HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-08-01, Page 16.. • u�o- ya, tlr Y+ik::wMiWNVV 'P ., ,• .. .. c. .. .. ..� ti?TtiT""
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' $,russets Post, the 19"7'3.74 Cnuad�, the, U. •aztd abroad.
�A r.. ;... I gD ' L�. CH 8 4f' IaA�fB ' 2 :` eILIQI'i13111 president of the CCNA-handed Federal .Revenue Ministe
- over the gave) of -office to the Robert Stanbury discussed the
claims then received, g incoming presidenE Clouds)ey 5EreAd in advertisin while JamesRATED. at Seaforth. Ontario th9s Many thanks to a!l who visited KEJVNEDY'— In loving mcmafy Hoodspith of West Vancouver, 'Benson of London, England ' Ce�thke 22nd day of July, 1974, me, sent cards and treats while I of a dear son and brother talked about Communications McCONNELL &"STEWART was a, patient in. .Stratford "Harvey Spott" who assed awe B.C. Mr. McLean�becames,Board „ cc)P across the world'I lQ CALENDAR Barrist ers, Etc., Hospitals Special thanks to' Dr. 10 years ago July 31, 1964. Chairman ofCCNA which •Q includes as members more ,thanFormer New York GovernorSeaforth, Ontario Brady and Dr.Quinlan , also to You left without saying good Nelson RockeiFeiler, a luncheon,teer & Appraisers 600 Canadian papers.. The22-50-3 the nurses and staff for their care bye speaker, described his work• on Monkton But memories of American NNA has about 7000 �thlt�t 1�ro
and kindness,Thanks also tp you will never the American anel on Critical 347,246°• 'die members. P Q
Mrs. Melinda Koehler who sent The Brussels Post Wins ' Choices which is investigating
TREASURER'S We miss you more than anyone
. Sat.,Aug.24 - 1 P.M. Darn. food to our home, it was all very problems like the energy shortage., `
SALE OF LAND The Brussels Post wds awarded P
,,'.. xnachipery, household FOR TAXES much appreciated. —Mrs. Luella knows, - _ u and„ world food scarcity that fall ` `►
third' size for the best all-round
r effects, etc: 11/4 miles TOWNSHIP OF Regele.. 24-51x1 As each day passes our P outside'the the jurisdiction of .any
west, half mile south of em tines rows. tabloid newspaper in its ,
TUCKERSMITH P 8 circulation class, under 1 500 single government.
Dublin or Edward Many thanks 'to everyone who Noone knows -the grief we bear The Jesuit priest who defended
COUNTY OF HURON When our family readers, at the convention. �^
rs. visited me, sent cards and treats y meets and _
while l was a anent in Seaforth you're not there, Other "Better Newspaper" US President Richard Nixon's use rtf+� .d�i,
1• 20-51-1 To wit:- P competition prize winners from of profanity as a necessary n q
T Hospital. Thanks to Drs. Malkus, You • left, so suddenly your P P '� Father loin 3. -�'� , 64111i
By virtue of a warrant iss d by this area were the Goderich emotional drain f�
the Reeve of the Township of Underwood, Whitman, nur3es , thoughts unknown, Signal Star whi won best all McLaughlin, addressed the
P and staff at the, hospital, Box But you, left us memories g o convention Saturday 'at noon.
SPRING CLEANING uc a under is an as We are r round in its circulation class, and
ambulance, and -,everyone else proud to own.
4E the seal of the said corporation who helped in any way. — James —ever remembered and sadly the Clinton News Record which
{ bearingdate the 2nd day of April, Hugill. 24-51x1 missed by Mom, Dad, Sisters and won third best in its class. Signal
Turn your old furniture and 1974,'a sale of lands in arrears �f - Brothers. 25-51-1 Star Editor, Shirley -Keller, won a
household effects into cash. taxes in the Township 'of I special raward for editorial ChOp: finer +
We will either -buy or ¢ell it Tuckersmith will be held at the I wish to thank my friends, 26. writing.
w for you. From smallest item Duron Centennial School, neighbours and relatives , who Newspaper staff members
to the largest estate. Phone Brucefield at the hour of 9:00 in sent cards, letters, flowers and Mrs. Alice Koehler,,tHuron Park, attended a wide variety of inthe firstpiace
,t the evening on the gifts and visited me. while I was a ` seminars and buzz sessions on
g is pleased to announce the
KNAPP'S FURNITURE 3rd DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1974 patient in Seaforth and London engagement " and forthcoming industry.. problems' and shared
And AUCrIQN ROOM unless the taxes and costs are 'Hospitals and also at the lodge. It marriage of her daughter, ideas with news people from the
X27-1336 sooner aid. Notice is hereby was all deeply appreciated. — Yukon to Arkansas. A dinner at ed
P Y Deborah Lyn Lockie to• RfcHard 20-51-tf iven that the list of lands ffor sale lsabei Pethick. 24-51-1 the Ontario Science Centreg John Burdge, Brucefield, son of •
for arrears of taxes was published Mr. and Mrs. William Burdge, sponsored byte overnmen o a
in The Ontario Gazette on the 4th My sincere thanks to everyone Angus, Ontario, the wedding to Ontario was' a highlight of the
day of May, 1974, and that copies who sent flowers, gifts, cards and takg, place, Saturday, August 17,
of the said list may be had at my especially those who visited rhe 1974 at 4 p.m. at the. home of the
office. during my stay in - Stratford bride, 26-51-1
Treasurer's Office this 24th day dospital. My appreciation to
of May 1974. Mom and Dad, Pauline, Joan and 2%. Births•
JAMES L MCINTOSH anyone who helped in any way at
Treasurer home. Special thanks to Pastor NETZKE —Mel and Karol, (nee,
z2-42-13 Horst,, all Seaforth, Stratford Anderson) are happy to announce
doctors and the , nurses who the birth of their son, James
attended me during my stay is David at Victoria Hospital, July
A Bus. Directory hospital. Sincerely, Elste 17, 1974. Weight 7 lbs, 12 ozs. A Mrs. Wm., nedmond and her
Beuerman. 24-51- 1 grandson for Mr: and Mrs. g MTan"AT160AL
dau hter Mrs. Bill Picco went to t 650
G. A. WHITNEY Whaley and Mr. and Mrs. D, Stratford on Thursday to meet
Netzke of Seaforth 'and' a great Mrs. Picco's h4sband Bill - of
FUNERAL430ME grandson for Mrs. Elliott of Canadian Air Base Moosonee, '
The family of the late Mrs. Watford. 27-51-1
'87 Godetich St, W., Seaforth Harvey Turner wish to express Ontario, who will spend one,
Phone Seaforth 527-1390
their sincere thanks and WARb To Mr. and Mrs. Erwin month at the Redmond Home,
23-51-tf appreciation to relatives, friends •Ward, of Seaforth, at Seaforth after which 'Mrs. Redmond and
and neighbors for the beautiful. Community Hospital on July 24, a family will return to Moosonee.. INTERNATIONAL 65p REGUTTER-BLOWER
NORM' WHITING floral - tributes, memorial daughter. 27-51x1 Miss Lucy Thonipsotr of
donations, messages of sympathy Toronto spent the weekend.at her FORAGE HARVESTM
LICENSED AUCTIONEER and the many acts of kindness DRISCOLL — To 'Mr. and Mrs. home. You'll find .the rugged, all-new 650 forage harvester offers many "lead -the -field"
shown them since the passing.' John Driscoll, R:R.2, Walton; at Many friends.of Mrs, Raymond features 'which Jive the best balance of fine chop and capacity.
& their , dear mother. A special Seaforth Community• Hospital <on Redmond .arc' sorry to hear she
APPRAISER was admitted to St. Joseph's Husky 9 -knife cuttrhead, so tough it''s practically indestructible.
thanks to Dr. Wallace, Rev. July 27, a daughter. 2"' -51x1 P '
Prompt, Courteous, Efficient Morrison, Bonthron's Funeral Hospital, London, last Monday. • Exelusiva knife .design eiimineltes re'beveling. ,
ANY TYPE ANY SIZE, Home, the pallbearers, flower 28. Deaths Mr. and Mrs.An%brose
P • Reversible, recess -mounted shear bar maintains precise clearance.
bearers and the ladies of the Redmond are spending a. few (.
ANYWHERE Kippen " U; C.W. Your NICHOLS — At the Tullamore days at Manitoulin Island. • iH recutter screen design provides .increased cutting surface ... gives you the
thoughtfulness will always be Nursing Home on Sunday, July Miss Janice Hartrick of same uniform chop with lower power demands than other makes using smaller screen
We give complete sale service. remembered.. 24-51-1 21, 1974, Mrs. Margaret (Maggie 'openings,
Wright), Nichols in her 89th year. •'Dunvegan, Ontario, Glengary +
PROFIT BY EXPhRIENCE Survived is her daughter, 89t • year.
County, is spending ten days with CHECK AND COMPARE OUR LOW PRICE
25. in Memoriam Margaret Franken of R.R.#2,
Phone Collect: - Florence (Nichols) Haines, g
,Colorado, .U.S.A. George', Auburn, an exchan a of 4-H
235-1964 ExeterBRADY _ In loving memory of Nichols, Mississauga, two members.
wife Margaret Brady who passed granddaughters and one ' great QyIs in l has already ,pent 10
23-51 tf A sister of Mrs. days . Glengary County.
away one year ago, August 3, grandchild..
19.73. Myrtie Kercher of Kippen. The Mr. and Mrs. Michael Stafford
of Toronto visited at Cyril Boyles ARM EOUiPMENT LTD
JOHN E.-LONGSTAFF Just a prayer from those. who funeral was held from the Porter ;
loved you, Yorke Chapel; B.ioor St., Toronto And' Raymond Boyles,. ,. on, ,
OPTOMETRIST Just a memory fond and true, on Wednesday,Jul 25 at 2 m. Thursday:
In our hearts you live forever Interment Pak Lawn Cemetery.
'Mr. and Mrs. Michael McGrath �E BUSINESS RELIAI#ILIT$ BUILT" y
By"Appointment Only For we thought thea world of •28-514 and'six daughters from toe West 527-0120,
Seaforth Office you visited her sister and family, Mrs. [AYR SEAFORTH CAMBRIDGE
Tues.,Wed ,by.
husband =Sadly missed byhusband and USE and Mr. RayrV T Boyle.
• Ivlr and Mr Tom Totzey and
9 to 5:30 P.M.. family and grandchildren. 25-51x1
Thursday evenings EXPOSITOR 'Peter of Hamilton were .at their
Monday only Clinton Office cottage in Dungannon over the
For Appointment BRADY — In loving memory of a weekend.
Phone 527-1240 or 482 7010 dear mother Margaret who WANT -ADS Mr. and,Mrs. Tom O'Malley of
23-51-tf passed away August 3, 1973. Sarnia, visited Sunday with Mr.
Sadly missed , and always Phone 527-0240 and Mrs, Gus Redmond. `
PERCY WRIGHT' A remembered by Ronald and Betty
LICENSED Cou. + 25 S1 1
AUCTIONEER RACHO — in loving ,memory of a
24. Cards Of Thanks
21. Tenders Wanted
dear wife and mother, Mary
P ,
KiRpen, Ontario Agnas Racho, who passed away
We express our sincere thanks to
July., 30th, 1971.
Tel. 262-5515 Hensall There's a gift in life you cannot
all our friends in Seaforth and . .
°' r
23 51 tf buy;
I :a.
vicinity for their cards, letters,' /
That very rare and true,
it's the gift of a wonderful wife
and mother
TRANSPORT LT D. Like the .one we had in you:
'Who died oq the 1st day of July,
many things you gave,
P.C.V. Class CDF & FS dear mom
and. since returning
Sealed tenders will be received b
Servin Dublin &Seaforth Areas. In your sweet and loving way,
i3.B.Dunlop, Superintendent of
Phone 345-2301 Dublin anytime. You gave us years of
Business Affairs for the supply of
23=5.1-tf happiness,
t6- the undersighed oft or bsfore
six new school buses. Tender
closing effective 12'o'clock noon;
R. S. BOX - No one can' take away.
if tear drops could build a
`11astern Sta '. 'They .are all greatly
FRIiDAY, AUGUST 23, 11074
FUNERAL HOME stairway,
After whrch date the ai.sets wih be
And memories were a lane,.
Specifications and tender forms.
Phones: We would walk all the way to
dtsEriliated �hh�riiig regard only to
r are available at the Board Office.
Day 527-0680 - Night 527-0885 heaven Mom,
The lowest, or any tender not
23-51-tf And bring yod ,home again.
necessarily accepted.
—Loved and sadly missed by
PIANO tuning and repairs. Call husband Jinl, daughters, Muriel,
Transportation Manager.
Bruce Pulsifer, Seaforth, Joyce, Joan, Blanche, Sons,
527-0053 or Residence ,482-9618. Herman,, Stan, Jim and their
. •e;����0!!i (%GP �
23-51-5 families. 25-51-1
Watch and Jewellery Repairs
k '
Iu3 Albert Street
— We Sell and Service —
NOM 110 21-511
Legal al Notllcel�
.•.. ._
--- ;Stores —
24. Cards Of Thanks
P ,
'AM plerstlns having claims against
We express our sincere thanks to
the Estate of Mary Brown, late of
all our friends in Seaforth and . .
°' r
ttite Township of Tuckerstaith, in
vicinity for their cards, letters,' /
the County of Huron,' deceased,
gifW and visits while we were
'Who died oq the 1st day of July,
patients in • Strathroy General
1974, are hereby notified tosendHospital
and. since returning
is full particulars o'f their claims
home. Special, thanks to Seaforth
t6- the undersighed oft or bsfore
Chapter #233 .Order of the
the 15Th dais of Angnst, 197'4,
`11astern Sta '. 'They .are all greatly
p3j, d$r
After whrch date the ai.sets wih be
appreoated.. Edith and
dtsEriliated �hh�riiig regard only to
A. W. Gardirt'er. 24=51-1
• h