _ `' l .. >(a ... 2 .71
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ch is presently not bein cavi. cjed tth sewa e
the 044tiu development, enf iut t1)e Town which p y g p � R
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n;estimated cot of $1,591,634, of
I now m os d to ae vire and construct such works at s
tis p p .9 q . ...,..;, t .�, .y ,; ... ' . ,. tom; a'
r ce is the 1�t on the existing works which ;. .E M.,• ., n
which $1,453,942 is for new construction. Thedi en a de. t. g t!�r • i . lt+�pQ
,. r
w 1 y ,s, �,• A:, ! t
e Ministry. Of the otal ca ital cdst of the new works, the Province it -
ls: b. in assured b th,t p 11 on
e 8 Ybe it all . t~q tA49r ,I t ttt
ravide a su stdy equal to 66.7 .per cent of the cost; of the new works to b constructed ._in. I y
p�b Mabe he �1t
For servlces rovided from these works, it is, proposed to impose an estimated service ,rate of 7� oR6
p w
77:3 Gents' er 1,000 gallons of sewa a accepted from the municipality, together- with the r ,
frontage ,tate, connection charge andmill levy as set out in the third paragraph,hereof. AUCTION SALE
USRYG AUTON Borth ex ilx�4? , a
The project will consist of the following works initially: w:, r
To.be held for the Estate of James McMillan"at the location, 40
To lieVheld for HENRY BRIMICOIvIBE, s/a mile souZh:of Goderich "; u;R
ACQUISTI'[ON Cambria St. North, Goderich on Qn'Hwy #21 on qtr 1 .j ti
The acquisition of the existing „sewage works in, the Town which were constructed- under C h ws L
NA '
OWRC/Municipal Project N.o, 2-0060-60; and - ", SATURDAY, AUGUST 24 at 1:15 P.M. SATURDAY, AUGUST 31 at 1x00 P.M.
Send all 1ebora OyP
"off ring F ery, household furniture, antiques..and' chairman no'1afer t�t�}';
e arm Machin
The installation of sanitary sewers as follows: Consisting of 9 pc. walnut dining room suite; two 3 pe.'bedioom k
suites; 3 pc, sectional chesterfield suite plus a large offering of Primitives.
furniture, antiques, appliances = full listing next week.
` 5 PM. AUGUS'��3ra«14
STREET ' FROM TO . Property Sold - No Reserve Lowest or any aYedezr V. l
William Street East nuke' Street 'Goderich Street necessarily accepted "
Franklin 'Street Approx. 180'W of Auctioneers, Appraisers, Liquidators for Town'of Seaforth
William Street' East William Street East . , Clinton, 482-3120 Minton, 482-3120
All Household or Estate Appraisal FREE - 20-53-1
Chalk Street Approx. 600' N of
Franklin Street Side Street
of- opt opt 0
2,gal ,NO C y
Welsh Street - Approx.400' W of ' 22. Legal Notices 22. Leg 1 Notices 22. Legal NotICes
Main ' Street Main Street PROPERTY SOLD
Centre Street Approx. 450' Eof ` MacKAY
Ann Street Ann greet STREET FROM
TO Household effects and antique .All persons having cl"aims a ainst
Franklin Approx. 200' W of items for MRS. ALMA HESS, 105 p g g
James Street Adam ,Street Helen Street alk Street Chalk Street All
Estate of Johtf Ross MacKay,
Richmond St. W. Hen4all on
' late of the Town of Seaforth, in
A Centre Street Goderich Street Adam Approx. 200'' N of the County of Huron, Retired
Ann Street
Goderich Street SATURDAY, A, UST 24th
Goderich Street Approx. 650' W of Ann Street Approx, 270' E of Goderich" Street Farmer, deceased, who died on,,
(Town limits Sparling Street West William - 1:30 P.M. $4th day of July, 1974, are
Approx 350' N. of
Sparling Market, Street Goderich Street Duke Street Duke Street Chrome kitchen ' set, . :new ' hereby nofified to ;send in full
Louisa Street Approx. 160 ' Nbf particulars of their .claims to the
West condition; refrigerator; 4 burner undersigned on'or befor&the 29th
John Street John Street Approx. Street'
N of gas stove; Craig piano; bedroom
Louisa. Street Approx. 330' N of ' Centre StreeC Centre Street and living, room furniture. day of August, 1974, after which
�✓ v Antique pieces Include: date the assetswill be distributed
Market Street 'Markel •Street together with sewer service connections from the main sewers to the lot lines. The flows from Two press -back rockers, having regard only to'claims then
Louisa Street Approx. 350' S of the proposed sewage collection system will be conveyed to the treatment works constructed excellent; 4 gun stocks; 5 press received.' `
Market Street Market Street under Provincially -owned programme #1-0071-67 presently in operation. back and other odd chairs. DATED at Seaforth, Ontario this
1st da of • Au ust , 1974.
Combination Key -hole shelf desk; Y g
It is proposed to raise the necessary annual revenue for the services rovided from the McCONNELL & STEWART
John Street Approx. 140' W of Provincial sewage works as follows: a frontage sewage rate of 40 cents per foot per on alL rare old crib; child s high chair; Barrister, &c:;
Louisa Street Sparling Street g g g P P ice cream table; ice box, ,good'
lands which front, abut on or connect, to the sewers to be constructed as described above, a Seaforth Ontario.
' condition; oily lamp; round parlour
John Street Louisa Street Approx. 90' E .of connection charge of $27.76 per annum on owners or occupants of lands for which a sewage table; bow-legged tables; pine Solicitors for the Executor,
High Street P P g 22-52-3
service connection to the sewers is provided, a 125 per cent surchar a on the water bill of � •
g and quilt boxes; -, commode; _-
Ord Street, Approx. 3�0' S of domestic users of the system, and'a surcharge of 125' percent on the water bill of commercial dressers; pine cupboard; hall
Market Street John Street and industrial users of the system, together with 2,76 mills on the general levy of all assessable TREASURER'S
ptoperties in the • Town � of •Seaforth. seat; sewing machine; drop leaf SALE OF LAND
1 • Jarvis Street Approx. 160' 19,of patio table; -picture frames; chests
John Street John Street, y 1-n' instances` where there is a_connection to the proposed sewage works but there, is no "" of 'drawers; some china; crocks; FOR TAXES
connection to the water works, the charge for sewage service normally recovered by the water many other interesting' . items, -TOWNSHIP OF
Jarvis Street Approx. 330' N of bill surcharge is to be recovered by the imposition of.afoot frontage rate of $37.50 divided by the ; Partial listing only. TUCKER51VfITH
Market Street `Railway Street assessed lot frontage; per foot perannum on the owners or occupants, of such lands. This foot". COVNT`YOFHURON,
frontage rate does not reduce or eliminate any other frontage rates imposed on properties for Terms of Sale -Cash
High Street Approx 130' S of sewage or water works. To wit: -
'John Street Huron Street PERCY WRIGHT _By virtue of a warrant issued by,
In computing the frontage charges, provision shall be made for the exemption or partial Auctioneer the Reeve of the Township. of
Huron Street' ._ High Street Jarvis Street. exemption from a foot frontage rate and .for the determination of such exemption or partial Phone 262 -5515 Kippen Tu'ckersinith under -his an aria ..
V^ 'I r. t,M " �,i 't ,e2(emption in the following ,manner: -vu_ the seal' of"tile said corporation
-- - ----Railway Street- - Appr a oi�'AUHUI t3 Approx. 190 ; W of ' ,;.; y�,.� 0 > i'x '�s iirt�r_ ?r v y.ni3 reset .
�•• - •William Stgeet ... ° Main Street (a) A reduction in the case of corner lots at the junction or intersection of streets bl' ng datd't6elAd'daf*A"r ,"
of 100 percent of the flankage'a rd a reduction or increase in the case of CLEANING 1974;. a sale of lands in arrears\of' .
Easement: Railway Street Brantford Street triangular or. irregularly-shaped lot's may be made in the foot frontage .TIMtaxes in. the -Township wnship df
rate that otherwise would be chargeable thereon, sufficient, having. regard Tuckersmith Will. be held at the
Easement Approx. 200' W of w to thesit•uation, value and superficial area of such lots as compared with the Turn your old furniture and _ Huron Centennial School,
Main Street other lots, to adjust its frontage charge on a fair a e uitable basis. household effects into cash. Brucefield at the hour of 9:00 in
. (at Oak Street) Main Street We will either buy or sell it the evening on the
(b) Where a .lot, for any reason, is wholly or in part unfit for building purpose's, a for you. From smallest item 3rd.DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1974
Easement Approx. 90' N of Oak Street reduction may be made in the fgot frontage rate that otherwise would be to the largest estate. Phone unless the 'taxes and costs :are
Railway Street (Approx. 170' E°of chargeable thereon sufficient to adjust its frontage charge as compared with sooner paid. Notice is hereby _
71( Main Street) that of lots fit for building purposes on a fair. and equitable basis. KNAPP'S.FURNITURE given that the list of lands for sale
- _Oak Street Main Street Approx. 580' E of And AUETION ROOM
for arrears of taxes was published
Main Street (c) Where a •lot, other than a corner lot, has two limits that abut on streets • 527=1336 in The Ontario' Gazetteon.the 4th'.
20-51-tf da of May, 197.4 arid -that co
Elizabeth -Street Approx. 300' • W of scriHed above and the size and, nature of the lot is such that any or all of Y _ Y, , P y
Isabelle Street ','the works in such streets are not require&a reduction in respect of the works of the said list may"'.be hall at'my
Isabelle Street 21. Tenders Wanted
t are not required, so long as they are not required, may also be made in the office.
foot frontage rate that would -otherwise be'chargeable thereon, sufficient to Treasurer's Office this 24th day.
Charlotte Street ApprQx. 200' W ofadjust its frontage charge on a fair and equitable basis. of May 1974.
Isabelle Street Isabelle Street TENDERS ,' e), JAMES I. Mc1NT05H
Isabelle Street � Approx. 160' S of � ' ' (d) In the case of lots that because of the nature of the terrain or tTie elevation of Treasurer..,,
pp the sewer, do not derive the same benefit as.tother lands abutting. on the 22-42-13
-Charlotte Street Elizabeth Street sewer, a reduction may be made in'the foot frontage rate which otherwise would
a Sealed tenders will be received by 23. Bus. Diroctory
Brantford Street Isabelle Street be chargeable thereon, sufficient having regard to the benefit derived as
Mill Street compared ,with other lots, to adjust the foot -frontage rate on a fair and the `undersigned for the supply
Jarvis Street Approx. 150' S of -
equitable .basis. and installation of a new G. A. WHITNEY
Railway, Street Brantford Street (,e) Thc;redpction• shall be made by deducting from the total frontage of the lotFUNERAL HOME
' liable to the annual foot frontage rate so much thereof as is sufficient to Heating
Mi11 Street Approx. 140'• S of George Street (at make the proper reduction, but the whole of the lot shall be charged with the 87 Goderich St. W., Seaforth
Railway Street southern limit of 'Town) annual foot frontage charge as so reduced. Phone Seaforth^3t4390
George, Street On. the basis of these levies, a home connected to the waterworks, and having a frontage of 60 Syste-' ' ,
(at southern limit , Isabelle Street feet, would pay the following amounts annually after connection to the proposed new sewage NORM WHITING
of Town) Main Street works has been made: LICENSED AUCTIONEER
>tY Easement Main Street , Easement (east of 60 -foot frontage at 40 cents/ft. $24,00 in the &
4 Connection Charge •'.., w; 27.76 , .,,,,,.,,,, Prompt, Courteous, Efficient
Easement (East of Approx. 580' E of Approx. 1050' E of 12 percent surchar e'on $30.00 water bill r ` 37.0
P g M Tenders shall include the cost of
Oak Street) Main Street Main Street
Mill: Levy - 2.76 mills on typical home assessment of $2,450 6.76 removing present units and all ANY TYPE, ANY SIZE, ,
-1 material, labour, etc., for the new ANYWHERE
George Street Approx, 90' E of Approx. 330' E of o $96.02 system.
North of Goderich) William SU EastWilliam St. East Total stem
( ' •---- �; We give complete sale service..
Easement. George Street A home not connected to the water works and having a frontage of 60 feet would pay the Specifications may be seen at
(north of Goderich) Goderich Street following amounts annually after connection has been made to the proposed new sewage works: the Town Clerk's Office. PROFIT' BY EXPERIENCE
K Goderich Street approx. 230Tenders will close at 5:00
' W of 60 -foot frontage at 40 cents/ft. $24.00 Phone Collect
Chalk Street Coleman Street -60-foot frontage,at ($37.50) per ft. ' 37.50 o'clock p.m. 235-1964 Exeter
Approx. • 880' E of
Existing sanitary
( 60 )
at 250' N of Goderich St,
sewer at 250' N of
Coleman Street intersection
Mill levy -2.76 mills on typical home assessment of $2,450, 6.76
2 $96.0
Street intersection
Coleman Street
Goderich !Street
connection is installed'at a cost of $331,00. Similarly, any owner or occupant who desires to .
Chalk Street
Approx. 70' S of
Goderich Street
Any ratepayer, may within twenty-one days after the first publication of this notice send by
Chalk Street
Approx. 260' N of
Chalk Street
stating his objection to such approval or to, the imposition of the sewage rates.
Crombie Street
The Ontario Municipal Board may approve the agreement between the Town of Seaforth and
Gouinlock Street
Approx. 70' E of
Coleman Street
imposing of the sewage rates, but before doing so it may appoint a time and place for a public
Victoria Street
when any objections will be considered, but notice of such hearing will be given only to
Gouinlock Street
Approx. ' 150' W of
and Gouinlock)
Plans may be inspected at the office of the undersigned during. business hours.
Coleman Street
DATED AT SEAFORTH and first published this 15th day of August 1974,
Victoria Street
Gouinlock Street
Coleman Street
George Street
Clerk -Treasurer
(Between Crombie and
Town of Seaforth
Easement (east of Oak
Victoria Street
Crombie Street
Chalk Street
Crotnb Stn.e'et 'and
Cole' �dti'"°°Strict
Approx. • 880' E of
existing sanitary sewer
( 60 )
at 250' N of Goderich St,
Connection Charge 27.76
Coleman Street intersection
Mill levy -2.76 mills on typical home assessment of $2,450, 6.76
Crombie Street
2 $96.0
The connection charge may be prepaid in the calendar year in which such sewage service
George Street
connection is installed'at a cost of $331,00. Similarly, any owner or occupant who desires to .
commute the frontage rate on his lands may prepay the frontage charge at a cost of $4.77 per,
Crombie Street
Any ratepayer, may within twenty-one days after the first publication of this notice send by
prepaid post to the Clerk of the Town of Seaforth, at the address given below, a gotice in writing '
Chalk Street
stating his objection to such approval or to, the imposition of the sewage rates.
The Ontario Municipal Board may approve the agreement between the Town of Seaforth and
the Ministry of the Environment with respect to the provision of the sewage service and the
Coleman Street
imposing of the sewage rates, but before doing so it may appoint a time and place for a public
Approx. 240' S of George
when any objections will be considered, but notice of such hearing will be given only to
Street (between Crombie
those persons who have given notice of objection as provided for above.
and Gouinlock)
Plans may be inspected at the office of the undersigned during. business hours.
Approx. 296' E of
DATED AT SEAFORTH and first published this 15th day of August 1974,
Coleman Street
Coleman Street
Ernest M. Williams
Clerk -Treasurer
Town of Seaforth
Easement (east of Oak
Seaforth, Ontario.
Street) appto'x. 1056'E "
of Main Street
• 22.53-2
23 AUGUST 1974
Clerk .
Town of Seaforth
By Appointment Only.
Seaforth Office
Tues., Wed.,`Thors.,Fri.
9 to 5:30 PiM.
Thursday evenings
Monday only - Clinton "Office
For Appointment
Phone 527-1240 or 482-t)
11 Additional
Complete east, end, North and
South side. Approximately LO feet
hi h front And" a roxirnat 1
r, • P PP e Y
20 feet high from bottom.
#1 Paint products consisting of
one coat ivory galvanized iron
primer, plus one coat of outside
oil base. paint as per. colour of '
:� t