HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-07-18, Page 44. 47�
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Hii-I T Mt. J)eyerogrA
wima M U MAP;
11 F
Milton J Q.Mrs, patrI&M010 _00* 0
"H 11go w'gl b
*vq 4 township Mrs, Anne E. Underwood
i"tS. Mrs.; Ruth Axtm#qJ1`
Recripition Committee. Council K Alex Irvine
acted to estabBrian lish 'I M.0-
K�qp R. Campbell so
lish 4 committeip at 10 50. 'Feeds
Its July meeting after Keith Mrs, Robeit Robinson To , A
Arthur and a delegation from A, Y. McLean
Total l to date 434.
'Auburo pressed far Actign . ... . Sam J. Scott '.6"
pointed out that creation ot such a
committee. would . permit the
!W LA.
township to take advantage of
-available grants,
Building per;nits approved
included Mery Datcma, A)% H.
Caldwell, house; Doug Hugill,
silo; R. Shaddick, silo-, G. Wilts,
barn addition;. H, Cunningham,
House; J. Wiersnia,, sil0 , bgrri
addition,•, G. Colclough, shed and
Elgin Josling, shed. Permits are
44 F
,W. subject to Health Unit clearance.
A CLOSE CALL Saturday afternoon, for nQ appardrit'reason, this fi3tge limb fell
. . . . . . An application for severance on
'd Street, Town-
ittle, Jar
Part Lot 25, Con. 10, Hullett onto.the roof of. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wllson L A
4 Township was recommended forroof) removed thO
of Seaforth workmen (one is visible, right on the 1IM6. Mr. 'Little
approval with tenders for the said that only minor damage resulted when the limb hit the roof. (Staff Photo)
Work on Beane#2 dtain
X included: Radford Construction at
$1495.00 and Nicholson
Construction at $1698.00 and the
Radford tender was accepted.
The year an elec ion
6 0 v
A petition of Bev. Wallace and
-, '
s for rainage
Works on
Lots 15, 14. 13, Con. 11, and 0
14, 13, Con. I was accepted
CAREFUL AIM These four youngsters were Lots delayed Thanksg' iving.
referred to Maitland ValleX.
warmingL up for the Frisbeia Competition held Friday Conservation Authority.
at the high school. They are David Huard, Derek Hehiy'U- derstadt. Engineer, to do
Cooper, Michelle Huard and Mark Flarinigan. Mark the -necessary work on the Bowles Do you remember the year.,a Inside the paper, Almost a half goods and groceries on sale from
Drainage Works and also the Canadian election day postponed a pagc*was devdted to farm news, A. Wood's store,
took first place for boys 10, 11, and 12 and Derek took Thanksgiving. supplied by,the-Departmen't of ' Jaiiv��McDonald ad�veed' fine
MacGregor Drain and adopted. b
first for -boys eight and under. He also was rated the It was 1935. Accordin t he Agriculmi-e. Tips about carie for' pork, beef and lamb.F. M. mis
A By -Law to impose -special _g to . F.
best overall frisbee August 21 edition of the Brussels y our flocks and pasture *along made a plea for poultry, from the
e player. (Staff Photo) annual drainage rates. upon land
Post of that year which was found with farming news frcrm all over creamery. D. A. Rann's Furniture
in respect of which money is by a Brussels resident and Canada were described. and Funeral parlour printed a
borrowed under the Tilt! Drainage dropped in at the Post recently, One feature, used by many notice that J. C. Blackstone Piano
t 197 1. "Premier Bennett announced the weekly papers in, those days, wis. and Organ Tuner and Repairer
Hydro shelves nuclear plat
n Ac
Clerk, Clare, Vincent was
instructed to invite tet4ers from dissolution of -Parliament on' fiction. In this particular issue would be, working at the store,
August, 141(h." "King Cophetua" was printed, a And for entertainment
(Continued from Page 1) Post�ill, Brickman. and
Department of the Environment) The Post has changed since tolicbin# story of romance. enthusiasts Joe. E. Brown was
County citizens, according to Mr. which makes them cautiously Drainage for the closed work on -K
1935, like everything else. While Some things haven't appearing in the 6 Day Bike Rider
Carroll. optimistic. the Beane Drains #1 and .2 and the paper is now tabloid size with changed. Still a popular, feature, at the Regent Theatre in Seaforth,
that opposition by residents and supports a, complete overhaul of
Ofitario Hydro has admitted also to write the local Ministry of L
Mr. McKepugh said he Natural Resources and inform 16 pages, it was once broadsheet People We Know was featured on where "0 ur Cooling System
with,eight pages. the front page August 21. News Always Keeps you Comfbrtably
municipal officials was, a major Ofita,1`0 Hydro plans as far as them that council feels the weeds News of the world is no longer frorfi correspondents 'in Ethel, Cool.
reason for the L suspension of their energy needs' and possible must be cleaned up.,on Lot 21, includ)ed in the pages I of the Post Molesworth, Jamestown, Grey,
plans for a nuclear station for generator sites. He also said that Con. 4, Hullett Township as they bearing on the Morris, Monkton,
area threat to bordering farms. unless it has some e Moncrieff,
Huron. Ontario -Hydro conducted 'grade one and two agricultural arca. In the August 21 edition, the Bllievale and Wroxeter ' all SOrnebo'dy
a telephone survey in several land will be avoided wherever The Clerk -Treasurer told lng appeared in the Post in 1035,
big news was an Impend
Huron centres after the plans outstanding, possible, Mr. Whyte said. council there "we're no outs� conflict' between Ethiopia and, ' The. advertisements in the Wants 'What
were -first announced. ":rhis willsavegood land in the loans at present on the General
Hydro said that a series of future although it may, be too*.[Ate Account arid that 62% of the Italy. along with several pictures paper tell a story in themselves.
Ethiopian dignitaries. William Ziegler, Ethel adverlised 4 You Don't Need!
public meetings in the area for the Douglas Point to Seaforth current taxes have been received. of
News of human interest from ' Fan"ey Red Cohoe Salmon for 23
planned to discuss a Huron power corridors which person&�JIYL Accounts paid included:
various places was also included, cents a pound. L. W. Eckmier,
County shbkeline plant will not be concern me and my farm", Mr. General - $4.583.44, Drainage - noting the vigit.of the Governor of Brussels offered -North Sea Tuna SELL
held. Whyte added. $3,294.32-, Roads - $12,301.24 and North Carolina to the famous Fish for 15 cents a tin and Derby
Township s that. some of the Education - $53,570.50 for a total Nick Whyte, Hullett Tow It also seem I 'in
farmer who is a member of the lines now scheduled to pass of $73,749.50. Dionne quintuplets. Xheese�, oni� to two pound Through
Farmers' Negotiating Committee, through Wallace Township north Hitchhiking seemed to be very packages, two for 25 cents.
popular at the time, according to Post-war babies now would find Huron
set7,pp to discuss power line rights of us may be rerouted further Pack agedfoods.
one articlein the P6§tvaItbough.It( it diffic6it""tc;-believe,-th4tL,,E,,�,J".
of *ayA9W4ffy said_Ser-seesi,,A%8fth�'W- Of the 8,000 or more items *in a f,�hitdbhik1ng1ffldMtT-a
did�peint ouffitha ,w4posito7^
indiq4A.iOpZ of
_q.RqW ftexilzility, in
of way to, Orangeville, Mr. 'W'hyte"L supermarket today.. half or., more—Ontari -illegal: General ;Store, -was abbe to-selir
the giant utility's position. said. are packaged foods. ClassifWd_,
"IthinkthisIets farmers off the. Lawn Bowling app4�ared to be, house sworn
for 59' cents each
hook", as far as additional power N the villgge sport, then, with two -and,. Mettle worsted I trousers for
corridors from a second Lake stories on front page about the $3.95. Want Ads
Huron plant I it coming through their "P local bowlers. A big bowling School supplies were
1te ���
tournament was being planned. advertised by F,R.Smith and dry
iaiRd, he :#id. -"Seeing is
believing but -it looks like the During the week of July I Oth to Escorts 2 — — — — — — — — — — -
6clear plant*has at least been . 1 .1
Ahe week of July 17th, the Police Surveillance 2 -STOP-1 I.
postponed for the immediate
Seaforth Police , Department Property Damage Reports 3
future. s 2 Iron YOUR MAG WHEM4 74,
occurrences, Animals Complaint
investigated , 26 ces,
Mr. Whyte said his
consisting of the followine: - Disturbance Reports 2
organization saw a policy CHROM30 VVIMMS,
Children Complaints I
statement from Energy Minister Assistance Re4uest 2 i8K4TMW_WHEEIA — Abe i
Darcy McKeough, (who recently -Assist Other Police Dept 3 'Charge's k'
12 were [Aid under the DOS
took over 'responsibility for Theft Under Reports 50. 60. 70. Series AV,
t' Highway Traffic 'Act. ro, eo�h go,,, 0,. Air #Olt yollt,
Latem on a y
Hydro from the Lost & Found 3 1 Minor accident _investigated Ru.
Ontario estigated WIDE TI"S' ty01bqV.,,,,1, Palr4orMotwGard
oft % exua
with damage estimated at any aof�04,
$600.00, and 2 -persons were etry MacLean Wole.iptodwt,
taken to the local with J I
Tv'ckersmith native I Aw SON AUTOMOTIVE -
minor cuts.
14 Motorists were stopped andEXFTES __APR
warned for minor' traffic
. . . . . . . . . .
wins OAC e a infractions.• Classified Ads pay dividends. LOW LUSTRE LATEX
A. W. Archibald, -a well knowi) 5,
Easy brushing—
native of Tuckersmith and son of
quick ryin.
the late -Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Archibald; has been presented A00H.
with an O.A.C. , Centennial- Non-fadingcolors� stay
clean & bright.
Medal, The Presentation took
place at the annual . meeting
dinner on Ju*ne'25 of the Canadian
Feed Manufacturers Association. 10
The following is the citatiow, 5 Gallon
Andrew William Archibald
received a B.S.A. Degree from MOOREIS&'
the University of Toronto (Ontario
Agricultural College) in 1934,
Muse' aint
and, in 1935 joined Toronto Ken"tucky , I rEXTERIOR GLOSS FINISH
Elevators Ltd, as salesman,:PsForwood siding,
becoming assistant sales
doors & trim.
manager of the feed division in
1943, and sales manager in 1944. Style A,. -Covers most surfaces
He continued in that office when . i in one coat.
-Long lasting durability &
Toronto Elevators amalgamated tv excellent gloss retention
with Map . le Leaf Mills Ltd. in. A. W. ARCMDALD
1961. In 1965 he became senior
Chi $
vice-president of the agricultural respohsibility in tbif feed R -M 40
division of. Maple Leaf Mills, industry, and this markedly 16. Gallon
retiring in Fe ruary of this year. influenced the development of BANQUET and PARTY SPECIALS
He was , President of the agriculture from a ti
n extension
Canadian Feed Manuficturers standpqint, and strengthened the
Association, 1972-73. INAMMO --- STEAKS., i!-�. f.. 4
support of " the Ontario"
`While directly involved withMilk Shakes — Submarines
Agricultural College. Soft fee -Cream
the feed iridustty, hi has made A. "He has cooperated with the t • d gpons 01'.
marked` rChaSe oorGatd,
& contribution to O.A.C. ilk the organization of Hamburgers — French Fries — Foot Long M
agriculture �Ore,.s OoUst PAINT
re through a wide range special , courses for the feed
'of activities. He was. chAirman -of industry and other educational Hot Dogs Fish and Chips. 8 jacelved as a
Oe Central Ontgrid.graftich of the projects. As a result of his
Ontario thstittifo of Agrologists ciample aril direction several .of
in the affairs 6f the his associates have been, active d -I ADDSESS
And wdis Clive pAovINCE
..Agricultural Institute of Canada. the University Senate and an THE FORGE CITY –opiTr expires
coupbn must accompany purcrouse
a charter themb'er. of the various committees related to MAIN MEET 527-04b SEAFO'RtH
National Sales Execdtivj Club of O.A.C. "d . *i0t,00to I" M re
Ior*6&6, and, President of the "He served as Campaign
Mlig - 94d, Salos*"Cltib Of Manager, for the University of
U 0
bfdught griculture
or a :Guelph-1A`I' C., .
Development Fund in A SPEC
'e-dudil"NA, of viii us groupslarge sties of �'trotittt: -
13.ly, as so clate Ith
o .5c Se
W it. 140 "It W, fitting that Andrew
a 1, in m an
*111111fif. Archibald tti' al*Aedled,
6t, his,till til ani` bl` atiittons
U 16'' ' I I -
tat n' .16. ffi6 � .6.. w eAft—,
Atititit c6nifibit" fts to agriculture
tiutbef A -0550 SEAFORTH
t'r" the
i*� L 527
ti:42r!09444 let
4'� . . . . . .
1967 Ford 21/2 tone -14 ft.' platform with racks
Registered Retirement Pensions
Ineome . Tax. Vieductable, Regilite"A
4 speed transmission. Single Axle.
Retirement AuV0t!e&
Sun Life Assurance Company
- 61 Canada
TELEPHOXF ' : 521-0410
117 dODERICH ST. EAST — iEAIr0iT11
Interiorkand Exterior,
including barn roofs.
482-3595 Clinton
Can collect if long dist-
70 G"orich.St.-E0.,
= 0
0. -.1
1969, Chevrolet C 60 Series 292 6 cylinder
'Engine, Heavy duty, 4 speed, 2 speed axle,
dual . wheels, Bucket Seats, Low mileage of
15,000 miles. Twin *Boom, Sling Hoist,
Complete with Doily Whedis.-Lic.'C43472.
Get, the - 'RIGHT , * .dW
1967 Ford 21/2 tone -14 ft.' platform with racks
and tarp, - Hydraulic Lift Gate, Dual Wheels,
4 speed transmission. Single Axle.
Lic. C7220-
:Immediate Delivery
$3,199* 0" H
Plus Tax LIc..& Freight GMAC
Get, the - 'RIGHT , * .dW